October 2022, Sadness and Puppies

I was going to try to update 10 months and quickly realized that was impossible.

So I will post about our October and about our sweet Nomad.

Nomad got sick very quickly. Or it was gradual enough that we didn’t notice.  Yes he was slower, he didn’t bound around the house. But he still ate and played with his toys and was very connected to us and all that was going on.  Until he wasn’t. The last 3 days of his life were one of the hardest things we have gone through. People who loved him came to tell him goodbye.  Keilee and I both were devastated.  We made the decision on Sunday to call the vet Monday morning. He couldn’t stand up alone.  We  had the hardest time getting him outside.  We let him stay outside a  lot. He seemed happier there. (5 months later as I type this I can barely see through my tears).
Our amazing neighbors helped us get him in the car and took us to the vet.  I don’t think I could have done it without them.  My brother met us there. If anyone has ever had to put down (God I hate that saying) a beloved pet you know how it feels.  We were broken. Totally broken.

Our sweet boy.  You were so loved.

For the next couple of weeks we felt like we were living in a tomb.  We could not stay home.  We could not eat dinner in the den as we always did.  We talked to people who loved us. They told us a new puppy would help. We refused at first.  Then we found someone who bred Miniature Australian Shepherds.  We called on Mother’s Day and she said we could come see her puppies.  And we fell in love with one.

So meet Huckleberry.  He is a Red-bi and he is beautiful. He is a huge bundle of motion and energy.  He goes everywhere with us.  He eats all the things in our house.  He demands love 100% of the time.  He is an angel mixed with a huge dose of devil.

And yes he has his own Instagram and Facebook.  AdventuresofHuckleberryT

This is the first day we met him.

The day we brought him home.

Our Huckleberry

October is our favorite month.  Keilee did not accept but a couple  of bookings so we could do all the things.

We did Hidden Rivers Farm with our church.  It was a beautiful day.

We also went to the Fiddler’s Convention. They didn’t allow dogs however we saw A LOT of dogs.  Keilee wasn’t happy.

We went to see Sons of the East, an Australian band.  Keilee also reached out to them to see if she could interview them via Zoom for Tourism.  They said yes and it was amazing!

You can watch the video here!

Fall has been particularly beautiful this year.

We went to the Ren Faire. Keilee dressed up for the first time. She was Renaissance Elsa.  We didn’t take Huckleberry because we knew people would want pictures.  They did.

Downtown Trick or Treat. Huck was a devil.  We thought it was apropos.

2 of Keilee’s Halloween looks.  She posted everyday on Instagram.  Check it out @PrincessKeilee

Halloween was great.  We went as Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and Tigger.  We didn’t go as extra as we usually do because Keilee was sick the entire week before Halloween.  We still had a blast.

Our town had a Dia de los Muertos celebration for the first time.  It was amazing.

And then there was Tyler Merritt. We have both loved Tyler Merritt for years.  Then he started dating Jen Hatmaker and we loved him more.  He heard he was coming to the Princess Theatre in November and could not believe it.  Keilee had an idea to reach out and see if she could interview him.  He said yes!  The interview was amazing.

You can watch it here.

The night of the event we were so excited. We laughed, we cried (well I cried).  There was such an unbelievable positive energy in the theatre.  And I have heard so many people who were there talking about it.  It was a vibe. A hum.  It was beautiful.

So.  There you have it. Our sweet Nomad, our sweet (but devilish) Huckleberry and a whole month of goodness.

Here is where I promise to update better.  But we all know there’s a /good/ chance that won’t happen.


Catching Up

2022 Wow. How is that possible?

Just wanted to play catch up with at least December and January.

Our December was insane. Seriously something almost every day.

Ringing the bell.  She has been doing this off and on since she was 7.

Christmas 2021

Christmas morning at my brothers. One of our very favorite things.

Surprise snow after Christmas. Anyone who knows me knows how much I adore snow!

The time between Christmas and January 1st are some of my favorite days. No where to go. No where to be.  Just peace and calm.

Keilee’s 22nd birthday!!
There is no one that knows me that doesn’t know how I adore you. How every wonderful memory of the last 2 decades (plus) contain you. How my life is infinitely better because of you.
I love your sense of humor. Your interest in always learning. Your heart for people (especially children). Your sense of outrage over injustice. Your love of Jesus. Your vision and more importantly your execution of your visions. I am in awe of you navigating an, at times, insanely busy life with such calm and poise.
I don’t think you have any idea on the impact you have on so many. I watch children, time and time again, look at you in delight and wonder. And I think “What a gift it is. To be able to make a difference in a child’s life. To bring a little magic into their lives”.
You are a beautiful soul and I’m so ever thankful that you are my daughter.
Happy 22!!
 The cranes are here!!!!  They are beautiful and magical.
10 year Challenge
Watched and loved the last few months
Wheel of Time
The Witcher
Tick Tick Boom
Squid Games
Happy 2022!

September Days

September has always been a favorite month. Not THE favorite month (that would be October) but a favorite.

September is when it’s supposed to feel like fall but it actually usually feels like summer.  We did have a week of fall weather and it was lovely.  The last few months have looked a lot different that last summer/early fall.  We hiked last year so often and we haven’t at all this year.  I told Keilee I was afraid that last summer/fall was a beautiful time that we would never do again.  The world was still shut down a lot.  The pool was closed so we hiked.  I miss it and we hope to do it more in October.

September Fun

We spent the day at Reeves Farm.  They have a huge field of gorgeous sunflowers.  Keilee also made a video for Decatur Tourism.

They also have a great store.  We bought some Peach Salsa that was delicious.


There were acres of sunflowers.

Look at all those Sunflowers!!!


Video Sep 29, 7 27 19 AM

Our church made 50 HUGE bags of goodies for the nurses and doctors at our 2 hospitals to say thank you for all they are doing.  Then Keilee and I delivered them.

We spent a day with my Daddy and Marlene driving around a town that Daddy spent so many hours in growing up.  He told us so many stories that I hadn’t heard before.

An old house was having an estate sale.  It was beautiful and we are going to watch the renovations.  I can’t wait to see it restored.

Stained glass window.


My Daddy hasn’t felt well.  He had shoulder surgery and then got pneumonia.  Thankfully he is feeling a bit better.

We also went to a Fall Festival in a nearby town.  It was pretty much just booths with crafts but we enjoyed being out. It was at a farm so of course Keilee had to dress to match the location. 🙂

And pumpkins are at the Farmer’s Market! We like the more unusual ones.

As September winds down we are looking forward to October and cooler temps.


July 2021 Hot and Rainy

Ack. I suck at updating my blog. No matter how much I promise myself I will.

It is July 31. Tomorrow is August. Summer has, as they say, flown by. July was hot and rainy.  If it wasn’t raining we couldn’t do much outside because of the heat.  And August is our hottest month!

Keilee had a really fun event at Point Mallard.  She was the mermaid and kids were mesmerized.  This is by far her hardest costume but she loves being a ‘real’ mermaid.

One of my sweet friends is selling at our local farmer’s market.  I always love seeing her and her beautiful flowers.

Keilee had 2 Cinderella parties in 2 days which is very unusual.  She also got this amazingly beautiful Cinderella gown in June.  It is lovely. But it takes up 3/4 of the front seat!

We went on a picnic and to some thrift stores in Cullman.  But oh my gosh it was HOT!

Cullman angel wings

Sportsmans Lake

Last day at Point Mallard during the week.  They had to close early because so many workers are going back to school.

And finally Happy Birthday Harry Potter!

Finally our month.  One second everyday. More or less.


Let’s go August!

Dedication of Women’s Marker

“Lifting as we climb, onward and upward we go…”
~Mary Church Terrell
What a wonderful and powerful time unveiling Decatur’s NEW historic marker for “A National Votes For Women Trail”!
It was wonderful to learn about Decatur’s involvement in women’s rights to vote and having the FIRST Women’s Suffrage group in the state!
This is the article from our local paper.  Keilee was quoted.
Written by Catherine Godbey

More than 100 marchers, some wearing “Votes for Women” sashes and pins, walked from the historic railroad depot to the former site of the Echols Opera House on Bank and Vine streets — the same steps Susan B. Anthony took in 1895 — to recognize Decatur’s role in the women’s suffrage movement.

“We are here today to reflect on those women who came before us and had the courage to speak up and stand up for what was right. We are also here because we need to recognize that our journey has just begun and the fight is not over yet,” historian Peggy Allen Towns said.

This picture by Jeromino Nisa (Decatur Daily)

The march on Friday culminated with the unveiling of a historical marker. Designed in purple and white — the official colors of the women’s suffrage movement — the sign designates the corner of Bank and Vine as a site on the National Votes for Women’s Trail.

“Decatur has such a rich history in the women’s suffrage movement. It is about time that Decatur embraces our history as we should,” said Towns, who worked with the William G. Pomeroy Foundation and the National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites to secure the marker.

Ranging from teenagers to 80-somethings, the marchers included lawyers, judges, teachers, business owners, ministers, politicians and students. Among the participants was Dorothy Gordon, who graduated from Decatur’s Lakeside High School in 1962 and voted in her first election in the 1960s.

“I am here because it is the right thing to do. We are here because of others’ blood, sweat and tears. They are why we have the right to vote,” Gordon said. “I’m so blessed to be able to take part in this.”

Karen Stanley, of Huntsville, attended the march and unveiling dressed as Ida B. Wells-Barnett, who led the Illinois delegation in the March 1913 suffrage parade in Washington, D.C.

“When I think about those women, I think about the courage and resiliency they had,” said Stanley, who developed an interest in the movement at 8 years old after hearing Fannie Lou Hamer, a civil and voting rights activist, speak. “I became inspired and intrigued, but also sad, hearing what happened to people just because they wanted to vote.”

One of the younger marchers, 21-year-old Keilee Terry, wore a “Feminist” shirt to the event.

“I love that Decatur was active in the suffrage movement. It’s important to know that history and see how far we’ve come. But we still have a long way to go. It’s important to stay active,” Terry said.

The marker’s unveiling coincided with the 102nd anniversary of Congress’ passage of the 19th Amendment, which said the right to vote should not be denied on account of sex. Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment in August 1920, guaranteeing women the right to vote.

By the middle of October 1920, over 2,000 white women and 40 women of color registered to vote in Morgan County. The women ranged in age from a 21-year-old granddaughter of former slaves to 87-year-old Elizabeth Forbes, the widow of a former slave owner.

“Abigail Adams told her husband (John Adams) to not forget about the women (in 1776). But we didn’t get the right to vote until 1920. That was just 100 years ago. It should have happened way before then,” said 13-year-old Marley Jackson, who attended the event with Decatur Youth Services’ Girls Connected for a Cause. “When I’m 18, I’ll be the first person in line to vote.”

Highlighting the city’s history, the marker notes the visit from Anthony, nicknamed the “Napoleon of the Women’s Rights Movement,” and Carrie Chapman Catt, and the influence of Ellen Hildreth, who, in the early 1890s, formed Alabama’s first suffrage club in Decatur, and served as the first president of the Alabama’s Woman Suffrage Association.

“I am overwhelmed by the turnout,” Towns said. “It shows that we are in this together and we are interested in our history and our future.”

Homeschooling has given her (an honestly me) such a love of history.  I love that our town is committed to keeping the history alive.

Botanical Gardens

Last week we finally got to go back to the Botanical Gardens. It had been cool and rainy for so long.

The Gardens are one of our favorite places.
Turtles Sunning

We love this painted piano. Even though neither of us can play a lick.

The Koi Pond with wind ripples.

Spring is so beautiful at the gardens.

They were putting up new exhibits all around the garden. We noticed a definite ‘bird’ theme.

Hammock laying with the sun breaking through the limbs.

It was a glorious day.


January 2021 (Hopefully New Beginnings)

2020 came and went and  here we are in 2021.

Happy 21st birthday to my favorite person in the world.
What a year.
2020 started with her so excited. She had so many events planned. In March the world changed. She quickly adjusted to the changes. She has done free Friday story-times almost every week since March. She has done online Zoom calls and personalized videos to places like the UK, Italy, Hawaii, Pakistan, Germany, Canada and so many states in the US. She’s been featured by libraries all over the country, been interviewed by local news, been in a national online magazine, been sent tons of merchandise by people who recognize her hard work (including Idina Menzel) and she’s brightened thousands of children lives during hard times.
She did outside parties by adjusting the things she offered and becoming a master at staying 6’ away and still making the children feel engaged.
She’s led children’s church activities via Zoom. She’s sat in meetings via Zoom. She’s worked so hard on her social media accounts.
We both discovered we loved hiking and spent copious amounts of time in nature.
Anyone who knows her knows she doesn’t “sit” well and she definitely hasn’t been bored. In fact at age 21 I’ve never once heard her say, I’m bored”.
She is opinionated, smart, wise beyond her years and experiences, she doesn’t cry, she doesn’t love easily but when she does it’s for always. She hates injustice and wants to throat punch the world at times.
Happy birthday my beautiful shining girl. You make my life infinitely better and I adore being your Momma. I pray daily that you always keep Jesus in your center, do the things that make your heart soar and fill you with joy and wonder and find the people who know your worth and make you laugh until your stomach hurts.
I love you. To Pluto and back. And back again. And again times infinity.
And of course she has a birthday crown.
Days of staying home. Of going nowhere. Of reading, cooking, watching TV, playing Switch, reading aloud, watching the news in horror, making plans for virtual events, and more.
The last few days have reminded me of homeschooling when she was young. Talking and laughing and sharing information together. (Now don’t get me wrong we always do a lot of these things but the slow pace this week has been wonderful).
Anyone who knows me well knows I love snow. I opened my eyes and immediately knew it snowed during the night. The light is just different when there is snow on the ground. I jumped out of bed like a 6 year old and ran to the window.
As much as I hate cold I adore snow. I was thinking about it this morning and I think it’s because so many wonderful, childhood memories involve snow. My very first memory was playing in the snow with my Momma. She had a cardboard box and was pushing me around in it. I was 2 1/2 and I can close my eyes and remember how I felt. (And yet I can’t remember everything we did last week!).
I lived in a neighborhood with tons of kids and we always had a blast on snow days. Can you remember that feeling when you wake up and your Mom would say, “No school today because it snowed!!” We would play all day and then my Momma would make hot chocolate for us all.
My Momma and Daddy also loved snow. I called Daddy and asked him to send me a picture of him in the snow!!
So I hope everyone enjoys our rare snow day!! Make memories!!
“Everything’s magical when it snows, everything looks pretty. The clothes are great. Coats, scarves, gloves, hats.” Lorelai Gilmore- Gilmore Girls
You definitely look different than you’ve looked for 5 years.
But the slow pace, tea drinking, game playing, music listening, book reading is a vibe we both are so enjoying.
Find your beautiful.
This company (Ambrie) sends Keilee Disney leggings often in exchange for pictures.
They have extremely cute things and also these are the softest leggings I’ve ever seen. They also have masks.
I don’t know if any of you know Tom Foolery (The Great Realization) but he is offering free creative writing classes.
Keilee and I LOVE him. The only problem was it’s for up to 18. But she signed up anyway. 😬There was no place to put an age so she didn’t actually lie.
She loved it. She said he was the most positive, upbeat guy. Also there were a couple of people older than her in the class. She said there were people from England, Pakistan, Morocco, Ireland, Scotland, Argentina, Brazil, California and her from Alabama.
Point Mallard Trail.
I’m trying to catch up.  It’s ridiculous that I get so behind when I have more than enough time to do these.  We have gotten so much joy over the years in going back and seeing what we were doing in years past in the same months.
Stay safe,


November and December

Catch up time.
We voted!!  It wasn’t Keilee’s first time voting but it was her first time voting for President.


Thanksgiving looked a bit different this year. Keilee and I cooked our own Thanksgiving dinner (with WAY too much food) because we did not get together at my dads.
We did stop by for an outside visit this morning. Daddy told us stories about how he was a champion checker player back in the day. We have also become experts at the “wear your mask until you’re ready to take the picture and take it off and don’t breathe and smile” pose.
As we were leaving I told Daddy again that I was so sorry we weren’t able to have our traditional Thanksgiving and he said “That’s ok. I’d much rather be here next year.
Same Daddy same.
Me and my Daddy
Kei and Bull
This tree brings me such peace.
It is filled with ornaments. Some were my Mothers, some that I hand painted at age 7 or 8, some Keilee made or painted, some are expensive and some are from Dollar Tree.
But so many of them have a story.
I can see my Momma’s hands placing them on her tree. I can see Keilee’s little hands gluing and painting. I can see Keilee’s hands helping me decorate.
I think out of almost everything we have our Christmas tree ornaments tell a story. A story of a life. Or of many lives. Beautiful times of togetherness.
It just makes me happy to look at it.
And happy is a good thing.
Me: (for the last few years) UGH. Nomad always messes up my bed and gets dog hair everywhere.
Now Nomad is older. He doesn’t get on the bed anymore. He acts scared when I try to get him up. He moves more slowly when waking up.
Today I walked in to this. You would not believe how happy I was to see his shedding, bed rumpling self on my bed.
What an eye opening moment. We so miss the moments that once made us crazy. So enjoy them. Hair and all. (Or glitter. Or toys everywhere. Or crayons and markers).
Reading “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!”


The Grinch is one of her favorite characters ever!!  I love her female Grinch.

We had a great Christmas.  It looked different but we enjoyed the slower pace.

New Year’s Day/Eve

New Year’s event at church

Beautiful Labyrinth at church

Some of my favorite pictures month by month

There is so much I could say about 2020.  In January of 2020 we had no clue how our lives would change.  There are parts of it that have been very hard. Keilee misses in person events and parties.  We miss our weekly church events.  I miss hugging people.  But there have also been such beauty in the slowing down.  A love for hiking and discovering new places, a switch to virtual events that has  literally opened the world up for Keilee, long days spent at home reading and watching great shows and movies and just” being”.

I’m not sure how 2021 will look but I hope and pray it has beauty.  Life almost always does if you search for it.


October 2020

Time marches on.

We got wings from the incredibly talented Kelsey Montague and they are incredible. Such a beautiful addition to our town.

Cullman Oktoberfest was such fun.  We met friends there and had a great day.

We met up with friends again at David Crockett State Park (one of  our favorite places we discovered this summer!)

It was a beautiful day at the Botanical Garden visiting the Scarecrow Trail.

Adjusting to the new things.  This was a cooking class with Elsa via Zoom.

Halloween was spent at our church’s trunk or treat.  Masks were required to everyone who attended and guides took the families around to make sure social distancing was followed.  We were a knight and dragon and we (mainly Keilee) built this huge castle out of cardboard.  It was so much fun.

Ok. 2 months caught up.  November is next.  It is December 2 when I am updating this and it has been FREEZING the last couple of days.

Stay safe everyone,



I failed totally at posting ONCE A MONTH!!  Good grief.

This is basically a photo dump for the future.

Since March we have been living in this strange new world. I do not think this will be our new normal but it is our FOR NOW normal. I know everyone doesn’t take it seriously but we do.  I love seeing my Daddy but he is older with COPD so that means I can’t ‘live my life as always.”  Because he is important to me.

We spent huge amounts of time outside in nature.  It is one of the few things that calm my soul.


We have so enjoyed our Botanical Gardens membership.  Each time we go we discover new magical places.


Picnics and ducks at a local-ish park.

Brushy Lake at Bankhead Forest. Another beautiful day. (I am updating this in November on a chilly day. These pictures make me miss summer!)

Then we went to Joe Wheeler State Park to meet sweet friends from Tennessee.  It was so nice to finally meet Rebel and Ruby in person.

Shoal’s Branch.  We have discovered so many amazing outdoor places during these last few months.


We had a beautiful moring exploring downtown and seeing Jamey Grimes’ amazing exhibit “Roil” at Carnegie.


Hiking and finding a new waterfall!

Hidden Rivers farm opened and we went with friends and loved it.

Fun time at Frazier Park.
Disclaimer. Nomad is not good on a leash. Nomad is not good in new areas. I’ve always wanted a dog that we could take anywhere and would walk calmly beside us. That has not happened although he has gotten better in the last few months because we’ve been walking him more outside. (although I could leave a T-bone steak on the floor and tell him no and go to the grocery store and he wouldn’t touch it.).This is not Nomad’s fault this is our fault. We fully realize that.
Dogs and kids; you do the best you can with both but you always see things you wish you would’ve done a little differently.
All in all a good time was had by everyone.

September was a beautiful month with a lot of time spent outdoors.  Honestly the last few months have been a bit strange but being outside makes us feel more sane.  It is one of the “blessings” of coronavirus; we found so many lovely outdoor spaces and spent so much time in nature.


August ~ The Month of Hikes

We had such a great month.  Although everything is strange and unlike anything we have ever dealt with, it was a great month.

We spent so much of it outside.  We have always loved being outside (usually in the pool which we have done ZERO times this year) and we have discovered that we love hiking.

Fun day at Bankhead Forest.
Being outside is such a huge balm to our souls. The stillness of the forest quiets the insanity of the world.

Wheeler Wildlife Refuge

This adventure brought to you by a quest to buy a lottery ticket (Keilee was feeling lucky), a last minute change of plans, Davy Crockett State Park, a picnic, a hike, an encounter with a snake, and a GPS that went a bit wonky (the way it took us home y’all. We were just cracking up because…gravel roads in the boonies and visions of any scary movie you’ve ever seen). And we got no lottery ticket. The machine was down all 3 places we stopped.
But… we had a great day.

They had educator day at Burritt on the Mountain and we went.  We both have our educator cards from Co-op.  We used to go often when Keilee was younger but it’s been awhile.  And we didn’t’ even know they had trails! We also hiked at Monte Santo which was great.



Then we went to a new place.  That didn’t turn out to be very good (no shade and not very well maintained trails) but we went to one of favorite parks that was about 30 minutes away and had a great day.

We are still enjoying our Botanical Gardens pass.  We had one a few years ago but didn’t go much. Of course the world looks different now.

One of our favorite places within the garden.

Rails to Trails  We did the Elkmont section.  And enjoyed it so much.

Cook Museum of Nature Science opened back and they got a SEA TURTLE.  We were able to finally meet Kale!

We actually did 2 hikes on this outing. The 2nd was by far our favorite. We have been to Green Mountain but it has been years!

Happiness is a Keilee who sees several deer.
She was so excited. Like giddy. And the rest of the day was fun too. Hiking, picnics, boat wishing and a run in with a park ranger with an attitude. (Well that part wasn’t fun). Joe Wheeler State Park.

I did a thing!

It’s a little thing but a new thing for me. I made Lavender Balm!
We picked local lavender a couple of months ago at a lavender farm. I got a recipe and made lavender oil, which took weeks, then melted beeswax and added the oil.
It is so far from perfect. I learned that I should have gotten clear beeswax. I learned there is no ‘not messy’ way to melt said beeswax and pour into my little tins (that I bought months ago). I learned that I didn’t make near enough oil.
And one of them has a weird hole. And I maybe shouldn’t have put the sprig in cause weird texture. But like everything it’s a process. And I want to try things like this again.
So if you have any easy recipes hit me up. And if they use Rosemary bonus points because we have a HUGE rosemary bush thanks to my brother.
Also yes I did take my lavender outside to take the picture.
So that was our extremely fun and busy August.  But it was fun busy not busy busy.
And now we are hikers….and makers of all the things.  (Or at least one thing)


The July That Looked Different

I am always about a month or so behind in these updates. But I want to do them. I want to be able to look back (besides on Facebook or Instagram) and see what we did during these weird times. And for you Carrie. 😉

We have done a lot of hiking and just being outdoors. We’ve always spent enormous time outside but lately we’ve been trying to find actual hiking places.

We spent the  4th of July home. We grilled out and our neighbors had beautiful fireworks.

Our first outing in July was to Isom’s Orchards. We saw beautiful peach trees, sunflowers, and took a strange ride in the back of a cart to the orchards.


Keilee also celebrated her 4th year as owner of Magical Memories! Looking through pictures she has continued to try to up her game all the time.  Especially trying to navigate this time.  And of course we had to do a photo shoot!

Sportsman’s Lake is a go to place for us.  It’s about 40 minutes away and is beautiful and peaceful. It also has camping area. Our dream is to get a van and turn it into a travel van for camping. So if anyone has one of those let me know.


We also painted our front door. We have been wanting to do this forever. And it took less than an hour and costs less than $10!!

We went back to Sportsman for a picnic and to spend time with killer ducks.

We have several murals planned for our town.  We are so excited because we love murals!

Our sweet friend Heather sent us a drive that she does and we decided to do it.  It is almost completely gravel roads but we loved it so much.  It runs right alongside the Tennesse River!

Keilee gets sent things all.the.time.  This lovely retro company sent her this dress and she did it as a Tinkerbell look.

We went to a very small nearby town that my Daddy suggested.  We found an old cemetery and spent some time there.

We go a lot. But we usually spend at least 3-4 days at the pool and it didn’t open this year.  The only thing we ever pay for is gas. We bring out lunch.  And we have discovered some beautiful places.  August has been filled with more of the same.

Being in nature soothes my soul.

Karen ~the hiker 😉




June 2020

Things are still moving slowly, except for time and it is speeding by.

We are trying to find things to do outside. We feel safer outside.

We decided to get a yearly membership to the Botanical Gardens.  It is a beautiful place and it wasn’t very expensive.

Our local park is gorgeous in the spring/summer.

We went to Clarkson Covered Bridge one morning. We both love covered bridges.  The last picture is in the downtown area of a nearby town.

We also went to a Lavender Farm to pick Lavender. It was so beautiful and smelled so good!

We discovered an outdoor obstacle course and park and went with friends.  It is so close to us and we didn’t know it existed!

Our church had a socially distant chalk out for the kids.  It was so great to see everyone!

We also visited The Jesse Owens Memorial.  We had been when Keilee was younger but its bigger and better now!

Now it’s almost halfway through July.  Our city just passed a mask ordinance (of course we have worn masks all along) And of course EVERYBODY has an opinion)

I’m not sure when the world will feel normal again. But we are chugging along.

Stay safe everyone,



The One Where We Stayed In March-May Recap

What can I say about the last two months? The world went from normal to insane seemingly overnight. We heard rumblings of COVID-19 but they were halfway around the world. In March the rumblings grew stronger. March 13, 2020 was the last time Keilee did a normal party or event. The next day she woke up with 103° fever. She had to cancel her first ever party.  She spent the next week coughing her head off.  Wracking coughs that would not stop.  Her fever went down but she kept a low grade fever.  Then I started the coughing. I didn’t have fever but I thought I would cough a lung up.  Was it Covid-19? There were no reported cases here at the time but who knows.

The last 70 something days have been so surreal.  We have stayed in.  We have used grocery store pick up. We haven’t gone in a store except for 3 times. Twice into Dollar General and once in CVS for my Daddy.

Keilee had to completely stop doing parties of course. She has made to transition to all virtual.  She has been slammed with video calls and personalized videos.

We wear our masks every time we are out anywhere. (Not in the car obviously)  I don’t understand all the uproar about masks. They are recommended. They help. Wear the damn  mask.

We have gone on a lot of car rides. And seen some beautiful things.

I love Wisteria.

Spring flowers.

We’ve eaten dinner on the patio a few times.

We bought a small pool to lay out in because Point Mallard isn’t opening.  Which makes us sad but we agree with that decision.

We  visit Daddy but stay 10′ away. He is older with COPD and he would die if he got sick.

Our country breaks my heart. Other countries banded together, our tore apart. There is so much more I could say about it all. But I won’t.

Keilee  did go to 2 nursing homes and walk around outside waving to residents. It was our favorite thing during all of this.

Keilee has her business completely virtual over this time.  She has had free story times each Friday and also done tons of video messages and Zoom parties.

Story Time Fridays for 12 weeks


New normal.  I’m not sure how long this will last but here we are.


Mardi Gras 2020

­Mardi Gras is always a favorite time.

Do you celebrate Mardi Gras? I think it’s a very southern thing. We love Mardi Gras and it’s a month long event in our town.

Cake Shake 2020

This is basically ALL YOU CAN EAT cake!!  FREE.  Also with a cool band.  It’s one of our favorite events.


This was ONE table.  There were MANY tables.

Lydia Brittan & The Royal Family,

Children’s Parade 2020


The kids were so excited. We thought this little girl was going to hyperventilate! I wish I  had a video.

Nightime Parade 2020

Picture by: Freedom Light Productions


Our church had a Mardi Gras parade for the kids on Fat Tuesday.

Getting ready for the parade.

Laissez les bons temps rouler (Let the Good times roll)


U.S. Space and Rocket Center

We are so lucky to have the Space and Rocket Center so close.  We  have actually never bought a yearly pass but have been dozens and dozens of times.

On homeschool trips, on educator days and when Keilee was filming Space Warriors we were there almost every day for weeks.

Last Monday it was Educator Day and since we both teach at Co-op we got in free.  A friend was back in town and went with us.

It was bitter cold so we froze walking from building to building but it was a great day!

This is the same spot that the actors from the Lego Movie 2 stood in this picture. Of course they could get rid of all the tourists and they got cool space camp uniforms. 😉

Keilee likes space but has never been obsessed by it.  Here the school kids all go to Space Camp in the 5th grade.  Homeschoolers can go but it’s really expensive so she didn’t go.  She did take an Aviation class here that she really loved.  She also got to be in the first group to test their Mission to Mars training simulator.

A great but cold day!


Happy 20th birthday

Every year I write a post about her birthday. This year she is 20. No longer a teen. How in the world is that possible?
2 decades she had been on this earth. And blessed my life every single day.

She is fierce and opinionated. She feels deeply but expresses it in quiet ways. Unless she’s mad. Or at home. She hates injustice. She hates that people marginalize others. She’s smart and analytical. She’s sees the whole picture. She believes she can accomplish anything. She is fascinated with understanding what makes people tick. She is one of the wisest souls I’ve ever met. Much wiser than her age. She rarely gets overwhelmed by things. She suffers fools zero percent.

She is a child and dog whisperer. She doesn’t love quickly or easily but when she does it is a beautiful thing. She loves giving her time and talents to others. Especially children.

She has big plans. Plans that would overwhelm most people her age (or even older)but she has no doubt they will happen. She loves Jesus but asks hard questions. She leads easily and confidently. She wants to make a difference in children’s lives. And she does. In ways she’s not even aware of.

She made me a Mother and at times I miss her little girl self horribly but I love so much who she has become.

Happy birthday my beautiful child. You are exquisite and I hope you always know how much your Momma loves you. And how you delight me every single day.
May this next decade be simply amazing filled with new experiences and beauty.

And may you always remember, “You are the Storm”.

Breakfast at IHOP as we have done every year since she was 3.

Always with a sundae! And they sing Happy Birthday.

Afterwards we went to see Little Women. Which we both LOVED so much.  Keilee played Amy when she was 12 and it’s still one of her favorite roles of all time.

Pictures of her from 10-19.  How quickly a decade passes.


Happy birthday Keilee.  I hope your next decade is as amazing (or more so) that the last one.

I love you,


December 2019

As December winds down I sit and reflect on this month.

It’s been an insanely busy month.

Frozen 2 came out the end of November and she has been all the Elsa’s all the time.

And it SNOWED!!!  In December! In Alabama

During December she was Elsa 16 times (at 7 schools, the library, a bookstore, the Christmas parade, Shop With A Cop, the mall and parties). Ariel, Rapunzel, Merida and Cinderella one time, JoJo three times, Holly the Elf 8 times.

Also there was photo editing, doing the “12 Days of Christmas” for her company and her @princesskeilee, planning, marketing, communicating and more for a large event in January, crocheting 12 Elsa and Anna crowns, practicing for the adorable children’s Christmas program at church, decorating the tree and house, crocheting 2 Christmas presents, buying and wrapping presents.
And me; I’ve mostly been beside her. Taking pictures and being her sounding board. And helping with the decorating and present buying.

Her goal was to read at every elementary school in our town.  She almost read to them all plus a couple of county schools.
By December 23rd she was done.
Salvation Army ringing the bell
She volunteered with Shop With a Cop for a Target shopping spree for 9 precious children.  It was the sweetest thing!
Christmas Eve service:
Christmas Day was spent with my family for yummy breakfast and gifts.  This is a Christmas tradition that we have had my entire adult life.  When my Momma died the venue changed but we have kept the tradition.

Then we came home and spent the rest of the day just us two.  We even made turkey and dressing and all the fixings. Her ring light was one of her favorite gifts. She has needed one for videos and pictures.


We have this week mostly free and then bring on 2020.

Also check out this amazing free resource I found. It is FREE for one year with no credit card info needed plus there are teacher’s guides.  Seriously SO COOL!!  It says ‘one month’ free but it’s a year if you are a homeschool/public teacher.


Homeschool /still/ rocks!

“May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas Eve.”


October 2019

Our October.

Alabama snow.

Me & her

Huntsville Botanical Garden

We love Fall at the garden

2 of these in our backyard. Stat.

Swamp Sunflowers

We love this tree!

Taking a break

My Kei


You know your in Huntsville when….

Huntsville Havoc

A piano in the woods…

Pumpkin Art

Butterfly Garden

It was such a beautiful day.

More Swamp Sunflowers

Big Chair Picture


Stone River Fall Festival. 

We had a Frozen room and went as Olaf and Sven. It was SO MUCH FUN!!

Goodbye October.  You were busy and beautiful.


4D Farms

We always try to go to a pumpkin patch every year.  There is usually a homeschool day and since we teach at a co-op we sign up to go too.

We went to 4D Farms and while it’s beautiful it was SO HOT.  98° in October!!

Sunflowers!! This was a small part of a huge field!!

Of course the animals are a big part of Kei loving it.

There’s so much to do.  For all ages.  I am so happy Keilee still wants to go on field trips like this!


This is in front of the little food shop.


We kept having to go to the car to cool off because it was insanely hot.  And we didn’t stay as long as we ususally do because it was SO HOT but we still had a great day!!


Cook Museum of Natural Science

Growing up Cook’s Pest Control had a little museum in our town.  They had bugs and other wildlife from our area.  It was wonderful and free and we spent so many times there.  It was a perfect place for Keilee’s love for nature and science.

They closed two years ago because they were going to build a huge multi million dollar facility. A new facility opened in June.  We had saved up for an annual pass.

It is a beautiful natural museum and if you are ever in the area it is so worth it.

So many exhibits.

It has a beautiful huge aquarium.

The Aquarium

Inside the beaver dam.


I love owls. Snowy Owls are my favorite.


This was in the original museum. I have many pictures of her over the years like this.

They have hundreds of beautiful displays.

Beaver dam!


It is a lovely museum.  Keilee’s always said her idea of a perfect town would be streets filled with museums!

Always keep  learning and exploring!







April is almost over. But as usual it has flown by.  As of today, April 25, it is almost summer like. We rarely have much of a spring or fall.

Keilee has been squinting a lot lately.  She got glasses and contacts when she was 13 but it was just for up close work.  He checked her eyes and upped her strength just a bit.

She also added JoJo Siwa to her company.  I was unsure about it because she is a REAL person but when she posted the album she got 12 bookings in 24 hours!!  That has never happened before.  She has worked so hard learning the songs and dances because JoJo is a dancer!

She took some new Ariel pictures even though we searched high and low for a great water location to no avail. It was funny because she was so dissappointed that we couldn’t find a place after she got ready. So we took a few in front of a brick wall.  And it is her most liked photo on Instagram.  Over 1000 likes!

A also broke my car.  We were at an event at a church.  There were 2 big vans on either side of me and I didn’t see the concrete thingie and pulled forward and jerked my bumper off.  $800 to get it fixed!

And yes that is duct tape!!

We had a beautiful Easter  and Easter week.  We participated in our first Maundy celebration and it was beautiful.

I  need to work on my bunny ears obvi…

She got the final Melissa De La Cruz book in the Hamilton trilogy. She has gotten them for the last 3 years for Easter.  So of course she  had to do a Rapunzel shoot because “I’ll read a book or maybe two or three”.

Hammock reading.

Keilee is a brand rep for a company that makes 3D Printed Disney Ears.  She sent her these adorable Elsa ears!  She is also going to be a brand rep for 2 other companies.  She is so excited!

Our first year teaching homeschool co-op is coming to an end.  An observation from a Momma with ONE child.  More than one is hard.  Ya’ll are all amazing!  I had 10 5-8 year olds for an hour with Keilee helping and some days I was questioning my sanity.  Seriously I loved it and we have signed up to do it again next year.

Happy almost May,



Goodbye March

Another month over.

We are so ready for warmer weather.  It’s getting there slowly.  And rain….we.had.so.much.rain.  Like 2” less than the YEARLY average. In March!!

She loves doing cosplays that are not Princess related.  Have you seen Zootopia? Well she had to do Flash the Sloth.  Because sloths… DUH.


Keilee as Flash

Our church did a week of serving and giving back to our community.  We served the homeless lunch.

She did a volunteer event at the park for the library and made the paper!

She did a couple of Ariel parties.

We made baskets for the firefighters in our town at church and delivered them.


Giving back!

We also went to a sheep shearing event at 1818 Farms.  We LOVE this place!!

It was a beautiful day.

So goodbye March.  I hope that April  is chock full of adventure, love and laughter.


Mardi Gras 2019

We’ve never been in New Orleans at Mardi Gras. Or in Mobile Alabama where it actually started. But our town does tons of really cool things on Mardi Gras. My friend Jess says that Mardi Gras is not even on the radar where she lives in Connecticut. I think maybe it’s a southern thing?

Friday night was the Cake Shake at the Princess Theatre. They had a Jazz band and FREE cake! Lots and lots of cake!

Saturday morning was the Children’s Parade.



Keilee changed IN the car to make it to her favorite; the DOG parade!



Then we came home for a couple of hours before the night parade!

Then Tuesday at Church we had a Children’s Mardi Gras parade, skit and pancake dinner.


It was a wonderful few days celebrating Mardi Gras!

Let the Good Times Roll,



Another month almost gone.

Keilee stayed busy this month with Princess events and parties.

We had a Valentine’s night at our church and had so much fun.

Valentine’s Day was spent at the library for storytime and at home. And there were sloths. There are always sloths!

We also had character day at co-op. We teach 2 classes and love them so much. She was Minnie Mouse. She has done birthday parties with some of these kids so she didn’t want to be a character they would recognize.

A lot of days at home. Our weekdays are calm for the most part. At least for now. Our weekends are crazy. And isn’t she the cutest eva?

The last few days it has rained. And rained. And rained. Hopefully we will see the sun in the next couple of days.

We are ready for March. And SPRING!


Botanical Gardens

We homeschooled for 11 years.  Never once did I have a yearly pass anywhere.  Except for our pool passes in the summer.

This October we decided to buy each other a Botanical Gardens pass for Christmas.  It was $85 and it costs $20 each to get in once.  We have gone twice and plan many more trips.  It is always beautiful and peaceful there no matter the season.

It was unusually warm last week and we decided to head over.  We stopped and got a  Subway (with a gift card we were given!)

There is a beautiful fountain when you enter the gardens.  Keilee thinks they should have a mermaid (her) sitting on a rock in the middle of it.  The fact that no such rock exists doesn’t deter her.


It was a beautiful spring like day.


It was also so windy.

The Cherry Blossom trees were blooming everywhere.  In the beginning of February!

The hammocks are one of our favorite spots.


Just chilling…

Kei getting pictures of the Koi.

All in all it was a perfect day.

Puxatony Phil says there is only 6 more weeks of winter.  I do so hope he is right.  But I would love ONE snow!


US Space and Rocket Center

It was freezing but it was also educator day at the Space and Rocket Center on Sunday. So we bundled up and headed over after church.

We are very lucky to live so close to the Space and Rocket Center.  We have never bought a pass but there are so many days that are free or low price.  Keilee was in Space Warriors when she was 12 and we went every day for weeks.

She tested the Mission to Mars when she was 13.  We were able to walk through it and she told me all about it.

One of our favorite places there.  The Saturn V rocket.

It was a great day.  I’m so glad that even though she is technically not a ‘homeschooler’ she still is so interested in learning!


“A blade of grass is a commonplace on Earth; it would be a miracle on Mars. Our descendants on Mars will know the value of a patch of green. And if a blade of grass is priceless, what is the value of a human being?”
Carl Sagan


Almost December. How in the world?

In a month she will be 19!!

She read at some elementary schools. It’s one of her favorite ways to give back.

Lots of parties. This is only a few she has this month.

And Thanksgiving.

Bring on the holidays. (Not really, I’m NOT READY!)



Keilee was asked to attend the Chattanooga Greater Promise Pancakes and Princesses Event.  She doesn’t travel that far but this was an all expense paid trip.

They wanted Elsa and Anna so Keilee, Karessa and I left early Friday morning so we could spend Friday exploring Chattanooga.

We rode all  over downtown Chattanooga on the FREE shuttle. We visited the Chattanooga Choo Choo and RiverPark.  That night we had tickets to Lake Winnie’s Spooktacular.

They so cool…

Lake Winnie

The event Saturday.

There were so many little girls attending.  It was a beautiful event for an amazing cause.



We went to Florida!!

My dad and stepmom told Keilee that they were going to take us to Florida for her graduation but they wanted to wait till school started back.

She has said her entire life that her dream is to live on the beach. But she’s never been to Florida. When she was 3 I took her to Gulf Shores but she has no memory of it. I spent every summer of my life until about 16 at the beach. It’s where we always went on family vacations. But I could never afford to take her. And I’ve had some Mom guilt over the years that I could never afford to take her.

As I watched her in the ocean  I shed a tear at the look of pure happy on her face. 

And I sent up a “thank you” prayer to Jesus for all his beauty.

And I have no doubt we will be back.



Summertime, Summertime

It’s August. This summer flew by.  As they so often do.

I am just going to dump  pictures here of a few things we have done this summer.  We didn’t do many things because money is so tight. But thankfully we have pool passes and spent hours and hours at the pool.

We went to a Families Belong Together March.  This story has just devastated us both.


Keilee experimented with pink hair.  It’s not permanent but we both love it!

We had a wonderful 4th of July. We just stayed at home and watched the neighbor’s fireworks!

