The Week Winter Came to Alabama

We live in the South.  We do have bitter cold weather but it is usually in January or February.  This week it got COLD!  I mean you know it’s cold when I send Jessica our current temp and she text back,  “It’s colder there than here!”

I don’t have Keilee’s weekly list this week because I didn’t do it.  We spent a lot of the week doing other things.  But still, she learned.

She watched CNN Student News every day.  Keilee retains information unbelievably.  So when she hears something, she remembers it.  She is forever telling me things that are going on in the world that I didn’t know.  (We don’t watch news at night).  My favorite thing is when we talk about events; our opinions, our ideas, our feelings.  And we do that a lot.

Keilee did over 3 hours on Khan Math.  She is going through all 904 Math lessons.  She doesn’t love it but she does it by herself so I don’t have to listen to how much she doesn’t like it.

We read 2 stories in Southern Literature.  Both by Truman Capote.  We read “The Jug of Silver” and “Diamond Guitar”.  Truman Capote has written some things I would never let her read but his short stories have been so wonderful.  He was such an amazing writer.
She watched TONS of Hank Green videos because she absolutely LOVES him.  We did 2 objects in History; The “Clovis Spear Point”and “The Bird Sha;ed Pestle”  We listened to the pod cast and she did notebook pages on them both.  She also put the dates in her Timeline and put them on her world map.

Wednesday was her knitting club.  You wouldn’t believe how much she adores these women.  They are sweet and protective and so  encouraging to her.  I hear her back there talking and laughing.  The youngest one besides her is probably about 60.  Then for 2 hours afterwards she tells me ‘stories of her morning’.  I am just so thankful she found this group.,

Wednesday afternoon we went over to Laura and Liv’s house.  Liv was Keilee’s best friend for years and years.  She went back to public school and they have just grown apart the last 2 years.  Liv is doing homebound at the moment.  We were both a bit worried.  Me for Keilee.  I wanted everything to go well and it did!!  It went wonderfully.  We all sat around and talked and laughed.  The girls did a lot of reminiscing.  We made plans to eat lunch at their house on Monday.  It would be wondeful if Kei and Liv could reconnect.

Wednesday night Emma spent the night with Keilee.  They always have a blast together!  They stayed up way too late and then they Art Journaled all of Thursday.  Emma is so very similar to Keilee.

Keilee and Emma Art Journaling
Keilee working on the Tshirt rug she is making me
Keilee at Skate Day.  She won the Poster contest for “Things I am Thankful For”
An Art Journal page.  She took a perfume ad and made the model “Dia da los Muertos”

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Today Keilee had Jessica’s class which is always amazing.  They are doing ‘memoirs’ and had to write either a ‘worse’ memory or a ‘best’ memory.  Keilee told me I could share what she wrote.  It was about when my Mom died.

“We sat in a circle on the floor, Heather, Seth, Katherine and I. We held hands and Heather prayed. She prayed for strength, understanding, and peace.

We let our hands go and in that moment the phone rang. We knew what that call meant and we watched her face as she learned the news. Seth and Katherine knew more than me. I was 8 and didn’t fully understand. 

The next few days blurred. The time with Heather while Bull, Mom and Uncle Eddie picked out flowers and a tombstone, to the nights Mom cried, the ceremony and the grave.

I didn’t know why but I didn’t cry. It wasn’t until I was older that I truly missed her. It wasn’t until now that I wished for her back. It might be because I live here; here in her house.   But I can feel her and feel the pain of missing her.”

I was in the kitchen putting dishes away and heard her read it.  I just sat down and cried.
It is such a great class for Keilee.  She loves, LOVES creative writing and Jess is an amazing teacher.

Here are a few “Fall Pictures”.
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And this is my favorite picture.  Keilee saw something similar to this and wanted to try it.  She collected all the flowers and pinecones and leaves and used my iPhone to instruct me where to put everything.  It is one of my favorite pictures ever!

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Another great week learning at home!

Homeschooling Rocks!

  • “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” ~Confucius
  • “I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”~ Pablo Picasso

6 thoughts on “The Week Winter Came to Alabama”

  1. I just–literally–just found your email about the blog password. I don’t really use that email address anymore, but I got on there to work on a blog post–I am just trying to update on what we are doing mostly for my aunt who lives in Virginia and Jason’s dad and stepmom in California, they like to see the pictures but are not on Instagram. So, I am actually excited about catching up!!

    You mentioned a best friend who went back to school in your post and we are going through that now. Our homeschool neighbors have gone back to school. Their parents divorced a few years ago but they saw their dad 5 nights a week and weekends, so it was fine. But now they see their dad every other weekend and he wants to spend time with them and we have not really seen them since September, but they are posting tons of photos of their new friends and school in IG and Piper is really having a hard time.

    That knitting group sounds awesome! Some of the moms in my story time are trying to get me to start a knitting group at the library and I should because I love yarn but never make time to knit.

    I love that Keilee does so much work on her own. We tried that. They only did what they like. Sigh. I have to push them to do math.

    I am off to catch up on more of your posts!

  2. You guys had an amazing week! I love how Keilee “gets around”, enjoys, and learns from all age groups! So much for homeschooling lacking in socialization! Tell Keilee congrats on her poster contest win. Of course, I am not surprised. I cried too, when I read her essay about your mom. Love that last pic!

  3. That last picture is amazing! What a wonderful and productive week. I am so happy to catch up with you.
    blessings, Dawn

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