Category Archives: Life

15 Minutes of Fame…

What an exciting adventure we had Sunday and Monday!† A few weeks ago Keilee had auditioned for an upcoming film to be shot at “US Space and Rocket Center“.† We lined up with about 500 other people for a few roles in the film “Space Warriors“.† It is a film about a group of teenagers at Space Camp.† It stars Thomas Horn who we loved in “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”.† Keilee was really too young for a role since most of the kids are 14+ but it said 12 and over and we thought it would be a really great experience.† There were kids as young as 3 there but after standing in the hot sun someone came out and said “12 and over only”.† We stood in line for about 3 hours in the blazing sun for her 1 minute audition.† She loved it though so it was worth it.

A couple of weeks passed and we got an email that told us to be at the Space Center at 11:00 AM on Sunday.† It said to be dressed in shorts and a shirt with a bag packed.† They were filming a ‘parents dropping your kids off at Space Camp’ scene.† We got there and had to fill out paper work for minors appearing in a film.† It was TOO cool!† Then it was off to film the first scene.† The 1st Asst. Director met us and explained the scene.† He picked us to be on the Space Camp bus.† After that was shot about 6 times we were chosen to arrive on the tram.† We then were told to get out and walk into the Camp like new arrivals.† That was also filmed a few times.† Then we moved into the actual Space and Rocket Center.† Keilee was picked to film quite a few scenes.† In one scene her and another girl were to stroll behind Thomas Horn.† That is Thomas in the blue short sleeved shirt.

It was fun and exciting as we babbled all the way home.† They asked us to be on set at 9:00 AM the next morning.† Keilee brought 4 outfits just in case.† She is so silly.

When we arrived at the Space Center we all went into the actual museum and they started assigning roles.† The 1st Asst. Director, Chris, picked me and asked me to come with him.† There started the most surreal day I have had in a while.† He asked me and an older man to be a couple who was exploring the Center.† We decided we would be Father/Daughter since he was quite a bit older than I was. :)† We were to be in a scene with Thomas Horn.† Just us 3!† I was kinda freaking out to tell the truth.† I am not an actress!† We shot 3 scenes over the course of 13 hours!† There were many, many scenes shot in between and Keilee was in most every one of them.† But the director and all the crew kept calling for “Karen, We need Karen” and Keilee was so geeked. Everyone was asking her if I was a ‘real actress”. Ummm NO! † I even had a STAND IN to measure light, etc.† I also got paid, not much, but I will get a check.† I figure it will be around $60 after taxes.† So much for the glamorous life of a star I guess. ;)† I am honestly hoping they will end up not using the scene.† I would freak out to be sitting in the theater and have my HUGE face on screen. I mean I wasn’t even fully made up for Pete sakes! ;)† Thomas Horn is a VERY nice boy.† He is 15 but looks much younger.† We honestly talked for hours and he is smart and very funny. Also very low key.† If you read about him, he never wanted to be an actor.† He was discovered on Jeopardy when he won the Kid’s Tournament.† It was funny because Keilee and I watched it on YouTube and he was up against a homeschooler,† I told her if we had watched it we would have been pulling for the HSer.†† Danny Glover, Mira Sorvino, Dermot Mulroney and Josh Lucas are all in the film also but they were just filming the kids scenes the days we were there.† We also saw BooBoo Stewart who is in the film.† All you Twilight fans know who he is.† He played Seth Clearwater, one of the werewolf clan Jacob ran with.† Keilee recognized him but I didn’t.

The director is Sean McNamara who directed “Soul Surfer”† He also did several shows on Nickelodeon.† Keilee walked up and introduced herself and they chatted about one of her favorite shows, “Cake” which he also directed.† She introduced herself to every person working there!† She is so funny.

These are the stairs I walked up and down about 100 times!† Seriously my legs were so sore for 2 days afterwards!† That is the director in the hat, Sean McNamara and Michael an Asst Director I think.

Keilee made several new friends.† Also something really funny happened.† There have been about 20 people who have told Keilee or I that she looks like Elle Fanning in “We Bought A Zoo”.† This girl ran up to her and said, “Oh my gosh! It’s YOU!!”† She was jumping up and down. Keilee said, “Hi”† and she said, “You are the girl in “We Bought a Zoo” and Keilee said, “No that is Elle Fanning”. I told Keilee she should have signed an autograph. 😉

In the top picture Sean told Keilee to run across the center like she had seen a friend she hadn’t seen in a while.† In the bottom right picture Thomas Horn,who is right behind the wheels of the Moon Buggy, is explaining something the the crowd.† The director and others sit in what they call the “The Village” and watch on monitors.† Sean called out, “Thomas I want you to talk directly to the girl in the white hat, interact with her only”.† I was sitting off set just grinning.

