Category Archives: Life


13. You have always wanted to be a teenager. And here you are. My lovely girl is 13 today.

I can not imagine my life without you. The last few months have been hard at times and you lifted me up so often with wise words and a magnificent attitude. You have so much faith that it makes me have more also.

People look at you and see a beautiful girl. But when they look deeper they see a beautiful soul. A girl who never wants to hurt anyone’s feelings, a girl who wants to change the world. A girl so creative she can take takes pieces and make beauty. A girl so talented that she can step on a stage and hold audiences in her hand. A girl whose prayers humble me and make me want to be better. A girl who hugs and giggles and sings and dances

I love you so. I wish I could give you the world. I wish I could take you to every place we ever talk about. We could stand on mountain tops, race in ocean surf, stare down over glittering cities, relax on exotic rivers, wander through woods and jungles, ride camels over the desert, go on an African safari, spit off the Eiffel Tower, shield our eyes from The Greek sun, pick grapes in Italy, explore castles in Wales, stand in awe of the pyramids,see every Broadway play out there, watch penguins at the South Pole, eat chocolate soufflÈs in a little French cafe and so much more!

You have changed me. You have made me understand “I would die for you”. You have brought me closer to God, closer to Nature, made me love learning again, given me so much hope for the future.

At times I want to hold you down, beg you not to grow up so fast, pick you up and rock you and sing you lullabies. I want you to soar but I am not ready for you to be grown up. People always say how you look older than you are but they don’t know my sweet girl who loves her dolls, loves to color, loves to build fairy houses, and dances in the rain. Who thinks ‘crap’ and ‘butt’ are bad words. Always keep your childlike innocence my baby. It is what will always keep you young at heart.

I am proud of you every day and believe in you more than you will ever know. I just know that one day, I will be somewhere cheering for you, telling everyone around me, “That is MY girl”! I KNOW you have an amazing future. Your life stretches out in front of you like a magical road beckoning you with untold wonders. You can go anywhere, do anything, be anything.

For years people have always said to me, “Keilee is so lucky to have you”. Silly people, don’t they know that I am the LUCKY one? That you have given me everything.

Happy 13th birthday my lovely girl. I love you to Pluto and back my delightful, dreamy, dazzling, ‘dorable, darling, dear to my heart daughter.

A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend.î-Author Unknown

Looking back….

I have been thinking about this post for days. 2012 What could I say about it? The first thing is the fact that I was laid off 6 months out of 12. No money coming in. No unemployment, no anything.

But the thoughts that come to mind aren’t how hard this year has been but how incredibly blessed we have been. †Blessed beyond belief. Thinking back on all of the people who have blessed us, these are my thoughts…. I didn’t deserve this. I am not good enough or Godly enough. I have a temper, I am so far from perfect is isn’t funny.†As Jacob says to God, “I am not worthy of the least of all the deeds of steadfast love and all the faithfulness that you have shown to your servantî (Genesis 32:10). But through God’s mercy we were given blessings time and time again.

I have learned so much about myself the past few months. I am stronger now, my faith is stronger. †I think that Keilee has learned lessons. That “things” aren’t important. She has always known that but it was brought home to us both time and time again. Because we have had a wonderful year.

Last week 3 things happened within 24 hours; my computer stopped working, my microwave stopped working, and I tore my last contact. We were taking the garbage out and Keilee said, “Why has so many bad things happened all together?” †I told her there were Mothers and Fathers and husbands and children in Newtown who would give anything they had to have ONLY those things to worry about. It is all about perspective, always seeing that glass as half full. I have pretty much always been that way but the last 6 months have taught me this even more. And my Daddy bought us a microwave, a dear friend gave us money and I was able to order parts for my computer and have a friend fix it for free and I was able to order a contact.

As I look back at my posts for this year I smile at all the amazing things we did. Ways we have grown closer. Laughter, hugs, conversations, giggles shared. †We have so much to be thankful for; a house to live in, our health, the ability to educate my sweet girl at home, food to eat, a warm bed, a crazy Lab who loves us unconditionally, clothes to wear,a church that is perfect for us, friends and family that mean so much to us.

I have thought long and hard about my word for “2013”. Kei and I have talked about it and decided our word will be GIVE. We want to be a blessing to as many people as possible. We want to give; of our time, our gifts, money when we can. We learned how much a $25 gift certificate can help. We learned how an email, a card, a phone call can lift you up so much. †How a smile, a kind word, holding a door opened, a touch can make a difference in someone’s day.

