Today is the First Day of the Rest of …

This week has been about starting new habits.† After my hospital scare I came away determined to do better, be better, eat better.† I really don’t eat that badly.† We never eat fried foods, never eat fast food, almost always eat baked chicken and tons of veggies but….it is the caffeine that is the killer.† I have cut down my caffeine consumption by at least 75%.† Now I was drinking crazy amounts of caffeine.† Anyone who really knows me, knows that is true.† I am a Diet Dr. Pepper addict.† I am never without it…NEVER.† This week I have started off each day with orange juice.† The rest of the day I have either mixed Caffeine free and regular or just drank caffeine free. Now I KNOW that I need to get off the sodas all together.† But here is my dilemma.† I have always drank too much soda.† I am one of those people who have to have something to drink at all times.† I don’t like water, although I have been trying that Crystal Light stuff you put into water.† It isn’t horrible…it isn’t Dr. Pepper, but it isn’t horrible.

But I will get there…slowly…because I will do whatever I need to do to be healthy!† Thankfully I have been mostly slim my entire life but I want to really start doing more in the exercise department. Kei and I love riding bikes but my bike from last year has 2 rotted tires so I am in the market for a new bike.† Figured I could pick up one at a yard sale cheaper than replacing the tires.

We have had a great week ‘learning’ wise.† We are trying to finish up SOTW 1.† We have just a few more chapters left.† We have loved it and I so wish I had used SOTW since I began HSing Kei in 2nd grade.† We are also finishing up Zoology 3 / Apologia.† We have LOVED that too.† I can not believe how much we have learned about animals.† And I can’t believe that EVERY SINGLE ANIMAL we study, Kei has a “Webkinz” story about it!† Seriously, someone needs to create a Webkinz Lapbook/Unit Study.† There are a few little things I have ran across but nothing really intense. My girl would LOVE that.

Stan, my awesome boss, gave me a Amazon gift card and I finally ordered a new camera.† It is the camera Esther uses so I know it will be fabulous.† Just hope I can figure it out!† Kei is excited because she gets my old one which is really a good little camera.

Kei also had tryouts last week for Annie, Jr.† She got the role of a house maid and is in a couple more dance numbers.† They are VERY fair with the kids trying out, so we knew she wouldn’t get a huge role since her last role was so big.† But she is so excited, of course.† And I will be spending my summer at play practices.

Kei at Play Tryouts...

Kei finished another book and decided to find one she wanted to read instead of one I am making her read.† She decided to read Dear America book.† It is “Voyage on the Great Titanic”.† She said it was good so that is a start.† We went to the library today and she got about 6 more of the “Dear America” books.† Of course the one she can’t wait to read it about the 1960’s.† Ahh my little hippie chick.† We also ate lunch at Cracker Barrel.† Do they have Cracker Barrel’s everywhere or is that just a “southern” thang?† Yummy food.† We also got the tulle to make her a skirt like the awesome ones HMama made her two adorable daughters!† Kei can’t wait to wear it, if I will get off the butt and make it!† She also got some cross stitch kits and tons of embroidery thread.† I want her to stitch some way cool things on her jeans…flowers and peace signs and ivy and stuff.† Wouldn’t that be cool? Something like this? [Well probably not the “Wine Lover”]

Supposed to be a beautiful weekend.† Livvy is spending the weekend with Kei. They have requested chicken wings for dinner and sounds of laughter is ringing off the walls.† Good times…

Some crazies people are predicting that tomorrow is the end of the world.† We will be at SoulStock, an outdoor Christian concert, with thousands of Jesus lovers!† I can’t think of anywhere better to be, can you?

Happy weekend,


To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.† ~Buddha


Water, Wildlife, Webkinz and Scary Times.

We had a really great, laid back week. Until Saturday. More about that in a minute.

We spent Tuesday with our bestest friends.† There was a park day with Moms and kids running everywhere.† It was a great time.

*See my cool collages? Thanks Theresa! I LOVE these!


Then we went to Heather’s for the FIRST Swim of the Year.† YAY for warmer weather.


We also watched squirrels, rabbits and birds galore in our yard.† We are amazed by how much wildlife we have!

