Warmth, Driving and Living Life…

After reading Jessica’s post about how hard it was to blog High School I started thinking about some of the things she said. She was inspired to write her post from at Diane at Cabin in the Woods

This is so true for me too hence the ‘one maybe two posts a month”.  There is only so many pictures of Keilee on her laptop or Art Journaling I can post.  It’s not that our days aren’t lovely and full of learning their just not very picture worthy. 

Keilee has had a great 2 weeks.  She started Geometry right before Christmas and while she will never love Math it is going smoother than Algebra.   She is taking an online course through Coursera called  “DNA and Genetics” that she loves.  We are still loving Southern Lit and she is still LOVING Psychology.  Enough that she is exploring some career options.  We are still watching huge amounts of Korean dramas.  She has a Korean language app and has learned so many Korean words.

There has been a lot of driving.  Which I can’t imagine ever getting used to.  But I suppose I will.  We all have an amazing ability to adapt. 

In this picture we ventured a bit further. 

Across the “scary” road which is the main road in our town. She didn’t drive ON it |Mom, I can’t imagine driving that fast| she just crossed it. Her first traffic light. And ended up at the townhouse we lived in from the time she she was 22 months old until she was 10. 
And I lost it. Totally lost it. Cried so hard that I could barely see. Because it wasn’t the first time she had driven these roads. But the last time she was sitting in my lap and her feet didn’t touch the ground. And I remember her saying, “One day I will be driving by myself” and me thinking “Yes but that is forever from now”. 
But it wasn’t “forever”.  It is now.


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It was VERY warm this past week.  I think several places in the US had unseasonably warm weather.  We walked Nomad a couple of days.  He really isn’t a lot calmer when walking.  He gets SO excited still!


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1. Working on Psychology.  2. Her new Owl boots cuffs she made.  Aren’t they cute?  3.  Creative Writing class with Jessica.  This 6 weeks is “Fairy Tales” so she wore her tiara.  4.  Nomad love 5.  Stuffed Animal fun at Walgreens.

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It is a rainy Friday here.  We are planning to stay in where it is warm and dry.  There is a very small chance of snow tonight.  But I’m not getting excited.  I want snow so badly, just ONE SNOW but I don’t think tonight will be it.  So we will spend our weekend doing, hopefully, absolutely nothing.

What we really want is SPRING but I know that’s a long way off.

Happy weekend all,

Homeschooling Rocks!

“What I like doing best is Nothing.”

“How do you do Nothing,” asked Pooh after he had wondered for a long time.

“Well, it’s when people call out at you just as you’re going off to do it, ‘What are you going to do, Christopher Robin?’ and you say, ‘Oh, Nothing,’ and then you go and do it.

It means just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”

“Oh!” said Pooh.”  ~A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh


Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday

Sylvia at “Friendship Friday

Michelle at “TGIF Hop”

12 thoughts on “Warmth, Driving and Living Life…”

  1. We miss you guys. Hope you are doing well and are happy. Think about you and pray for you often.

  2. If Keilee gets stuck on her Korean she can ask my daughter in law, Hye-Sun! I know exactly how you feel about Keilee growing up. We want our kids to grow up and build their own happy and successful futures, but then again we don’t! It’s just too hard to let them go!

  3. Love those Owl boot cuffs. Sigh on the driving. Too fast growing up. Enjoy your weekend Karen

  4. It’s funny how we all comment about not having photos to blog about yet we all love reading each other’s blog posts so much! There is something magical in the ordinary, especially when it brings joy to someone far away. I love the glimpses into your week. I would love to see the creative energy that would explode if our girls had the opportunity to learn together in person, rather than through the Internet…….

  5. Glad the driving is going well. I’m so glad I have a two year break before I have to teach driving again . The age here is 16. Homeschooling high school might not always be photo worthy but I still enjoy reading what people are doing. It helps to realise I’m not the only one still homeschooling, and not the only one not doing so in a traditional way.

  6. I know it is so hard to watch how fast they grow up. It is a shock to me constantly. What a blessed week.
    Blessings, Dawn

  7. @ Nicole @ Journey to Excellence:
    Yes we did review the Micro Business curriculum about six months ago. We are currently using Consumer Math from Bob Jones.

  8. I have found that kids that are artistic have more of a knack for Geometry than Algebra. At least that’s the way it was with Dawson. He HATED Algebra but got permission to tutor in Geometry as a Junior for his Future Teachers of America class (they only allow Seniors to tutor in anything other than elementary school). She would probably like Consumer Math, too, because it is hands on. I think there is a business math/consumer math type curriculum out there where you pretend to build a small business. You might as Diane at Cabin in the Woods about that.

  9. The warm weather was just wonderful this week. I got to go on walk and start potty training the new puppies outside. Love seeing a new post from you. I am always so inspired by all that you guys do in a weeks time.

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