Tag Archives: Pool

The Day the Music Died…

Farrah Fawcett died this morning.† She was 62.† My brother had her infamous red bathing suit poster on his door for years.† We used to watch Charlie’s Angels.† I always thought Farrah was beautiful but a bit of a fluff.† Then I saw her in Burning Bed and was blown away.† Good bye Farrah, you were too young to die.

Then I heard Michael Jackson died!† Michael Jackson???† I could hardly believe it.† MJ was such a part of my 80’s music memories.† You couldn’t go anywhere without hearing Michael Jackson, the radio, MTV, clubs.† I always felt sorry for him.† He seemed so lost and alone even though it seemed he had everything.† He seemed like a gentle soul and I always found it hard to believe all the rumors and allegations against him.

Rest in Peace Michael and Farrah.† May your artistry live on for future generations.

Daddy took my car to have the hail damage appraised.† The damage was way more than we thought.† My neighbor’s truck was actually totaled from hail damage.† That was some storm.

Kei played in H2O all day.† I read.† A nice, peaceful day.† Here she was letting water run into her mouth from the sprinkler.


And here she was trying to spit a stream.


This one I liked because her face was all underwater.


Now it’s off to watch more Gilmore Girls.† We are determined to find Stars Hollow and move there.