Thank you to everyone who prayed for us, sent emails, sent cards, called, sent money and gift cards. You all know who you are, WE know who you are [well the ones who signed things, they were so many who just sent us things anonymously]. †I am typing this with tears in my eyes, a lump in my throat and so much love and thankfulness inside of me. 2 words…2 little words that cannot begin to convey how much it meant to us. Thank you.

My job starts back in about 2 weeks. It is for 5 weeks then I think we have another one possibly lined up. It will be very strange to have a paycheck every week. And nice. But we both learned that there are so many things that are more important.

Happy New Years Eve,
Homeschooling Rocks,
Karen and Keilee
Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us. ~Socrates
Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures. ~Joseph Addison
Everything won’t go your way, but it will go God’s way” ~Unknown

My Little Woman…

I have really been afraid to post because of the dang issues I have had with my blog.† Now Google is showing it as ‘dangerous’.† ::sighs::† I don’t think it is but Bill [my computer guy] is going to move it all to another server and that will completely clean it he said.

I just wanted to post some of Keilee’s “Little Women” pictures.† The play was wonderful and she did such a great job.† Seriously.† I wish I could have brought all of you along to see it.† It isn’t the long version of the book, but a shortened version.

It started off with the sisters lamenting over the lack of Christmas they will be having.† This is also where Marmee read the letter from Papa who is a Chaplain in the Civil War.† This is where you first see some of the ‘conflicts’ between Jo and Amy.† Keilee did such a wonderful job with her expressions.† Everyone commented on it.

Little Women2

Next is Jo trying to get Amy to ‘be more realistic’ in her fainting scene.† It has Amy trying to faint while searching for a safe place to fall.

Little Women8

Next is Jo’s play with Amy, Meg and Jo playing the roles.† This was so funny!

Little Women6Next is the ball that Jo and Meg attend.† Amy and Beth stay behind but they do get to help their sisters get ready.† Then they do some dancing of their own.

Little Women7The dance…

Little Women5Next is the meeting of the Pickwick Society.† This part was so funny too.† At the end of this scene is where Jo allows Laurie to join much to Amy’s dismay.

Collages3Then Amy wants to go with them to a play but Jo doesn’t let her.† This is where Amy burns Jo’s book.† I could never get pictures of this because Keilee was pitching a fit and throwing things around and none of them were good.† When the older girls return from the play Jo looks for her book and Amy keeps saying she doesn’t have it.† Finally she admits she burned it and Jo goes crazy.† This was so intense each time I saw it.† Keilee and Jo did a fantastic job with this.

Little Women3The last scene of Act 1 is where Amy falls through the ice and Jo talks to Marmee about her terrible temper.† Jo and Amy make up as the lights go down on Act 1.

Little Women9

Act 2 begins with a picnic with all the cast.† They play a game of Rigamarole where someone starts a story and the next person continues it.† It was a fun scene.† Also in these pictures are Jo telling the family her story got published. They were all so excited for her.

Little Women10

Unfortunately a telegram came with the bad news that Papa had been injured.† They all started getting Marmee ready to go to Papa.

Little Women13Next is the girls, Laurie and Hannah reading/writing their letters to Marmee and Papa.† They did a great job with this.† It was sweet and touching and also funny.

Little Women12Next is Beth getting sick and Amy being sent to live with Aunt March.† This was such a beautiful part of the play.

Little Women11Beth recovers and Papa returns home for Christmas.† So this play spans 2 Christmases.† It is the March girls life for 1 year.

Little Women14

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the play.

Little Women4Keilee had so many people who came to see her perform.† Over 25!† She was just giddy and we both actually hated to see this play end.† She told me that more people told her what a great job she did than in any other play.† She was really brilliant.† [and yes I am a bit prejudiced] But she also works very hard on her roles.

We went out to eat with our dear friends after the last performance.† Fun was had by all.

Little Women1

I am so glad she had this experience.† Christmas is going to be small this year so I am so glad she had such fun.

I am sorta afraid to comment on anyone’s blogs until my issues are fixed.† Please know that I am reading…just commenting in my head!

