Tag Archives: Oceans

Relaxing Fridays…

Today was a stay-at-home day.

We worked on Kei’s† “Mythological Creatures” Lapbook.† We are both loving it!† Afterwards Kei put on a play with her Webkinz about some of the Myths we had read.

Then we watched “The Blue Planet” about Oceans.† It was unbelievably fantastic!† Kei is fascinated by the oceans and the fact that only 1% of them have been explored.† We saw some of the coolest ocean animals.† It is almost hard to believe they are real!† The series is hosted by BBC so all measurements were in meters; as in “We are now 300 meters under the surface”† I told Kei I wished I knew meters and centimeters better.† Her answer was, “It’s ok Mom, you can’t help it, you went to Public School!” LOL


The deep-sea “Dumbo” octopus got its nickname from obvious places, it is equipped with large fins (which may resemble mammalian ears) to help it swim.

Kei spent the rest of the day sewing clothes for her American Girls.† She loves sewing so much.† This is one of the many reasons I love homeschooling.† It seems like children today are so slammed with ‘activities’ they don’t get enough time to be little.† Creative play is so awesome!

I missed my Mother a lot today.† I would be just going about my day and I would have the urgent thought, “I NEED to talk to my Mom”.† <sighs>† I miss you Momma..

Happy Weekend,