Kei's pic of a squirrel

Kei and I spent a lot of time outside.† She played Webkinz under the tree.† Is there anything better than that???

Saturday morning about 1:00 AM I woke up feeling quite yucky.† I was shaking all over, my heart was racing and I felt like I was going to be sick.† Now I have had panic attacks in the past and I thought that is what it was.† But it did not go away.† For an hour it just got worse.† I woke Kei up at 2:30 AM and told her I was going to go the the ER.† Now I have NEVER gone to the Emergency room in my life except when an ambulance took me when I cut my wrist so badly.† But I knew something was not right.† Well 14 hours later, 7 sticks of needles for blood work [including 2 blown veins, I have horrible veins], 3 EKG’s, an echogram, X rays and tons of poking and prodding they determined my thyroid was way out of whack.† I had hyperthroidism when I was 27 but haven’t had it checked in a few years because I don’t have insurance.† I should have just gotten the money and done it because I don’t even want to think about my hospital bill.† I also have really low potassium and magnesium levels.† It was a long, scary time.† They put me in ICU for observation, purely standard they said, but I was freaked out.† Also they put a IV port in ‘just in case they had to Med Flight me to the nearest city’.† It was not a fun time.† By 9:00 AM I was so ready to go but the cardiologist didn’t come until 3:00 PM!!† But he released me with new medicines and the stern “Stop drinking so much caffeine” that I knew was coming.† I walked out and honestly felt like kissing the ground.† I wasn’t sure when I walked in 14 hours earlier if I was even coming out.† Stuff like that is so scary! Kei wasn’t afraid.† She told me she knew I was fine, that she prayed and knew God would watch out for me.

So ..scary time but good results.† My thyroid being so low explains so much. Like why I freeze when everyone else is burning up, why I am so dang tired all the time and other things.

Today is Monday..and I am happy to be alive. 🙂


The greatest wealth is health.† ~Virgil

The best six doctors anywhere
And no one can deny it
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air
Exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend
If only you are willing
Your mind they’ll ease
Your will they’ll mend
And charge you not a shilling.
~Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows, 1990


Dear Mother…

3 years can it be that I have had no Mother for 3 years.† It seems like yesterday, it seems like a lifetime ago.

I still wonder sometimes if I should have done more, fought harder, tried different things.† The months before your death was filled with so many emotions; hope, fright, tears, smiles, panic, helplessness, determination, laughter, devastation.† I wanted you to get better, I talked to doctors, did research, prayed.† But in the end, you died.

The week before your death was surreal.† We all knew it wouldnít be long.† On May 7th, you said, to my knowledge your last words, ìI love you tooî when I told you I loved you.† †I hated going home at the end of each day, so afraid Daddy would call me and tell me you had died.† But you hung on.

The day before you died, I lay with you in the hospital bed we had set up in your room.† I talked to you, I told you how much I loved you, how blessed I was to have had you as my Mother.† I assured you that I would be fine, that I could handle your death, while inside I was screaming, ìNo please donít leave me, I canít do this without you.î† But I know you, you would have held on forever if I said those words.† And I wanted you to find peace.

The day you died is etched in my heart forever. Eddie and I had spent the night because we knew it wouldnít be long. It was the longest night of my life.† I kept going into your room and listening to your ragged breathing as you struggled for each breath. I lay on the floor and prayed and cried and pleaded with God.† I stroked your face and your hand, the hand that had been my support my entire life.† I woke up at 3:00 AM panic stricken, convinced that I would not be able to live in a world that you didnít exist in.† At around 7:00 AM, we called Momís 2 sisters to come over. We knew it wouldnít be long.† You died at 8:07 AM, with me, my brother and your two sisters around your bed.† My Daddy couldnít stand it. He wouldnít come into your room for the end.† As you took your last breath, I felt your presence leave the earth.† You were here and then you werenít.

I walked outside into a beautiful morningÖthe birds were singing, the sun was shining, the roses were blooming and I had no Mother.

3 years later, I am in your house.† I live here, surrounded by your memories, my memories, memories of me as a child, new memories of my child here.† I feel you everywhere, I miss you every day, I need you more times than I can count.

