Theatre, Theatre, Theatre…

Kei loves plays.† She has always been a bit of a drama queen, not in a “I want it my way” kinda way but in a “over the top with her emotions” kinda way.

Her Kindergarten teacher recognized this.† She told me that I should get Kei into plays.† She said her daughter had done it and she thought Kei would love it!† She sent home a newspaper clipping for Dreamweaver’s Childrens’ Theatre auditions for “Jungle Book”.† Kei wanted to audition so I let her.

The first time she tried out she sang “Tomorrow” from Annie.† I was so nervous I thought I was going to throw up.† She wasn’t nervous in the least.† She walked up there with her 6 year old self, in front of a huge room full of strangers and sang her little heart out.† She had to read lines and she not only delivered them perfectly but she even changed a word or two because, as she told me later, it made more sense that way.

She got her first role as a bumblebee.† In this play the kids stayed on stage the entire time.† Imagine 6, 7 and 8 years olds supposedly being still for 2 hours.† Kei didn’t move a muscle when she wasn’t supposed to.† Moms would ask me “How do you make her stay so still”? and I told them, “She just knows that is what she is supposed to do”.† She loved it so much.† My star was born.

Bumble Bee

Her next play was “101 Dalmatians”.† As always she knew the entire play within a couple of weeks.† She was a chihuahua . She spoke in a Spanish accent and was adorable.


Then she did “Sleeping Beauty”.† She was a yellow rose and did a beautiful dance with other roses.

Yellow Rose

Next came “Pocahontas”.† This was a great play.† She was a raccoon and she LOVED this part.† She especially like the furry tail.


The next play was “Seussical” which we loved, loved, loved!† It was such a great story and the cast was amazing as always.† Kei was Cindy Lou Who.† She was very excited to have a ‘named’ part.

Cindy Lou Who

The last play she has done was “Wonderland”.† This was a great play also.† We had so much fun on this one.† Kei had 2 roles, a Red Pawn and a Dixie Chicken.† She also had a costume change that she had to accomplish in 1:32 and freaked me out.† She had to change leotard, tights, clothes and even a wig!† She made it every time.

Dixie Chicken
Red Pawn

This morning Kei started acting camp.† It is a week long camp at the Princess and she was so excited.† She couldn’t even sleep last night.

Camp Princess

We have an amazing theatre group.† Dedicated, hard working people who do this because they love it; not for any monetary compensation.† Unfortunately they don’t have as much support in our city as they should.† I wish people would realize what a wonderful influence theatre is on children.

Kei has blossomed in the last few years in the theatre.† She loves it.† I love it.† I love the kids she interacts with.† I love the adults.† It makes me sad that there seems to always be money for athletics but not for arts.

“All the world’s a stage” ~ Shakespeare

ìI believe that in a great city, or even in a small city or a village, a great theater is the outward and visible sign of an inward and probable culture.î ~Sir Laurence Olivier

Support your local childrens’ theatre.

Have a great week,

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