The events that happened Friday just broke our hearts.† We came home from the school show and didn’t even know about it until my brother called.† We just sat in shock and watched on the only channel I get.† And prayed…we prayed a lot.† And still are praying.

I know I am hugging my girl tighter this week and trying to enjoy every single minute we have together.

Homeschooling rocks!

ìIf I didn’t care about doing right and didn’t feel uncomfortable doing wrong, I should get on capitally.î ~Louisa May Alcott “Little Women”
ìDear me! If only men and women would trust, understand and help as my children do, what a capital place `the world would be!î† ~Louisa May Alcott “Little Women”



The Post That Almost Wasn’t..

I was hacked!† My website was taken over by someone.† I first noticed it LAST Saturday and didn’t know what was going on.† On my PC AVG scanner was labeling it a ‘virus’ and wouldn’t even open it.† On my iPhone or iPad it would open then redirect to various ‘download this’ sites.† I emailed back and forth with my computer guru and the man who hosts my website [for FREE] and he did some ‘cleaning’ and finally got it back up. I am so thankful to Bill for all he does for me and my site.† I know I ask so many stupid questions at times.† Thank you Bill.† It is still not loading but if you hit ‘refresh’ it seems to fix the problem.

I was so discombobulated all week.† I didn’t have my ‘Favorite’ blog list so I could visit and I basically stayed out of blog land.† It was a sad week.

So now on Tuesday I decided to do a quick post.† Almost every one of my pictures are from my iPhone.† I find myself using my digital camera less and less.

Keilee didn’t do much ‘school’ work this week.† She listened to some lectures from Open University.† Everyone with a iPhone or iPad needs to check out their course on iTunesU.† They are incredible.

We made 3D Paper snowflakes.† They were a little harder than they looked but once we got the hang of it they were easy.† Check out the link for the YouTube video.† We are both such visual learners.† I ‘read’ the directions and couldn’t make heads or tails of it!† Then Keilee went a little crazy and made all sorts of paper snowflakes.

I see Keilee doing more and more ‘creative’ things and less ‘academic’ things.† This worries me a bit at times.† How much ‘creative’ is too much?† Or a better question, how much ‘academic’ is too little?† She accomplishes so much in a week.† Seriously much more than I do.† But I still question myself at times.

1.† Kei has become a HUGE Alabama fan.† This cracks me up.† I grew up around sports and never missed a game of any kind.† But since Kei I have stopped watching.† We have begun to watch Alabama football and she is SO into it.† I love it.
2.† Spray painting a set piece for “Little Women”† The show is 10 days away!
3.† Nomad has a new ‘baby’.† He is so cute with it.
4.† I had to take my iPad to the Apple store.† The mic wasn’t working and the warranty was about to be up.† I was worried that it may be expensive.† They gave me a NEW iPad!† This is one reason I love Apple so much!

Keilee almost entirely decorated the tree this year.† My Daddy bought us a new Christmas tree for part of our gift.† It is a 7 1/2′ Martha Stewart pre lit tree.† It can either be all white lights or colored with a flick of a switch.† We LOVE it.† We had to get up at 4:00 AM and wait in line to get it.† It was Kei’s first experience with “Black Friday”.† Her response, “These people are like wolves!”† The tree is great though.† And since my brother and I went through all of Mother’s ornaments we had plenty to decorate with.

Our neighbor got Keilee this Santa hat! Isn’t it great!???† It has a tiara.
The picture of me cracks me up.† I always see people posting pics on Instagram of themselves.† In the mirror.† Well I took 30 pictures and I was ALWAYS looking up!† I am self portrait challenged I think.
See the ornaments? I made them when I was 10!† We found them in the attic and they made me so happy.
Keilee made Nomad a ‘Bama” bandana.† For game days.
Keilee’s henna art.† Well they are markers but doesn’t it look cool?


Keilee decided to put our old tree in her room.† She started to work after church Sunday with instructions for me to ‘stay out’.† Isn’t it great!!???† She didn’t have enough ornaments so she used jewelry, her goggles and other things.† I LOVED it.

Next week is “Little Women” and we can’t wait.† It is going so well and I think it will be one of her favorite plays.† If Momma can only survive show week.

Homeschooling Rocks!
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering
can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired,
and success achieved.Ӡ ~Helen Keller


Knitting, Co-Op, Thankfulness and Family….