Stan, my boss who works in the film business, has always told me film is MUCH easier than stage.† I saw that in action.† While there are big dialogues that actors do, much of it is 2 or 3 lines at a time.† Keilee had 227 lines in “To Kill A Mockingbird”!!† Also the director would do each scene between 5-10 times and they edit together the best bits and pieces.

We got to eat at craft services because I was a ‘paid’ extra which was cool too.† It was just an incredible experience.

We learned so much about the actual filming and a lot of terms we had never heard before.† The lingo in film is different than on stage.

The last shot of the night was outside.† It was beautiful and a wonderful end to our surreal day.† They yelled ‘genius’ which is what Sean said after he was finally filming each scene and we signed out and headed for home.† It was about 9:30!† We left our house around 8:15 AM and got home around 10:15!† Long day.

Tuesday we were both in such a strange mood.† We both wanted to be back with all the excitement of “Hollywood”.† It just solidified Keilee’s desire to be an actor.† She† I am so glad she got to do this.

Homeschooling Rocks!

In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15†minutes.” ~ Andy Warhol

Happily linking with Mary @ “Collage Friday
Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Unschoolers



The Last Time….

Sometimes it is hard to not have money to do things, worried about every bill and every dime spent. Times like this, when my job is nonexistent I question every decision I have made. Would it be better if I found a real job as my Dad would say?

I do not believe for one second that you would be better off in school. I know this is Gods plan for us and I trust in him to hold us up in hard times. I do trust, but I also feel so much doubt at times.

At the pool the other day I sat and watched little girls, girls with their little tummies in their 2 piece bathing suits, walking carefully through the water. I watched them try to outrun the waves and jump over them; always at the wrong time. Seeing their delight and hearing their giggles I felt so nostalgic for days like that with you.

You are growing up so fast, this beautiful combination of little girl and young woman. I want you to slow down, is time on fast forward? Why does it go so fast? I try to treasure each moment, to savor the loveliness of you but life gets in the way at times.

I read a book to you a couple of weeks ago, Let Me Hold You Longer by Karen Kingsbury. I couldn’t even get through it. I just lay on the hammock beside you and sobbed. You said what you always say when I cry over something sentimental, “Silly Momma”. But you didn’t really understand how could you? You have never loved a child beyond all else. The book is about how we celebrate all of our children’s Firsts. First walk, first word, first time riding a bike, first time reading .but we don’t celebrate the lasts because we do not know they are the last.

And I started thinking about your fairy houses  forever you have built them since you could pack mud together in your tiny little hands. Hours and hours were spent outside with you building beautiful, intricate houses and stores for the fairies to visit. I always sat with you and read to you. Do you remember I told you that the fairies leave sparkles behind when they visit? You would rush outside each morning, fascinated to see the fairy dust left everywhere. You would trace their routes and be delighted that they paused a moment in this section or that one. You would make up stories about what they did in each part of your houses.

Fairy Houses

Now in this summer of your 12th year there has been no fairy houses. You built some in the Spring, I know you did but when exactly? I gently ask you every now and then, Do you want to build Fairy Houses today? and you say, Not today Mom, but I will.


Did I miss your last time?


Last time you caught a frog in that old backyard pond…
Last time when you ran barefoot across our fresh-cut lawn,
Silly scattered images to represent your past.
Would I have taken pictures…if I’d known they were the last?  `Karen Kingsbury

Linking up with Hip Homeschool Moms
Hip Homeschool Hop Button

Flowers, Friends and Fowl….

What do you do all week long when you have no money?† You do things that only costs gas!† Yes gas is expensive, but Keilee and I both get a little stir crazy when we do absolutely nothing…especially in the summer. In the winter we love just staying at home but in the summer we like just getting in the car and going.† So we took advantage of a gas card that I had gotten for Christmas and saved for times like these.

Our church has 5 services on Sunday.† FIVE!† We have been doing this since last September.† Our entire church is in prayer for a solution to this.† We want to either build another church or find a building that is perfect for us.† We go to the 9:00 service so by 10:30 at the latest we are out.† We always hate just going home so last Sunday we ran to change clothes and headed to a couple of parks in our town.

