Category Archives: Life

Berries From the Past…

We have been studying about Native Americans the last couple of weeks.

Today Kei and I went on a bike ride to gather wood for a fire since the weather has been so awesome. She saw some berries that she had to stop and pick.

She knew that Native Americans used berries and such for dye so she decided to make a picture using her collected berries.  She got a rock and started pounding the berries into pulp.  The color was amazing.


Then she got paper and preceded to make a great picture.


Obviously, flies love berries too!† Then she got a great idea! “Mom, can I paint on my legs with this?”.  I, being the cool mom that I am, said “Of course”, thinking she would paint a flower or something similar.

The Declaration of Keilee

After a bit, I told her to go inside and jump in the tub. I then called my brother, nature boy extraordinaire, to ask him what this berry was. He wasn’t sure, so I looked it up online, found out it was Pokeweed and called him back to tell him.  He then told me it was poisonous!

I freaked out and called Kei’s doctor. I went in the bathroom and scrubbed her off with soap, then made her get out and I put rubbing alcohol on her legs and arms and gave her Benadryl. The nurse on call finally called me back and said she wanted me to call the poison control.  I got a sweet lady who told me that Kei would be fine and I did everything right.

Sheesshhh, I bet the Native Americans never had to deal with this kind of thing!

We did learn something interesting which I shared with Poison Control; the Declaration of Independence was written with Pokeweed ink and it was used often during the Civil War as ink in letters the soldiers wrote to home.  She told me I had taught her something today. 🙂


Beware the berry!

Lazy Days of Summer…

It has been a good week.†† Kei and I cleaned OUT her room.† We moved everything out and then rearranged.† What a job!† But she loves it.


We had my nephew spend the night a couple of nights and he was a blast.† He helped me clean off the balcony and various other “I need a strong dude” chores.† We sat on the balcony and had a fire.† It was so great.


We went to Esther’s for a day of food, laughter and play.


We moms had to get our “silly on” too.


Then Seth taught Kei to play Poker.† Of course, she had to ‘dress’ the part.† Esther said it was a fine example of learning Math and symbols.† E can find the ‘learning’ in anything!!


Kei is so excited about going to see “Beauty and The Beast” at the Princess.† We can’t wait.

Happy Weekend!

Mud and Fairies Houses and Tea Parties, Oh My..

Today was a kick back and enjoy the day day. Kei decided that she wanted to build fairy houses. She has 2 different processes for this. One, she makes them out of twigs and leaves and two, she makes them out of mud. Today was a “Mud” day.


Here she has proven the, often suspected but never documented, fact that 9 year olds do attract mud like a magnet. Also that she can finally do the Vulcan hand sign. [????]


But the Fairy House was lovely. She named it Dragonfly City and gave me a tour of the houses and stores. It came complete with a pool for the fairies.


Then she invited me to a Tea Party. We do this every now and then, not as much as she would like but as much as I can stand attend.† She makes a grand production, hand writing my invitation and anxiously awaiting the time. She uses her Tea Set that she hand painted a couple of years ago.


We always dress up in summery dresses complete with hats and talk in accents. Last time we were British grand ladies and today we were Southern aristocrats. No matter the nationality, our names remain the same. She is Mrs. Sassafras and I am Mrs. Chamomile. We discuss our gardens and recipes and our grandchildren and how ‘wild and reckless’ today’s society is. Kei adores this pretend time.


Memories…it is all about making memories.

One thing I want Kei to say when she is 20 is, “I had the most wonderful childhood.”

Homeschooling Rocks!


The Winds of Change….

“Once upon a time, there was a quiet little village in the French countryside, whose people believed in TranquilitÈ – Tranquility. If you lived in this village, you understood what was expected of you. You knew your place in the scheme of things. And if you happened to forget, someone would help remind you. In this village, if you saw something you weren’t supposed to see, you learned to look the other way. If perchance your hopes had been disappointed, you learned never to ask for more. So through good times and bad, famine and feast, the villagers held fast to their traditions. Until, one winter day, a sly wind blew in from the North…”† From “Chocolat”

I feel something in the air.† A change coming that I am not sure I am ready for.† Some things are supposed to change, others are not.† Or at least not in my world.

Parts of my life do not feel the same any more.† I don’t know if it because I have had the most stressful, heartbreaking, life changing 1Ω year of my life or not.

Maybe I am wrong, maybe it is just a strange ‘dog days of summer’ wind.† Or maybe is is a wonderful, exciting, life changing inagoodway wind.† I just hope I am ready.

The Tail Tale of Lillian….

A couple of months ago, we were invited to a “Tadpole Rescue” at Heather’s house.

We came home with 1000’s 100’s of tadpoles.

Every day or so we would check on them to see if anything was going on.† One by one by one they died.† Until we had 5 left.† Then, a couple of them developed legs and we were so excited!!† Last week I was showing one of the neighborhood kids their progress and there was a little bitty frog.† We were all jumping up and down and shouting, [easily amused, remember?]† Kei †was so happy.† She has ALWAYS wanted a dog or cat, but HEY! A frog will work just fine, thankyouverymuch.

We got one of Kei’s bug holders and put it in there with some water.† Kei named her Lillian and for the next few days she was besotted over this froggie!† She enlisted the neighborhood kids to find flies for her.† Yes there was a sandwich bag filled with dead flies on my patio.