There has been a lot of reading both at the pool and in the backyard.

And Keilee has done some photoshoots as characters in modern settings.  This is hippy Alice in Wonderland.

And there have been Princess events. MANY Princess events.  To see more of those follow her on Facebook or Instagram @MagicalMemoriesAL

So it’s almost ‘back to school’. But we aren’t doing ‘back to school’. It’s a very strange place to be.

Hope your summer has been awesome!

Homeschooling STILL rocks!

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” -Henry James



It’s over. It’s done. My sweet girl has graduated.

It was an amazing night. After crying for the last four years about this night I did not cry one drop. I was just so proud of her.  She was chosen to give the graduation speech and it was incredible.  It made me want to start all over again and homeschool!

She found the perfect dress at the thrift store and wore her Elsa shoes!

She spent weeks on her hat adding rhinestones with tweezers.  It was most fitting that it was a Gilmore Girls quote.


Bathroom Selfie

Her table.


Cap and gown.

Giving the speech.


About to receive her diploma.


From ME!! (love her foot kick)

Keilee and my Daddy

Keilee and Seth

Keilee and Katherine

Keilee and Aunt Judy

Keilee and my cousin Teresa and her daughter Zoe.

Afterwards we all went out to eat.

Here is her speech.

I can not believe this part of her journey is over.  But I truly believe the best is yet to come.

Like her hat said, “Ready for Anything!”

Homeschooling Rocks!

    As you start your journey, the first thing you should do is throw away that store-bought map and begin to draw your own.  – MICHAEL DELL



After Graduation Plans

Everyone keeps asking us her plans. What d[NoCache]oes she plan to do after graduation

Ever since she was 13 she wanted to take a gap year. At that time she didn’t really know why.

Now she does. She wants to work on her company. This beautiful wonderful adventure that she has worked so hard on for two years. She would never go off to school and leave it. She has done over 250 events since she started it when she was 16. She also doesn’t want to leave our church. She adores leading kids church and her small group of 4th and 5th grade girls.

She has always told me that she didn’t want to go to college just because that’s what she was supposed to do. Several people have tried to get her to let them make an appointment for her at various colleges to talk to them about possible scholarships. She just was never interested. She wants to have a plan for what she wants to do in her life before she enters college. She has lots of plans. The only one that actually involves a degree is a child psychologist. She told me that at 24 if she decides she wants to do it she would go to college then.

She plans on working on her educational Instagram and Facebook and YouTube channel. She’s going to teach three classes at a homeschool co-op. She wants to take a couple of classes because she always wants to learn. She is tossing around the idea of writing curriculum for homeschoolers. We want to do some traveling. Not huge traveling because we can’t afford it but just a few trips to places we wanted to go. And she wants to invest more time in making Magical Memories even better.
I have no fear for her future. She has always been the person who gives 150%.

All I have ever wanted her to do was be happy. And she is one of the happiest people I know. And I firmly believe that’s because she loves so many things.
Homeschooling has given her the confidence to do things her way. I hope she never loses that.

Homeschooling Rocks,


“I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
Promise me that you’ll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Livin’ might mean takin’ chances, but they’re worth takin’
Lovin’ might be a mistake, but it’s worth makin’
Don’t let some Hellbent heart leave you bitter
When you come close to sellin’ out, reconsider
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance.

1818 Farms

We went on a wonderful field trip to 1818 Farms. 

Keilee was by far the oldest kid there. But I think she loved it the most

Feeding one of the many chickens


Her face!! The chicken walked away.

Feed me.


Cute Chickens

Baby lambs!!

She was in heaven!


Her faces always crack me up.  This is her ‘there’s a cute animal near me’ face.

More lamb cuteness!

Mama lambs

These pigs were so adorable. They could do tricks!

The Great Pyrenees dog of the farm!

She wanted to take him home!!

It was such a beautiful place!

1818 Farms!

We had the most wonderful time.  Keilee was in her happy place.  And today, April 24th, is 30 days away from her graduating.

Homeschool Rocks!

“Animals are way cuter than people”  ~ Keilee 18

April Brings Cold!

This has been such a cold April.  My Instagram is filled with snow pictures from all over the country.  It hasn’t snowed here but its been cold!

She had a Moana party a few days ago.  See aforementioned paragraph.  It was cold.  And Moana isn’t warmly clothed.  And she is barefoot! (it was in a park with a cool waterfall for pictures though!)

Leading kid’s church.  This August it has been 3 years since she started doing this!  It is my favorite of all the ‘stages’ she’s ever been on.

Walking around downtown.

Happy Easter!

Serving at our soup kitchen.  She’s been doing this since she was 15.

Dorothy was always “hers”. Her favorite . It was the one she watched over and over ad nauseam. I thought I would lose my mind if I had to hear those munchkins sing one more time.

She was 2 and knew it word for word. I taught her how to rewind the VHS to replay it. She honestly watched it for months and months over and over . Up until she was about 4 it’s almost all she watched.

Tuesday she was Dorothy for the library and I’m not gonna lie. It made me a little sad. I can still see her sitting on her little red rocking chair watching it and singing every song. And getting up to skip down the yellow brick road. And tiptoeing through the forest with Dorothy. And clicking her heels together 3 times.

Time is such a funny thing. It goes by slowly until it doesn’t.

Reading at the library.

She still crochets almost every night.  But she decided to try making a bunting with felt.  I love how it turned out.

So April is marching by.  It seems like I write an awfully lot about how quickly time goes by.  Because it does.

Hug your babies, play with your kids.  Because you will blink and they will be a senior!

Homeschooling rocks!

“I love being busy”. -Dolly Parton



March Madness

So March is half over. The weather is warming up.  We so love spring.

Keilee had her first set of Senior portraits done. She has researched graduation invitations.  She is working on her graduation cap.  Things are getting very real.

She couldn’t walk out but she could support them.

She has been wanting Mal from Disney Descendants for awhile and finally got the costume. I think it’s going to be a favorite.

Days tick by. They become weeks. Weeks become months and soon I’m not a “homeschool Mom” anymore.

Enjoy the moments


Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it. -Ferris Bueller

So Long February

February is winding down.  Keilee graduates in 3 months.

Please. Time. Go. Slowly.

Have you seen the Hobby Lobby photo shoots? Yup  we did one

A Mom asked Keilee if she could get a Unicorn costume together.  So of course she did.

Isn’t the horn awesome? She ordered it handmade from Spain.

She read at the library as Rosie the Robot. This was her Halloween costume.  I loved the way she started.  She was talking very robotic. (AKA annoying 😉 and then she said “Reading Mode On” and started talking normally.

Rosie reading.

She got another sloth for Valentine’s Day.  She is strangely obsessed by sloths.  It’s weird.  She almost hyperventilates.  She wants to go to the zoo to see one but I’m seriously afraid she will pass out.

She was asked to do an interview for a homeschool Mom and she was answering the questions here.  She said to me, “Mom I have had so much fun being homeschooled. I have gotten to do the coolest things and had the best childhood”.  And THAT was the goal.

In the car waiting to go in to her first Unicorn party.

Slaying it at kid’s church.  She LOVES doing this.  She loves sharing Jesus’s word with kids every week.

As we say goodbye to February (and didimention she graduates in 3 months?) we are so looking forward to spring.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air.”  Georges Bernanos


So as Fe

A Night To Remember

We have heard of Tim Tebow’s Night to Shine for years but never really understood how huge it was.

Keilee was asked to attend as Elsa and it was the most unforgettable night.

Years ago I worked with Special Education high school kids and it was the most wonderful job.  I fell in love with these kids who were always so full of joy.

This is Travis.  Travis refused to leave Elsa’s side.  Even when she was taking pictures with other people.  Finally someone came to get Travis so others could enjoy Elsa.

I love the people outside the window watching.

This is Woody. He loved Elsa too.  He drew her a picture for her to take back to Arendelle.

See Travis in the background? 😉

Woody giving her the picture.

She has never been hugged so much and I have never seen so many smiles. (and tears a few time from me)

Adults and children loved meeting Elsa.

More Elsa love (and Elsa LOVED them back. She said it was the best night)

These two little girls followed her everywhere.  They were so precious.

There were 500 proms going on simultaneously across America.  I hope they all were as full of special memories and love and joy as the one we attended.  If you ever have a chance to help or attend this event it will bless you beyond belief.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- They must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller


Sean of the South

I have loved Sean Dietrich AKA Sean of the South for years.

If you aren’t familiar with his work go find him.  He is very active on Facebook (under Sean Dietrich and Sean of the South), Twitter and Instagram.  He also has a podcast and several books.

His writing evokes a simpler time.  He is 35 with an old soul.  I know way too much about his life, his lovely wife Jamie and his dog Ellie Mae.

For the Carnegie Carnival he came to our town. I seriously almost lost  my mind when I saw it on Facebook at 11:00 PM.  Keilee thought something was wrong.  It was expensive (to us) but Keilee insisted we go.  She said it would be our Valentine’s gift to each other.

We arrived and met his wife at his book table.  She was delightful.  Seriously we both fell in love with her within 3 minutes.  She had us rolling laughing with stories she told.  The show itself was wonderful.  He is a magnificent storyteller and also singer.  He is funny and poignant and heartbreaking at times.  His father committed suicide when he was 12 and it is a huge part of who he is. He see the absolute good in everyone.  He notices small details. He sees beauty.  He appreciates all the small details.

He comes from humble beginnings.  He doesn’t like fancy people or fancy events.

Us with Jamie Dietrich.

Sean on stage.

Afterwards we met him. Twice.  The first time we were the first in line.  We assured him we were ‘his biggest fans’.  (but not in a creepy way) and I bought a book even though I have them all on Kindle.  He offers them for free occasionally on his Facebook page.

Then we went back to talk to Jamie and in the course of the conversation it came up that Keilee owned a princess company.  She told us that Sean’s younger sister did that years ago so of course we had to stand in line again to tell him.  He thought it was very cool and asked Keilee is she played Elsa.  (he has a niece) and asked her to sing Let it Go.  She told him he had to sing it with her.

All in all it was an incredible night.  Please find him and read some of this stories.  I PROMISE you won’t be disappointed.  In fact they may change the way you see the world.  I know they have changed the way WE see it.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“We all lose in the end. The fight in between is all that counts.”
―Sean Dietrich

Capes, Crowns, Crochet and Days at Home

January is over.

It took about 6 days to zoom through it. May is getting closer. May when Keilee graduates.

January was filled with events as always.

She had to be Wonder Women at a Chick-Fil-A event when her Wonder Woman got sick  I actually love her as Wonder Woman!

The Cow

There was Cinderella

And Moana

And Elsa

There were theatre classes taught: (with doggie visitors)

There was crocheting: (available on Instagram and Facebook @Keilee’s Kreations)

There was SNOW! (but we were sick and didn’t get to enjoy it much)

There was a new monthly Science kit that she will be doing experiments from @BringingSmartBack

And there were days at home.  More than usual.  Since it’s been so cold we try to stay home as much as possible.

So goodbye January.  You’ve been good.  Extremely cold, but good.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”
Edith Sitwell




January 3, 2018

She is 18. This amazing person who made me a Momma turns 18 today .

I’m not gonna lie. This is a hard one. For both of us .
For me because HOW CAN SHE BE 18? For her because she worries that she should have her entire life figured out. And she doesn’t. Oh she has dreams and goals. Too many of them. I assure her it will all work out. I remind her that Jesus already can see what her life will look like and it will be beautiful .

I have so many emotions. So many feelings. It’s always been just me and her. She’s been my center for so long. She got me through the death of my Momma. She brought me closer to Jesus.
I told her the other day that one of the hardest things for me to learn was to put Jesus ahead of her. But I did learn. Because I know He is the only one that loves her more than I do .
I can’t wait for her to soar. I wish she was still playing with dolls. I can’t wait to see her blossom into the beautiful woman I know she will be. I wish we were still having tickle fights on the bed. I can’t wait to see her conquer the world. I wish we were still making sheet forts in the den .

Some days she acts 10. Some days she acts 80. She runs her own business like a boss but loves snuggling with me and her dog .
Life goes by in a blink. And the swiftness of it breaks my heart at times .
I sit and remember and the memories make me smile. And bring me to tears .

But I can not wait to see who you become my love .
You have made my life so breathtakingly beautiful. You astound me with the wonderfulness of you . Every day with you has been a marvelous adventure.
Happy birthday Keilee. I love you to Pluto and back . Because the moon is not far enough.

I adore you,

My daughter is my biggest achievement. She is a little star and my life has changed so much for the better since she came along. Denise Van Outen

Storytelling, Costumes and Cotton…

Ok so I’m not going to start my post talking about how quickly time is flying.  Or the fact that it’s NOVEMBER.  Nope…

Just going to dive right in with some fun.  We always take cotton pictures.  We always have.  It’s so strange to me that there are people who haven’t seen cotton.  A few years ago we offered to send cotton to our Instagram friends who have never seen it.  There was a lot of people.

We also go to a Storytelling Festival every year.  It is always wonderful.  I think storytelling is a lost art and I love that Keilee has grown up listening to great stories.

Basil and Rosemary are about the only 2 things we can grow successfully.  We freeze it in bags or freeze it in ice cube trays to throw in the crockpot.

She got to be Merida for a party. Merida is HER favorite but no one ever wants her.  She speaks in a Scottish accent so I ‘get’ to hear that for days.  And days.  And days.

She volunteered for Head Start in 4 classes, one elementary school and the library as “Gumdrop the Candy Monster”.  THAT voice is very high and squeaky so I got to listen to that too.

She dresses so cute.  And it’s ALL thrift store and garage sale clothes.

Always dancing and singing in the car.  My life is many things; quiet is NOT one of them. 😉


Olaf’s Frozen Adventure is a short (21) minutes that comes out at Thanksgiving.  Keilee made a decision to buy the (expensive) costume.  It is glorious.

The cape is so beautiful.

At church she was asked to do a spoken word of a Christian rap song.  She killed it.  It was so emotional and I was so proud of her.
The entire sermon is wonderful but her part is at 45:00 minutes

The video


So there you have it.  The last couple of weeks.  I told Keilee the other day, “What in the world will I be when you graduate? All my social media and my blog is Homeschool Girls”.  And she said, “Mom you named it that because we both were learning.  We both will still be learning. You are keeping it Homeschool Girls forever.”

Homeschooling Rocks,

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. Henry David Thoreau



4 D Farm and Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament

Keilee do you want to go or not? I asked her this 10 times Sunday night.  Monday was Homeschool Days at a farm and corn maze.  It was an hour from here and my first inclination was to say “Let’s not go”.  It’s easy to say no.  Saying yes requires action.

We made the decision at 7:00 AM Monday to go and we had the best day.  The weather turned cooler and we had a new audio book (John Green’s “Turtles All the Way Down”) so we set off.

We had the most beautiful day.


I swear she said “Silly face!”

Horse!  (What this picture doesn’t show is him bopping me in the head, knocking my sunglasses off and breaking them!)


Pick a pumpkin!

She loved this sweet horse!

It was a beautiful day.

Swinging on ropes!

From my Instagram Story

Then we went down the road to The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is beautiful there.

So gorgeous!

All in all it was a beautiful day.  That would have never happened if we had said “NO”.

Homeschooling Rocks!

Even if it’s a bit edgy, a bit out of your comfort zone, saying yes means that you will do something new, meet someone new and make a difference in your – and likely in others’ lives as well. Yes is what keeps us all young. It’s a tiny word that can do big things. Say it often.  ~Josh Billings



Hello October

Isn’t October wonderful?  It’s our favorite month. Yes it’s still a bit hot.  It’s not lovely, chilly days yet but we still love it.

We spent October 1 at the Wildlife Refuge for a picnic.

Always ears!  She loves them.

Fun on a stump.  As one does.

We also went to Bridge Street which is the coolest outdoor mall. We enjoy going and just window shopping.

She has been on the One Decatur Steering Committee for 15 months.  It has been such a great experience.  She has had meetings, met with the committee and helped come up with a plan for our city going forward.  Last night was the Open House.  I just stood back and watched her.  Watched her interact and discuss and guide a room full of adults.
It amazes me how many people my 17 year old homeschooled daughter knows !
I watched her laugh and talk to our mayor, business owners, and citizens of our city. And she was the youngest one there by many years.
We got in the car and she said “Mom all these people know me. Some I don’t even know. And you would have been so proud. I was socializing like a boss” .
Baby girl. I’m always proud of you.

Discussing plans

We spend a lot of time talking politics, listening to podcasts, watching news.  More than ever before.  It’s ironic that she is taking Government and Economics this year and we are immersed in all things political.

She is the teaching assistant for 3 theatre classes.  2 in elementary schools and one at our theatre.  She loves it so much.  She is still leading kids church every  week.  And of course running Magical Memories.

So 1 month into her Senior year and things are good.  But time hasn’t slowed down any.  Who do I see about changing that??

Homeschooling Rocks!

“October, baptize me with leaves! Swaddle me in corduroy and nurse me with split pea soup. October, tuck tiny candy bars in my pockets and carve my smile into a thousand pumpkins. O autumn! O teakettle! O grace!”
― Rainbow Rowell, Attachments

Fun at the Fair and Superheroes

September is coming to an end.  We (by we I mean Keilee) has had a great first month of her senior year.  She is insanely busy.  But she operates well under crazy busy.

The last 4 days she had 2 events.  One was Superheroes in the Park. She finally got her Superheroes together after wanting them for a year!!

This event was at a park which co-sponsored it with her.  There were over 200 kids and it was awesome.  She posted tons of pictures on her Facebook page but here are a few.

Keilee is Harley Quinn. However she is quick to tell you “Not the yucky Harley Quinn, the little girl version on DC Superhero Girls”.

More fun!

She made me a cape….. cause I am a superhero Photographer!


The entire crew!!

Wednesday was Special Education Day at the fair.  Unfortunately it was insanely hot and the kids didn’t stay much after they got there but a good time was had by all.

Batman is always a big hit.  This guy is AMAZING with kids!


Merry Go Round Fun!

This little girl insisted that Moana get on the bus with her and go back to school.

Meeting his hero!

See that face?  It is the face of terror!

I have decided I am going to try to post more.  What I do is get so overwhelmed because we do SO much and then I try to play catch up.  But then I just don’t post. So I will try to throw something up more often.  Because SENIOR YEAR!

And if you need a daily record (which I’m sure you are holding your breath) you can find me on Instagram!  @homeschoolgirls.

And in 2 days MY FAVORITE MONTH of the year!!!

Homeschooling Rocks!



Hello 12th Grade….

1st day of 12th grade

We’ve done these pictures for years. Each one getting closer and closer to this year.

This senior year. I could write pages and pages about how I feel right now. Excited and sad jumbled up together.

The picture she is holding is her on the first day of kindergarten. 12 years ago. 12 years!

That day I felt the same. Excited and sad. I walked her to class holding her 5 year old hand, kissed her and let her go. She never saw the tears all the way to the car and home. Today she sees the tears and laughs and hugs me. She calls me a mushmellow. But she doesn’t understand. One day she will.

Keilee it’s the most beautiful gift being your Momma. And I hope you have a senior year filled with learning and laughter and love and new adventures.

Let’s do this.


Without further ado, here are the plans for 12th grade.

  • Western Civ (textbook and Crash Course)
  • World Literature (Great Courses)
  • Algebra 2 (Khan Academy)
  • Economics/Government (book)
  • Sociology
  • Astronomy
  • Creative Writing
  • Spanish
  • Bringing Smart Back (her Instagram and YouTube educational channels)
  • Magical Memories
  • Keilee’s Kreations (her crochet shop)
  • Princess Theatre (she is doing an internship here.  She will be helping the educational director with 3 classes a week. 2 in city schools and 1 homeschool class. She is so excited about this)


Homeschooling Rocks!


August is almost gone.  I can not believe it.

This will be Keilee’s senior year. S.E.N.I.O.R.  Ugh.  She asked me if we could officially start in September.

This month has been filled with goodness.  And Princess stuff (which is still goodness).  I am not posting pictures of Princess events. There are too many.  If you want to see follow their Instagram @magicalmemoriesal.com or see them here. Magical Memories
There is also her Facebook page. I am beyond proud of her.  She started this in July 2016 and it has exploded.  She is a legit girl boss.

But we did find time in August to do some fun things.

One of our favorite places is Ave Maria Grotto.  This is a magical place full of miniatures of biblical places and places in the world.

Even though Emma and Keilee were both slammed busy they found time to do some glamping. (complete with bean bags and twinkle lights)

We also went to Lynchburg Tn to Jack Daniel’s Distillery.  We didn’t take the tour because they started charging and I didn’t bring enough money but the town is amazing.

All in all it was a beautiful August.

And I am ready to start Keilee’s senior year (more about that later).  I just hope it goes at a sloth’s pace.  (and if you know Keilee you know how apropos that ‘sloth’ reference was),

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.”  George R.R. Martin

Tuscumbia feat. Ivy Green

Keilee and I were talking about the fact that this is her last summer before she graduates.  We have talked a lot lately about ‘lasts’.

We have amazing people in our lives.  That is how we get a pass to our local aquatic center each year.  As much as we adore the pool we have decided to do some short meanderings to places near us.  We can never do anything on the weekends because Keilee has parties every single weekend.  Which is the entire point of her princess business but it means our usual Saturdays are spent with her in costume and me taking pictures.

We decided to go to Tuscumbia today.  It is about 45 minutes from us. It is home to Ivy Green which is Helen Keller’s home.  We have been before but it’s been about 9 years!!!

9 and 17 years old! At the famous pump where Helen learned her first word.

Ivy Green is a beautiful place and full of history.

Ivy Green

The dining room where they tried to teach Helen to eat ‘with manners”.

The ‘trunk’ room

Anne and Helen’s room

Museum with a statue of Helen.

The back of the house.

Beautiful flowers in the gardens

The little house where Anne and Helen stayed.  Keilee loves the story of how they rode Helen around for 5 hours in the carriage so she would think they were far away when they were just next door.

The infamous key Helen stole when she locked Anne in her room.

A little train station down the street from Ivy Green

Picnic in Spring Park.

Beautiful waterfall at Spring Park



Coon Dog Cemetery

This cemetery was first created in 1937. Only Coon Hounds are allowed to be buried here.

So beautiful and sad.

It was a lovely day full of happy, laughs, conversations and audiobooks.

We are planning on doing this kind of thing more often.

Homeschooling rocks!

Life is either a great adventure or nothing. Helen Keller
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller
Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. Helen Keller



Kanzy the Mermaid

June is speeding by.  I know everyone says this all the time but goodness gracious time moves quickly.

I follow so many people on Instagram and Facebook with younger kids and I just want to go up to each of them, take their hands and tell them this, “It goes so quickly.  You may not think that now.  You may only be able to see the here and now but take it from me, a Momma whose 17 year old was 3 about 2 seconds ago, it goes by SO QUICKLY.  Enjoy the moments.”

This summer between her 11th and 12th grade year has been  spent so far at Princess events. (And Mermaid events).

Her company, Magical Memories, is almost a year old.  It has exceeded her wildest dreams.  This success came with a lot of work.  More work than she anticipated.  Keilee has an outlook on life and things she wants to do that I would give anything to have.  She sees something big and thinks “I can do this. I will just break it down and do each thing until it is done”.  I have a horrible habit of seeing the same thing and thinking “I can’t do that! It’s too much!”

She had wanted a mermaid tail forever and finally bought a custom made one after a lot of research.  Things didn’t go as planned.  The color bleached out when she took promo pics in it.  Then there was a lot of back and forth with the Etsy individual who made it.  In the end neither one of us were happy with the way it was handled but sometimes you just have to suck things up.

She has had an event at a country club and a reading in a park. She has a few more things scheduled and she loves being a mermaid.  The video is one a friend filmed for her.  She is still learning tricks and such.

Mermaid at the Country Club

Mermaid Reading

Mermaid Video:

Add many birthday parties, city meetings, an all day Leadership class once a week, swimming, a lot of reading and so much more and this first month of summer has been slammed.  It’s kinda the way we operate though.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August.”   —Jenny Han



So Long 11th Grade…

We learn all the time.  I don’t measure learning in 9 month intervals.  That being said our cover requires an ‘end’ date.  So on paper we are finished with Keilee’s 11th grade year.

And I totally suck at updating my blog so I am adding a few pictures of the last 2 months.

Soulstock 2017.  Although it did get rained out we had a blast keeping an performing artist’s little boy.

Meet Kanzy the Swimming Mermiad.  Keilee’s newest character.  And her practicing in her Monofin.  Cause it’s harder than it looks!

Me and Her…

Reading at the Library.  As herself. 😉

Reading, Playing, With the Mayor

This is what she made me for Mother’s Day.  It’s a temperature blanket.  This one is based on the high temperature on my Mother’s birthday from the year she was born and the year she died.  I cried my eyes out.

My twirly girl.

Emma and “Rapunzel”

From an Elsa photo shoot.  Aren’t these wonderful?

Our homeschool journey has never looked like most I guess.  We have always learned what she wanted to learn.  If that’s 3 sciences that’s what we did.

This past year was even more different.  She started her own Princess company in July of last year and has spent a  year building it up.  She has been unbelievably successful.

Here are a few of the things she accomplished this “Junior” year.

There was US History, Child Psychology, Forensics, American Literature, a bit of math, online world religion class and a few other things.
And guess what these had in common? She didn’t completely finish any of them. And I’m perfectly fine with that.
Because she also started her own Princess company Magical Memories which to date has done over 80 events. She worked continuously on ideas, the Facebook and Instagram pages, took photo shoots with every one of her girls (and herself), edited pictures from every single event, built a webpage, held auditions, stayed in contact with parents and businesses to coordinate every event and so much more.
She entered and won a video contest with Southern Girls Project, took over their Instagram, and al. com’s Snapchat for a week. She was asked to speak at “Women Who Shaped The State-Modern Trailblazers” event. She served on our town’s steering committee as the youngest member, attending meetings and heading the table at 2 city wide events.
She ran a successful crochet business with over 60 orders. She learned to make a quilt. She volunteered countless hours at our soup kitchen and in the community. She worked backstage at our community theatre’s production of “Driving Miss Daisy”. She has an educational IG and Facebook account @bringingsmartback She led kids church every Sunday learning a new script each time. She reads to a Pre-K group at our library as ‘just Keilee’. She filmed 2 episodes for a TV show to be shown at Children’s Hospitals and she was in a segment for a NASA children’s show.
She found time to do things that feed her soul.
And she did most of it in 6″ heels!
So yeah. I’m not worried about a few books that weren’t finished.

Bring on her senior year.
And please Lord let it go S.L.O.W.L.Y  Like paint drying slowly.  Like cold molasses slow.  Like snail slow.

Homeschooling Rocks,



The Fine Art of Letter Writing

The art of letter writing seems to mostly be a thing of the past .

We have texts and emails and messenger and phone calls. It makes me sad that we are losing this part of our history. 

Years ago letters were all we had.  Letters written home during the wars, love letters across states, letters to relatives not living in the same place.

Now that is almost long gone. It makes me sad.

I have a letter written to me by my younger brother when I was in college. It’s in my wallet at all times. It’s crinkled but it’s one of my most precious possessions.

I have letters from my Mom that mean so much to me.She wrote letters to me when I was in college and when I lived in Tennessee and California.

The other day I ran across a letter I had written to my Mom when I lived in California. It was written over a few days and when reading it I could remember sitting under the palm tree in our yard still amazed that this Alabama girl was living in California. I was so far away from my Mom and my family. I loved my adventure but oh how I missed home.

The last line said “I miss you Momma but don’t be sad. I am living the most wonderful adventure and you are with me everywhere I go.”

I wouldn’t take anything for my letters.

Keilee has had various pen pals over the years.  She has a friend now that she writes to in Texas.  She writes like I always did.  A bit a day until she deems it ‘done’.  She’s also always collected letters.  If we find a stack at a yard sale she buys them and pours over them.  (A lot of them are VERY hard to read).

Write someone a letter.  I am sure they will cherish it forever.

Homeschooling Rocks!

To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.  ~Phyllis Theroux

Mardi Gras, Dogs and Read Across America

March is here. And soon my baby will be a 12th grader.  She says “Mom can’t I just be the same age for a few years?”. If only.

This past weekend was Mardi Gras. Always a FUN day even though it was FREEZING.  The day before was in the 70’s.  The day of the 30’s.  Welcome to Alabama.

She had an Elsa party in a nearby town and was unable to do her Princess thing in the Children’s parade.  She was very sad.  We did rush back (with her changing IN THE CAR under a blanket) to make it to the very end of the Dog Parade.  Because it is always about the dogs.

This dog cracked me up.

She always gets so many beads. I think it’s cause she’s cute.  I also got beamed in the face about 10 times. The worst time? The Breast Cancer Pink ladies.  Lawd they can throw those beads.  Next year, a helment.

This week she read at 2 schools for Read Across America.  Once as Rapunzel and once as Dr. Seuss.  She loves reading to kids.

Dr. Seuss


Lately we have been trying to not run to the store 5 times a week. Seriously it’s ridiculous.  We are keeping a list and trying to go 1-2 times.  My car broke never to run again which caused enormous stress but my Dad bought us one! A car! A cool car!  A red car! A car 10 years newer than mine was.  We would never make it without the people in our lives.

So quick update. Hope things are happy where you are.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”  ~Dr. Seuss

Politics and Princesses…

Sometimes I wonder why I pay for this month after month.  I rarely update it.  But the thoughts of it ‘going away’ makes me seriously sick to my stomach.  It’s our life, from 2008 to now.  So I keep it and promise myself to ‘do better’.

February is half way over.  Keilee and I were just discussing the fact that times has gone by crazy fast.  It’s insane.  4 months until she is a ‘senior’. How in the heck can that be true?

School has gone slowly this year. She hasn’t done tons of ‘booky’ things but she has learned and learned and learned.  She has taken a class this year that we didn’t even know she would be taking. It’s called Politics 101.  I do not discuss my politics.  I could write a post about why I don’t but just suffice to say we have never watched and followed politics like we do now.  We watch huge amounts of news stories, listen to tons of podcasts, read about 7 different newspapers and news sites.

She still does American Lit. She just finished “Catcher in the Rye” which she didn’t love and now she is listening to “1984” which she does love.  She does Forensics and Child Psychology and US History.  She watches documentaries and knows so much about so much.

Some of my favorite moments this month:

She was asked to come to the courthouse for ADOPTION DAY for this brother and sister and then come to the after party and announce they were going to Disney!!!  It was magical. Simply magical.

Filming a scene for a TV show to be shown in Children’s hospitals in the US.

A wonderful night at a nearby library.  The kids were mesmerized.

Happy Birthday Cinderella. The movie was released this month in 1950!

Valentine’s day at our library. She read a book to the kids and then one of them ‘read’ one to her.

Happy rest of February. Make it wonderful.

Homeschooling Rocks!

Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
~Robert Breault



Hello 2017

2017.  It’s so unreal to me that it is 2017.

We have been crazy busy.  Well Keilee has been crazy busy which means I am crazy busy by default.

She keeps up with her busy life with a planner that is a work of art. Seriously.  I use a notebook and pen.  And that works for me. But she prefers “pretty”.

She celebrated her 17th birthday.  We went to iHop the same way we have done since she was 3.  And there are waitresses who remember her!
17…. I can’t even.

She and Emma got to spend time together.  Emma spent the night and they stayed up way late talking and listening to music and talking and watching movies and talking.  It’s hard when your best friend is so far away.

She still working hard on Bringing Smart Back.  If you don’t follow her on social media you should!  Your kids will love it.

Instagram @bringingsmartback

Here are some pictures from the activities she did for her children’s book club.

She had her first lunch meeting this week for her Princess company.  Someone wanted to meet with her to discuss an opportunity. She thought that was SO cool.  (and so did her Mamma)

She has done amazing things with  her Princess group in 6 short months.  She had/has 8 events in January.  She has even booked events in May.  This is from 2 birthday parties ON THE SAME DAY!  A day that was below 10° windchill.  And our fountain in front of the state bank froze so what else but Elsa pictures?

She has also crocheted 27 hats for custom orders!!  In 4 weeks.

And there has been US History, Forensics, American Lit (she is  reading The Catcher in the Rye), Child Psychology and more.  But she learns so very much just living life, running 2 businesses, watching documentaries, reading news stories and so much more.

All in all it has been a great start to 2017.  Like I told Keilee the other day, her ‘school’ experience doesn’t look like the kids in the school down the street but it is a beautiful thing.

Happy 2017!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Little girls with dreams become women with vision” ~Unknown







1st Semester/HomeschoolGirls Style

I can not believe it’s almost the end of the year.  Time goes by so quickly that it astounds me.  I want to grab it, hold it, make it slow down.  How can it be I am about to have a 17 year old?

As far as “Let’s do all of our subjects and check the boxes” this 1st semester of 11th grade has been a bit of a fail.  Yes there was US History, Forensics, American Literature, Child Psychology, writing and a few other things done but definitely not a semester’s worth.

And I could choose to freak out about that.  But I am not.  Because the things that were done were magnificent.

Keilee is completely running 2 businesses.  Very successful businesses.

Her Princess group, which she started at the end of July, is flourishing.  She has had at least 3-5 events a month, some months much more.  She has had photo shoots with each Princess to get the exact pictures she wants.  She edits each picture taken.  She has designed and ordered business cards.  She has participated in countless volunteer opportunities.  She has made many, many little girl’s birthday dreams come true by appearing as a Princess.  She coordinates with the Mom’s for birthday parties giving them information.  She makes Happy Birthday videos and edits and sends them to people all over the world.  She made Elf videos as “Holly The Elf” for Christmas.  She talks on the phone to businesses setting up events. She coordinated everything for her group to participate in the Christmas parade. She runs all the social media on Facebook and Instagram for the group.

Her Keilee’s Kreations has been a huge commitment, especially the last 2 months.  She has had over 30 orders due for Christmas.  She comes up with ideas, crochets, posts on Instagram, takes orders, generates invoices, packages and mails every order with special touches.

She is the youngest member on the Steering Committee for our city.  They have monthly meetings and do things in the community.  She successfully headed a table with citizens of our town to discuss issues, concerns and ideas to make our town better.

She was asked to speak in Birmingham at the “Women Who Shaped Alabama” conference for the “Modern Trailblazers” portion.  She talked about running businesses as a 16 year old. She was the youngest person to speak by quite a bit.

She made a video for a Southern Girls Project and won the contest they were hosting.  She then was asked to take over al.com’s Snapchat and then the Snapchat and Instagram for re.belle who is the ones who sponsored the contest.

She does Bringing Smart Back which is her educational Instagram and Facebook accounts.  She did decide to cut back on the number of YouTube videos she does but she is doing a Children’s Book Club now with plans to continue.  She finds the books, finds crafts, experiments and activities to go along with each book and post about them. She also posts other things each week.

She leads kid’s church each Sunday.  She learns a script each week to perform on stage.  She also leads a small group of 4th-5th grade girls.

So yes, her 1st Semester of 11th grade probably looks nothing like the kids in the public school down the street.  But she is rocking this year.

So, if your kids do things differently, learn outside of that “box” everyone always talks about, gets excited about something besides Algebra or Science, that’s OK.  It’s actually more than OK because honestly how many times since high school or college have you gotten excited over Algebra?

Isn’t that the reason we started this journey in the first place?  To allow our kids to experience more?  More joy, more learning, more real life, more of all the things that will make their lives lovely.

Merry Christmas from us both!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“I am convinced that the best learning takes place when the learner takes charge.” ~ Seymour Papert

“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there’s love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.” —Ella Fitzgerald

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” —Farrah Gray


Fall 2016

Fingers crossed I am back up and running. I thought it was repaired about a month ago but nope. It’s been 4 months without my site. And I’ve missed it! I had about abandoned it for Instagram but I still miss actually writing a post and adding several pictures instead of just one!

11th grade is interesting. Probably the least ‘schooly’ that we have ever had. But she is still learning so much. I go back and forth between “oh my gosh she isn’t doing Math” to “calm down Karen she is running 2 businesses, serving on our city’s steering committee, running 5 Instagrams and so much more”.

I see younger kids sitting around doing so many fun hands on things in their homeschool day and I sometimes yearn for that. But life marches on.

Keilee has worked so hard on her crochet items. If you would like to take a look check it out here. It’s on Instagram but you can access it without having the app or an account.

Her Princess business is doing amazing.  Especially considering it’s only been 4 months.  She is very busy.  She has mostly volunteer events coming up but she loves to volunteer!!  Here are a couple of her new costumes. (Her new  Elsa is from her fairy godmother/aunt. Isn’t it glorious?) And I ADORE Merida!  She even has a Scottish accent when she plays her.


There is no way to catch up for months so here are a couple of my favorite pictures of late.

We went on an Amish field trip in Ethridge, TN.  There was NO photos allowed but Keilee snuck this one.  We were on a covered wagon tour with a homeschool group.
The world has felt very angry and broken to me as of late.  I find it effected my mood and outlook.  This trip made me yearn for a simpler life.


Someone bought Keilee a 4′ Olaf! 4 FEET TALL!  Now it is so cool, and the kids adore him but guess who gets to carry him in?  Yup.


I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

It’s good to be back.  Happy Fall from us both.


Homeschooling Rocks!

“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.”  Anonymous




I’m backkkkkkkkk…..

So once again my blog got hacked.  This time it was a redirect virus.  Unfortunately the company that I have hired to clean and monitor it isn’t very speedy.  Like ‘it took them 3 months’ not speedy.  With me emailing every other day. So I’ve been a bit frustrated.

There is no way to catch up with something like that.  So I won’t try.  11th grade started.  It is going great but not in a ‘we are getting every subject done every day’ sort of way.  More like she is running 2 businesses, serving on our town’s steering committee and running their Instagram account, leading kid’s church every week, getting all her crochet items made for the Christmas season, having a Princess event almost every weekend, talking to businesses all the time about doing events, always looking for volunteer opportunities, doing Bringing Smart Back sort of way.

And that’s ok with me.  She still does ‘schooly’ things.  Just not every day.

Our life is moving along.  Life is good and I will post more later.  Fun things like pictures and dog stories and just our sometimes crazy busy,  mostly always beautiful life!

Homeschooling Rocks!

The Week That Almost Killed Me…

It’s been a busy several days.

Like “if I have to see Keilee in another costume I may scream” busy.

Rapunzel, Cinderella, Elsa, Ariel, Elsa again, Luna Lovegood, Hamilton bound costume for a sing-along, costume for church, Ariel again….

But she is loving this.  She has done so well to only have her page a month.  I remind her daily, “School starts soon and you will be busier”.

I’m afraid she does too much.  What is too much?  At what point can I tell it’s too much? When she has a meltdown? When she starts rocking in the corner?  Or maybe when “I” do!

So ladies and gentleman, our week.

Hamilton Sing Along. Oh my gosh this was WONDERFUL!!!  It turned out so much cooler than I thought it would.  And my little rap girl was awesome.


Release of Harry Potter and The Cursed Child.  The last time we went to a book release she was 8.  And won the costume contest as Hermione.  This year she was 16 and won the costume contest as Luna Lovegood!


Princess Leia at an outdoor movie presentation of “The Force Awakens”.  She is NOT a Star Wars fan.  She knows nothing except “she kisses her brother”.  Thankfully only 1 person asked a question.  “Where is Luke Skywalker”.  She told them, ‘He is back on the planet.  Doing stuff”. Ha


Photo shot with her Prince Charming.  They are very good friends so is “wasn’t awkward” Keilee said.


Elsa at Epic Church.

Elsa at Pitsagram.  This is a Pit Bull competition that raises school supplies and supports anti-bullying campaigns.  There were cute kids and ALL. THE.DOGS (The dog in the picture with Keilee and the little girl is named “Queen Elsa”)


Rapuzel photo shoot.  I think she is one of my favorites:


Visit to our local Art Museum for a Lion King exhibit:

Lion King Collage

She found time to make a Pokemon Go hat and ball.  And she promptly got 14 orders!!


And Monday’s on her Instagram and her Facebook page is “Mermaid Monday”.  Here’s this weeks:


So there you go.  Our crazy few days.  Can I sleep now?  For about a month?

As of this posting my car is broken!  The alternator is shot. Thankfully it will /hopefully/ be repaired this weekend.  Not having a car is the pits but the sweet older lady next door is letting us use her extra car for a couple of days.

We are starting school the 20th.  More about those plans later!

Happy Friday all!
Homeschooling Rocks!

We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that they are someone today. ~Stacia Tauscher




Under The Sea

Keilee left her other Princess group and started her own.  Without being all dramatic or anything they were just going in a different direction than Keilee wanted to go.  They wanted her to sign a contract which she isn’t even old enough to legally do.  Since she adores this so much she decided to just do it herself.  She has 3 other people at this point and more to add later maybe.

People have been amazing.  AMAZING because there was some nastiness when she left.  But that’s all behind us and we are looking forward.

My sweet Daddy bought her a pink Ariel costume.  She has always loved Ariel since she was 2.  She used to sit in my lap and watch The Little Mermaid over and over.  It is the first Disney movie she ever watched.  And now she can play her.  A wonderful friend who has claimed Keilee as her niece has bought her 4 costumes!!  Yes 4!!!  I didn’t even know what to say.  I just cried at her generosity.  Keilee hasn’t gotten all of them in yet and they are a surprise but one of them is the Ariel Mermaid costume.  It is VERY modest and Keilee would not have worn it if it showed her stomach.

Wednesday she went to a Princess Ballet Camp as Ariel.

Here are some of my favorites:

Meeting the little princesses:


Dancing with them


Answering a million questions: questions

Hugs are the best:

They loved Ariel:


This has been a stressful, amazing, scary, wonderful thing for her.  It’s hard to start from scratch.  She has worked so very hard.

She has sought out volunteer opportunities to get their name out there.  She is offering video messages to people who live all over the world; things like “Happy Birthday”, “Back to School”, “Get Well Soon” and more.

Please if you have Facebook go to her page and “Like” it.  FACEBOOK She will so appreciate your support.  Her Instagram is MagicalMemoriesAL.

