Category Archives: Science

Epic Church, Fun Learning & Nature’s Beauty…

Wednesday night we had convergence at our church.† We don’t have enough room for all of us at our building so we go to The Princess Theater.† It was amazing as usual.† I love our church and it has made SUCH a difference in Kei and I’s life.† Truly.

Kei had gotten a new shirt/jacket that she had to wear.† I reminds me of a jacket I had in the 80’s!!† Wish I had kept things like that.

We started off having children’s dedications.† It was so sweet.† Kei and I participated in it a couple of years ago. Everyone in the entire place prayed for these amazing kids and their parents.† Then our band played.† Our band ROCKS!

We did some really cool things this week lesson wise.† We are working on fractions in Math.† Right now I am using Math Mammoth Fractions.† I also have Life of Fred which we love!

In Science we are doing Physics for 3 months.† We are learning about forces and energy.† I found a GREAT free download based on 2D Physics.† Kei plays with this for hours.† It is called PHUN. She told me the other day, “Mom I bet you $1 I can make a machine that writes a “K”.† She did and I happily paid her $1.

We are using Story of The World for history.† I started out using that, then last year we did US History up until reconstruction.† Kei wanted to go back to Ancient this year.† We love SOTW.† We have the audio version and she listens to the chapters.† We even listen to it in the car.† We also got the activity guide which is SO worth it.† We also use Evan Moor History Pockets. These are the coolest things we have almost ever done.† Fun, hands on projects.

For writing I make Kei do a report once a week.† She turns in a rough draft and I correct it and she redoes it.† It can be on any subject and she has to have 2 resources.† So far she has done cooking and dogs.† :)† I have never made her do a spelling program because she would make 100 and promptly forget how to spell it.† This† year we are using Sequential Spelling and we both really like it.† There is a spelling ‘test’ ever day but it takes us about 5 minutes.† It makes sense so she remembers it so much better.† I can tell such a difference in her spelling.

For Geography I put all the countries of the world in a big glass bowl.† She draws one out each Monday.† She does a COUNTRY REPORT 2010 that I made up and also looks up images during the week.† I want her to really see how the people live.† How the children live.† How they are like and not alike.† We have 2 of the most amazing books that we also use for Geography.† One is called What the World Eats. It is a fascinating look at what the average family in different countries spend on food and what they buy.† The other is our favorite.† It is Material World: A Global Family Portrait. I had it in my cart for months and finally just ordered both of them.† We love them. It really makes you appreciate what you have when you see how most of the world lives.

I also made a jar with about 200 random questions.† She draws out a question every day and has to find the answer online.† I think knowing how to search is really important.† It is one of her favorite parts of her day.

We are using Live Mocha for Spanish.† She has only done a few lessons but really likes it.† We do critical thinking about 3 times a week.† We are doing Monet in Art right now.†† We read a biography about him and read Linnea in Monet’s Garden and watched a video from Netflix.† I couldn’t homeschool without Netflix!† This upcoming week we are going to try our hand at water lilies.† I am doing the drawing along with Kei.† I have always sucked at drawing but I still am loving it.† I am actually learning some techniques that I never knew.† We also do some Photography.† I just give her an assignment and she shoots away.

Friday’s we don’t do ‘lessons’.† We have, what we call “Fun Fridays”.† This past Friday we went on a hike and a picnic.† We took Nomad.† It was a really awesome day.† The only ‘bad’ thing is that we hooked Nomad on a post while we went inside to the bathroom.† When we came out his empty leash was laying there!† We freaked out but finally got him.† Kei calls him Houdini Dog.

The Beginning
Ah-ah-AHHHH, ah AHH.....
Bridge Over Lilies
If A Tree Falls in the Forest...
Me & The Dog
Muscadine and Kei in the Background
Rest Time..

After Flint Creek we went over to the Wild Life Refuge for our picnic and more hiking.

Hiking is Thirsty Work...
Monet in the Making...

We didn’t see any ducks but we saw some beautiful cranes. Some of the telescopes are on the second floor so Nomad climbed his first stairs.† No problemo.† Coming down was a different matter.† He laid down and went on strike.† Finally we got him to come down.† It was so cute.


Every time we go to the Refuge we take a “picture of Mommy and Kei on a rail post”.

Me & My Girl...

I think it is supposed to cool off a little next week.† I hope so.† I am so ready for fall!† Fall was always my Mother’s favorite time of the year.

Be blessed,

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.† Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.† The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.† ~John Muir

Learning by Doing…

We have had a great week in HSing.

