Saloons, Wildlife Refuge and MOVIE STARS…..

We have crammed about 2 weeks worth of fun into this past week!† We have just had a blast the last few days.

We celebrated Esther’s birthday at a place I have heard about forever.† It is called RattleSnake Saloon and it rocked!† Literally….it is a restaurant under a huge bluff.† When we arrived and parked they picked us up in a truck and rode us in the back down to the bluff.† That in itself was a little like a roller coaster ride!

It is just the coolest place.† At night they have a band and I think the place is more for adults but it is perfect for lunch.† The food was fine, nothing great but the atmosphere was remarkable!

After eating lunch and wandering around we were going to go swimming at this place Michelle knew about.† Unfortunately it started thundering and we weren’t able to go in.† Cause you know what they say, “If you can hear it, it can kill you!”† See the skink?? He was in the commode I was ABOUT TO USE!† Heather tried to flush it and scare him out, but she only succeeded in drowning him we think.

Keilee and I went to the Wheeler Refuge for a few hours too this week.† It was VERY hot but most of it is under shade trees so we survived.

Did anyone else think “Children of the Corn” when they saw that top picture of Kei?† We did see some cool fungus, lichen and puff ball flowers [which we have since found out is called buttonbush]. † See the picture of Kei taking a picture?† Right after that she dropped her green sunglasses into the river and we had to find a stick and fish them out.† We were successful.† That counts as P.E. right? 😉

Monday we spent the day on set of Space Warriors again.† It has just gotten to the point they should really just let us stay in the Marriott with them doncha think? :)† We have a blast doing this.† It is even fun for this ‘behind the scenes’ Mamma.

1.†† See Josh Lucas in the blue shirt facing the crowd at the front?† [Sweet Home Alabama, among other movies].† Right in front of him is BooBoo Stewart who plays Seth Clearwater in the Twilight movies.† He has a ponytail.† Keilee is on the front row on the right side, the 4th person on that side.† She was on the blue Space Camp team.
2.†† Some of the kid stars, BooBoo, Thomas Horn and Thomas Kasp.
3.† I love the way they put the camera on rollers.† This is called a trolley shot.
4.†† Another shot of BooBoo Stewart.† I try to get Keilee to let me take a picture of them together.† TONS of girls go ask him in between takes but she refuses.† She says, “When I am famous I will take a picture with him”.

There is a lot of down time in movies we have discovered.† Keilee has made stop animation movies and stood around A LOT!† One cool thing is that we are at the Space and Rocket Center so we are free to roam around in between shots.

We stayed at home one day this week and Keilee drug out the kiddie pool to beat the heat!† It has been so hot!

Wednesday she had to be on set at 4:00 PM.† This time she was on the yellow team for Space Camp.† I was an extra in this scene too and the top picture is where I ended up. My directions where to ‘stroll across the grass and then stop behind the shuttle’.† In my scenes I have done a lot of strolling.† A LOT!† This top picture is of the Titans [who are the bully kids in this film].† That is BooBoo with the ponytail.

There are 4 more weeks of filming so who knows what will happen.† They may call Keilee every day or not anymore.† Whatever happens it has been the coolest experience for us both.† We have met some really great people.† And unless we end up on the editing floor we get to be in a movie!† Hows that for “How I Spent my Summer Vacation?”

My favorite resource is from my boss! He is always sending us great resources.† This one is “Country Studies” and it has all the countries of the world and some fabulous information about them.† Thanks Stan!

We are starting school Monday.† All our ‘non homeschooling’ friends say, “Why are you starting so early if you don’t have to?”† We laugh and tell them we WANT to.† Keilee has been wanted to start for 3 weeks but I didn’t have everything together.† I am going to post our Curriculum next week.† Can’t wait to see what everyone else is doing.

Homeschooling Rocks!!

“The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.”† ~Ralph W. Sockman

“It’s not all lipstick and sunglasses”† ~Stan Storc [NOTE: This is my boss and that is the tagline on our invoices] 😉

Happily linking up with Mary at “Collage Friday
and Susan at “Favorite Resource

10 thoughts on “Saloons, Wildlife Refuge and MOVIE STARS…..”

  1. I am so envious of your experiences with being on a movie set. My uncle at one time worked on a television show for years with Carol O’conner on In the Heat of the Night filmed in Georgia and his wife works on all kinds of movies that film in the south. We also started back to school about two weeks ago. Might as well. Everything had settled down and Grace was starting to get bored. Our new fine arts cooperative starts next week and we will be doing The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe for drama. Have a great week.

  2. Okay, your whole week was just totally cool!

    Love all your photos:) The wildlife refuge is beautiful, and the skink pic just cracked me up. We have them everywhere here…well, everywhere but the toilet!

    Can’t wait till you both are famous, and I can say I know you;)

  3. Wow Karen! How super super fantastic. I have enjoyed reading and seeing your pictures on Instagram. This is an experience that will change her life…I am sure of it! Send video montages to Broadway producers. I know in my heart one of these train rides in my future will be to see her on the Great White Way…….

  4. Starting school next week? When did you stop?
    What a fantastic experience…one that only a few ever have. Another episode in your beautiful life.

  5. Wow…what a week, yet again! You girls are always up to fun stuff!! The movie star life looks exciting and that restaurant seems pretty cool. I hope things calm down a bit for you, though, so you can get started with “back to school”…I’m sure you have some good learning plans in the works!
    Thanks for linking Karen…I’m checking out the country studies link next. Happy weekend to you and Keilee 🙂

  6. Wonderful! What fun you all are having. I love the idea of going to a saloon under a cliff.
    Blessings, Dawn

  7. What a cool place to go for lunch!

    I’ve passed the link for country studies onto Davan. She’s been spending a whole lot of time on geography and culture studies lately, so it’s good timing!

  8. I think that restaurant is just the coolest thing!!!

    I’m enjoying seeing your pictures on Instagram, too, Karen…. glad the movie star week went well! 🙂

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