Category Archives: Life

Friends, Kids and Animals….

The weather has finally gotten cooler.† Give me a week or so and I will be complaining about how cold it is!

We had our friends over for lunch last week.† There were about 20 people here and we had a blast.† I made my version of Moe’s burritos with chicken or beef, rice, black beans, homemade salsa, sour cream, cheese, lettuce and wraps of many flavors.† Very good.

Girls eating Outside

Kei has been collecting acorns from our trees.† There are thousands!!!

Acorn Picking
Acorn Bounty...

We had our 2nd Skate Day and there were, once again, tons of people. Kei took a bunch of knitted items and made $7.50!† She was so excited.

Kei Skate Day

Chan and Ben came home with us for a few days while Esther surprised Matt with a romantic getaway.† Jake joined us on Saturday night and we had a blast with our new big family.

Play - Acting...
TV Watching...

Monday we went to a working farm with our Homeschool Group.† We† had so much fun.† It was a beautiful day!† The family does organic farming and we learned so much about that.† The kids all planted their own lettuce to bring home.† Kei’s dream is to live on a farm.† Yesterday made her realize just how much work that involves!


It's a Farms Life for Us...
Farm Kids
Planting Lettuce
Square Foot Gardening...

We saw cows, sheep, llamas, chickens, bunnies, kitties and more.



Kei was delighted with the llamas.† Of course, “she wants one.”


Llama Amazement

A great week in God’s beautiful world.

Be blessed,


I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.† ~George Washington Carver

Happy Fall?, Harriet Tubman & Bloggy Friends…

We celebrated the first day of Fall with a swim party!† Heather hosted us and yes, the kids swam.† Since the weather has been about 18∞ above normal it was perfect weather for it!† It was a great day with great friends.

Fall Swimming....
Piano Players
Talking and Eating!
Silly Kids

There was a full moon last week and Kei and I went outside and howled at it.† What??? Doesn’t everyone do that???


We went to Early Works Museum this week to see a presentation on Harriet Tubman and The Underground Railroad. † It was amazing! She did about a 45 minute One-Woman show.† Wow!

"Harriet Tubman"

Afterward they asked if any of the kids had questions.† Of course Kei was the 1st in line.† We studied The Civil War last year and learned so much about the Underground Railroad.† It was great to see it ‘come alive.’

Then they had different stations they went to to learn about slavery, womens right to vote, and more about The Underground Railroad.

Kei playing an instrument
Roles of Underground Railroad

It was a mix of PS and HS kids.† Of course our kids already had big plans for after the show.† They love Early Works and have some ongoing scenario going on where some of them are Colonial shopkeepers and some are Pirates.† Roles were already assigned long before we arrived.† I love our kids!† They couldn’t ‘free’ play until the PSers were loaded onto their buses.† Then it was on!

Old General Store

When the Pirates stole from the store, Kei was ready with her trusty Cast Iron Skillet.

Photo by Heather Woods

It was a great day!

We are learning about Ancient India in History.† We saw pictures and videos of the ancient city of Mahenjo Daro.† It was really interesting.† Kei used different materials to make bricks.† The bricks of the city of Mahenjo Daro are still standing.† I told Kei I doubted hers would last 1 week!

Dirt and Sand Bricks

We get a Science Newsletter from† Home Science Tools that has a “Question of the Month”.† Last month Kei sent in a question and she was picked as the winner!† She got a tin of Thinking Putty.† We love Thinking Putty.† It is the coolest thing.

Pretty Putty....

Also I made a comment on a blog about how I would love to teach Kei to knit but hadn’t a clue.† One of my favorite bloggers, AmiMental, saw my comment and sent me an email that she just happened to have a Klutz knitting book that her daughter didn’t use.† She told me that if I didn’t mind giving her our address she would send it to Kei.† Kei got it last week and was so excited.† Not only did she send the book but also yarn and the sweetest card.† Aren’t blog friends just great???† I have met so many online friends that I just adore.† Thanks again Ami. 😉

Box of Goodies...
Happy Kei

A very good week indeed.

I can’t wait until next week when the weather is supposed to FINALLY get more Fallish!

“I love the fall. I love it because of the smells that you speak of; and also because things are dying, things that you don’t have to take care of anymore, and the grass stops growing.”
– Mark Van Doren

Treasures, Junk and Memories…

I was going to write a post about the amazing week we have had and that post is coming.† But now I need to write about ëjunkí.

