Plays, Boxes and Dreams…

Sometimes our weeks go by like a flash, places to be, things to do.

Sometimes our weeks are slow, like a stream winding lazily toward its destination.

Homeschooling has made me crave the slow days.† I hate having 100 places to be.† I hate having to wake up with an alarm clock and rush, rush around to get out the door.† Homeschooling has spoiled me. I think back to when Kei was in Public School.† How did I manage it?† Up at 6:30, dressed, breakfast, backpack together, hair fixed, out the door.† Looking back, what a pain that was!

This has been a slow, lazy week.

Filled with Greeks and Trojan Wars and lovely Myths. Fun Greek games online.

Felidae of all sorts; kitties and tigers and panthers and lions and jaguars, oh my.

Math with isosceles, scalene and equilateral triangles.† Questions about stocks and how she can buy one stock.† And that leads to looking up about stocks and telling her she can of course pick one and buy it with her money.

Reading about Dr. Doolittle and his amazing journeys.

We studied The Creation of Adam,† painted by Michelangelo in 1499.

We had play practices…the show is getting closer and Kei is so excited.† The last week of the show has a brutal schedule.† 9 shows in all!

Horace, Jasper and Cruella...

Practice Makes Perfect..

Kei got a craft kit for Christmas and she worked on that.

Working on Dreams...


Friday is our HS Skate Day.† The kids can bring Valentine boxes to exchange cards and there is a contest for the Most Creative box.† Kei has been hard at work on hers.† It turned out fabulous.† She calls it “Fashionista Box”

Working on the box...

Fashionista Box

Top of Kei's V box

It is supposed to snow Friday.† Not a huge blizzard like some of my blog friends but snow indeed.† Bah humbug…I am ready for Spring.

*Disclaimer: Kei does not always look like she does in these pictures, well† most of the time she does but she does clean up nicely. :)† We just don’t sweat it most days.† Clothes-check and that is about it.† Hair may brushed, depending on the day.

Happy weekend all!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
~ Mark Twain

6 thoughts on “Plays, Boxes and Dreams…”

  1. I so love the slow days, too. I love the days where you can do anything, fill the space with all the meanderings you want. And I wish I could see Kei’s play!! I love her fashionista box and the things you guys do together. Love the image of the stream winding alongÖ Ah. Thank you, Karen.
    (And I do so love the quotes at the ends of your posts. I know I’ve said it before, but they are just wonderful, always perfect)

  2. My girl adores the Ancient Greeks. Have you two read the ‘Percy Jackson’ series by Rick riordan?

  3. Here is a link to a Greek root word game that I found. It may be a little basic for Kei, I’m not sure. We haven’t played it yet, but it looks interesting. I wanted to give Allie & Piper an idea about how many words are formed from Greek roots.

  4. I am so with you! I can not stand to rush around. I feel like I can’t accomplish anything! I have decided that we can do afternoon activities but we need morning for lessons. I just can’t do activities and then come home and do doesn’t work for me. I am more of a slow and easy gal, too.

    I LOVE that Dream sign and I LOVE Kei’s hat!!!

    We are doing Greeks too!!! I just emailed you…because I didn’t realize you were just doing them too! haha!! So you can disregard the email…I am going to go check out those games!

  5. The one and only good thing about the weather here has been that it forces us to slow down. Lessons get cancelled. Grace is desperately missing her piano teacher. Lilah is still waiting for a pottery class to begin! But I enjoy the slow time, the lazy lessons as the table and reading by the fire with the dogs. I like knowing I don’t have to go anywhere. For a few days anyway. Then I start craving my friends and their wonderful children and I need to burst out of this house. Yup. I am ready for a playdate. Road trip??

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