The Good, the Bad & the Glorious…

In some ways this has been a really bad weekÖ

Living in my Daddyís house comes with no rent but, at times a whole lot of strings.

The strings got very tangled this week.

That being said; as I try to live this simpler life there were many blessings to count.

A best friend since Kindergarten having an unexpected mid week break and spending the night with Kei.

A moon, big and orange suspended in a sky

A girl who especially loved Math this week and learned things that ìIî didnít know at the beginning of the week.

4 chapters read, without much complaining in her book.

Videos about Nazca drawings [which lead to fascinating hypotheses] †and Olmecs and apes and chimps and something very freaky called a marmoset.

Time spent on our cleaned up patio.

This site We are new fans of 9puz!† Great games.

This video which is the latest youtube craze which lead to investigating exactly what was up with it, why it has over 47 million views and discussions about bullying and cyber-bullying.

The sun, glorious and orange, setting and making everything it touches bathed in a golden glow.

Amazing poems written by my girl.† She wrote these for a Webkinz contest that the subject was “Poems about Colors”

When I think of blue I think of:
The blue spring sky with light mist in the air,
the soft clouds in the foggy sky,
the pretty blue flowers tickling my bare feet,
the blue birds cutting through the clouds,
the little blue dress mom is wearing with pink and yellow pockets,
when I think of blue
I think of the delightful blue stream right next to our house with fish swimming
living their lives peacefully and happily.

When I think of yellow I think of:
The yellow sun rising on a cool spring day,
my blond little puppy running through a field of buttercups,
my old yellow rain boots who miss the days of playing in the rain,
My toast cutting through the yolk of my egg and seeing the yummy yellow goo running down my plate,
When I think of yellow
I think of I think of a yellow canary singing a song to give bliss to all that hear.

When I think of purple I think of:
When me and mom played tea party and I would always wear the purple dress,
the little purple hat mom made for me when I was a baby,
a field of gorgeous purple flowers that danced in the wind,
A little me on Christmas morning looking under the tree to see gifts wrapped in purple wrapping and smiling at them.
When I think or purple
I think of me and mommy sitting in front of the fireplace with a purple-patched quilt wrapped in around us on a cold winterís day.


SoÖit wasnít the greatest week in one way but in so many othersÖit was amazing.

Happy weekend,


ìBad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss.î ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson †(American Poet, Lecturer and Essayist, 1803-1882)

Leaves, Planting, Books and Bullying…

I feel like a bear, waking up from a long winter’s nap.† The air is glorious; the breeze coming in my window makes me smile; blooms ah the blooms, everything is blooming; birds are chirping; bees and wasps are waking up and buzzing; Spring has Officially SPRUNG.

I finally got the leaves picked up Saturday.† 2 guys were hired and I happily paid them.† How many bags of leaves you ask?† 56!!!!!!!† And Karisma, I had to put them in bags…my trash container filled up after ONE BAG.† There is no burning of leaves here, and the wind would have whipped them around worse than Willow’s hair. <if you have preteen girls you will understand that reference ;)>

Kei with the 'trash'

Chan spent the night with us for 3 nights and the girls had a blast.† They explored the creek and did some experiments.† As they walked off with their buckets and tools I called out, “Remember the Barrens and don’t flood the town”.† They looked at me like I was crazy until I explained.† They have both seen “It“.† One of my favorite books EVER.† They also spent hours playing Forbidden Island.† I has seen this game on someone’s blog…Helena??, bought it because it had rave reviews and just got it from Amazon.† There was much talk about helicopters, divers, messengers, sinking islands and endangered somethings and saving the day and giggling.

Forbidden Island...

We also bought some seeds to try to get some flowers started.† I never have much luck with seeds but we will see.

Planting Seeds...

Kei started a new book “Little Blog on the Prairie She is actually liking it!† She also got “To Kill a Mockingbird” from the library along with the audio.

Little Blog on the Prairie...