For as long as I can remember my Mother and Daddy collected junk.† I called it junk, my parents called it discovered treasures.† You name it, they collected it.† My Daddy collected old toys, lunchboxes, cookie jars, furniture, putters, marbles and on and on and on.† Mother loved jewelry, glassware, old linens and more.

You would think that if for no other reason besides osmosis, I would love old things.† But I totally went the other way.† I loved modern and stark whites and bold splashes of color.† Old things held no appeal for me.

My mother always smiled and said, ìOne day you will appreciate them moreî.† And as with most things, she was right. †While I donít collect things I do appreciate the beauty in something hand stitched 100 years ago or a beautiful piece of furniture.

For 40 years they collected.† They spent hours upon hours ëjunkingí as they called it.† They traveled across the country in search of their treasures.† Since my Mother died, Daddy hasnít ëjunkedí very much.† Now that he has remarried he is back doing it, but not with the excitement I used to see on his face.

He has 4 huge building filled with his ëjunkí.† Throughout the years he would show me various things and tell me what a great deal he got on something and how much it was ëreally worthí.† I would always say the same thing, ìIt isnít worth anything sitting in this building!î.† I just didnít understand it.

Daddy decided to have a huge yard sale this weekend.† The buildings filled with junk just happen to be in our backyard since we are living at my Motherís house since Daddy remarried.† I have watched them pull out boxes and boxes just shaking my head at the vast array of ëjunkí.

Yesterday afternoon I finally got it.† I watched Daddy walk around and gently touch a small figurine or pick up an old tablecloth.† A little smile would come over his face and I knew he was thinking about my Mother; where they were when they bought this, maybe a joke they shared, maybe a touch of a hand.† All of a sudden I understoodÖ.it wasnít so much about the ëjunkí, it never was. It was about the ‘journey’, the laughter, the love, the excitement.

It was about the memories createdÖ

I miss my Mother so much today…

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. ~From the television show The Wonder Years

Watermelon, Honey Bees and Silly Bandz…

It has been a good few days.† School is going awesome.† We have some great outings coming up that we can’t wait for!

This past week was my Mother’s Birthday.† Kei wanted to make Mother a card which she did.† She wrote on it and so did I.† She addressed it to :

Me <which is how my Mother always signed everything!>

0 Heaven Street

Anywhere, Anytime.

She climbed up in the tree to attach it.† I guess she thought the tree was closer to Heaven.

We were cutting up watermelon, which I love!† Kei honestly flipped a piece on top of her head!† I was laughing so hard and screaming, “Don’t move, Don’t move”.† She said, “I know I know, the camera for the blog right?”† It was so funny.


Our hummingbird feeders got invaded by Honey bees.† I couldn’t believe it.† They were everywhere.† My brother said it was so dry that all the flowers have died and there is no nectar so they are getting it from the sugar water.

Nectar Searching Bees....

Daddy bought us a new hammock for our stand but unfortunately it didn’t fit our stand.† Kei and I made a new swing for her with it.† She is loving it.

Hanging Around

Today when we went to church Kei had so many silly bandz on I almost said something about it.† Then I remember me in the 80’s wearing bangles from my wrist to my elbow.† I told her they were awesome. 🙂

Silly Silly Bandz

We are looking forward to this week.† I finished her lesson plans just a bit ago.† If you haven’t already check out They are giving away 20 freebies for Pirate Week.† Just click around and find the ‘treasure chests’.† There are some great freebies!!!† Here are some hints for where they are hidden.† Enjoy!

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Have a wonderful, blessed week!

“Living is learning and when kids are living fully and energetically and happily they are learning a lot, even if we don’t always know what it is. ”
~John Holt

Epic Church, Fun Learning & Nature’s Beauty…

Wednesday night we had convergence at our church.† We don’t have enough room for all of us at our building so we go to The Princess Theater.† It was amazing as usual.† I love our church and it has made SUCH a difference in Kei and I’s life.† Truly.

Kei had gotten a new shirt/jacket that she had to wear.† I reminds me of a jacket I had in the 80’s!!† Wish I had kept things like that.

