Civil War, Clay, ERs and Bumble Bees….

This week’s memories…

A mostly great first week of September.

We went to the Civil War Reenactment as we do every year.  This year it was almost unbearably hot!!  The camera man during the battle actually passed out.  They had to call an ambulance and call off the ‘battle’.  I don’t know how the reenactors did it.  They had on wool suits.  Keilee made all of these pictures.  I was holding the umbrella for us so we didn’t MELT!

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These shots were from the camp before the battle began.  Keilee does up close much better than I do.  I love the picture of the little boy with the hat!

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Keilee got out her clay and played with it while I read her SOTW 4.  I still read aloud to her almost every day.  She decided to make the Parthenon!  Dirty hands and all.

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Here are some pictures Keilee took in the backyard.  I love the bumble bee because you can see the pollen all over its legs.  After she took this we read about Bumble Bees in “Handbook of Nature Study”.  I LOVE this book.  I love the way Anna Botsford Comstock writes like she is writing about friends.

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She started a CNN Student News notebook after seeing what Jessica at Teachable Moments was doing with her girls.  She loves CNN Student News and watches it every morning.  She is much more up to date than I am.  We don’t have cable and I rarely read world news.   We are reading through Harry Potter Vocabulary Builder.  This book is awesome!  It has the 3,000 hardest words from Harry Potter.  Any word that she isn’t familiar with she writes down in a notebook.  There hasn’t been many words so far that she doesn’t know.  We both downloaded the FREE Scrabble App for our iPads.  We play against each other.  She beat me!!!  She has never beat me at Scrabble.  I am very good at word games.

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The not so good things this week was my Uncle died and we attended the visitation and funeral.  He was married to my Mom’s sister who died several years ago.  He wasn’t a close uncle but it was still very sad.  I did get to see family, some of who Keilee has never met.  I also got to see my cousin who used to be my very best friend.  We have been talking via email the last 3 weeks.  It has been such a blessing to reconnect with her.

Tuesday at lunch I was outside and I came in and Keilee was at the sink.  She said, “I can breath but I have a Wheat Thin stuck in my throat”.  She was very scared because it hurt her every time she breathed.  I stayed calm but I was freaking out inside.  I gave her warm water but they didn’t help.  She was getting more and more panicked [and Keilee does NOT panic, EVER!]  All these things ran through my head; my Mom always told me to give her bread but I was afraid that would just clog it up completely.  I told her to let’s run to the ER.  I was afraid it was going to flip and get stuck completely.  I tried to get my contacts on and ended up dropping one of them in our hall. I just left it there and drove without it.  I grabbed her hand and prayed all the way to the hospital.  They quickly took her back to a room and checked her blood pressure.  She was crying a bit and so scared.  Keilee is afraid of almost nothing but needles is one of them.  Not needles in general, needles in HER.  We waited awhile, me trying to calm her down.  When the doctor came in and was asking her questions she said, “It just went down”.  Her face changed completely in one second from terror to calm.  They still made us wait so they could X-ray her.  It took forever to discharge her.  It was her first trip ever to the ER. [This picture was right before she was discharged, after the wheat thin had gone down!]

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When we got home I started washing the dishes from lunch and I just lost it.  I was crying and just imaging what in this world would I be doing if something had happened to her?  I have thanked God MANY times since then that she was OK.

She redid all her social media profile pictures. Isn’t this cool?  It is her Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.  She continues to do her edits and has won 2 contests on Instagram this past week.

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 My favorite pictures this week:
Keilee in the dress I bought her at a Craft Show.  The lady had the cutest dresses in little girl sizes and Keilee told her, “I wish you had these in my size” and she did!  It looks like she is wearing a rainbow!

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And my Cowgirl.


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I love, LOVE Fall.  I can not wait for cooler temps and beautiful leaves and crunching under my feet when I walk through the yard.

Happy weekend!  Next week starts our new ‘Normal’ schedule. Prayers would be appreciated.

Homeschool Rocks!

“By all these lovely tokens
September days are here,
With summer’s best of weather
And autumn’s best of cheer.”
– Helen Hunt Jackson, September, 1830-1885

Linking with Mary at “Collage Friday
Sly via at “Friendship Friday”


17 thoughts on “Civil War, Clay, ERs and Bumble Bees….”

