Circles, Birthday and Coming Home…

I spent my 20ís married.† Young, broke at first, silly, thinking I knew it all but in reality knowing nothing.† We lived like young, cool, hip twenty-somethings.† Had an awesome modern cool house that everything matched down to the napkins.† Had friends galore, partying like there was no tomorrow, living for the moment, not taking time to stop and look around, not appreciating all I had.

I spent my 30ís searching.† Grasping after the elusive love that I just knew was out there.† Supporting myself, working 3 jobs at times, making ends meet.† Moved to California with a boy who I thought would complete me.† Got a job at the coolest place on earth.†† Just knew I was a California girl trapped in an Alabama girlís body.† Living for the moment, not taking time to stop and look around, not appreciating all I had.

My 40ís were rediscovery.† Changing everything I ever thought was important.† Priorities changed, I moved back home, to where I belonged all along. †What a clichÈ right?† I had to travel to the other end of the country to finally realize that here is where I should be.

I then became the best thing I have ever been; a Mommy.

I finally trust in my God to know what is best for me.† All along He had this plan.† I wonder how many times he shook his head and wondered if I would ever get it.† When I pray, I thank Him for my journey. All the ups and downs and mistakes.† †I know that without it I would not be where I am today.

I finally understand that this moment is important.† †This flower, this butterfly, this starry filled night.† Who cares if there is dust under the bed or the pillows are all on the floor ?† I take Keiís hand and we dance in the kitchen not caring that our socks are dirty when we are done.† We roll around on the bed with Nomad not caring that the dog hair is flying all around us.† We go down to the creek and slip around in slimy algae not caring that our clothes are wet and yucky.† We watch movies all day long, snuggled on the couch, and not do one other single thing.† We speak with a British accent all day and let the dishes pile up in the sink.† When Kei is grown, these are the memories I want her to cherish.

I lay outside in the hammock last night and looked up at the stars.† I wondered if 40 years ago I lay in the same place, in this same house and looked up at the same stars and wondered where my life would take me?† Never would I have believed it would come full circle.† That I would end up here, where I began.

That I would be on this amazing journey with MY child, educating her at home. ††Living a life full of laughter and love and learning and secret handshakes and dances and made up songs and hugs and kisses and sad penguin waddles and laughing until it hurts and amazing friends and a church that is so important to us and a silly yellow Lab that we adore.

Today is my Motherís birthday.† She always wanted only one thing for me; happiness.† I think she must be in Heaven, smiling down, secure in the knowledge that finally, after all the twists and turns and drama and craziness of my life; she got her wish.

Happy Birthday Mother.

Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.

~Captain Jean-Luc Picard

8 thoughts on “Circles, Birthday and Coming Home…”

  1. Oh Karen, you say it so well. And you are living well. What a beautiful tribute that, in and of itself, is to your mother. I am sure she is very happy and rejoicing to see it.

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