Rats, Roamies, and Robin Hood…

I really wanted the week after Show Week to slow down for us, but no such luck!

Keilee tried out for another play and had her first cast meeting.† It is ìRobin Hood~ The Musicalî and I think it will be really good.† She got the role of the Sheriff of Nottinghamís wife, a social climbing woman who wants desperately to find her place in society and get her awkward, silly daughter married.† It should be a really cute play.† I just wish there would have been, I donít know, more than ONE day between shows!

Kei studying about stars.

Kei and her cool tennis shoes before church started.

Kei, Sophie and Mags at Robin Hood practice.

We are still on our ëunschoolingí journey and I have already had one HS Mom say ìoh no, unschooling is awfulî.† I just smiledÖdifferent strokes and all of that.† Keilee became fascinated with stars, galaxies and solar systems because of a class she was going to take on Wednesday.† She spent hours researching and told me tons of things I didnít know.† Then they had to cancel the class because they didnít have 5 students sign up.† It all worked out though; I talked to the instructor and she sent me the lesson plan she was going to do and Keilee signed up for another BETTER [to her at least] class.

They dissected an owl pellet and a R.A.T† A GIANT Rat.† Better her than I!† When I asked her why she didn’t take pictures of the dissected rat she said there was so much blood she couldn’t pick up her camera!† She touched the heart too.† I mean she is 12 and has done so much dissection.† We are so lucky to have access to these classes.

1.†† Rat jaw found in Owl Pellet…see the teeth?

2.†† THE GIANT RAT [Kei’s finger!]

3.†† Everything found in the owl pellet.

4.†† Some bones and things from pellet

5.† The Owl pellet in half.

6.† The RAT in the bag.

One thing that Keilee spent a lot of time on is Khan Academy.† It is a GREAT RESOURCE for Math and so much more.† We always watch the videos and then work some problems.† She is doing Pre Algebra and really liking it.† He explains things so wonderfully!† It isn’t just for upper level Math.† He starts at the basics.† They is an iPad app too!† It is my favorite resource this week.

2 years ago Keilee took summer classes at our theater offered by Bethel University.† She fell in love with the college kids teaching the classes and decided that is where she wants to go to college.† They have an amazing Fine Arts program.† She even met the director of the Fine Arts program when she was 10 and said, “My name is Keilee and you should remember me because I am going to your school’.† Well they put on a performance Tuesday and we went.† The director was there and walked up and said, “Hi Keilee!”.† He then told some students what she had told him.† She was so excited that he had remembered her.† The did skits and songs from several plays including Wicked, but the one Kei liked best was from “Anne Frank”† These pictures are from her iPhone.

Thursday we spent the day with our Roamies!† Esther had made tuna salad and egg salad and everyone brought yummy things.

These are the only pictures I took.† The top one is the only one with all 4 girls.† [See Keilee in the mirror ;)]† We had a great day.† It was beautiful weather.

Kei has been doing so much art lately.† She has this really big Art Pad and she has been ‘arting’ like crazy.† 🙂

Kei’s Owl

This is a song she decided to do.† It is by Kelly Clarkson.† I told her it wasn’t a very ‘happy’ song but she likes it.† She found the Victorian girl and printed it out to put in the center.† I love the way it turned out.

This is a collage of everything she loves.† Hopefully in no particular order since Johnny Depp is above MOM!

We spent all day today at The Botanical Gardens but between us we took 250 pictures so that is another post for another day.

Happily linking with Mary @ “Collage Friday


Susan @ “Favorite Resources

I hope all of you have a FANTASTIC Mother’s Day!

Homeschooling Rocks!

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.† ~Tenneva Jordan

Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is! ~Anne Frank

If the stars should appear but one night every thousand years how man would marvel and stare.† ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

16 thoughts on “Rats, Roamies, and Robin Hood…”

  1. While I think dissecting is really cool – one of my favorite school science memories is dissecting a fetal pig – Davan wouldn’t be able to get herself to do it. She’s too soft hearted and, when it comes to rats, had a beloved pet rat for a couple years.