Enjoy her Ariel dance.  She is so silly.

Happy August 1st!
Homeschooling Rocks





Have Ya’ll Missed Me?

So I’ve been gone a while.  My poor, sweet homeschoolgirls blog was hacked.  By porn.  Lord I can’t even stand typing that word here.  I was so upset.  I talked to my hosting company and they gave me a number to call.  Which I did.  And they told me it would be $75 a month for a year to fix it.  So I cried.  I can’t afford that.  But my blog….. So I called them back and this girl told me of a more affordable company.  So I called them.  And he was awesome.  But then he went overseas to adopt 3 children (which is amazing but it delayed my blog another month).

But I am back.  Thankfully.  It just freaks me out that if anyone Googled homeschoolgirls.net they got “This site is hacked” followed by a description of the hacked site.  Trust me, it was bad.

My first thought was “oh my gosh I will never catch up so why try”.  The last few months have been insane.  And there is no way I can catch up.  So I will highlight and try to do better.

It’s been so very hot this summer.  Like “heat wave advisory” hot.  We’ve spent a lot of time at the pool.  Keilee has left her Princess group and started her own.  Go like her Facebook page if you’re on Facebook and I will post more of the events that lead to this later.  But it’s a good thing.  Always.

We’ve gotten together with friends, gone to the Farmer’s Market, volunteered at the soup kitchen, attended a wonderful production of 1776 and of course, searched for Pokemon.

summer collage

Pool time fun!


Friday the 22nd was our women’s conference at church.  Keilee usually works keeping kids but this time she was able to SPEAK at the conference.  Which was very cool because she isn’t old enough to attend.  I am posting the video (which is very blurry for the first 40 seconds for some reason) but very awesome.


The video:

So it’s almost time for 11th grade to start.  11th GRADE!!!!!  Seriously y’all how is that even possible?

My goal this school year is to be better at updating my blog.  I told Keilee this morning that I keep paying for the hosting and never posting.  And she said, ‘Yes Mom and I’ll always pay for it, and my kids will always pay for it and my grandkids will pay for it. It can’t be just gone!”

Homeschooling Rocks,




A Dream Is A Wish

Keilee plays Elsa much more often than any other thing.

But she LOVES Cinderella the most.  We did a photo shoot (with my iPhone) a couple of days ago.  I absolutely loved the way the pictures turned out.

We went to the Old State Bank which was perfect for pictures.


I loved this one at the piano.


This was Keilee’s favorite.


I love reflection pictures!


At a local small, gorgeous park.  This is where we picnic often.


This is our Amphitheater.



In front of the State Bank.


And of course Cinderella in front of the fireplace.


In the park.


I just loved all of these and wanted them on my blog.  I love so much the fact that when Keilee was 3 she was rarely without her Princess dress and plastic clacking heels.  And now she gets to dress up as a Princess all the time.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.” ~Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr


Everybody’s Working For the Weekend…

We had such a great weekend.

I have determined that I am much happier when we are busy than when we aren’t.  I think it is because, in all honesty, I don’t have a lot to do when we are home.  I clean, I read, I watch my crazy K-Dramas, I do outside work (every now and then), I figure out what’s for dinner.  And all that doesn’t take many hours to do.

This weekend we were busy!

Friday there was a Strawberry Festival in a town I have not visited in years but spent endless hours in as a child.

Traveling on a road that I rarely travel on anymore brought back so many memories .

We headed to the town my Daddy grew up in and where my grandparents lived until their death, to attend a Strawberry Festival .

We first stopped at the cutest little antique store and talked extensively with the owner. Then we rode by “the house” .

It is my “memory house”. We all have one. For most people it’s the house they grew up in. But for me, since we live in the house I grew in, It’s my grandmother’s house. From age 2 to about 14 or 15 she was my favorite person in the world. She and Papa were always old times me. Much older than my other grandparents. My Daddy’s oldest brother was older than my Mom’s parents. My Daddy was the baby by quite a bit and my Mama’s favorite son.  We went to their house every weekend. They lived on a farm that was within walking distance of the town square. They had pigs and horses and chickens and cows. I learned to milk a cow there. I gathered eggs. I picked grapes and worked in the garden.  I tried to coax wild cats from under the house.  We climbed the huge oak trees in the front yard and built a treehouse. It was where I had snow cream for the first time. In the summer my brother and I fought over who sat on the homemade ice cream maker while Daddy cranked it. My younger brother and I set up a hospital to try to doctor the birds my older brother shot with his BB gun. We explored the pastures and lake, jumped on hay bails, picked wildflowers .

I would stay for a couple  of weeks every summer. It was the highlight of my year. My Mama and I had such fun. She made biscuits every single morning. She made the best fried chicken I ever had in my life. She made tea cakes that I’ve tried to duplicate so many times. She and I walked to town to shop and if I close my eyes can see her with her handbag on her arm. We always stopped and got a milkshake. She never once wore pants. She let me pick out her dresses every morning. She never once drove a car. She gave birth to 7 boys, 2 of which died .

As we drove by, so many memories rushed through my mind. So many amazing times. It is a beautiful place that has been totally redone. It has a huge wrap around porch and stained glass windows. The land is gone. The big oak trees are gone. But it is still a place that I adored and the wonders painted it yellow with a barn red door. The exact same color we picked out when Daddy had this house painted a couple of years ago .
Mama's House
As we walked around the town square, looking at crafts, eating ice cream, listening to elementary school kids sing, smelling all the food smells and seeing baskets and baskets of strawberries I told Keilee I would give anything if Mama was beside us and afterwards we could go back with her to her house, eat fried chicken and sleep in her big feather bed .

I am so thankful for memories .

Such a beautiful day with my girl. And my Mama and Papa. I so glad I could visit them today. If only in my mind .


Saturday morning we went to the first “Market on Bank”.  I simply adore our town.  They offer SO much and it is all free and we have always gone to everything possible.  Keilee also talked to the director of the Art Museum and she is going to help with the Summer Art Camp.  She was so excited.  We also got to meet Crazee Daisy.  Daisy is a bit of a celebrity in our town.

Art On Market

Saturday afternoon was all about Cinderella.  Keilee had a birthday party for a just turned 6 year old.  As I sat in the car waiting, I wondered how many hours I have spent waiting on her.  And I have not minded one second of them.


Sunday was Mother’s Day.

I have been many things in my life.  A daughter, a granddaughter, an aunt, a cousin, a niece, a wife, a child of God.  So many hats worn. A student, a teacher, an employee.

But I never spent my childhood, teenage or young adult years wanting to be a Mom.  I hear so many women say that was all they ever wanted to be.  But my Barbies were nevfer Moms, they were explorers or scientists (strangely enough Keilee’s have never been Moms either).  I was a magnificent aunt, the cool one, the one that taught you to burp loudly or jump off really high things or took you to roll yards or let you stay up all night. But I never wanted to be a Mom .

But then God, up in Heaven, shook his head and smiled and whispered “Just wait” and then He made me a Mom. And it is the best.thing.I.have.ever.done .

I sat at church and heard Mothers tell their “Mom stories”.  And I heard them talk about how they went through hard times.  How it is tough raising kids and Keilee leaned over to me and said, “I have never been hard to raise”.  And she is right.  Never.  Not once. Now we have had hard times, times when we scraped together money to go buy milk, times when I wasn’t sure I could pay the electric bill, times of stress over money.And I‘ve worried because I  have never taken her on expensive vacations or gone out to eat much or bought new furniture .

Mother's Day

But she has never been hard.  We bump heads, of course we do.  I yell, but I’m a yeller.  But she has never been hard.  She (as most of you probably know) delights me, amazes me, loves me fiercely (as I do her) and blows me away every single day .

People say you shouldn’t be your child’s best friend but she is mine and she says I am hers.  We have gone through the last  years together.  It has always been her and I against the world. I told her today sometimes it really scared me how easy she has always been, how smoothly she has gone from baby to toddler to child to preteen to teen.  Like something hard was coming because IT SHOULDN’T BE THIS EASY.  And she said, (as she so often does) “Oh Mom you worry too much” .

Mother’s Day can be hard for me at times.  Almost 8 years ago to the day, I lost my Mom.  And she was the best Mom ever.  She was funny and supportive and a lioness to her cubs and she prepared me to be something I never thought I would be.  Keilee’s Mom .

But I am not focusing on the ‘sad’ today. I am focusing on the beauty .

And there is SO MUCH BEAUTY .

So we went to church and afterwards I ran home and packed a picnic and then picked up my girl up from kids church, we went to visit my Daddy and I hugged my Step Mom and we went on a picnic and then came home and sat on the patio and I read aloud to Keilee.  Then we ate hot dogs for dinner and watched Gilmore Girls.

And I thanked God, as I do every single day, for making me her Mom .


Have a wonderful week all!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“There is no way to be a perfect Mother but a million ways to be a good one” ~Jill Churchill

Sent from my iPhone

My Poor Neglected Blog

I have every intention of updating here. No really, I do.  I write posts in my head and somewhere between head and keyboard they disappear.

Instagram has killed my blog.  If you follow me there you know that I post a mini blog several times a week.  And then it seems like there is nothing to say here.

March has poofed and April is almost over.  The passage of time never fails to astound me.  Was it always like this?  Or is this a ‘I’m getting older’ sort of thing.  Although Keilee has always been aware of how quickly time passes.

Our days are filled to the brim with learning and living.  Spring makes both of us feel so much better.

So here are a few random pictures.  Catching up is impossible but for nostalgia purposes I am posting a few things here. (Keilee and I love to go back to the month we are in and see what we were doing 2, 4 or 6 years ago!)

In some EXCITING news Alpha Omega Publishing picked Keilee’s Bringing Smart Back Instagram accounts as one of the “Top 10 Instagram Accounts Homeschoolers Should Follow”.  She woke up with about 120 new followers and we didn’t know what happened.  She was GIDDY.

She has been working hard on her YouTube Channel.  Here is the video she did on Poetry Tea Parties.  I loved it.

She contacted some businesses last week about sponsoring a giveaway and 2 responded that they would!  Yesterday in her video she told about her first contest which was a Year Membership to Molly Green Magazine!!  You have to enter with your Instagram account but it’s a great prize.

Mollyu Green

Here is her video with Nature Crafts.  I hope you can find something you and your kiddos can do together.  We especially LOVED the Nature Weaving!

More fun.
1. Picnic in the park after church Sunday.
2. One of her nature crafts.
3. Putting some ‘bling’ on her tshirt for kid’s church.
4. Walking in the rain in the woods.
5. Tea Party Fun
6. Before an Elsa party
7. Art Journaling outside


Here is a picture of Keilee and her sidekick onstage at Kid’s Church.  Thankfully someone took this and posted it since I never get to see her ‘perform’.  They just started a new series called “Camp WannaStay”.  She ADORES doing this and teaching her 20 4-5th grade girls small group.

camp wannastay

And here is my favorite picture of the week:

Kei Garden

This weekend is slammed packed.  We have a women’s conference at church Friday night.  I am attending and Keilee is keeping the 3 year olds.  Saturday she is Elsa at the bowling alley and then we are celebrating my birthday and Sunday is Baptism at church.

I hope everyone who still reads my poor blog is doing great.  I am going to try to catch up as soon as possible on all the cool things you have all been doing!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“The world’s favorite season is the spring. 
All things seem possible in May.”
–  Edwin Way Teale


Catching Up!!!

It’s been awhile.  I was doing so well at updating and then…..well life happened.

It’s like Talluah Bankhead said, (who was born in a city near us and was actually NOT anyone’s role model)  “Good girls keep diaries; bad girls don’t have the time.”

Actually we haven’t, of course, been ‘bad girls’ just busy girls.

Quilts and skating and candy and Disney trips (not us!) and refuge trips and last minute plays and more.

We had a month long celebration of The Quilters of Gee’s Bend.  This was one of the most wonderful things we have done lately.  This a group of black women who live in south  Alabama.  They have been making quilts for generations.  There is a wonderful documentary on PBS about them.  Our museum had an exhibition, our library had a meet and greet and then they spoke (and SANG!) at a local senior citizen center.  It was all  magnificent.  Their stories were so unbelievable.  Afterwards Keilee got their signatures on an embroidery hoop she had stretched a piece of fabric across.  She wants to use it as a square in a quilt.  You can also read more about them here.

I think this would be a great unit study on patterns.  Learn about these lovely ladies and then have your kids make ‘quilts’ from construction  paper!

quilt 4

Meeting the ladies of Gee’s Bend.

Gee's Bend 2

We also went to a field trip to a candy making company.  This company has been in operation for over 25 years.  It was a great tour with them explaining all the processes that is involved in making an array of candies, shipping problems and the history of chocolate.

Candy Field Trip

And the cookies and candy!!!!  YUM

Candy Collage

Keilee got a phone call from a local director to ask her if she would be an understudy for a middle school/high school play called “Keep Your Eyes on the Prize”.  Keilee, of course said yes.  This is produced and directed by our theater company for a middle school who doesn’t have a drama department.  It was about the Civil Rights and presented for Black History Month.  She found out Monday and went to practice.  She then found out Tuesday that she was going to be IN THE PLAY.  She had 4 practices total (and they had been practicing since January) and she had one of the main roles!  They performed Thursday morning at the middle school (and dropping her off at 8:00 am and watching her walk into the school was surreal!). They later performed at the beautifully restored Princess Theatre downtown.  This experience was unbelievable for her.  She was so good on stage (and yes I’m her Mamma but no one could believe she had come aboard Monday).  She met some kids she really liked and just soaked up every minute of the experience.


Keilee was contacted by Magic Moments Organization which grants ‘wishes’ for chronically ill children.  She was able to go to a dedication (where the family was donating a handicapped piece of playground equipment) and present sweet Albany with a trip to Disney!!!!  As wonderful as this was for Albany and her family it was more so for Keilee!

Elsa Collage

Keilee with her Bible opened working on a game for her girl’s group at church.  Voting. 😉  We went to homeschool skate day this month.  Keilee used to never miss a skate day but now she wants to go less often.  She had a great time even though we had to leave early to do some things. Nomad in his ‘tiara’ Keilee made him.  And our LEAP DAY picnic at our Wildlife Refuge.  She had, of course, to leap.


And finally she was Cinderella at a birthday party Saturday.  She rarely gets to be Cinderella because kids refuse to “Let It Go” and want Elsa always and she loves Cinderella.  And of course I made her drop off the Redbox movie.  And to let me take a picture.

Cinderella Redbox

Whew!  I’m exhausted just typing that.

This week is supposed to be WARM!  We are so ready for Spring.  Isn’t everyone?

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happy Mail, Elsa, Bringing Smart Back, All the Crochet…

My cousin’s daughter teaches Kindergarten at a school in our town.  They have clubs that the kids meet in 2 times a month.  One club is “The Princess Club”.  She asked Keilee if she would come dressed as Elsa and read a story.  Of course Keilee said “YES”.  She offered to pay her but Keilee refused.

This school is a Title 1 school which means most of the students come from low income homes.  So many of them do not speak English.  These kids probably won’t be having Elsa at their birthday parties anytime soon.  I wish you could have seen their faces when they walked in and saw “Elsa”.  It was priceless.  Keilee read to them and then answered questions.  She then had her picture made with each one of them separately.  It was a wonderful experience for them and for us.

Elsa school

We  have always had such wonderful support through Instagram.  I have met amazing people both on my blog and there.  These are some goodies that a couple of friends sent us this week.

happy mail

Keilee is still crocheting every night.  Here are a few of her latest “Kreations” on her Keilee’s Kreations shop.  The Alice doll and the finger puppets are still available.

Keilee's Kreations

As some of you know I work from home VERY sporadically.  Since we have no house payment, car payment or credit cards our needs are few.  But it is after Christmas and Keilee’s birthday and our money is very low.  The other day we were coming back from the store when I told Keilee “I am worried about money.  If I had another $100 we could at least make it through March”.  She told me what she always says, “Mom it will work out.  It always does”.

When we got home I went to the mailbox and this was in it. No stamp, no signature just God providing for us through an angel.  I should know by now not to doubt.


Keilee’s week has been filled with Sir Thomas More’s Utopia, Macbeth, Geometry 3 days, Animal Behavior, CNN Student News, finishing up her unit on Fungi which she loved, writing in her novel (this has been SO hard.  Since she lost her entire book a few months ago it has been hard for her to get back into writing), and working on Bringing Smart Back.  Here is the video.  I learned things I never knew about Valentine’s Day.  She does such extensive research and has learned SO much doing this YouTube channel.  Be sure to check out Bringing Smart Back website for lesson plans, recipes and crafts for this week’s episode.


Valentine’s Day

So another week in the lives of “Homeschool Girls” is in the books.  This weekend is filled with Elsa parties and VALENTINE’S day!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” ― Albert Einstein

T.H. White

“The best thing for being sad,” replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, “is to learn something. That’s the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn.” ~ T.H. White, The Once and Future King

Mardi Gras

We are very lucky to live in a town where so much goes on.  Even though it’s a relatively small town (50,000) they offer so much.  I just always assumed every town did this but I have so many Instagram friends who say their town doesn’t do things.

We go to everything.  Old town tours, 3rd Fridays, Old State Bank tours, Civil War tours, balloon festivals, Civil War reenactments, festivals and art shows and library special events and free events at our free art museum and so much more.

This past weekend was a Mardi Gras parade.  Mardi Gras actually started in Mobile, Alabama not New Orleans like most people think.

This is a huge fundraiser for our Art Museum.  It starts at 10:00 and has a Canine Mardi Gras Parade, then a Children’s Parade at 2:00 and then the actual parade at night.  There are events and a scavenger hunt of sorts where you had to get stamps from 28 small shops located in our downtown area.  We had such fun going into shops we had never visited and meeting the shop owners.  We tasted Cajun cooking at the cook-off and wandered around the children’s activites area.  We spent the entire day there, then ran home and changed to get back for the night parade.

MG dog 2

All the dogs all the time.

Mardi Gras dogs

The dogs in the parade

Dogs MG

Aren’t they adorable? Keilee wants to take Nomad so much but he is so badly behaved on a lease.  We said what we always say, “Next year we are taking him for sure”!

We almost didn’t go to the night parade because it was so cold and my goofy child refuses to wear a coat (“It messes up my outfit”)  But I am so glad we did.  They outdid themselves this year and the floats were spectacular.  My iPhone failed to really capture the beautiful, vibrant colors.


More floats:

floats 2

We stood on the front row and got beamed by beads a couple of times.  Those people throw HARD!!  But Keilee ended up with over 50 necklaces!!  And so many people actually came over and put them on her neck.  She also got some Moon Pies which she had never tried before.  (I know, I know, they are a Southern tradition but I hate them and she has never expressed an interest in trying them)  Her verdict : “I would never specifically ask for them but they are good”.

Keilee Mardi Gras

All in all it was a wonderful day.

Does your town have any cool traditions or festivals?

Homeschooling Rocks!


“We don’t hide the crazy, we parade”.  ~Unknown
Laissez les bons temps rouler! Let The Good Times Roll

Alice and Elsa and Snow and Thank You Notes….

I am trying to post here more.  Lately Keilee and I have been going back and looking through my blog posts.  It seems like we used to do such fun things!!  It is just easier to do cooler, hands on learning things with a 10 year old than a teenager.

But I still want to document what we do.  The pictures of learning aren’t always that awesome.  She pretty much sits on the couch and does her school type work.  But I do want to show the other things that take up our weeks.

It snowed here a bit last week.  Nothing like the blizzards that so many of you got but about an 1″.  I took this picture of Keilee reading my Nancy Drew book and then used an app called Superphoto.  I love the way it turned out.


We went to the library and Keilee noticed they were having an Alice Tea Party so she asked the children’s librarian if she could dress up as Alice.  They said they would LOVE that.  It was such a great time.  They had a tea party and then showed the movie.  The movie broke so Keilee suggested she read a chapter from the tea party scene.  Our Newspaper was there and took pictures.

Alice Collage

She also had an Elsa birthday party.  Our ‘car selfies’ when she is dressed up are some of my favorites.

Kei Mom Elsa

It’s been really rainy here lately and we HATE letting Nomad out because he gets soaking wet.  And that dog wet smell? Yuck.  So we made him a raincoat.  He was not impressed.

Poor Nomad

A little over a year ago Keilee gave me a jar filled with about 100 “Thank You’s”.  About twice a week I pull one out and read them.  I have laughed and cried many times doing this.  What this has made me realize is that little things do matter.  Kids remember the times you spent making things fun and educational and just the moments you spend with them.

Thank You Jar

So keep dancing in the kitchen and playing those board games and taking those walks and all the little things you do.  They will remember.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Each day of our lives we make little deposits in the memory banks of our children.”  Charles Swindoll


Bringing Smart Back

Keilee has talked about doing a YouTube channel for years. She has put various videos on YouTube and even had the one she did on her 13th birthday (13 Random Acts of Kindness) get over 20,000 views.

But last summer she decided to actually do it. She wanted it to be short videos that would give knowledge to kids. She wanted to show kids it was ‘cool to be smart’. She decided to name it “Bringing Smart Back” very loosely based on the song “Bringing Sexy Back” (although she refuses to say that word! Ha)

The idea of ‘making a video every week’ sounds good in theory but it is such a time consuming endeavor. She thinks of a topic, researches thoroughly, writes her script, films it, edits it and post it along with a description. Then she decided she would like a webpage with accompanying lesson plans. She wanted it all to be free. Then she decided she wanted a Pinterest board with ideas to go along with each video. And she has an Instagram account for Bringing Smart Back.

She has so many videos that I love. She loves going on location for shoots.  But I really liked this one about Social Media.  She explained it from a kid’s point of view.

She also loves doing characters.  It’s the ‘theater kid’ in her coming out.

Very early on she was contacted by Great Products who said they would love to sponsor her.  To say she was excited is an understatement.  This is a great Homeschool company ran by homeschoolers! If you aren’t familiar with this company they have Homeschool and Christian T-Shirts very reasonably priced.  They gave Keilee merchandise and her own coupon code!  Use “Keilee” for a 10% discount.

Keilee tshirt

With her webpage, Bringing Smart Back,  she creates some of the lesson plans herself and some are just links to plans she has found online. She has to check each link to make sure it works and is free, she has to watch completely each video that she links on her webpage because you would not believe the videos that start out sweet and turn bad!!!

From August to mid way through November she did 4 videos a month. Then she had a bit of a meltdown. She was so stressed because she had so much to do. In addition to Bringing Smart Back she has schoolwork and her Princess business and she has a new script to learn each week for Kids church, and she has her Keilee’s Kreations crochet business. During November and December she got 19 orders and had to get those all made before Christmas.

So I suggested she take a break during the holidays from Bringing Smart Back. She started it back in January and has decided (with strong suggestions from her Mama) that she posts 2 videos a month.

Keilee has always been great at time management but there is only so many hours hours in a day and you can’t cram 30 hours into 24.  As Moms most of us know this right?

But she has gotten excited about it again and is back on track.  And she doesn’t have the one million subscribers she wanted to have or been mentioned on Hank Green’s Sci Show but who knows?

So check it out.  And share it if you feel like it.  And show your kids because “Bringing Smart Back” is cool!

Homeschooling Rocks!


“We should all feel confident in our intelligence. By the way, intelligence to me isn’t just being book-smart or having a college degree; it’s trusting your gut instincts, being intuitive, thinking outside the box, and sometimes just realizing that things need to change and being smart enough to change it.” ~Tabatha Coffey

Plans and More Plans…

A new year beckons shiny and new. I like new beginnings. I like August which means the start of our new school year and I like January which means the start of a new year.

We had plans this year. But our plans seem to get derailed pretty easily. Why does it look so good on paper and so hard in real life? It reminds me of budgets. I’ve always been horrible at them. On paper it is so pretty; all the money accounted for. Everything tucked into it’s neat little category. But it never works out that way.

I have a horrible habit of complaining ” I can’t do anything!! I want to find things I love to do.”  I love to read and play a few video and online games and watch Korean dramas but nothing very ‘creative’.  I vowed to change that this year.  With varied results.

So this new year there are plans; plans to learn Korean and Calligraphy. Plans to do a short study on the upcoming movie “God’s of Egypt”, plans to better manage time, especially hers, plans to do more Bible studies, to start Periscoping (she is KeileeT there if you Periscope) from a homeschool teenagers perspective and more.

More reading aloud, more living in the moment, more exercise, more saying yes. There are plans to start a daily planner- for me (oh my word I have seen videos and scopes about these and while they are beautiful beyond words I MUST realize mine with NOT look like theirs. Not even close).

But now, only a few days into the new year life happens. My Dad decided to get a new floor in our homeschool room which meant there were piles and piles and piles of stuff everywhere in the house. They came last week and removed carpet and came back Monday and it took 3 days. Then began the great purge. Do I really need 2nd grade curriculum? So when life happens plans go awry. And that is one of the frustrating things about homeschooling but also the great things about it. Keilee has always seen ‘real life’. She knows there are days when errands have to be ran and things taken care of so you have to learn to manage your time well.

Ta da our new art/homeschool/craft room.  Trust me this looks amazing comparatively speaking.  She has so.much.stuff.

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My Korean numbers.  Good grief I will never learn this.  The actual ‘words’ aren’t bad but the characters are crazy!

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This is called faux calligraphy.  My first attempts weren’t very good but I’ll get better.

fruits of spirit

We have been watching tons of periscopes about planners.  These people are serious about their planners.  They are like works of art.  So I got a planner and while mine will NEVER look like theirs I am enjoying it.

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A page from Keilee’s Art Journal.  Her page about her 16th birthday.  She plans to do a Periscope soon about her Art Journaling.


Some dolls she made for her Instagram shop, serving at our local soup kitchen, shenanigans in Wal-Mart and the promo ad for a Tea Party and Alice in Wonderland movie she is doing at our library.  We went to the library to see a quilt show and saw these flyers about the showing of Alice in Wonderland.  So Keilee asked to speak to the head of the children’s department and asked her if she could dress up as Alice.  She was thrilled with the idea.  Keilee is so excited because she loves Alice.  She has been going around speaking in a British accent for 2 days.


I know all these things will not get done.  I have learned many things over the years of homeschooling but one of the most important is that no matter how much you plan ‘life does happen.’

But everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. How you choose to use it can make all the difference.

Homeschooling Rocks!


“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” ~Robert Burns

Linking with Sylvia at Faithful Mom of 9


January 3rd was her birthday. Her 16th birthday. How is that possible? I am not ready for her to be 16 but time is a funny thing; it happens regardless of if you are ready for it or not .

We had such an amazing day. We went to church to hear an amazing message then she led Kid’s Church. Their script for the next few weeks are 2 extremely county people in Louisiana (think Duck Dynasty) who take off on an adventure to the Arctic.  Then she made cupcakes for her Small Group of 4th-5th grade girls.  She adores these girls.  And they adore her back.

Keilee and her sweet girls. They made her a whiteboard card.
Keilee and her sweet girls. They made her a whiteboard card.

After church we went to IHop for the 14th year in a row!!! We started going when she was 3. There were ladies there who said they had been a part of singing to her since 2010!!!

IHop ladies singing Happy Birthday!
IHop ladies singing Happy Birthday!

The sundae!!
The sundae!!


Then back home for family visits. After that we went to an abandon railroad to take birthday pictures. Then we went to Olive Garden for dinner. We had gift cards for both IHop and Olive Garden that we had been saving.

Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!!

One perfect piece of tiramisu.



For her birthday she wanted to change her bedroom. She completely took down her loft bed by herself and is now using an antique bed that I used to use years and years ago. She didn’t want me to buy her a new comforter but I insisted. She hadn’t had a new one since she was 5. She knew what she wanted and searched and searched online. She knew she wanted a gypsy/bohemian and we looked in stores and online. She finally found the one below. And loved it. She then bought 5 yards of in sale fabric and tore strips for the ‘curtains’. She made the crocheted bunting and the fabric bunting on her headboard. And she took off ALL her stuffed animals and spent a long time picking her favorite few; a wicked witch from “The Wizard of Oz’ when she played the witch when she was 11, Marie from “Aristocats” where she played The Duchess when she was 13, Butch the Bulldog that we got at The Opryland Hotel when she was 5, Meeko the Raccoon from when she played Meeko in Pocahontas when she was 8, an owl my brother got her last Christmas and her tooth fairy pillow I got her when she was 5. And the new colorful pillow my brother got her for her birthday Sunday.

The room reveal!
The room reveal!

I have had the utmost honor of raising this amazing girl. One who loves so many things. Who talks about “Fruits of the Spirit” more often than the Top 40. Who can take a stick and fabric and create something amazing. Who thinks that most teenagers are from another planet and she doesn’t speak their language. Who is happiest watching a documentary on serial killers or the brain .

Who never watches anything teen drama or a movie about anyone doing anything ‘inappropriate’ without saying “2 words people: Self Control”. Who gets a little freaked out about being 16 and wishes she was 6 at times. Who loves knowledge and music and corny jokes and Korean dramas and anything in the world animal related (especially dogs or baby animals). Who has Pinterest boards that she actually does the pins! Who loves being on stage or performing in any way. Who has grown and been stretched by God this year as she teaches children about God and prays over them .

Who delights me every single day. Who has never been in trouble really because she is just that good of a child. But who doesn’t have a clue what a ‘clean room’ looks like, she honestly doesn’t get it. Mess bothers her not at all. Who has to create the same way most people have to breathe. Who sings constantly and dances most always. And good Lord, her crazy dances are legendary around our house. Who has such an idea of right and wrong. Life is black or white to her. She will learn the ‘gray’ in time .

Who wants to be an psychologist; child, animal and/or criminal, and a farmer and a English tutor in Korea and a Disney Princess and an animal rehabilitator in Africa and an actress depending on the day. And who could do them all and rock them. And she doesn’t care about money. “Just enough to live on” she says .

This child who is almost grown up (but not really Mom there is still so much I don’t know) and who won’t be here forever and oh my goodness that time is getting closer and closer .

Who has taught me the meaning of ‘wings and roots’ (although the wings are hard y’all) .

Happy Birthday my Keilee girl. May you always soar. May you one day find your tribe and know without a doubt that you are home. May God always guide your choices and your life. May your light shine oh so bright and illuminate everyone you come into contact with .

And may you always, forever more, without one ounce of doubt; know you have a Momma who always loved you to Pluto and back. And then back again. And back .

Homeschooling Rocks!

“What I want most for my daughter was that she be able to soar confidently in her own sky, whatever that may be”. ~Helen Claes



Just a quick recap of our year so I will have it all in one place.  How do you document a year?  There were amazing times but I am sure I will leave out highlights no matter how hard I try.

Keilee turned 15 and got her permit.  She has been wanting to drive since she was 12 but once she got it she wasn’t that excited.  She drives occasionally but it’s just not that important to her.  She has zero desire to get her license at this time.

Kei driving

It snowed!  Which is rare and we always love.

snow 2Snow in Alabama!!!


She created and sold so many handmade items for Keilee’s Kreations.

KK collage

She joined a party Princess group and has absolutely loved it.

Princess collage

We spent days with friends.

friends collages 2015

We volunteered at Soulstock a Christian Rock Festival and volunteered hours and hours at our local soup kitchen.


We spent long summer days at our favorite pool.


Jessica and her girls visited in the summer and we had a blast.

jess summer

At Epic Church!!!

jess summer 2

Keilee started her YouTube channel Bringing Smart Back and the accompanying website with lesson plans.

She started leading worship at kid’s church and teaching a small group of 4-5th grade girls every Sunday.


We went on an incredible trip with Jessica, Grace and Lilah that I did not blog about.  Jess blogged about it at Teachable Moments.  This was one of our very favorite memories of 2015 and one of our favorite trips of all time.  Keilee has always wanted to do the Civil Rights Tour in Alabama.  She has wanted to walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge forever and especially since seeing “Selma”.  Thank you Jess for making one of her dreams come true!

trip Civil

We had a wonderful Christmas and did so much.

2015 was a great year.  It had it’s bad moments but for the most part it was wonderful.

Now bring on 2016!!!  Keilee will be 16 on January the 3rd and neither of us are ready for that!!  We are making a few changes because that is what is awesome about learning at home.  You can shake things up as often as you want!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Whatever you do or dream you can do — begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it”. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, writer and statesman



We had a wonderful Christmas season.  I tried to say ‘Yes’ more than ‘No’ during this month.

And because of that we had the best month, one full of beautiful memories.

We went to our town’s Christmas parade which we haven’t done in a couple of years.  And ate dinner at one of our favorite sandwich shops.

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We served Christmas dinner for over 250 people at our downtown rescue mission.

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We went to church to the kid’s showing of “Polar Express” in footie pjs!

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We went to the boat Parade of Lights and then looking at Christmas lights and out to eat with our dear friend Patsy.  (who was my Mom’s best friend)Search results for icloud2

Keilee and her princess friends were in a Christmas parade in a town near us.  They rode on a float and threw candy.  Fun was had by all!

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Keilee went to eat lunch right before Christmas vacation with her favorite little girl in the world.  She surprised her and she was beyond ecstatic.

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We took selfies. 🙂

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We went to our downtown and watched this amazing 3D light show on the Old State Bank.  Then we walked through downtown and ate dinner with some of our favorite people.


Keilee fell in love with my cousin’s new Lab while delivering a crochet order to her.

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We took photos with Keilee wrapped in lights.  Because we thought it looked cool.

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Keilee taught kid’s church every Sunday.  She taught over 100 kids per service and also led a small group of girls in 4-5th grade.  She LOVES this and even made each of her ‘girls’ a goodie bag for Christmas.

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She had a great idea of ringing the Salvation Army bell dressed as Elsa.  I took her to the main office and she met with the director and he told her she could.  She asked the girl who plays Anna and they both spent over an hour walking around the mall taking pictures with tons of kids and then ringing the bell for 2 hours.  And Keilee did it all in 6″ heels.  She’s kinda my idol.

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We had the most wonderful Christmas morning complete with great gifts for each other.  And Nomad.

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We plays tons of Board games, baked for friends and family, read Christmas picture books aloud, listened to Christmas music almost non-stop, watched tons of Hallmark Christmas movies and so much more.

So from us to you, we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

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It was one of our favorite Christmases to date.

But…we are both ready to get back to ‘real life’.

Bring on 2016!!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“At Christmas, all roads lead to home.”

Fawns, Barbies and Cotton…

It’s been a crazy 2 weeks.  Most days I feel very non productive.  That is because I live with Keilee who does more in a day than I do in a week.

She has decided that she wants her Instagram more ‘artistic’.  So she has been taking and posted photos she deems ‘artsy’.  This is one of my favorites.

Keilee Paint

Keilee  helps teach a homeschool Science class on Thursdays and they did exploding pumpkins.  The kids all LOVED them!

Pumpkin Collage

Halloween was a great day.  Keilee told me she wanted to be a fawn and I was like, ‘What??  How boring. ” I should have known better.  I love the way it turned out.

Fawn Halloween

Our church had a Fall Festival that we both helped with.  It was a great day and we had a wonderful turnout.  We went to a play Halloween afternoon and then it rained Halloween night so we decided to stay in at night.

Halloween collage

We have a family that we met during “Shrek the Musical”.  They homeschool and they have 2 boys.  We really liked them but haven’t seen them since the play.  About 6 months ago we followed along with the journey to adopt Lily from China.  We finally got to meet Lily.  Keilee took her 2 tutus that she had made.  She was such a delightful little girl and Keilee had a blast hanging out with her and her 2 older brothers.

Lily Keilee

This is a collage for Keilee.  It is the guys she thinks are cute and I told her I was going to put it here so one day she could look back and see it.  Think she has a ‘type’?  6 guys and 4 of them are Korean. 😉   Plus Jason Momoa and of course, Johnny Depp who she has loved since she was 3 and saw Pirates of the Caribbean.

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This little girl was turning 4 and her Grandmother hired Keilee to dress up as Barbie and visit her at her day care.  It was the first time Kei has gotten to be Barbie and she loved it so much.  The little girl and all the kids were just so excited to see her.  She sang Happy Birthday and ate cupcakes with them.

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Keilee is still working hard on Bringing Smart Back on YouTube.  This past Wednesday was about cotton and we got to visit a farm and a cotton gin and Keilee interviewed the farmer and cotton gin manager.  It was SO very cool and she has learned so much.  We both have.

I can not believe it is already November.  Time marches on so quickly. We have a CRAZY month planned with Elsa parties, field trips and a TRIP with friends!  We are both so excited.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“October extinguished itself in a rush of howling winds and driving rain and November arrived, cold as frozen iron, with hard frosts every morning and icy drafts that bit at exposed hands and faces.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The 3 Faces of Keilee

It was a crazy, busy weekend for us.

Friday night Keilee was asked to be a Zombie tour guide at the historic Princess Theatre.  She looked like a zombie I guess but it was a bit disturbing!  She sent a picture to a really good friend of hers and he told her, “It makes me want to find someone and beat them up.  You look like you were abused!”.

She was so excited to do this.  They had different areas ‘zombified’ and it was similar to a haunted house.  Keilee and the man who works there are the only 2 that did the tours and she had a blast.  Like she said,  “I really like being in charge.”

The little girl in the picture is Emma Jo.  Emma Jo is who Keilee fell in love with (and vice versa) during Aristocats.  She saw on Facebook that Keilee was going to be a zombie and begged her Mom to take her.  She ran and hurled herself at Keilee and wanted a picture.  Keilee told her ‘I am so sorry I look so gross” and she told Keilee, “You always look beautiful.”  They are so sweet together.  Keilee has plans to surprise her Thursday at her school and eat lunch with her.

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Saturday night she was invited to a 1940’s Swing Dance.  We ordered her dress weeks ago from China and paid $11 for it! Including shipping.  She found shoes at the thrift store for $2.99.  She worked so hard on Emma’s birthday present.  I wish I had made pictures.  She made a board book with quotes and pictures of them and it was beautiful.

Swing Dance

Sunday after church she had an hour long Elsa party.  She always loves being Elsa and seeing the kids so excited that Elsa and Anna are at their parties!


She told me Sunday night that she was so ready for Monday and the chance to just be “Keilee”.

Even though this week is shaping up to be really busy at least she can be ‘herself’.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Week That Was Beautiful…

The weather turned cooler and we had such a great week.


We went to an Art Festival that was amazing.

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And Keilee got her picture in the paper.  It’s one of my all time favorite pictures of her!

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Most of her week was spent on Bringing Smart Back.  She works on this about 20-30 hours a week.  I’m going to do a post on it but I keep putting it off!  Her trailer for what’s going to happen in October is one of my favorites.

She gathered things outside and used her microscope to look at them.  I love that she still does things like this!

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So not a lot of ‘content’ for my blog but a great week nonetheless.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir: We must rise and follow her, When from every hill of flame She calls, and calls each vagabond by name.” ~William Bliss

It’s Fall Y’all…

The 1st week of Fall was a very good week.  I’ve said it a million times but we are so lucky that we are able to live this homeschooling life.  The only thing  this week lacked was actual FALL temperatures.  It is still way too hot in Alabama.

We went to the next to the last “3rd Friday”.  This is something our town has done for years.  It’s like a street fair with antique cars, crafts, stores opened late, bands on every corner and more.  We always have a blast.  And Keilee always finds dogs to pet.

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We also volunteered at CCC (Community on Church Cooperation) Monday.  This is something we LOVE doing.  We love serving others and meeting people from all walks of life.  They usually serve over 150 people lunch.

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We also did a lot of what we call “book” learning.  Cells and Luther and the Reformation and Canterbury Tales and Shakespeare and Geometry.  She watched Pope Francis every time he was on TV because she adores him. 

But most of her time was spent on her YouTube channel “Bringing Smart Back”.  Hours and hours and hours.  More about this in a later post.  But click on the link and watch! She’s also working on a website with lesson plans for each episode.

There was also driving and swinging and a music festival and fun in the grocery store. Recently Updated61

We are finding our groove after changing things up about 22 times.  But that’s ok.  It’s one of the things we love about Homeschooling!

I spent time on the hammock reading Harry Potter, for the 11th time under the beautiful, blue September sky.  Life is good.


Homeschooling Rocks,

“As your kids grow they may forget what you said, but won’t forget how you made them feel” – Kevin Heath

Linking with
Mary @ Homesgrown Learners for Collage Friday.

Kris @Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers for Weekly Wrap-Up

Kids 12 and Under Only…

It’s no secret that Keilee isn’t a huge fan of people.  She is very picky with her time and so many times just doesn’t have the patience for ‘teenagers’.  Since she is homeschooled she has never had that ‘public school’ mentality.  Now I know there are kids in PS without this mentality but most of the ones we know do have it.  The things that are important to them are not even of the list of things important to Keilee.

That being said she adores small children.  She interacts so well with them and loves being around them.  They adore her right back.  It’s funny because she honestly says she ‘doesn’t want kids’.  I tell her she doesn’t know God’s plan for her yet!

Almost 3 months ago, before church, our pastor’s wife was talking to us and she said to Keilee, “We have got to get you plugged into the children’s church”.  Me, being the Momanger I am, told her Keilee did this really cool “1 minute sermon”.  Bene said, “you wanna do it now” and Keilee said, “Sure!”.  Of course I was freaking out.  Bene took her immediately back stage.  No practice, no going over it, nothing.  It has been at least 2 years since Keilee has done this!  She did a great job!!!


After that the leader of our kids church approached Keilee and asked her if she would be interested in being a host on Sundays.  What that consists of is learning a script each week and performing on stage at kid’s church.  She said YES.  So we go to the 9:00 service and then she works the 11:00 service.  I decided to help at kid’s check-in because I had to be there anyway.  I love seeing her on stage each week.

Epic Collage

I love seeing her interaction with the kids.  I love seeing them run and almost tackle her each Sunday.  We even see them out and about and they call her “Miss Keilee”.

Kids Quest

A couple of weeks ago she really stepped out of her comfort zone and did the closing prayer.  This is in front of about 100 kids and 15 teens/adults.  I just love when Jesus stretches us don’t you?