We are studying about Colonial Times and have watched a series on PBS called Colonial House. It is like a reality show with modern families having to live like Colonists.† We ordered it from Netflix.† We both agree that we wouldn’t really care to live during those times. We read a book about an average day and the little girl in the book put on 16 items of clothing every morning.† Kei tried it with skirts, stockings, tulle skirts and various things.† She kept it on about 10 minutes and then I found pieces of clothing like Hansel and Gretel’s bread trail. 🙂


She also did a poster on Seed Dispersal.† She loves hands on activities and I really think she retains more than just doing a worksheet.


I never throw away anything electronic that breaks.† Kei loves to take things apart.† Here she is taking apart our poor dead DVD player.† The funniest part was I heard her talking and I said, “Please don’t talk to inanimate objects” and she said, “I am pretending I am a doctor doing surgery on it”.


This is a picture Kei made of our gorgeous plant that Gina gave us.† It has done so well!† Especially considering I have a JET BLACK thumb!


All in all a good week.† Now if it would only stop raining.† It is supposed to cool off this weekend.† We have our electric blanket ready to go.

Have a snuggly next few days!


September days….

“Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow and oh so mellow
Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain so yellow
Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a young and a callow fellow
Try to remember and if you remember
Then follow–follow, oh-oh.”
-† Try to Remember, Lyrics by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt


I can’t believe it is already the middle of September.† Where does time go?

We are in full swing with homeschooling.† Loving it with very few meltdowns by either of us.

We missed the “Not Back to School” picnic and the 1st skate day because Kei was very sick.† We both hated missing it.

We did go bowling which was fun.† I got to see some people I hadn’t seen all summer.† Kei broke 100 which is a 1st for her.


She has been in a coloring mode lately.† Every night after dinner she colors and colors and colors.


We are learning about Kingdoms, etc.† Even though I think it is a little silly.† I mean how many times have you been asked for the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Genus or Species of a mushroom???† Kei has memorized all of them which is more than I know.†† We did an experiment about “Opposable Thumbs” and it was a hoot.† She had to try to do all these things with her thumbs taped down.† Some she accomplished but it took forever and some she could not do at all.


I love homeschooling.† I love spending so much time with Kei.† I love learning right along with her.† I have learned relearned so much!† We are doing American History and I have never been so fascinated by Explorers and the first settlements.† In a perfect world we could go to visit Jamestown after studying about it.† But…with the internet that is almost possible.

Kei is now working on a play about Virginia Dare. She is convinced that the Indians got her and they all lived happily ever after.† She still believes in that…..

Live, laugh, learn,


Country Girl Wannabees….

We so want to be country girls.† 10 years ago, the thought of living in the country would have sent me into a panic.† Funny how a little nature girl and a homeschooling lifestyle can change your point of view.

We have had a great week and Ω.† We started American History this year, after 2 years of Ancient History.† We loved learning about the Native Americans.† Kei made a tipi [which I never knew was spelled that way!], we watched some movies and did all sorts of cool things.† Now we have moved onto Explorers.

Kei has fallen in love with the neighbor’s baby boy.† 1st time she has ever held a baby this small!


We have bird feeders and we have enjoyed watching the birds.† I think we must be the only place within miles that feed them.† We have so many birds.† We also have hummingbirds; which Kei has named Monkey, Dolphin and Tiger!† We have an adorable parakeet that showed up about a month ago and is still here!† Her name is Yum Yum and we adore her!† She stays around here day and night and looks so beautiful flying with her less colorful new friends.


Yum Yum the Parakeet
Yum Yum the Parakeet

We built a fire one night and roasted marshmallows.† I love the cooler weather! †It makes me ready for fall, which I know is not that close.


We are learning about animal and plant cells and made this cool Jello Cell.† It is supposed to be edible, but Kei passed on the eating part. 🙂

Animal Cell
Animal Cell

We had our weekly, bimonthly, monthly tea party.† Complete with sandwhiches, gummy worms, jello† and lots of laughter.


Kei went to Brit’s spend the night party and the next day we went to Zachery’s Slip and Slide party.† Fun times were had by all.


Kei got to slide under a neighbors truck on his…thingamijig.† Grrrr, what is that called?† I must google it.† She was impressed with the underneath of it!† She also Pogoed, which she is getting quite good at.



She also wrote† a† haiku:

Fly through the night sky,

Pretty wings in the moonlight,

Gorgeous butterfly.

Didimention how much I love homeschooling!???


Another Wonderful School Year….

We started school today.† Well, sit down and do various subjects, school.† Kei has been raring to go for 2 weeks.† She picked out her clothes and packed her bag last night.