In this Thanksgiving week I am thankful for so many things.† One thing that I am thankful for surprised me as I counted my blessings this week.

I am thankful that I have been laid off.† As crazy as this sounds, I truly believe the last 5 months have taught me so much about myself and my life.† I am stronger than I ever thought I was.† I have learned some things about the way I manage money.† I have learned that I can live on VERY MUCH LESS than I thought.† I don’t make much† money but I will never again spend money on things I don’t need. I would go into Wal-Mart and I may as well have torn up a $100. Most of what I ‘had to have’ was things I could very easily live without. I will never again not have savings if at all possible.† I will save a larger portion of my check every week.

The best part of being laid off has been the blessings I have received.† The people in my life who have gone beyond anything Keilee or I could imagine.† I could write a post about each and every person who has blessed us.† It would be the longest post I have ever written.† What I have taken from this experience is what an act of kindness to others can do.† Keilee and I can not wait until I am back employed.† We can not wait to bless people as we have been blessed.

Monday was our last Co-op of the year.† Ever since Keilee has been homeschooled we have not done Co-op.† I am so glad we did it this year.† We have met amazing people and Keilee has made such great friends, some new and some she has become closer with.† Keilee made Reindeer cupcakes and Indian TeePees in Cupcake Class and we had a Christmas party after classes.
Keilee made crystals this week.† They turned out beautifully.† The recipe is here.† Crystals† Even the bottom of the jars were beautiful.

Keilee has been knitting like crazy this week.† She is make these huge headbands and making them like different animals. No pattern, she just knows what she wants and does it.† She is so much more creative than I am!† So far she has made a dog, a cat and a Mustache Frog.

The weather has been beautiful here although it is supposed to be COLD this weekend.† We have been spending time outside. Keilee took these pictures.† The dog is our neighbor’s dog.† Isn’t he gorgeous?

One things I have learned from homeschooling is that my house will never be neat and orderly. I have learned am trying to learn to live with that. Everywhere is evidence of this lovely, creative child I have.† A stranger could walk through this house and immediately know what her passions are.† I don’t think they would have a clue about mine…

Here are a few of my favorite Instagram pictures from the week.† Our library closed this week for a 2 month renovation!† We got the maximum allowed 50 books and 4 audio books.† We can keep them until February.† I think I am going to have to go to a nearby city and join their library.† I can not imagine that long without going to a library!† Keilee has been trying to roll her hair to make it VERY curly for her Amy March role.† Look at those curls!!† Nomad is her guinea pig.† He has learned to just relax and live with it.

A HUGE blessing this week came from Christy at Unexpected Homeschool.† Her and her adorable daughter Amber sent Keilee a big box of goodies.† All of her favorite things.† They also blessed me for which I was so grateful for.† I sat on the floor and cried and just could not believe it.† Thank you sweet Christy.† You do not know how much that meant to me and it came at the absolute perfect time.

Keilee is not 100% well but she is feeling better.† She got a cold/sinus infection on top of her stomach problems.† But she is feeling much better now.

I woke up on Thanksgiving day and began to cook for Daddy’s house.† Keilee jumped out of bed and ran into the den to turn on the only channel we get with our antennae to watch the Macy’s Parade.† She kept calling me in to look at this float or hear that song. I just had cold chills from the memories..… Mother cooking all day to get food ready to go to our Nanny’s house and my brothers and I watching the parade and calling Mother in to see things.† If you don’t believe life comes full circle, move into the home you grew up in.† Because it does…oh yes it does.† After 4 1/2 years I still miss my Mother every day.† More so on holidays.

We spent Thanksgiving afternoon and evening at Daddy and Marlene’s.† We had way too much food and it was so yummy.† Then we played games on the iPad.† Keilee and Seth has a contest going on Train Conductor app.† I think it is 99¢ now but I got it free on “Apps Gone Free”.† You HAVE all downloaded that right??? The Train Conductor game seriously freaks me out. I could NEVER have that many things going at once!† Then Eddie, Seth and I played Scene It Movies 2. I LOVE movie trivia!† I couldn’t find it in the app store to link up here. Not sure what is up with that!† I have had it since I first got my iPhone about 5 years ago. † I LOVE that game and it is a great app.† These apps are my favorite resources this week.† Pictures are of my Daddy and my brother.