Kei Neh

She is also helping teach a homeschool Science class for K-5 and a homeschool gymnastics class of 3-6 year olds at one of our Recreation Centers.  She loves both of these things too.  So whenever she says, ‘Mom I’m just not a people person” I just smile.  I know she just hasn’t found ‘her’ people yet.

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Homeschooling Rocks!

All Christians are but God’s stewards. Everything we have is on loan from the Lord, entrusted to us for a while to use in serving Him.– John MacArthur



Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln

Keilee has always loved Abraham Lincoln.  He has always been her favorite president.

We have studied him, went to exhibits, watched documentaries and movies about him and more.

When she was about 7 or 8 she wrote a letter to him:

Hello Mr. President:

Thank you for freeing the slaves. I have heard that you are a really great President. If you get the urge to go to a play, please stay at home!

Keep up the good work,


Monday night our town had a celebration of 150 years of the Civil War.  A man, Dennis Boggs,  who plays Abraham Lincoln was going to be there along with an orchestra that played Civil War songs.  He is nationally known and Keilee has actually watched History Channel documentaries that he was on.

Photo Sep 14, 6 04 21 PM

It was at the Old State Bank which was actually used during the Civil War for a hospital among other things.  It was one of the only 3 buildings to survive the Civil War.

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It was a beautiful, cool night by the Tennessee River.  As night fell the building was lit up so lovely. He was reading actual speeches and letters from the Civil War and the band was playing Dixieland and it was all magical.

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This is the beginning of the Gettysbury Address.  It was so powerful.

I love Living history.  It’s the best way to learn.


Homeschooling Rocks!

Abraham Lincoln quotes:
“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.”

“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
“My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth.”

10th Grade….

Yesterday began our 9th year homeschooling and her 10th grade year .
Photo Aug 23, 2 05 47 PM


To say this is hard for me to imagine is an understatement. She was just 7 learning about Egypt by planting grass seeds and making the Nile and reading Magic Treehouse books wearing a toga and building tent houses and pretending to be a meerkat burrowing down .


This year is going to find us immersed in Europe. European History from 1200 to now, European literature, a Shakespeare study and European Art .


I searched and searched for a European History book that wasn’t just a ‘book’ with no avail.  I found some college level books but they were way too pricey for me.  So I bought The Complete Idiot’s Guide to European History.  It had really good reviews and we were able to look through it online to check it out.


We are using Introduction to English Literature which was given to us by a friend.


We are using various resources to study European Art.


We are using The Shakespeare Book and studying various plays and sonnets for our Shakespeare study.


She is doing a Farm Study too.  Her dream is to own a small, self sustaining farm and she already has a notebook full of resources.


Photo Aug 24, 9 22 00 AM


We also are doing a Geography study. She picked 36 countries that she wants to learn more about. We are doing notebook pages and trying some foods from the countries.


I’m not sure what we are doing for the dreaded Math.  I believe we will use Khan Academy for Geometry.  Pray for us both.


Keilee has started a YouTube channel called “Bringing Smart Back“.  She does all the writing, filming, editing and promoting for this.  She posts a video every Wednesday.  She wants kids to know it’s cool to be smart.  Check out her channel! 🙂


And there’s Biology and art and Bible journaling . She will continue to work on her serial killer study (she’s a weird one) and in her online class with Jessica they will be writing a novel. In addition to her finishing the novel she is over half way finished called “September’s Children”.


She is also working at church in Kid’s Church.  She is a host which means she learns a script and performs each week.


She still has her Princess parties and is also helping teach a local homeschool Science class and gymnastic class once a week.


She is still going to have her Instagram shop; Keilee’s Kreations .


And there will be field trips and nature walks and picnics and reading aloud and hammock lying and lazy days on the couch and bike riding and game playing and laughter and talks and dancing in the kitchen and sock sliding down the hall .


Because that is one of the best things about this life we are blessed with. Every day is an adventure and you never know where the day will take you .


Homeschooling Rocks!

“The way kids learn to make good decisions is by making decisions, not by following directions.”  ~Alfie Kohn

“Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.” ~ Arthur Koestler

Heart Friends…

friendship-quotes-Good-friends-are-like-stars I believe it was almost 6 years ago when I first found Jessica’s blog and started following along with her homeschool journey with her 2 girls.

We went from comments to email to phone calls to texting several times a week to meeting last year when they came here.  She is one of my dearest friends and my ‘go to’ person when I need to talk about anything.  Her friendship means so much to me even though we are over 1000 miles apart.

This year when they took their trip to her husband Greg’s parents house, Jess and the girls came to stay here for a couple of days.  We had the best time ever.  I love her and her girls (and Greg too but he stayed with his parents).  Keilee adores them all and we just have so much fun!

After the initial hugs and squeals they brought their luggage inside so we would all fit in their SUV.  They also came bearing gifts which we LOVE.  But…the best gift of all was they brought Keilee a OLD typewriter.  Jess knew she had been wanting one and Greg found one at a tag sale.  Keilee was speechless and has spent many hours since their visit typing away on it.

Then we took them to Lowe Mill.  On the way we stopped by Mooresville which is Alabama’s oldest incorporated town.  It is also where Tom and Huck was filmed. Lowe Mill is a beautiful old textile warehouse that has been converted into an Art Entertainment center.  It is the largest independent center for the arts in America with over 120 artists.

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Then we came home and changed and went to dinner at world famous Big Bob Gibson’s.   Afterwards we had planned to swim at their hotel pool but there was a huge lacrosse tournament in town and it was packed.  So we decided to go to the Drive-In in a nearby city.  Grace and Lilah had never been.

On the way the girls serenaded us with old Miley Cyrus songs.  It was awesome!


It was such a great night, the girls in the back of the SUV and Jess and I sitting in chairs all watching Home under the Alabama skies.

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We got home and made plans to go to our church the next morning.  I was so excited about this because Jess has been watching online for several years.  Unfortunately our preacher and his wife were on vacation but it was still amazing having them there.  Afterwards we went to Cracker Barrel for lunch.

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Then we went to Ava Maria Grotto.  This is an amazing little place in Cullman, Al.  From their website:
Known throughout the world as “Jerusalem in Miniature,” is a beautifully landscaped, four-acre park designed to provide a natural setting for the 125 miniature reproductions of some of the most famous historic buildings and shrines of the world. The masterpieces of stone and concrete are the lifetime work of Brother Joseph Zoettl, a Benedictine monk of St. Bernard Abbey. Begun as a hobby, with various materials he could find, and infinite patience and a remarkable sense of symmetry and proportion, Brother Joseph re-created some of the greatest edifices of all time.

Even though it was very hot, even by our Alabama standards, we had a great time.

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Selfie at Ava Maria Grotto


All too quickly it was time to head back.  They needed to get on the road to get back to Tennessee before dark.  We had the most amazing time.  They were on vacation but it was truly like a vacation to us.  We crammed so much into 2 days.  Yes I wish we had more time, but it was a beautiful adventure with 2 homeschool Moms that met online and their 3 amazing daughters.

Thank you Jess, Grace and Lilah for taking time to come visit us.  We loved every single minute of it.

Selfie before leaving: (until next time)


Homeschool and Homeschooling Friends Rock!

There is magic in long-distance friendships. They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physically together and is often more profound.” ~Diana Cortes

Hello June…

May went by in a flash.  As they do.

May started chilly and ended rainy.  But we did so much .  It’s hard to put a month’s worth of activities in one post.  But I am SO bad at updating my blog.

We did a lot of volunteering this past month.  Keilee has always volunteered so much.  Because of our awesome church she has always had so many opportunities.  We volunteered this month at a place where people can come and get clothes and shoes and household items.  We also volunteered serving lunch.  This is an ongoing thing and we want to serve at least once a week.  It seems like no matter what is going on in my life I just feel better when I am there serving others.

We also volunteered for 6 hours at Soulstock which is a HUGE 2 day Christian rock concert.  We actually ran the merchandise tent for Noah Cleveland.  Keilee and I met several artists and it was just an amazing day.

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Katherine, my niece, graduated from high school.  Now Keilee is the only grandchild still in school.  Not counting college.  I wish they could all go back about 10 years!!

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One of our favorite things each year is the Alabama Jubilee.  It is a balloon race and people come from all over the country to participate.  We wake up about 5:30 and get to the park by 6:30 so we can see them take off.  Seeing 60+ balloons getting blown up and then taking off is so magical.

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Hiking with friends.  And sword play with friends. 🙂

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At an outdoor concert with friends.  I love that Keilee and Emma jumped up to swing dance even though they didn’t really know how.  This picture just screams ‘Joy’ to me.

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Lunch at Cracker Barrel after church.  Leaping in the rain. Rides in the country with the dog and the girl.  Memorial day service.  Cute little golf cart we both wanted!

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So now it’s June.  Hot days at the pool, yard sales, festivals, friends, board games, walks at night, reading aloud, laying in the hammock, sitting out on the patio watching the lightening bugs, hiking in the woods, visits from far away friends and so much more.

We can’t wait.

Homeschooling Rocks!

A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken. ~James Dent

The summer night is like a perfection of thought. ~Wallace Stevens

Southern Literature-Homeschool Girls Style

The South is steeped in lovely traditions.  Growing up here I was not really aware of it. It just was where I lived. It took some growing up and moving away to realize how lucky I am to have grown up in the South.  No everything is not perfect.  There are people who still think the south should have won the war among other things.  But we also have people who are truly caring and kind.

When I moved to California one of the first things I noticed was that no one looked at you when you passed them on the streets.  I couldn’t believe it.  Here when you pass someone walking you say, “Hello” and maybe even stop and chat.

When Keilee was planning her 9th grade year we discussed doing Southern Literature.  I loved it when I was in high school.  It wasn’t required but I took every Literature class that was offered.  My teacher was this lovely southern lady with that great old school Southern voice.  My Mother talked like that.  Very slowly and and with such an amazing accent.

When we begin looking for a curriculum we couldn’t find anything.  So with my brother’s help, who was an English major, we made a plan.

I bought a book he recommended called “Growing Up In the South: An Anthology of Southern Literature”. The stories were full of beauty and poverty and racism and joy and heartbreak and first love and more.  There was a bio before each one of the authors and Keilee researched each author and did a notebook page on each one.  We read each story aloud.  We looked up words we didn’t know.  We Googled places mentioned and found they were all real places.  One of our favorites was from “A Southern Landscape” that mentioned a church with a gold finger pointing toward heaven.  We looked it up and it is a real place in Port Gibson, MS.

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We spent the year in the Deep South, in cotton fields, during some of the most life changing events of the 60’s, on the Mississippi River, in old Southern mansions and so much more.

We read lovely stories by William Faulkner, Truman Capote, Maya Angelou, Flannery O’Conner, Eudora Welty and more.  We even found a few authors on YouTube actually reading their stories.

We used Shmoop as a reference to so many other things.  We listened to songs written about “A Rose For Emily” by William Faulkner.  Keilee took reading comprehension tests from the same site.  It is full of GREAT resources.

Each section of the book is divided into categories; “Places and Voices”, “Families”, “Southern Communities” and “Southern Stereotypes”.  After each few stories she would write a report on the story she liked best of the group and how the author used words to exemplify the category is was in.

The book that was on every single book list was “To Kill A Mockingbird”.  We listened to that book on audio when Keilee was 11 and she played Scout in the play.  We also watched the movie. She has such an unbelievable knowledge of this book now.

We branched off and did a short study on Truman Capote.  He was a beautiful writer but a tortured soul.  We read autobiographies and watched YouTube videos of him speaking. We watched and read “A Christmas Memory”.  It is a beautiful story about Truman Capote when he was a boy and his relationship with his aunt “Sook”.   I HIGHLY recommend it if you aren’t familiar with it.  We read it every Christmas. In fact this Christmas my brother recorded the story with him reading it and gave it to us.  He is a wonderful reader.  We read several short stories by Capote and watched “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and researched the background and making of it.

We also watched “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams. We listened to “Fried Green Tomatoes” by Fannie Flagg. We watched “The Help” again and listened to the audio book.

I found a video on YouTube that an Advanced English high school teacher posted.  It was a summary of what her students would be reading in a semester.  It was 3 short stories!  I couldn’t believe it.  We probably read 40-50 stories and watched several movies and listened to several audio books.

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I feel like Keilee now has a great background in Southern Literature.  We are forever making references to things we see or hear and the stories we read. These stories and characters are a part of her now.  They are in her blood.  Just like the magnolias and the smells of Alabama dirt and the accents and the smell of rain falling on fall leaves and the hot summer nights filled with lightening bugs.  And no matter where she ends up, she will always have those memories.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Maycomb was a tired old town, even in 1932 when I first knew it. Somehow, it was hotter then. Men’s stiff collars wilted by nine in the morning. Ladies bathed before noon after their three o’clock naps. And by nightfall were like soft teacakes with frosting from sweating and sweet talcum. The day was twenty-four hours long, but it seemed longer. There’s no hurry, for there’s nowhere to go and nothing to buy…and no money to buy it with.”
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

“I’ve barely said five words to you. What indication could you possibly have that I am a Yankee?”

“Well, we could start with the words ‘what indication.’ Someone from south of the Mason-Dixon would have said, ‘Who the hell are you calling a Yankee?’ Then we would have fought.” ― Jana Deleon

“The food in the South is as important as food anywhere because it defines a person’s culture.” ― Fannie Flagg


Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Homeschooling Blog Link Up”

Dreams Can Come True…

Keilee, as many little girls, grew up on Disney films.  Time after time she would watch The Little Mermaid and Cinderella.  For years the most repeated words I heard from her was “Rewind it please”.  We had all the movies on VHS at the time.

She would dress up in her Princess dresses and high heel shoes and want to wear them everywhere.  There are so many times she wore them to the grocery store and the sound of them ‘clicking’ on the grocery floor is a memory I will never forget.

When she was 3 she dressed up as a Princess for Halloween.  It was a huge, itchy outfit.  After going to a Halloween party we were going to go trick or treating and she wanted to go home and change clothes.  (I had a backup Pirate costume because I knew how uncomfortable the outfit and shoes were)  She said to me in her little 3 year old voice, “It’s tough work being a Princess Mommy”.

Now, 12 years later, she is still playing Princess dress up.  This group that she is a part of has been such a perfect fit for her.  It combines her love of all things Disney Princess with her love for acting.

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She has had 3 birthday parties that I don’t have pictures of.  Here is one of her coming back to the car afterwards though.

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They set up a booth at a local Market Day.  Keilee played Cinderella.  Even though she loves Elsa and plays her the most, she loves being Cinderella more.

They got a call from an aunt whose twin 3 year old nieces and their families had lost everything in a fire.  They were most upset about their Elsa dresses.  The aunt bought them new ones and wanted to know if “Elsa” and “Anna” would surprise them with the dresses.  I love that they donate their time when there isn’t any monetary reward.

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Then they went to 3rd Friday.  They did this as promotion for their business.  It is downtown and we have always gone.  I love the looks on little girls faces.  And I love to watch Keilee interact with them.  There was also this little boy who acted so shy but made his Dad follow them up and down the streets.  When any of them turned around he would hide behind his Dad.  It was so cute. Oh and Keilee found a dog to pet. Keilee ALWAYS finds a dog to pet, even as Elsa.


They also have gone to the mall to walk around.  On a Friday night.  It was the coolest thing.  Several “big” girls asked to pose in pictures.  And several boys!  Teenage boys!!  One little girl asked Keilee is she was the real Elsa.  When Keilee said yes she jerked on her hair.  Thankfully Keilee is able to use her real hair! 🙂

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May is chocked full of events.  Markets and birthday parties and library read alouds. Keilee has tons of ideas and even though she is the youngest she is always calling or texting the ‘main’ girl to share ideas.

This is such a perfect thing for her and I am so glad she found this.  It requires so much time and organization and commitment. And she is more than willing to do it all.  It is so special to see the little girls eyes light up when they see her.  To make them believe in the magic that is their favorite Princess come to life.  She always says to me, “I would have loved to see my favorite Princess when I was little”.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“And yet, through it all, Cinderella remained ever gentle and kind, for with each dawn she found new hope that someday her dreams of happiness would come true.” ~ Cinderella

“Whatever comes,” she said, “cannot alter one thing. If I am a princess in rags and tatters, I can be a princess inside. It would be easy to be a princess if I were dressed in cloth of gold, but it is a great deal more of a triumph to be one all the time when no one knows it.”
― Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Little Princess

“But they say if you dream a thing more than once, it’s sure to come true.”~Walt Disney

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3, …..

This girl of mine has been a bit stressed the past weeks. Everywhere we turn people are talking about the ACT.  Most kids around here take the ACT and not the SAT.  She worries that she won’t do well. That she will never pass the Math. That she doesn’t read fast enough to complete it all. Tests stress her out. We have never tested. She doesn’t take tests .


And it makes me so mad. When did the ACT/SAT become the end all of everything?  I took the ACT. I showed up on the day of the test and took it. There was no tutoring (for a mere $50 or more an hour), no ACT books or apps or classes. I seriously know people that have spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars so their child can “ace the test”.  And for what? I know it helps get scholarship money. And trust me, the thought of college tuition just about wipes me out. But really?


This test will never show anyone who Keilee really is. A girl who loves Science above almost everything. Who knows almost every animal in the world. Who runs her own business and has since she was 13. A girl who has Art Journals filled with beautiful pages. A girl who is writing a dystopian novel. A girl with a huge heart that has volunteered since she was 7. Who crochets every single night. A girl whose Bible journal is filled with beauty. Who loves Psychology and DNA and the brain. A girl who creates as naturally as she breathes. A girl who loves to be in Nature. A girl who swims like a fish.  A girl who comes alive on stage. A girl who interned at an Animal clinic when she was 13. Who rehabilitated a squirrel.  A girl who gives hours and hours of her time as a Princess making little girls dreams come true. A girl who dances and sings around the house. A girl who loves documentaries and loves to learn.  A girl whose dream is to go to Africa and work with animals .


And I worry.  You know, that “Mom Guilt”. Did I do her an injustice by not being more “schooly”?  Should we have done more, bought more curriculum, been stricter? And then I get mad that we are worried.  I KNOW with every ounce of my Momma heart that the way we have always learned is the best fit for us. That Keilee knows so much because she has always been free to learn what she is passionate about. That studying for one, stupid test for months and months doesn’t prove anything except that we have gotten it so very wrong as a society .


That learning will always be a part of her. No matter what she makes on a test .
2015 MARCH1




“Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts.” Albert Einstein

“Every hour spent on such exam preparation is an hour not spent helping students to become critical, creative, curious learners.” Alfie Kohn

“Testing improves education the same way that bombing promotes democracy” Steve Cohn, Education professor at Tufts University

Princesses, Parks and Pooches…

Keilee had the most awesome opportunity this past weekend.  She was asked to play Elsa at a March of Dimes Fundraiser.  She had the best time and was hugged and sang and danced and talked and laughed with so many little girls.  She is actually in her element with small children.  It always amazes me to see because she is such an introvert and can only handle people in small doses.  But around children she is different.  She was also asked to play Elsa the next day at a 3 year old birthday party.  She made $50 for one hours work.  She loved that too.

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This week was beautiful (well except for today.  It is cold today).  We spent Tuesday at the park with our homeschool group.  It was a lovely day spent by the Tennessee River.  Someone from our local paper was there eating lunch and saw some of the teens sword fighting and took their pictures.  They were in the paper!  I love what it said under the pictures of Keilee:
“Rhodes Ferry Park was the scene of a battle worthy of Knights of the Round Table, Robin Hood and Romeo and Juliet, that is if Juliet was wielding a cutlass. ”  🙂

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Nomad turned 5 this week.  It is hard to believe we have had him 5 years.  But I can barely remember a time without him.  He has brought so much to our little family and turned us from a family of 2 into a family of 3.

Photo Mar 26, 9 47 46 AM

There was also Psychology and History and creative writing.  There was Art Journaling and crocheting and lots of Korean drama watching.  There was CNN Student News and Curious and tons of YouTube videos.

I can hardly believe April is almost  here.  I measure time by my Bible App.  It is the first thing I read every morning.  On the 1st of each month, I always think, “Ok here is a brand new month.  Please let me make something productive of it.  Let me find people to bless and laughter and joy and happy”.  Then I turn around and it is all of a sudden the 15th of the month or the 26th.  I just can not believe how quickly time passes.

Happy weekend all,
Homeschooling Rocks!

“Behaving like a princess is work. It’s not just about looking beautiful or wearing a crown. It’s more about how you are inside.” ~Julie Andrews

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” ~Josh Billings

Alabama Snow

It finally snowed here.  Really snowed!!  We got between 9-10″ and as of today, Saturday, it is still here.  It started Wednesday around noon and snowed until 11:00 PM.

It was magical and beautiful and something that happens so rarely here.

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We went out several times Wednesday and Wednesday night took a midnight walk.  I know it is so common place to so many people but to us it was just unbelievable.

Nomad had a blast too.

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The first day I had to do a photo shoot with Keilee.  She put on her tutu and my old black leather jacket from the 80’s.  This jacket is a replica of the jacket George Michael wore in “Gotta Have Faith” and I thought I was too cool when I wore it.

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Thursday was “Do You Want to Build a Snowman” day.  Keilee built it all by herself with me giving her a quick “Snowman 101” class.  She didn’t know you had to start with a ball and roll it.

Snowman Selfie 🙂

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By Friday we were both ready for it to go away but it is still here today.  I love snow, and love the beauty of it but I don’t think I could stand a winter where the ground was mostly white all the time!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood. “~Andy Goldsworthy

“I love snow for the same reason I love Christmas: It brings people together while time stands still. Cozy couples lazily meandered the streets and children trudged sleds and chased snowballs. No one seemed to be in a rush to experience anything other than the glory of the day, with each other, whenever and however it happened.” ~Rachel Cohn, Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares

Things I Sometimes Forget…

This is year #8 of our homeschool journey.  I can hardly believe at times that we started this when Keilee was barely 7.  And now she is 15.

Time and time and time again the more we try to ‘check things off a list’ the unhappier she becomes.  She has said to me so often lately, “Mom I have so much I want to do but I don’t have time to do it all because of school work.”

I have NEVER wanted our school to look like the school down the street or for her days to consists of checklists.  But it’s a tricky thing.  You see these ‘High School Requirements’ and think ‘We have to do all of these things!’

In Alabama high schoolers take 2 years of US History.  2 YEARS!!  Keilee knows so much about US History.  We have studied it about 3 different times.  And she also retains almost everything she hears or reads (unless it’s Math).  So really, what is the point of doing that just because the High School does it?  She took Ancient History this year that turned into using “The History of the World in 100 Objects”.  Neither of these are offered at the High School.

She did Southern Literature which also is not an option here.  And has loved it so much.  We  have read so many amazing short stories by Southern Writers and watched plays and films.  We did an entire study on Truman Capote.

Next year she wants to study the French Revolution and the Renaissance.  She is obsessed with the French Revolution.

She wants to study Shakespeare, an entire year of Shakespeare.

Should I have told her no about all of these because they are not “High School Requirements”?

She is running her own business via Instagram, her Art Journal is filled with beautiful pages, and she is hard at work on a YouTube channel that combines her love of knowledge with her love of performing.  She is on Chapter 29 of a novel she is writing and has written several short stories.  She rehabilitated a squirrel who had his own Instagram.  She has a massive notebook of serial killers because she is fascinated with Psychology and what makes people do the things they do.  She has a notebook full of the events that are mentioned in Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire”. Her Bible journal is lovely.  And so much more.

Keilee is NOT the kind of kid who would ever just sit around on social media (although she does love Pinterest, she is the only person I know that actually does almost everything she pins!)  or watch TV.  She is always doing something.

So why shouldn’t she just do what she loves?  Learning is as much a part of her as breathing.  It is just what she does.  Her ‘transcripts’ will never look like the kids who graduate from the High School she would have attended.  But when it is all said and done her 4 years will consist of the things she loves, learning that she always remembers  and experiences that could never be gotten by sitting in a classroom 7 hours a day.

And THAT, is what learning SHOULD be all about.

Our Week:

Mardi Gras Dog Parade, her first entry in her Learning Journal, painting a T shirt that she dyed and cut up, Mardi Gras breakfast and parade.

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Learning Rocks!

“It is… nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom; without this it goes to wreak and ruin. It is a very grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty.” -Albert Einstein

And one of my all time favorite quotes:

“Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality.” ~ Beatrix Potter

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Homeschool Blog Link Up
Dawn at “Week in Review

Frank Lloyd Wright and Cypress Moon….

One of the things I love most about homeschooling is field trips. To my knowledge high school kids or even middle school kids don’t take field trips. I know we didn’t many moons ago.

Wednesday we had a wonderful day. We started out by touring the Rosenbaum House which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
The Rosenbaums, Stanley and Mildred and their 4 boys, are a very interesting family. Stanley’s father immigrated from Poland to Florence, Alabama. He owned and operated 12 movie houses which was the entertainment of the day. Stanley went to Harvard at 16 and received his Masters at the University of Denver. He met his wife Mildred in NYC where she studied music. She was also a Vogue model. Stanley returned to Florence to teach English at University of North Alabama. He also spoke 5 languages fluently. They received $7500 as a wedding gift to build their first home and through acquaintances contacted Frank Lloyd Wright to design their house.

The Usonian designed house was an idea of Wright for middle income families.  He wanted it to fulfill the American dream of home ownership. The house originally contained 1,540 square feet, but when the household grew to include four sons, the family called upon Wright to design an addition. In 1948, 1,084 square feet were added. Wright was very excited by the addition because it was exactly what he built the Usonian houses for, so they could grow with the family as it grew.  He also designed ALL the furniture in the house.  Everything there is original except for 2 chairs that were reproductions.

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I have heard of Frank Lloyd Wright my entire life but until about 4 years ago never knew there was a FLW home in Alabama.

He was also very picky.  He had certain rules about his houses and gave the owners almost no room for changes.  We were told a story about Mildred wanting a door in her boy’s room during the addition and he refused and said it would ruin the lines.  She kept on until he added the door and she said it became one of her biggest regrets about the house.  It opened up a huge circle area around the house and the 4 boys would drive her crazy running round and round the house.

The first thing we noticed from the outside is the roof lines.  There are 5 different levels.  FLW believed in using the surrounding environment and natural materials found in the area to build his houses.  It isn’t built on a slab so it follows the line of the property which is higher at points.  There are so many levels inside the 1 story house.  These are mostly only a couple of steps down or up to each level.

The living room is one of my favorite rooms.  It is floor to ceiling windows and built in bookcases that run the length of the room.  The Rosenbaums requested screens and FLW refused but they insisted.  (Obviously FLW hasn’t spent a summer in Alabama with mosquitoes!)  But he made the screens on the INSIDE of the doors and windows.  And they are bronze so it can reflect the light.  It is beautiful from outside.  He also built the house on a grid.  In the living room he positioned the windows so that in the winter the sunlight comes all the way into the room for warmth but in the summer it doesn’t because of the heat.  (This was before AC)  Stanley would have ‘salons’ at his home for his students.  They would come and he would read the final chapter of whatever novel he had assigned and they would all discuss it.  That sounds like my DREAM evening.  Especially if it was in this beautiful room!

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The light is the main thing I noticed.  It is beautiful.  It gives everything a gold sheen almost.

There was a very small kitchen, a study, the living room, 3 bedrooms and a bath in the original structure.  But the kitchen was TINY.  When FLW designed the addition they added a larger kitchen in the new addition, a guest room, a bathroom and the boy’s room.  The boys room is a GREAT space.  There are 4 bunkbeds butted up against each other.  Each has their own reading light.  There is a fireplace (4 total I believe) and a huge window seat in front of more floor to ceiling windows.  Each bedroom always opens up to the outside.

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Keilee and I both loved it and both would love to live in a house like this.  It is perfect for us.  Since the house is smaller, he used space so well.  There are tons of storage places that are as beautiful as the actual rooms.

Mildred was a weaver and used one of the bedrooms for her weaving supplies and loom.  The picture in the top left and under are the new kitchen and the bottom left is the old kitchen.

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A bedroom, the master bedroom that Keilee is in, the Japanese garden outside the window, the bench in the boys room, one of the beautiful closets and the window in the guest room.  See how the glass is cut to form the corner?

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The bunk beds.

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After the tour we all went to eat lunch in the park.  It was a great day with Moms talking and kids playing with swords under the trees!

Then we stopped by the new Welcome Center.  I LOVE Welcome centers and we always stop at everyone we see.  This one was new and very cool.

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Muscle Shoals, which is right beside Florence, is a huge recording town.  After the park we went to Cypress Moon Productions.  It has an amazing history and we got a tour of the facilities from the owner.  They record music and do film.  Of course Keilee had to stay after the tour and talk to the owner about the possibility of her being an extra.  She is sending Holly her resume.  I am always proud of the way she will talk to people about things she wants to know.

There were WALLS and WALLS of people who had recorded here.  If you click on the link above it has more detail.  See the young Bob Dylan?

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It was such a beautiful day with friends and learning so much.  We have gotten into a bad habit of saying “no” a lot.  We blame it on the cold or this or that.  We used to do things almost every week.  Now the only constant is running to the grocery or Dollar General 3 times a week!  That is about to change.

We have plans this weekend even though its going to be BITTER cold.  And there is a possibility of SNOW the first of the week but we aren’t getting excited quite yet.  (well I’m a BIT excited)

Happy Valentine’s weekend all.  By the way, Keilee hates Valentines Day.  She said you should tell the people you love that you love them every day and there shouldn’t be a special day for it! 🙂

Homeschooling Rocks!

“No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill. Belonging to it. Hill and house should live together each the happier for the other.” ~Frank Lloyd Wright

“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.” ~Frank Lloyd Wright

Linking with Sylvia at Homeschooling Blog Linkup
Dawn at My Week In Review

Warmth, Driving and Living Life…

After reading Jessica’s post about how hard it was to blog High School I started thinking about some of the things she said. She was inspired to write her post from at Diane at Cabin in the Woods

This is so true for me too hence the ‘one maybe two posts a month”.  There is only so many pictures of Keilee on her laptop or Art Journaling I can post.  It’s not that our days aren’t lovely and full of learning their just not very picture worthy. 

Keilee has had a great 2 weeks.  She started Geometry right before Christmas and while she will never love Math it is going smoother than Algebra.   She is taking an online course through Coursera called  “DNA and Genetics” that she loves.  We are still loving Southern Lit and she is still LOVING Psychology.  Enough that she is exploring some career options.  We are still watching huge amounts of Korean dramas.  She has a Korean language app and has learned so many Korean words.

There has been a lot of driving.  Which I can’t imagine ever getting used to.  But I suppose I will.  We all have an amazing ability to adapt. 

In this picture we ventured a bit further. 

Across the “scary” road which is the main road in our town. She didn’t drive ON it |Mom, I can’t imagine driving that fast| she just crossed it. Her first traffic light. And ended up at the townhouse we lived in from the time she she was 22 months old until she was 10. 
And I lost it. Totally lost it. Cried so hard that I could barely see. Because it wasn’t the first time she had driven these roads. But the last time she was sitting in my lap and her feet didn’t touch the ground. And I remember her saying, “One day I will be driving by myself” and me thinking “Yes but that is forever from now”. 
But it wasn’t “forever”.  It is now.


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It was VERY warm this past week.  I think several places in the US had unseasonably warm weather.  We walked Nomad a couple of days.  He really isn’t a lot calmer when walking.  He gets SO excited still!


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1. Working on Psychology.  2. Her new Owl boots cuffs she made.  Aren’t they cute?  3.  Creative Writing class with Jessica.  This 6 weeks is “Fairy Tales” so she wore her tiara.  4.  Nomad love 5.  Stuffed Animal fun at Walgreens.

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It is a rainy Friday here.  We are planning to stay in where it is warm and dry.  There is a very small chance of snow tonight.  But I’m not getting excited.  I want snow so badly, just ONE SNOW but I don’t think tonight will be it.  So we will spend our weekend doing, hopefully, absolutely nothing.

What we really want is SPRING but I know that’s a long way off.

Happy weekend all,

Homeschooling Rocks!

“What I like doing best is Nothing.”

“How do you do Nothing,” asked Pooh after he had wondered for a long time.

“Well, it’s when people call out at you just as you’re going off to do it, ‘What are you going to do, Christopher Robin?’ and you say, ‘Oh, Nothing,’ and then you go and do it.

It means just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”

“Oh!” said Pooh.”  ~A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh


Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday

Sylvia at “Friendship Friday

Michelle at “TGIF Hop”


My girl. Turned 15 Saturday

And here is my Birthday Love Song to Her:

How in the world is it even possible that she is 15? She is supposed to still have 2 little pigtails and run around the house giggling and skipping wearing nothing but her panties and pink plastic high heels. She is supposed to be rocking her baby doll and singing songs to her and feeding her. She is supposed to be falling asleep with her thumb in her mouth and her hand twisted in my ponytail.

But she is 15.

She is this beautiful mix of little girl and young woman.

She has taught me to love unconditionally. She has made me |finally|, after all these years, understand “I would die for you”.

She fills up our house. She is in every nook and cranny. She sings, she talks, she knits, she creates. It is almost like yarn and paint and paper and buttons and music follow her around like Pigpen’s dust. She is messy. She forgets things I tell her 5 minutes after I tell her. Her mind never stops.

She loves anything Science. She loves Hank Green because he is a “smart, geek” but she also loves her bands and Korean dramas. She has finally gotten to the point that she thinks an occasional boy is cute but it’s usually a band boy (but NOT One Direction 🙂 or a Korean boy from her TV shows.

She talks to Nomad in the sweetest voice and gives him 100 kisses and hugs a day.

She prays beautiful prayers and I always smile with my eyes closed when she prays for all of you.

She is the adult in our relationship at times. I have a tendency to overreact a bit and she is always the calm voice of reason. She can be so much wiser than me at times. And then she can turn to me and say, “Fix it Mommy”.

She tells me she doesn’t feel 15 but like a kid at times. I tell her that I still do at times too. She has said to me often lately, “I can’t believe I will be 20 in 5 years” and my heart clutches a bit in my chest.

She is such an introvert. She finds calm and lovely by being alone and creating. She has little patience for people at times. She sees the world in black and white no matter how many times I tell her it’s really so much grey.

She questions everything. She wants to know why and when and where.

She is an amazing writer and blows me away with her stories. She seriously loves to learn. She remembers every science fact or History date she ever hears but forgets her multiplication tables at times. She could never do anything “Math” again and be perfectly happy but she goes a bit crazy if she can’t create often. She can art journal and listen to music and watch tv at the same time.

She loves serial killer documentaries and Cold Case and 20/20. She loves anything to do with the brain and what makes people do the things they do.

She loves theater. She auditioned for her first play 10 years ago. It is now 19 plays and 3 movies later. She doesn’t just ‘act’ she becomes her character. Whether it’s Scout from “To Kill A Mockingbird”, Amy from “Little Women”, The Wicked witch from “The Wizard of Oz” or Duchess from “Aristocats”” she steps onto the stage and she is the character. She has taken a break from acting since March but I pray she gets back to it because it is such a part of her.

I can not imagine my my life without her and it has been a beautiful adventure from the moment she entered it.

So Happy Birthday my beautiful girl. You shine bright like a diamond and I wish for you the most amazing year. I hope 15 is one magical adventure after another.

And she had such a great day


Some of the highlights of the day:

Breakfast at iHop for the 13th year in a row. With the same birthday hat she has worn since she was 3!! (this year she added a birthday sash!!) Ice cream sundae and Happy Birthday sung by the waitresses. Manicure done. A CAR key made. (how can she need a car key??!) Family visits and perfect gifts. Just Dance competition with Seth. Lovely birthday wishes from IG and Facebook. Texts from sweet friends.
And her heart. Keilee always likes to give back on her birthday. When she was 13 she did 13 Random Acts of Kindness.  Last year she took candy to Hospice, baked brownies and cookies for the police and bought and gave a Starbucks gift card.
This year she took her birthday and Christmas money to buy the supplies to make “homeless bags”. These are things that she will always remember long after she has forgotten the gifts received.

And today. She got her permit. How can that be possible?  The last time she had a  “Drivers license” she was 3. And I printed out a fake one. For her pink Barbie car.


 So my beautiful girl, I hope “15” is all you ever dreamed it could be.

Homeschooling Rocks!

A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give.
– Laurel Atherton



Sick and Klutzy…

Another week gone.  Seconds turn into minutes turns into days turns into months.  It just goes by so fast.

We are taking a break in December.  We haven’t done much that some would consider ‘school work’.

Last week I got off the treadmill and walked into the kitchen still watching my iPad. I know it was stupid but I know where things are in my kitchen.  What I didn’t count on was Nomad sprawled on the kitchen floor.  I fell over him and since I had my iPad I didn’t put my hands down.  I fell so HARD on my chest.  I am almost positive I fractured a rib.  From all my ‘googling’ it sounds just like it.  I didn’t go to the doctor because they don’t do anything but give you pain meds and while that would have helped I am sure, I didn’t want to pay $75 for them.  It has hurt so badly.  It is a little better than the first couple of days when I could barely breath but it still hurts so much.  So I have tried to basically lay on the couch with the heating pad.  Which is so foreign to me! I hate doing that.  I can always think of 1,432 things I need to do.

Then Keilee got sick.  She had a fever and a sore throat and cough.  She said her throat felt like someone had poured gasoline down it and lit a match.  So I took her to the doctor on Friday.  She has probaly been to the doctor 5 times in her life because she was sick.  He did a strep test and it came back negative.  He told me to get some Mucinex and give her. Which I did.  It was $23 and if he had just given her a prescription it would have been $5!!!  Then she was so sick all weekend.  She felt horrible and slept the entire time and wouldn’t eat.  I called first thing Monday and they called in an antibiotic.  Which they should have done from the beginning!!  She has probably had antibiotic’s twice in her life.  She started taking them and felt so much better the next day.

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So basically we have spent the week on the couch.  We have listened to audio books and I have read aloud to her, Christmas picture books and “The Testing”.  We have listened to podcasts and watched documentaries and she has watched her YouTube Science channels she loved.

She did pop into her Knitting Club on Wednesday to tell them she was sick and wish them a Merry Christmas.  This group of ladies are such a blessing to her.  They love her and I love being in the other room and hearing them all laugh and talk.  They also love the things she makes.  As a homeschool kid she needs validation from someone besides her Mom!! Here is a picture of her and some of the ladies.  There is about 10 in all and they come and go.  Also one of them is opening a yarn shop and she asked Keilee to teach a Crochet class!!  Kei was so excited.  She is going to give her all the money that comes in for the class.  Keilee said to her, “I am getting paid?? I would have done it for free!”

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She also spent some time at Art For Kids Hub.  He has beautiful art tutorials.  Keilee loves art and art journaling but she has never thought she was good at drawing.  She is such a perfectionist that she is never happy with anything.  After drawing Elsa she decided to “Elsa” herself for the picture.  People always tell her she looks like Elsa.

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I decided I was not going to stress over Christmas this year.  I don’t have money and that’s ok.  I got family and friends very small things and most of them Keilee has made.  And I didn’t get Keilee that much which kills me but it will be fine.  We are reading our Advent every day and focusing on what is really important. 

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Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas from both  all 3 of us at Homeschool Girls!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“The magic of Christmas is not in the presents but in His presence” Unknown


It’s been awhile.

I almost just stopped blogging but Keilee ( and Ami ;)) really didn’t want me to do that. So Keilee and Ami this is for you.

December is always a crazy month around here. To be honest mostly for Keilee because she always has things going on.  She creates, I buy.  [Very little this year] I wish I could create like she does but I just can’t.  Our Christmas is going to be VERY small this year.  Most of our family gifts Keilee is making.  I try to help where I can, cutting Tshirts and rolling yarn but there is so little I can do.  I feel so guilty that she is making all these things and I can’t help more.  December marks 1 year since I have been laid off from my job with Stan.  I am so thankful for my little part time job even though I make such a little bit of money it is a blessing to us at this time in our lives.  Keilee and I were talking about how amazing it is that God always provides for us.  ALWAYS.  I have to work from home so there was a job that I could do that with.  I need a certain amount of money each month and it has always been provided.  Every single month for 12 months.  I don’t know why I should be so amazed because God promises to trust and he will provide.  But it still DOES amaze me.

Keilee was very stressed out about a couple of weeks ago and she rarely gets stressed.  She had 9 orders from her IG shop and 7 gifts she was making including 2 really large projects so I told her we could take December off from school.  We are still doing Southern Lit and The History of the World in 100 Objects because I can read or we can listen to those.  Keilee is very good about multitasking.  Me, not so much.

She has made Elsa hats, Elf hats, a hat for Nomad, Anna hats, a rug for my brother, boot cuffs, gifts for me, Abominable Snowman hats, a hanging light for her room and more.  Here are a few of her goodies.

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I love that we can do this; take a few weeks off and not get ‘behind’.  I think running your own business is a pretty cool thing to do for a 14 year old.

January and February will be cold and gray and there will be plenty of time to catch up on everything.  That’s one of the reasons I so adore homeschooling.

Here are a few pictures of the last couple of weeks.

Skate Day, Keilee reading one of our Christmas picture books, Keilee taking practice tests for her PERMIT!!!, playing “Don’t Break the Ice”, Keilee and the Grinch and fun with a magnifying glass,14 DEC

So that’s basically a bit of what we have been up to.  Well a small snippet since I haven’t posted in so long. Maybe I will post again before NEXT year!

Happy December all,
Homeschooling Rocks!

“How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?” ~Dr. Seuss

The Week Winter Came to Alabama

We live in the South.  We do have bitter cold weather but it is usually in January or February.  This week it got COLD!  I mean you know it’s cold when I send Jessica our current temp and she text back,  “It’s colder there than here!”

I don’t have Keilee’s weekly list this week because I didn’t do it.  We spent a lot of the week doing other things.  But still, she learned.

She watched CNN Student News every day.  Keilee retains information unbelievably.  So when she hears something, she remembers it.  She is forever telling me things that are going on in the world that I didn’t know.  (We don’t watch news at night).  My favorite thing is when we talk about events; our opinions, our ideas, our feelings.  And we do that a lot.