I am reading another book I ordered for Kei.† “The Mother Daughter Book Club“.† It came recommended by Theresa. [waves]† I decided to read it yesterday just to see if I thought Kei will like it.† Which I know she will.

But it has inspired a rant.

::steps up on soapbox::

Why is it that EVERY book for tweens or teens, every TV show geared toward that age, every movie has bullying in it?† Why does Amazon have 4,460 hits in books when I type in the word “bullying”?† Why are there millions of web sites dedicated to this? Go to Youtube and type in “bullying”….over 30,000 hits.

I am so thankful that I don’t have to ‘live’ in a world where Kei is bullied.† And yes, she has gotten her feelings hurt in the past…that is going to happen no matter what.† But living day to day, knowing that people were going to be hurtful and mean and spiteful and nasty?† That is NOT her world.† But it is millions of kids world, and that breaks my heart.† I try to think back, wayyyy back to when I was a kid.† I remember I was NEVER one of the mean kids, I hated seeing anyone being picked on.† Bullying wasn’t as prevalent or as downright MEAN as it is now.† What’s up with that?† What has happened to make this such a serious issue?† Is it the Internet? TV? Movies?† something in the water? What?

I have heard people say, “But what about bullying? How will you child learn to deal with bullying if you homeschool”?

SERIOUSLY?????† SERIOUSLY?† This is a skill you need why?† I don’t know about you, but I am not around bullies.† If I have someone toxic in my life, I avoid them at all cost.† We do talk about her standing up for herself, and for others.

One of my favorite parts of her <and she has tons of “favorite parts of mine” in case you haven’t noticed ;)> is that she hates injustice in any form.† Always has.† She stands up for what she believes in.† Which isn’t always the ‘norm’ it this part of the South.† She doesn’t care.† She has a passion for all things fair and equal and believes people should be who they are and love who they want and be able to do it without being judged.† And yes…she gets those beliefs from me.† Doesn’t all children up to a certain age? Until they start thinking for themselves and having their own opinions. † But I know she will always have these beliefs.

One of her favorite shows is “What Would You Do?”† She watches it religiously and even tapes it.† She will scream and yell at the television.† She is such a ’causes’ girl.† If this was the 60’s she would probably be burning her bra. 😉

But back to bullying…all the TV shows, all the books, all the movies..while they don’t say “this is a good thing” and in fact usually the ‘mean girls’ get their comeuppance in the end.† But that isn’t the point.† They are ALWAYS there…like it is just a given.† The message is: If you live in the world and are between a certain age, you are going to have to face or deal with bullies.† There is something horribly wrong with society when it is just a given that you will be treated like crap and made cry and get pushed around.

I have no answers, only outrage; no solutions, only sadness.† But I do know this:

Bullying should never be a given.† Period.

ìNever be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.î ~ Harvey S. Firestone

Odysseus, Marsupials, & Friends…..

I do declare…spring is here.† The weather..the weather is glorious.

Kei's picture of Grape Hyacinth...

Yes it will soon be HOT and I will be complaining about that.† Seems like I know a lot of people who complain about the weather, including me.† Too cold, too hot.† But we do seem to be an area of one or the other.† Our Springs are very short, our Falls are very short, and there is a whole lotta hot and cold in between.

Kei took time to make a crown of Henbit this week.† Thank you Kaitlin, we† couldn’t find the name of this wildflower and she told us what it was.† It is EVERYWHERE here!† Like grass…

A Spring Crown...

I have had a pair of Doc Marten’s for 20 years.† They still look great.† Kei can finally wear them.† I love what she put with them…she has such a cool sense of fashion just like her Mommy ‘used’ to have.† I don’t have a lot of occasions to wear the cool stuff I used to wear.† *Thank goodness shoes can not talk…I’m just saying…

Doggie Kisses...
Kei, Nomad and Doc...

I finally found “The Odyssey” to rent.† After looking everywhere!† I had to join Blockbuster Online for 2 free weeks to get it.† We are really liking it.

Lunch with Odysseus...

