Grottos, Tennessee Letdown, Athens Squared…

Weekly Wrap Up

After being mentioned on Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers, my server was down for 3 days!† My 15 minutes of fame shot!

We had a great week even though the temperature is hovering around 100∞!!

The first of the week we went to Cullman to Ave Marie Grotto.† Actually we went to Cullman to buy Kei a Caterpillar Webkinz that she has been looking everywhere for.† Then we decided to go to the Grotto.

It is so fascinating there.† Kei hasn’t been there since she was 5 and she didn’t remember it except from the pictures. Their website says:

Known throughout the world as “Jerusalem in Miniature,” is a beautifully landscaped, four-acre park designed to provide a natural setting for the 125 miniature reproductions of some of the most famous historic buildings and shrines of the world. The masterpieces of stone and concrete are the lifetime work of Brother Joseph Zoettl, a Benedictine monk of St. Bernard Abbey. Begun as a hobby, with various materials he could find, and infinite patience and a remarkable sense of symmetry and proportion, Brother Joseph re-created some of the greatest edifices of all time.

It is mostly underneath trees so it wasn’t horribly hot. We talked to all the people working in the grotto and even talked to a man whose granddaughter goes to the Prep School.† It is grades 7-12.

I asked a lady if Kei could have her picture made with a monk.† She said, “Of course” and Kei whispered, “Mom this isn’t the Amish!”.† I didn’t know if it was some Monk rule about pictures!!

After the Grotto we walked around the Prep School.† They have a beautiful Catholic church that Kei had to check out.

When we were leaving we saw this doggie.† Of course Kei had to pet him.† When we got home I looked up the Prep School online and there was a picture of this same dog!!† It must be their mascot or something.† Wait…they are the “Saints”.† But it wasn’t a Saint Bernard….Hmmmm

We spent the next few days hanging around the house.† Kei swam and we cleaned up the HomeSchool room and cleaned out bookshelves.† I just can not bear to throw books away!!† Even when they are for K-3.† I mean, you just never know!!!

Kei had ballet lessons twice this week to make up for an earlier missed day.

I also got a shot of a wasp’s nest.† See the eggs?† I felt so bad knocking it down but it was in the building with my lawn mower and it was surrounded by wasps.† I apologized to the eggs while Kei laughed at me.

Wasp's Eggs

Today we decided to go on an adventure. Somewhere I had never been before.† I found this little town in Tennessee called Prospect.

The FANTASY: [From the webpage]

Prospect Historic Downtown

Entertainment museum (1890-1999), including a “silent movie” theater, a gristmill and an old-fashioned ice cream and pizza parlor. Free.

I mean come on!† Entertainment museum??!!!, gristmill!!!????, ice cream???!!!!, FREE???!!!.† We were so THERE!

We put Prospect, TN in our GPS and off we went.† After winding roads through very beautiful country, this is what we found.


Empty with a For Sale Sign
Locked up Tight

By this time we were laughing so hard I had to pull over.† It was one of those silly things that just kept getting funnier and funnier.† We saw a cemetery and Kei said to pull in because we may as well see something while we were there.† We thought this must have been used for hanging.† Doesn’t it just look like a ‘Hanging Tree”?

Hanging Tree

We did stop and buy lottery tickets so I guess if we win the $82 million the trip will not have been in vain. 🙂 We just went back to Athens and walked around their square.† It was really pretty and I had never taken Kei there.† She got a bottle cap necklace and some more silly bands.† And ice cream…there is always ice cream.

Ending up being a great day full of the best things: laughter, ice cream and jewelry. 🙂

Be blessed,

ìWandering† re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe.î Anatole France

2 thoughts on “Grottos, Tennessee Letdown, Athens Squared…”

  1. And sometimes the journey really is the best part.

    Sounds wonderful, except of course too hot for me. Over 80 and humid? I am soo not there!

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