What a great Thanksgiving week we have had.† We have so much in a world where so many have so little.† And we are thankful, every single day, we are thankful.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts.† No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. “ ~H.U. Westermayer

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”† ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Linking with Mary at “Collage Friday
Susan at “Favorite Resources

Green Screen, Sick Days, Creating and More DNA

This has been a semi unproductive week.† Keilee has been sick all week.† She went to the doctor Tuesday and he said it was a viral infection.† She hasn’t felt like doing much of anything.† It is such a helpless feeling when your child is sick.† There was just nothing I could do besides snuggle with her and rub her back and make sure she had lots of liquid.

She was able to film her green screen parts before she got sick.† It was very cool.† Probably the strangest thing acting wise she has ever done.† She had to deliver her lines from 3 different angles each time.† Then step away from the green screen because it has to focus on ‘blank’ each time.† I took lots of pictures but they were all basically the same thing!† I can’t wait to see the entire movie.

We also managed to go to the Wildlife Refuge and walk Nomad.† He isn’t very well behaved.† Ok he is basically crazy and undisciplined.† But we adore him anyway.† He loves walks and loves car rides.† You should see my back windows!† GROSS.

I grabbed an app for free this week called Tracing Paper.† It is pretty cool.† You can take any photo from your photos or from the internet and ‘trace’ it.† Then you finish it up with colors and extras any way you like.† Keilee honestly spent hours and hours doing this.† I have an app called “Apps Gone Free” that I download things for free almost daily.† I believe this tracing app is originally $2.† It is a ‘Favorite Resource” this week.† Here are a few of MANY pictures she drew.

She is still fascinated with DNA.† She watched more online lectures and did some work on it.† She also downloaded a few apps by searching for “DNA” that she played with.† Seriously, I don’t see the fascination, but different strokes and all that. 🙂

She did an Art Journal page. One of her favorite things to do is find a quote or poem or song lyrics and art journal it.† This is one of MY favorite quotes too!

She also did Saxon math and watched a couple of online courses in “Introduction to Psychology” from Yale University.† Tuesday was Robert Louis Stevenson birthday.† We spent awhile reading his poems and watching other people read them on YouTube.† “Me and My Shadow” was one of our favorites!† I remember my Mother reading that to me when I was young and loving it.† Then we began watching “Treasure Island” on Netflix.

The man who directed Keilee in “To Kill a Mockingbird” passed away very unexpectedly this week.† We spent 2 1/2 hours in line at the funeral home Wednesday night and then attended his funeral on Thursday.† It was amazing how many lives he touched and what a difference he had made to so many people.† It made me start to wonder; is my life making a difference? and also considering ways I could do more.†† As we approach the holiday season there are so many hurting people.† I would like to peruse some ideas for doing more in our community.

I would also like to say thank you to everyone who has emailed me with prayers. † You do not know how much Keilee and I love to read your letters.

Merlin 4th season just came to Netflix instant.† This is one of my favorite shows ever!!† Keilee and I have already made plans to have a Merlin marathon this weekend!

Hope your weekend is great.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“So the world got compulsion schooling at the end of a state bayonet for the first time in human history; modern forced schooling started in Prussia in 1819 with a clear vision of what centralized schools could deliver:
1. Obedient soldiers to the army;
2. Obedient workers to the mines;
3. Well subordinated civil servants to government;
4. Well subordinated clerks to industry
5. Citizens who thought alike about major issues. ì† ~John Taylor Gatto

Happily linking with
Mary at Collage Friday
Susan at Favorite Resource
Savannah at It’s a Wrap

All I Want for Christmas…

One thing that keeps me up nights with this whole ‘no job/no money’ thing is Christmas.† I don’t worry about not getting my Dad or brother or other people gifts.† They will understand.† I do worry about Keilee.† She has never been a child who wants things.† Quite the opposite.† But it is Christmas.† And 9 days later is her birthday, her 13th birthday.† That is a big one.

Keilee and I have a journal that we write back and forth in.† No set schedule, just whenever we think of it or have something to say.† Yesterday she wrote to me.† This is what it said, word by word [well I did correct her spelling :)]

I read your note.† You are very good with words, sorry I am not.†
My tummy was hurting me very much and you took such good care of me. You always take care of me in every way.† Thank you.