Kei has been playing some really good games online to learn about Greece.† I usually have a link at least once a day for her to play with or watch.† The internet is just full of cool things!!† Here she is helping Icarus make his wings.† We have loved this site.

Kei and Icarus...

We are learning about Marsupials in Zoology.† We have both enjoyed it very much.† Even more so because 2 of my favorite bloggers, Helena and Karisma live in Australia.† Kangaroo’s are such a ‘magical’ animal to us.† It isn’t something we can imagine seeing outside in the yard.† But Helena and Karisma can!† Kei just thinks that is so cool.

Here is Kei with her Koala watching a video about Koala’s.† They are lazy little things. 😉 Sleeping 20 hours a day!

Lazy Lazy Koalas...

Kei made brownies to take to Esther’s to a much needed “day with our friends”.


When I swiped a little bit of brownie mix on her face she wasn’t amused…well she SAID she wasn’t, but she kept giggling.

Not Funny Mom!!!

We had a blast at Esther’s.† There was food and giggling and stories and silliness and laughter and talking all at once.† The kids had fun too.

Our kids...
Homeschool Super Heroes!
Homeschool Shiva...
Best Friends...
Just Swinging...

Kei is loving her shorter hair.† Well it isn’t short but shortER. † We had it cut about 4″ and she wasn’t sure about it at first but now she says, “You were right Mom” as I mumble under my breath “As always.” 🙂

My baby girl...

Chan came home with us for a few nights.† They are off playing in the creek and have big plans of a WebKinz Play Extravaganza.

I have cut the grass today for the first time and decided that if there is any way possible I will hire someone to keep the yard this summer.† Almost 3/4 acre is just too much for me!† Argh.

Lovely weekend to all,

Spring has returned.† The Earth is like a child that knows poems.† ~Rainer Maria Rilke



Computer Geek Girls…

We have both been geek girls lately.

My best friend lives in California.† We have always used the internet to stay in touch, mainly by playing online games.† I am always a Ranger chick with a bow.† She is always a Cleric.† We have a blast.† A new game just came out.† Rift.† We beta tested it for about 6 weeks and then it went live a couple of weeks ago.† I have since been spending my time in Telara, a world full of beauty and mystery.† I play on a PvP server.† That is Player versus Player for you non-gamers.† Which means someone from the ‘other’ side can come and kill me at any time and vice versa.† We play with a bunch of people from all over North America.† We are in a guild called Black Daggers.† We have a vent channel so we can talk because typing is soooooo 2000.† I have a blast.† There are tons of† “Achievements” you can get in the game.† Carla and I saw this one and had to do it.† You had to find this remote area on a huge mountain and find these little squirrels.† When they started dancing you had to make your character dance with them…your title…”Dances With Squirrels”† We HAD to get a screen-shot of it.

Me and Carla and Squirrels..

Kei has been living in the Webkinz World.† She has had Webkinz since she was 6 and has 114 at last count.† That is a lot of pets to keep happy.† She decorates their rooms, chats to other people, runs a restaurant, does tons of research to find our the best items in the trade rooms, keeps a chart with all the things she trades and what they are worth, finds new recipes and patterns for clothes, plays with one of her best friends and has a blast.† She always cracks up at what some people name their Webkinz.† She had to take a picture of one of them.

Justin Bieber
Kei in WebKinz land...

Like Mother, like Daughter.

We have managed to get work done.† We† are still in Ancient Greece.† We are fascinated with Gods and wars and ancient cities.† We finished up Cats in Science and learned so many fascinating things about them.† We are still using the iPhone for a lot of our educational time.† It rocks.† We are learning about Drafting Geometry and it amazes me how quickly Kei catches on. She gets so frustrated because there is 4 pages of the same concept so if she gets it, we just move on.

It has warmed up here. Spring is a comin’… I can hear it calling our names.

Hope we can hear it in our virtual worlds.

