Tag Archives: Play Days

Lazy Days of Summer…

It has been a good week.†† Kei and I cleaned OUT her room.† We moved everything out and then rearranged.† What a job!† But she loves it.


We had my nephew spend the night a couple of nights and he was a blast.† He helped me clean off the balcony and various other “I need a strong dude” chores.† We sat on the balcony and had a fire.† It was so great.


We went to Esther’s for a day of food, laughter and play.


We moms had to get our “silly on” too.


Then Seth taught Kei to play Poker.† Of course, she had to ‘dress’ the part.† Esther said it was a fine example of learning Math and symbols.† E can find the ‘learning’ in anything!!


Kei is so excited about going to see “Beauty and The Beast” at the Princess.† We can’t wait.

Happy Weekend!

Schools Out…NOT

We homeschool year round.† I believe learning is an ongoing process.† We learn every day.† How can you just STOP that for 3 months?† It is crazy.† But public schools are out here.† Which means no more quite mornings laying in the hammock and reading.† There will be kids…kids knocking on the door, kids wanting to play in the water, kids wanting to swing.† Now don’t get me wrong, I love kids.† Most of ’em. 😉

Gina picked us up to go spend the day at Suzette’s.† She had a cool new toy!† A Garmin GPS!† This was his maiden voyage and we loved it!† I gots’ to get my directionally challenged self one of these!

gina-nuviWe spent a great day at Suzette’s.† 6 Moms, 11 kids, several dogs.† We had lunch and talked.† Suz told us about the awesome trip she is taking in her camper.† 36 days!† She will never come out of it SANE! 🙂

The Girls

I have the greatest homeschool friends! I adore them all and I love ALL their kids! Now seriously, how many of your friends can you say that about??? <g>

Unsocialized Homeschoolers
Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Kei and I watched the National Spelling Bee last night!† We were rooting for the homeschoolers.† Especially Serena. She was so cool!† Of the 11 finalists, 3 were homeschoolers!!† I was truly amazed.† I consider myself fairly intelligent and I had never heard of 90% of those words!† Here are a few of them:

antonomasia, bouquiniste, oriflamme, guayabera, isagoge and sophrosyne.† SAY WHAT????

Have a great weekend,