Christmas is coming up, Wow the year has flown by.† I know you are worried about my birthday and Christmas.† I wanted to tell you not to worry because all I want for Christmas is:

  1. Snuggling with you while drinking hot chocolate.
  2. Playing games with you.
  3. Baking goodies while dancing to Christmas songs
  4. Riding around looking at Christmas lights
  5. Decorating for Christmas

To me that is what Christmas is about.† I don’t† need things that a month later I will forget.† I want memories of an amazing Christmas with my Mommy.† That being said, I am sorry that you won’t have much this Christmas.† I hope handmade things are still something you like.†

I love you,

Her heart is so lovely. Now lest you believe our life is always shared hugs and love and bluebirds flying around, she does drive me nuts at times and I do the same to her.† We live with each other 24/7.† Just us.† Tempers flare, rooms don’t get cleaned, huffiness happens.† But oh I love this child.† I am so blessed to be her Mamma.† I thank God for her


“What I wanted most for my daughter was that she be able to soar confidently in her own sky, whatever that may be.” ~Helen Claes

Lincoln, Lectures, Leaves and Little Women…

The further we get into Keileeís 7th Grade year the more I find myself almost completely unschooling.† Lesson plans?† I print one out.† It says this…

Monday: Coop† Tuesday: Math Wednesday: Science Thursday: History Friday: Language/Grammar
Additional Ideas:
Puppet Shows?† Your blog? Work on story for NaNoMoWrite? Art Journal Page? Stopanimation video?† Want to try to make a very short claymationvideo? Fun but so.slow!† Wanna play Meridian?† Webkinz? Start your own Pinterest account?† Let’s think of some Random Acts of Kindness we can do.† Any ideas?

I run across so many cool ideas that I usually just jot them down and send them to Kei or email her the links.† She follows up on things that interest her.† Everything doesn’t.† Some weeks nothing does that I send.† That’s OK.

The one thing I read time and time again is parents who think if they didnít plan their kids wouldnít do anything.† Keilee is not like that.† Now she may become like that.† There are unschoolers who say that that would be perfectly ok too!† I donít know what I would do if Kei suddenly sat on the couch and did nothing but watch TV.† But she doesnít.

Here is our unschooling week:

We went to an exhibit on Abraham Lincoln.† Keilee and I both love Lincoln and spent a week at the beginning of August learning about him.


We had a great afternoon playing in the leaves and playing with Nomad. Well Keilee mainly played, I took pictures.

Keilee had a great time at Co-op as usual.† She has such an amazing group of girls in her classes and they all get along so well.† They made homemade biscuits and CHOCOLATE gravy.† Chocolate gravy is a huge deal in the South. I have always.!† I tried the biscuits though and they were really good!
We voted on Tuesday and then stayed up all night watching the returns.† It is a lesson in Civics and Government that you can not get out of a book.

Keilee had Little Women practice 3 times this past week.† It is coming along so wonderfully. One of my favorite scenes is where the March sisters has their meeting of “The Pickwick Society”.

Here is a commercial they did for “Little Women”† If you watch it on Youtube there is also an interview with each actor.† It is called “Behind the Scenes”† This is the first time we have seen a director do this and it is a great idea!† Did I mention the director was HOMESCHOOLED! 🙂

Maddie Grace came over Friday and I am not sure what all they did but they were loud and giggly and Nomad was beside himself with excitement.† They played a drawing game on iPad, made a Video Star video [of course] made bracelets and I am not sure what else.
Keilee also spent hours and hours on the iPad.† She has discovered Open College courses and has been listening to lecture after lecture.

We took Nomad for a walk at our Wildlife Center, Kei made several videos and we got the most.amazing.package from Jenn and her girls.† It made our day, week, month. Seriously.† Thank you again Jenn. Thank you.

I have gotten several resources lately from a site called Teachers Pay Teachers.† Every thing I have gotten was free.† It is my Favorite Resource.

