Videos, Movie Stars and Bunnies…

I see people posting all the time about all the amazing things they do in their homeschooling weeks.  I seem to not post so  much about that.  Our weeks seem so busy that I fill up my posts with pictures of things we have done.

This week was busy.  Keilee had a dentist appointment, we had to do our once monthly grocery shopping [well I do buy groceries other times but once a month I buy ‘BIG’ groceries], we had Co-op, a friend came and spent the day with Keilee and more.

We spent a few hours in the closet.  Spring in Alabama means Tornadoes.  I have lived most of my life here, tornadoes have never bothered me.  Until April 27, 2011.  The day that forever changed the way I, and so many other Alabamians look at tornadoes.  Now they make me a bit nervous.  After a couple of hours all the bad weather passed.

2013 April5

1.  Best friends at Co-op.  Keilee and I both love this group of girls so much.
2. Keeping up with the weather via iPad.  In the closet.
3. I ordered Keilee Snap Circuits after reading all the great reviews from all of you. She LOVES them.
4. Giving Nomad a hug after the tornadoes had passed.  We were all 3 in a small hall closet.

Our neighbor had a man mowing her yard and THIS flew out of the blower.  Keilee took it and put it in a box with grass.  He seemed fine, just scared to death.  She then called her Vet office and they told her to put it in the yard and see if it hopped off.  She had to do a photo shoot with it first.  And of course she wanted to keep it.

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The trailer for Space Warriors came out this week!  This is the movie that Keilee was in as an extra all last summer.  SHE was IN THE TRAILER!  We were so excited.  She is at about .06 seconds and .13 seconds.  This is a scene at the welcoming ceremony at Space Camp.  If you pause it at .13 you can see Josh Lucas speaking and BooBoo Stewart and Thomas Horn.  Keilee is in the blue shirt on the left next to the girl with the red shirt.  The first thing is a picture I took of the video when you can see her.

Space Warriors

Here is the trailer.

Also “Little Josephine” premieres next Thursday.  This is a short film that will be shown in film festivals worldwide.  Keilee plays Amaya, the fairy.

2013 April6

The funny thing about these 2 events is that the premieres are on THE SAME DAY!  April 25th.  Keilee said, “Oh my gosh I have been in 2 movies my entire life and they both premiere on the same day”.  We can see Space Warriors in the theater though.  So we will be walking the red carpet for “Little Josephine” [Just kidding, no red carpet will be there, I don’t think]

Wednesday we spent the day at a local park for Keilee to film her video for “7 Cool Homeschoolers”.  She had planned it all out the night before.  She took the lyrics and wrote exactly where she wanted to film each part and different things she wanted to do.  She is VERY good at this sort of thing.  Her friend Kayla was over and went with us.  We both felt like Production Assistants dragging Keilee’s things around.  Because of course she changed clothes…and boots! 🙂

2013 April7

This week was “Music Video”.  She actually had a hard time finding a popular song she liked with no ‘bad’ words and no suggestive lyrics. Sad… Here is her video.

Favorite Photo of the Week:
We went on a Wildflower walk.  Keilee didn’t even want me to take her picture [“I look awful, my hair, blah blah] and I LOVED this one.

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Favorite Homeschool Things:

  • Snap Circuits  This is the kit I got.  There are several to choose from.
  • Kno books [I had a coupon for $10 and used it to get “Ecology” for the iPad.] These are VERY interactive books that you can even write in.  You actually ‘rent’ the books for 12 months.  The one we got was $12.99 and with the coupon I only paid $2.99 for it. So far Keilee is LOVING this!
  • Ecology Crash Course
  • Keilee made a Paper Dragon.  This didn’t turn out exactly like it was supposed to.  She is going to try it again.  We got this from Homeschooling Ideas.  If you haven’t signed up for this newsletter DO IT NOW.  Julie has AWESOME stuff here!!!!
  • She spent an hour or so on ICivics.  I had seen this on Theresa’s site! Thanks Theresa.
  • Lots of Khan Academy Algebra.  She uses the iPad app for this.  We have used Khan for YEARS.  I love it.  I just adore Salman Khan. He rocks. 🙂
  • SAT daily app.  Keilee really, really likes this for some reason.  She has always had a very good vocabulary but she has started using these new words in every day conversation.
  • She has been asking for Standardized tests!  She has been doing page after page of these.  More on this in a later post.
  • Reading “Roanoke” on iPad.  This was a free Kindle book one day and I grabbed it for her.  She has been fascinated by the story of Roanoke since she was about 8.
  • Math Apprentice  This is another site I found through who?? I can’t remember! ACK.  All I know is that all these shared resources between HS Moms are the best.
  • She is reading all the Animal books she can get her hands on.  I grab these for FREE on Free Homeschool Deals.  It is also a newsletter you sign up for.  I have gotten TONS AND TONS of Kindle books here.  The Animal books are a lower level but she still gets information from them.  Thanks Jamerill!!!

So there is a look inside the life of these 2 Homeschool Girls.  I am sitting here writing this and Keilee is at her intership.  I have the TV on and am listening to the search for one of the bombers of the Boston Marathon.  They break in with information about the number of deaths in the Texas explosion.  This has been a hard week for the United States.  Please pray for everyone affected by these horrific tragedies.