Keilee did over 3 hours on Khan Math.  She is going through all 904 Math lessons.  She doesn’t love it but she does it by herself so I don’t have to listen to how much she doesn’t like it.

We read 2 stories in Southern Literature.  Both by Truman Capote.  We read “The Jug of Silver” and “Diamond Guitar”.  Truman Capote has written some things I would never let her read but his short stories have been so wonderful.  He was such an amazing writer.
She watched TONS of Hank Green videos because she absolutely LOVES him.  We did 2 objects in History; The “Clovis Spear Point”and “The Bird Sha;ed Pestle”  We listened to the pod cast and she did notebook pages on them both.  She also put the dates in her Timeline and put them on her world map.

Wednesday was her knitting club.  You wouldn’t believe how much she adores these women.  They are sweet and protective and so  encouraging to her.  I hear her back there talking and laughing.  The youngest one besides her is probably about 60.  Then for 2 hours afterwards she tells me ‘stories of her morning’.  I am just so thankful she found this group.,

Wednesday afternoon we went over to Laura and Liv’s house.  Liv was Keilee’s best friend for years and years.  She went back to public school and they have just grown apart the last 2 years.  Liv is doing homebound at the moment.  We were both a bit worried.  Me for Keilee.  I wanted everything to go well and it did!!  It went wonderfully.  We all sat around and talked and laughed.  The girls did a lot of reminiscing.  We made plans to eat lunch at their house on Monday.  It would be wondeful if Kei and Liv could reconnect.

Wednesday night Emma spent the night with Keilee.  They always have a blast together!  They stayed up way too late and then they Art Journaled all of Thursday.  Emma is so very similar to Keilee.

Keilee and Emma Art Journaling
Keilee working on the Tshirt rug she is making me
Keilee at Skate Day.  She won the Poster contest for “Things I am Thankful For”
An Art Journal page.  She took a perfume ad and made the model “Dia da los Muertos”

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Today Keilee had Jessica’s class which is always amazing.  They are doing ‘memoirs’ and had to write either a ‘worse’ memory or a ‘best’ memory.  Keilee told me I could share what she wrote.  It was about when my Mom died.

“We sat in a circle on the floor, Heather, Seth, Katherine and I. We held hands and Heather prayed. She prayed for strength, understanding, and peace.

We let our hands go and in that moment the phone rang. We knew what that call meant and we watched her face as she learned the news. Seth and Katherine knew more than me. I was 8 and didn’t fully understand. 

The next few days blurred. The time with Heather while Bull, Mom and Uncle Eddie picked out flowers and a tombstone, to the nights Mom cried, the ceremony and the grave.

I didn’t know why but I didn’t cry. It wasn’t until I was older that I truly missed her. It wasn’t until now that I wished for her back. It might be because I live here; here in her house.   But I can feel her and feel the pain of missing her.”

I was in the kitchen putting dishes away and heard her read it.  I just sat down and cried.
It is such a great class for Keilee.  She loves, LOVES creative writing and Jess is an amazing teacher.

Here are a few “Fall Pictures”.
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And this is my favorite picture.  Keilee saw something similar to this and wanted to try it.  She collected all the flowers and pinecones and leaves and used my iPhone to instruct me where to put everything.  It is one of my favorite pictures ever!

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Another great week learning at home!

Homeschooling Rocks!

  • “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” ~Confucius
  • “I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”~ Pablo Picasso

November is Here…

November….. Wasn’t it just October?  It never ceases to amaze me how quickly time goes by.

 Here are Keilee’s accomplishments for the week of Nov 3-7, 2014.  We recreated this Friday morning so we may have left out some things.

Current EventsCNN/Channel One Midterm elections, How certain names stay in the political pool, update on girls kidnapped in April, Private rocket company that blew up and killed a pilot, House of Representatives are now Republican after the election, There are more people with mobile phones than access to toilets (this BLEW our minds!), Info from smart phones are stored on the Cloud.   SpaceX scheduled to take supplies to ISS.
Altered States of Consciousness

Section 1 discussed sleep, an essential state of consciousness, and describes theories of sleep, the stages of sleep, sleep disorders, and the role of dreams.
Section 2 described altered states of consciousness that can occur while we are awake, such as hypnosis, biofeedback, and meditation. Therapists use hypnosis to change behaviors, to lessen patients’ pain, and to help patients gain insight into problems. Section 3 examines psychoactive drugs and how they interact with the central nervous system to alter consciousness. Psychoactive drugs discussed include marijuana, LSD, opiates, and alcohol. The chapter concludes with the definition of drug abuse and its treatment.


World History The History of 100 Objects. #3 Olduvai Hand Ax, read about object, listened to podcast. Did a Notebook page and watched 2 videos. #4 Swimming Reindeer, read about object, listened to podcast, did a Notebook page, watched video about Ice Age Art. Put both objects on TimeLine Book. Put both objects on world map where found.Did “Red China” in her Billy Joel “We Didn’t Start the Fire” project. Did Notebook page and watched 2 documentaries on Red China.
Keilee’s Kreations Worked on rug for den and secret Christmas present for me. Worked on Elsa hat for her orders.
Geometry Rays, Angles, Lines. Learned 6 Postulates.
Southern Literature Read bio on Truman Capote and read “Children on Their Birthday” story. Watched Documentary on Truman Capote’s life and watched “Breakfast at Tiffanys”.
Quote Journal Worked on quotes journal and illustrated and told what they meant to her. Also looked up each ‘author’ to see why they are important.
Bible Jesus Calling and daily verse
Language Arts Jessica’s Creative Writing class. Worked on novel, “September’s Academy”
Read Read “The Testing” aloud. She is reading “The Selection” and we are listening to “Under the Never Sky”
Videos Good Mythical Morning: Talking Animals. Always Hank Green
Art Finished October journal pages. Started November. Did Calendar page. Did Dia de la Muertos page, Did 2 more pages.
Life Had Knitting Club meeting with her ladies, Went to “The Way We Worked” Smithsonian Exhibit and learned about all the ways people have ‘worked’ over the years. Made “Thankful” poster for Poster Contest at Skate Day

We had a great Halloween.  Keilee was The Cat in The Hat.  She made the Tutu.  We went to a friend’s house for a Halloween party.  We had a GREAT time.  The weather went from Summer to Winter in about 3 hours so a lot of the outside festivities had to be brought inside.  We had great food, conversation, laughter and fun. And the kids watched “Jurassic Park”. I so love that movie.  Thank you Dy for hosting!
Oh and one picture is Nomad as Shrek. 😉

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Painting pumpkins, being silly and Jessica’s class.

1st Week Nov2014

We met Esther and her kids in Athens for the “The Way We Worked”  This is a traveling museum exhibit from the Smithsonian.  They have the core pictures and each town adds their memorabilia to it.  It was very interesting and we LOVED hanging out with Esther and her kids.  It had been way too long. And these pictures are really weird for some reason.

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My favorite picture this week:  Fall has finally arrived in Alabama!

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Homeschooling Rocks!

Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn. “~Elizabeth Lawrence

History Galore…

We did very little ‘book learning’ this week, but we learned so much.  I used to get so stressed out when we didn’t do ‘lessons’ and truth be told I still do at times.  But learning takes place always and we did so much ‘not HOMEschool learning” this week.

Our city celebrated the 150th Anniversary of a huge Civil War battle and they had so many events lined up.  We tried to go to most of them.

First of all they dedicated our archives.  The archives have been redone with Civil War memorabilia.   There was a ribbon cutting ceremony and our State Representative and our Mayor was there.  Keilee was the youngest person there by about 25 years!

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Then we went on a wonderful Civil War tour.  We learned so many things that we didn’t know about the history of our town.  It is always so amazing to think back 150 years and how different things were.  We also got to tour one of the oldest houses in our town.  After the Civil War there were only 5 buildings standing.  One was the Old State Bank and another was the Dancy Polk House.  It is NEVER opened for tours and it was on this tour.  It was lovely and the woman who owns it gave the tour.  It is also for sale.  <Hint Jess Hint> 🙂

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Sunday we went WAY back into History to the Renaissance.  We never miss the Ren Faire.  Most years it is cold but this year it was HOT.  We about burned up but we always have a great time.

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Then we went to India!  Our museum has a Hindustan Exhibit and we met friends and spent some time learning about India.  Afterwards we went back to the Archives, to the park and they all came over here.  It was such a lovely day. 

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When it is freezing cold and there is no where to go we will have plenty of time for lots of ‘book learning’ but now, while the weather is lovely, you can find us outside, learning all the time.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“History is for human self-knowledge … the only clue to what man can do is what man has done. The value of history, then, is that it teaches us what man has done and thus what man is.”  ~R. G. Collingwood

Ghosts, Swinging and Apples…..

Wasn’t it just October 1st???  How in the world does time go by so quickly? 

We have had a good week.  Lots of NOT Homeschooling as in ‘Not being at home’. 

Things Accomplished (This list is not complete because I was really bad about updating and this is from Kei and I’s memory!)

Week of October 13-17, 2014

Current Events Health worker tested positive for Ebola, ISIS, Melala Yousafzia was the youngest person to ever win the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts to educate girls in Pakistani, Pony who entered a police station in UK, Talked about Kim Jong Hu, North Korea’s leader, NASA Space Program’s new robot to launch in space. Very cost effective. Hurricane that hit Japan. Second nurse has Ebola.
Psychology Section 1 explored the nervous system and how it controls emotions, movements, thinking, and behavior
Section 2 identified the different parts of the brain that work together to coordinate movement and stimulate behavior.
Section 3: explored functions of the endocrine system and its role in growth and behavior.
Answered questions on all sections and did 3 worksheets I found.
Watched videos
Ancient History The Battle for Reunification Chapter 19
The Mesopotamian Mixing Bowl Chapter 20
Did vocab and questions
Keilee’s Kreations worked on Elsa and Anna hats. Invoiced and mailed 2 hats. Finished her first ever long sleeve opened front sweater.
Algebra Simplification of Radical Numbers, Square Roots of Large Numbers.
Southern Literature Watched “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams and discussed. Read “Amazing Grace” by William Hoffman (we loved this story) and did discussion questions.
Quote Journal did quotes daily and illustrated and told what they meant to her.   Also looked up each ‘author’ to see why they are important.
Bible Jesus Calling and daily verse
Language Arts Read poems and Jessica’s Creative Writing class.
Read Read “The Testing” aloud. She is reading “The Selection” and we are listening to “Under the Never Sky”
Videos Various Sci Show, Nerdist and John Green “Mental Floss” videos.   Watched Math videos by Danika McKellar.
Philosophy “Is Beauty a Matter of Fact or a Matter of Taste”.
Art Worked on 3 Art Journal pages.
Life Field Trip to Steele Apple Orchard, started and finished Tutu for birthday present.

We went with my brother and sister-in-law to a Ghost Walk.  Keilee has always loved all things ‘ghosty’ which is so funny to me because so did my Mom.  It was really a very historic tour with lots of local history.  Did you know there is a “Ghost App”?  The tour guide suggested we download it so Keilee did and we both thought it was pretty cool.  It ‘showed’ ghosts and while I don’t believe it for a second it added to the ‘spookiness” of it. 

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We went to a nearby elementary school to take some pictures this week.  This is the school I attended and the one Keilee would have attended.  As I walked down the covered sidewalks I had a rush of memories of this place.  Of course none of them were actually things I learned.  I am just so thankful that I have been able to homeschool Keilee and that she thinks of learning as a beautiful, fun adventure.

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We also went on a Field Trip to an Apple Orchard.  We had been on this same tour 2 years ago.  I love that Keilee still gets to go on Field Trips in high school.  Even the middle schools around here don’t go on them.  I loved seeing kids from Pre K to High School sitting and learning together.

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So week 3 of October has come and gone. 
Dear Time,

Homeschooling Rocks!

“October, baptize me with leaves! Swaddle me in corduroy and nurse me with split pea soup. October, tuck tiny candy bars in my pockets and carve my smile into a thousand pumpkins. O autumn! O teakettle! O grace!”   ~ Rainbow Rowell, Attachments

“There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir: We must rise and follow her, When from every hill of flame She calls, and calls each vagabond by name.”
~William Bliss

Linking with

Fiddling, Knitting and Learning

One thing that always amazes us both is how quickly the weeks pass by.  As an adult I notice this but as a child I don’t think I ever did.  Time seemed to drag on.  And I think it is because I was always waiting for something ‘in the future’ to arrive.  Keilee doesn’t feel like that.  She definitely realizes that time speeds by.

Our week wasn’t as busy but we didn’t seem to get any more done really.  Funny how that works. 

Here is a list of her accomplishments this week.  I am sure I have forgotten so many things because as hard as I try to update daily that doesn’t always work out.
Weekly List Done Oct 6-10 20141

As I have said before we are LOVING Southern Literature.  This week we read two short stories.  We liked them both but especially “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker.  She just paints pictures with her words and you can feel the sadness or joy in the stories.  We talked so much about this story and even looked up quilt patterns that were mentioned.  We also talked about what the one thing was we would take with us if we could only take 1 object.  Keilee said her ‘pilly’ which is a pitiful looking pillow that she sleeps with every single night since she was about 22 months old.  Even when she spends the night with people.  It is a very small pillow and over the years has gotten more and more sad looking.  I asked her why not her Art Journal and she said she could make another Art Journal but she could never replace pilly.   Pilly has a stocking at Christmas.  😉

One of the coolest things that happened this week is Keilee was able to join a Knitting and Crochet Club.  I have a weekly meeting for my new job and she always goes with me because it is at a downtown coffee shop.  A couple of weeks ago we had to move the date and there was a group of women in a back room knitting.   She went back there and talked to them and they invited her to join them each week.  This was the first week she did and she LOVED it.  I could hear her in there laughing and talking with them.  It makes me happy for her to be with a group of older women who are so kind to her.

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We also went to one of our favorite festivals the Fiddler’s Convention.  We have gone every year since Keilee was very small.  There are people everywhere playing fiddles, banjos, washboards, spoons, dulcimers, mandolins and much more.  There are 70 year old men clogging with 10 year old boys.  It is at a nearby university under huge old trees and it is beautiful. 

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* Pirate Day at Skate Day
* Keilee working in the sound booth at church.  This past Sunday was Baptism Sunday.  The first one in our new church and we baptized 190 people!!!!!
* Keilee laying on her bed with Nomad working on her novel.  She worked on this about 3 hours this day. 
* Algebra.  Even Nomad doesn’t like it. 😉

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So as October flies by we are moving along.  Learning and living one day at a time.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“The idea of learning acceptable social skills in a school is as absurd to me as learning nutrition from a grocery store.”~ Lisa Russell

“I love making something and knowing that someone will  actually wear it!”  ~Keilee age 14

Linking with
collagefridayinstagram Friendship Friday

Hello October Our Old Friend…

It’s our favorite month!!! We both love October. The weather changing, the leaves becoming gorgeous, festivals galore. It is just our favorite time!

Unfortunately this week was not much slower paced than last week. We have promised ourselves next week will be better. But it probably won’t.

We got a lot done this week even though it was crazy. Our list of things Keilee [and I] learned.

Current Events Ebola case in Dallas, TX, Volcano erupted in Tokyo, Mission to Mars, India Space Mission, Hong Kong government, Muslim football player praying after touchdown, 1/10 of the world’s population does not have clean drinking water-solution may be found, break in at the White House.
Psychology the use of psychological tests to evaluate academic performance, measure mental abilities, and identify personality characteristics.
Ancient History The First collapse of Empire. Khafre, Menkaure, Seheteptawy , Discussion questions in Study Guide
Keilee’s Kreations Made 4 Tutus. Invoiced and shipped an order. List of supplies needed and to WalMart and Hobby Lobby to purchase supplies.   Scheduled a photo shoot with a friend’s daughter to model the Tutus and took pictures. Measured tutus to list size and wrote descriptions for Tutus and posted on her store.
Algebra Products of Square Roots Rule, Repeating Decimals, Domain, Additive Property of Inequality
Southern Literature Read William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”. Took 4 quizzes on Shmoop. Listened to 2 current songs that are based on this short story. Read Alice Walker’s “The Flower” Did Plot Diagram and answered discussion questions.
Quote Journal Worked on daily quotes daily, copywork and her interpretation of it and a drawing of the premise of the quote.
Bible Read Jesus Calling daily and the passage of the day on UVersion Bible
Language Arts Jessica’s Creative Writing Class
Read Our read aloud “The Testing”, She is reading “Uglies” and we are listening to “Under the Never Sky” in the car.
Videos Crash Course Psychology “Trauma and Addiction” and “Schizophrenia”
Philosophy Discussed what makes “art” beautiful.
Art Art Journaling page
Life Went to weekly meeting with me at Java Jaays, To Doctor’s office with me, helped me work on webpage for Worldwide Ministries, to grocery store. Bought supplies for Keilee’s Kreations. To cemetery for Scavenger Hunt and to walk around.   Discussed all the people who were buried there; how they lived and how much has changed since some of them were alive.


We spent Saturday at a Grease Festival, Yup that’s right GREASE!  It is in Athens which is a town near us and it is a play on words.  They have contests to see if all these crazy things will fry and they also tried to break the world’s record for most Togas in one place [well not counting Athens GREECE].  The current record is held by Melbourne Australia,  They didn’t break the record but is was so much fun and Keilee made a new friend.

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We spent a day at one of our local cemetaries.  We have always loved cemeteries.  They are full of history and stories.  People who lived and loved and died.  We also visited my Mother’s grave.  This is only about the 4th time I have gone there.  I know a lot of people find comfort in the place where their loved ones are buried but I never have.  So I rarely go.  It was strange and beautiful and sad to see Keilee kneeling by my Mom’s grave.  I so wish she could know Keilee.

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*Keilee at the sign of the High School she would attend.  I love that she has on her red cowboy boots and tutu.  I love that homeschooling lets her be exactly who she is.
*Kei attending Jessica’s Creative Writing Class.  She LOVES this class and the chance to interact with girls thousands of miles away.
*A beautiful sunset we had.  It was breathtaking.
*Keilee arranged a photo shoot with a sweet friend’s daughter.    She modeled some of Keilee’s Tutus for her.

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 So there you have it, another week in the life of Homeschool Girls.  The weather has been HOT but it’s supposed to get downright cold this weekend.  42°!  That’s Alabama for you.  It goes from Summer to Winter in a single night.

Homeschooling Rocks!


“All things on earth point home in old October; sailors to sea, travellers to walls and fences, hunters to field and hollow and the long voice of the hounds, the lover to the love he has forsaken.” ~Thomas Wolfe

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ~― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Linking with
collagefridayinstagram Friendship Fridaymy weekinreview




The Week of Busy…

Keilee and I are both introverts.  We LIKE staying home, not every day but most days.  This week we were running everywhere.  And not fun running, just errands and such. 

I am stealing using Jessica’s brilliant idea and typing up a list of what we do each week.  We have a daily schedule but this list will be things that actually get done!  Even with all the running around we did Keilee got so much done! 

Weekly List Done Sept 22-26 2014-page-0-1

Keilee is loving everything this year except Algebra and lately it hasn’t been THAT bad.  We especially both love Southern Literature.  Southern writers have a unique voice and they paint such lovely pictures with their writing.  The pictures are not always about beautiful things but they always make you feel deeply.  Before every story there is a short biography of the author and almost every, single one of them say they grew up listening to stories from the adults around them.  And it makes me think that we are loosing that.  Keilee has rarely heard old stories from adults.  My Mother loved telling stories and did quite often.  Keilee remembers a couple but not very many.  I wonder if we will eventually lose the “old stories’ that have been handed down for generations?

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Epic Church, taking a break at the huge yard sale my Dad had and making an airplane from the yard sale sign.

Recently Updated264First Day of Fall! We asked our favorite seller at our Farmer’s Market if Keilee could climb in and take some pictures and he let her. Even cleared off a spot.

So even though the weather is NOT feeling very Fall like we are hitting it with both feet running.  We LOVE Fall and October is Keilee’s favorite month!

Happy Fall Ya’ll,
Homeschooling Rocks!

“Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple.”  ~J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and he Deathly Hallows

 Linking with
collagefridayinstagramFriendship Friday

Tea Parties…


Traditions are such a lovely thing.  Most families have some sort of traditions.  Keilee and I have many.

One of our favorite traditions are Tea Parties.  We have had them since she was a very little girl.  They have changed over the years; but still they exist.  I think she was about 8 when she got a Tea Set that she painted herself.  Her little hands painstakingly painted each piece.  The flowers are wearing off now but I would not take any amount of money for it.


When she was about 9 she started sending invitations.  We have names. I am Mrs. Sassafras and she is Mrs. Chamomile. We are older ladies who discuss our grandchildren and our Bridge Club.  We talk about recipes and the state of the world.  We decide before hand if we are Southern or British.

Keilee makes delicious tea and plates of goodies that changes from time to time. Always perfect food for a tea. Over the years the food has gotten more elaborate.

We haven’t had a tea party in 2 years. But Monday night I received a wonderful invitation to tea for Tuesday.

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I got my best dress and white gloves and pearls. [I couldn’t find my hat and I hoped she would forgive me.  She’s a stickler for manners!]  I met her in the garden at the appointed time.


And we had a lovely tea with conversation punctuated with fits of laughter and giggles. And tea with our pinkies out and finger food and napkins.  The grandchildren and Bridge Club are all fine. And she still won’t give me her world famous tea cake recipe. 


I so believe that these things like Tea Parties are still fun for my 14 year old daughter because she has been brought up to find joy in everything.  She has no one to tell her she is ‘too old’ for Tea Parties.  Just another way Homeschooling Rocks!  And sometimes it isn’t about Math lessons completed, but memories made. 

We don’t have a large family who take vacations together and get together once a week or even once a month.  It’s one of the things I miss so much for Keilee.  But we have each other and that’s enough for us both.

Homeschooling Rocks!

The cup of tea on arrival at a country house is a thing which, as a rule, I particularly enjoy. I like the crackling logs, the shaded lights, the scent of buttered toast, the general atmosphere of leisured coziness. ~P.G. Wodehouse
Where there’s tea there’s hope. ~Arthur Wing Pinero

Happily linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday”
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”

Civil War, New Beginnings, Fairy Houses and Entrepreneurs….

We had a huge dose of history this past weekend.  It was the annual Civil War Reenactment in our town.  This was the 150th Anniversary.   There are more things planned in October when the actual battle took place.  150 years since the Civil War…  We went to 2 events.  One was a ‘school day’ with presentations and the other was an actual battle.

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Then we went again on Sunday for the battles.  They are always very cool to see and imagine the actual event.  With A LOT more people of course.
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Sunday was our last day at our ‘little metal building’ at Epic.  I wish I could have a video of all the amazing things that have happened here.  We started going to Epic almost 7 years ago when it first started.  There were about 35 people our first service.  Now we have over 3000 at 3 locations.  We have an iCampus.  We have had over 1200 baptized.  We have given more than $650,000 back to our community.  Next week we move into a new, shiny building.  We go from 5 services on Sunday to 2.  But Epic has always been about SO much more than a building.  I can NOT wait to see what the next 7 years brings. 
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Monday we had a city wide FREE BBQ for our town.  Keilee and I helped make 500 hot dogs, made 500 bags of chips, cut strings for helium balloons and more.  It was a GREAT day for giving back!!
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Some of you may remember my post about “Last Times”.  Keilee made Fairy houses this week.  Will it be the last time?  The post under this one has my Instagram post about her fairy houses.
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So there you have it.  Our first week of September.  We LOVE this month.  Not as much as October but close.  I hope your week was beautiful and your weekend is the best.  Now if it would just cool off a bit.

Homeschooling Rocks!

If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday. ~Pearl Buck
“If you’re not doing the things that you love, then your life is not worth living. What are you here for?” – King Sidharth

Linking with
LetsHSHS Blog Hop Swing
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”


The 1st 2 Weeks of HIGH School….

The first 2 weeks of Keilee’s High School Adventure is in the record books and it went really well!

It was really a seamless transition back to school. Keilee was VERY ready to start back.

She loves Psychology and keeps doing all these ‘experiments’ on me. One thing she did was asked me to talk for 2 minutes without pausing while she used “Talk to Text” to record it. She said, “Mom they did it for hours in the experiment but I’m not going to make you do that”. Gee thanks babe. It was honestly harder than it looked! I did a lot of ‘and yes I’m still talking and I can’t wait until this is over’ kind of talking.  She decided to create a Facebook Page with a few friends so she could use them as guinea pigs!  I thought that was a really GREAT idea!  😉

She loves “The History of the Ancient World”. It is SO similar to SOTW. I got the audio from Audible so she reads and listens at the same time. The Guide is very helpful too.

Algebra is ……well Algebra. I am very lucky that a dear friend gave us Saxon Algebra last year [No we didn’t finish it and plan to this semester] but we don’t love it. In trying to keep this real, we kinda despise it. Not every lesson is like this but a few are just like pulling fingernails.  I don’t know if it is so much Saxon’s fault as just “Algebra’s” fault. I am trying to figure out what to do before my television gets broken from me throwing the book through it.

She is using LifePrint for sign langauge and has honestly learned so much quickly. She keeps asking me to quiz her and it surprises me what she has learned.

But our favorite is Southern Literature. So far we have read 3 short stories; “Childhood: The Biography of a Place”;
A Southern Landscape” and “State Champions.”  We have really enjoyed them and learned so much. Words like galluses, brogans,  cutworms and citrons. We realized we saw citrons at our Farmer’s Market but didn’t know what they were. We read about a church with a gold finger pointing to the heavens and Googled it.  It is a real place.  We also read in the same story about Windsor Mansion, a beautiful plantation home that burned down in the late 1800’s.  Also a real place!  I told Keilee is reminds me of a grown up version of Five in A Row. Well at least the way we are doing it. Most of the authors so far have YouTube videos we have watched also.

1st 2nd Week AUGUST 2014

Keilee worked so hard getting her things ready for her first Market this week. She had beautiful things but there was very little turnout. She did sell a couple of things and we met an amazing homeschool family who own a nearby farm so it was all good.  I absolutely love that homeschooling gives her the time to explore these things that she loves.  I have found out over the years that a Keilee who has time to create is a much happier Keilee.  She draws so much of her energy from making beautiful things.

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One thing about living here that I love is all the connections Keilee and I make.  I posted this on Instagram and really started thinking about it.  Every memory I have of things from age 9-22 are in this house.  And Keilee’s will be too.  Our Christmas morning memories will be in the same room.  She jumps up on the same kitchen counter I jumped up on.  We ride bikes down the same alley and walk the same streets.  These pictures are at the elementary school a few blocks from our house.  My brothers and I rode our bikes and had a tree house and spent hours playing here.  This is the same bridge, minus the handrails, that we played on.  Connections are beautiful. 

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Keilee has decided that homeschoolers need a secret sign to use. We met one of our very good friends because Keilee insisted I asked her at Wal-Mart if they homeschooled. She was there during the day with 5 kids and her sons were actively engaging with their Mom so Keilee was sure they were homeschooled. 🙂 She was right.

In other news I GOT A JOB!! It is a very small job with very little money. Not enough to actually completely support us but it is perfect for right now. And it could grow into something bigger. And it is with a Christian Non-Profit that has been in operation in our town for 47 years. AND it is WORK FROM HOME!!!  I will blog more about it later.

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I’m going to try to be better about posting.  Honestly I totally blame Instagram.  I know everyone doesn’t have Instagram but it is just so much easier to post one picture and a small ‘post’ than to edit pictures and post on my blog.  That being said, Keilee and I LOVE going back to previous years and months to see what we were doing so I do what to keep blogging.

I hope everyone is having a great school year; if you’ve started yet that is.

Homeschooling Rocks!!!

  “Educators – like musicians, journalists, carmakers, and bankers before them – won’t know what hit them. But as sure as change is overtaking every other sector of society, it will overtake education – as well it should. Our cookie-cutter, one-pace-fits-all, test-focused system is not up to the task of teaching the creators of the new Googles.”   – Jeff Jarvis in Hacking Education

Happily linking with
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”
Mary at “Collage Friday”  Woohoo Welcome back Mary 🙂
Lisa at “My Week In Review

Homeschooling High School…

We began homeschooling when Keilee was 7.  Then  everything was shiny and new and I hadn’t a clue what I was doing.  High School?? I didn’t think about high school at all.  She was 7!  Well now she is 14 and starting high school.  How did that even happen??? 

There will be no more learning History with her Webkinz.


Or having a 1700’s day where she wears a costume, uses candles or writes with a quill.  


Or making a jello cell:


Or learning about Ancient Greeks by dressing up in a toga.


 This year looks more ‘bookish, more ‘schoolish’ despite my efforts to talk her out of it.  She wanted to do it this way.  She found her own curriculum except for History.  She wanted Ancient History and couldn’t find a high school level class.  She also knew she wanted Southern Lit so we sat down together to plan it.  She has her daily plan all worked out.  Not every subject every day but it does all flow. 

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Disclaimer: Keilee is like me, great at planning but occasionally lacking follow through. These are her plans but as a Homeschool Mom I know how often plans can change. These will I am sure. 🙂

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Keilee’s 9th Grade 2014-2015


The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome We LOVE Susan Wise Bauer’s SOTW series. We used them all and loved them so I was so excited to find this. There is also an audio version!

I actually found the book but wondered how much work it would take to make lesson plans when I discovered this:
Study and Teaching Guide: The History of the Ancient World: It is like a grown up “Activities” guide for high school. It looks amazing! We are going to supplement this with movies that I found from the time periods she is studying.


Understanding Psychology: Keilee has always loved anything to do with the brain and people’s reasons for behaving a certain way. She found this used on Amazon so I ordered it. I found lesson plans and resources to go along with it here.


I couldn’t find a Southern Literature curriculum so we are making our own. Every book list I have found has “To Kill A Mockingbird” on it but Keilee has not only read the book and watched the movie but she played Scout in the play. My brother was very helpful because he was an English major. He gave us several suggestions. I ordered this book; “Growing Up in The South: An Anthology of Modern Southern Literature. I am going to pick a few of the books listed here. We are also reading short stories and poems including:

William Faulkner – Barn Burning and A Rose for Emily or The Bear
Flannery O’Connor – A Good Man is Hard to Find
Truman Capote – A Christmas Memory
Eudora Welty – Why I live at the PO and The Worn Path
Tennessee Williams – The Glass Menagerie or A Streetcar Named Desire (Plays and Movies)
Fannie Flagg – Fried Green Tomatoes
James Dickey – poems (I love Animal Heaven)
Alice Walker – The Flowers; The Color Purple (Flowers is very short but makes you think)
Because of what they wrote about Twain, Poe and Ambrose Bierce are called southern writers by some. Read The Open Window or An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Bierce. Both of those are great!

Keilee has written 24 chapters of her book and will continue to work on this. She will also take a Creative Writing class with Jessica and her girls.

We are trying to find a local class for this. Someone suggested contacting our Deaf Association and seeing if someone would be willing to teach Keilee. It would help them and her. I am waiting to hear back. In the meantime I found several websites. Lifeprint is one that I found a couple of months ago. Keilee knows the alphabet and so many words from a television show she has watched for a few years. I also found one from Start American Sign Language that looks interesting. Like most things she will have to dive in to know if it’s something she will benefit from.

I have so many Africa resources that Keilee will use for this study. She wants to one day live in Africa so she decided she needed to learn more about the people, the government and the country.
Some of the resources she is using are:
Africa Hands of a Child
African Lap Notes
African Countries
African Maps
Animals of The Savannah Plain
Southern Africa: Tribal Huts and Homes; Tribal Life and Nations
Water and Landforms of Africa
The A to Z of African Countries


Sandra pointed out that I didn’t put her Math on here!  Good grief, we can’t forget our favorite subject! NOT.  We started Algebra I last year and will finish in December and start Geometry 2nd semester.  Well, that’s the plan! 🙂


We are still looking for a good Bible Study.  All the ones I have seen for Teen Girls are full of dealing with things that, thankfully, isn’t something Keilee has to deal with.

We are also watching some YouTube Channels.   One is ET The HipHop Preacher that Bene’, one of our lead pastors, recommended.  I also found a audio version of The New Testament that we are going to listen to.  $2 at a yard sale! 🙂

 We plan on watching tons of movies using the Teach With Movies website. I actually found this site years ago when you had to pay a small yearly fee to join but now it is FREE!! It has so many movies and teaching resources to go along with it. Check it out, I think you will really like it!

World Government
Major World Religion
United States Presidents [ongoing] She is making Notebook Pages on each President with information on each one. It will be put in a notebook. I won a lifetime Membership to Notebooking Pages which we LOVE!!
Mythological Creatures
Medicinal Plants

YOUTUBE CHANNELS [She watches these continuously when she is doing anything creative]  I can not tell you how much Keilee has learned from watching YouTube videos all her life.  Her knowledge of all things Science and History amazes me!!
Please watch before you let your children watch. They may not all be appropriate for all ages.

Khan Academy
Animalist News
Animal Planet
Sic Show
Smarter Every Day   We know Dustin. He lives where we live and Keilee has done plays with his brother. 🙂
Crash Course
The Brain Scoop
V Sauce
Horrible History
National Geographic

CNN Student News
BBC Worldnews


After reading  Sparklee’s post about what she is doing with her kids, the idea of a Philosophy course intrigued me.  So I did some searching and found “Philosophy for Teens” on Amazon.  I got the Kindle version.  I have never taken a Philosophy course but it looks really good.  It also talks about Socrates, Aristotle and Plato so it will go along with our Ancient History.


Of course she will continue with her creative endeavors. She plans on taking her Crafts to our downtown Market on Tuesdays and restocking her Etsy store in time for Christmas.


She has written down all the ‘job shadowing’ opportunities she wants to explore. I have found that people are very willing to share their love of what they do with kids. All you have to do is ask. The worse they can say is “No”. These will be, hopefully, a couple of days to see if it is something she would like to pursue. Some of the places she has written down are:

Court House
Law Office
Animal Shelter
Wildlife Refuge

She has another idea for a wonderful volunteer opportunity but we will have to see how it unfolds.

So there you have it. Keilee’s 9th Grade Year. I told her she didn’t even need me but she assures me she will.  She said, “I still need you for Algebra Mom”.  Great!  The thing I HATE most. 🙂  I will still do History and Southern Lit with her because I want to learn too!  I have learned so much since we started homeschooling.

I hope this is an amazing year for us all!!!

Homeschooling Rocks

My quote this post is from a Paul Simon song.  I hope this is the antithesis of how Keilee feels after her 4 years of learning at home!
“When I look back at all the crap I learned in high school, it’s a wonder I can think at all”  ~Paul Simon


Linking with:
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday

The Week of Driving and Sand and Squirrels…..

I honestly can’t remember much we have done the last few days.  A lot of home time after busy weeks.  Visiting Patsy at rehab after her surgery.  She was my Mom’s best friend and she said my Mother ‘gave’ Keilee and I to her.  Playing board games and World of Warcraft.  We are almost level 90 on WOW which means nothing to most of you probably. 🙂

We spent a couple of days at the pool.  They have a beach there too and Keilee played in the sand a bit.  And she created a chalk masterpiece on our driveway.  See that one white square?? It’s where Seth pressure washed it.  I can not believe the difference.  Keilee got that T-Shirt as a yard sale for .25.  It says, “Will teach Science for Food”. 🙂

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Silly pictures are my favorite.

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In other HUGE news this past week I let Keilee drive in the alley.  I told her for years I would teach her to drive when she was 12.  When she turned 12 she was MUCH too  young.  So I told her 13.  When she turned 13 she was MUCH too young.  So I told her 14.  When she turned 14 she was MUCH too young but….I finally, at 14 1/2 let her drive.  It scared me to death.  She did awesome though although 7 MPH is the fastest she went. I can not believe she is almost old enough to drive.  It seems like she was just driving her pink Barbie car around the driveway!!!

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In the hugest news of all we are taking Augustus to an Wildlife Rehabilatator on Wednesday.  It is killing both of us.  This has been an amazing experience for Keilee.  And for me.  He is the sweetest thing.  I know there is going to be tears, mostly mine!!  I am the crier of the two of us.  

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Keilee has all her curriculum ready for the year and most of her school supplies.  Thanks to some amazing people who blessed us I am not as worried about how to find the money for the school things she needs. 

Another summer week gone.  Is it just me or has this summer flown by??

Homeschool Rocks!

Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.  ~Author Unknown

Linking with Sylvia at “Friendship Friday” 

Days Of Summer

How can time go by so quickly??  I can’t believe it has been 3 weeks since I posted here.  I keep hearing that song in my head, “Video killed the Radio Star” but I substitute, “Instagram killed my blog!”  I love Instagram.  It is quick and easy and the feedback is almost immediate.  It is a huge community of homeschool Moms, at least my Instagram is.  But I don’t want to desert my blog.  I have had this for over 6 years and I want to continue to post.

After this amount of time I just get overwhelmed.  What is ‘important’ enough to post here.  What have we done with our days that are ‘post worthy’.  Not a lot really.  We have spent huge amounts of time at the pool.  I got Keilee a waterproof case for her iPhone.  It was $10 and it works fine.  It was a necessity after a day where I got really sick at the pool and she was at the other end of the park with friends.  I texted her and called her about 31 times and she didn’t answer because she was in the water. 

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We also went to Jack Daniel’s Distillery with friends.  It is a beautiful drive to Lynchburg Tennessee which is about an hour from here.  it is a totally free tour and very interesting.  See the safe?  Jack Daniels tried to open it one morning and had forgotten the combination.  He kicked it and hurt his toe which got infected and killed him!!!  Moral of the story…Temper, Temper!

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Keilee has spent her days reading, Art Journaling, playing with Augustus who HAS to go soon but we so hate to make the call.  She is doing a notebook about The Presidents.  She is using Notebook Publisher and creating all her pages herself.  I won a LIFETIME Membership to this last year and we both love it.  She is her gymnastics teacher’s assistant in an all summer long gymnastics camp which she loves.  We have gone on rides in the country,  and played tons of board games.  She has planned out her entire 9th [9th???!!!!!!!] grade year which I will blog about later.  She has helped with a Drama Camp and spent tons of time with her friends.  It has been a very good Summer so far. 

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We go to the Farmer’s Market each week and come home with tons of yummy produce and Sunflowers.  I just love Sunflowers!!

2014 JULY

Keilee and Emma wanted to camp out in the back yard so I borrowed a tent from Katherine.  It was surprisingly easy to put up.  She put twinkle lights, tons of pillows and blankets, her bean bag chair, tables and more.  They had a fire and roasted marshmallows.  They listened to ghost stories on YouTube because they didn’t know any!  They watched scary movies on her Macbook in the tent.  I opened my window in the bedroom so I could hear them.  I honestly didn’t think they would stay all night but they did.  They were singing songs from Wicked at 11 pm.  Many times during the night I sat out on the porch to make sure no one was murdering them in their sleep.  We don’t have a fence and I am THAT Mom.  They did sleep with Nomad so it made me feel better.  It was Nomad’s first time sleeping outside!  They all made it all night long.

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We plan on ‘starting school’ on August 4th.  I have ordered all the books she needs.  She has made a list of school supplies sales and which stores have the best deals.  A lot of places have their sales on Monday so we are ready.  I am still laid off but we are good.  We did have a 2 week job so Stan sent me some money.  Thankfully it doesn’t take much for us.  The summer is passing so quickly.  It seems like it just began yesterday!!

Homeschool Rocks!

“Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.”  ~George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

Linking with
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”


Virtual to Reality…

I can’t remember the first time I commented on her blog or she commented on mine…..4 years ago? More?  I loved her blog from the beginning.  Her girls were very close to Keilee’s age and her ideas were so amazing.  It went from commenting on posts to emails very quickly.  Then phone calls.  Then there was rarely a week go by that we didn’t talk on the phone and text back and forth.  Her entire family has been so wonderful to Keilee and I and as real of friends to us as if they lived next door.

Keilee and Grace were in their first online class together the day the tornadoes of 2011 hit.  Ironically enough it was a class about weather.

Jessica got me through my Art Journal class by telling me calmly that I could do it and sending me amazing resources.  She got me through being laid off by listening to my fears and tears.   Keilee wrote and emailed and texted and FaceTimed her girls so often.  They knew and loved each others pets and they saw Augustus on the webcam and Keilee sat with me and I hugged her when their beloved Jake had to be put down. 

She sat in on Jessica’s Writing Class and learned so much.  Jess has always been SO supportive of Keilee’s writing and everything she does. 

We talked about meeting so many times.  We were actually within 50 miles of each other 2 years ago but it just didn’t work out.  This time it did.

Greg, Jessica, Grace and Lilah visited us this pass week.  To say we had fun would be such an understatement.  When they pulled into our driveway Sunday night and got out it was like we had known each other forever.  When I hugged her and her girls I was hugging dear, dear friends that just hadn’t been in the same place as me before.  We had so much fun.

We spent the first night eating and sitting outside while the girls turned cartwheels and handstands and flips. 

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The next morning we headed to Pt. Mallard on what would be the hottest day of the year so far.  The girls swam and jumped the waves and rode the slides and tubes in the lazy river and more.  Jess, Greg and I sat and talked and Greg even took a little nap.  They all did great in this Alabama hot sun that they were VERY unused to.

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That night we went to Big Bob Gibson’s to eat and they even tried the Brunswick Stew.  Then off to our local Concert in the Park.  I think this was my favorite time.  Everyone on a blanket sitting in the park with the Tennessee River in the background.  And the girls playing on the rail road tracks and turning cartwheels and trying to do all sorts of stunts and laughing their heads off.

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I love these pictures!

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And I hope you can see the joy on the girls faces in these.

Girls Park

We came back over here and ate Lemon Cake that Keilee had made and planned to go to The Space and Rocket Center the next morning before they left.

We love The Space and Rocket Center and really take for granted the fact that it is so close to us.  We walked through the exhibits and the girls climbed rock walls,  played games, rode moon buggy simulators, rode the Space Shot and more.

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One final picture and it was time for them to be on their way to their next adventure.