Then, we woke up and could not find Lillian.† She was not in her container.† Now there was no way that I could see for her to get out so I searched that sucker for 30 minutes.† We took out the rock and the water, no Lillian.† Kei was devastated.† She insisted that I immediately say a prayer for Lillian which I did.† She searched all over the house for this frog that is probably Ω” long.

It was Sunday morning when we made the discovery of Lillian’s strange disappearance and Kei said she was going to ask her Kid’s Church teacher to pray for Lillian. †When I got her after church she was outraged.† I asked her what happened and she said, “I told the teacher and she said, “You can get another frog”. As if!!† I tried not to laugh and told her we still have 4 tadpoles to watch for.

Well after we got home from Daddy’s, Kei was picking up the container to do something with it and she started screaming, “Lillian is back, Lillian is back!!”† That dang frog was in the container!!† I still don’t know where she was hiding.

So now, we have a pet frog.† And Kei loves her.† I mean, LOVES her.† She took her outside today to get her ‘exercise’.† Good grief!† She just came in and said,† “Lillian is probably one of the smartest frogs ever! ” Then she proceded to tell me about Lillian jumping over a blade of grass she put in the container.† She is trying to teach the frog to be a high jumper!!!† She will be world famous!† The Jumping Frog of Morgan County!

She is cute, isn't she?
She is cute, isn't she?

Little things mean a lot when you are 9.† I wish we could all hang onto that magic longer…

Thanks Heather!

Easily Amused….


The first boy I ever really loved was in high school.† I was 16 and fell hard.† After a couple of years of tears, laughter, silliness it ended.† There was drama in there but that is another post for another day.

We have reconnected on Facebook and he commented on something I said and got to me to thinking.

I mentioned when I was young I was ‘easily amused’ and he questioned that.

Today, I have been thinking about that phrase….’easily amused’.† We use it as a negative, a bad thing.† But is it really?

I was ‘easily amused’, when I was younger.† With a kid’s love of the world, everything was interesting to me.† A bike ride, a game of war, catching lightening bugs.† As I grew older I was still easily amused.† Even through the roller coaster of emotions in teenage years, it didn’t take much to make me happy.

As I got older I became less ‘easily amused’.† I searched, for what I have no clue.† That elusive ‘something’ that would complete me.† I wanted it all.† I wanted the bright lights, the excitement, the knight on the white horse, the drinking champagne out of the shoe, the exhilaration, the late nights, the exotic food, the glamorous life. So I searched and searched and traveled and searched some more.† I ran as far and as fast as I could to something…somewhere….

To my surprise I ended up right where I started as we so often do.† The last few years, since I have had a child, I am once again ‘easily amused’ and finding myself becoming more and more so.† I delight in thunderstorms, local history, the beauty of nature, watching a tadpole turn into a frog, sharing my favorite movies with Kei, eating ice cream on a hot day, walking barefoot in the rain, picking flowers in a field.† I get giddy when I have a new book to read, a song† can move me to tears, a tea party with my girl is the highlight of my week.

Easily amused?….for me it now means ‘content‘. Being happy where I am.† Appreciating life and this day that God has given me.

So yes Stevie…I am easily amused. Finally….

Happy Monday,


!!!!Happy 4th of July!!!!

What a great day.


Friends, food and fireworks.


You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness.† You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism.† ~Erma Bombeck


Free Movies and Colonial Days

We went to Monaco Pictures yesterday for their free movie.† It was Nim’s Island which we had seen several times but love.† We want to move to that island!

We ran into Suzette and co. there and sat with them.† Then we walked around Bridge Street and K bought 4 perfect pieces of candy from the Chocolate Crocodile.† $4.09 for 4 tiny little pieces.† She loved them.


Then we discovered we were all headed to the Madison Library.† Emily helped K pick out some books and she has been reading ever since.

Well except for her deciding out of the blue last night that she wanted to dress up like a Colonial girl.† Daddy had given her a goose feather and she thought it would make the perfect quill.† She made some ink and wrote for an hour by candlelight.† She came to the conclusion that it would be really hard to live without electricity!


We still have no money coming in and it has been very hard but….we are still here, still hanging in, and life is good.


The Day the Music Died…

Farrah Fawcett died this morning.† She was 62.† My brother had her infamous red bathing suit poster on his door for years.† We used to watch Charlie’s Angels.† I always thought Farrah was beautiful but a bit of a fluff.† Then I saw her in Burning Bed and was blown away.† Good bye Farrah, you were too young to die.

Then I heard Michael Jackson died!† Michael Jackson???† I could hardly believe it.† MJ was such a part of my 80’s music memories.† You couldn’t go anywhere without hearing Michael Jackson, the radio, MTV, clubs.† I always felt sorry for him.† He seemed so lost and alone even though it seemed he had everything.† He seemed like a gentle soul and I always found it hard to believe all the rumors and allegations against him.

Rest in Peace Michael and Farrah.† May your artistry live on for future generations.

Daddy took my car to have the hail damage appraised.† The damage was way more than we thought.† My neighbor’s truck was actually totaled from hail damage.† That was some storm.

Kei played in H2O all day.† I read.† A nice, peaceful day.† Here she was letting water run into her mouth from the sprinkler.


And here she was trying to spit a stream.


This one I liked because her face was all underwater.


Now it’s off to watch more Gilmore Girls.† We are determined to find Stars Hollow and move there.