Have a lovely weekend,
Homeschoooling Rocks,

“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” ~Leo Buscaglia

Happily linking up with
Mary at “Collage Friday

16 thoughts on “Videos, Movie Stars and Bunnies…”

  1. Well, I think your weeks are always filled with all sorts of amazing things!!
    I am so glad you all are safe, and hopefully there won’t be any more scares!
    Love the baby bunny 🙂

  2. I love your posts, Karen!
    Oh, to have two movie premieres on the same day! I can’t imagine the excitement!
    We don’t usually got to the movie theater, but I would love to take the girls to see Space Camp.
    The song that Keilee chose is one of our favorites:) Great job on the video!
    I’m glad y’all are fine. Spring is tornado season here too, and it can be scary.
    Love the baby bunny…Molly would have wanted to keep it. Glad you were able to help the poor thing:)
    Have a great week!

  3. Your weeks seem to be full of amazing things, especially of the creative variety! I would be envious, except I’ve realised Miss 12 isn’t creative – at least in the way that Keilee is. And our weeks have lots of good stuff too (albeit not as cool as film premiers)- just different sorts of things. I love your photos too – but I’m hopeless at taking photos and dh has privacy concerns so I’m limited to a few non-identifying shots.

  4. I’m so glad you stayed safe. I looked at your April 2011 post – I can’t imagine what that time must have been like. Makes me appreciate that rain and cold is about as bad as the weather gets here in England!
    Love Keilee’s music video. And two film premiers scheduled for the same day – wow! 😀

  5. Karen, I love whatever you post and I’m thrilled the way you do it – with images! I never lived in an area with such severe weather until I moved to the SE. I’m so thankful for our basement. In another house, our closets got a bit crammed with little bodies huddling together 🙂 The bunny reminds me of the nest we accidentally stirred up last year when our deck was being built. In fact, my daughter mentioned it the other day. We thought we did the right thing by putting them as close to the original nest…then the workmen took them, crushing my daughter’s heart!

  6. I think your weeks are amazing! I also wanted to thank you for the link to the Homeschooling Ideas page. I had never heard of it before, and I’m so glad you shared. Firecracker and I visited it for a little while this morning and we already have ideas of things to do (I need to get Rose to sit down and look through the site with me 🙂 )

  7. Karen, we have a dear homeschooling friend here whose brother was killed in the tornadoes in April, 2011 in Brookes, GA – it was so very sad. We take tornadoes VERY seriously here – we have a corner in our basement where we retreat to when we hear the sirens going off. I’m glad you stayed safe this week.

    I was watching the video of Keilee and Anna said, “She is seriously the prettiest girl I have ever seen.” You have a beauty with so much talent on your hands!!

    What a great week you had. I’m thankful for you, and your participation in this link-up!

  8. @ Theresa:
    I really don’t do anything! I had to drive her to this one because it is across town but she does everything. Oh I did say, “Leave Toto alone” in the Wicked Witch one. Felt weird too, she is definitely the actress in the family. 😉

  9. I think you do loads of amazing things every week! Your girl is in a movie–THAT is seriously cool and amazing!! Your weeks always look awesome to me!!

    We loved Keilee’s video. Makes me think I need to step it up around here, I just kind of expect them to do their thing…but maybe I should offer more assistance 😉

    I am so excited about these movies. I have a little bit of a weird thing about movie theaters–they kinda creep me out, but I might have to overlook it to see Keilee on the BIG screen!!

  10. How sweet that she saved the bunny. We aren’t very good with wild life around here, we are more likely to run from them.

    I’ve lived in Missouri most of my life and hate tornadoes too. I’ve had several close calls, and they tend to trigger panic attacks. I wish we could move far enough north to avoid tornadoes, but Fred says no.

    Looks like another fun week for you two. The movie premieres are so exciting! She is so talented!

    Have a wonderful weekend and a great coming week.

  11. Wonderful. I hope they show Little Josephine at our film festival in a few weeks. I am going to have to look it up. I love reading about your weeks.
    Blessings, Dawn

  12. CUTE BUNNY ALERT! 🙂 We would’ve wanted to keep it, too.

    And I’m so with you on tornadoes. I’ve lived in Georgia all my life and I love it — but every tornado season, I start contemplating where I could move to have NO tornadoes! Looks like a fun week other than that. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Yes, it has been a hard week for us in the U.S.
    The video is incredible. Her talent is so many areas never ceases to amaze me. What an incredibly gifted young lady! We are going to cheer her on at Space Warriors when it comes out here in Maryland. Everyone will wonder why we are picking odd moments to cheer, but that is okay, ’cause we are cheering on our Alabama Star! Lots of hugs to you both.

  14. Personally, I think you and Keilee do amazing homeschool things! We all learn differently and your relaxed, but involved approach with Keilee is interesting and seems highly successful. So, don’t question it! It works for you! LOL

    But yikes on the weather! Maine does get a few tornadoes each season, but nothing (so far) like the mid-west.

    How exciting to see her acting OUT THERE! Cute music video! The colors are awesome! She did a fab job!

    I’m also glued to the TV about Boston. We live only about 2 1/2 hours from the city and have family who live in the suburbs and work in the city. It’s scary! My oldest son and the Boy Scouts are supposed to head through Boston on their way home from a Washington DC trip this afternoon…and right now we don’t know if it’s possible! 🙁

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