You were so many things to me, my friend, my Mother, my confidante, my advisor, my rock, my biggest fan.† I sometimes run across things that you wrote, always in green pen.

Like this from when I moved to California:

ìSometimes I wake up at night and almost can not breath because my Ka is so far away, but I want her to be so happy and this makes her happy.î

I cook in the kitchen that you made countless meals for us and I throw the dish towel over my left shoulder just like you always did and I smile.† I talk to you and sometimes I could swear I feel you here, peeking around the corner, almost here, but not quite.

I can almost hear you say, ìMy Kaî like you greeted me in every phone call or every time I saw you.† ìMy Ka, how are you doing todayî.† The phone call I got every night saying, ìGoodnight My KaîÖand that was all.† †I miss thatÖI miss your voice. I wish I had all those answering machine messages that would drive me crazy at timesÖI wish I could hear every one of them and smile.

I donít want Kei to forget you, I tell her stories all the time.† Stories of you climbing up to our tree house when we were there with the neighborhood kids and scaring us to death and laughing so hard you almost fell off the ladder, stories of how no child would ever leave our house without a ìJean Goodie Bagî, the wall in the laundry room where every child that ever entered this house would be measured. We chart the growth of Kei alongside the growth of me at the same age.† I tell her stories of how you loved your roses and birds and your yard and would sit for hours outside just watching the birds eat, stories of your infamous battle over a purse at a Martinís Black Friday sale with you winning of course, stories of tornado warnings with you in the closet and you running out to watch TV and Daddy yelling from the other closet, ìHoney are you out of that closet?î and me trying to hold in my giggles, stories of a Motherís love and how fierce and strong and protective it was.

I know you would be so happy that Daddy is happy. How many times did you say, ìYour Daddy will live longer than me, those Terryís live forever and I want him to find someone and I want you to be nice to herî.† He did Momma, and I am nice to her, and he is happy.

I know you would be happy that Kei and I see your best friend Patsy so often.† Every memory I have of her has you in it and it is so wonderful being around her.† She tells me stories of you from a best friend perspective and has been there for me so many times over the past 3 years.

Kei and I both smell your perfume at times. You always wore perfume and this house holds traces of it everywhere.† It always makes me smile to smell it.† Kei will say, ëI smell Baba.î† About 6 months after you died Kei asked me, ìMom when you pray something over and over and it doesnít come true, what does that mean?î I said, ìWhat have you prayed for baby?î and she said, ìThat you wouldnít be so sad about Baba dying.î† That healed me so muchÖbecause like my Mother, I would do anything for my child.† She still tells me that I wake up in the mornings sometimes calling for you.† For months I would fall asleep saying your name.† I wonder why now it is in the mornings?

The ìDeath of My Motherî is not at all like I thought it would be.† I dreaded it my entire life. I thought I couldnít survive it.† I told you that sometimes remember? †You said ìDonít be ridiculous of course you will.î† I was wrong, and as usual you were right. I did survive it.† It just hurt so badly and still hurts. ††I still miss you, I will always miss you.

One day, I will be with you again.† And we will hug and laugh and dance and giggle and talkÖ.just like we always did.

3 years..a lifetime without you.


ìI remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.î ~ Abraham Lincoln

ìDeath ends a life, not a relationship.î †~Jack Lemmon

ìTo live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die.î ~Thomas Campbell

The Calm after the Storm

We have had a quiet, stay at home week.† The world still feels a little off, but it is slowly getting back to normal.† For us at least.

We spent a week filled with decimals and aardvarks and anteaters and armadillos and Rome and Google Earth Rome 3D and drew pictures of Roman houses and made a Roman cookbook and calendar and lots of drawing and lots of reading and a girl who finally finished “Little Blog on the Prairie” and loved it even when she wanted to hate it.† We cleaned up our HS room and went through† books and Kei said to me, “I wish I loved to read” as we unturned one after another lovely books.† Which gave me hope.

Books and books and books
The "Media" Area and more books...


