Slow down, you move too fast….

My sweet girl will be going into 6th grade in August. This beautiful child who has shown me that being a Mommy is the best thing in the entire world and who has taught me more in 11 years than I have learned my whole life, would be going into middle school if she was in Public School. I thank God daily that she is not.

Middle school youth are engaging in sexual intercourse as early as age 12, according to a study by researchers at The University of Texas School of Public Health.

Almost 20% of 14-year-olds say they’ve been drunk at least once, according to a U.S. Surgeon General report, and one-fourth of 8th graders have reported being drunk, according to the Monitoring the Future Survey. Another study, by RAND Health, found that three-quarters of 7th graders had used alcohol.

Nearly one in five 7th graders and 15 percent of kids in 6th grade are having sexual intercourse.

One in five (19.9%) students reported being bullied on school property during the past year.

The most common reasons youth receive mental health services are feeling depressed (50%), problems at home/family (28.8%), breaking rules or ìacting outî (25.1%), and suicidal thoughts or attempts (20.2%).

The Adolescent Substance Abuse Knowledge Base reports that right around 30% of teens are offered drugs in middle school and high school.

The Kaiser Foundation reports that about 50% of teenagers feel pressured with regard to sex in relationships.

Thirty percent (30%) of U.S. students in grades six through ten are involved in moderate or frequent bullying ó as bullies, as victims, or as both ó according to the results of the first national survey on this subject.

1 out of 4 kids are Bullied.† The American Justice Department says that this month 1 out of every 4 kids will be abused by another youth.

Surveys Show That† 77%† of students are bullied mentally, verbally, & physically.

100,000 students carry a gun to school.

Playground statistics – Every 7 minutes a child is bullied. Adult intervention – 4%. Peer intervention – 11%. No intervention – 85%.



As for us, we have NO time for such thingsÖ

There is:

Science to learn

History to explore

Doggies to play with

Fairy houses to build

Dandelions to blow

Rain to dance in

Ice cream to be bought

Silly faces to make

Fireflies to catch

Songs to be sung

Books to read

Chocolate to eat

Swimming to be done

Picnics to be taken

Walks to take

Birthdays to celebrate

Playgrounds to play on

Stories to write

Pretending to be done

Country roads to travel down

Woods to explore

Dreams to dream

Recipes to make

Giggles to be giggled

Tire swings to be swung on

Dances to be danced

Knitting to be done

Art to be drawn

Snow People to make

Friends to hug

Gardens to be gardened

Best friends to whisper to

Plays to be performed in

Cartwheels to be turned

Prayers to be prayed


Pictures to be taken

Frogs to catch

Places to explore

Volunteering to be done

Games to play

Trees to climb

Flowers to be smelled

Dressing up to do

Swinging to be swung

Webkinz to play with

Clay to be molded

Experiments to make

Sewing to be sewn

Clover crowns to make

And so very much more…

Every day I thank God that I am able to homeschool Kei. As a single Mom it is hard at times, but with Godís grace we are able do this wonderful thing.† We try to never forget to count our blessings.


I guess when it comes down to it
Being grown up isn’t half as fun as growing up
These are the best days of our lives
The only thing that matters is just following your heart
And eventually you’ll finally get it right.- The Ataris

Too many of today’s children have straight teeth and crooked morals.† ~Unknown high school principal



15 thoughts on “Slow down, you move too fast….”

  1. totally awesome! I was inspired. My DD will be in 7th grade this fall and the stats you provided are exactly why I chose to HS.

  2. Karen, this is so lovely. I have been carrying these images of Kei around for days. I love how there are quite a few from when she was youngeróso you can see how, in the past and now, there’s still, and ALWAYS the same, glorious smile!

    You can tell Kei is becoming exactly and beautifully herself, without all the Stuff and the Statistics that mess with simply Being. I am so glad you are homeschooling, so glad I am homeschooling, so glad we have this choice and can seize all the opportunities that come with it with both hands!

    I’ve been happily thinking all these thoughts, so glad to share your energy, then today I thought, ‘I DID comment, didn’t I?’Ö ‘Of course I did!’ I thought. ThenÖ’Hmmm. Maybe I should check.’ And no, I didn’t! And that’s not right at all! Because I come here always and often and I just love your words, your thoughts, the quotes you find, and the photos you share, Karen. They lift me right up. Thank you, so much, for all of it, and all of you.

    I will try to not Blip, comment-wise, again, dear friend! 🙂

  3. The love is obvious. I am particularly fond of the dreaming and the artwork. Savor these sweet & innocent days. Thank you for sharing. (I came over from WeTeach as well.) Keep up the amazing work.

  4. I’ve come to visit you from weteach. You could totally make a poem out of the words from your post. Beautiful! What an encouraging post. I’ve only been homeschooling for a year, but it’s been WAY more challenging than teaching in the public school setting…but look at the pay offs!

  5. So thankful that our daughters won’t (Lord willing) be in that first box and your pictures and thoughts inspire me to continue this homeschooling journey even though it is challenging at times. Love you sweet friend!!

  6. Great post! My oldest daughter is now 17 and will be a senior next year and my baby girl is turning 13 in few weeks. Enjoy every moment of it because it goes to quickly. Visiting from the Hip Homeschool Hop.

  7. Wow! I found your blog from the Hip Homeschool Mom’s blog hop, and I was so incredibly blessed by it!! My daughter is only a year behind yours. The statistics terrify me, and I thank God every day that He led us to homeschooling. This post is an amazing example of what childhood SHOULD be, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful daughter’s life with us!

  8. What a beautiful post… and a beautiful daughter! Stopping by from the HHHop. Looks like you’re doing a great job with her… such fun!

  9. Oh my! That first bit had me concerned and then you went ahead and cheered me right up! Beautiful pictures! Hugs xoxox

  10. Absolutely beautiful! The statistics are terrifying. You can be proud of raising such a lovely daughter who’s flourishing as she’s exposed to some wonderful values! Well done! So happy to be visiting from Hip Homeschool Hop.

  11. I love this post!

    Look at you, sexy mama!!!

    That swing looks like a place I would love to hang out!!

    Those statistics in the beginning are astonishing, but I have to say, Allie had ps friends sleep over back in NOVEMBER and all the talk was about who was dating who, who had gone to first base, second base…this was the BEGINNING of fifth grade!!!! So scary!!

  12. Oh, I love this post. You knew I would. You are so, so right. Your beautiful, beautiful young lady has the most wonderful childhood. Most wonderful life. A life that all children should have. I love all the amazing things you have listed and the photos to go with them. I feel blessed having known you two, even if it is just through the blogosphere. I happily await seeing what new adventures you will have.

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