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Keilee and I drove home and talked and talked about how much we loved meeting them all.  How natural it felt to spend time with them.  How much we wished we lived closer.  It was like a vacation for us too and we enjoyed every minute of it.

Plans were made for more visits and I just know we will see them again.  Thank you Greg, Jess, Grace and Lilah for taking the time to spend time with us.  You do not know how much it meant to us.  Connecticut to Alabama just doesn’t seem as far as it did.

That’s what this virtual world is all about isn’t it?  Homeschooling can be lonely and this blogging world can bring us all closer together.  I am SO thankful that it brought Jessica and her amazing family into our lives.

Homeschool Rocks and so does meeting faraway friends!

“I dislike the phrase ‘Internet friends,’ because it implies that people you know online aren’t really your friends, that somehow the friendship is less real or meaningful to you because it happens through Skype or text messages. The measure of a friendship is not its physicality but its significance. Good friendships, online or off, urge us toward empathy; they give us comfort and also pull us out of the prisons of our selves” ~John Green

Linking with
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday



Creativity oozes out of her.

I have been a 14 year old girl, I have known many 14 year old girls, I have had nieces when they were 14 but I’ve never met anyone like Keilee.

She has to create. She HAS to create. When she was small she always played with her dolls or crayons when we watched TV at night. I used to tell her that I couldn’t wait until she was older so she could just sit and watch TV with me. That has yet to happen. She crochets or knits every night while we watch TV or sometimes she does Art Journaling.  Never once have I seen her sit and do nothing. I am serious, unless she is sick, she doesn’t do ‘nothing’. I am great at doing nothing. Well I usually read but that is about as creative as I get.

She amazes me. I tell her all the time that I wish I had ¼ of her energy and drive.  I wonder all the time if she would be this way if we didn’t homeschool.  I know the ‘creativity’ gene is just in her but would she have had time to foster it?  With school 8 hours and then homework would she have the hours to spend doing beautiful things?

She sees something and makes it. She doesn’t need a pattern or instructions, she just sees it and “gets” it. We were talking about how different people are yesterday. How some people have amazing talents with singing or playing an instrument and I told her that she has so many talents but the one I love is her talent for just creating….taking something and transforming it into something so cool and beautiful. I think creative people are the people who are the happiest.   Because there is ALWAYS an outlet to create.

You wouldn’t believe how many times she tells me……. “It makes me so happy to” crochet or Art Journal or whatever she is doing.

Here are some of the things she has made in the last month.

She LOVES Africa.  Her plan has always been to go there and rehabilitate wildlife animals.  She made this awesome shirt.  She made the transfer, printing it out and ironed it on.  Then she cut the fringe and beaded each one of them.  See the “Africa” and “Animals” she spelled out?  The quote is from Gandhi, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

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These are 1.  hair bows out of tulle.  2.  2 adorable crocheted dolls she is making  [one not finished hence only 1 leg 3. A crocheted octopus that she made for a headband. 4. 2 Hippie headbands 5. She cut out a BIG “K” and used yarn to wrap about it.  She also made a bow for it.  She has it in her room.Recently Updated223

This is a large canvas that she painted Africa on.

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I think this is my favorite!  She took a pair of overalls she had when she was about 10 and cut the legs off.  Then she made a tulle skirt for it and sewed it onl  I LOVE it!Recently Updated225

This is an old blue jean vest that she frayed.  Recently Updated226

Here are her latest Art Journal pages.  She does these almost every day.  My favorite is the one with Elsa and Annah from “Frozen”.  Recently Updated227

And this is just a side view of her Art Journal.  When she got this it was maybe an 1″ thick.  Now it can not close.  It is full of beautiful pages.Recently Updated228

I always love seeing what she decided to make.  And I tell her every day that I wish I loved doing things like she does.  If I did my house would look like something from “House and Garden”!!!

We have plans for a INCREDIBLY EXCITING next few days.  More on that later.  🙂

Happy weekend,
Homeschool Rocks,

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”  ~Maya Angelou

“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” ~Joseph Chilton Pearce

 Linking with
Sylvia at Friendship Friday


the next four years; homeschooling high school

Sometimes I question; don’t we all? Sometimes I wonder if this is the right path.

This really hit me when I went to my nephew’s High School Graduation. I saw all the kids in their black caps and gowns laughing and hugging each other. I watched them give speeches about special high school memories and walk across the stage to receive their diplomas. I watched them all put their arms around each other and sway back and forth while singing their Alma Mater.

I glanced over at Keilee several times to see if I saw a wistfulness in her eyes. A ‘wishing I could do that” look. I asked her on the way home if she wouldn’t like to go to high school and experience things like that. She said, ‘No Mom did you hear their speeches? They thanked their parents for staying up late with them to help with homework and projects. For getting up early to take them to the bus, for helping them study for tests and for understanding when they were under stress from tests. Why in the world would I want memories like that?” I explained to her there is also fun times with groups of friends. Keilee has friends but they are more 1 or 2 people at a time. She is very much an introvert and prefers small groups. She then said, “Mom have you heard Seth talk about his friends? They argue and do stupid things and talk about each other behind their backs. They go to parties that I would hate and do things that I would never do. That isn’t the kind of friends I want.”

My girl is much smarter than I am at times. I know I have acquaintances that may question our homeschooling. You wouldn’t believe how many times I have heard, “But what about Prom?” like that is the end of the world. There are Proms in homeschooling but even if they weren’t it would not be an incentive to go to High School. My Prom? I didn’t go. I only wanted to go with one person and he didn’t ask me so I turned down the people who did. Am I scarred from the experience? Typing it now is the first time I have thought of it in years. Yes I had fun in high school but I did stupid things that I never want Keilee to do. There was so much peer pressure and mean girls and this was before internet and online and Apps like Yik-Yak . I can not even tell you how upset I was when I found out about this app.  I read online about how so many schools are having such a horrible time because of it.  How it was impossible to block because the school can not dictate which Apps kids have.  That is the responsibility of the parent.  Honestly I had to download it just to see.  It pulled from a certain mile radius and updated during the night.  I woke up and read some of the ‘posts’ and honestly cried my eyes out.  You don’t have to sign in with your name or anything so there is ZERO accountability.  You would not believe the things I read.  And I am NOT sheltered.  Kids are brutal to each other.  It broke my heart.   And we live 2 blocks from the high school that this App pulled information from.  The high school Keilee would go to.

Keilee actually watched a SciShow episode about teen brains. She told me that teenagers brains have not developed the ‘Whoa that is a really dumb idea” part of it until they are about 22. Like I said, she is so much smarter than I am at times.

Homeschooling High School scares me a bit. I don’t think there is a homeschool Mom out there who isn’t a bit frightened of the idea of “HOMESCHOOLING HIGH SCHOOL”.  But I KNOW it can work. I read blogs and books that show that it works. It is a bit scary for me because we have always done Interest Led Homeschooling. Keilee does what she wants to do. Thankfully up until now she has always wanted to do so much. She knows what she needs but I have to have some sort of a plan for 9th grade. No it won’t look like the High School up the street but why in the world would I want it to?

I love that she learns while she is crocheting or knitting. That I go in her room and she is watching video after video about Science. That she is so full of knowledge that she learns that she never stops talking about it. She retains information unbelievably.

I think so often about the difference in my education and Keilee’s so far. I don’t remember anything I learned. On the other hand I have learned so much since I started homeschooling. I found out I have a love for history that I never had. Keilee thinks it is cool to be smart, to know things, to be a geek girl. I never remember thinking that. I made good grades; A’s and B’s except for that one time in 4th grade that I got a C in handwriting because I am left handed and my teacher didn’t understand it was hard for me to make letters the correct way. See THAT is what I remember about school. The one time I made a bad grade that I didn’t think I deserved.

The world has changed so much in the last 10 years. I don’t think Education, at least public school education has changed as fast. Why in the world would you learn dates and boring facts when you have access to Google? Ok I have heard the argument ‘but what if one day the internet is gone?” It is like I told a friend recently, if that day comes I don’t think the fact that Keilee can’t remember the exact date the Civil War began is going to be her biggest problem.

So I will spend the summer talking with Keilee and planning and doing some research. That IS what us homeschooling Moms rock at right?

Have you heard of the British philosopher Alan Watts?  He has a wonderful video.  He asked students “What would  you do if money was no object” and tells them to DO THAT!!  I wonder what homeschooling High School would look like if there were no SAT or ACT requirements?  If anyone could go to college no mater what if they wanted to learn?   THAT life is how I want Keilee to spend the next 4 years.   I know it isn’t how it really is but I want to find a way to combine her love for learning and the things she is passionate about and “their” requirements.  Is that even possible?

I hope that high school homeschool will be a lot like we have always homeschooled.  Lots of lovely learning all.the.time.

Older Pics Kei

Homeschooling High School? Pshhhhhffffffff. Of course we can.

Homeschool Rocks!

“In the end, the secret to learning is so simple: forget about it. Think only about whatever you love. Follow it, do it, dream about it. One day, you will glance up at your collection of Japanese literature, or trip over the solar oven you built, and it will hit you: learning was there all the time, happening by itself.” ~ Grace Llewellyn

Linking with
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”


The last week of May is here.  I can’t believe May is almost over.  Looking back I just haven’t taken many pictures this week.  Our days are slow and filled with time outside.  We haven’t really done much, although I am trying to find more free things for us to do.

Keilee and I have been spending huge amounts of time outside; walking Nomad, mowing the yard; doing art journaling outside, hula hooping in the rain and so much more.

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We went to Alabama Jubilee on Memorial Day weekend.  It is always one of our favorite things to do.  We arrived around 6:00 AM and watched the balloons take flight.  It was so gorgeous.  Recently Updated220Then we went back that night to see the Balloon Glow.  It was beautiful with all the balloons glowing and they had a band that the balloons lit up to in time.  Only drawback was that is was VERY crowded and there is one road in and out so it was a bit crazy getting in and out.

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Keilee decided to make a rag rug a couple of days ago.  She watched a video on how to cut the T-shirts.  She has TONS of old shirts that she has outgrown and that people have given her so she used those.  She cut them all out and rolled the material into a HUGE ball and just crocheted it.  She used 25 T-Shirts.  I LOVE the way it turned out.  She blows my mind with the things she can do.  I feel like a slug next to her! 🙂

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Last night Seth, my nephew, graduated from High School.  It was so bittersweet.  He has always been SO important to Keilee and I and it makes me sad that he is so grown up now.  But we are very proud of him too and can’t wait to see what the future holds for him.

Photo May 30, 8 12 01 AM

So there’s a quick recap of our week.  Not many wildly exciting things; just living our lives and trying to find beauty in small places. 

Thank you all for your prayers.  June will be 6 months of me being laid off.  I don’t know how we make it…..it is only with amazing friends and God’s grace. 

Homeschool Rocks!

The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. Ulysses S. Grant

I learned there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead, others come from behind. But I’ve bought a big bat. I’m all ready, you see. Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me.Dr. Seuss

Happily linking with
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”

Co-op Showcase, Mother’s Day and Early Summer…

Wow it was hot this week.  High 80’s and gorgeous every day.  We haven’t turned on our AC yet and yes it was hot in the house.  In fact it was 87° inside one day.  I am trying to keep my electric bill low.  No I don’t plan on doing this all Summer but for now it works.  After the freezing winter we don’t mind hot.  It actually isn’t bad unless we are going somewhere.  There is nothing worse than getting ready when you are burning up!  Thursday a cold front moved in and it is downright chillyish now.

Saturday was our Co-op Showcase.  My Art Journal kids displayed their notebooks and my Drama class performed The Ugly Duckling.  They did a really good job and it was many of the kids first speaking lines.  I made sure everyone had at least a couple of lines.

Keilee did a project for the Science Fair.  She did AUGUSTUS.  She had already kept a daily journal for him and she printed out pictures, did ‘Lapbook” like info flaps and even brought Augustus.  Her project was a hit!!!  People crowded around the entire day oohing and ahhing and asking Keilee 100 questions.  I was so proud of her!  It was a perfect project for my animal loving, rehabilitator wanna be daughter!!

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Mother’s Day was a lovely day.  Keilee was upset that she couldn’t buy me anything but as usual she got creative and outdid herself.

I woke that morning, as always, before Keilee. I found hearts everywhere I touched. By my bed, on the light I turn on in the kitchen, on the outside light that I flip off when I wake up, in the bathroom, on the fridge where I grab something to drink…..all together 23 hearts with the most beautiful things written on them. I asked her later how in the world did she know my routine so well since she is always still asleep.  Her response, “I just know you”.
Some of my favorites:

“Things I love about you”  [this was the first one I found by my bed]
“I love that you’re my best friend”
“I love that you love me”
“I love how you dance with me for no reason”
“I love how you help others”
“I love that you don’t need much to be happy”
“Your compassion”
“Your hope”
“I love our life”
“I love when we sit outside and enjoy Nature”
“I love when you spin in the wind”
“I I love that you love adventures”
“Your Faith is bigger than your fear”
I just loved every one of them.  I am so lucky to have her.

Mother’s Day afternoon we went to a beautiful park here.  We had a gift card from Panera that a dear friend, who I have never even met in real life, had sent us so we ran by and got a sandwich to split.  It was the BEST day and it didn’t cost us a penny except for gas.  So many people are such blessings to us. 

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After church we ran to the store and on the way back she said, “Mom I want to go to that old train track one day and take a few pictures”, so I whipped into an empty store and we got out and walked over.  I can’t do anything that cost money but saying “YES” is always free.

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The rest of the week was slow and lazy.  We stayed outside a lot.  We rode bikes every day and read outside and Keilee created like she always does.  I taught Keilee how to drive a riding lawn mower and sorta ran along beside her like when she learned to ride her bike without training wheels.  And there were leaps in the rain and learning outside on a quilt with Augustus soaking up some rays.  The rose is from our garden.  Keilee calls it the “Beauty and The Beast” rose.

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I can’t believe it is already halfway through May.  We school year round but we do slow down on Math.  We don’t love Math. 

I would like to thank everyone for the continue prayers.  Life isn’t perfect and some days are hard but life is still good. 

Lots of plans this weekend if the weather cooperates.  It is supposed to rain Saturday and that will definitely effect our plans!!

Happy weekend all!
Homeschool Rocks!

“The world’s favorite season is the spring. 
All things seem possible in May.”   –  Edwin Way Teale

“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” —Jill Churchill

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”


My Mother, My Friend….

That is how she signed every card to me after I was an adult.
I love you,
Your Mother, Your Friend.

2 of the pictures are just black and white copy machine copies of old pictures.  I have the originals but just can’t handle digging through old pictures.  The black and white ones hang on my fridge.  The color one is by my computer.Photo May 08, 2 29 44 PM


6 years ago tomorrow my Mother died. It seems like forever ago, it seems like yesterday. I miss her every day. Every.single.day.

She died after a 4 month illness that was never really diagnosed. They ran every test in the world on her. Nothing. The death certificate says, “Failure to Thrive”. That has always made me insane. No one wanted to ‘Thrive” like my Mother.  Saying goodbye to her on May 10th, 2008 was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  She was there and then she wasn’t.  And I was Motherless.

She died at home, in the room that is now mine. It doesn’t freak me out because while she died there, she also LIVED there.

My earliest memory was of my Mother and I. We lived in a little 2 bedroom house. I was 2. I remember it snowed and she put me in a cardboard box and dragged me around the yard. We made a huge-to-me snowball and when my Daddy pulled into the driveway we rolled it into his car. I was delighted.

She loved her children and my Daddy and her Grandchildren more than anything in the world. I always knew I was her favorite child.  Maybe my brothers thought the same thing. When I was 6 she read me “The Secret Garden” during the Summer with us laying on my bed at nap time. I can remember the windows being opened and the breeze coming through and me snuggled beside her listening to this fascinating story.

When we moved to this house, I was 9. The neighborhood was full of kids and my house was the favorite place to hang out. My Mother never let a child leave her house without a “Jean Goodie Bag”. She got a Ziploc bag and filled it with whatever goodies we had in the house. There were always Little Debbies.

She buried her Mom and Dad, a brother, a much loved sister and her son. She never quite got over that. She buried a Mother and Father In-Law that she loved dearly. I remember her telling me that when she and Daddy first got married she thought she was a little better than his family. She said she was young and stupid then. She was a ‘city’ girl and he was a ‘country’ boy. She said she quickly learned that his Mother was the wisest, kindest woman she had ever met. They had a special bond. I remember sitting at my Mammaw’s house and Mother cutting out beautiful paper dolls and clothes for me and me coloring them. She always drew little things on pieces of paper. She could draw beautifully but never really drew ‘big’ things.

She loved practical jokes and was forever popping out and scaring us. We had a tree house with a window and one night all the neighborhood kids were up there and she got a ladder and climbed to the second story window and knocked. I am surprised we didn’t kill ourselves getting down. She loved scary things and would always call it ‘delicious terror.’

She was the 2nd oldest of 10 children and said she doesn’t remember a time when she didn’t have a baby brother or sister on her hip. She was a 22 year old nursing student at UAB who modeled occasionally for department stores on the weekends and Daddy was a pitcher for the Minor League Braves when they met. They knew each other 6 weeks before they got married and immediately moved to Lawton, Oklahoma for Spring Training. They returned home a few months later after my Daddy hurt his arm and could no longer play. But she always loved the Braves. She followed them every single season and knew every player’s name and their background. No one could talk when her Braves were playing.

We didn’t go to church every Sunday or honestly most Sundays because we always had to visit my Grandparents to help them out, but she was the one of the most Godly woman I have ever met. I still find pieces of paper around the house with things she had written, always in green ink, Bible verses or thoughts that she had. Each time I find one I feel like she is sending me a gift from Heaven. Her marked up Bible is one of my favorite possessions.

She would call me to tell me it was raining or cold. She called me every night to say “Good night baby”. When I moved to California she called me every single morning to make sure I was awake for work. We watched the 2nd tower fall on 9/11, over 2,000 miles from each other. I wanted to be home so badly I could taste it.

I get so envious sometimes when I see pictures of women with their Moms and I think, “Why can I not have my Mom?   Why can’t she be with us and go places with us? The last 5 years have been very hard financially for us but we live here rent free. I often wonder if my prayers to God to take care of Keilee and I meant that she had to die. I KNOW God doesn’t work that way but I have thought that before.

She drove me nuts at times. She always had advice for everything. I just wasn’t wise enough to realize that she was right. I wish I had her voice on my answering machine. My Dad remarried 4 years ago and kept the same home phone number. On my iPhone it is still a goofy picture of her with a Christmas bow on her head and it still says “Mom”. I just can’t change it. Even after 6 years.

She loved that I was homeschooling Keilee.  She never saw her perform on stage or do any of the amazing things she does but I know she would be so proud of her.  My biggest regret is that Keilee didn’t really get to know her. My Mom had been sick on and off since Keilee was 6. She remembers little things; Mom is the first person who put mascara on her and she will always have that memory but I want more. I want Keilee to know the Mother I knew. Keilee is so much like her in so many ways; she loves playing jokes on people, she loves scary things, she laughs at things that are sad to most people, she loves to go to garage sales and junking around, she loves jewelry and even has Mom’s jewelry box and all her jewelry, she can take one bite of food and know exactly what is in it and so much more.

Anytime my life was hard or I was going through anything she would tell me it would all be all right and I would always say, “Promise me?” and she would always say, “I promise”. Some days when things are so dark and hard I can almost hear her whisper, “I promise”.

I read something on Instagram this week that said, “I wish we could visit people in Heaven.”   Oh how I wish that too.

Happy Mother’s Day Momma,
I love you and miss you so,
One day…

“The death of a mother is the first sorrow wept without her.   ~Unknown
“My mom is a never-ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune.” Graycie Harmon


Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday
Kris at “Weekly Wrap-Up”


Banquets, Bad Weather and Birthdays…

Our Co-op Banquet was this past weekend.  Keilee went back and forth about going.  She didn’t feel the NEED to go since she is only in 8th grade but her friends wanted her to.  She finally decided to go.  We borrowed a beautiful, red formal from a friend and then she got sick.  She felt a little better Saturday and decided to go to just the dinner and then come home.  She also decided to wear a shorter dress and save the red one for something bigger.

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Here are a few of some of the kids after dinner. 

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I asked her if she wanted to go back to Co-op and stay but she really felt horrible.  So we went home.

We only have 1 more Co-op.  As much as I have loved it I am ready for a break.  We aren’t sure about next year.  Things are so uncertain in our lives right now.

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1. Augustus eating sweet potato  2.  Kids doing collages at Co-op.  3. Keilee setting up her camera to do a time lapse video for her Photography class.  She also did one of an ice cube melting.  4. Wild Roses at our house.  They were one of my Mom’s favorites.

We had a forecast Monday for bad weather.  They hadn’t made this much of a big deal about it since April 27, 2011.  You can read the post I wrote about that here. 

I spent my childhood in the closet for tornado warnings.  I have never been afraid.  All that changed after April 27th.  We cleaned out our closet in the hall Monday afternoon.  We got blankets and pillows.  We watched the weather as tornadoes touched down in Mississippi and then headed our way.  Then, about 2 hours later,  he said it, “If you live in Decatur go to your safe place now”.  The sirens were screaming, it was storming like crazy outside, and Keilee, Nomad and I huddled in our closet.  Augustus was right outside in the hall.  I posted a picture on Instagram and got almost 100 comments with people praying for us.  I read them to Keilee while my heart just thumped in my chest.  Keilee got texts from Grace, Lilah and Abby.  I love these homeschool girls who live all over the country but love each other.  Keilee posted the picture on the top right on her Instagram.  Isn’t that just the best thing?  The bottom right picture is from a town about 12 miles from us.  I didn’t take it.

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My birthday was Wednesday.  I had a very good day.  Keilee is always more excited about my birthday than I am.  My Dad and Marlene, Patsy, Eddie, Heather and Katherine and the neighbor ladies all came over during the day.  Keilee made me the most amazing book.  I asked her to video it so I could show all of you.  She used a child’s board book.  She also found and prepared dinner.  An INCREDIBLE dinner.  She made Caesar salad, lemon chicken thighs and pasta with a cream cheese sauce and broccoli, squash and mushrooms.  It was so good.  And Google knew it was my birthday!!!  This must be a new feature.  It was very cool.

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Here is the book she made me:

We don’t have a lot planned this weekend.  Next week the weather is supposed to ROCK!!  Mid to high 80’s!

Please continue to pray for my boss and for Keilee and I.  He is still recovering from neck surgery.  Times are hard but we are ‘gooder than good’ as my Mother always said.  God provides.

Happy weekend all!
Homeschool Rocks,
And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” ~Abraham Lincoln

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday
Kris at “Weekly Wrap Up”


The Week of Sick and Doctors And Not Much Else…

There isn’t a lot to blog about this week but I really like to post at least once a week.

We had a wonderful Easter.  We went to church and then to my Dad’s for lunch.  Keilee is the oldest grandchild so there was no Easter egg hunt.  It made me a little sad.  The picture of Keilee and my Dad makes me smile to see.

See the bottom left picture?  She was very upset that she didn’t have money to buy me something for Easter so she made this.  It is a baby food jar covered in glitter.  It has my favorite verse on it, “”For I know the plans I have for you”.  Inside was a nail, a rock, a little handmade cross and 3 bible verses.  I LOVED it.  I asked her if she found it on Pinterest and she said no, she just made it up.

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Our writing group met and it was a good day.  We did some Earth Day pages and then they wrote.  They also did Mapping the World Through Art and watched some TED talks.

My Mom’s best friend Patsy had an outpatient procedure on Wednesday morning.  She asked if I could take her and stay with her.  So Keilee and I picked her up early Wednesday morning and stayed most of the day with her.  Keilee woke up feeling bad and continued feeling bad the rest of the day.  I took her to the doctor on Thursday because she felt so incredibly bad and she is never sick.  That is probably the 4th or 5th time she has ever been to the doctor because she was sick.  Instead of giving me a $5 prescription he gave me a list with $30 worth of over the counter medicine.  She is feeling a little better this morning [Saturday] but not 100%.

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Very little ‘school’ got done this week.  She wrote and read a lot and watched some documentaries.  We also watched “Pearl Harbor” which is a very good account of the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

My favorite picture this week.  Nomad can be the worse dog ever.  He barks at everything and doesn’t mind half the time.  But he lets us do just about anything to him for pictures. 🙂  Here is is researching this strange creature who is living in his house.

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Hopefully this week will be healthier and more productive.

If you haven’t read this article by Matt Walsh about homeschooling please do.  I LOVE it.

Happy weekend,
Homeschool Rocks,

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. ~Confucius

Linking with:
Mary at “Collage Friday”
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”

The Week That Was Calm…

It was one of those weeks that I can’t really remember what we did day by day.  No commitments except for Co-op.  Just going with the ebb and flow of our lives.

It got very cold the beginning of the week.  Blackberry Winter my Mamaw always called it.  Every year as long as I can remember it has gotten very cold around mid to late April.  Just a day or two.

Keilee stayed really busy all week.  We did 2 Algebra 1 lessons.  I am not stressing that we aren’t finished the book because 1( We school year round and 2( She is only in the 8th grade.  Algebra 1 is not her favorite thing as I have mentioned about 1,253 times.

She built games for hours at GameStarMechanics and had me try to get through them.  I will get the link for her games and let some of your kids play them if they want. 🙂

We aren’t die hard fans of Dr. Who.  We like it but we don’t love it.  Not yet anyway. But I saw on a blog about an episode about Vincent Van Gogh and we watched it.  It was AMAZING.  Honestly Keilee and I both agreed we will forever think of Van Gogh differently.  Yes it was fiction, yes it was Dr. Who so it had the usual crazy, but we loved it.  I would totally recommend it.  It is in Season 5 called “Vincent and The Doctor”. It is on Netflix streaming.  It doesn’t matter if you have never seen Dr. Who, it stands alone.  Here is a list of Dr. Who episodes that feature famous characters.

The MOST EXCITING thing we have discovered this week is HogwartsisHere.  It is a brand, spanking new site.  It has some glitches because they are being swarmed with new users.  But it is AWESOME.  You register and sign up for ACTUAL classes.  All the classes that Harry, Ron and Hermione took is offered.  You pick your house and dorm.  You have an account at Gringotts.  And you TAKE CLASSES!!  Each class is 9 weeks.  Keilee and I have both signed up but it has been so slow that we haven’t actually started our classes.  We are both taking “Defense Against the Dark Arts”, “Herbology” and “History of Magic”.  So if you have any Potter fans check it out!!

We went to a little park in our town that we just discovered last year. I actually knew it existed but always thought it was a private park.  It isn’t!  It was a lovely day and we had so much fun.

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I haven’t said much about it here but I have been laid off since Jan. 1 and there is no start back date.  I have had a hard time this time for some reason.  I think it is because usually I have an ‘end’ date to when this is over.  But my boss has been very sick and had surgery in February.  He is about to have surgery again the end of April.  Please keep him in your prayers.

Wisteria….I love it.  And I am quite fond of her too. 😉

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1. Creative Writing with Jessica and her girls.  This has been such a blessing to us both.
2.  She made Augustus a ‘harness’.  Thank you all who supported Augustus.  He is doing so well.  Keilee is still documenting everything and he is growing like crazy.
3. Wildflower pictures.  Kei is doing a Wildflower Collection.  I remember we did this in 10th grade Biology.  She isn’t picking them, she is just taking photos and putting all the pictures and info in an App.
4.  Art Journaling.  This Co-op class has been awesome.  It has taught ME so much too!
5.  Nut Balls for Augustus.  You wouldn’t even believe the ingredients.  He LOVES them so much.

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Another week gone.  Next week the temperatures are supposed to be in the 80’s!!!  Wooo to the Hoo!!!

I hope everyone has a beautiful and blessed Easter,
Homeschool Rocks!

“A breeze ruffled the neat hedges of Privet Drive, which lay silent and tidy under the inky sky, the very last place you would expect astonishing things to happen. Harry Potter rolled over inside his blankets without waking up. One small hand closed on the letter beside him and he slept on, not knowing he was special, not knowing he was famous, not knowing he would be woken in a few hours’ time by Mrs. Dursley’s scream as she opened the front door to put out the milk bottles, nor that he would spend the next few weeks being prodded and pinched by his cousin Dudley…He couldn’t know that at this very moment, people meeting in secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and saying in hushed voices: “To Harry Potter – the boy who lived!” ~J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Linking with:
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday

Let Your Freak Flag Fly…

“Shrek the Musical” is history.  The songs are still being sung in our house, lines from the play will forever be a part of our dialogue.  It is like that in theater.  You hear the same lines over and over and over and the funny ones or the poignant ones just become part of your lives.

This was the biggest show Keilee has been in since she was about 10.  Dreamweavers Theater Company that she did from age 6-10 decided to stop doing theater so she found another home at College Street Players and Curtain and Lights Theater.  Which we both loved but one was in another town and their shows were smaller productions, still amazing, but smaller.

This show was not small.  It was a huge cast, an amazing director, professional costumes, a makeup artist, an orchestra and mainly adults in the lead roles.  The show was amazing.  Seriously amazing.

We met wonderful people who are now friends.  We met homeschoolers we did not know.  3 families that live in our town but we had never met.  I think there were about 7 homeschool families in this play.  I talked to 2 more Moms who have since contacted me about homeschooling!!!  I love that!

Keilee had practice 3 times a week at first, then the last 3 weeks it was 4 times a week.  From Saturday to Saturday [which is “Show Week”] I counted up and we were at the theater 58 hours!!! No exaggeration!!!  But I didn’t mind any of it.  For some reason it all just flowed.

Keilee LOVED it.  LOVED IT!  She loved meeting adults who were passionate about acting.  She loved getting to know the director who is just wonderful.  She loved making new friends.  She loves the fact that this company does several things a year and a huge variety of things from musicals, to straight plays to Shakespeare.

Keilee also made a Shrek hat for Shrek, a crocheted tiara with Shrek ears for Fiona, a headband with donkey ears and a LONG braided tail for Donkey and 3 Shrek dolls!!!  A Mom asked her if she could do it and she told her she would try.  She looked online and found one and just made it!  She worked on them about 12 hours during Show Week.  Then she decided she wanted to make the director one so she worked another 6 hours on hers.  And she took care of Augustus who is one high maintenance squirrel.  All during the grueling week of tech rehearsal, sound rehearsal, dress rehearsal and more.  I am seriously so proud of her.  I wish I had her energy.

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She had a smaller role than she is used to but she started out with 1 line and ended up with about 6 and 2 one line solos.  She knew going in that the director didn’t know her and she would have to prove herself.  She said she liked being a small fish in a big pond better than a big fish in a small pond because she had somewhere to go.  UP. 🙂  She said she learned so much and it was wonderful to work with such dedicated actors and director.

So here are some of the 1200 pictures I took.  With my crappy camera but some turned out good.  Its a law of averages kinda thing. 😉

Backstage Fun:  Theater kids are so dang cool.  They are always singing and performing, even when they are not on stage!!

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Getting Ready:   A wonderful guy who does set design and costumes in New York is from here but lives in NYC and does Summer Stock at The Barn in Michigan.  He brought ALL the costumes from when they did “Shrek the Musical”.  He also told Keilee she could come with him and be his assistant.  Nomad can’t go but Augustus can he said.  I said, “Ha Ha, NO”.   Keilee was also asked to be in the picture for the paper which was so cool.  The really bad quality picture is from our paper. I scanned it.

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 On Stage:  It was simple magic!

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Here is “Let Your Freak Flag Fly”  Keilee has on the blue wig. 😉  This is crappy quality from my iPhone and I didn’t even get the entire stage.  The colors were MUCH more vivid as you can see from my pictures.


 On Stage Part Deux: 

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After Show:  So many people came to see Keilee.  I didn’t get pictures of a lot of them.  Her first director was there.  She did plays with him from age 6-10.  It was awesome to see him.  The lady with the Shrek ears is Carol, her director for this show.  She is wonderful.

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Cast Party:  Always the cast party has been between the 2 shows on Saturday.  Not this show.  They had a huge party at a little restaurant downtown after the show.  So it started around 10:00.  It was a blast.  And they were STILL singing all the songs from the play. We made ogre toes!!  Aren’t they cute?  We both had so much fun and got home around 12:00.

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It is such hard work to put on a performance of this caliber.  So many hours spent at rehearsal and at the theater.  Honestly it is like a non paying job.  But watching her on stage always makes it all worth it.

To my daughter, this play has so many wonderful lessons.  “Beautiful isn’t always pretty”, “Always be who you are”and “Let your freak flag fly”.  This last one is pretty easy for us both because we’ve always marched to our own beat.

Another show under her belt but these memories will last us both a lifetime.

Homeschool Rocks!

Live theater is just an incredibly powerful medium, and I think anyone who goes, whether they know about it or not, if they see something that sort of fits with them, it’s kind of hard to deny that they had a good time.  ~Harry Connick, Jr.

There’s nothing like the buzz of live theater. You put it out there and receive an instant reaction: laughing, crying, yelling, applauding.  ~Samantha Barks

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”


Augustus the Squirrel

Keilee loves animals.  She has loved them since a very early age.  Not just dogs and cats and horses [she was never really a ‘horses’ girl] but all animals.  She has wanted to be an Animal Rehabilitator for years and years.

She wanted a dog since she could talk but until we moved here she wasn’t able to get one.  She rescued Pippy the bird 4 years ago and some of you know how that ended.  She kept her for 3 weeks and she could put her in the yard and call her and she would come to Keilee.  Kei found her dead in her crate one day and it almost wrecked us both.

About 3 weeks ago a friend called and said she had a baby squirrel and would Keilee want it.  I said, “NO, no way, no how”.  She laughed and told me to think about it and call her back.  And then Keilee made her case, with beautiful logic like she always does.  So I called her back and told her we would take it.

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She immediately brought it to us and Keilee checked and found out it was a boy.  She named him Augustus after her favorite book character.  And then we became squirrel people.

After doing intensive research, and finding contradictions on every.single.website.   we went to Petco and got some puppy milk.  $5 a CAN!  When Keilee told the check out lady she had a squirrel she gave us a name of a woman who used to come in that rescued squirrels.

The next 2 weeks were a blur of feedings every 4 hours, setting the iPhone every 2 hours to restart his heating pad because it turned off after 2 hours and very little sleep.  During the first 2 weeks Gussy almost died twice!  The first time we think he just got cold.  They must have the temperature 99°.  We came back from play practice one Saturday morning and he was stiff in his cage.  Keilee was so upset and I took her to the den and told her to sit on the couch and I got paper towels and a bag to put him in to bury.  When I picked him up his little arm moved! I called Keilee and she immediately put him on the heating pad.  In 30 minutes he was fine.   This is the first time I called the squirrel woman.  She sent me what I ‘should’ be feeding him.  So after pouring $5 of puppy milk down the drain we were off to buy $25 worth of the things we should be feeding him.

Last week we got home from play practice and he was gasping for air.  This time we had become much more attached to him and Keilee was crying and telling me to do something.  But I didn’t know what to do.  So I called the squirrel woman and she told me to give him amoxicillin mixed with water every 3 hours.  So we did that.  That night Gussy was so bad, we honestly didn’t think he would make it through the night.  Keilee kept saying she wanted to hold him because she didn’t want him to die alone.  [I am in tears just typing this] but I wouldn’t let her.  I wanted him to stay warm.  She moved his aquarium to the floor and laid curled around it.  I called my brother to let him know just because she was so inconsolable.  About 30 minutes later Seth, my nephew, came over.  Keilee was NOT happy to see him at first.  She HATES to cry and HATES for anyone to see her cry.  But he laid down in the floor with her and just hugged her.  I had to leave the room.  I heard her say, “I know he is just a stupid squirrel but I love him”.

That night consisted of alarms set every 3 hours for antibiotic and every 2 hours for restarting the heating pad.  I kept getting up and checking on Keilee and Gussy.  She refused to come to bed and slept on the floor with him.  He survived the night.  Thank goodness my brother had an old heating pad that doesn’t shut off.  He brought us that the next day.

Augustus is a lot of work.  She changes his bedding 3 times a day.  She feeds him every 5 hours.  He is about to start eating real food in addition to the formula she mixes up daily.  We thought from the beginning that he could be released at 12 weeks but the squirrel woman said, “NO”!!!!  6 months.  6 months!!!!  I told Keilee we could not afford him for that long.  He is about to start eating fruits and vegetables every day plus formula.  There is also a “Nutball” recipe that looks more complicated than French cooking and with more ingredients.  And I am laid off until who knows when.  I told her maybe we should call the Rehab people and they could come get him.

She asked me if she could try to raise the money herself.  What could I say? Keilee never wants anything and she wants to raise this little squirrel that she has invested so much time and love into. After writing down everything he needs and estimating what it would cost to buy and make, she decided it would be around $2 a day to feed him.

After doing some research she set up a fund for Augustus.  She asked me to post it on my blog so I did, in the sidebar.  I have not shared it on Facebook because it makes me feel weird to be honest.  So many people need so much.  So many people have sick children or are sick themselves.  So many people struggling.  But Keilee said some people WOULD care about a squirrel.  And she is right.  A dear friend posted the link to HER Facebook and Gussy has raised $90.  So if any of you feel like posting it to your Facebook Keilee would so appreciate it.  Just click on the Augustus link and when it takes you to his page it has a “Share on Facebook” option.

He has his own Instagram.  You can see it here or follow on Instagram at AugustusTheSquirrel.  Keilee has made Augustus her Science Project for a Science Fair.  She updates every day in a notebook.  She measures and weighs him once a week.  She has listed his formula and his sicknesses and his ‘firsts’.  She is learning so much about the profession she has wanted forever.  I think she has chosen something with a lot of heartbreak.  Yes there will be successes but the failures would just kill me.  I have been so incredibly proud of her during this.  She has taken almost 100% care of Augustus while doing a very intense theater production.

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Here is Augustus drinking his formula.  He is just the sweetest thing.

Augustus is just a part of our family now.  He is so little and he needs us so much.  He truly would not survive alone.  He makes the cutest noises and ‘fusses’ when he topples over. He always turns his head when he hears Keilee’s voice.

Thank you all for your prayers for Augustus.  My favorite was from Chris at Tales of a House Husband . He said this is the first time he had ever prayed for a squirrel! Us too Chris!

Homeschool Rocks,

“To the world, you may be one squirrel, but to one squirrel, you may be the world…”  ~ Twitter Feed “Squirrel Quotes”

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday
Kris at “Weekly Wrap Up

Short and Sweet

It’s been a rough week.  For more than one reason.  But I want to post so this is going to our week in mostly pictures.  MOST of our week.

Keilee got to reprise her role in Little Women.  They did a couple of scenes for a Theater workshop.  She loved being “Amy” again.

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Shrek the Musical practice 4 times a week now.  This show is going to ROCK. Seriously.  This is the most talented group Keilee has ever worked with.  Especially Shrek and Donkey.  Awesome!!  The main roles are adults except for one guy and they are immensely talented.  She has had a blast so far.

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Writing group went so well this week.  They act like they like it, I hope they do.

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60’s week at Co-op.  Fun.

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One of the reasons for our week has been Augustus.  It is very stressful caring for a squirrel who keeps trying to die on you.  More on that later but I will leave you with his cute self.

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We have done schoolish things; a few times.  Mainly we have just been trying to keep our head above water.

Homeschool Rocks,Karen

“This too shall pass”.  My Mother

Linking with
Mary at Collage Friday
Sylvia at Friendship Friday

Drama, Squirrel Pets, Creative Writing and more Drama…

It always amazes me how the days fly by.  Has it always been like this?  When I was younger time passed so slowly.  Now it a month begins and ends in a BOOM!  Keilee thinks it goes by fast too so I don’t know if it is an age thing or not.

We had a great day at Co-op.  My Drama kids performed a white glove routine to “Who Am I”?  It was beautiful.  Several Moms were crying including me, even though I had seen them practice a hundred times.  Several of the kids had never performed before and they were just BEAMING!! 

It was beautiful here Monday and Tuesday so Tuesday I took my writing group to the park.  They did Mapping the World Through Art and worked on their stop animation film here and then we headed off.  It was so awesome seeing kids writing on blankets in the warm sun. 

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Afterwards they played hide and seek.  I LOVE that this group of teenagers did not sit around with their smart phones not interacting with each other at all.  I do so think this is another example of the difference in homeschool kids!

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In other big news Keilee got a squirrel to raise!  A friend of mine called and asked if Keilee would like it and my first response was NO!  Does anyone remember Pippy the Bird?  I didn’t want something else that would end like that.  But she made her points, very successfully I suppose since as I type  this the squirrel is in his box in our house.

She named him Augustus after her favorite book character.  She researched and made feeding charts.  He is the sweetest thing.  One of his eyes actually opened this morning.  Keilee knew they were about to.  She estimates that he is 5 weeks old.  It is so funny because Nomad HATES squirrels.  He barks at them in our yard ALL.DAY.LONG.  He either has no clue Augustus is here or he just excepts him as part of our family.  Keilee does close the door to the extra bedroom where he is at night so Nomad won’t eat him!!  Her plan is to reintroduce him to the wild when he is old enough.  Jenn at Little Homeschool on the Prairie said that she has friends that have a SQUIRREL DOOR in their house!!  That is just unbelievable to me.  We have hundreds of squirrels around here.  Of course Keilee thought that would be a great idea. 🙂

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Keilee had an assignment in her Photography class to take pictures of green and yellow things.  Here are a few of her pictures. 

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1. Drama kids performing “Who Am I”  2.  Making cupcakes for the neighbor ladies.  3. & 5.  They are doing a Theater workshop where she reprises her role as Amy in “Little Women”.  I cannot believe she was 12 when she did this and now she is 14.  Although she was ALMOST 13.  4.  Spring is COMING!!!

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In between the busy there has been a lot of Algebra.  In fact one day Keilee got it and I didn’t.  That has NEVER happened!!  I was so freaked but she was very happy. 😉  I actually did finally get it.  She has a HUGE notebook filled with Algebra problems.  I asked her if it didn’t make her proud of herself and she said yes but she didn’t think she would remember how to do every problem.  I told her that is what review is for.  🙂  We are also doing Chemistry 1 from CK-12.  It is a free textbook and teacher’s textbook.  She is also doing Hank Green’s Crash Course Chemistry along with it.  And John Green’s Psychology too.  Can you tell we are HUGE Green brother’s fans???  We are working our way through “Grammar Girls Presents The Ultimate Writing Guide for Students” and loving it.  We are both huge fans of geek girls. 