    Sounds like a great week! I hope you’re able to get some downtime in eventually, though!

  2. Her art is spectacular. I love that she took modern words and set them against a victorian image. Very mature insight. BTW…I love your Pinterest Page. I have found many ideas for my class from your pins. Keep Pinning!

  3. Lovely blog! and what a HUGE rat to dissect!!! my goodness! My girls wouldn’t be able to dissect one though, esp my youngest, coz she loves rats too much.

  4. Love the art journal pages!

    We just studied Robin Hood–I am not a fan of the Sheriff of Nottingham’s wife, but I do like Kei and I am sure she will do a great job!

  5. New reader and unschooler here. Loving your posts. My daughter is also passionate about drama/theatre and art. Last semester we performed Robin Hood and Grace played the sherriff’s daughter. This semester we are performing a musical of The Jungle Book and she will beBagheera. Looking forward to much more posts on your progress with unschooling.

  6. Love your unschooling week!

    Do not love the comment from the less than tactful mother about homeschooling!

    That’s when I would smile sweetly and say, “That’s why homeschooling is awesome. We are each free to choose what works for our family…and unschooling works for us!”

    I’m sure you handled it well, Karen;) And look at this amazing week!! So many positive, beautiful learning experiences (except the rat…that’s just gross!) Jk- it’s awesome for Kei to be so interested in science and math.

  7. Rat? Bleck. LOL I’m SO not looking forward to dissection next year with the oldest’s Biology. Neither is he so we have to both be BRAVE and just do it! 😉

    Your daughter is such a creative young lady!

    I enjoy reading your posts about her unschooling. It’s very interesting (and appealing)! I’m such a traditionalist that it’s hard for me to SEE unschooling even though I would describe our summer as “unschooling” AND I see how well it works for families! I think you have to be able to “let go” controlling how school is for unschooling and that’s a huge step!

  8. What a week! Um, no thank you to the dissections. I did *one* in high school- that was enough for me- for life. Shudder.
    Love all her art you’ve shared 🙂 Perhaps what’s closer to the center is closer to her heart, eh? That way, Mom is definitely ‘above’ Johnny Depp! 😉
    Hopping over from Collage Friday. Have a great weekend 🙂

  9. OK, that rat is gross! Good for Keilee, though…so many fantastic opportunities!
    Wow, another play already, huh! You are an amazing mama to just go along with the flow of it all 🙂
    Unschooling awful? Sometimes it’s so hard to figure out how to respond, besides just to smile, like you did.
    Love the artwork!!
    I am totally with you, Khan Academy is awesome!! We’ve turned to it many times for explanations.

  10. How could unschooling ever be awful with a young lady with so many passions who is never bored? Egads! 🙂 I adore Kei’s owl, by the way.

  11. Wow, those rat pictures are just as gross as the ones I posted of the frog and fetal pig, lol! 🙂 Isn’t it wonderful that our children are having such opportunities at their ages? You’re right, my friend, homeschooling does rock! 🙂

    My 12 year old son has been watching Khan Academy videos, too! He loves them and really understands how they are explained/presented.

    Congratulations to Kei on her role in Robin Hood! I wish we lived nearby! We’d love to come see her in the play. 🙂

    I hope you have a great weekend and a wonderful Mother’s Day! Many blessings, friend! Lisa

  12. I love the variety of things you guys do! “Unschooling is awful”, eh? I bet her kids don’t do half the things you and Kei do. Kei is an unforgettable person; I am not surprised he remembered her. Your weeks always put a smile on my face.

  13. Ok — the dissection is wonderfully gross. I really need to get Anna involved in some classes like this because she loves blood and guts!

    We love Robin Hood — just spent about a month on the book and unit study, so I bet the play will be lots of fun. Have Keilee watch the Robin Hood series put out by the BBC on Netflix. We have been enjoying that.

    You’re such a good unschooling mom. And you are right: different strokes for different folks!

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