Almost Sisters, Field Days and Some Learnin’…

Kei came home from Kindergarten the first day talking about “Livvy”.† Every day she would tell me things that happened with her new ‘best friend’.† I met Livvy and her mom, Laura early in the year. Her Mom and I bonded just like our girls did.† In first grade, Kei changed schools and we didn’t see Livvy every day anymore. But the girls and the Moms still stayed in contact.† I pulled Kei out of Public School after the 1st week of 2nd grade.† We weren’t talking to Livvy and Laura every day then.† Sometimes not even once a month.† But Laura called me a couple of weeks after I started homeschooling Kei and said she was going to take Livvy out too.† They homeschooled for 3 years then last year Laura put Livvy in private school. She is a single Mom like I am and she had to go back to work.† But our girls have become closer each year.† They have always played so well together, talked on the phone for hours, spent the night with each other.† They call each other ‘sister’ and I love Livvy so much.† Laura is one of my dearest friends in the world.† You isn’t often that your child’s best friend’s Mom is one of your best friends but that is the way it has worked out.† We love our relationship with these amazing girls in our life.
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you’ve had.† ~Author Unknown


Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, “What! You too? I thought I was the only one!” by C. S. Lewis


Tuesday we had Field Day.† This is always a HUGE deal.† We had so many people there. I have no clue how many but it was well over 100.† The kids all enjoy it so much.

Hanging Out Before Field Day
Cool Homeschoolers...

Kei won 3 Medals and Ribbons for Shot Put, Soccer and Mile Run.

Mile Run..err Walk..

Kei loves Soccer, she has never wanted to play organized Soccer but every year she signs up for Field Day and has a blast.

We are still ‘schooling’ but we really never stop.† We do less in the Summer, not so organized, but we still do things.† I want to finish our Story of The World.† We have a couple of chapters left.† The biggest thing we need to finish is Zoology 3.† Since I used another science the first of the year, we started this late.† I would like to finish the book but if we don’t and summer’s siren song gets to be too much,† we can finish it in August.

I can’t believe my little girl would be going into 6th grade if she was in PS.† 6th GRADE!† It is so hard for me to believe.† I have lots of thoughts swirling around about that but I will save it for another post, another day.

As for now…there are long, lazy days to explore, lightening bugs to catch, swimming pools calling our names, picnics to be taken, meandering trips down country roads, food to be cooked outside, songs to be sung, movies to watch, flowers to stop and smell and more.

Viva la Summer!

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” ~ John Lubbock

3 thoughts on “Almost Sisters, Field Days and Some Learnin’…”

  1. My mom always used to tell us that we would be lucky to walk through life with one good friend. Some people have many, but all you really need is just one person who truly gets who you are and loves you through and through. I sometimes wonder if we never moved when I was Grace and Kei’s age (from MA to CT) would I still be friends with my first friends? I have moved several times and never kept any of the friendships from each stage of my life until I met my friend Michele 16 years ago…..she is my oldest and dearest friend. Kei is a fortunate girl to have you support this friendship since it takes effort on your part to get them together. I loved the pictures of them throughout the years. Beautiful.

  2. That is so wonderful! it brings such joy to my heart to see Kei with Livvy!! How awesome that she has a friend like that! AND you like her MOM!! Wonderful!

    We had our end of homeschool year party today with what will most likely be our “core group”. Oddly, it is in the neighborhood where we used to live…where we were happiest…where we wish we still lived, but it just doesn’t work commute wise with Jason’s job 🙁 so, at least with hsing we can still hang out down there!!

    I love reading about your weeks and your evolution…how are you feeling, friend?

  3. This is a beautiul post. I have a best friend just like that. We have been best friends since we were 12. We have been through so many things together. I love, love your quotes.

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