Here are a few more things she has done in this very unschooling week:

  • Stop Animation videos
  • Nano Writing.† She is at 7000 words I think
  • Bio Poems
  • Poetic Devices using a Katy Perry song [we both LOVED this and have noticed different ‘devices’ ever since.
  • Saxon Math
  • TED videos about global warming
  • TED videos about spotted seals which led her to spend an hour looking up info about these. She was so excited after watching it.† She was talking 100 miles a minute telling me all about how scientists always thought they were aggressive and this one man did all these studies and they really aren’t.† The thing is..she will NEVER forget this information because it was something she WANTED to learn.
  • She took a college pre test without telling me.† I heard her say, “This is really easy” but didn’t’ pay a lot of attention.† Afterwards she said, “Oh my gosh look at this”.† The page said she had missed only 2 questions and had qualified for College Math and English. She had to say that she was 18 before she could take the test.† She was pretty geeked.
  • She is ‘taking’ a college class on Poetry writing and has written several poems.† This is not something she had every been interested in doing before.
  • As I type this she is listening to a lecture on DNA and genetics.

So I think we will continue on this journey.† If she wants more ‘lesson planny’ stuff, I will give it to her.† But for us now, this is working so beautifully.† This is what I have always had in my mind when I first considered ‘homeschooling’.

No good news about my job, but for today, for this minute we are ‘gooder than good‘ as my Mom always said.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“I know of nothing more inspiring than that of making discoveries for oneís self.” ~George Washington Carver

Linking with
Mary at Collage Friday
Susan at Favorite Resources



Blessings ~ [bles-ing]†† noun
1.† the act or words of a person who blesses.
2.† a special favor, mercy, or benefit: the blessings of liberty.
3.† a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness.
4.† the invoking of God’s favor upon a person: The son was denied his father’s blessing.
5.† praise; devotion; worship, especially grace said before a meal: The children took turns reciting the blessing.

Almost 6 months laid off.† I do not get child support, I do not get unemployment, I get no weekly/monthly money.† However I do get something wonderful…blessings all around.

People have given us so much, friends, family, anonymous people.† My boss has given me some money a couple of times.† My Daddy has helped. We have made it.†

On Halloween I opened my email to find a “Happy Halloween” to Karen and Keilee gift card for $50! I cried.† Sunday when we got home from church there was a $25 gift card to WalMart stuck in our door. I cried.† Saturday a friend dropped off tangerines, apples and potatoes, I cried. I seem to cry at the drop of a hat lately.† And these are all just RECENT blessings.† Trust me in the course of a few months I have seen many.

I wish I could explain what this means to me.† How I feel each time an envelope is opened, an email with prayers, a phone call to encourage.† This experience has taught me so much.† I have learned so much about the woman I am and the Christian I want to be.† A dear friend said “Karen you are such a strong woman” and I almost laughed…ME? Strong?† No way.† I feel so weak at times.† So helpless, so small. I am NOT always strong, I wonder if all the decisions I make are the right ones.† I pray.† A LOT.

All I want, all I have ever wanted to to take care of this precious child that God has entrusted to me.† As a single Mom I made the decision years ago to stay at home, work from home.† I knew it would be hard. I knew I could make more money in the ‘work force’ but I chose not to do that.† I have never regretted it.† Not.once.

My brother came over this weekend to get some of his things. We went through tons of my Mother’s stuff.† She was a writer, she wrote down poems; ones she wrote herself and ones she heard or read.† Little snippets of information or encouragement everywhere.† This is one she had hand written.† I have no clue where she found it, she must have read it somewhere.† I read it and thought, “God thank you for placing this in my hands. I needed it”† Another blessing…

Learn With Every Goodbye
by Veronica A Shoffstall
After a while, you learn the subtle difference
and between holding a hand and chaining a soul,
And you learn that love doesnít mean leaning
And company doesnít mean security,
And you begin to learn that kisses arenít contracts
And presents arenít promises,
And you begin to accept your defeats
With the grace of a woman,
not the grief of a child,
And learn to build all your roads on today
Because tomorrowís ground is too uncertain for plans,
And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight
And after a while, you learn That even sunshine burns if you get too much.
So you plant your own garden
and decorate your own soul,
Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endureÖ
That you really are strong
And you really do have worth
And you learn
and learnÖ
With every goodbye, you learn.

I still love running across my Mother’s handwriting…

At church Sunday IV told the story of “The Prodigal Son”.† Keilee and I just looked at each other with our mouths opened.† Do you know the name of the movie that I have been waiting on all these months?† “The Prodigal” based on…”The Prodigal Son”.† I listened carefully and I got it God.† Another blessing…



ìThose blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.î†~Thomas Goodwin

Faires, Punnett Squares, Beauty, Art Jounaling and Halloween…

Sometimes I feel like those old Timex watch ads….Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.† So no new news on the job front.† Still January from all I have heard.† My boss is trying to find a rental for us at least for a few weeks.† That being said….