We spent time outside and time replacing ruined meat and freezer goodies.† We took walks and picked flowers and learned about Cicada eating Wasps.† We took doggie to the vet and got his heartworm medicine and figured out the reason he can pull us all over is that he now weighs 82.4 pounds! We watched some of our favorite TV shows; Castle, Modern Family and a little bit of American Idol, all taped to fast forward through the commercials!† We snuggled a lot and giggled and danced a bit in the kitchen and there was singing…always singing.

We went to the final skate day today and I found some great curriculum for next year.

Final Skate Day 5th Grade
More books and books and books


Now it is Friday afternoon, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, our world feels clean and new and full of possibilities.

Happy weekend

Happy Mother’s Day to all my wonderful friends,


After a storm comes a calm. ~ Matthew Henry

There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm. ~Willa Cather

After every storm the sun will smile; for every problem there is a solution, and the soul’s indefeasible duty is to be of good cheer. ~William R. Alger


The Day the World Twisted…

The day started with me being awakened with a start from tornado sirens going off. I woke Kei up, grabbed Nomad and headed to the hall where we always get. We always turn the TV up really loud so we can hear and wait it out there.


After that round of tornadoes went pass Kei had, ironically enough, an online class called “Wild Weather” with Jessica’s daughter.  She loved it and loved being in the same ‘class’ as Grace. We will definitely be taking more classes from Ms. Loretta from Lessons Worth Learning.
Wild Weather…

As soon as the class was over the madness began again. The Meteorologists had predicted such severe storms that we actually cleaned out a hall closet to get into. We just threw everything in the bathroom and made room for me, Kei and Nomad. That is where we basically were the next 6 hours.

In the Closet
The sirens are deafening. We are VERY close to a siren so it is very loud and goes off for several minutes. If you live in the South and in Alabama, you have grown up with tornado warnings. It is a fact of life, like earthquakes, hurricanes or blizzards in other parts of the country. But never in my life have I seen anything like April 27, 2011.

On television even the meteorologists were amazed. They kept saying they had never seen such tornadoes, so many, so strong. They were bouncing around everywhere, hitting everything. Cities and rural communities. We had no information on anything except that they were on the ground. I prayed a lot. I cried for the deaths they were reporting. I had no clue what the death toll would end up being. We sat in our closet listening to the TV until the power went out.† When the power went out I lost cell phone coverage. I ran around the house looking for batteries for my radio. I wasn’t prepared, most people were not prepared. I finally found batteries and we sat in the closet and listened for the next 3 hours. Tornadoes were still jumping around everywhere. Tuscaloosa, Cullman, Arab, Lawrence County, Madison County, towns everywhere were hit. More than 150 tornadoes were reported, 342 dead at last count with many more still missing. Google or YouTube “Alabama Tornado” and you will not believe your eyes. These were F4 Tornadoes. F5 are the most deadly.  People in a house, no matter where they are, have very little chance of surviving an F5 tornado. Even people in basements here were killed.

UPDATE: The National Weather Service confirmed the 4/27/11 tornado as a EF5 with estimated peak winds of 210 MPH. The total path length was 132.1 miles from southern Franklin County Alabama to near Huntland in Franklin County Tennessee. Maximum path width: 1.25 miles


When it was all said and done reports were spotty coming in.† 8 massive steel transmissions towers down at TVA, leaving 1.1 million people without power. People missing and dead and CPR being given in the streets, rumors of chemical leaks and fires and us huddled in the closet, afraid to come out even after it was over.



I tried to call my Daddy because we have a wall phone that was not a cordless and I had service. Unfortunately in the middle of it the line went dead and we were without phone for about 3 days. We didn’t eat that night and went to bed early, in the dark with the radio on for awhile to listen to reports. Next morning we heard the power was on in Athens, a town about 12 miles from us. I needed some things. I had no gas, no batteries, no ice for our food, no cell phone charger for my iPhone. Things that I can assure you I will have from now on. Kei and I debated on what to do…if I took off with the little gas I had, about 1/8 of a tank and we ran into trouble, we would be out of gas. We decided to chance it. The traffic lights were down, but the day was beautiful. The radio stations were playing no music…people were calling in with updates from their towns and information about what stores were opened and who had what supplies. This went on for days and days…people connecting to people via radio. It was a wonderful testament to humankind.


