15 Minutes of Fame…

What an exciting adventure we had Sunday and Monday!† A few weeks ago Keilee had auditioned for an upcoming film to be shot at “US Space and Rocket Center“.† We lined up with about 500 other people for a few roles in the film “Space Warriors“.† It is a film about a group of teenagers at Space Camp.† It stars Thomas Horn who we loved in “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”.† Keilee was really too young for a role since most of the kids are 14+ but it said 12 and over and we thought it would be a really great experience.† There were kids as young as 3 there but after standing in the hot sun someone came out and said “12 and over only”.† We stood in line for about 3 hours in the blazing sun for her 1 minute audition.† She loved it though so it was worth it.

A couple of weeks passed and we got an email that told us to be at the Space Center at 11:00 AM on Sunday.† It said to be dressed in shorts and a shirt with a bag packed.† They were filming a ‘parents dropping your kids off at Space Camp’ scene.† We got there and had to fill out paper work for minors appearing in a film.† It was TOO cool!† Then it was off to film the first scene.† The 1st Asst. Director met us and explained the scene.† He picked us to be on the Space Camp bus.† After that was shot about 6 times we were chosen to arrive on the tram.† We then were told to get out and walk into the Camp like new arrivals.† That was also filmed a few times.† Then we moved into the actual Space and Rocket Center.† Keilee was picked to film quite a few scenes.† In one scene her and another girl were to stroll behind Thomas Horn.† That is Thomas in the blue short sleeved shirt.

It was fun and exciting as we babbled all the way home.† They asked us to be on set at 9:00 AM the next morning.† Keilee brought 4 outfits just in case.† She is so silly.

When we arrived at the Space Center we all went into the actual museum and they started assigning roles.† The 1st Asst. Director, Chris, picked me and asked me to come with him.† There started the most surreal day I have had in a while.† He asked me and an older man to be a couple who was exploring the Center.† We decided we would be Father/Daughter since he was quite a bit older than I was. :)† We were to be in a scene with Thomas Horn.† Just us 3!† I was kinda freaking out to tell the truth.† I am not an actress!† We shot 3 scenes over the course of 13 hours!† There were many, many scenes shot in between and Keilee was in most every one of them.† But the director and all the crew kept calling for “Karen, We need Karen” and Keilee was so geeked. Everyone was asking her if I was a ‘real actress”. Ummm NO! † I even had a STAND IN to measure light, etc.† I also got paid, not much, but I will get a check.† I figure it will be around $60 after taxes.† So much for the glamorous life of a star I guess. ;)† I am honestly hoping they will end up not using the scene.† I would freak out to be sitting in the theater and have my HUGE face on screen. I mean I wasn’t even fully made up for Pete sakes! ;)† Thomas Horn is a VERY nice boy.† He is 15 but looks much younger.† We honestly talked for hours and he is smart and very funny. Also very low key.† If you read about him, he never wanted to be an actor.† He was discovered on Jeopardy when he won the Kid’s Tournament.† It was funny because Keilee and I watched it on YouTube and he was up against a homeschooler,† I told her if we had watched it we would have been pulling for the HSer.†† Danny Glover, Mira Sorvino, Dermot Mulroney and Josh Lucas are all in the film also but they were just filming the kids scenes the days we were there.† We also saw BooBoo Stewart who is in the film.† All you Twilight fans know who he is.† He played Seth Clearwater, one of the werewolf clan Jacob ran with.† Keilee recognized him but I didn’t.

The director is Sean McNamara who directed “Soul Surfer”† He also did several shows on Nickelodeon.† Keilee walked up and introduced herself and they chatted about one of her favorite shows, “Cake” which he also directed.† She introduced herself to every person working there!† She is so funny.

These are the stairs I walked up and down about 100 times!† Seriously my legs were so sore for 2 days afterwards!† That is the director in the hat, Sean McNamara and Michael an Asst Director I think.

