A/An A/Typical Day…..


Wake up at 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 whenever she rolls out of bed.

Gets dressed in cute outfit picked out the night before, whatever is clean on the floor, whatever is just on the floor.

Eats breakfast, full of nutritional goodness, pop-tart, leftover pizza, a squirt of whipped cream.

Sits down to a second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour helter skelter day of lesson plans.


Most days she gets up between 8:00-9:00.† Most days I either cook her breakfast, she cooks breakfast or she grabs something quick.† Most days her clothes are cute and match.† Most days I have her lesson plans all planned out and she gets right to work.


that is one thing I love about homeschooling.† No 2 days are ever exactly the same.† We do try to get up at somewhat the same time, but if she stayed up the night before working on a play, writing a song, playing Webkinz; we sleep a little bit longer.

If we had a unexpected snowfall, we take the day off.† If she is doing a play, we may take a week off.† We get our ‘days’ in, but we do it using our time frame not some government issued “you must go to school for 180 days” kinda schedule.

We are always ready for an adventure.† We can follow rabbit holes, stop and read a great story, do an impromptu experiment, wander down to the creek to see if those little fish have gotten any bigger, take the dog on a walk, ride our bikes, look at dog spit through the microscope, run get the flower book and see exactly what that strange purple flower is, have a picnic under the trees, add a mailbox to the tree-house, spend hours looking at clouds and finding pictures, visit with the awesome ladies who live next door and have taken Kei under their wings, have a tickle war, dance through the house.

There are days I want to scream.† Days she isn’t jumping up and down about doing Math.† Days she ‘hates Grammar”.† Days that it is too much, too overwhelming.

But…there are more days that are† magic.† Days that are wonderful.† Days that are special and shiny and unforgettable. Memories etched in both of our hearts and minds that we would never have if she was in public school for 8 hours a day.

When I first started homeschooling, I said, “When it is all said and done, I want Kei to say, “”I had a magical childhood””.† That is still what I want.

Homeschooling, it is the best thing I have ever done.


Musings from a Single Mommy

One day, Not tomorrow but soon.
There will be no toys scattered all over the house,
The television, radio and YouTube will not be blasting simultaneously from your room
There be no little pieces of cut up paper on the floor from your latest projects
The fridge will be bare of drawings and calendars filled with activities
There will be no constant chatter as you play out your latest scenarios with your dolls
Your room will be clean, perfect, picked up
There will be no dirty dishes in the sink that seem to multiply all by themselves
I will wash clothes once a week
There will be no singing coming from the shower
There wonít be lights left on in every room
There will not be huge stacks of library books hiding in every corner
Dinner will consist of a warm up meal
There will be no endless questions, ìWhy not, who, when, Can we?î
I will always get to watch exactly what I want to watch on TV
There will never be a race to see who can get to the phone first
The bathroom will never have wet towels lying around
My days will consist of no searching for the best homeschool lesson plans
I will stop looking out the window in the morning to see your chipmunk Chippy is there
The patio will have no balls, sprinklers, games, baseball gloves, bats scattered about
The house will be quiet, organized, a place for everything and everything in its place
One day,
Not tomorrow but soon
Sounds lonelyÖÖ

Hop on over to the “Not Back to School Blog Hop” and check out more “Typical” Homeschooling Days…

“Normal is boring!”
Me to Kei, “You are so weird sometimes”. Kei to me, “Why thank you”.

19 thoughts on “A/An A/Typical Day…..”

  1. I love your post and am really enjoying reading the other posts on your blog. Your daughter is beautiful and you are a wonderful mother! I hope you have a blessed school year. 🙂

  2. Well said, girl! I am in total agreement. We live our days in much the same way~ although it gets difficult to get in any book work with 5 children all on different rabbit trails! ;o)

  3. Way to keep it real for all of us! I loved how the out of bed times and the breakfast too. I agree that even on a bad day, homeschooling is the best thing I have ever done!

  4. Well said. There are days that are blah and days that are Yay! But, I bet as a HS’er I have more Yay days (not that I’m biased or anything.

  5. Great learning about your day! Definitely real life! LOL! Sounds like my daughter…
    Came by via Hip HomeSchool Hop!

  6. Thanks for your post! It was a breath of fresh air. The best thing about homeschool is there is truely no right or wrong way and it seems to fit the personalities of the adults and children involved. Your daughter is very blessed to have a creative, caring Mom like you. 🙂

  7. Grace got Kei’s blog comment and is looking forward to writing back to her. I think Grace still does not get the freedoms that homeschooling allows. So far we have tickets to see Wintuk in New York on a Wednesday. My planning allows us to take Friday’s for field trips. We can have playdates three afternoons a week, for more than the 20 minutes recess she would get in school. I am moving past nervousness and into excitement to begin. But until then I am going to relax, enjoy the remaining summer days and sleep late!

  8. LOVE it!

    Sounds like you’ve got an imaginative girl on your hands! I’ve got one of those too & wouldn’t trade a second of it for the world!

  9. Hi!
    What a fun post! I think your daughter is one very very very lucky girl! And home schooling is the best decision I ever made in my life!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I would recommend the workbox system for any age. My highschooler will be using it this year too!

  10. I absolutely love this reminder to take each day as it comes and just enjoy the ride! You have a beautiful dd and your days look like a lot of fun.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I agree: homeschooling does rock!

  11. No two days are the same are they? I can plan and set up lessons but ……do we really get done “on time”! NOT most days………they joy of homeschooling!

    Monica at discovertheirgifts.blogspot.com

  12. LOVE your laid back attitude! We definitely follow that thinking! Although, I am actually going to try to do lesson plans and have all our extra stuff ready this year! 🙂
    Can’t find a place to ‘follow.’

  13. this post summarizes all of the things I can not wait for about homeschooling…getting carried away with a book and staying up til all hours and sleeping in…can’t wait to experience it all alongside them!!

    and, btw, my kids seldom wear the cute, matched clothes…I chalk it up to self-expression 🙂

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