Parties, Space Camp, Pierced Ears and BREAKING DAWN!

The Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this weekÖ Birthday parties, more birthday parties, last day of Space Camp, amazing life group with such wonderful God women, friends, BREAKING DAWN!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to shareÖchillax.† That is my best advice.† Stress gets you nowhere fast.† Life is a journeyÖhomeschooling is a journey.† In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson [and Aerosmith] ìLife is a journey, not a destination.î

I am inspired byÖ my child.† Who makes me happy, makes me smile more, teaches me something every day and loves life in a way I wish everyone could.

My Girl

Places weíre going and people weíre seeingÖfriends and friends and friends.† What would we do without them?

My favorite thing this week wasÖ sorry, canít pick just one.† Too many wonderful things this week.† Highlights were Makalaís great Art Party [More on that later!], Jakeís 16th !!!! birthday party and Breaking Dawn with Gina, Britney and Cody.† Midnight showing yaíll.† Our kids were the youngest ones there.† Bad homeschool Moms!† It really was so well done.† I had no problem letting Kei watch it.† I love that Bella was a virgin when she married Edward.

Homeschool Kids
Still Can 'Do' Silly...
Mothers and Daughters

Kei’s Favorite Thing This Week…..PIERCED ears!† Kei had her ears pierced when she was younger but the earring split her ear and fell out in my hand while I was brushing her hair.† I freaked!† I have made her wait until 1.† the ear split closed up and 2.† she wasn’t allergic to metal any longer.†† That happened so off we went.

Preparing Herself

Whatís working for usÖPet Shop Business Math.† Loving it! LOVING IT!† Kei does it at night she likes it so much.† I have meant to buy this for over a year and finally did.† I think it teaches such great skills.

Questions/thoughts I haveÖAs Kei gets older, I worry that I wonít be able to fulfill all her needs.† I know that a lot of you out there have similar doubts and I hope that by sharing information between us all, we will muddle through.

Things Iím working onÖ After making “THE LIST” actually ACCOMPLISHING all some at least one things on it!

Iím cookingÖ chicken and wild rice in the crock pot.† I just love throwing things in a crock pot.† There is a sense of accomplishment to have dinner ready at 10:00 am!† Anyone have any amazing recipes?

Iím grateful forÖthat I had the money to send Kei to Space and Rocket Aviation Camp.† Her last class was Thursday and she was very nervous about riding the G Force Accelerator and the Space Shot.† She did them both easy peasy.† She was nervous because she gets car sick and was afraid she would get sick on the rides.† She didn’t.

These are NOT my pictures.† They wouldn’t let the Mom’s come and watch.† AS IF!

G Force and Space Shot

Iím praying forÖ Ava Campbell.† Her parents, Erica and Mike go to our church.† Erica is the kind of person that lights up a room.† She emits love and smiles and has such a huge heart.† Kei and I are both madly in love with her and her beautiful girls.† She has a 2nd grader Hannah Grace and the most beautiful baby Ava who will be 2 next month.† Thursday their lives were forever changed when Ava was diagnosed with leukemia.† Please pray if you pray for this child and this family.† Here is Erica and her sweet Ava.

Erica and Ava

A photo, video, link, or quote to shareÖ If you would like to follow along on Avaís progress here is her facebook page.† I have a feeling that this story may change your life.

Hope this week brings you love and joy and thankfulness.† I can’t wait to read about all of ya’lls Thanksgivings!† Enjoy each other, love each other, HUG each other.

Homeschooling Rocks!


We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.
Virginia Satir

I will not play at tug o’ war.
I’d rather play at hug o’ war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.
Shel Silverstein


11 thoughts on “Parties, Space Camp, Pierced Ears and BREAKING DAWN!”

  1. What an awesome week you and your daughter had! It was definitely packed full of special events. I love those moments I am able to spend with my daughter as well. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I am so sorry to hear about that little girl being diagnosed with leukemia 🙁 I will keep her in my prayers.

    When we took A to get her ears pierced, she chickened out and then we ended up deciding to have P’s ears done instead (because we paid for the earrings and they would not give our money back). As soon as P had it done…A was ready! So they both got their ears pierced!

    I LOVE my crock pot! I work til 5:30 and the girls have choir until 6:15 on Tuesdays and they have art until 6:30 on Wednesdays, so we use it at least one of those nights!

  3. I remember getting my own ears done the first time, I was so excited I was nauseous! lol It’s fun watch them grow, but boy does it go fast! Thank you for stopping by my page!

  4. What an awesome week…as usual! Y’all are always having fun, but Space Camp?!?! How amazing is that?!?!

    My girls are free to get ears pierced now. I think they are old enough for it, but no one is taking me up on it yet. They are both too chicken:) I was too at that age…I was a little older before I got the nerve to do it.

    Praying for precious Ava and her family right now!!!

  5. I like Eileen’s advice. I have never actually written a list of my girls’ needs. I just assumed I knew what they were. I wonder if they would write their own list of needs……..

    So jealous about Breaking Dawn. I have to wait a month to see it. I promised my friend I would wait for her to visit from Chicago at Christmas. We have seen every movie together so far.

  6. Make a list of Kei’s needs for your family to analyze if you will be able to fulfill the important ones. It may be that her needs will be best met in your family environment. It takes a lot of discipline to get used to a rigid schedule by going to school. It also takes a strong Faith to walk away from peers who try to persuade others to do the wrong things. What subjects can you utilize to enhance a good work ethic in her, and Faith needs to be a priority. Make a list of important virtues and determine any that you need to work on. I know the Duggar family has a list of virtues – they must have a website. Don’t let doubts get you down. Just trying to help you “muddle through.”

  7. I so love hearing about your weeks. Is she getting pretty each week? Each week her photos take my breath away! So many lovely things you guys have been up to this week. That space camp seems so cool. I went to the FB link and signed up. Will be praying.

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