My Mommies, My Friends, My Family…

As we start our 4th year homeschooling I was thinking about friends.† Over the years I have had many friends.† High school friends, college friends, married friends, best friends, girlfriends, talk all night friends.† As a woman I feel very blessed to have great friends.† I honestly do not think men have the same kind of friendships and I feel sorry for their loss.

When we begin homeschooling I didn’t really worry about the whole ‘socialization’ thing.† Kei is hugely outgoing and makes friends wherever she goes. My best friend was in California but I knew we could still keep in touch.† I wasn’t concerned.

We joined our HSing group and I met some of the most amazing women in the world.† There is a group of 6 or 7 of us who get together usually at least once a week.† It is a group with common goals; they want the best for their children.† They have listened to me, cried with me when my Mom died, played Santa when I was laid off, brought us food, laughed and laughed, talked for hours, jumped for joy at my triumphs, lifted me up when I was way down, gone on some of the most amazing adventures, had spend the night parties with, shared ideas, recipes, advice from everything from kids to dogs, been the best friends ever!

What makes this so wonderful is that these same Moms are also my daughter’s best friends Moms.† When Kei was in PS, I was homeroom Mom.† I never got to know the Moms.† They would breeze in when we had a party to bring whatever I asked them to bring. <usually the same few moms> and breeze out.

My HS friends, hopefully, will be there until the end.† We will go through it all together.† I am so truly blessed to have these amazing women in my life.

If I had to offer advice for new HSers, it would be to find a group.† Our HS group has over 100 members.† No they aren’t all my best friends but I found the place where we belong.† You will too. Find your group, your place, your niche.† It will make this ride so much sweeter.

Be Blessed,

“I get by with a little help from my friends.”
– John Lennon

I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.
Robert Brault

2 thoughts on “My Mommies, My Friends, My Family…”

  1. This is so true to our experience. I can’t imagine our lives without our fellow HS moms (and dads).

    And by the way, I love the radiant joy that comes from every photo in Homeschool Girls. Beautiful!

  2. You are so right! It has made ALL the difference for us. Last December, I had mailed the withdrawal letter but was just waiting the two weeks until the holiday break when it would become official when I was invited to a Mom’s night. I did not know the mom who was hosting but I knew her sister-in-law (the ONLY person I knew who homeschooled) from church. It was like I found the friends I have always wanted to have! They welcomed me in, shared their personal experiences and whipped out they day planners. My first playdates were set before Lilah was officially homeschooling! These woman are my friends, my confidants, my adventure companions and are becoming like family. How lucky you are to have a group of over 100! I just joined a yahoo group for the southern part of CT and will be attending a picnic soon. But thankfully, I am very content with the group of women I now know!

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