We live right on the Tennessee River.† I forget at times how beautiful it is.† We spent an hour or so at the “River Park” as we call it.

We then went to another park.† This park has a Splash Pad that Keilee spent hours playing in when she was younger.† Now she takes pictures of flowers.† If you have a chance please visit Keilee’s site with her flower pictures.† And thank you all who have commented on her blog. She gets giddy when you do!† She will run in here and say “Mom I just got a comment from _____”

  • We went to Pt. Mallard on Tuesday.† I am so thankful I was able to buy passes when they were really affordable in March.† We love Pt. Mallard.† They have a wave pool, [the Nation’s 1st!], an Olympic Pool, and even a beach since it is located on the Tennessee River.
  • The wall picture is something that makes me cry almost every time I look at it.† As most of you know we are living in the house I grew up in.† My Mother always measured us and every child that ever walked into our house.† It has literally hundreds of little marks on the wall.† It is old and dingy and needs painting but I wouldn’t paint it for $10,000.† Here is the mark for Keilee and I when we were exactly the same age.† She has always wanted to be as tall as me, 5’10”, but I don’t see that happening.† Actually the mark under Keilee is me at 11 1/2.† I grew almost 4″ in one year!
  • We bought groceries on Wednesday.† Keilee was freezing [as I always am but I brought a jacket!] and made a toilet tissue igloo as I was perusing the frozen veggies.

Wednesday we spent the day at Esther’s.† So many of our favorite homeschool memories has taken place at Esther’s house.† The ‘way’ the kids play have changed over the years but they always have a blast.† So do us Moms.† We talk and laugh and solve all the problems each of us have.† And of course food….there is always yummy food.† The girls spent almost the entire day making a video with “Video Star”.† They didn’t finish it because Keilee’s battery died and my car charger would not work!† Can you tell the song they used?† “Call Me Maybe”… If I had ONE piece of advice for new homeschoolers it would be to find a GROUP!

Thursday we spent time with some semi new friends.† We have gotten together with this group about 3 or 4 times.† They all have girls and most of the girls are exactly Keilee’s age.† They had a BLAST together.† There was duck and geese feeding, mushroom hunting, game playing and of course Video Star recording.† Seriously, if you haven’t checked out Video Star app please do.† It is fabulous and Keilee has spent huge amounts of time making awesome videos.

In between all of this fun I have been planning our next year.† We Moms spent a lot of time at the park talking about all the great resources their are for our kids in this area.† We discussed Co-ops and the pros and cons of each one of them, classes available and more!† We are super excited to get started.† I will blog more about our plans in the near future.

Our favorite resource this week is an amazing site.† Truly.† It is called The Hub and is on Christian Homeschool Site.† You sign up for free and they have TONS of free downloads.† Tons!† Every subject you can think of and lots of free Notebooking pages.† We plan on using lots of Notebooking this year.† If anyone has any great resources for that please let me know!

So that was our week…. Water, friends, God’s beauty, good food and lots of laughter.† And none of it cost a penny.

Happy weekend all!
Homeschooling Rocks!

“You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” ~Winnie the Pooh

Happily linking up with Mary at “Collage Friday
Susan at “Favorite Resource

and Kris at “Weekly Wrap Up”



Rooms, Rain and Recordings….

We stuck close to home this week.† That’s what having no income will do for you.† But we had a blast and got so much done.

Keilee rearranged her entire room.† Before she began she got a tape measure and measured every piece of furniture including her bed and drew them to scale on a piece of poster paper.† I actually liked the way she did it so I gave her the go ahead.† Her bed is HUGE.† It is a full size loft bed that my Daddy made her when she was 5 so I knew she would need help moving that.† We enlisted my nephew Seth and they moved for 3 hours.† She refuses to actually sleep on the ‘loft’ part because then Nomad can’t sleep with her so that is her storage for her 167 Webkinz!!!!

Some of her jewelry.† Her signed Johnny Depp picture [My boss worked on Alice in Wonderland!], her masks, her hat rack and her window and bean bag.

Some of her Headshots and photos from plays and Newspaper articles.† Also her crammed packed bulletin board.† I had poster of boys, she has play posters!

Her bed with the mattress under the loft because….

The actual loft is full of WEBKINZ!!!