This was a very.good.week.† Keilee looked at me last night and said “I almost hate turning 13 [in January] because 12 has been the best age and I have had the best year”.† My heart just about burst…I mean my girl said this has been the ‘best year’ and I have been laid off 6 months of it.† Anyone who thinks that kids only want ‘things‘….WRONG.

We went to the Renaissance Faire over the weekend. It was cold. Seriously cold.† But we braved it out for about an hour and a half.† We have been going to the Ren Faire for years and years.† The wizard in the purple? I have pictures of Keilee with him for about 4 years.

We are both loving our new schedule. I don’t think I will ever go back to full lesson plans.† This makes this ‘unschooling’ Mama and her ‘lesson plans’ daughter happy!† Keilee spent hours one day learning about Mendel and genetics and Punnett Squares. Here are a couple†of resources we used. SpongeBob Genetics† and†Pardon the Punnett† Seriously she worked on it 4 hours.† Then she insisted we go to the library and get books.† I so love days like that.

Co-op and practice was cancelled this week for different reasons.† We reveled in staying at home and having NOT ONE SINGLE PLACE we HAD to BE!

There is this gorgeous tree a few miles from us where I always take Keilee’s picture every year.† It isn’t quite all the way turned but it is still glorious.

See how big it is compared to Kei?

Keilee also did so much Art Journaling this week.† I have tried to get her to do it showing her Jessica’s great stuff but she hasn’t been very interested. This week she did 3 pages and she said, “I thought it was harder than this, I thought you had to be an artist, but I love this Mom”.† She is making “Month” calendars and putting her pages in the month she did them.

Halloween day Keilee and Nomad performed a routine they had been working on all week.† They do one every Halloween.† Keilee also did some graphing and a Halloween Logic Puzzle

Halloween night we went with some of our best friends Trick or Treating.† Keilee was a Punk Mad Hatter and I was something that we never quite figured out.† We went to a few Trunk or Treats, then Brit spent the night and I took the girls out for a little longer.† It was cold, cold, cold and there were people everywhere!
Thursday, which was NOVEMBER 1st, was spent learning about Day of the Dead.†† If I had money I would take Keilee to Mexico to see this holiday up close and personel.† We have both always been a fan of Dia de los Muertos.† She did another Art Journaling page and made some skulls with clay.

This is my favorite picture of the week.† Keilee in a cotton field.† She looks like a cotton fairy.

My favorite resources this week are CK-12.† Have I already listed this? If so forgive my crazy brain. :)† They do have great resources.
My other favorite resource is a book Keilee is reading.† It is The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell” by Chris Golfer.† She is loving it.† She has made maps and NB pages and a world in Eden [app similar to Minecraft] about it.† It is suppose to be Book One is a series.† She said the coolest thing to me last night.† “There just isn’t enough hours in the day for all the amazing things I want to do Mom”.† [smiles]

This is a dialogue between Kei and I.† I adore this child and thank God for her every day.
Me:† Oh my Gosh, They are making “Mockingjay” into 2 parts!
Kei:† What!?†
Me:† Yes they do that sometimes to make more money.† Remember Harry Potter and Breaking Dawn?
Kei:† [outraged] Well they won’t get ONE DIME from us!
Me:† Well I don’t know about YOU but I will be there!
Kei:† Well…[huffy] FINE then!† We will pay with NOTHING BUT DIMES!† All dimes is what we will give them!!
Me:† Oh yeah baby,† that will show them!

Keilee and I are praying daily for the people affected by Hurricane Sandy.† So much destruction and so many lives touched.

So November starts with us very broke and very happy.† Our life is so blessed even though there are nothing but 0’s in my bank account.† Life is funny and wonderful and oh so beautiful.† Hope everyone enjoys this first weekend in November.

Homeschooling Rocks!

I LOVE this quote! It kinda sums up our week.
Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.† ~Albert Einstein

Happily linking with
Mary @ Collage Friday
Susan @ Favorite Resource
Savannah @ It’s a Wrap
iHomeschool Network @ Homeschool Mother’s Journal
Kris @ Weekly Wrap Up