On the way to Athens we ran into a HUGE traffic jam. I was afraid I was going to run out of gas so we had to turn around and come back. We decided on the way back to run by our friends house and see how they fared the storm. I was secretly hoping that we could stay with them for a day until, I thought, the power would be back on. We got to their house, Laura, Livvy, Annah and Gammy and stayed with them until Friday morning. You should have seen the kids in the neighborhoods! Laura said she had never seen so many kids outside. There was nothing for them to do inside, so they played. We grilled out, ate and listened to the radio.


The next morning we got up and went home. I was so hoping the power would be on but it wasn’t. We went to our church who had jumped right in to help immediately following the tornadoes. We bought supplies and made hundreds of sack lunches.

Kei Lunches
Kei Lunches
We spent the next few days helping at Epic. Our wonderful church has done and is doing so much. We have been in the newspaper twice. Here and Here. We spent the nights grilling out food that would ruin if we didn’t eat it. Everywhere you could smell the grills with people having the same idea. Neighbors talked to neighbors. There were block parties and get togethers. For a few days we were all truly connected.
Kei made her breakfasts outside on a little Sterno stove our neighbor gave us. We had a blast. In fact it was a bit like an adventure. A very dark adventure.
Breakfast on Stove
Even Toast!
Thanking God for keeping us safe…
Standing in line 45 minutes for 2 bags of ice…
Games and reading by candlelight..
Saturday was my birthday. The first birthday ever with no power. But it was awesome and we had a great day. I got some balloons from my boss and we wrote on them and let them soar. They said things like “Sweet Home Alabama” and “We Remember-April Fury 2011”.
Sweet Home Alabama
Soaring Away…
Sunday we went to church. We had it outside because we still had no power. It was a wonderful service.
Epic Church
After church we came home to get ready to go out in the community. We were out there about 5 hours and you can not imagine what we saw. You can look at pictures all day long, but it is nothing like standing in someone’s destroyed home to make it all real. Miles and miles and miles of absolute destruction. And this was ONE area. There were areas all over like this.
As horrible as it was, as much as people lost, I think we gained something too. A new understanding of the human spirit. The “get in there and get it done” mentality of most people. People didn’t stand around crying and whining. They stepped up and were proactive. It was amazing to see.

We were so lucky, so blessed. Yes we had no power for 5 days, yes I threw away tons of ruined food, but those things are easily replaced. So many lost everything…everything.

Please pray for Alabama.

ìThere are two big forces at work, external and internal. We have very little control over external forces such as tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, disasters, illness and pain. What really matters is the internal force. How do I respond to those disasters? Over that I have complete control.î† ~Leo F. Buscaglia


Earth Day, Easter Day and Skool Days..

Earth Day is always a special day to us.† Since we have been Homeschooling we have always found a way to celebrate.† It amazes me how more aware of Nature I am now.† I have always loved it, just not always ‘lived’ it.† We went on a hike with some of our best friends.† One of my favorite parts of the hike was when we started singing “Happy Birthday dear Earth. “
Kei sat in on Facebook’s “Live with Obama” talk.† She even sent in a question.† It would have been beyond cool if they had picked it.† It was so awesome to see how technology makes people, even the President, more accessible.
We learned so many awesome things this past week.† From Rodents to Aztecs to making poetry out of newspaper articles.† We spent tons of time outside in nature.† Kei drew her Spring Tree and she did leaf prints.
Easter was amazing.† AMAZING!† We went to the early service and it was so moving.† They had asked all the “Dream Team” to come to a 6:00 PM service because of room issues but we went to both!† We were supposed to meet some friends there but they weren’t able to come at the last minute.† We went ahead and went to the first service anyway.† My brother and his family went to this service so that is one reason we decided to go.† Speaking of my brother he just started a blog.† He has always been a writer, writing down stories from when we were little.† Visit his blog, leave a comment. He thinks no one is reading. 🙂
The 6:00 service was indescribable.† It was filled with believers celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.† There was something tangible in the air, you could feel it and taste it.† There were no kids church so Kei was with me and we both were moved beyond belief.† We had the Lord’s Supper which was a surprise and there was just so much love in the room.† In case you can’t tell, we adore our church.
Kei wore these to church because that’s just the way she rolls.
The Easter Bunny
The Basket
New Webkinz for Easter
I also taught her important life lessons.† She learned how to check the oil and change an air filter.† I was very proud of her and of ME!
Oil Check
Dirty vs Clean

So now it is Monday…a week filled with possibilities stretch out before us.† So we are off, to grab, to savor, to live!


“Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again.” ~Sarah Ban Breathnach

Festivals, Memories and Learning….

We had a pretty good week around here.† PS kids were on Spring Break so we had a couple of issues with that.† One of Kei’s best friends was out so Kei thought she should be too.† I reminded her that we took off the week of her play.† That being said we did find time for sleepovers 2 nights. 🙂

Kei and I went to the “Chicken and Egg Festival” last weekend.† It was ok..mostly food and crafts but we managed to find some fun.


I like these bungee things MUCH better than those bouncing houses.† I was so sick of those things.† She actually flipped for the first time.† I was so freaked I didn’t actually get the flip.


We saw several chickens…some were very unfamiliar to us.† This one was named “Hollywood”.


We found some cool ‘shoes’ for Kei.† I remember having some like these.† We always wore them on the beach.† Kei’s are much more ‘bling’ than mine were.† [Someone needs to polish their toenails….I’m just saying]

Cool Shoes...

After the festival I took Kei by my Grandparents house.† My grandparents have been dead for many years.† When I was little there was no place on earth I would rather be.† This house holds memories and also my heart.† They are in the midst of restoring it so we were able to walk around.

Anything….I would give anything if I could take Kei’s hand and pull her into the time where they were alive.† Mamaw would be in the kitchen cooking her fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, cornbread and banana pudding.† Mom would be with her helping.† My Papaw and Daddy would be out in the swing talking or walking the property.† They had cows and chickens and a pond and grape vines and a garden.

My older brother would be shooting birds with his BB gun and my younger brother and I would be trying to nurse them back to health.† We would run into the house yelling, “we need bandages and alcohol”.† We would be having throwing contests to get the old apples that fell from the tree into a small hole on the side of the building.† We would be exploring and creating new worlds.† We would be trying to build a tree house in the big oak tree in the front yard.† We would be playing chase on the wrap around front porch.† We would end the day by arguing which one of use got to sit on the ice cream maker.

My Mamaw was my favorite person in the world when I was little.† She taught me to make paper dolls, cook, sew.† She let me pack her suitcase when she was coming to spend the night with us, it never matter what I picked out, she would wear it.† I remember taking her hand and dragging her back to my room as soon as she walked in the door.† I had things to show her!† “She had a secret stash of candy that she told me about.† I would sneak in there, making sure my two nosy brothers were no where to be found and take a piece, secure in the knowledge that only I knew the secret.† I remember spending weeks in the summer with† her and sleeping with her in her big feather bed.† We fed the chickens, milked the cows and cooked and cooked. I remember walking to ‘town’ with her because she didn’t drive.† She would have her ‘pocketbook’ on her arm and we have such fun.† We would shop and talk and end up at the soda fountain for ice cream sundae’s.

The older I got, the less I wanted to go to their house.† I had my life, my friends, I couldn’t be bothered spending my time with 2 ‘old’ people.† I was a teenager with big plans.† How selfish we can be when we are that age.† And what I wouldn’t give for ‘one more day’….

Kei at the Side door at Mama's
Stained Glass window on the front porch

Liv spent the night and there were puddles to be splashed in.


and spitting contests to be had


Robin nests to be found…


Forbidden Island to be played…


Kei took an online class about Lasers and Lights.† She did many really cool experiments.† Did you know there is an owl on a dollar bill?

Finding the Owl..

Making a telescope with 2 magnifying glasses.

Making memories, learning, laughing…

At the end of the day, isn’t that what it is all about?

Happy weekend,


A House I Once Knew
Written by Leo VanMeer 1907-2006

There are bars on the doors and walls
Its rooms are empty and wide.

Here and there is a broken pane
Where the night wind creeps inside.

The front porch has fallen to ruin
With vines in possession there.

A shed is tumbled and strewn
And rubbish is everywhere.