We started off having children’s dedications.† It was so sweet.† Kei and I participated in it a couple of years ago. Everyone in the entire place prayed for these amazing kids and their parents.† Then our band played.† Our band ROCKS!

We did some really cool things this week lesson wise.† We are working on fractions in Math.† Right now I am using Math Mammoth Fractions.† I also have Life of Fred which we love!

In Science we are doing Physics for 3 months.† We are learning about forces and energy.† I found a GREAT free download based on 2D Physics.† Kei plays with this for hours.† It is called PHUN. She told me the other day, “Mom I bet you $1 I can make a machine that writes a “K”.† She did and I happily paid her $1.

We are using Story of The World for history.† I started out using that, then last year we did US History up until reconstruction.† Kei wanted to go back to Ancient this year.† We love SOTW.† We have the audio version and she listens to the chapters.† We even listen to it in the car.† We also got the activity guide which is SO worth it.† We also use Evan Moor History Pockets. These are the coolest things we have almost ever done.† Fun, hands on projects.

For writing I make Kei do a report once a week.† She turns in a rough draft and I correct it and she redoes it.† It can be on any subject and she has to have 2 resources.† So far she has done cooking and dogs.† :)† I have never made her do a spelling program because she would make 100 and promptly forget how to spell it.† This† year we are using Sequential Spelling and we both really like it.† There is a spelling ‘test’ ever day but it takes us about 5 minutes.† It makes sense so she remembers it so much better.† I can tell such a difference in her spelling.

For Geography I put all the countries of the world in a big glass bowl.† She draws one out each Monday.† She does a COUNTRY REPORT 2010 that I made up and also looks up images during the week.† I want her to really see how the people live.† How the children live.† How they are like and not alike.† We have 2 of the most amazing books that we also use for Geography.† One is called What the World Eats. It is a fascinating look at what the average family in different countries spend on food and what they buy.† The other is our favorite.† It is Material World: A Global Family Portrait. I had it in my cart for months and finally just ordered both of them.† We love them. It really makes you appreciate what you have when you see how most of the world lives.

I also made a jar with about 200 random questions.† She draws out a question every day and has to find the answer online.† I think knowing how to search is really important.† It is one of her favorite parts of her day.

We are using Live Mocha for Spanish.† She has only done a few lessons but really likes it.† We do critical thinking about 3 times a week.† We are doing Monet in Art right now.†† We read a biography about him and read Linnea in Monet’s Garden and watched a video from Netflix.† I couldn’t homeschool without Netflix!† This upcoming week we are going to try our hand at water lilies.† I am doing the drawing along with Kei.† I have always sucked at drawing but I still am loving it.† I am actually learning some techniques that I never knew.† We also do some Photography.† I just give her an assignment and she shoots away.

Friday’s we don’t do ‘lessons’.† We have, what we call “Fun Fridays”.† This past Friday we went on a hike and a picnic.† We took Nomad.† It was a really awesome day.† The only ‘bad’ thing is that we hooked Nomad on a post while we went inside to the bathroom.† When we came out his empty leash was laying there!† We freaked out but finally got him.† Kei calls him Houdini Dog.

The Beginning
Ah-ah-AHHHH, ah AHH.....
Bridge Over Lilies
If A Tree Falls in the Forest...
Me & The Dog
Muscadine and Kei in the Background
Rest Time..

After Flint Creek we went over to the Wild Life Refuge for our picnic and more hiking.

Hiking is Thirsty Work...
Monet in the Making...

We didn’t see any ducks but we saw some beautiful cranes. Some of the telescopes are on the second floor so Nomad climbed his first stairs.† No problemo.† Coming down was a different matter.† He laid down and went on strike.† Finally we got him to come down.† It was so cute.


Every time we go to the Refuge we take a “picture of Mommy and Kei on a rail post”.

Me & My Girl...

I think it is supposed to cool off a little next week.† I hope so.† I am so ready for fall!† Fall was always my Mother’s favorite time of the year.

Be blessed,

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.† Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.† The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.† ~John Muir


Everyone has their own “where were you story”.† This is mine.

I lived in California at the time.† My phone rang and I was still asleep.† It was my Mother, from Alabama.† She said, “Turn the TV on”.† I grumbled and mumbled about her waking me up so early.