ìGive a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeksî† ~Unknown


And Dogs and Dogs and Dogs and Dogs

The play is over. After almost 2 months of 3 days a week practice, final week practice every day, 9 shows all together, tons of laughter and hugging and fun, it is done.

My Daddy is in Florida, but my brother and Seth came, Kei’s Nana, my Aunt and my Mom’s best friend [which make me tear up because I know my Mother would have loved it!], tons of our homeschool friends and more. Kei got roses and flowers and gifts. It was such a great experience.

Kei, My Aunt Betty, Patsy, Mom's Best Friend...

Kei was superb, that isn’t just Mommy talk, she was really, really good. So many people told me; not only that she did great, but that you could tell it was her passion.† This was her biggest role.† She got a mic for the first time and took her bow at the end….Jasper, Horace [her character] and Cruella.† She and Drew [the boy who played Horace] got to ad lib a lot and it added so much to the show.

Kei and Drew hamming it up
Bad Guys Finish Last!

The kids that she has done plays with over the years are so amazing.† The older ones help the younger ones.† They really become a family.† At rehearsals or in the green room you hear kids breaking out into songs from “Wicked” or “Sweeny Todd” and everyone joining it.

Kei spent any spare time she had making “101 Dalmatian” Charms out of her clay for some of her cast members.† She tied them onto black and white yarn and they were so cute.

101 Charms

I worked backstage all shows but the final one.† I love being back there and making sure the younger kids enter on their cue.† Seeing their eyes sparkling when they come off stage, seeing the smiles when things go well.† It really is magic.

And it is…she loves it, loves the stage, the spotlight, making people laugh. I am so proud of my talented girl. I wish I could have taken you all by the hand and brought you into the theatre with us.

Now I am beat…and very behind on all of my friends blogs..I will catch up…really I will.

Whew! What a week.† It was awesome but I am glad it is over…for now. 🙂

“The center of the stage is where I am” ~Martha Graham

Sickness, Stars and Apps!

Kei has been sick all week.† She came home from a spend the night party for one of her best friends feeling pretty yucky.† So we have spent most all week chilled on the couch.

Photo by Esther Crawford

She got 2 Webkinz for Valentineís Day that she finally named.† The Red Squirrel is Abby Tree Hugger and the Jelly Bean Pup is Chelsea Morning.† [She wanted a hippy name :)]

Kei, Abby TreeHugger, Chelsea Morning...

She missed Monday practice but decided she could go Tuesday.† It wasnít a good idea because she has felt bad ever since.

Choreography Practice
The 'Bad Guys" comforting the little puppies...

We give Nomad water from the sink.† Donít judge! If you were to see how he drinks it from a bowl you would understand..this way is much neater..TRUST ME!† Disclaimer- Disregard my dirty sink! I had been making Chicken San Remo! Which is one of our favorite meals!

Slurpping Water..Nomad style

We did get outside for about 10 minutes yesterday because it was close to 70∞!

Skater Girl

We did try to put chicken bones together.† I got the lesson plan here.† After having a chicken that looked remarkably like a frog Kei decided she probably wouldnít be a paleontologist!

Hmmm what goes here?
The Rare "Chicken Frog"

We have been doing a lot on iPhone.† So I thought I would list some of our favorite ëeducationalí apps.

Cat Physics

ILive Math African Animals

ILive Botany

Brain Pop

Stack the States

She is loving these and especially the Cat Physics.† We† lay in bed and play this one!

I have discovered “Prison Break” and am loving it.† Wentworth Miller = swoons. Anyone who reads me knows how much I love to discover a TV Series that I never watched that I can watch all the way through on Netflix.† This one is very well written!

I work for someone in the Entertainment business.† I spent all day Monday on the phone with Sam Hennings. I am coordinating getting his car from Los Angeles to New Orleans for “Memphis Beat”.† He asked me where I was from and I told him the city and he said, “I lived there for a few years when I was young”.† I said to him, “Get out of here, how cool is that?”† I didn’t realize until Stan told me exactly “who” I was talking to. hehe He was the nicest guy!† Even told me I should come to New Orleans with Kei and come on set!

