Tag Archives: seed disperal

Learning by Doing…

We have had a great week in HSing.

We are studying about Colonial Times and have watched a series on PBS called Colonial House. It is like a reality show with modern families having to live like Colonists.† We ordered it from Netflix.† We both agree that we wouldn’t really care to live during those times. We read a book about an average day and the little girl in the book put on 16 items of clothing every morning.† Kei tried it with skirts, stockings, tulle skirts and various things.† She kept it on about 10 minutes and then I found pieces of clothing like Hansel and Gretel’s bread trail. 🙂


She also did a poster on Seed Dispersal.† She loves hands on activities and I really think she retains more than just doing a worksheet.


I never throw away anything electronic that breaks.† Kei loves to take things apart.† Here she is taking apart our poor dead DVD player.† The funniest part was I heard her talking and I said, “Please don’t talk to inanimate objects” and she said, “I am pretending I am a doctor doing surgery on it”.


This is a picture Kei made of our gorgeous plant that Gina gave us.† It has done so well!† Especially considering I have a JET BLACK thumb!


All in all a good week.† Now if it would only stop raining.† It is supposed to cool off this weekend.† We have our electric blanket ready to go.

Have a snuggly next few days!