I stumbled into the den and turned on the TV.† I saw the North Tower on fire.† I asked my Mother, “what happened”.† She said a plane had flown into the tower.† As she and I were on the phone talking, we watched together, from opposite ends of the country, the 2nd plane crash.† I don’t really remember exactly what happened next.† I do remember calling a couple of people in Cali.† I knew most of them, like me, would be asleep.

Ever since Kei was old enough to understand we have talked about it.† I have shown her videos and songs and movies.† She told me today, “Mom I think I would have run away if I was a firefighter.† I don’t know if I could have gone into that building.”† I told her of course she would have.† We are strong when we have to be.† It is how most of of are made.

No matter what I show her,† there is no way to convey the ‘feeling’.† I felt like a zombie for several days, everyone did.† It shook us to our very core.† It changed us as a nation.

It was the main reason I moved back home.† I wanted to just be home.† I left California in October.† I remember how different the airports were.† How my best friend couldn’t walk me to the gate, how there were guards with guns everywhere.† I don’t remember being nervous about flying, even though flying isn’t my favorite thing.† I just wanted to be home.

Today as we sat and watched videos on YouTube it is still just as horrifying.† We still gasp as we watch the 2nd plane, as we see people jumping to their death, as we see firefighters covered in ash, I still cry.

So much has changed in my life since that September 11th day.† I am home, my sweet Mother is gone, I have the most wonderful child in the world.† But sometimes I wonder what I and everyone else lost that day….

God bless and be with everyone today who lost someone in 9/11, everyone who was affected by this tragedy, which is pretty much everyone in the world….

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rubber Bands, Tents, Caterpillars, Cocoons and Puppy Love…

Something dreadful happened Saturday.† It was unthinkable!† I could not believe it.

Now, it wasn’t as horrible as the great football debacle of ’08 when Kei turned to me while watching Alabama football and said, “Did he just score a homerun?” but it was close.

I picked up a rubber band and sneakily fired it at her [taking great care NOT to aim at her face of course].† After it hit the mark perfectly she screamed and picked it up and fired it back.† It went 1″ and fell on the floor.† I laughed, thinking that she had just had a misplaced finger but NOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo.† My child, my beautiful child, did not know how to shoot a rubber band.† I immediately took her outside and taught her my secrets and tricks handed down through generations.

She caught on quickly and proceeded to beat me at the infamous, “Knock Down the Diet Dr. Pepper Bottle” game.† Alas, I taught her too well.

The Technique
2 Points for the Noob!

She then got several of my sheets and built a tent worthy of a Sultan. This was a mulit colored, tied to the trees and hammock, flappy flaps everywhere kinda tent.

Assembling the Tent

She had to rest for awhile due to the high stress factor of the job.

5 Minute Break

Finally it was finished, complete with a sky light.


Kei found a caterpillar this weekend.† Look how beautiful it was.† It was so fat that we thought it was going to POP!

Fat Caterpillar

The next morning Kei yelled for me to come look at “Tinkerbell” [yes we name EVERYTHING around here!].† Can you see her?† Due to the fact that we did not ever look up to see if indeed caterpillars have gender, we call her “HER” ok?

All bundled up...

We can’t wait to see what beautiful thing it will become.

We played a lot with Nomad.† Ah Nomad…what can I say?† He barks like crazy, he drives us nuts, he licks us all over, he almost pulls our arms out of the socket, he spills† his water on the floor, he chews everything in sight, he chases the wind, he jumps up on the counter,† he bites our toes and butts and fingers, he smells like..well like a DOG; but my girl loves him to pieces. [and so do I]

Playing Frisbee
Water and a Pep Talk
Playing in the Sun
Jumping for the Frisbee

This was also a hot dog grilling, hamburger eating, laying in the hammock, reading out loud, watching TV, sleeping late, laughing until our sides hurt weekend.† It was perfect.

Be blessed,

We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.† ~Stacia Tauscher

Giant Bubbles, COOKIES, & Picnics in the Park…

Last week was a great week.† We went back to our regular homeschooling [and punted Time 4 Learning].† It isn’t that we didn’t like it, I just felt very removed from Kei’s learning.

First of all, we made Giant Bubbles and has such a blast.† I got the instructions here.

Here’s what you need to do— get two thin wooden dowels, two eye hooks and a metal washer ring. For the string, you’ll need to use cotton cord.† Cotton works the best because it soaks up the bubble solution, if you use a synthetic cord, it will only repel the solution.