I am taking Kei to the doctor this afternoon.† Her play starts next week and with 8 days straight of practice and performances she doesnít need to feel bad.† Hopefully it is just a little something that will GO AWAY soon!

Happy Thursday all,

ìLet us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.î† ~Buddha

Hello My Name is Karen…

and my daughter hates to read.† How can that be possible?† In what world can I have a child who doesn’t devour reading?† I have read to her her entire life.† I still read to her.† EVERYDAY….

She loves stories, she loves words.† She loves to create words and stories and plays.† But give her a book to sit down and read…ain’t gonna† happen.† Last spring and summer I was adamant that she would read all Harry Potter books.† I even got the audio books for her to follow along because lets face it, HP are some LONG books.† She has always loved Harry Potter.† Loved the movies, loved the stories.† When the final book came out, she won 1st place at BAM for her costume.† What did she win you ask?† A copy of “Deathly Hallows”.

Kei as Hermione when she was 7..

You should have heard her when I made her read everyday.† “I hate Harry Potter” “These are the dumbest books ever”† “I wish J.K. Rawlings had never written these dumb books.”

She actually made it to book 5 when I just said, “Forget it!”.

She reads now, when I make her, when I threaten her with something that is important to her.† My visions of her curled up reading and petting her dog have slowly diminished over time.

I have friends who read all the time and say they didn’t love to read as a child.† So I am hopeful.

How can she live in a world where there is she has never “been a resident of Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann’s Way.” ~Quote from Rory Gilmore’s graduation speech.

But I am still reading to her everyday, and we listen to books on tape constantly.† We keep checking out tons of books that she thinks look interesting but never get opened and I will keep making her read and one day, I hope, she will understand the wonder of books….

That being said, we† had a good week.† Kei is having practice 3 days a week and that is taking up a lot of time.† She loves plays…she LOVES plays.† She would practice 7 days a week for hours.† This is her biggest role to date and she is having so much fun with it.† She also loves the fact that one of her BFF’s is in the play too.

These pictures are horrible, bad lighting and phone camera.† But here she is, with Cruella and her sidekick Jasper.† She loves playing the ‘bad guy’.

Cruella and her henchmen walking in.
But blimey Cruella...
Bad Guys!

We are still studying the Greeks.† We may never leave!† Kei put on a puppet show about Zeus, Poseiden, Hades, Hera, Ares and more.† It was hysterical!

We found this really fun link.

She has known most of the capitals and states since she was 9 but now I am giving her blank maps and she has to fill in the states and capitals and SPELL them correctly. That is the challenge. 😉

This past weekend we went to see “Godspell” and it was AWESOME!!!† Bethel University, which was who had the summer camp Kei went to, performed it.† Kei got to see all her counselors and we both loved it.†† I was blown away by these talented kids.

Jesus and cast

Kei did some drawing.† I loved these 2 drawing of cats.† Of course Nomad decided he liked the Valentine cat and ate it!

Mipes the Cat..
Valentine Cat AKA Nomad's snack...

Kei is trying to teach Nomad to clean.† I think she has visions of no more cleaning her room! *Disclaimer- no dogs were hurt in the taking of this picture!

You Missed a Spot!

We had Skate Day…complete with Valentine Boxes, cards, fun, laughter and candy.

Kei and her Valentine Box
Kei and Chan...

And anyone guess what this is?


A good week, a simple week…a week filled with joy and laughter and learning.† What could be better?

Happy weekend,


ìThe world’s a theater, the earth a stage, Which God and nature do with actors fillî ~Proverb

*Answer: Nomad DESTROYED one of our pillows.† This is Kei wearing the stuffing.† Silly girl..silly dog..

Plays, Boxes and Dreams…

Sometimes our weeks go by like a flash, places to be, things to do.

Sometimes our weeks are slow, like a stream winding lazily toward its destination.

