Tag Archives: wild swim

Water, Water Everywhere..

K loves water.† She loves to swim, to splash, to dive, to go underwater, to just sit with water all around her.† She takes hour baths and uses her mask in the tub!† I swear the kid is part mermaid.

She isn’t able to put up her pool this year and at first she was so sad.† But, being the creative kid that she is, she has made adjustments.

One day she played all day on her Water Slide:

Kei Water Slide
Kei Water Slide

Then she made some sort of train/water track.

Kei Train
Kei Train

Then we went on a Wild Swim with our HS Group.† It was awesome.

Rope Swing
Rope Swing
Chillin' n Relaxin'
Chillin' n Relaxin'

Then yesterday she made a Water House.

Water House
Water House

Thank goodness the rain has left for awhile because she is enjoying every wet second of the SUN!