We are doing American History after spending the last 2 years on Ancient Civilizations.† We just are going to kinda skip the middle parts for now. :)† We started with Native Americans and I have been gathering information for a month.† We did the Plains Indians first and both learned so much.† Then she started Caddie Woodhouse. She is reading and listening to the audio at the same time.

In fact, Kei roped a neighborhood public school kid into doing a ‘debate’ this afternoon.† Kei took the Native Americans part and Vicki was European.† I was so proud of Kei’s arguments about how badly the Indians were treated.

We also did Science, about the Earth and rotation and revolutions and we used an orange and various things to show both.† We are doing Saxon 6 math this year.† She is very good at Math, good enough to have me worried that I will be clueless very soon.

She also made a doll and a cat out of fabric.


All in all, a great 1st day of school.

I just love homeschooling.

Earth Day 2009

What a beautiful world we live in.

We celebrated Earth Day by going on a Wild Flower Hike and picnic with our homeschool group.†† On the way we passed a school bus and felt very sorry for the kids who were going to be stuck inside on this wonderful day.

We arrived at the spot with little problem, thanks to Esther’s directions, Gina’s ability to read said directions and Bobby’s manly driving!

It was a little cool and overcast but we set off.† It was a great place to hike and a stream that the kids, of course, had to try out.† I think these kids would jump in water if they had to chip the ice away first!

There was exploring,


there was splashing, there was worm races, there was a simple ceremony for poor dead Lacey who raced a good race,


there was laughing, there was friendship and there was learning!


What better way to celebrate Earth Day!



Field Day, Puppet Shows, Jump Rope, Play Days and Easter oh my…..

Since my computer has been out of commission I am going to squeeze the last 3 weeks into one post.† We spent a portion of the time in our downstairs bathroom hiding from tornadoes.† My poor umbrella that I just bought did not survive.

Farewell Dear Umbrella

Our homeschool Field Day was awesome thanks to Heather!† The kids all had such fun.† We had around 107 people there. I love how homeschooling just keeps growing and growing!

Kei the Mighty!

One of my dearest friends Ali, got Kei a puppet theater and several puppets and she has been playing with them so much and I have been an unwilling audience for 100 shows!!


We finally had a warm day and Kei wanted to jump rope.† She loves to be outside.† April is so crazy here. It can be 70 degrees one day and 35 the next!


Esther had a bunch of us to her house for a play day.† Kei would move to Esther’s if she could.† We both had a blast!† I laughed so much.† Besides being smart and full of great ideas HS moms are also hilarious!

Food Tastes Better w/ Friends
Food Tastes Better w/ Friends
Important Girl Stuff..
Important Girl Stuff..

We went to church on Easter and then to Daddy’s for lunch and an Easter Egg Hunt.† It was our 1st Easter without Momma.† I missed her so much.

Before the Hunt
Before the Hunt
Found One!
Found One!

All in all, a lovely 3 weeks.



Science Experiment #224


Kei loves Science.† We do lots of Science, but I really want to do more experiments.† I found this online.† It is very simple but she LOVED it!!† She was amazed.

Materials we used:

  1. D battery
  2. flashlight bulb
  3. jumbo paper clip or metal

We just made sure that the metal touched the – of the battery and the metal base of the bulb.† The bulb had to touch the + of the battery.

It was so cool!

I love homeschooling so much!






Relaxing Fridays…

Today was a stay-at-home day.

We worked on Kei’s† “Mythological Creatures” Lapbook.† We are both loving it!† Afterwards Kei put on a play with her Webkinz about some of the Myths we had read.

Then we watched “The Blue Planet” about Oceans.† It was unbelievably fantastic!† Kei is fascinated by the oceans and the fact that only 1% of them have been explored.† We saw some of the coolest ocean animals.† It is almost hard to believe they are real!† The series is hosted by BBC so all measurements were in meters; as in “We are now 300 meters under the surface”† I told Kei I wished I knew meters and centimeters better.† Her answer was, “It’s ok Mom, you can’t help it, you went to Public School!” LOL


The deep-sea “Dumbo” octopus got its nickname from obvious places, it is equipped with large fins (which may resemble mammalian ears) to help it swim.

Kei spent the rest of the day sewing clothes for her American Girls.† She loves sewing so much.† This is one of the many reasons I love homeschooling.† It seems like children today are so slammed with ‘activities’ they don’t get enough time to be little.† Creative play is so awesome!

I missed my Mother a lot today.† I would be just going about my day and I would have the urgent thought, “I NEED to talk to my Mom”.† <sighs>† I miss you Momma..

Happy Weekend,
