The Good, the Bad & the Glorious…

In some ways this has been a really bad weekÖ

Living in my Daddyís house comes with no rent but, at times a whole lot of strings.

The strings got very tangled this week.

That being said; as I try to live this simpler life there were many blessings to count.

A best friend since Kindergarten having an unexpected mid week break and spending the night with Kei.

A moon, big and orange suspended in a sky

A girl who especially loved Math this week and learned things that ìIî didnít know at the beginning of the week.

4 chapters read, without much complaining in her book.

Videos about Nazca drawings [which lead to fascinating hypotheses] †and Olmecs and apes and chimps and something very freaky called a marmoset.

Time spent on our cleaned up patio.

This site We are new fans of 9puz!† Great games.

This video which is the latest youtube craze which lead to investigating exactly what was up with it, why it has over 47 million views and discussions about bullying and cyber-bullying.

The sun, glorious and orange, setting and making everything it touches bathed in a golden glow.

Amazing poems written by my girl.† She wrote these for a Webkinz contest that the subject was “Poems about Colors”

When I think of blue I think of:
The blue spring sky with light mist in the air,
the soft clouds in the foggy sky,
the pretty blue flowers tickling my bare feet,
the blue birds cutting through the clouds,
the little blue dress mom is wearing with pink and yellow pockets,
when I think of blue
I think of the delightful blue stream right next to our house with fish swimming
living their lives peacefully and happily.

When I think of yellow I think of:
The yellow sun rising on a cool spring day,
my blond little puppy running through a field of buttercups,
my old yellow rain boots who miss the days of playing in the rain,
My toast cutting through the yolk of my egg and seeing the yummy yellow goo running down my plate,
When I think of yellow
I think of I think of a yellow canary singing a song to give bliss to all that hear.

When I think of purple I think of:
When me and mom played tea party and I would always wear the purple dress,
the little purple hat mom made for me when I was a baby,
a field of gorgeous purple flowers that danced in the wind,
A little me on Christmas morning looking under the tree to see gifts wrapped in purple wrapping and smiling at them.
When I think or purple
I think of me and mommy sitting in front of the fireplace with a purple-patched quilt wrapped in around us on a cold winterís day.


SoÖit wasnít the greatest week in one way but in so many othersÖit was amazing.

Happy weekend,


ìBad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss.î ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson †(American Poet, Lecturer and Essayist, 1803-1882)

4 thoughts on “The Good, the Bad & the Glorious…”

  1. I am so sorry it was a hard week. I know all about strings. I adore my mom, but there are different strings for my brother and I and it is frustrating.

    I loved Kei’s poem. Yay for her math and her book!!

    That moon was awesome!!

    I hope next week is better, my sweet friend!

  2. ((((BIG HUGS)))) Every crappy day has within it a wonderful lesson, NOT always easy to see but reflect and you will find it. Hope this week is much sunnier for you lovely! Hugs and smoochies xoxoxox

    Oh and those poems are beautiful!

  3. Hope things smooth out.

    I wanted to comment on your bullying post but did not know what to say.
    It’s not a pretty picture of our society that hurting other people is just a given…


  4. Ah, Karen. I’m so sorry it’s been a hard week for you. I am sending you hugs and smiles and maybe you’d like some ocean too, the bluest? I’m sending it all, wrapped up in warm energy, across the sea to you.

    And yet you post so much Good here. Good and fun and beautiful. You have found it, somewhere in your week and loved it up and shown it here. That’s incredible.

    I LOVED, really loved, Kei’s poem. I am also working on some kind of reply to her sweet question about Australian animals (tell her I haven’t forgotten!). You guys are so great. I am simply glad I know you.

    I hope this coming week is better. You’re amazing. You even found a quote to fit this post. Amazing!

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