  1. I don’t know how I missed this and that Kei had to go to the ER!
    I am so glad that everything is okay, and I couldn’t even read the rest of the post because of the tears.
    I always think that there is no way I could handle it if anything ever happened to my girls. They are my heart. I know Keilee is yours. Praise God that she is fine!

  2. Sorry to hear about your uncle and about Keilee’s visit to ER – glad that turned out okay though. The Civil War reenactment looks wonderful – if overly hot. Bumblebees are fascinating – but then I think that about all social insects.

  3. Oh My! I’m so glad that Keilee is okay. That had to be the scariest moment of both your lives! When I was her age, some friends of mine and I were goofing around and eating at the same time. I was laughing with food in my mouth and choked on it. I couldn’t breath or talk whatsoever and no one realized it. I literally thought I was going to die! Then somehow it went down and I was fine, but I’ve been paranoid about my own kids choking ever since. I’m sorry about your uncle. It is so hard to lose the people in our lives.

  4. Going to the ER with a child is so hard. Those memories stick, if you know what I mean? So glad to hear that it turned out okay and that she didn’t have to deal with any needles. I hate them too.
    The photos are really beautiful! She is such a multi-talented young lady! Hope this week brings lots of joy your way. 🙂

  5. Karen,
    What a frightening experience for you and Keilee. I am so glad all is well. We have had a couple of ER visits with the kids and it does make you age about 10 years each time.

    I’m also sorry to hear about your uncle – you had a hard week.

    The clay parthenon is awesome. Go SOTW!!!

    Here’s to a little more cool weather — it was actually cool here this morning and Hal and Anna got to finish building a firepit they have been wanting to do for a long time. The Civil War reenactment sounds horrid in the heat!!

  6. You always share the BEST resources that fit into our family perfectly. I never heard of this Harry Potter book – Lilah would LOVE it! I have to talk to you about the Handbook of Nature Study. I have almost purchased it several times but never have because I thought you had to do it as a course.

  7. That is so scary about the wheat thin! I am so glad that she’s okay.

    I also love all the Civil War reenactment shots. That’s what Firecracker picked out for me to teach about at co-op this semester!

  8. How scary! I hate it when on of the kids chokes. It is such a scary time. I am glad everything is ok. It looks like a mostly great week.
    Blessings, Dawn

  9. Oh, so scary for you and Keilee! I’m thrilled that everything turned out alright though. Times like those make you appreciate everyone so much more.

    I LOVE all the pictures! You all always have such vibrant, colorful pictures.

    We love fall here too and can hardly wait for this drought and heat to let up!

  10. Sorry about your sadness this week. And your scare – well done Keilee for never having been in the ER before!

    The logo signs Keilee made are so cute. I can’t look at the logos now without seeing her elegantly balanced on them!

    I love that Keilee still enjoys you reading SOTW. I think I would like my mum reading it to me, actually!

    I hope you both having a wonderful weekend, and you get some cooler weather soon.

  11. Poor Keilee…and Mama! A Wheat Thin?! I eat those all the time. Love the tomato ones they have now. I’m going to take little bites and chew slowly now! Never would have thought it!

    So sorry to read about your uncle. 🙁

    Cute shirt! Looks like she attached lace ribbon? I bet Keilee could make one all on her own! A tank with different lace ribbon from Walmart!

  12. I just found your blog through Homegrown Learner’s collage Fridays. This is such a great post with so much great, applicable to me information. I especially like how your daughter creates with clay while you read aloud. I am always looking for something for my daughter to occupy her hands with while she is listening (even at 13). Thanks for the great info. I’m glad that your daughter came out ok from the ER.

  13. She is beautiful even in the ER. I am so glad that it turned out fine. I know about hugging my blessings every day.
    We love reenactments, as you probably already know.
    I really love your collages. You guys accomplished a lot this week.

  14. ER trips are always scary. We have become a little to used to them. At one point we had a bag packed ready to go with what we consider essentials for an ER trip. Our record was Philip as an in-patient at the hospital and the remaining three of us making ER trips in 24 hours.

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