Category Archives: My beautiful child

It’s All Worth It..

Times are hard, not just for me I know.† But times are hard for me.† The entertainment business is slow right now.† I work in that business.† I am a single mom.† I homeschool.† Times are hard.

I have felt very down the last few days.† This is very unlike me, I am such a glass is half full kinda girl.† The glass has felt empty lately.

Then…she does something so delightful and I realize this is what it’s all about.† And we will make it through.

We have been learning about the Middle Ages and watching Xena.† Kei LOVES kick butt warrior girls but she hates Xena’s outfit.† She said “She would never wear something like that!”† She is such a Nun.† [Personally, if I looked like Xena, I would wear that too!] 😉



Memorial Weekend

We had a pretty good weekend.† Actually Kei had a great weekend.† I had a worrying weekend.† I try not to worry about things but it is so hard sometimes.† I watch K play and think “I wish I was 9 and had no worries”† Now I know there are too many children who do have hard lives and worry about things but I try so very hard not to let K’s life be like that.† There is time enough to worry when they grow up.

After church on Sunday we went to Daddy’s and Katherine [my niece] wanted to spend the night.† The girls played outside, played Operation,

Steady  Hands!
Steady Hands!

they played in Kei’s sand box that she has outgrown but we can’t bear to get rid of:

Fun in the Sand
Fun in the Sand

I sat on the balcony and read my Maximum Ride books!† My sweet Gina & Co. had brought them by for me Sunday.† Thanks Esther for picking them up at the library!† I love these books.† They are great for adults and kids.† I mean what is not to love about flying kids!

Monday the weather was semi nice.† Mostly sunny which is unusual lately.† Seth [my nephew] came over for a while and the girls played outside.

Laura had so graciously invited us over to grill out.† My California friends crack up when I say “grill out”.† They ‘barbecue”.† I try to tell them that barbeque is a sauce you put on meat.† Not all grilled food is barbecued!† Here in the South, we GRILL OUT!† Anyway the food was yummy!

Yummy Yummy
Yummy Yummy

All in all, a good weekend,

I hope this week is better for us,



Still Sunny…

Today was a good day.
It’s strange, because I am so broke, things are looking dismal for our company, but it was a good day.
Money has always been unimportant to me. It has become important through not having any.

Today Kei played outside for hours and I read my Harlan Coben book. I love him. He is smart and witty and such a great writer.

I am reading The Whipping Boy to her and I read some of that also.† It is a great book and we are both enjoying it.† We started the Middle Ages Monday and have tons of resources for that time period.† It is one of my favorite times.† She made a Wanted poster for Prince Brat.


Now I am getting things together for chicken fajitas for dinner. Yummy and easy.

Tonight we are going to watch the American Idol results show!† Go Adam!!

Just a very good day, me and my girl.


Burning Ball in the Sky!

I awoke this morning to SUN Glorious SUN!† For a minute there I wasn’t sure what it was.† It was great to see it.

I was on the computer checking emails, reading blogs, doing the usual morning stuff when this appeared on my stairs.† I had to video it, I mean, what else could I do!? How does she know who Ozzy is? No clue! [Yes I realize you can see me in the mirror ;)]

Then we went to Wilson Morgan Park for a play day.† We both had fun. K ran and played and giggled and pretended.


Then she played with Coco, Regina and Anna’s dog. She loved him!


Us moms sat on a blanket and just talked for hours.† It was awesome!

Now its time to watch American Idol!!† The Finals.




Fridays used to be a huge deal for me.

Start of the weekend, school’s out, work is finished.

Now…not so much.† I work from home so I am pretty much available 24/7, Kei is homeschooled, the weekend is just the weekend.

But Friday was beautiful!† It has been so rainy and yucky here.† I am so tired of soggy ground, dashing everywhere with something over our heads, wet everything!

Kei made the most of the day.

First, she planted a garden.† Ok Ok I realized afterwards you can’t plant anything in a container that doesn’t drain!† I am going to fix that.† I am new at this “Country Girl” stuff ok?


Then she found what we thought was a lizard but on further research decided was a salamander.† Regardless, she loved it.† She kept it about 30 minutes and then started feeling bad and released it.


Then, she played in the sprinkler. Well she played in 3 sprinklers because she couldn’t make up her mind which one was best!


Then it was time for a little rest.


She spent the rest of the day reading and running around.

Then she insisted on making dinner “all by herself”.† She bakes quite often and is very careful but her dinner was going to involve chopping….lots of chopping.† She begged and promised to be careful so I agreed.† She made me sit outside where I was listening for the sound of fingers being cut off but all went well.† It was a delicious dinner and she was so proud of herself!


We had vegetable stir fry, leftover pasta salad and for desert…Grape and Banana Kabob with whipped cream.

Ahhh…my little chef.

Happy weekend,


I Could….

I could send her to school,

And from 8:00-3:00 have no clue…

How many times she laughed,

How many times she learned,

How many times she questioned,

How many times she understood,

How many times she wanted more information,

How many times she bounced in her chair from excitement,

How many times she was proud of something she did.

I could send her to school and she could get her exercise and sunshine,

In 20 minute doses, ifÖshe had on the right shoes, and no one misbehaved and everyone was quiet.

I could send her to school

And let her eat the processed high fat, low nutrition fare they feed millions of children a day,

if she had enough time to eat and didn’t talk too loud and if no one grabbed her food.


I could homeschool her.





Beautiful Saturdays…

It was so pretty outside today.

Kei and I got up early and went to some garage sales.† We got some good deals!† I got 2 great books, The Reader’s Digest Children’s World Atlas and The Giant Book of Questions and Answers for 50 cents!

Then Kei hit pay dirt and got an almost brand new Groovy doll, sleeping bag, bed and chair for $3 total!† Kei loves garage sales, me, not so much. I like the sales, I just hate finding them.† If they were all lined up together I would like them more.

Then we went to Cade’s baseball game.† Cade and Kei are like brother and sister.† Kei is NOT† a sports girl.† I tried to give her a crash course in baseball 101 [since I spent every minute of my growing up years at the ball park] but she still was a little confused.† Of course so was Jerri, Cade’s mom.† I was cracking up at both of them.† They are so silly.

They we came home and Kei worked in her flower garden.† Kei loves nature, Kei also loves mud.† Where there is mud, there is Kei.

mudNow Kei is out playing with the neighborhood kids.† There are tons of them running around.† That is one thing I love about living here, there are always kids to play with.† Last night when I grilled the pork tenderloin, I threw some smoked sausages on the grill.† So all I have to do for dinner is cook some onions and green peppers. Yummy!

Happy Saturday…
