Little Girls..

Kei & Livvy in Kindergarten
Kei & Livvy in Kindergarten

Do you remember how it feels to be a kid?† A little girl with your best friend spending the night and limitless possibilities.† I think adults forget that feeling.† I think the world would be a happier place if more of us remembered.

Kei had Livvy spend the night last night.† They have been friends since Kindergarten.† Both were PSed for K-1st.† I pulled Kei out and about a month later so did Laura.

First they shot videos.† Livvy as Betsy Ross, complete with a telephone!


Kei as …..something. 🙂


Then Livvy as Juliet.


Then playing Barbies in my room because Kei’s room was messy!


Then the required play that Kei has to put on no matter where she is!


Ahhh to be 9 and have no worries in the world besides what to play next.

Bestest Friends
Swinging In PJ's Before Breakfast

Happy Weekend,


One thought on “Little Girls..”

  1. i remember back when i was in Kindergarten it was kinda like thos
    to girls bast days of my life i had a friend just like her’s we did
    every thing together i weant to all his b~day he went to all mine.
    we still hang every day!!! well i just sen this and thought i would comment.

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