There are many online resources for making your own giant bubble solution. Most call for water, Dawn dish soap and glycerin.† However, we didn’t have Dawn or glycerin— so I just put some water in a bucket, added a liberal dose of our regular dish soap, a little bubble solution that we had voila’… it worked perfectly!

We bought one long dowel at Wal-Mart and cut gently with a saw broke it in half and just hammered the string right onto the dowel.† It was pretty easy because the wood was soft.† One piece of string is 35 inches, and the second piece is twice as large at 70 inches.

I didn’t think it was going to work because it took quite a few tries for the bubbles to ‘start’ coming.† It was a fun little thing to do. You are never too big for bubbles!

Kei made some cookies too.† She loves to decorate cookies.† She just made a few; a duck, a hand and a foot [complete with rings], a dog and dog bone, a cowboy hat and boots and some stars.† Too cute and delicious too!† She ate the hat and I ate the boots.† YEE HAW!
Kei and I have a game night at least once a week, sometimes twice.† This week we played “Life”.† I hate that game!† It is boring to me but Kei likes it.† She was mad that you HAD to get married.† She was all like, “What if I don’t WANT to get married????!!!”.
the Game of...Life?
We also played Uno.† Look at her poker face!
P P P Poker Face...

We met friends at the park on Thursday.† It was such a beautiful day!† We brought out lunch [smoked turkey with lettuce and garden vegetable cream cheese on spinach tortillas, carrots and homemade cheese straws] and hung out for a few hours.† It was a blast.

Kei took my camera and made tons of pictures.† She has such a good eye.† These are a couple of my favorites.
Kei Railroad Crossing
Bumble Bee.. Up Close and Personal
Friday was our HS groupís 1st Skate Day.† We had over 150 kids there!!!† Homeschooling is just growing by leaps and bounds.† I also won the door prize!!† It was funny because they always let Kei pick.† I told her very loudly, ìWay to go, just like we practicedî. ;) I won some scented rocks, oil and the best thing of allÖ.a $25 gift certificate to Creative Learning Connection.† Woot!
Photo by Esther Crawford

She had to, of course, put on a little dance medley she choreographed.† She wore the heels that Marlene had bought her for a couple of songs.† There is no way I could dance in these suckers!

Heel Skillz...

Today was the most amazing weather day.† When I woke up to take Nomad out it was CHILLY.† It was a perfect day.† We went to The Dream Center to volunteer for about 4 hours.† First we went out into the community to give some information about The Dream Center.† What they do is twice a month they prepare a wonderful meal and have a sermon and fellowship.† They have a bus to bring the non drivers to the Center.† We also gave them bread and candy for the kids.† We saw so many people who had financial, health and other problems.† I was reminded of what my Mother always said, “But by the grace of God, go I”. We both just loved it and felt such a connection and God just oozing out of that place.

This afternoon we saw a salamander [we thought it was a salamander] and tried to capture it.† Unfortunately our net had a hole in it thanks to the CRAZY dog!

Salamander...I think?

Great week.† Ahhh we are so blessed.† So utterly blessed.

Have a lovely weekend,

“Architect Frank Lloyd Wright told how a lecture he received at the age of nine helped set his philosophy of life: An uncle, a stolid no-nonsense type, had taken him for a long walk across a snow-covered field. At the far side, his uncle told him to look back at their two sets of tracks.
“See, my boy,” he said, “how your foot prints go aimlessly back and forth from those trees, to the cattle back to the fence and then over there where you where throwing sticks? But notice how MY path comes straight across, directly to my goal. You should never forget this lesson!”
“And I never did,” Wright said, grinning. “I determined right then not to miss most things in life, as my uncle had.”

My Mommies, My Friends, My Family…

As we start our 4th year homeschooling I was thinking about friends.† Over the years I have had many friends.† High school friends, college friends, married friends, best friends, girlfriends, talk all night friends.† As a woman I feel very blessed to have great friends.† I honestly do not think men have the same kind of friendships and I feel sorry for their loss.

When we begin homeschooling I didn’t really worry about the whole ‘socialization’ thing.† Kei is hugely outgoing and makes friends wherever she goes. My best friend was in California but I knew we could still keep in touch.† I wasn’t concerned.