Keilee made several new friends.† Also something really funny happened.† There have been about 20 people who have told Keilee or I that she looks like Elle Fanning in “We Bought A Zoo”.† This girl ran up to her and said, “Oh my gosh! It’s YOU!!”† She was jumping up and down. Keilee said, “Hi”† and she said, “You are the girl in “We Bought a Zoo” and Keilee said, “No that is Elle Fanning”. I told Keilee she should have signed an autograph. 😉

In the top picture Sean told Keilee to run across the center like she had seen a friend she hadn’t seen in a while.† In the bottom right picture Thomas Horn,who is right behind the wheels of the Moon Buggy, is explaining something the the crowd.† The director and others sit in what they call the “The Village” and watch on monitors.† Sean called out, “Thomas I want you to talk directly to the girl in the white hat, interact with her only”.† I was sitting off set just grinning.

Stan, my boss who works in the film business, has always told me film is MUCH easier than stage.† I saw that in action.† While there are big dialogues that actors do, much of it is 2 or 3 lines at a time.† Keilee had 227 lines in “To Kill A Mockingbird”!!† Also the director would do each scene between 5-10 times and they edit together the best bits and pieces.

We got to eat at craft services because I was a ‘paid’ extra which was cool too.† It was just an incredible experience.

We learned so much about the actual filming and a lot of terms we had never heard before.† The lingo in film is different than on stage.

The last shot of the night was outside.† It was beautiful and a wonderful end to our surreal day.† They yelled ‘genius’ which is what Sean said after he was finally filming each scene and we signed out and headed for home.† It was about 9:30!† We left our house around 8:15 AM and got home around 10:15!† Long day.

Tuesday we were both in such a strange mood.† We both wanted to be back with all the excitement of “Hollywood”.† It just solidified Keilee’s desire to be an actor.† She absolutely.loved.every.minute.of.it.† I am so glad she got to do this.

Homeschooling Rocks!

In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15†minutes.” ~ Andy Warhol

Happily linking with Mary @ “Collage Friday
Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Unschoolers



16 thoughts on “15 Minutes of Fame…”

  1. Karen, I just noticed that you repinned that cute Alice book page with the butterflies.

    Well, it looks like Pinterest did some sort of upgrade to their platform and now on the side it is showing links to tumblr, and the photos featured are inappropriate for my daughter.

    I don’t know if it would show the same for you. I did not click on them, but I know I wouldn’t want my daughter to see those side photos because they are inappropriate and I don’t know where they lead to. I reported it to Pinterest.

    It does not do it for the cute red “Alice” bedroom.


  2. That’s so cool, and I hope something comes of it especially if she is interested in doing it again! She is so pretty and intelligent.

    My daughter starred in a music video; she is also a natural. But as you discovered it takes a lot of time to create scenes and my daughter says she rather play piano. (She plays piano a couple of hours a day.)

  3. Karen/Kei – you have been in my thoughts non-stop since seeing this post! I am so happy for you. Every step leads you closer to your dream. Actually, you ARE living your dream right now so enjoy every minute of it and keep us all filled in along the way.

  4. SO cool, Karen!! What an amazing adventure you BOTH had! You must have had so much fun. The kids and I can’t wait to see the movie now, and see our friends 🙂 Congratulations to you both!!!

  5. OH, MY! I am so stunned, so excited, so I-dunno. HUGS to you both. Will you still love me when you are both famous?

  6. Okay, this is the most exciting thing ever!!! My girls are reading over my shoulder right now:) I wish we had been there. How fun for you two to get to do this together…the big screen may just be in the future for both of you girls!!! And to think, all this time I thought Keilee was the only actor in your family;)

  7. That is amazing!!!! What a fun experience. We had a company filming in our small town 1-2 years ago, “Wanderlust”, but since it was rated R we didn’t get involved with it. But they did use alot of extras from this area in the movie. Tell Keilee today an extra and tomorrow the star!!!! Have a great weekend.

  8. Wow! Seriously, WOW!!
    What a super, super cool experience! Loved all the pictures and seeing your daughter in action.
    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Holy cow Karen!!! I just read my family your post. What a great experience!!

    Will you still link with Collage Friday when Keilee hits the big time??

    Seriously cool!

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