Rooms, Rain and Recordings….

We stuck close to home this week.† That’s what having no income will do for you.† But we had a blast and got so much done.

Keilee rearranged her entire room.† Before she began she got a tape measure and measured every piece of furniture including her bed and drew them to scale on a piece of poster paper.† I actually liked the way she did it so I gave her the go ahead.† Her bed is HUGE.† It is a full size loft bed that my Daddy made her when she was 5 so I knew she would need help moving that.† We enlisted my nephew Seth and they moved for 3 hours.† She refuses to actually sleep on the ‘loft’ part because then Nomad can’t sleep with her so that is her storage for her 167 Webkinz!!!!

Some of her jewelry.† Her signed Johnny Depp picture [My boss worked on Alice in Wonderland!], her masks, her hat rack and her window and bean bag.

Some of her Headshots and photos from plays and Newspaper articles.† Also her crammed packed bulletin board.† I had poster of boys, she has play posters!

Her bed with the mattress under the loft because….

The actual loft is full of WEBKINZ!!!

It finally rained this week.† We have had at least 6 weeks of no rain.† I know most of the country is as rain starved as us.† I hope you all got some rain this week.† Kei was so excited she put her bathing suit on and ran to play in it!† She has always played in the rain.† She also found a frog and tried to put it so it wouldn’t drown!

We also had a photo shoot this week.† I am no expert when it comes to my camera.† I just basically play around with the settings and take pictures.† I tell Keilee when I take 20 pictures of the same thing, one of them is bound to turn out.† Of course I think she is the perfect subject!

Kei has been playing almost non-stop with the Video Star app.† Check it out.† She has made tons of videos and they are actually really cute.† Here is one of them.

My favorite resource is EReader Today on Facebook or their Webpage .† They have at least 15-20 FREE books a day.† There isn’t a day when I haven’t gotten at least one.† Now I am not sure how great they all are but there are lots of children’s books and cookbooks and so much more.†† Check them out!

And there is our week.† Lots of moving stuff around and lots of ‘Arts’.† We have a really busy week next week full of new adventures!

We are both ready to ‘start’ back full time on our learning adventures and I have been busy planning our upcoming year.† We are both so very excited.

Happy weekend
Homeschooling Rocks

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.” ~Author Unknown

Happily linking up with Mary at “Collage Friday


Susan at “Favorite Resources

8 thoughts on “Rooms, Rain and Recordings….”

  1. Love your photos… as always! And, I LOVED the video of Keilee. I’ll have to share that with my daughter… I know she’d have many hours of fun with that!

    Thanks again for your comment on the Monet’s garden photos. It was unbelievable that we were standing there! I LOVE to travel… just for that reason! To actually BE in the places that you’ve read about/seen. We’re so blessed to be able to travel as much as we do. But, I also love looking at how you & Kei make so many amazing memories without traveling very far! There’s so much out there to do & experience!

  2. Awww so cute! I know what it’s like to go nowhere and do nothing because you’re broke! Love the room, so teenage girly!

  3. I love Keilee’s room! She is indeed a beautiful photo subject. 🙂 I have never seen that many Webkinz, not even in a store, lol! That is one awesome collection. And, you are so right– there is something inherently wonderful about dancing in the rain. Have a great weekend! Can’t wait to hear what is in store for you two this coming week. Many blessings, friend! Lisa 🙂

  4. Love the quote you shared and that you and Kei illustrate it so perfectly! Also love your week at home and Kei’s cheerful bedroom:)

    Abby and Molly are having me look up that Video Star app right now! They really want it after watching Kei’s video:)

  5. She is a most wonderful subject for a photo shoot for sure! I love the rain pics, too!
    (Did you say, “no income”? Are you guys okay?) Staying close to home can have it’s advantages, too.

  6. I have to show Allie and piper that video star app..I think it is right up their alley.

    Gosh- 167 webkinz! Wow,

    Love the rain pics. Kei is beautiful, as always

  7. Looks like a wonderful week, especially because you stayed close to home! Those are my FAVORITE kinds of weeks 🙂
    The photos of Keilee are gorgeous, of course!
    Love the room re-do…and all of those Webkinz…wow!
    I am checking out EReader next. Thanks for linking up. Happy weekend to you both <3

  8. That video is awesome, Karen…. what a beauty you have…. and you really ought to get her some Webkinz, ok??

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