It finally rained this week.† We have had at least 6 weeks of no rain.† I know most of the country is as rain starved as us.† I hope you all got some rain this week.† Kei was so excited she put her bathing suit on and ran to play in it!† She has always played in the rain.† She also found a frog and tried to put it so it wouldn’t drown!

We also had a photo shoot this week.† I am no expert when it comes to my camera.† I just basically play around with the settings and take pictures.† I tell Keilee when I take 20 pictures of the same thing, one of them is bound to turn out.† Of course I think she is the perfect subject!

Kei has been playing almost non-stop with the Video Star app.† Check it out.† She has made tons of videos and they are actually really cute.† Here is one of them.

My favorite resource is EReader Today on Facebook or their Webpage .† They have at least 15-20 FREE books a day.† There isn’t a day when I haven’t gotten at least one.† Now I am not sure how great they all are but there are lots of children’s books and cookbooks and so much more.†† Check them out!

And there is our week.† Lots of moving stuff around and lots of ‘Arts’.† We have a really busy week next week full of new adventures!

We are both ready to ‘start’ back full time on our learning adventures and I have been busy planning our upcoming year.† We are both so very excited.

Happy weekend
Homeschooling Rocks

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.” ~Author Unknown

Happily linking up with Mary at “Collage Friday


Susan at “Favorite Resources

Thankful Through The Tough Times…

I woke up early this morning.† The world is drenched in rain.† We have had no rain for over 6 weeks and now there is a flood.† Feast or famineÖthat always seems to be the way.

I donít usually do a ìThankfulî post.† Not that I donít have so much to be thankful for, just that in my busy life I rarely have a chance to get my thoughts together and post.

As I read Theresaís post at RedOakLane I realized TODAY is the perfect day for this.† Today when I am in tears and worried about money and how I will pay my bills and when our next job will start and how I will do everything I have to do with hardly any moneyÖ

Today is the perfect day.

  • I am thankful for Godís perfect Grace.† As I prayed this morning, I tried to let it all go, let it go to a God that knows every crevice of me, that has my best interests at heart, one who has ëgot thisí.
    • I am thankful for a child that means more to me than I could ever imagine.† Who delights me, cracks me up, hugs me a million times a day, dances and sings her way through every day, drives me crazy at times and has gotten me through some of the darkest days of my life after my Mother died.† I am so honored and blessed to be her Mother.


    • I am thankful for friends, email friends, blog friends, my dear friends, near and far. For laughter and tears and understanding.


    • I am thankful for the rain, beating down on a parched yard and town.† Green is popping up everywhere, life begins anew.
    • I am thankful for a dog, who loves us unconditionally.† Even when we are too tired to play or donít want to sleep with him in the bed and push him to the floor.
  • †††† I am thankful for my job; no it isnít the most reliable job in the world but it allows† me, as a single Mom, to stay home and homeschool Keilee.

I do not always understand Godís plan for me, but I choose to trust completely, even when itís hard because where in the world is the glory in ‘easy’?


ìReflect upon your present blessings — of which every man has many — not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.î ~ Charles Dickens

ìDo not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.î ~ Philippians 4:6

Linking up with Theresa at Red Oak Lane.

The Week of Living Slower…

We had plans to slow things down this week.† And for the most part we did.

I had a great idea to move ALL MY PICTURES from the C: drive to the empty D: drive.† The D drive got corrupted with ALL MY PICTURES on it.† Every picture I have ever made of Keilee, my Mom and more.† I cried for days.† My brother came to get my computer to see if his friend could fix it.† I finally got it back today.† He was NOT able to grab the pictures off but he assures me they are on there.† I will just have to take it somewhere and let them do it.† That will have to wait because I am laid off for 3-4 weeks.† I had a lot of the pictures backed up but none from the last couple of years.† It honestly made me physically sick.† And 4 days with no computer is excruciating.† Even with my iPhone and iPad.

We went on an adventure last Sunday.† My brother Eddie took us up into Tennessee.† We explored some awesome graveyards.† Eddie loves old graveyards and so do we.† These pictures are Keilee’s because I LOST ALL OF MY PICTURES!

As we were riding around in the hills of Tennessee we saw the coolest thing.† It was a Farmer’s Market ran on the honor system.† Once again, I had tons of pictures and they were lost.† My favorite sign said, “FREE TO WIDOWS”.† Isn’t that amazing?† There were all kinds of vegetables, fruits and eggs and a box to drop your money in.† I just loved it.

