Green Screen, Sick Days, Creating and More DNA

This has been a semi unproductive week.† Keilee has been sick all week.† She went to the doctor Tuesday and he said it was a viral infection.† She hasn’t felt like doing much of anything.† It is such a helpless feeling when your child is sick.† There was just nothing I could do besides snuggle with her and rub her back and make sure she had lots of liquid.

She was able to film her green screen parts before she got sick.† It was very cool.† Probably the strangest thing acting wise she has ever done.† She had to deliver her lines from 3 different angles each time.† Then step away from the green screen because it has to focus on ‘blank’ each time.† I took lots of pictures but they were all basically the same thing!† I can’t wait to see the entire movie.

We also managed to go to the Wildlife Refuge and walk Nomad.† He isn’t very well behaved.† Ok he is basically crazy and undisciplined.† But we adore him anyway.† He loves walks and loves car rides.† You should see my back windows!† GROSS.

I grabbed an app for free this week called Tracing Paper.† It is pretty cool.† You can take any photo from your photos or from the internet and ‘trace’ it.† Then you finish it up with colors and extras any way you like.† Keilee honestly spent hours and hours doing this.† I have an app called “Apps Gone Free” that I download things for free almost daily.† I believe this tracing app is originally $2.† It is a ‘Favorite Resource” this week.† Here are a few of MANY pictures she drew.

She is still fascinated with DNA.† She watched more online lectures and did some work on it.† She also downloaded a few apps by searching for “DNA” that she played with.† Seriously, I don’t see the fascination, but different strokes and all that. 🙂

She did an Art Journal page. One of her favorite things to do is find a quote or poem or song lyrics and art journal it.† This is one of MY favorite quotes too!

She also did Saxon math and watched a couple of online courses in “Introduction to Psychology” from Yale University.† Tuesday was Robert Louis Stevenson birthday.† We spent awhile reading his poems and watching other people read them on YouTube.† “Me and My Shadow” was one of our favorites!† I remember my Mother reading that to me when I was young and loving it.† Then we began watching “Treasure Island” on Netflix.

The man who directed Keilee in “To Kill a Mockingbird” passed away very unexpectedly this week.† We spent 2 1/2 hours in line at the funeral home Wednesday night and then attended his funeral on Thursday.† It was amazing how many lives he touched and what a difference he had made to so many people.† It made me start to wonder; is my life making a difference? and also considering ways I could do more.†† As we approach the holiday season there are so many hurting people.† I would like to peruse some ideas for doing more in our community.

I would also like to say thank you to everyone who has emailed me with prayers. † You do not know how much Keilee and I love to read your letters.

Merlin 4th season just came to Netflix instant.† This is one of my favorite shows ever!!† Keilee and I have already made plans to have a Merlin marathon this weekend!

Hope your weekend is great.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“So the world got compulsion schooling at the end of a state bayonet for the first time in human history; modern forced schooling started in Prussia in 1819 with a clear vision of what centralized schools could deliver:
1. Obedient soldiers to the army;
2. Obedient workers to the mines;
3. Well subordinated civil servants to government;
4. Well subordinated clerks to industry
5. Citizens who thought alike about major issues. ì† ~John Taylor Gatto

Happily linking with
Mary at Collage Friday
Susan at Favorite Resource
Savannah at It’s a Wrap

14 thoughts on “Green Screen, Sick Days, Creating and More DNA”

  1. Everyone seems to be getting sick lately! 🙁 I know what you mean about doggie breath and slobber in the car. 😉 Friend, have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. David agrees with Jessy’s comment about Boston being better than NY 🙂 He is a long time Red Sox fan, even though we live in NY state.
    I am so sorry Keilee has been sick …that really stinks! I hope that she’s lots better this weekend and the two of you enjoy your Merlin marathon (I’ve never watched Merlin before…I guess I’m missing something?)
    Love the art journal page and that Keilee is excited about DNA…your comment about “different strokes and all that” made me laugh!
    The Tracing Paper app looks cool! Thanks for linking up Karen 🙂

  3. We’ve had sickness in our house this week, too Karen. I hope Keilee gets to feeling better. I know it’s no fun. 🙁 I’m laughing about your dog — ours is pretty undisciplined, too.

    Grant is looking up Tracing Paper for me right now to download. Thanks!

  4. I hope Keilee starts feeling better soon! The green screen does look so cool though. That had to have been a strange experience.

    Her drawings from the Tracing Paper app are excellent. She is just so very talented in many ways.

    I’ll have to get some of Keilee’s DNA apps, since we are going to be studying a little bit on that topic later this school year. Neither one of us are thrilled about the prospect, but something she really should do.

    I liked the 4th season of Merlin, even though it is a little different from the other seasons. Good to know it is on Netflix now because Amber only saw a couple episodes. I recorded it on the DVR when it played on SyFy and then watched the whole season over a 3 day period. because I didn’t have time when it was actually on. I’m anxious for the 5th season now.

    Have a wonderful weekend and everyone try to be healthy.

  5. I hope you all are feeling better. Funerals are hard and really make you think. It looks like you did a lot even with the sickies slowing you all down.
    Blessings, Dawn

  6. Karen, You guys won my math essentials giveaway. Please contact me with your address so I can mail it to you.

  7. I have never seen such a beautiful sick person in my whole life. The green screen session must have been incredible! Such a very cool experience. I know what you mean about wondering if one is doing enough good in their lives. This issue has been especially pertinent to me this last couple of weeks. I certainly know that you and Kei have touched my life in such a very good way and I am grateful this Thanksgiving for you two.

  8. Wait! What’s that NY hat doing on her head? Nooooo! Not the Yankees! LOL (Boston! Boston! Not that I really watch the games…they’re just on with my DH and his family big Boston fans. LOL)

    So sorry to read that Keilee has been sick. I hope that doesn’t mean you’re next! It seems when the kids start feeling better *I* come down with it!

    I love her “happy girls are the prettiest”! How true! I told my daughter, who’s been a bit moody lately, that when she smiles and laughs she lights up a room.

    Enjoy your Merlin Marathon!

  9. Being sick is no fun! My youngest has a terrible wet cough but luckily the rest of us are okay. I hope Keilee feels better soon so she can enjoy the weekend. Thank you so much for the app idea! As a birthday gift, my husband replaced my iPad – my son dropped it on the tile floor last year! So I’m on the hunt for interesting apps and Tracing Paper is definitely one my girls would like. My oldest loves to trace Manga – they’re literally everywhere in the house! The green scenes look fascinating! I would think acting alone like that would be extremely difficult. What did Keilee think? When is the movie set to be released? Loved reading your weekly post! Many blessings to you!

  10. I hope Keilee is feeling better. It really does stink when your kids are sick and you feel so powerless.

    I had no idea about the green screen–pretty cool.

    I love how Keilee loves DNA! That is so cool!!

    I really need to get more cool apps–you inspire me to look for them and then I never make time to use them!

    Have a great weekend, my friend!

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