Somehow it softens in moonlight
And my fancy wanders free.

That old house is more than a house
It once was home to me.

I can see a place by the window
Where firelight once played inside.

I can picture the porch as it used to be
And grounds so clean and wide.

Doors with well-oiledhinges
Let in our willing feet.

With everything in place as it should
And everything trim and neat.

I see it in mellowed reflection
Until years have changed it to be

A house with a memory; it’s more than a house
It once was home to me.

I’d give so much to live again
In that house when it was young.

Then it knew our laughter and tears,
With its memory only begun.

I was unwise to have left it, I know
All I got for my pains

Was a heap of things I thought worthwhile
And desire to be back again.

It might be made home again, who knows?

I watch the moonlight slant through a tree,
And know that old house was more than a house.

It once was home to me.

Plays, Parties & Posters…

There is not a day that passes that I forget to be thankful for the ability to homeschool.† Yes there are days where it is hard, when we clash, when things fall apart; but I still love this life style so much.

We went to see the local high schoolís production of Big River.† The role of Jim was played by a friend of ours who Kei has done plays with for 6 years.† He was ëblow me awayí amazing.

Going to "Big River"
Kei and Jalen...the STAR...

We went to Heatherís to celebrate all THREE of her boyís birthdays.† They fall within a few weeks of each other.† It was such a blast hanging out with our best friends.† There is always an abundance of laughter, food and talking.

Kids Playing "Dungeon and Dragons" ...
Cool Homeschool Kids...

Kei made a Recycle Poster on a site that we found.† She also made a couple of movies.† I think I am going to incorporate this into our school.† Give her a project due at the end of the week.† Make a play about anything she has learned.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

She made a play with Nomad called ìTime Saversî.† She said it was going to be a weekly series.† In this episode she went back to when Abraham Lincoln was running for President.† She and Nomad had to make sure he was elected.† It was full of facts and great actingÖwell at least Keiís acting was greatÖNomad mainly lay on the floor or tried to eat things!

Time Savers...

One of my favorite things we did this week was a study of Vincent Van Gogh.† Theresa at Our Life In Words wrote a post that reminded me how important Art was in our curriculum.† I love it, Kei loves it, but when we run out of time, it seems to be the first to go.† We learned about his life, looked at his paintings, watched YouTube videos of his paintings set to music and Kei did her version of “Starry Night”.† It turned out awesome.

Starry Night...

This weather was simply gorgeous, allowing for time to sit under the tree and just daydream.

Happy week,

If you’ve never stared off in the distance, then your life is a shame.† ~Adam Duritz, “Mrs. Potter’s Lullaby,” performed by Counting Crows

You get ideas from daydreaming.† You get ideas from being bored.† You get ideas all the time.† The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we’re doing it.† ~Neil Gaiman

Slow Down, You Move Too Fast…

Let them be little ’cause they’re only that way for a while
Give them hope, give them praise, give them love every day
Let them cry, let them giggle, let them sleep in the middle
Oh just let them be little ~Lonestar


Kei is growing up so fast. Yesterday, wasn’t it was just yesterday? she was learning to ride her bike and swim. She was watching Dora and yelling Swiper No swiping [although she vehemently denies she ever watched it]. She was clutching her pencil, with her bottom lip caught in her teeth, copying the letters of her name. She was coloring by taking a crayon and scribbling all over the page, so proud of what she created. She was falling asleep with her head on the table, exhausted by the day. She was walking around with my high heels on like a just born baby giraffe.

I want to savor I want to taste every day. Every moment I have with her. Each one is precious and go by all too quickly. She is 11, in 7 years she will be going to college. 7 years! How can I only have her with me for 7 more years?

My prayer:

Please God

Let me teach her,

Let me guide her,

Let me inspire her,

Let me appreciate all the moments..every one of them

Let me never forget.

To giggle in the dark

Dance in the rain

Walk in the moonlight

Stop and smell the roses

Look under the rocks

Splash in streams

Have tickle wars

Count the stars

Catch lighting bugs

Always listen

Search for rainbows

Take the byroads

Eat ice cream for dinner

Stay up all night and sleep all day

Make blanket tents

Stop and make wishes in fairy rings


Make Kool Aid Popsicles

Make clover necklaces

Roast marshmallows over a fire

Have a pile up on the bed complete with dog

Swing as high as we can

Let me remember every single day

That all too soon

It is gone.