Keilee has been embroidering a lot this week.† I have always wanted her to do this but she wasn’t interested until now.† She has made some jean shorts and is now working on a pair of jeans.

Kei got this really cool kit for Christmas, I think 2 years ago!, and got it out this week. It is a Digital Recording Lab. I was reading the instructions and seriously it made my head hurt.† It was one of those things that I would have had to sit down and concentrate to figure out what it was talking about.† Thankfully she didn’t need my help!† It has all these wires and different schematics that you hook the wires up to which causes different things to happen.† She played with it for a couple of hours.† She even figured out different combinations than the book had.† I was outside reading and she kept calling me in to look at what she had discovered!

We also went to Pt. Mallard this week.† I am so glad we were able to get a pass this summer.† As hot as it has been it is pretty much the only place outside to get cool.† Although Keilee and I do spend a huge amount of time outside, 100∞+ temps or not.

Speaking of spending time outside, we did that too.† We read on the hammock and played with Nomad and just chilled on a blanket at twilight.

Our town has an annual 4th of July celebration each year.† The last 2 years we have volunteered with our church to run the Children’s Activities tent.† We always have a blast doing this.† We also get free passes to Pt. Mallard.† We have season passes but we wanted to get them so we could invite some of our friends to come along with us for a day of swimming.

My favorite resource is “Digital Recording Lab”.† This is wonderful for anyone who has an interest in all things electrical.† From Amazon’s site:† The Digital Recording Lab opens the door to the circuitry of sound. This unique, versatile design lets you build 59 different electronic circuit projects on just one console. You can record sounds and play them back, change your voice to sound like monster or robot, set an alarm clock and security system, even make an electronic parrot repeat what you say. PLUS, the spring coil construction makes wiring the projects simple and safe no tools or soldering required. Step-by-step directions and diagrams make advanced electronic concepts snap.

Next week is looking busy but full of things we are really looking forward to.† FREE things.† It seems almost every other summer I am broke during a month or so.† You know, no matter how I worry and fret, God always seems to take care of us.† We always make it.† God is so good.

Happily linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday

Susan at “Favorite Resources”

Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Happy weekend,
Homeschooling Rocks!

Summer afternoon…Summer afternoon… the two most beautiful words in the English language. – Henry James

Life in da ‘Hood….

Our almost 2 months of living in da ëHood has come to a close.

Show Week always kicks my butt.† Keilee loves it, I am usually praying I survive by the end of the week.

Dressing Room Fun

Everything came together really well.† All the kids did a great job.† This was a fun play but a bit stressful at times.† Thank you again Esther for taking great pictures of the actual play.† Pictures from the side of the stage aren’t the best.

All Photos by Esther Crawford.

Keileeís role was the Sheriff of Nottinhamís wife.† She was a groveling social climber who tried very hard to impress the villain of the play; Lady Merle.† Kei’s character kept saying things in French but they were never the right words for what she was referring to.† It was quite hysterical.† Keilee played her quite well.† I got so many compliments on the job she did from friends and strangers alike.† That is always nice considering how hard she always works on her characters.† You can always see the passion Kei has for plays shining through on her face.† In a funny twist of casting she was married to the same guy who shunned her for being too silly in ìPrincess and the Peaî.† We all cracked up about that.

The Sheriff and his Wife

We had long nights spent at the theater.† I worked backstage with 2 of my best friends and we had a blast as usual.† Although I had to shush them a few times.† They got louder than the kids at times.† It wasnít me! Really it wasnít.† 😉

Photos by Esther Crawford

The last show got a little out of hand.† It is tradition for the kids to shake it up a little in the final show.† Do 1 or 2 unexpected things.† Well this show they went crazy.† We all just stood backstage with our mouths opened.† I heard afterwards that some of the audience was not very happy with it.† They were just kids being silly and like most kids when they got laughter from what they did, they fed on it and became even more over the top.

Our homeschool friends all did wonderfully too.† Ben and Austin were great Merry Men and they even wore TIGHTS!† Brit was a great wife of one of the Merry Men.† She and the boys sang and danced their way all thru Sherwood Forest and beyond.† Chan was awesome as the old widow.† Her posture and voice was dead on.† Jake played King Richard and he looked very kingly in his outfit.† He also was ëthe Strangerí in a couple of scenes complete with a mask.† The mask he used, which was his own, was a Plague Doctor which was awesome!† Only a homeschooler would be so cool ;)† †Emily got the role of Friar Tuck and she rocked it!† She has the perfect voice for it.

