Antique Cars, Park Days and Instagram…

Cross another week off the Homeschool Girls calendar.† 4 Weeks done!† We have had a great first month. Now there have been bumps now and then.† I still think we are too ‘scheduled’ but Keilee doesn’t agree.† She loves Math but isn’t loving it every single second.† Saxon Math is very time consuming.† It sometimes takes her 2 hours to do it.† She gets frustrated but keeps going.† I am very proud of her.

We went to a little Festival in the downtown section of our town.† They had tons of antique cars.† They were beautiful!

We had a Play Day with our Roamies.† Everyone had a ball and we figured out our schedule for next year.† Every Mom is taking a month and planning something, it can be a field trip, a hike or a get together at your home.† Anything goes!
We love this park by the Tennessee River.† It is beautiful!† You should have seen Esther and I running to jump up on the bench after we set our ‘Timer’ on the camera.† I keep forgetting I have my camera on “Vivid” hence everyone’s wonderful sunburn! 🙂

After we finished up at the park, Brit came home with us for a couple of hours.† I dragged an old mattress out and they tumbled.

I am loving Instagram.† I have been on awhile and just enjoy seeing everyone’s pictures so much. Come on and join…all the cool kids are doing it.† If you don’t have an iPhone you can still play!† Here is an article with some options!

1. On the way to Fantasy Players rehearsal.† For homework this week they had to think of a character in a movie and ‘be’ that character at this rehearsal.† Guess who Keilee was…”Edward Scissorhands”† She wore her shirt as a hint.
2.† We read about the Native Americans and how horribly treated they were this week.
3.† At the Park with the Train bridge behind her.
4.† Her check for “Space Warriors”.† She is now a PAID Actress!
5.† Kei and Nomad chilling on the couch.

Keilee has been spending tons of time on “Polyvore“.† All you Mom’s of girls MUST check this out!† You put together complete outfits and post them.† Keilee has had a BLAST on this.† She loves fashion and loves putting together clothes.† As I am sure some of you have noticed by what she wears. :)† Check out her page and make your own!† It is my favorite resource this week.† Here is one of her outfits.

So there is our week. We have lots of fun stuff coming up that I can’t wait to blog about.† Like most of you I am sure we are ready for cooler weather.† Here in Alabama that can be anytime in October…hopefully.

My favorite picture this week…† Our neighbors had given Keilee a $10 gift certificate† to a local ice cream parlor.† I captured her ‘enjoyment’ of her cone.
Happy weekend!
Homeschooling Rocks!

“What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn’t have any doubt – it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn’t want to go anywhere else.î† ~ Hal Boyle

Happily linking up with:
Mary at “Collage Fridays
Susan at “Favorite Resources
Passport Academy “iPhone Dump”
Kris at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers “Weekly Wrap Up

12 thoughts on “Antique Cars, Park Days and Instagram…”

  1. Wow! The new header is just beautiful!
    Just showed my girls Polyvore…oh, no! They are already going nuts about it!
    Looks like another beautiful week of learning and fun:)
    The mattress in the yard is great! Love it

  2. As usual, awesome photos! I love the new banner 🙂

    Old cars & trucks are one of my favorite things!! I just love to look at them!! Someday, maybe I’ll have an old pickup truck 😉

    I will be checking out Polyvore…it sounds like something my girls would really like. I’ve never heard of it before. Thanks for linking Karen…have a wonderful weekend!

  3. You’re the cool Mom, aren’t you? You girls seem to always have fun. I know that there are some challenging spots, but you seem to “roll with the punches”. (And I was just looking at your banner closer…Goodness! You and your daughter looks JUST alike, huh?)

  4. My girls LOVE Polyvore! I will tell them to look up Keilee!! I never think of including the blog friends on it! I actually think the convinced me to start a Polyvore a while ago–but I made one outfit and I don’t have time for it. But it is fun!

    Love instagram too! I love seeing what everyone is doing NOW.

    I love that ice cream cone pic too! YUM!

  5. It is so cool that you all have roamies. It looks like a great week. The antique cars are cool and her hard work in math ~ AWESOME!
    Blessings, Dawn

  6. Looks like a great week! I remember tumbling on old mattresses as a kid, it was so much fun.

    We too have found that Saxon math takes a while to complete, but Amber really has learned and retained so much using it.

    Enjoy the holiday weekend!

  7. That fashion site is pretty cool. Love all the photos you guys take. They really capture the week and let us readers see into your life. It is funny how you guys are becoming more structured with your school work and we are doing the exact opposite after being structured for the last six years. Our week was filled with fine arts co-op and Grace’s first beginners essay writing class with her favorite art teacher. Have a great weekend.

  8. Wow, you looked busy this week! We too saw some old cars in an area museum but none had the vivid paint like in your area! I think my son would’ve liked those much better! Thank you for the Polyvore link. Do you have to sign up to use? My oldest loves fashion too so I know she’ll get a kick out of this! BTW, she takes a long time to do her math too, and we’re probably lagging behind in Saxon 🙂

  9. Looks like a super fun week! Dude LOVES old cars–I think we’ve been to just about every car show in the area this summer! At some car shows, they do an official “rev-up” and every owner revs the engine at the same time. It’s SCARY loud! 🙂

    I have never figured out how to use the timer on my camera. So I have tons of photos of the kids, but very few of me. Probably just as well since I never like photos of myself.

    Congrats to Kei on being a PAID actress and on getting the math done! Sounds like she is very determined!

  10. What a great week. I love the variety and the enthusiasm in your weeks. A dash of book learning, a bit of fashion, a cup of friends and love throughout it all. And when Kei is a famous actress, I can say I knew her from the beginning. 🙂

  11. Great fashion site — I’m sure Anna will be doing some of that this afternoon!!

    I also appreciate what you say about Saxon being time consuming. It is, but I think it’s building character and valuable MATH SKILLS for our girls. I really do! Anna sometimes is frustrated by the length, but when we look back at her notebook and look at her homework and test grades she knows she WORKED FOR IT!

    Have a great weekend, Karen!

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