Speaking of geek girls, we also continue to play World of Warcraft.   I have always loved online games but playing with Keilee is definitely a new experience.  She is much more fearless than I am.  We play on a PVP server which means “Player versus Player”.  That means any person [meaning a real life player like we are] from the opposing side can attack and ‘kill’ you at any time.  I’ve always played PVP because that is what my online friends have always played but I have never been that good at it.  But Keilee and I are a 2 girl wrecking machine. 🙂  We never have attacked anyone first but if they attack us, well we show no mercy.  No really we scream and run around like chickens with their heads cut off. We die a lot but we also laugh so much at times we can hardly play.  I am using my brother’s extra accounts so it is a FREE way for us to have some fun.  The game is very little killing players and mostly going on quests.  So there is a lot of reading and figuring things out.  

So there you have it, our second week of March.  The next 3 weeks are going to be crazy busy.  Keilee has “Shrek the Musical” practice 4 times a week.  Our Drama group at Co-op is performing a play.  We start practice Monday.  Keilee is MUCH better at directing than I am.  We found a short script and she rewrote it so everyone would have lines.  She also did all the blocking and wrote it down for me.  She is helping me create the program too.  Lots of hands on learning going on there. 

Thank you all for the lovely prayers. The situation hasn’t changed yet but my attitude has greatly.

I hope everyone is having a great March so far and that it is warming up where you are.  I am ready for sunshine beaming down on my face, walks , sitting on the patio and just not freezing all  the time!

Happy weekend,
Homeschool Rocks!

“No matter how long the winter is, spring is sure to follow.”  Proverb

Linking with
Mary at Collage Friday
Sylvia at Friendship Friday
Kris at “Weekly Wrap Up”

It’s March!!!

It is finally March.  Even though it has been pretty chilly and we even had some sleet on the first day of March, it is here.

We have had such a good week.  We didn’t do a lot.  We stayed home and did lots of learning.

We did go to the Mardi Gras parade on Saturday.  It is a parade for dogs and we always love it.

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Monday was a great day at Co-op.  We finished practicing for our “White Gloves” song we are performing next week at Co-op.  The kids are all so excited. 

Tuesday was my 2nd class with my writing group.  We actually went on a field trip when everyone first got here.  There is a really cool museum near us that is FREE.  It is a Natural Science Museum and it isn’t very big but they have lots of neat things there. 

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Then we came back here and did some writing.  They loved the first activity they did.  You write the first line of a story then pass it to the next person.  Then that person covers the first line and passes it to the next person.  So you can always only see the line right before yours.  When it gets back to the original owner they read the entire story and write a line to ‘finish it up’.  They all wanted to do it again so we did.  Then after snacks we did Mapping the World Through Art.  This is such a fun curriculum.  Afterwards they worked on their project, a stop motion video.  They are almost ready to start taking pictures. 

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We did lots of Algebra this week and Chemistry.  She also is going through Crash Course Psychology.  I swear I love John and Hank Green.  They are awesome!!  She has written some on the story she is writing and it is so good. Well I think it is so good and a couple of people who have heard it think it is too.  🙂   Keilee finished reading “Divergent” and she loved it, which I knew she would!  She has already started on “Insurgent”.  She is reading MORE and MORE lately.  And simply loving it.  I was listening to her and a friend at play practice talking about books and they were both so excited and talking so fast about a few books they had both read.  It makes me giddy!!  

Did you hear about the SAT?  They are radically changing it.  I have read several articles about the changes and I think they sound so much better!!

Keilee is crocheting all the time too.  1.  She saw a cupcake hat that she loved so she made herself one; in ONE day, with no pattern.   2.  We also did some cool Zentangles at Co-op and watched 3.  “The Oscars”.  We both LOVE Jennifer Lawrence and Keilee really wanted to see Idina Menzel who played Elphaba in “Wicked” on Broadway and also was the voice of Elsa in “Frozen”.  4. She has made also made about 7 hats in 10 or so days.

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Thank you all for the prayers last week.  Things haven’t changed much but I am trusting in God to provide and open doors.  I am trusting in him having a perfect plan for our lives. Please continue to pray for us because I believe so strongly in the power of prayer!

I hope the weather is warming up where you are!

Homeschool Rocks!

“March came in that winter like the meekest and mildest of lambs, bringing days that were crisp and golden and tingling, each followed by a frosty pink twilight which gradually lost itself in an elfland of moonshine.”   L.M. Montgomery

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.”  ~Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday
Kris at “Weekly Wrap Up”

The Week That Was…

This week has been a week of beautiful and of not so beautiful.

It was filled with Co-op and a brand spanking new class I am holding at my house and Shrek the Musical practice and a funeral for a dear friend’s father and lots of laughter.  And lots of learning; Algebra I [the first lesson of the week gave us fits!!], Chemistry; Grammar Girl, History, reading about the brain, experiments, lots and lots of writing and more.

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1.  Nomad sleeping with his baby.
2.  End it Movement
3.  Chemistry lesson about thermometers.  You were supposed to experiment and learn the reason why a thermometer rises in hot water and lowers in cold.  The only thermometer I had was a meat thermometer and Keilee kept yelling, “Come on you can make it to the rare lamb!!  Ok now come on baby, make it to the rare beef.”  I was cracking up.
4.  Her Mythological Zentangle creature
5.  Art Journal class – Mardi Gras masks!  These turned out beautifully.
6.  Shrek the Musical practice.  This show is going to be wonderful. It has a great script! Keilee was asked to be in the Ensemble.  There are only 3 teenagers and the other 2 are in high school.  The rest are all adults.  She was so excited!  This show has AWESOME music!  Shrek and Donkey are hysterical.
7.  My first Co-op class at my house! I have wanted to do this forever.  I am so thankful for Jessica for giving me so much inspiration with this!!  We had a great first day doing Creative Writing, Mapping the World with Art and they are doing a project together; making a stop animation film.  I love projects that involve kids working together especially since Keilee is an only child.
8.  Sunday it was 70° here!  We stayed outside all afternoon reading in the sunshine.

We had a field trip planned to Space and Rocket Center to see the Da Vinci exhibit.  Keilee loves Da Vinci.  However one of my best friend’s father died and we went to his funeral that day.  It was a beautiful celebration of a life well lived.  He was 84 and founded the church the funeral was held at.  My favorite part was when the minister sang “Zippity Do Dah”.  It was lovely.

I am not ready to share the ‘not so beautiful’ but please keep Keilee and I in your prayers.  I know God has a perfect plan for us.  I try to remember that through all the tough times.  He gave me this child and I know he will provide.  I would just really appreciate your prayers for us.

Happy weekend all!
Homeschool Rocks!
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”  Jeremiah 29:11

Linking with
Mary at Collage Friday
Sylvia at Friendship Friday

Crocheted Purse, Art Journal, Chemistry and Shrek the Musical..

Keilee spent the last week doing what she does best; crocheting, art jounaling, singing and practicing for her new play. 

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1.  Valentine’s Lunch at Panera.
2.  We played a great game at Co-op that Keilee first played virtually with Jessica’s girls.  It involves a HUGE taped roll of candy and dice.  They loved it!
3.  Practice for Shrek the Musical
4.  Famous person dress up day at Co-op.  Keilee said she was “Amelia Earhart with style”
5.  Writing class via FaceTime with Jessica
6.  Great game making site we found that she has spent a lot of time on.  It is Game Star Mechanics.  We both played on this site making mazes for each other to maneuver. 
7.  The purse she made with bottle tabs and yarn.  This turned out AWESOME.  I seriously loved it.

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I found a new FREE Chemistry site for Keilee.  She likes it a lot so far although she thought it was too easy.  She seems to think the first few lessons of anything are too easy and she loses interest.  I try to explain that no matter how many times she has taken a course the first few lessons are always review.  You can find it here at Middle School Chemistry.

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And as always she did tons of Art Journaling.  She spends hours and hours a week doing this.

The weather was GORGEOUS this week and we spent a lot of time outside.  We actually sat in the sun on Tuesday.  We took walks and played with Nomad.  It made us both want Spring and Summer so badly. 

Prayer Request:
My boss Stan has been in the hospital for over a week.  He had his appendix out and then they removed 3′ of his colon because of infection.  Please keep him in your prayers.  I am also laid off again.  I have been since the end of December and I haven’t mentioned it but we would love your prayers. 

We have big plans for this weekend and next week.  I would love for the weather to stay lovely but it isn’t supposed to.  It’s ok, I will close my eyes and imagine hot Summer days.  They will be here soon enough!

Homeschool Rocks!

“If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”    Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday”
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”
Kris at “Weekly Wrap-Up

Snowapocalypse 2014

This week was all about SNOW.  I don’t remember it snowing twice in one week in forever.  It was a week of us being so excited about snow.  We have gotten none all winter.  I see Instagram pictures all the time with beautiful snow and have wanted some so badly.  And I got it!

It started snowing Monday on the way home from Co-op.  Just a few flakes and by the time we were home, nada.  But the forecast was for snow during the night.  When we woke up Tuesday morning we had about 2″.  Keilee and I bundled up and took Nomad out.  We all had a blast playing in the snow.  Trey, one of Keilee’s really great friends, came over and spent about 7 hours with Keilee.  They played outside and took a walk and watched movies and talked and talked.  Then she introduced him to World of Warcraft and he played my character for about 2 hours.  They had a blast!

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By afternoon Tuesday it was all gone.  But another system was headed our way!  All Tuesday night and Wednesday morning I kept getting “Winter Storm Warning” updates on my phone.  We waited impatiently all day Wednesday and finally about 3:00 PM it started snowing.  HUGE flakes and it was like a blizzard.  I was so excited!!!  By 8:00 it was a winter wonderland.  I know to so many of you this is not a big deal but to us it was HUGE!!!  It rarely snows more than a dusting around here.  Keilee and I went outside at night and it was magical.  It was quiet and still and so incredibly beautiful.  Some of these are from our house and some are from my Brothers.

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There is something about being outside at night when it is snowing that is just unbelievable.

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After we got up Thursday we measured and we had 5″.  My brother had 7″ and some areas around us had 8″.

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It was a lovely, snow filled week.  And now we are ready for spring!

One of my favorite pictures!  She was throwing it at ME!

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Homeschool Rocks!


“The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?”  ~J. B. Priestley

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday

The QUICK week update…

I am late to the Friday Collage party but I wanted to post something!  We had a great week this past week.

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Here is a quick collage.

* The pencil sharpener is something that has seriously always been a part of my life.  We moved here when I was little and Daddy put it on the wall.  When he put it there he and my Mother were young parents. I was a small child. Over the years I sharpened my pencils hundreds, if not thousands, of times. It heard the laughter and love that flowed through our house. Now, nearly 40 years later, it is a different time, my Mother and older brother have died, my Dad has remarried, my younger brother has his own family. Kei and I live in my childhood home and she sharpens HER pencils, turning the same handle I used so many, many years ago. But still it is a house full of laughter and love. The circle of life.
* Keilee got her pink guitar and decided to do a semi photo shoot for her edits.  She was wearing a headband she made!!  She saw it on Etsy for $25 and decided she could make it.  It is so cool and HIPPY, with yarn and beads and feathers.  She has already sold 2 and if anyone would like one they are $11 shipped.
*  I have restarted keeping a list of 1000 Gifts inspired by Jessica at Teachable Moments.  Every morning I list things I am thankful for and then I thumb through the bible until I find something I like.  I am using my Mom’s Bible and it has been amazing. Every day I find pieces of her; underlined passages, notes in the margins, old photos, little love notes from my Daddy, dried flowers and more.  It HAS been a HUGE 1000 Gift!
*  Seth introduced Keilee to Flappy Bird and she has been playing.  I hate that game.  It makes me crazy!!!  If you haven’t grabbed it for your iPhone you are out of luck.  It was announced yesterday that the developer demanded it be removed from the iTunes store.  He is from Vietnam and was reportedly making $50,000 a day from it!!!  But I read he was an introvert and could not handle the notoriety from it.
*  And we continue to play World of Warcraft.  Since Keilee is sharing an account of my brothers she has access to all his ‘modes of transportation’.  One is this motorcycle that 2 people can fit into.  I have cried laughing at her zooming us all over the place, paying no regard to little things like MOUNTAINS and LAKES!!!  Fun times.

Today we have SNOW with MORE expected tonight.  I am off to enjoy it.  Stay warm wherever you are!

Homeschool Rocks!

“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”  ~Abraham Lincoln

14th Birthday Party, Gymnastics, Cold Weather and Learning Stuff…

Keilee finally got to have her 14th birthday party.  She had a problem coordinating with her friends.  At first she invited her Co-op friends but Kathy called and wanted to know if Sophie could stay the same night because she had plans.  So Keilee just invited her too.

They had a blast!!  Talking and singing and eating and playing games and dancing and doing makeup and hair.  Also Grace and Lilah got to Facetime in and play games with them.  It was such fun!!  We played “Murder in the Dark” for over an hour and I was cracking up at them.  I finally hit the bed around 12:00.  I think they went to sleep around 2:30.  Such great girls, I love them all.  The bottom right picture is what I took when I said, “Ok now act like normal teenage girls” 😉

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We had bitterly cold weather this week again.  We didn’t get one smidgen of snow but oh my goodness they did all around us.  Birmingham got 4″ and it was snow and ice.  It came in so quickly they couldn’t dismiss schools or work.  People were stranded in offices, kids had to spend the night in schools, people abandoned their cars and walked home.  It was horrible.  A lot of people in the North are making fun of us but you have to remember we don’t have salt machines and snow plows and people do not know how to drive in snow because it so rarely happens.  And Birmingham and Atlanta are HUGE cities with crazy traffic on the best of days.  It is supposed to warm up this weekend, thank goodness!

Keilee is still flipping and throwing her body all over the place once a week.  And I am still paying for it. 🙂

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Lots of learning sort of things going on.  She had a test in Photography on Monday and is pretty sure she made 100.  She has done Algebra twice this week for about 2 hours each, History, written on her story, Art Journaling, Grammar Girl, read our Bible study guide, read, done Biology, worked on her Etsy Store and Facebook “Keilee’s Kreations” site.  If you are on Facebook please stop by and like her page!  She is hard at work on another design for her headbands.  They have felt flowers instead of bows and I love them!!

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1.  Working on her story
2.  Her new headbands!
3.  Algebra
4.  Fun at Wal-Mart
5.  Art Jounaling
6.  World of Warcraft

Keilee and I have started playing World Of Warcraft again.  I have played on and off for over 12 years but we have never been able to play together.  We are having a blast!!  We play for hours each day and there is lots of laughing and figuring out things and mapping routes.  And I am always lost but she never is.

So there is a quick look at our week.  We are so ready for warmer temps!!  We don’t have plans this weekend and intend on just hanging out and playing games together.  One of my favorite things!

Homeschool Rocks!

“If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we’d all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.”  ~Marcus Brigstocke
“A game is an opportunity to focus our energy, with relentless optimism, at something we’re good at (or getting better at) and enjoy. In other words, gameplay is the direct emotional opposite of depression.” ~Jane McGonigal, Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World

Linking with
Mary at Collage Friday
Sylvia at Friendship Friday

Sewing, Writing, Gaming, 80’s, Kinda Week…

The class that Keilee is doing via FaceTime (she is actually getting ready to join them as I type this) with Jessica’s group is honestly going wonderfully.  She is so excited every Thursday night about it and she is writing like crazy.  It is such a great experience for her.  Her and Grace and the rest of the girls laugh and talk and show off each other’s dogs and pets.  It is so much fun for her.  And she is LOVING the writing games they play.

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She is working on a great story.  She told me I could share the first Chapter here:

Septembers Children

 Chapter one

 The sky was gray and smog thickened the air making it hard to breath. “I liked it better when the sky was blue” whispered Alex as he walked towards me. “Alex” I turned fast on my heels “you not suppose to be here”. The air was hot and I could see his eyes move from the filthy sky to me. “Neither are you “ he smirked. He is the only one I feel comfortable around, without him living here would be unbearable. We sat by the edge, peered down at the busy city below. We weren’t suppose to be here, the roof was off limits to all children in September Academy. “Hey Addie?’ Alex turned to me. “Yeah?” I looked at him.

 Maybe the reason we were so alike, why we were best friends is because we are the only ones different. After the Great War nothing was left and we had to rebuild. Very few of us left, very few of us with pale skin, pale eyes and in some cases pale hair. Alex and I both had blue eye, he is the only other person I know who does.

 “You know” Alex began he turned his head as not to look at me. “we could get out.”  I looked at him shocked, I wanted to get out as much, maybe more so, than him but there was no way. “Alex, we…..” Alex turned to me his blue eyes so stern it stopped me in my tracks. “Addie, we could jump.” He said it so nonchalantly it make me wonder, if he really meant it.  “never mind” he said as he turned and looked back at the sky “forget it.”  We sat there in silence not daring to speak or look at each other. I’ve known Alex my whole life, but in this moment he felt like a stranger.

She has written 8 chapters so far!  She is a really good writer but we have never done any sort of writing curriculum.  Keilee told me the other day that there is always either a song or a story running around in her head.  I am just so not like that.

Keilee got a last minute call to help out at The Princess Theater This past weekend. They were having their annual Mental Health Talent Show and needed a stage hand.  She thought she would be mostly back stage and doing moving in the dark but she was on stage the entire time!!  Even bantered with the Master of Ceremonies.  She seriously had 30 mintues to get ready.  We had been a a game day all afternoon and were both pretty pooped!

She also sewed a Quiver for a badge on DIY.org.  She is really doing a great job sewing.  Unfortunately I am not much help.

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They had 80’s day at Co-op.  Finding Keilee something to wear wasn’t very hard.  She wears things like this anyway.  I would love to have all my 80’s clothes.  I had tons of cool things.  I was a very big MTV kinda girl. 

Keilee on the left, me on the right. 🙂  I have no clue why a 25 year old picture is better quality than a week old one!!!

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Keilee has great friends at Co-op.  This is in Art Journaling and the last one is what we are learning for Drama.  It is a ‘white glove’ routine and very cool.

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We played tons of games this week, watched the premiere of Sherlock, (I am a HUGE fan) and took selfies.  While playing Scrabble, I put the word ‘home’ and Keilee made it “HomeSchool”.  🙂  She has been sitting in on a Yale class called “Game Theory” that she loves.  She has talked non stop about it.  We also started playing World Of Warcraft together.  My brother has 2 accounts and let us borrow them when he isn’t playing.  And Keilee finished a large order she got on Facebook for 4 headbands.  This is the first time in 2 months she doesn’t have an order to work on and can just knit and crochet for fun.

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We have  slam packed weekend and it is supposed to be bitter cold.  I am so thankful that Daddy put in central heat this winter.  We have frozen the last few winters but stayed warm as toast this year.  As long as we don’t have to get out in it!  I want Spring but I would love some snow first.  I see all sorts of snow pictures on Instagram and I want some too!

 Happy weekend!
Homeschool Rocks!

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ~Maya Angelou
“I know of nothing more inspiring than that of making discoveries for one’s self.”  ~George Washington Carver

Linking with Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”

Boot Socks, Crocheting, and Learning All the Time…

Great week but very few pictures.  Instagram is going to be the death of my blog!  It is just easy to post there and when it is time to blog I feel like I have already put all the pictures I have taken on IG.  So if you follow me there, you have seen most of these!!

I learned to CROCHET this week!  Just a single stitch but I did that stitch about 10000 times I think.  I made a scarf, sort of.  It kinds looks like dreadlocks but I love it.  Keilee has been begging me to learn for 2 years but I didn’t think I could because I have some nerve damage in my left hand and have very little fine motor skills but I managed. 

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Keilee did Biology several times this week.  She gets on a kick and stays on it for days.  She asked me if I would ‘bleed for Science” and guess what? I did!!  She wanted to look at  my blood in the microscope.  Our microscope is the pits!!!  We so need a new one but they are pricey. 

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My cousin Gigi, who made me the beautiful quilt, came over this week to show Keilee how to sew Fleece boot socks.  I had ordered a pair on Instagram and LOVED them.  Keilee got the hang of it quickly.  Gigi is a great teacher.  She is just a wonderful, craftsy person. She can do anything!!  Poor Kei is stuck with me who can do about nothing crafty. 🙂

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1. Algebra!
2.  Kei took this pic of me getting gas.  I thought it looked cool.
3.  Keilee at the eye doctor.  She had been having headaches so I took her in.  Her prescription had to be changed a bit. 
4.   A page in her art journal.  This was one of my favorites.  It is based on a song from Sweeney Todd.
5.  This is the view from my bed every sunny morning.  It is the early morning sun reflecting off a mirror Keilee had gotten me about 4 years ago.  It always makes me smile.

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Keilee also sent about 20 emails Thursday to Animal Rehabilitation facilitates all across the US asking for advice and telling them a little bit about herself.  She did it all herself, I didn’t even know she was emailing them.  She found the places online and found their email addresses.  She has gotten 2 replies with tons of great advice.  We have found that most people who are passionate about their job LOVE to help and give advice to young people. All you have to do  is ASK!!!

Favorite Resource:
We grabbed an ebook from Amazon called “Grammar Girls Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students” when it was on sale earlier this week.  It is full price now but it is AWESOME.  I use her site all the time when we are looking up grammar questions and I have seriously learned so much in 3 chapters!!  I can’t believe how many capitalization errors I have made my entire life!  I actually think I made a few in this post but I don’t feel like looking it up. 😉

A Favorite Post
you haven’t read Jessica’s post over at Teachable Moments, “She Is More Than A Number”  please take a few minutes and read it.  This just resonated so deeply with me.  It is wonderful!!!

Keilee  joined me today with a Friday Collage.  Check out her post if you’d like.

So that is a quick, repetitive for some of you, look into our week!  Keilee is getting ready to do the writing class with Jessica and the girls as I type and this afternoon we are going to some new friends house to play games! 

And I want snow!!  I see all these beautiful pictures on IG of snow and it makes me want snow so badly.  Maybe we will get some this winter.

Happy weekend y’all,
Homeschool Rocks!

 “Just as eating against one’s will is injurious to health, so studying without a liking for it spoils the memory, and it retains nothing it takes in.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday”
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”
Kris at “Weekly Wrap Up

And The Beat Goes On….

Keilee had a great birthday.  We went to IHOP as we have every year since she was 3.  She wore the same hat she has worn since then. And they brought her an ice cream sundae and sang, “Happy Birthday” the same as always.

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She didn’t do 14 Acts of Kindness but she did do several things.  She baked cookies and brownies for the Police Officers, she got a Gift Card at Starbucks for the person behind us in line and she bought candy and took to Hospice.  They were so awesome to my Mom before she died that Keilee wanted to do something nice for them.

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We had a HUGE Freeze here, temperatures below zero so these girls stayed inside for days.  We watched movies, played games, read, Keilee did History and Science and Art and edited photos and more.

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We broke down and got cable this week.  After 1 year and 7 months.  ATT has finally made UVerse available where we are.  After 30 minutes on the phone I got over 150 channels for $20 more a month.  It is a 2 year contract and she guaranteed me that price for the entire 24 months.  I also got a $250 Visa Gift Card!!  We canceled HuluPlus and Netflix DVD to home and that saved $16 so it is only $4 difference.  The main selling point is that our internet is 3x faster!!!  My download speed was 5.89 and I have checked twice and it is over 21mg!!!!

Keilee started back gymnastics and we did several experiments with water and ice.  These are BUBBLES that froze!  So cool.

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Keilee’s back kickover.  Click on the link to watch!

Video Jan 08, 10 17 00 AM

So 2014 is starting off great.  We have plans the next few days that we are looking forward to and Keilee is doing a class right now with Jessica’s girls on FaceTime!  So there are girls in Alabama and Connecticut learning together! Technology rocks!

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Homeschool Rocks

I love this quote and I feel the exact same way 🙂
“I am often accused of being childish.  I prefer to interpret that as child-like.  I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things.  I tend to exaggerate and fantasize and embellish.  I still listen to instinctual urges.  I play with leaves.  I skip down the street and run against the wind.  I never water my garden without soaking myself.  It has been after such times of joy that I have achieved my greatest creativity and produced my best work.” ~Leo F. Buscaglia


Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”

And Then She was 14….

I sit here going through pictures for my post with tears rolling down my face.  Where did it go?  Where did the time go?  You were just this little bitty girl, full of laughter and energy and giggles and questions.  I want that little girl back at times. 

But here you are; 14.  How can that be?  I don’t think I could ever tell you what you mean to me.  All these years it has only been me and you.  You made me something I never thought I would be; a Mother.  Being your Mom has been the greatest blessing of my life.  The best thing I have ever done.  I wouldn’t trade my life now for anything. 

You, this beautiful child, changed me forever.

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You are strong and creative and full of indignation for anything unfair.  You speak your mind, you keep up with the world, you have a brain that amazes me; you can be doing art one minute and watching an MIT video on DNA the next.  You have such a kind heart, a heart for giving and caring.  You light up around anything animal.  You blossom around small children.  You love Jesus with all your heart and are happiest when you are doing things for other people.  You would rather watch a documentary than the latest TV show, you would rather have broccoli than chocolate.  You intend on changing the world and I have no doubt you will do it.  You sing, there is never quiet in our house.  You sing in the shower, while you learn, while you clean, everywhere.  Your world is full of music.  You love the bands you love with intensity and your choice in music is not what anyone expects from a blonde 13 14 year old girl.  You feel songs deeply and they all mean something to you.  You love fashion and spend way too much time picking out clothes.  Thankfully we have been blessed with amazing people in our lives who have always given us clothes for you from age 2 until now.  You have known what you wanted to do with your life since you were 7.  An Animal Rehabilitator.  Your plan is to live in Africa and save every animal you see hurt or hungry or sad.  You want to have your own TV show so people can see what you are doing.  A combination of your 2 loves; acting and animals.   You tell me it doesn’t matter how much money you make, you just want to make their lives better. Recently Updated147

You love acting to the depths of your soul.  You come alive on stage.  It has always been one of the joys of my life to watch you perform.  You take a character and bring it to life in a way that is just perfect.  I have had hundreds of people tell me how amazing you are on stage.  But still you are humble.

When you were 7 we decided to Homeschool and I would not have changed that for a million dollars.  I have had the privilege of watching you learn, seeing your face when something clicks, answering questions, looking up information.  You have a ‘love’ of learning that is exactly what I wanted you to possess when I started this journey. 

Our lives are not filled with expensive vacations or huge houses and big cars.  There are times when we are really scrambling for money, but we have never wanted for anything.  God always provides.  You have never been a child who said ‘I want that” in stores.  I have to practically beat you over the head to let me buy you anything but you are always wanting to buy me something. 

My daughter, my sweet, amazing daughter.  Today is your 14th birthday.  The age you have wanted to be since you were 4.  The age you always made your Barbies.  14.  I hope this year is filled with love and laughter and joy and all things beautiful.

All Keilee and some Mom and Kei

On this birthday your Mamma wants to tell you ‘thank you’. Thank you for changing my life forever.  Anytime anyone ever says to me, “Keilee is so lucky to have you.” I just smile and shake my head.  “I” am the lucky one.

All Keilee and some Mom and Kei1

These pictures were made 7 years apart.  Same pose.  You can’t tell from the newest one but her feet are the exact same way.

Happy Birthday Keilee,
I love you to Pluto and back,

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Linking with
Mary at Collage Friday
Sylvia at Friendship Friday

Christmas 2013……

We had a great Christmas.  We were so busy and it seemed like we weren’t at home the week before Christmas at all!

We went shopping in Huntsville with some of our friends from Co-op.  We had a great day at the mall but it was SO crowded.  Keilee and Abby had a blast hanging out together.

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We spent Saturday with friends.  We ate at Olive Garden and they attended our church’s Christmas service.  We had 2 services on Saturday and since we spent Sunday at my Dad’s it worked out perfectly.  Then we rode around our historical district and saw beautiful Christmas lights!
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1.  Hanging the last ornament on our Jesse Tree.  We bought the accompanying book “The Greatest Gift” by Ann Voskamp and totally loved each day’s story and verse.
2.  Keilee working on a Gingerbread house.  What this picture doesn’t show is it completely falling apart all over the floor.  I took that puppy back to the store.  We were so frustrated because she worked on it 2 hours!
3.  Keilee making Cocoa Reindeers for the neighbors.  These were SO cute.  She also made a video for YouTube showing how to make these.

4.  My brother and his family went to South Alabama this year for Christmas so we celebrated on Sunday.  Here are the cousins.

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Christmas morning we had a blast opening gifts.  Keilee was more excited about what she got me than what she was getting.  She worked so hard selling her headbands and I was not happy that she spent so much of her money on me!  But that is what makes her happy.  Here are some of my gifts.  My favorite thing was the “I Am SHERlocked” shirt.  I am a huge Sherlock fan!

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Here is Keilee with a few of her presents.  It is so easy to buy for her because I know her so well.  It was so nice to be able to buy her things this Christmas. 

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My boss got me a Macbook Pro for Christmas.  I almost fainted.  And then I promptly gave it to Keilee.  I have a PC and her old Macbook blew up about a year ago.  She has LOVED it!

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This precious gift is from my cousin.  She and I have been close since we were born.  We were wonderful friends until our 30’s and then we just grew apart.  We have recently become close again.  She made me a Cross Quilt and I love it beyond words.  She saw that I pinned one on Pinterest and decided to make me one.  It is a gift that I will cherish forever.  It is simply gorgeous!!!

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So that was our wonderful Christmas.  And next week is my sweet girls 14th Birthday.  I swear she was just 4!!!!

Homeschooling Rocks,
“Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn’t come from a store.”  ~Dr. Seuss
“Christmas… is not an external event at all, but a piece of one’s home that one carries in one’s heart.”  ~Freya Stark


Twas the Week Before Christmas…

I find myself not really wanting to post in my blog.  That makes me really sad since I have had this blog since 2008.  I blame Instagram.  It is easy and quick and there is immediate response from my followers.  Yes we have been busy but not THAT busy. 

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  Here is the family.  Our get togethers when I was younger was 70+ people.  Much smaller now….

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Keilee’s play is over.  It was wonderful.  They sold out every performance!  They had a “Meet and Greet” at a local library the week before the show which was so fun.

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She met several new people in this play.  She met 3 homeschooled girls that she didn’t know that she LOVED.  They seriously had a blast together.  They are all older than Kei but as she says, “They are homeschooled so they don’t act older”. 🙂  Plans have already been made to hang out with these new friends. 

Here are some pictures from the Show.  The first picture is of Kei and Emma Jo the little girl from “Aristocats”.  I wish I had videoed her.  She was saying to Keilee, “I wish you were my sister, I love you, you are my best friend” over and over.  It was the sweetest thing.

2013 DEC

Cousins and leaves….

2013 DEC2

Keilee had her biggest order to date on her Etsy shop; she had to make 9 Snowmen headbands.  She completed them and they have already been delivered.

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1.  Working on her Smash Journal.
2.  This is a BOW HOLDER she made.  She used an old paint canvas, fabric and bows.  I love the way it turned out.
3.  A dog she rescued.
4.  Nomad hates Algebra too!
5.  Working on her Periodic Table.  She spent hours on this too.  She got the idea from Jess at Teachable Moments!

2013 DEC3

Keilee has been spending HUGE amounts of time on DIY.  This is an AWESOME website.  Please go check it out.  It is a community where you collect badges for all sorts of things; art, fashion, Minecraft, Science, History, drawing, and SO MUCH MORE!!  She has been chosen “Editor’s Choice several times and seriously has spent hours each day here.  She has met a LOT of homeschoolers too.

This project was to design clothes from “unusual materials”.  She used wrapping paper for the skirt and newspaper for the top.  I thought she rocked it. 

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Our church is doing a 30 day ‘movement’.  Here is what our preacher said in his blog:
It’s not too late to join our #Yes2Yes 30 day generosity challenge!!! Too many of us are programmed to say “No” when someone asks us for help. So for the next 30 days, challenge yourself to say No to No… Someone may ask you for $20 and you can only give $2, that’s okay!!!! The amount isn’t important but the heart of generosity is!!! Each time you say “Yes,” post, “I did it!! #Yes2Yes” on Facebook and/or Twitter. There’s no need to brag about the details of what you did, but we do want to know who’s stepping up to the challenge!! We’re creating a generosity movement that will serve as the CATALYST to the EPIC impact that we’re making in all of our communities!!!!

So if you want to join us in saying Yes2Yes please hashtag on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter:  “I did it!! #Yes2Yes”   Keilee and I have done it multiple times and it is so fun to actively seek opportunities to say YES!!

Keilee decorated our house last week.  She did 90% of it herself. 

2013 DEC6

Yesterday Abbie and Emma came over and they baked and baked and baked. There was also listening to Disney Pandora and Wicked.  They were singing at the top of their lungs.  When they were done we took the cookies and candy to the USA Nursing Home.  This is the place my Mom was before she died.  Several months of Keilee’s 2nd grade year was spent at this place.  She tries to do something every year.  The girls delivered the cookies and then sang Christmas songs for about 20 minutes.  No preparation went into the singing but it was beautiful.

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So that is a very quick update on our lives the last several weeks. Hope yours have all been awesome and you all have a blessed and wonderful Christmas.

Homeschool Rocks!

“Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won’t make it ‘white’.” — Bing Crosby

“Christmas is a time when you get homesick – even when you’re home.”  ~Carol Nelson

Linking with
Mary at Collage Friday
Sylvia at Friendship Friday

What Would YOU Do….

It started out so lovely.  A field trip to General Joe Wheeler’s home.  The kids were well behaved and knew the answers to every question the guides asked.  I just love that about homeschoolers.  Our guide said she had never had a group of kids that knew so much.

His house is amazing.  There are only 5 items in it that are not original.  He served in the Civil War, the Spanish American War and in Congress for years.  His daughter Annie is also fascinating.  There were 4 girls and 2 boys in the Wheeler family and the boys had their own house right outside the main house.  Most of the boys thought that was too cool! 🙂

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Our tour guide definitely knew what she was talking about.  She was full of interesting stories and information about the family and the contents of the house.

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Then my phone rang;  it was a friend asking if I had heard what was going on.  Evidently they had found a ‘suspicious device’ on a chemical train at  Daikin Plant; a plant that was about 6 miles straight down the road we were on.  More and more people called asking me where we were and had I heard.  Moms had their phones out trying to figure out what to do.  I’ll admit it, I was a bit freaking out.  The main reason is that we heard they were evacuating everyone in a 5 mile radius.  Schools had already been released and MY house was within a 5 mile radius.  And my dog was home.  I knew Keilee would just be wild.  News was sporadic and not always reliable.  It reminded me a bit of that game, “Secret” where you tell the person next to you a secret and it is passed along until it comes back unrecognizable.

My favorite part of the day was when a circle of Homeschool Moms joined hands and prayed.

We continue the tour outside expecting at any moment to hear the sirens go off.  I don’t know what we would have done.  Chemicals are airborne and we were standing outside not that far from the plant.

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Then the tour was over and we all decided to go eat lunch in the OTHER direction.  By this time we had heard that they were evacuating within a 25 mile radius and had closed the highway to get home.  So we went to this little restaurant called “Mama Jeans” which was my Mom’s name.  As we were ordering my brother called and said it was 2 Kilos of marijuana and it was all clear.

We were a relieved bunch of Moms and kids and a Dad eating lunch that day.  It made me think though, what would I have done if this had been ‘real’?  If they had evacuated people [which turned out to be untrue, although they did evacuate schools].  I had very little money with me, none of my medicines I take daily, the dog was home alone and there would have been nothing I could have done about it.  It was all very frightening.  It  made me think that maybe we should all be better prepared in case the worse happens.  I think about things like that at times; but I am always at home in my scenario.

What would YOU do if something like that happened?

Feeling thankful,
Homeschool Rocks,



Where Has November Gone?

We have been so busy.  One of the million of reasons I love Homeschooling is that if we have 3 days a week that is slammed full, Keilee can still do all her schoolwork on the other days.  Early on I would sweat if we didn’t check off each thing on a list every single day.  No more.

Co-op Art Journaling and Drama. 

These classes are awesome.  We have all learned so much and had a blast.  I can’t believe that this Monday is the last class until 2014.  Monday was Super Hero Day so Keilee was Batman.

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Poppy Day and Anti Bullying Skits

2nd week Nov3

For this Drama Class I gave them each a Fairy Tale and they had to completely rewrite it and perform it.  They did a GREAT job!

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1.  Watching “My Little Pony”.  She LOVES all things Pony.
2.  Playing “10 Days in the USA”  Great game.
3.  Keilee’s Smash Journal.  Her Thanksgiving Page
4.  More Smash Journal
5.  Crocheting and watching a documentary.
6.  At the thrift store.  Keilee and her PINK hair.

2nd week Nov1


2nd week Nov2

Play practice!  And knitting at play practice!

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1.  CATCHING FIRE PREMIERE!!  It was awesome!!! Seriously.
2.  Keilee sitting in Abbie’s lap at play practice.  We ADORE Abbie!!
3.  Our church is moving into a new home in Sept 2014.  We had a service in our new home.  My favorite part….he told us to take 15 minutes and walk all over the place and pray.  It was amazing to see everyone walking around, touching walls and chairs and praying hard!
4.  Singing Christmas songs at practice.
5.  Voice lessons

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We ate an early Thanksgiving with my cousin.  We used to be best friends and more like sisters, but we have lost touch and recently gotten back in touch!  There was about 15 or 20 people there and Keilee and I had a blast!!!  Keilee sold 3 headbands and got 10 orders!! 

And next week is Thanksgiving!  I hope yours is wonderful and full of love and family.  I wish I could get together with all my blog friends and cook Thanksgiving dinner together and have our kids running and laughing and playing and creating and then sit down with everyone for a HUGE Homeschool Dinner!!  

Homeschool Rocks!!

“Too many people grow up. That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don’t remember what it’s like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors. Well I won’t do that.”  ~Walt Disney

Linking with:
Mary at Collage Friday
Sylvia at Friendship Friday
Renee at This Week…..

Hello November….

The speed at which time passes just amazes me.  It was just Summer.  And now it is November.  As a child and teenager time seemed to go so slowly.  The older I get the quicker it seems to speed by.  Keilee has always been aware of time going quickly.  I’m not sure why but she has always said, “Time goes so fast”.

There is a tree on the outskirts of our town that I have taken pictures of Keilee since she was 6 or 7.  It is a beautiful tree that has branches almost down to the ground.  It is spectacular in the Fall.

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One thing that I do most weeks is talk to Jessica at Teachable Moments.  I consider her one of my dearest friends even though we have never met ‘in real life’.  It is hard to be a single Mom at times and she always listens to my concerns and gives great advice!!  We have so much in common and at least once during each conversation one of us says, “I was just saying that same thing!”.  I love how the internet has made it possible to have friends that don’t live within a certain amount of miles.  Thank you Jess for always being so supportive.

Algebra is going well.  It has made a huge difference to sit down with Keilee and do each lesson with her.  [Another idea from Jess :)]  I am amazed by how much I am enjoying Algebra.  I hated it in school.  I am the same way about History and Science.  I never cared for either one but I LOVE them now.  It is amazing to me how much it matters what teacher you have and how the information is presented.  

Kei is doing Biology from CK-12. They are FREE courses on the iPad.  They even have workbooks for some classes.  She LOVES Science of any kind.  Go check them out if you have an iPad.  You can get them in the iTunes Store and they open in iBooks.

Play practice is going great too.  Keilee knows her lines and even though this is not an ‘over the top’ character she is enjoying it.  “Miracle on 34th Street” is such a sweet story.

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1.  Learning back handsprings.  These things scare me to death!
2.  Voice lessons.  Her voice teacher is so lovely.
3.  Yes she wears her tiara around the house.
4.  I have been waiting to see an Ender’s Game movie for 25 years since I read the book.  Keilee has read it too and we were very happy to how they did it.
5.  Working on herb pages.  I got her a “Medicinal Plants” coloring book that she is really liking.  I so want to learn more about plants and herbs as medicines and things.

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At a bridal shower for my great niece and at a Halloween party that was postponed because of weather.  Keilee DID NOT like the ride and she loves rides.  She didn’t like being upside down!

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This was a slower paced week for us and I loved it.  Next week is crazy busy again.  The weather is getting colder and we like days that we can snuggle in and read or play games.  We are trying to find a TV series to watch on Netflix since they took off our beloved “Monk”.  Any suggestions?  I can’t believe it has been 1 1/2 years since we have had cable.  We rarely miss it.  Usually only when Alabama is playing football and it isn’t on CBS.  We do watch “Castle”, “Once Upon a Time”, and a couple others but with Hulu Plus we can watch them the next day. And for $7.99 compared to almost $100 for the cable!

Happy November!!
Homeschool Rocks!

“There are two lasting bequests we can give our children:
One is roots. The other is wings….” Hodding Carter, Jr

 “Kids spell love T-I-M-E.” – John Crudele

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday”
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”

Halloween, Ghosts, More Halloween & Fall Beauty…

Halloween night was stormy and windy and not fit for goblin or monster.  So we stayed snuggled in watching scary movies and Charlie Brown’s Great Pumpkin.  Nomad was dressed up as a honey bee. This was Keilee’s costume from her very first play when she was 5!

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Thankfully Keilee got to wear her Halloween costume several times!  She was asked by Everyday Sunshine; which is a non profit organization that is producing a TV show to broadcast at Children’s Hospitals throughout the country; to face paint at their Halloween Hoot.  She had a blast and the kids loved her!  She just adores little kids.

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Then we went to the Renaissance Faire Sunday.  This is always our favorite fair.  I have been taking Keilee since she was 4!!  See the Ferret? She was in love.

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These are some of the pictures Keilee took.  Her 2 favorite subjects, animals and kids.