Backstage and After Show

Kei’s favorite shots from her iPhone.

I plan to do nothing in July.† Although when I put up our new calendar yesterday it was already almost full.† The difference is most of those things are things we CAN do, not things we HAVE to do.

We are hoping for cooler weatherÖlike in the 90ís.† These days of 100∞+ are killing us and everything that grows!

Hereís to a calm, relaxing week.† I am off to catch up on all you in blogger land and see what kinds of fun things YOU have all been up to. 🙂

Homeschooling Rocks!

†ìAll the best performers bring to their role something more, something different than what the author put on paper. That’s what makes theatre live. That’s why it persists.î ~Stephen Sondheim

Miss Sassafras and Miss Chamomille…..

Keilee and I have had Tea Parties for years.† When she was a very little girl she would want to have a tea party and I would make little finger foods and we would dress up and enjoy our tea.

About 4 or 5 years ago, she took over the Tea Parties.† She gave us names, she is Miss Sassafras and I am Miss Chamomile.† We wear garden party dresses and hats of course. We found a Tea Set that she hand painted several years ago.† It has plates and a sugar and creamer and the tea pot.† The paint is chipped off in several places from use but it is still one of my favorite things. She has the forks, spoons and knives from her American Girl Dolls.

Our Tea Parties start with an invitation.† The date and time are written out so I will know exactly when I am expected.

We always either speak in a British accent or a very old Southern accent.

She makes yummy foods complete with fruit, tiny sandwiches, and what ever else we have on hand.† The day before we had gone to the Farmer’s Market and she saw Tea Cakes that she deemed perfect for our party.† And of course there is tea…lots and lots of tea.

We discuss the weather, our gardens, our grandchildren and I always beg for her recipes which she never gives me.† It is beautiful, pretend play at its finest.

She always breaks character to complain about all the pictures I insist on taking!

How can you wear a dress like this and not twirl?

This is something that just delights this Mamma’s heart.† That my 12 1/2 year old daughter is so thrilled to do something like this.† Would she still love this if she was in public school or would she be more concerned with texting or Facebook or phone calls?†† Who knows but I am so thankful that we will always have this memory.† She assures me that Miss Sassafras will NEVER be too old for a Tea Party with Miss Chamomile.

Homeschooling Rocks

Afternoon Tea
“Who wouldn’t like to drink afternoon tea
Out in the garden just like these three?
With the song of a bird, and the hum of a bee,
And the sun-flowers looking all eyers to see.
The little girl’s stirring her tea so sweet;
Tea in the garden is such a great treat,
With a cool breeze blowing, and not too much heat-
And doesn’t the tea-tray look charmingly neat?”
~Kate Greenaway


Drama and Drama…


[drah-muh, dram-uh] noun

1. a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue or pantomime a story involving conflict or contrast of character, especially one intended to be acted on the stage; a play.

2. any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting, or striking interest or results: the drama of a murder trial.

This has been a week of drama.† Some good, some† bad.† I have found out things about myself.† I donít deal well with bad drama.

Keilee was in Fine Arts Camp this week.† She was asked to be a counselor from 9-2 each day and then she had an ìAfter Hoursî camp from 3-6.† Then we had play practice from 6:30-9:00.† I was asked to help in the 1st camp, from 8:15-2:30.

It was A.Long.Week.

She loved parts of it.† In the After Hours classes, for kids 6-12 grades, she did Improv for the first time and spent hours working on drama techniques and applications.† In her Production class she learned so much about the production of a play.† The teacher of the class told me he was amazed by her ideas and her vision.† He said the other kids hung back and waited for instruction but she just took control.† It really, REALLY showed me the difference in self directed homeschooling kids.† They are used to seeing what needs to be done and doing it.

ButÖshe hated parts of it.† There was an adult who was very ugly to her and said some things that were totally uncalled for.† She didnít tell me until we got home Wednesday night.† I went into Mamma Bear mode and was ready to go hunting and she begged me to let her talk to the director of the Program herself about it.† I was really proud of her for wanting to deal with it herself.† I am not sure at 12 I would have felt comfortable doing it.† I am not comfortable doing things like that even now!† The director, who had already told me about a dozen times how much he loved Keilee, was wonderful.† He immediately came to get me and was furious with this adult.† He told her this behavior would not be accepted and we heard she was asked to leave.† She had obviously caused problems in other areas too and said some things to other kids.† It kind of put a damper on the whole experience for me to tell you the truth.

