I love homeschooling so much. I know I have said this before, but there is nothing I would rather do than homeschool Kei.
I love that we don’t have to live around an alarm clock. I love that she got to stay up until 1:00 AM to watch the Perseid Meteors [which were unbelievable] and the other kids in the neighborhood had to go in and go to bed.
I love that she can do what she wants, when she wants. If she wants to sing, she sings, if she wants to read, she reads, if she wants to sew, she sews. Her creativity is boundless because she isn’t bound to a desk in a room with 25 other kids.
I love that she lives in a world that allows her to follow that rabbit trail wherever it takes her, or nowhere at all. That she can be doing Math and all of a sudden, ask about the Milky Way.
I love that we can be discussing something and a subject comes up that she isn’t familiar with and I can immediately go to the computer and find something that actually shows her what we are talking about. Today it was Woodstock. Yesterday it was Anne Frank.
Kids crave knowledge; they are like sponges soaking up information. With us it is immediate. She asks, we find out. She doesn’t want to wait 2 hours for her questions to be answered. She wants to know NOW. It seems to me that schools try to tame that quest for knowledge. Every time a teacher says, “Not now Billy”, or “Why don’t you look that up later” they are squashing the thirst for more information.
I don’t ever worry that I am not teaching Kei enough, I am worried that I won’t have time to teach her all I want to. I want to show her the world. I want to tell her everything. Look at this, listen to this, learn this…
I love homeschooling….
Peace out….