Tag Archives: Ancient Greeks

If Girls Ruled the World…

We are learning about Ancient Greek and Rome.

K decided to put on a play.† She was up in her room for over an hour ‘getting ready’.† Finally she said she was ready and proceeded to bring down 25 Webkinz.† She divided them on the floor into 2 sides.† Each side had a Royal Family, soldiers and townspeople.

She said they were about to start fighting and I was thinking to myself, “This is the first time I have ever seen her pretend a fight”

There was discussions about battle strategy, there were meetings, the turtle, who was the messenger, [go figure] ran back and forth between kingdoms, finally the Kings from each side met in the middle and it was decided that “peace was a better option, that we can accomplish more if we work together”

Ahhh….what would this world be like if women ran it??