Homeschooling has made me crave the slow days.† I hate having 100 places to be.† I hate having to wake up with an alarm clock and rush, rush around to get out the door.† Homeschooling has spoiled me. I think back to when Kei was in Public School.† How did I manage it?† Up at 6:30, dressed, breakfast, backpack together, hair fixed, out the door.† Looking back, what a pain that was!

This has been a slow, lazy week.

Filled with Greeks and Trojan Wars and lovely Myths. Fun Greek games online.

Felidae of all sorts; kitties and tigers and panthers and lions and jaguars, oh my.

Math with isosceles, scalene and equilateral triangles.† Questions about stocks and how she can buy one stock.† And that leads to looking up about stocks and telling her she can of course pick one and buy it with her money.

Reading about Dr. Doolittle and his amazing journeys.

We studied The Creation of Adam,† painted by Michelangelo in 1499.

We had play practices…the show is getting closer and Kei is so excited.† The last week of the show has a brutal schedule.† 9 shows in all!

Horace, Jasper and Cruella...

Practice Makes Perfect..

Kei got a craft kit for Christmas and she worked on that.

Working on Dreams...


Friday is our HS Skate Day.† The kids can bring Valentine boxes to exchange cards and there is a contest for the Most Creative box.† Kei has been hard at work on hers.† It turned out fabulous.† She calls it “Fashionista Box”

Working on the box...

Fashionista Box

Top of Kei's V box

It is supposed to snow Friday.† Not a huge blizzard like some of my blog friends but snow indeed.† Bah humbug…I am ready for Spring.

*Disclaimer: Kei does not always look like she does in these pictures, well† most of the time she does but she does clean up nicely. :)† We just don’t sweat it most days.† Clothes-check and that is about it.† Hair may brushed, depending on the day.

Happy weekend all!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
~ Mark Twain

Simply Simple…

Simple times..

Simple pleasures..

Simple smilesÖ

Simple laughsÖ

Simple hugsÖ

Simple mealsÖ

Simple giggles..

Simple sillinessÖ

Simple livingÖ

It took awhile before I understoodÖ

It used to be a battleÖ

That I could never winÖ

Rush around to be perfect..

Perfect look, perfect clothes, perfect house..

Get it all done..NOW NOW NOWÖ

Silly me..

Why did I waste so much timeÖ

When it was right in front of meÖ

All it took was a child, and a crazy dog to realize

That the sweetest, most perfect, most awesome, most wonderful things in lifeÖ

Are right there..

See them?

Right there….

My wish for you:

Find yoursÖ


Our Simply Lovely Week:

Making a Robot..
Bug Bot...
Kei's Cake...
Pink Frosting...
Clay Fairies...
Wonderful Library Books...
Kei's Pasta, full of tomatoes, squash, brocoli, carrots, cauliflower and onions...
Kei's Chicken with Caribbean Jerk sauce...It was delicious.

And she wrote a story..a lovely story of a world of Numphs, Everas, Layus Elves.

Here is the ‘blurb’ she wrote for the back:

“They are all around us but only the warrior can see them and save them from evil. Come and learn the truth. Help the creatures of the land and save them too! We need you. See the world the place where dreams are true. Come let’s go!”

Doesn’t it just make you want to read it right now???!!!† It has 14 chapters and she worked on it all week.

"The Book of the Creatures of The Land: The Untold and Unkempt"
"The Everas"

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.† ~Confucious

Ursidae, and Greeks and Insects, Oh MY…

We are trying to do less structured plans.† Thanks to online friends like Theresa, Jessica and Helena, we are trying to get away from the “so many lessons each day or else” way of homeschooling.

Now there are still plans, they are just less rigid.

This week we did fractions.† We have done fractions most of the year because so much stems from knowing how to use fractions in any situation.† We also did lattice multiplication thanks to Estherís recommendation.† We both had paper and pencil and multiplied much larger numbers than Kei had ever done and I have done in a while.†† If you havenít checked out Khan Academy it is a MUST see!

