I DO Believe in Fairies and Best Friends…

I could fill books with things I am thankful for.† The last few months have been so hard in so many ways.† But so wonderful in others.† We are here and we are happy and we are good.† But this week has made me very thankful for 2 things.

I posted a few weeks ago about the fact that Keilee hadn’t built Fairy Houses this Summer.† And how sad it made me that if she never built another one, I didn’t remember her ‘last one’.

This week she DID!† She casually said, “I think I will build some Fairy Houses, will you come read to me?”† That is always how we do it.† I drag my chair beside her in the yard and read to her while she builds.† She has worked on them for 2 days and this Mama is just giddy.† I love that she still loves to do this.

The first day she clears the ground and makes her mud.† She decided to incorporate the tree roots and it was a great idea.

She builds bedrooms and tiny tables and chairs.† She uses mud and twigs and flowers and acorns.† She spends hours on this.† She gets SO dirty.† I love it.

I am thankful not only that Keilee is still building Fairy Houses but that I have the privilege to sit beside her and watch her face as she concentrates and builds.† She gets so excited when she thinks of a particularly cool room and calls me over to see it.

I am not sure how much longer she will do this.† Was this the last time?† If so, I DO remember.

My other ‘Thankful’ is my friend Carla.† Carla and I have been friends for over 20 years.† The stories we could tell you!† We have been through it all together; marriages, divorces, partying, tears, laughter, the death of my Mother, the death of her Father, talks into the wee hours of the night, single parenting, both of us moving to California, spending tons of holidays together over the years, ringing in New Year’s, dressing up for Halloween, dinner parties, playing video games, playing online games, laughing until our stomachs hurt, the list is endless. The longest relationship I have ever had has been with her, except for my family.† But she IS my family.† She is the sister I never had, the very best kind of sister, the kind you love because you WANT to, not because you have to.† Carla has a 19 year old daughter Caitlyn who Keilee met for the first time 2 years ago.

Jessica at Teachable Moments wrote a post a few weeks ago about her best friend.† Carla and I go months without speaking at times.† We are both busy and on opposite ends of the country.† I decided then and there to call her.† We talked for over an hour.† I told her how much I missed her and having her in my life.† We promised to do better.† After we talked she sent me an email. Here is a portion of it:
“I have wanted to find a friend like you and today I feel like I had an ah ha moment….I have Karen, why in the world am I looking, or feel like I need to look, for someone like you!† So silly.† I know we live a long distance apart but it shouldn’t feel like a void that is insurmountable!† So many times I just sit on the couch, watching some TV or messing with the internet, just not really doing anything but would love to have had someone to yack to.† Those are the times I am going to call you, I mean it!† How many times do I say to you only “I haven’t told anyone else this” and it’s true, I would never say to anyone else on the earth many of the things I tell you.† I just can’t tell anyone else, only you would understand.

Since then we have talked hours and hours.† Every day several times a day.† I have introduced her to Pinterest and she is cracking me up with it.† She hates social network sites and she said she has finally found one she loves.† She is a ‘pinning fool!† She has a board called “For Kei” with things she would love.

We are also making plans to go visit them in March.† My boss had already told me he would pay for the flight for Keilee and I and we would stay with Carla of course.† We are planning on staying 3 weeks and Keilee will LOVE it.† I can’t wait to show her San Francisco.

So this week I am thankful for a girl who builds fairy houses and a friend who knows all my secrets and loves me anyway.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Everytime a child says ‘I don’t believe in fairies’ there is a a little fairy somewhere that falls down dead.“† ~James M. Barrie

“Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, and somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends.”† ~Author Unknown

Happily linking with Theresa at Red Oak Road “Thankful Thursdays”

11 thoughts on “I DO Believe in Fairies and Best Friends…”

  1. That is such a treasure that your daughter still wants to do this. I get a similar excitement and joy when I see Sassy cuddling with her big teddy bear. 🙂

  2. that’s a lot to be thankful for!!!! Oh, three weeks in CA is going to be great — San Francisco is such an awesome place.

    Hugs to you!

  3. You are blessed to have such a friendship, Karen!

    Love, love the building of the fairy houses and how much Keilee puts into it. And that you were right there beside her:)

  4. Wow! I am SO glad that Kei made the fairy houses again. Just awesome! She is creative in so many ways. 🙂 I am so very happy that you not only have such a wonderful friend, but that you are going to be spending some time together! I can’t wait to hear all about it.

  5. what a great post! love the fairy house! we’re at disney quite often – and for the flower festival, they usually have fairy houses set up. i’m waiting for my little girls to ask me to help them make fairy houses. hopefully soon…

  6. HOORAY about the fairy houses! Love it 🙂

    How awesome is that for you and Keilee to get to go and spend 3 weeks with your friend?!?! YAY!!

  7. Wow. What a great blessing and a nice boss! That is awesome! I can’t wait to read all about it!

  8. I adore those fairy houses! I love the time commitment and imagination involved and especially how you get to read to her while she’s building them! Truly awesome!

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