Plays, Parties & Posters…

There is not a day that passes that I forget to be thankful for the ability to homeschool.† Yes there are days where it is hard, when we clash, when things fall apart; but I still love this life style so much.

We went to see the local high schoolís production of Big River.† The role of Jim was played by a friend of ours who Kei has done plays with for 6 years.† He was ëblow me awayí amazing.

Going to "Big River"
Kei and Jalen...the STAR...

We went to Heatherís to celebrate all THREE of her boyís birthdays.† They fall within a few weeks of each other.† It was such a blast hanging out with our best friends.† There is always an abundance of laughter, food and talking.

Kids Playing "Dungeon and Dragons" ...
Cool Homeschool Kids...

Kei made a Recycle Poster on a site that we found.† She also made a couple of movies.† I think I am going to incorporate this into our school.† Give her a project due at the end of the week.† Make a play about anything she has learned.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

She made a play with Nomad called ìTime Saversî.† She said it was going to be a weekly series.† In this episode she went back to when Abraham Lincoln was running for President.† She and Nomad had to make sure he was elected.† It was full of facts and great actingÖwell at least Keiís acting was greatÖNomad mainly lay on the floor or tried to eat things!

Time Savers...

One of my favorite things we did this week was a study of Vincent Van Gogh.† Theresa at Our Life In Words wrote a post that reminded me how important Art was in our curriculum.† I love it, Kei loves it, but when we run out of time, it seems to be the first to go.† We learned about his life, looked at his paintings, watched YouTube videos of his paintings set to music and Kei did her version of “Starry Night”.† It turned out awesome.

Starry Night...

This weather was simply gorgeous, allowing for time to sit under the tree and just daydream.

Happy week,

If you’ve never stared off in the distance, then your life is a shame.† ~Adam Duritz, “Mrs. Potter’s Lullaby,” performed by Counting Crows

You get ideas from daydreaming.† You get ideas from being bored.† You get ideas all the time.† The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we’re doing it.† ~Neil Gaiman

5 thoughts on “Plays, Parties & Posters…”

  1. What a magical, inspiring week! I would love to see one of Kei and Nomad’s plays. I wonder, does she write his part down for him? He’d probably eat it, I think 🙂

    I adore Van Gogh, and used to weep over the song Starry Starry Night, by Don Maclean. Do you know it? Oh, for a 13 year old girl it was heart-wrenching! Kei’s painting is beautiful.

    I love to daydream tooóhow nice the weather is making outdoor dreaming possible! Ah. Now I want to go sit under a tree and dream. Pity it’s the middle of the nightÖ!

  2. I love her sense of style! She and Lilah would have loads of fun styling each other! Art…why is it that my children (my youngest) insists on doing art “lessons”. For her art=the school way. She does not see that art is in our botany when we sketch out plants and flowers. She does not see that art is in her pottery class or when she paints something on her own. She does not see that art is so much a part of her life, it is simply who she is! Because of her desire for structured art lessons, I need to work harder. Monet’s works are being exhibited in Hartford and I want to do an artist study before we go visit.

    Enjoy your week. I can’t wait to read all about it!

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