We joined our HSing group and I met some of the most amazing women in the world.† There is a group of 6 or 7 of us who get together usually at least once a week.† It is a group with common goals; they want the best for their children.† They have listened to me, cried with me when my Mom died, played Santa when I was laid off, brought us food, laughed and laughed, talked for hours, jumped for joy at my triumphs, lifted me up when I was way down, gone on some of the most amazing adventures, had spend the night parties with, shared ideas, recipes, advice from everything from kids to dogs, been the best friends ever!

What makes this so wonderful is that these same Moms are also my daughter’s best friends Moms.† When Kei was in PS, I was homeroom Mom.† I never got to know the Moms.† They would breeze in when we had a party to bring whatever I asked them to bring. <usually the same few moms> and breeze out.

My HS friends, hopefully, will be there until the end.† We will go through it all together.† I am so truly blessed to have these amazing women in my life.

If I had to offer advice for new HSers, it would be to find a group.† Our HS group has over 100 members.† No they aren’t all my best friends but I found the place where we belong.† You will too. Find your group, your place, your niche.† It will make this ride so much sweeter.

Be Blessed,

“I get by with a little help from my friends.”
– John Lennon

I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.
Robert Brault

Walks, Playbills & Bliss…

Kei painted this old piece of paneling we had outside.† She wanted it to reflect the plays she and Nomad have performed.† That poor dog has been a flower, a rabbit, a dragon, a soccer player and more.

Working on the Playbill

It turned out quite† cute.

More Plays to Come...

We had to take Kei’s laptop to the Apple Store.† I am such a geek I took a picture of my name up on the board. 🙂

Name in "Lights"

Kei spent the night with Livvy on Friday and I spent the night laying around watching “The Closer”. I just love that show.† Kei and I go around saying “Thank you, Thank you very much” in our most Southern accent.

We went on a walk with our church group on Saturday morning.† It was so nice outside!† Come on FALL.† I am ready.

Kei and Livvy

A few months ago, after we had gotten Nomad “THE dog”, I checked out a book from the library called “A Big, Little Life: A Memoir of a Joyful Dog”. It was by Dean Koontz who I have always liked. I couldn’t believe that I was reading a dog book.† It was delightful.† I ending up reading most of it to Kei and we both fell in love with Trixie the Golden Retriever.

I just ordered “Bliss to You: Trixie’s Guide to a Happy Life” on audio and we have been listening to it.† Trixie has died by the time this 3rd book came out, but is still channeling through Dean Koontz.† Trixie is a very smart, wise, funny dog.† This book is all about BLISS.† Kei and I have been having a lot of conversations about “Bliss”.† The dictionary defines it as “supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment”.† There is much talk from Trixie about how we live such stressful lives and we just don’t take time to stop swimming and go to the shore and just rest.

Kei and I have decided we are two lucky girls.† We just don’t have much stress in our lives.† Now don’t get me wrong, I have had stress in the past.† Laid off from my job, my sweet Mother dying, my Daddy having his heart attack,† worried about bills and food and if I was going to be able to continue homeschooling Kei.† But…our lives are good.† We do live “stop and slow down” lives.† We don’t rush around crazy <well not most of the time>.† There is no early morning meltdowns as we get Kei ready for school every morning.† No lost homework, <LOL I couldn’t even type that word : my fingers just typed “homeschool”>, no “Where is my backpack?”, “Where is my lunch?”, no racing out the door with seconds to spare, no picking Kei up from school and going home and doing 3 hours of work, no rush to cook dinner and clean up and take baths and go to bed; only to get up and do it all over the next day.

Yes I still have stress and strife and problems but we don’t live a stress FILLED life.† We wake up slowly.† We start our day with quiet and 99% of the time, happiness.† We lounge around some days, in our pj’s.† We cook breakfast when we are hungry. † If Kei works for an hour and wants to go swing, she does.† If we want to read a book, we do.† If she just ‘needs’ a Mommy hug or a doggie hug, she gets it.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring, what is lurking around the corner.† But…at this moment, at this particular time in our lives, we have achieved bliss. See what lucky girls we are?

Be blessed,

ìDonít struggle against life. Float with it. Be buoyant. You wonít sink unless you expect toî
~quote by Trixie Koontz, dog.