Keilee and another 12 year old girl were in charge of 23 8 year olds.† There was bad drama there too.† Bullying and tears and boo boos and feelings hurt.† I was seriously emotionally drained.† I was in tears a few times.† And I wasnít even the one dealing with her group drama.† I just helped with other things.

Keilee couldnít believe the behavior of some of the kids, the disrespect they showed the adults, the running wild, the not listening, the way they treated each other, the language.† Of course she also had kids she adored, who hung all over her and even made her cards they gave her at the final performance.

I was so surprised how many kids would say to me, ìso and so bullied meî.† BulliedÖlike it was just another verbÖ

There was also good dramaÖfun times but honestly I feel like the bad outweighed the good.

It makes me doubly thankful that we homeschool.† That our days consist of waking up on our time, learning what we want to learn, playing outside, laughing and hugs and conversation.

I learned this week that my life is such a blessing.†† And days of doing nothing sound close to heaven.

Now if we can only survive Show Week next week.† After this week it should be a walk in the park.

Linking up with Mary at “Collage Fridays”

Susan, sorry I don’t have a favorite resource, unless surviving on 5 hours a sleep a night is a resource! 🙂

†Homeschooling Rocks!

ìThe stage is not merely the meeting place of all the arts, but is also the return of art to life.î† ~ Oscar Wilde

Picnics, Piano, Plays and Pies…

June is flying by.† The days are long and hot. The nights are hot too!

It seems like my dreams of long summer days spent sitting outside reading and Keilee building fairy houses was just a fantasy.† We are always doing something.† I miss those days of doing nothing.† I mean come on we are HOMEschoolers! ;)† We have both decided July is going to be full of NOTHING!

We spent one day in a near by town.† We always love to visit Cullman.† There are so many unique shops and parks and things to see and do.† Downtown Cullman is one of our favorite stops.† It was hit hard by the April 2011 tornadoes but there is reconstruction going on everywhere.

Southern Accents is a place I have always wanted to go.† But I could NEVER find it.† My GPS always took us to the wrong place.† Fortunately we kinda ran upon it this time.† It is full of ….well just about everything home related.† We saw more door knobs than I have ever seen in one place in my life!† We loved just meandering around the HUGE store looking at everything.

After going to a few more stores, including a German Toy Store that we loved, we headed to Sportsman Lake.† We stopped by Subway and got a sandwich and ate lunch and walked around and fed the crazed ducks and geese.† These sucker were a little scary.† If you had food, 100’s of them would come quacking and walking toward you!† We walked around the lake and rode the little train and just had a great time.

Kei has been making these cute little footie sandals this week.† She bought some a few years ago at a festival and found them.† It inspired her to make several pairs to match her bathing suits for the pool!

Piano lessons, she is learning Amazing Grace and has already finished the workbook she gave her YESTERDAY!

Play practice.† Robin Hood is shaping up!

Kei had never had a strawberry pie like this so we had to remedy that at the Farmer’s Market.

Finally my Aunt posted this picture on Facebook.† I was about 15 or 16 years old here.† We were at my Nanny’s house.† Wow…memories.

Keilee has been spending tons of time working on a Unit Study called Passport France.† She is notebooking along with it and creating all sorts of little lap book sorta pages.† I think the link info is a misprint.† It is a 146 page Unit Study so I think it is a 4 week instead of 1 week! 🙂 She is still reading her book and working on Math. We have also been spending lots of time at the pool.

As this week wraps up we have a wedding to attend this weekend.† My sweet Aunt is marrying her high school sweetheart.† It is an awesome story and I am so happy for her.

My favorite resource this week is a REALLY cool one.† It is called History Pin and you just have to take a look at it to see how cool it is.† I am digging around looking for our pictures to add to it.

Next week is going to be a doozy so I am doing nothing this weekend but attending the wedding.†† Keilee and I bought this little blow up pool that I intend on throwing my float into and relaxing all weekend.

Hope your weekend is amazing!

Happily linking up with Mary with “Collage Friday


Susan with “Favorite Resources

Homeschooling Rocks,

“And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days.”† ~ James Russell Lowell

“Ah summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.”† ~Russell Baker