Tag Archives: chalk drawing

Summer Days….

We had a really good week.

We always try to do things that do not cost money since we have none.

Kei is reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.† She is loving it.† We are actually doing an online Unit Study with other HSers.† It has been a blast!

Kei In Narnia
Kei In Narnia

Kei and some of her neighborhood friends are keeping the sidewalk beautiful!




We went to Cathy and Kaitlin’s swimming Thursday.† We had a blast soaking up the sun and listening to Dr. Horrible.† Cathy made the best food!† We had chicken spaghetti, black beans and a corn casserole that I have to have the recipe for.


Kei and I woke up Saturday and she just had to do something! She wasnted to go letterboxing.† I tried to get her to wait until we, hopefully got a GPS, but she wanted to do it now.

So, we hopped in our car and took off to Falkville.† Of course I went the long way around because that is the only way I was sure of.† The first place took us to a cemetary with these cool directions:

From I-65 take exit 322 (Falkville-Eva). Go west (toward Falkville) on highway 55. Turn left at the Love’s truck stop onto Douglas Rd (.1 mi.). At the end of Douglas Rd. (1 mi.) turn left onto Piney Grove Rd. From Piney Grove Rd. find the outdoor resting place of hundreds. If you come to a “DEAD” end you’ve gone too far. Go back. Park.
Find the loneliest “Dad” at the front (NE) of the lot. Have a seat facing the sleeping souls and give your regards to David. You will find yourself looking at a fallen giant, which is where your treasure awaits.

When we found it we were both so excited!† It is so cool reading the notebook to see who all has come before you and where they are from.


The next place was also in Falkville, so after a stop at Love’s Truck Stop [I just adore truck stops!] we were off.

This one had really cool instructions:

When driving the great 65 that cutteth the east in half, if thou dippeth below the Mason-Dixon line into northern Alabama, thou wilt come to exit 322, Falkville/Eva. Thou can makest a quick detour off the ribbon of blacktop onto highway 55, and turn west, toward Falkville (small town USA). When thou cometh to the second road on the right (Culver Road), turneth right there. A short way down this road, watcheth for a place where the young and old can cometh together. Pulleth into the lot where the old folks roam, and the children play. Pulleth to the North end of the lot, and thou wilt find the twin dining area for the old folks at home. Yon box is not there. Skirteth this area and droppeth into a shallow ditch. Climbeth out of the ditch on the other side. Thou wilt see a cluster of three trees, one with a curly trunk. Looketh in that spot to find thine treasure.
Please rehide this box very well, as one box has already disappeared from this area.

Everything went smoothly until we actually saw the container.† I was reaching for it when I felt FIRE on my feet.† I looked down and there were, honestly, thousands of ants on my feet.† I kinda freaked out and went screaming.† Thankfully my fast thinking child grabbed her water bottle and a towel we brought and drowned those suckers.† But…the pain!† I had tons of ant bites.† All in all, NOT an enjoyable experience.† We got all the ants off me and my sandals and got outta there.† We did find a really quicker way to get to Esthers though!

We love just getting in the car and driving, Kei especially.† But I am so directionally challenged that I always get lost.† Today after church we were over at my Daddy’s and my sweet brother brought us an early Christmas present.† Our own Nuvi!!† Adventure here we come!

Happy Week,