I wasn’t even going to post today.† The last few days have been rough.† I got news Wednesday that our show is being pushed until January 2013.† 2 more months.† Through Christmas.† I was simply devastated.† I seriously laid on the floor and wailed.† Do you know what made me get up? My sweet girl laying beside me telling me everything will be ok.† I have tried to find a job, I have put in applications but to no avail.† I don’t want a career, I want a temporary job.† My boss is trying to find another show that we can put our trailers on for a couple of months. Please pray.
As I was looking at our pictures of this past week I realized that we are so blessed.† Yes it is hard and yes I get worried, but we are here.† I read a passage early in the week that has resonated with me for days.
Matthew 6:25-34
25†ìTherefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26†Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27†Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
So yes I am worried, I can’t help but worry but I am also learning to trust God.† After all, He has been with us this entire time.
Friday night we were invited to the movie with some really great friends.† We saw “Hotel Transylvania” and it was so cute.† I really enjoyed it.
Saturday was all about filming “Little Josephine”.† They had to film the dance and then the rest of the scenes.† Keilee hasn’t done her green screen shoots yet.† Should be in the next week or so.
It was really, really cold when we first got there.† Actually it was a little cold all day.
The cameraman let Keilee film a couple of scenes. She was thrilled to be behind the camera too!† She also found a dog to play with…of course!
Monday at Co-op Keilee made Halloween cupcakes and then they made mashed potatoes and hash browns.† They are concentrating on Thanksgiving side dishes in her Cooking class.
We learned about what you have to do to become President, we did a lesson on Fibonacci from a great link from Jenn at Little Homeschool on the Prairie.† We also watched a GREAT video about this.† It is in 3 parts and is one of my Favorite Resources.† The girl doing the video actually works for Khan Academy.† Keilee read tons of little books on the iPad about animals, and she did some Halloween crafts.† We get GREAT free books for the Kindle from Free Homeschool Deals.† Sign up for their newsletter and get them EVERY day.† Another “Favorite Resource”
The weather has been gorgeous this week and we have spent so much of it outside.† We have sat outside to read, walked Nomad and took bike rides.† October is one of my absolute favorite months.
Keilee dragged out her sewing machine and tried to make it work.† Unfortunately it is beyond help I am afraid.† So she sewed clothes for her Monster High dolls by hand.† I had wanted to get her a sewing machine for Christmas…..
Keilee has had practice 3 times this week for Little Women.† It is going wonderfully.† Last night they had a photo shoot for posters and advertisements.
We also went over to some of our best friends house for Taco Soup, Halloween movies and a visit to Cry Baby Hollow.† Cry Baby Hollow is one of our local legends.† Supposedly a woman threw her baby off the bridge years and years ago and if you visit and leave candy on the bridge it will be gone the next day.† There are also legends about hearing crying and hand prints on the back of the car and if you put your car in neutral it will roll uphill.† Great fun was had by all!† Although there may or may not have been screaming during the movie.
I am blessed by great friends both near and far.† Homeschool Moms in my area, neighbors, homeschool friends far away who have sent me emails and been so wonderful, my best friend who sat on the phone with me last night and cried with me about my situation.† I will get through this. I forget that at times.† It has been such a long 4 months and the end of the tunnel is not here yet.† But if I look very hard I can almost see the light.† Thank you to everyone who has left me comments and emailed and prayed for us.
Now I am off to see what all of you have been up to!
Happy weekend,
Homeschooling Rocks!
ìAll who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired.î† ~Martin Luther
ìI go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.î†-?John Burroughs
Happily linking with
Mary @ “Collage Fridays”
Susan @ “Favorite Resources”