Too many people grow up. That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don’t remember what it’s like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors. Well I won’t do that.î ~ Walt Disney


Epic Style Giving, Mayan Clay, Math is FUN…

I go to an amazing church.† It may not be your typical old Southern style church but it fits us to a T.† Our church has 2 main goals; to love Jesus and love each other. We take the 2nd one to Epic proportion.† Our church is a fairly new church, about 3 1/2 years.† Started with 34† members, we had over 900 last week.† Church has become very important to Kei and I.

Last week we celebrated “LOVE WEEK” at Epic.† Sunday was Senior Citizen Day where we visited Senior Citizen homes all across the city and took homemade cookies and goodies.† Monday was “Fast Food Frenzy” where you paid for the car behind you.† Tuesday was “All Teacher’s Day” where we took 20 schools individual Thank You letters and goodies, Wednesday was “Epic Gives You Gas” where we pumped over $1500 of free gas to cars.† Thursday was “To Protect and Serve” where we delivered over 30 dozen chicken and biscuits to the police and fireman.† Friday was “Cook Like a Fool” where we cooked something to take to a neighbor and Saturday was “Get Trashed” where we picked up trash on a several mile stretch of our busiest road.† One of the things Kei and I have always loved was volunteering, giving back and when I started HSing I was so excited that we would be able to do this more.† We have a church that perfectly fits this lifestyle.† I love giving, Kei loves giving, Epic loves giving.† It is an EPIC WIN 😉

Senior Citizens Goodies..
Fast Food Frenzy...
Epic Gives Gas...
Cooking Like a Fool...Cookies for the neighbor

We celebrated Earth Hour by turning off all lights in the house and playing Forbidden Island.† It is hard to see little writing by only candle by the way!

Earth Hour...playing by Candlelight

Thanks to Ami Kei has tons of clay but I bought her a different kind this week.† It is Mexican Pottery Clay and she loved it.† She spent hours working with it.

The Clay
Mayan Influence..
Clay Bunny...

We are using a new Math that Kei actually found.† It is IXL and she loves it.† It isn’t fun games, it is just problems until mastery of each new concept.† It is $9.95 a month but so far it is worth it.† There is zero preparation for me which is great because there is so much in her other subjects.† She and I both have learned so much.† If she gets to a concept she doesn’t understand she lets me know and we sit and work it out together.

We are studying Mayans and Aztecs for History.† We watched a documentary about 2012 and became interested in the Mayans.† That blossomed into more videos, Mayan numbers, alphabet, websites, worksheets and crafts.† We watched Time Warp Trio here. I have started using FreeRice as part of our homeschooling.† Kei and I have done this on and off for several years but now it is written into her assignments.† She has learned all of the New England, Southern and Western States and capitals.† She already knew them but now she can actually spell them. ;)† In Zoology we have learned about Primates.† We have read and made charts and watched videos, including a Jane Goodall documentary.

Kei finished her blanket that she made by hand.† She still has to do the backing but it turned out so wonderful.† I love how much she loves sewing and all things creative.† The first quilt Kei ever made was a very small 9×9 square.† She wanted to put it in Mom’s casket and I let her.† I know Mother would have loved that.

Snuggled in the Homemade Blankie..

Yesterday was the next to the last HS Skate Day.† We got in the groove by rocking out to some Ice Ice Baby on the radio. 😉

Ice Ice Baby..too cold too cold
Skate Day!!!

Livvy spent the night last night.† They destroyed Kei’s room per usual…ahhh girls..

It was a TORNADO...really!

Weather is supposed to warm up next week.† I am ready for it…there are hikes to be taken, camping trips to go on, nature walks to meander, crazy doggies to walk….

Happy Saturday,

“For it is in giving that we receive.” St. Francis of Assisi

“Why not, really, go to the fullest length, and the silliest length, in exploiting yourself and turn the proceeds back to the community?” Paul Newman

Jesus, a Mother, a Daughter and a Dog….