We read and learned about Ursidae [Bears] †and I laughed at Keiís cartoon of what to do if you see a bear.† We added to our chart on classifications of animals.† We watched videos on brown bears, American black bears, polar bears and more.† We watched bears catching salmon in the stream and discussed the salmon migration upstream once a year.

We read in our ìFabreís Book of Insectsî, which is the most wonderful book about insects ever written.† †Jean Henri Fabre was a French entomologist and teacher.† He studied insects for years and years.† We have learned so many fascinating things about them.† This is how his book begins:

We all have our own talents, our special gifts. Sometimes these gifts seem to come to us from our forefathers, but more often it is difficult to trace their origin.† A goatherd, perhaps, amuses himself by counting little pebbles and doing sums with them. He becomes an astoundingly quick reckoner, and in the end is a professor of mathematics.† Another boy, at an age when most of us care only for play, leaves his schoolfellows at their games and listens to the imaginary sounds of an organ, a secret concert heard by him alone. He has a genius for music. A third so small, perhaps, that he cannot eat his bread and jam without smearing his face takes a keen delight in fashioning clay into little figures that are amazingly lifelike. If he be fortunate he will some day be a famous sculptor.

To talk about oneself is hateful, I know, but perhaps I may be allowed to do so for a moment, in order to introduce myself and my studies. From my earliest childhood I have felt drawn towards the things of Nature. It would be ridiculous to suppose that this gift, this love of observing plants and insects, was inherited from my ancestors, who were uneducated people of the soil and observed little but their own cows and sheep. Of my four grandparents only one ever opened a book, and even he was very uncertain about his spelling. Nor do I owe anything to a scientific training. Without masters, without guides, often without books, I have gone forward with one aim always before me : to add a few pages to the history of insects.

I have a wonderful copy that my boss gave me.† Ok if Stan happens to read this, he didnít actually GIVE it to me, he let me borrow it when I lived in California and I sorta never returned it. †Thanks Stan!!† My copy is the 1936 edition filled with wonderful illustrations.† There is a free download copy here.

We learned about the Early Greeks and the Barbarians.† We read about The Trojan Horse and read Myths.† Kei did a hysterical interpretive dance while I read the Myth, ìZeus, Hera and Little Ioî.† We love Mr. Donn for History of any kind!†† We continued reading myths and stories and fables.

We learned about building the Tabernacle from Exodus 36.† We learned what a cubit is in modern measurements.† We learned about how much gold and silk and animal skins were used in the building of The Tabernacle and looked up reconstruction pictures of it in all its magnificent glory.

Kei made a pair of pajamas for her Barbie.† Hand sewed and lovely.† She made a clay bathing suit for her doll and is working on several goodies for our favorite Oregon blogger. ::waves to Ami::. † She baked a cake and made wonderful, yummy breakfasts and lunches.

She had play practice 3 times this week and every week until the week before the play.† Then we have daily practices.† They are performing this play 9 times for an audience.† She is beyond giddy.† We drove home Thursday night with snow coming down so hard we could barely see!

We played and played with our silly dog.† We laughed at him running in his sleep and snoring!† He has gotten so much better, calmer.† The last 8 months have been a little crazy but I think he is finally settling down.† We both love him so much.† He loves his girls too.

She wrote a lovely blog post that had me crying

I love the quote I picked for this week.† Kei and I were just talking about learning all the time.† I have heard all my life that you should learn something every day.† I went for a long time without being aware of doing this.† I am sure, along the way, I did learn new things, but I didnít actively seek it.† Now with homeschooling, I actively seek learning.† I find myself in awe of life around me.† I love insects and Nature in a way I didnít think I ever would.† I love History and Science and even Math.† Homeschooling I hope, is making my daughter a wonderful, learned person; but it is also making me one.

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether this happens at twenty or eight. Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young, but becomes constantly more valuable regardless of physical capacity.” ~ Harvey Ullman

Jesus, a Mother, a Daughter and a Dog….