Monologues, Fairy Houses & Roamie Friends…..

What a great few days!† Kei had a production of sorts on Saturday night.† Our children’s theatre group was doing a little show called “Front Porch”.† It was mostly teenagers and adults but 2 girls danced and Kei did a monologue.† She did an amazing job!† Here it is.† It is about 2 minutes long. 🙂

Kei Quilters AUDIO

She did it in a HUGELY Southern accent and it was so funny.

She has spent a lot of time this week working on her fairy houses.† She has made fairy houses since she was little.† Here is a picture of her at 6.† She still gets just as dirty!

She is building a entire city now.† Here is the hotel.

This is the restaurant complete with plates of food.

This is a delicious fairy treat she made with water and spearmint from our garden.

Liv spent the night and the girls had a blast as usual. There were plays to be put on, fairy houses to work on, knitting needle fights <fully supervised by me of course>, dress up and Liv went with us to Kei’s “Front Porch” and to church. Fun times.

Kei took some pictures of herself jumping off the chair. Thank goodness she didn’t cut her head off on the ceiling fan!† I would have had to rush her to the hospital <after pictures were made of course> 😉
We went to Heather’s house for lunch and a swim party.† I just love to be with my Roamies!† We always have a blast.

Kei took “Out of Focus” pictures this week.† I loved this one.
Now I know you are thinking, “That all looks great Karen, but when did you actually “HOMESCHOOL”.† That is one of the great things about HSing.† We were able to do Kei’s ‘school work’ and have plenty of time for play!
Homeschooling Rocks!

ìThere is no difference between living and learning… it is impossible and misleading and harmful to think of them as being separate.î ~ John Holt

4 thoughts on “Monologues, Fairy Houses & Roamie Friends…..”

  1. I love to look at your pictures and see such joy on everyones face! I am hoping that I will see the same kind of joy on my girls faces in a few days. Public school begins here Monday and Grace is having a little bit of anxiety feeling like she won’t be able to spend hours with her friends anymore (she spent 7 hours outside playing today). I told her that has nothing to do with homeschooling but with the end of summer! Unlike her friends, she can still ride her bike, shoot baskets and swim during the day. Plus we will see our homeschool friends lots during the week and she can have her neighborhood friends after school and on the weekends. I am holding my breath hoping for a good start. I have to come up with a great plan for an outing on Monday!

  2. I love all the things your family does.

    Of course people who would ask ‘when did you homeschool’ don’t understand the huge definition gap between schooling and learning in the first place.

    How can I email you? I’m at… don’t worry, it’s a good thing (craft idea for your girl).

    Also, added you to my list of blogs I read on my blog sidebar… hope that’s okay?

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