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We stopped by a cotton field on the way home from the Ren Faire. We always take Cotton Field pictures. 🙂

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Working on a Mushroom page from “Handbook of Nature Study”.  I think this is a book we have used most of all the last 7 years.  Fall beauty.  Keilee at Gymnastics doing a back kickover.

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Saturday night the Old State Bank was having a haunted ghost tour.  Not with people who jump out and such but the Alabama Paranormal Society was there doing readings of all sorts.  Keilee loves, didimentionLOVES, all things ghosty.  My Momma did too.  So she was beyond excited.  It was very informative, lots of history and such.  She got to use dousing rods and the EMP detectors and more.  They had 8 stations set up.  One was in the old vault.  This was used as a surgery room during The Civil War.  They closed us in and turned off the lights and did recordings with us asking questions.  We also saw many orbs in some of the video equipment. 

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We didn’t have Co-op this week so we spent hours reading and doing Algebra, History, Biology, Nature and more.  I bought an Edgar Allen Poe course from Connect the Thoughts on Currclick.  This is a 25-30 hour course and I thought Halloween was the perfect week to begin.  Keilee has always loved Edgar Allen Poe. 

The leaves are finally beginning to get beautiful so I took some of my annual “Keilee in the Leaves” pictures.  They haven’t fallen so much and when they do that is another ‘photo shoot’.  🙂

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And finally my favorite picture of the week.  I always love the pictures of Keilee laughing or acting silly the most!

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Happy 1st weekend of November!
Homeschool Rocks!

“And the days dwindle down To a precious few, September, November – And these few precious days I’d spend with you, These golden days I’d spend with you”  ~ Maxwell Anderson

”Love is taking a few steps backward maybe even more…to give way to the happiness of the person you love.” ~ Winnie the Pooh

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday”
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”


Monster Dancing, Co-op, Snap Circuits & Dog in ‘da Hood….

Our days mostly flow now.  Every day is not perfect but everyday is beautiful.  After 2 years of being mostly ‘hands off’ of Keilee’s learning, this year I am hands on and it is working so well.  Algebra being the best example.  She can struggle through each lesson but why?  If she was in ‘public school’ she would have a teacher.  It makes the lessons go easier if there is both of us figuring it out as we go along.

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1.  At Dress Rehearsal for “Miracle on 34th Street”
2.  One of her Halloween Smash Journal pages!  I LOVED this one.
3.  Doing Algebra
4.  Sign ups for our Life groups at Church.
5.  Cold in the grocery store.  She has been hiding in the toilet paper since she was young.

Keilee was asked to dance in front of our theater for our 3rd Friday celebration.  She invited her best friend who spent the night with us.  They had SO much fun.  There were also a couple of her ‘kittens’ from Aristocats there and dogs, there are always dogs….

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Co-op is going great!!  I was the most worried about Art Journaling and that is my favorite class!  Drama is going great too.

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Keilee is still loving gymnastics.  I can never get a picture of her doing anything because it is so blurry.  They are working on back hands springs and they scare me to death!!!  Keilee LOVES practicing though.

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Keilee played with her Snap Circuits this week too.  It had been a while and I thought they would never be played with again but she put things together for a couple of hours.

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Keilee was afraid Nomad was cold this week. [It was COLD here in Bama!!!!] so she put her hoodie on him!

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This week she worked on Algebra, Biology, Ecology, Modern History, her Animal Notebook, a documentary on Animals called “Born to Be Wild”, reading, knitting, Smash Journaling, Jesus Calling, CNN Student News every day, Co-op, Mapping the World With Art, gymnastics, play practice, 2 Halloween get togethers and so much more.

I think this 8th grade year is my favorite to date.  I have times I wish Keilee was 7 again but I am loving 13!!!!!!!

Lots of Halloween do’s going on today also.  And tomorrow is our favorite festival of all; The Renaissance Faire!!!  Good times.

Homeschooling Rocks!

No one has yet fully realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure. ~ Emma Goldman

Linking with
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday
Mary at “Collage Friday

Dirt Playing, Pumpkin Painting, Animal Learning & More…..

We do Math and Science and History and Writing and Grammar but every spare minute Keilee has she spends creating things in one medium or another.  This week has been such an amazing week.  Co-op is going great, Gymnastics is going great, play practice is going great.  But it is our time at home that I have loved this week.

The weather was so nice the first of the week.  Keilee played outside and built a Water System.  I love that she still plays in the dirt.  Manicure and all.

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She also played Frisbee with Nomad.  I hate that we can’t let him just roam the yard but we don’t have a fence and he is not good at staying where he should!

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We did 3 Algebra lessons that were pretty painless.  We read History.  She did 2 Grammar lessons, she wrote in her new blog, we did Mapping the World With Art, she is making an Animal notebook full of different animals she really likes and their behavior.  She is doing it in Notebook Publisher. I won a free LIFETIME Membership last year and it is awesome.  We found a new book that I bought on Kindle and am reading aloud to her.  It is called, “Love, Life and Elephants: An African Love Story”   I actually found it on Christie Brinkley’s Instagram account.  She recently went to Africa to aid in saving the elephants and she mentioned the book.  Africa is where Keilee wants to go when she is a Wildlife Rehabilatator.  She tells me I will go with her.  I just smile.

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We painted pumpkins twice this week.  Once she and I did it outside and Wednesday a friend came over and he and Keilee painted small pumpkins.  I love the way they turned out!

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One of the things that Keilee is SO into is her Smash Journal.  She works on this hours each day.  Keilee has always said, “I can’t draw, I am not artistic” which is hysterical to me.  She is one of the most artistic people I have ever seen.  I think she is finally beginning to believe it.

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Here are her pumpkins.  Aren’t they adorable??

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 We have plans this weekend and the weather is just perfect.  It is finally Fall here in Alabama.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend full of love and beauty and smiles!

Homeschool Rocks,

“In October any wonderful unexpected thing might be possible.” ~Elizabeth George Speare, The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Linking with

Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday

Fiddling, Co-op, Art and Fall…..

We have been having such a great October.  October is full of fun things to do.  There are festivals almost every weekend. 

We went to Skate Day and Keilee sold a Minnie Mouse headband. I had to take a picture of them together.  We have been going to Skate Day for 7 years!  I can’t believe how fast those 7 years have gone by.

13 October

We go to the Fiddler’s Convention every year.  I remember working at the Fiddler’s Convention when I was in college.  This time we met some friends there and had a great day listening to all sorts of music.  We are listening to “Christy” on audio book and this kind of music goes along perfectly with it.

13 October1

Co-op is going GREAT!!!  I am loving both my classes and the kids seem to like them too.  Each Monday during Art Journaling I play a genre of music in the background [Thanks Jess ;)]  This past week was the 50’s and they said they didn’t like it but then sang along with several songs.

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My brother is laid off due to the furlough and we went to his house one afternoon.  They live in the country with woods right behind them.  We went on a Nature hike and saw the coolest things on the trees.  Eddie said he mailed a picture to someone and they told him they were “Coral Mushrooms” but I thought they looked more like Cauliflower mushrooms.  Some of them were as big as dinner plates and they are edible.

13 October4

1. Keilee’s freehand drawing of Stitch.  She has been drawing so much.
2.  At a “Cowboy” parade drawing on the sidewalk.
3.  Walking Nomad.
4. The weather has cooled off a bit so Keilee got out the footie PJ’s.  We LOVE “A History of Us”.  We read aloud and just follow every rabbit hole that comes up.
5.  At play practice.  “A Miracle on 34th Street”  Keilee has a smaller role, around 48 lines, but one of her best friends is in the play too! They are having a blast at rehearsals.

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Keilee has been hard at work adding items to her Etsy shop.  Please check it out if you have a chance.  She has sold several things and has orders for 4 more headbands.

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We spent yesterday ‘changing out our closets”.  Do y’all do that? We don’t have big enough closets for all our clothes so we switch out ‘Summer’ and ‘Winter’.  Keilee is ready for Halloween and has already gotten her costume.  It is SO cute!!

I love our days this year.  The way they flow.  I am doing Algebra I with Keilee and while it isn’t always fun and games we are getting through it.  At times I even really like it.  She doesn’t though.  She is still reading so much and her Smash Journal is simply beautiful.  She is doing Ecology and making her own “Animal Behaviors” notebook using her “Animals’ book and Notebooking Publisher.  She spends huge amounts of time editing photos on her Instagram account.  So many people around her age do edits but I really think her’s are so cool.  They are unlike any I ever see.  We are both participating in Ann Voskamp’s 1000 Gifts for October challenge.  It is something I look forward to each morning. 

So the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are getting cooler.  Our trees are just now beginning to change color.  We still have tomatoes!!  Just a couple but it seems late for them.  I love Fall!

Happy weekend all,
Homeschool Rocks!

“When nothing is sure, everything is possible”.  ~Margaret Atwood
 “A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right man’s brow.”  — Charles Brower

Linking with:
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday


Scarecrows, Botanical Gardens, Crinoline Skirts, and ART!

October!  How can it be October?  October is our favorite month.  I don’t know what it is about October.  Is it because it is Fall and the world is so beautiful? Is it because, after a long, hot summer, cooler temperatures are near?  Is it Halloween?  We do love Halloween around here.

We went to the Botanical Gardens last week.  It was gorgeous. Not fall leaves yet, but beautiful nonetheless.  We met friends and had such a lovely time.  The also had their scarecrows out.  We loved “Cousin It”.  My Mom always called me that when my hair was in my eyes!


 We went with a Co-op group and they got to fish and had a butterfly lesson among other things.  


 Keilee has always LOVED cows.  All her life.    I’m telling you she is a farm girl at heart.


The gardens were still full of beautiful flowers and statues and more.  See Mr. Rogers?


 She especially liked Sheldon from Big Bang.  See his ‘soft kitty’ in his bag?


 She did some photos for her edits that she does on Instagram.  I picked out this outfit and LOVED the pictures I made.  With my iPhone!  This looks exactly like clothes I wore back in the day.  🙂


Art Journaling and Drama are going GREAT!!!  I seriously love them both.  I have 9 kids in Art Journaling and 16 in Drama!  Keilee continues to create all the time.  Her Smash Book is amazing. I wish you could see all the things she has done.  I need to make her make a YouTube video.  Her Etsy shop is going great.  She has had several orders.


She made this Minnie Mouse bow and wore it all day.  She got TONS of compliments and several orders for more!  I thought it was adorable!!


We are working our way through Algebra I.  I sit with her and do the problems along with her.  It still isn’t her favorite subject but we are ‘both’ surviving it.  So far….  We are still reading “A History of Us” for History.  We learned about Joe McCarthy and everything that entailed.  I rented “Good Night and Good Luck” about Edward R. Murrow and his quest to bring down McCarthy.  We learned so much from it. 

I also subscribed to Quest Magazine on the iPad.  It is by Knowledge Quest and we really like it so far.  We also got our first copy of National Geographic that I subscribed too. 

So all in all a very sucessful end of September.  Now we can’t wait for all the fun things in October.  I ordered Keilee’s Halloween costume yesterday.  Can’t wait to see her in it.  And festivals galore!! 

Homeschooling Rocks!Karen

“Just before the death of flowers,
And before they are buried in snow,
There comes a festival season
When nature is all aglow.”
–   Author Unknown

“There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October.” 
–  Nathaniel Hawthorne

Birthdays, Ships, Sunday Rides and Dirt…

September is zooming by. I can’t believe it is already the 3rd week. This week has been full of busy. The kind that makes me throw our schedule out the window. After almost 7 years homeschooling I am good with that.

This past week was my nephew Seth’s 18th birthday. I can not believe he is that old. He is Keilee and I’s favorite person. Besides each other of course.  He always loved me so much when he was little.  He said he was going to marry me.  Keilee also dug potatoes for the first time in Eddie’s garden.

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Sunday was my Mother’s birthday and Eddie and I took Keilee and Katherine to Tennessee riding around.  I enjoyed spending the day with my brother and niece.

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 1.  Keilee had an expensive pair of sandals that broke so I took them to a shoe repair shop.  It was this very small place filled with shoes and junk.  It was so cool.  I think most people just throw things away but I am so glad I spent $6 to fix her sandals.
2.  Another page for her Smash Book.  She used real leaves, raffia and an insect wing she found.
3.  Nomad after Keilee lint rolled him. 🙂
4.  A bottle of paint blew up in Kei’s face.  AFTER I made sure she was ok, I had to take a picture!
5. Art Journaling class at Co-op.  This class is SO MUCH FUN!

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Gymnastics class is going great.  Keilee is LOVING it.

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We went to see the Nina and Pinta this week.  We aren’t huge fans of Columbus but it was cool seeing the ships and reading all about them.  Keilee got into an argument discussion with a crew guy about the fact that Columbus wasn’t a good man.  The guy actually had read tons about this and talked to her for about 15 minutes.  He gave her a different perspective on it and now she wants to do more research.  We ran into some homeschoolers that we know.  I wish there was a secret handshake or wink.  We see people all the time out and about and wonder if they are homeschooled. 🙂

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I found this author who’s name is Michelle Eisehoff.  She is offering FREE books to teachers.  She is a former teacher and now she homeschools her children.  She will send you the books free in ePub or PDF format.  These are Historical books written for elementary/middle school kids.  She also has FREE resources to go along with them all.  I emailed her and she immediately emailed me back with the books I requested. VERY nice!!  Please check out her site and get your free books!

This is my favorite picture this week.  If you follow me on Instagram you have already seen it.  I love the combination of little girl playing in the dirt and young lady with her French manicure. She is growing up way too fast!


We have plans for the weekend.  It seems like there are festivals every single weekend in September and October.  Wish you could all join us!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“The lessons we learn outside the classroom are equally if not more important than the ones we learn inside. I can’t emphasize this enough. We learn how to live life, the most important lesson of all.”  Unknown

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday



Co-op, Gymnastics, Internships and Smash Books…

This past week started our new schedule.  And it wasn’t that bad!  Some days I think I like having places to be.  I complain about it yes, but on days that we have nothing to do I find myself wishing we had things to do. I think it is a grass is always greener kinda thing. 🙂

Co-op was awesome! Seriously awesome.  My Art Journaling class was amazing.  Thanks to Jess at Teachable Moments I was fully prepared.  Honestly she and I have talked and emailed so many times this summer about my class [and everything else under the sun] that I really wasn’t worried.  The kids seemed to really love it.  In fact at the end of the day a little girl came up to me and gave me a rose because she said it was her favorite class.  The Drama class was great too.  This class is more challenging for me because I am always involved.  The games and discussions all have to be led by me!  I also have a bigger class, around 17 so I was a bit nervous.  I can’t wait until Monday to do them both again!  Thank you Phyllis for all your help with Drama games.  What would I do without my Homeschool Moms???!!!!

One thing I wanted to share is that Keilee is taking a Photography class.  It is mainly high school kids.  It is a large class, around 18.  She said the teacher, who is a photographer for the newspaper, spent the class lecturing.  He kept asking questions and no one would answer.  Keilee said she knew some of the answers so she kept answering.  She said, “Mom I would wait every time but no one raised their hands and I felt bad for the teacher”.  I called her Hermione all the way home.  But I started thinking that has to be so frustrating!  To be a teacher and try to engage in class discussion and no one do anything but stare.  Maybe they were just unsure because it was the first class.  Kei is really excited about it because she loves taking pictures.  As most of you know. 🙂

Art Journaling:

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Keilee started her Animal Clinic Internship back on Tuesday.  She loved it.  She baked brownies to take.  She took something she had baked every week last year and I suppose the tradition will continue!

Sept 2

She had Gymnastics on Wednesday.  She is the only one in the class and she was so excited.  The girl teaching is great.  She competed in Gymnastics until she hurt her knee when she was 17.  She was so enthusiastic and seemed to really be impressed with what Keilee could already do.  She already has her working on new things because she said Keilee’s technique was great.  She was surprised because she said most of the time when you are self taught the technique is wrong.  She doesn’t realize how many hours of YouTube videos Keilee has watched.  Anyway I had one happy girl.  Which made me one happy Mom.  My pictures aren’t so great because I was across the gym with my iPhone.

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Keilee has started a Smash book.  She has worked on it almost every day.  It is similar to an Art Jounal but it is a smaller book.  I LOVE her ideas!!!  She amazes me how she can ‘think’ of things. I can recreate something I see…..well sorta, but she just imagines it and puts it on paper. 

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The page in the center she wrote. It says:
When I grow up I want to be a hero.
The kind who saves lives, heals the hurt and help those who can’t help themselves.
I want to be the kind of hero who fights for what’s right no matter what the cost.
The kind people call for help.
Who shows love to the unloved.
When I grow up I want to be an Animal Rehabilator.

The other side of that page is the Superman one. 

And school stuff…yeah she did school stuff.  We did Algebra [Lord help me].  I love Saxon but occasionally they just don’t explain it enough for my Non-Math brain.  We just met our neighbors across the street.  Well we have known them but never talked.  They go to our church and we didn’t know.  We have 5 services so there are so many people we don’t know.  Anyhoooo the girl is a serious Math geek.  She offered to help Keilee with her Algebra so score for me! 

We read History almost every day.  We are reading SOTW 4 but also “A History of Us” which I seriously love.  I bought them on eBay and only the ones we needed.  We started in 1900.  This week we read about Jackie Robinson and then I rented “42”. Nothing like a great movie to reinforce something you read.  We also read about Russia and Lenin and Stalin.  We have such great discussions when we read history together.  She is also keeping me updated on the Syria crisis from watching CNN Student News every day.

She is doing Ecology for Science along with her Internship.  We also read in our “Handbook of Nature Study” This week was grasshoppers.  Then she found videos to show me about grasshoppers.  Nature is just so amazing. 

I wanted to put this video to share.  My brother sent it to us and let me put it on YouTube.  You must watch it!!  It is the hummingbirds at his house.  I could not believe it.  Watch!!  At about 1:00 there are tons of these.

So there is our first crazy week of our new school year.  And I survived.  Only 36 more to go! 🙂  Now if it would just cool down a bit I would be great.  Of course then I will be complaining about the cold.

Happy Friday the 13th!

Happy weekend!

“I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.”  ~Eartha Kitt

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” ~Henry Ford

Linking with

Mary at “Collage Friday
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday

Civil War, Clay, ERs and Bumble Bees….

This week’s memories…

A mostly great first week of September.

We went to the Civil War Reenactment as we do every year.  This year it was almost unbearably hot!!  The camera man during the battle actually passed out.  They had to call an ambulance and call off the ‘battle’.  I don’t know how the reenactors did it.  They had on wool suits.  Keilee made all of these pictures.  I was holding the umbrella for us so we didn’t MELT!

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These shots were from the camp before the battle began.  Keilee does up close much better than I do.  I love the picture of the little boy with the hat!

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Keilee got out her clay and played with it while I read her SOTW 4.  I still read aloud to her almost every day.  She decided to make the Parthenon!  Dirty hands and all.

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Here are some pictures Keilee took in the backyard.  I love the bumble bee because you can see the pollen all over its legs.  After she took this we read about Bumble Bees in “Handbook of Nature Study”.  I LOVE this book.  I love the way Anna Botsford Comstock writes like she is writing about friends.

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She started a CNN Student News notebook after seeing what Jessica at Teachable Moments was doing with her girls.  She loves CNN Student News and watches it every morning.  She is much more up to date than I am.  We don’t have cable and I rarely read world news.   We are reading through Harry Potter Vocabulary Builder.  This book is awesome!  It has the 3,000 hardest words from Harry Potter.  Any word that she isn’t familiar with she writes down in a notebook.  There hasn’t been many words so far that she doesn’t know.  We both downloaded the FREE Scrabble App for our iPads.  We play against each other.  She beat me!!!  She has never beat me at Scrabble.  I am very good at word games.

1st Sept2

The not so good things this week was my Uncle died and we attended the visitation and funeral.  He was married to my Mom’s sister who died several years ago.  He wasn’t a close uncle but it was still very sad.  I did get to see family, some of who Keilee has never met.  I also got to see my cousin who used to be my very best friend.  We have been talking via email the last 3 weeks.  It has been such a blessing to reconnect with her.

Tuesday at lunch I was outside and I came in and Keilee was at the sink.  She said, “I can breath but I have a Wheat Thin stuck in my throat”.  She was very scared because it hurt her every time she breathed.  I stayed calm but I was freaking out inside.  I gave her warm water but they didn’t help.  She was getting more and more panicked [and Keilee does NOT panic, EVER!]  All these things ran through my head; my Mom always told me to give her bread but I was afraid that would just clog it up completely.  I told her to let’s run to the ER.  I was afraid it was going to flip and get stuck completely.  I tried to get my contacts on and ended up dropping one of them in our hall. I just left it there and drove without it.  I grabbed her hand and prayed all the way to the hospital.  They quickly took her back to a room and checked her blood pressure.  She was crying a bit and so scared.  Keilee is afraid of almost nothing but needles is one of them.  Not needles in general, needles in HER.  We waited awhile, me trying to calm her down.  When the doctor came in and was asking her questions she said, “It just went down”.  Her face changed completely in one second from terror to calm.  They still made us wait so they could X-ray her.  It took forever to discharge her.  It was her first trip ever to the ER. [This picture was right before she was discharged, after the wheat thin had gone down!]

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When we got home I started washing the dishes from lunch and I just lost it.  I was crying and just imaging what in this world would I be doing if something had happened to her?  I have thanked God MANY times since then that she was OK.

She redid all her social media profile pictures. Isn’t this cool?  It is her Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.  She continues to do her edits and has won 2 contests on Instagram this past week.

1st Sept3

 My favorite pictures this week:
Keilee in the dress I bought her at a Craft Show.  The lady had the cutest dresses in little girl sizes and Keilee told her, “I wish you had these in my size” and she did!  It looks like she is wearing a rainbow!

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And my Cowgirl.


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I love, LOVE Fall.  I can not wait for cooler temps and beautiful leaves and crunching under my feet when I walk through the yard.

Happy weekend!  Next week starts our new ‘Normal’ schedule. Prayers would be appreciated.

Homeschool Rocks!

“By all these lovely tokens
September days are here,
With summer’s best of weather
And autumn’s best of cheer.”
– Helen Hunt Jackson, September, 1830-1885

Linking with Mary at “Collage Friday
Sly via at “Friendship Friday”


Goodbye to August….

Sometimes I wonder why I post every week.

I never have anything earth-shattering to impact.  Our weeks are full but very much the same.  I don’t write huge lists of resources or free things that I have found or lovely printables I have made.  I don’t even really post about anything to do with “How To Homeschool”.

And then I realized…..I really post for Keilee.  Although I LOVE my readers and your comments always make my day; this is my love song to her.

It is my hope that one day; maybe when she is homesick and sitting in a dorm room somewhere she will open HomeschoolGirls and smile and remember all the beautiful memories we made and how, although we never had tons of money, we had adventures, lovely adventures.  And also I hope she remembers how very deeply and truly she was loved.

So here my sweet girl are this week’s memories……

This picture was in the Newspaper from the Fundraiser Keilee did.  This was the biggest stage she has ever been on alone.  Our regular theaters are much smaller than this.  My little girl on that big ‘ole stage looking right at home. 🙂 I would have passed out!

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She is still editing pictures on Instagram.  I love the ideas she comes up with.  She sets up her tripod and snaps pictures or occasionally asks me to take some.  Then she uses apps to edits things out of it.  Then she searches for backgrounds of whatever she is looking for and superimposes it all together. 

Beauty and The Beast…

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Barbie and Ken.  I love how she changed the pictures in the background!!  She even put Nomad in there!

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More editing pictures.  I can’t remember what she did with these. 

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I got a pass at the first of the Summer.  It was $40 for 1 adult and 2 children unlimited.  It is $25 a person to go.  We only went 3 times but we definitely got our money’s worth.

We got Britney and off we went.  It was an exhibit on “Black Holes” which Keilee LOVES. 

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The girls had a blast [get it? BLAST???] exploring the museum.  Keilee loves the Space Shot and the G4.  I have ridden them both in the past but am perfectly happy watching!

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I love this one.  See the picture where they have their hands on their mouths?  The sign said “Please Do Not Touch”.  Those wacky homeschoolers!  

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Another picture that they were being rebels although this was my fault. I wanted a picture of them with the flag and they had to climb under the rail and run out there.

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On the way out they were trying to do some walking in sync sorta thing.  Epic fail so they decided to skip!  We had so much fun and were so glad Brit was able to come with us!!

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 Keilee and I stay outside a lot!  Like all day long.  We decided to make a few pictures of us on the blanket.  It quickly just got silly.  Well at least ONE of us was silly.

2013 AUGUST5

1. Reading “Pandemonium”  This is Book 2 in the “Delirium” series by Lauren Oliver.  She is LOVING this series.  I tried to get her to read it months ago after I read them and she wouldn’t.  Now she loves it.  Sometimes, like she told me, she isn’t ready for something until she is ready.
2.  At our Life Groups sign up at church.  Our preacher is a HUGE Auburn fan.  We had a contest that whichever team was represented the most, he would wear that jersey to preach in Sunday.  Someone made the poster.  It shows him as an ALABAMA player.  We got a kick out of it.  He didn’t. 
3.  Algebra I outside.
4. Knitting in the hammock
5.  Algebra I  red circles are correct problems.  She got them all right and was very excited.  She doesn’t love Math.

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7 Cool Homeschoolers Theme was “Fairy Tales”  So Keilee wrote a fairy tale of her own with all the characters from other Fairy tales.  I thought it was very clever.

So there you have it.  This last week of August spent with laughter, learning and friends.  What could be better?

Now bring on September!!!  One of our favorite months.

Homeschool Rocks!

“Childhood has it’s own way of seeing, thinking, and feeling, and nothing is more foolish than to try to substitute ours for theirs.” ~  Jean Jacques Rousseau

Linking with Mary at “Collage Fridays”
Slyvia at “Friendship Friday”


The Year Begins….

So we are 2 weeks into this last year before High School.  HIGH SCHOOL!!!!  How is that possible?  This picture was the beginning of 3rd grade.  We were studying Ancient Rome.  How has time gone by so quickly?


These past 3 weeks have gone wonderfully.  Keilee has gotten so much done!  She has just jumped in with both feet.

We spent last weekend out of town.  We went to some of her friend’s church play and then she was in a benefit for the man who directed her in “To Kill A Mockingbird”.  He died very unexpectedly last December.  She did a monologue from “Quilters” and then decided 10 minutes before she went onstage to do the “1 Minute Sermon” also.  She nailed it too.  I didn’t even take one picture except before she went onstage.  I just watch her mesmerized. 🙂

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 She starts her internships in September.  Along with several classes.  Until then she is doing Algebra 1 from Saxon.  Keilee doesn’t love Math.  In fact it has always been our only ‘butting of heads’.  Not because she doesn’t love it, like I told her very few people do.  It’s that she gets so frustrated.  I think it is that she does so many things well that she doesn’t understand why this can’t be easy.  I told her that is why they call it “LEARNING”.  I remind her of when she first started knitting or doing gymnastics.  She couldn’t do it at first and she kept on and on.  The difference is she ‘wanted’ to do those things.  She doesn’t really want to do Math, she just knows she needs it for what she wants to do.  She is also doing “Ecology” an ebook I rented for a year from Kno.   She is reading through SOTW 4 and we just started Mapping the World With Art which I LOVE!!  I rarely buy curriculum and I am so glad I purchased this.  She also watched CNN Student News every morning.  She wrote a report on the situation in Egypt.  Because she wanted to.  

Mapping the World With Art:

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She wanted me to print out a map of the US so she could prove to me that she could fill in all 50 states in under 5 minutes.  She did it.  We also played the game of Knowledge that is similar to Trivial Pursuit.  I beat her for the first time ever!  I will add that my winning question was beyond easy!

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She did 2 Art Journaling pages.  She loved how they turned out.

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She has been spending huge amounts of time editing photos for Instagram.  It is her new ‘thing’.  A lot of people are doing these photo edits but she doesn’t like ‘copying’.  She likes coming up with her own ideas.  Here are a few. 


Inspired by Jessica’s daughter Lilah she has opened an Etsy shop.  She has done everything by herself.  I helped her with the setting up of the payment and that is all.  I had to fight with her to make her charge the prices she has.  She wanted to sell them for $5.  It takes her 3-4 hours to complete a headband.  Check it out if you would like.  Keilee’s Kreations.  Here are some of her ‘Kreations’  🙂

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Go check out Howard Hughes Medical Institute.  They offer FREE DVD’s about a huge variety of subjects.  I ordered 13 and got them this week.  Completely free, shipping and all.

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The theme for this week’s 7 Cool Homeschoolers was “Animals”.  Since Keilee has already done a video about Nomad she decided to do an Animal Safari.  I loved how it turned out.  Here it is if you get a chance to watch it.  Lots of information and a cool Australian accent to boot. 😉

My favorite pictures of this week:

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So there it is.  Our Homeschool Girls last 2 weeks.  I hope the rest of the year is as lovely as this has been.  Off to check out what all of you have been up to!

Homeschool Rocks,

“Most people, most of the time, learn most of what they know about science and technology outside of school.” -National Science Foundation

“My grandmother wanted me to have an education, so she kept me out of school.” -Margaret Mead

“I hate, loathe and despise schools….School is bad for you if you have any talent. You should be cultivating that talent in your own particular way.” -Maurice Sendak (author of “Where the Wild Things Are”)

Linking with Sylvia at Friendship Friday
Mary at “Collage Friday

8th Grade Here We Come!!!!!

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I have been reading everyone’s post on their chosen curriculum for 2013-2014.  We had plans, big plans.  We had discussed what she wanted to do, Keilee had everything written down, notebooks were made. Since we follow more Unschool/ Interest Led sort of things we never have tons of pre-purchased curriculum. I’ve gone that route in the past but it sits unopened after 2 or 3 lessons.

So last night we were talking about this upcoming year.  Keilee said to me, ‘Mom I just don’t have time to do everything I want to do.”  I want to do some different internships, I am doing Co-op, I want to start an Etsy Shop.  So what if I take this 8th grade year and do just that.”  What did this Mom say?  Well of course I said, ‘Go for it’.  So we sat there and figured out exactly loosely how this 8th grade would look.

We school year round from September 1 to August 31.  This is not our public school schedule but that has never bothered us a bit.

So here are Keilee’s plans for her 8th grade Year:

  • Internship at Dishman Animal Clinic – 5 hours a week [Science]
  • Internship at Old State Bank – 4 hours a week [History]
  • Internship at Morgan Co. Archives – twice a month [History]
  • Co-op : Photography, Art Journaling, Drama- weekly
  • Jesus Calling
  • Run Etsy Store [Math, Marketing]
  • Keep a blog – [Writing]
  • Write Around Town – [We got this idea from Jessica at Teachable Moments. We are going to various places around town to do nothing but write]
  • Tons of reading
  • Plays and a Film-  At least 2 plays this 2013-2014 year, maybe 3. More on the film later.
  • Saxon Math/Khan Academy – Algebra I  [She wants to do this]
  • Voice Lessons- weekly
  • Volunteer opportunities – We are talking to some people about volunteering in our community once a week.
  • Various Science courses at Sci-Quest a nearby Science Museum.
  • I will check into classes at Hudson Alpha/Institute for BioTechnology.  Genetics is another love of hers.
  • Lots of day trips to various places.
  • Plenty of knitting and creating always
  • Online courses with Currclick [She is still deciding what she wants to take]
  • Audio Books – we always have an audio book going in the car
  • There is always history in our house. Keilee watches huge amounts of historical films and documentaries.
  • She has several history and Science YouTube channels that she watches.
  • Sit in on some college lectures. She finds them online. Currently she is crazy about Quantum Physics!
  • SQUILT  Mary at Homegrown Learners has this awesome music study we plan to do.
  • Mapping The World With Art– I fell in love with this curriculum and showed one of the videos to Keilee. She wants to do it so I ordered it.  Here is the video that convinced me to purchase it.

And the rest….whatever takes her fancy and her fancy is taken A LOT!  The only ‘textbook’ is Saxon and I am sure she will use Khan Academy for Algebra much more than the Saxon book.

So there you have it, 8th Grade, Homeschool Girls Style.

Homeschooling Rocks!

PS.  All plans subject to change at any given time.  🙂

 “Life learning is about trusting kids to learn what they need to know and about helping them to learn and grow in their own ways. It is about respecting the everyday experiences that enable children to understand and interact with the world and their culture.” ~ Wendy Priesnitz
“All I am saying…can be summed up in two words: Trust Children.  Nothing could be more simple, or more difficult.  Difficult because to trust children we must first learn to trust ourselves, and most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted.” ~John Holt

Linking up with IHomeschoolNetwork Not Back To School Blog Hop

Everybody Wants To Be A Cat…

There is huge amounts of time spent putting on a theater show.  Auditions were in May.  Practice started the first of June.  3 times a week.  2-3 hours a practice.  The week of the show there is practice every single day from Saturday through Wednesday.  Sunday we were there for almost 6 hours.  Then there is the actual shows; 4 of them this show.  Each one us having to arrive hours before curtain goes up.  Saturday we were there from noon to 10:30 PM.

Plus Keilee practices at home for at least an hour each day.  She always wants to know her lines by the 2nd practice.  Which is crazy but that is how she likes to roll.

There is blocking to learn [that is your place on the stage for you non-theater people :)], huge choreography numbers and costume fittings.

There is hair and makeup.  There was huge makeup for this show.  The kids had to be transformed into cats, dogs, geese and a mouse.

There were newspaper interviews.  Keilee spoke to 3 different papers for this show.  There are pictures to be posed for.

And it isn’t all just Keilee’s practices.  I always work backstage and there is set direction I have to learn, typing up our list of what needs to be placed where and when.  There is all that driving to practice.  Around 20 minutes one way.  Which isn’t that bad compared to some I know.  There is running around finding the perfect cat leggings, white gloves, jewelry, tights and more.

There is exhausted Mom and Kei after long practices and getting home at 10:00 or later.  Then Keilee had to take a shower and dry her hair and roll it on 20 sponge rollers because this show calls for curly hair.

But then… on show day…there is magic.

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Fun with the Kittens and Final Bow…

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I watched one show from the front.  In an actual chair instead of getting a side view from backstage.  I watched my child shine on stage.  Doing something she loves so much.  I watched her face change with the different emotions.  I watched her “Mother” her kittens instinctively.  I watch her ‘fall in love’ with Thomas O’Malley.  And I knew I was watching her future.  A future Keilee that will meet a boy and flirt and fall in love and have babies and nurture and take care of them.  And it made me so happy.  And so sad.

2013 AUGUST1

Some of Keilee’s dearest and best friends. She loves these kids so much.


Some of the people who came to see her.  I didn’t have a chance to take a picture of everyone who came.

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Some of my favorite shots.  Keilee knitted Cat hats for all her kittens plus the youngest girl in the show.  Also see the Duchess cupcakes one of the Moms made? Awesome!

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My favorite picture….

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So another play over.  But what wonderful memories we will have from this one.  I think this is one of my top 3 favorite of all time.  It may be my favorite but I’ll have to think about that. 🙂

Next week it is back to reality…well reality Homeschool Girls style.

Homeschool Rocks,

“You really, really, really have to love what you are going to do in theater because it is an unmerciful life. It’s six days a week. It’s eight performances a week. And that’s doing the exact same thing over and over and over again.”  ~Harvey Fierstein


Hippy Vans, Tennessee, More Cats, Jewelry Making…..

Another great week here in Alabama.  This is the week before Show Week so it is hectic.  Not as hectic as next week will be but still a little crazy.

We spent one day with Kathy and Sophie.  We went swimming and then to a downtown festival that is held every 3rd Friday.  After that we came back over here for dinner and watched Space Warriors.  They hadn’t seen it yet.  It was a great day except that I got so sunburned.  Which was crazy because I am the darkest of us all.  I think my sunscreen wasn’t strong enough!

2013 July11

Sunday we spent the day with my brother.  His family was in Mobile visiting her parents so we went for a long Sunday drive.  It was a beautiful day.  We went back to the roadside Farmers Market that I loved last year.  There is no one there, just a box for your money.  And there is still the sign about IOU’s and Widows.  Love it!  I loved the store that sold “Beer Bologna and More”  I mean what else is there??? 🙂

2013 July9

Keilee had practice 3 times this week.  Starting Sunday it will be every day.  We are so excited about this show.  It is one of my favorite ones she has ever done!

2013 July8

She did a lot of creating as always.  She got playing cards and painted them and wrote her favorite bands, Disney quotes and more on them.  She wants to string them up and put them in her room.  She also did another Art page and is making all her kittens in the play a “Kitten headband”.  She has knitted them all and now just has to add the eyes, whiskers and ears.  They are going to be so cute!!!

2013 July10

She also decided to make jewelry this week.  I swear she is never idle.  NEVER.  She doesn’t ever just sit.  She is always doing something.  I wish I had 1/2 of her energy.  She used things like bottle caps, the tabs from canned drinks and more to make these things.  I love the birdcage!  She hammered holes in a bottle top and used wire to make the cage.

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The theme for 7 Cool Homeschoolers was “Water Cup Challenge”.  This was fun for Keilee and of course she added her own bling to it.  Check it out if you get a chance!

Next week is going to be insane but after the play we are going to take it easy for a bit.  I hope!!!  She plans to start/restart? school the week after the play.  There are big plans for our fall.  Can you believe it is nearly August?  Where did the summer go.

Happy weekend all!
Homeschool Rocks!

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.  ~Dr. Seuss

“The stage is a magic circle where only the most real things happen, a neutral territory outside the jurisdiction of Fate where stars may be crossed with impunity. A truer and more real place does not exist in all the universe.”  ~P.S. Baber, Cassie Draws the Universe

Linking with:
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”

Creativity is Everything…

Keilee has decided to wait until after the play to move full speed ahead on her All in One Homeschool.  She is just SO busy lately and there just isn’t time to do 3 or 4 hours a day of academics.  She is still doing a few things but not the entire curriculum.

This summer will always be remembered by me as the summer of Creativity.  She is always creative but every day seems to bring something new for her to make, sing, create, draw, read, paint, play, bake, learn, etc.

This past weekend we went to our Farmer’s Market.  They were having a Corn theme and were giving away free corn.  Keilee and I opted out since it was 9:00 AM.  Then we went to an antique car show.  We stayed about 20 minutes.  Neither of us are huge antique car fans although they were beautiful.

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She has created Art pages although all she does is quotes from songs and some art around them.  She told me she is going to choose another theme soon! 🙂  She was really inspired by Lilah’s Manga drawings and wants to try more of that.
Keilee’s music is very important to her.  She listens to it continuously.  She sings all.the.time.  She doesn’t know every song on the radio because we rarely listen to the radio but she has her Pandora channels and she is rarely without music.  What I love is that she has such a huge range of musical taste.  She also loves many of the bands I always loved; Matchbox Twenty, 3 Doors Down, 3rd Eye Blind, Green Day,  etc.  She is a huge fan of 90’s music. But she also loves current music.  HER brand of current, not Top 40 brand of current. 🙂

2013 July3

Play practice is going GREAT!  They are actually further along than Keilee has ever been in a play.  They could seriously perform it now.  I still need to pick up a couple of things for her costume though.

2013 July

Keilee is loving the Blimey Cow Photo Challenge a Day.  If you haven’t checked out Blimey Cow you should.  Most Homeschoolers know them from the “7 Lies About Homeschoolers video.  If you haven’t seen this video YOU SHOULD WATCH IT.  Keilee has followed them for years.  It is 2 brothers, Jordan and Josh Taylor.  Josh is married to Kelli and she helps too along with other people.  The cool thing about this is that Kelli started following Keilee on Instagram!  She has like 3500 followers but she only follows about 190 people. Keilee SCREAMED like someone was after her when she saw it!  She has also commented on several of Keilee’s photos. She is “krftaylor” 🙂

Photo Jul 14, 8 10 56 AM

This is very ‘creative’ also because Keilee comes up with ideas for the pictures.  This day was “Hipster Josh Approved” So yeah…her ‘Hipster’ photos. 🙂

2013 July5

Some of my favorite photos from the week.  She got that guitar when she was 6! She has been playing every day.  She watched YouTube videos and has gotten out the guitar books she had when she took guitar lessons when she was 6!

2013 July6

The theme for “7 Cool Homeschoolers” was “Freestyle”.  Keilee has been wanting to do a video for Pink’s “Just Give Me A Reason”.  She asked me if I would go get Will, one of her very best friends, and let him do it with her.  This is a love song but she had this vision in her head and since they are just the best of friends; they even call each other brother and sister; I was fine with her doing it.  It was strange seeing the finished product.  Like a glimpse into an older Keilee and a “BOY”!!!!  She had a place she wanted to film that we have passed a million times and I have never noticed.  It was perfect.  Even though we did get in trouble for being there but when the owner saw how stinking cute they were she let them finish. 😉

2013 July7

And here is the video if you would like to watch it.

So there is our week.  The weather here is HOT and it has rained so much this summer!  Last summer we had a drought.  Feast or famine I guess.

Happy Friday!
Homeschool Rocks!

 “Think left and think right and think low and think high.  Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!”  Dr. Seuss
“You can’t wait for inspiration.  You have to go after it with a club.”  Jack London

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday”
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”


Trains, Cartwheels, Mud and 8th GRADE!!!

We went to an indoor flea market Sunday after church.  It is a favorite place of ours.  They had an old red caboose in the parking lot and we had to explore, of course!

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Keilee decided to ‘start’ school this past week.  She said she wanted to take June off because she had 2 camps and workshops and play practice but she is ready to get back to it.  She has spent June totally immersed in theater, music, art, dance, puppets and more.

I found this site called All in One Homeschool or Easy Peasy and told her about it and she was raring to go.  This is a great curriculum and it IS FREE!!!!  It is all there, everything you will need, day by day!!!  Keilee loves it because it is ‘all in one place’.  You all know how much she needs to ‘check things off a list’.  She is doing the 8th grade curriculum and Modern History and “Physics and Chemistry”.

You really all need to check this out.  This site is just chock full of wonderful, amazing resources.  ALL FREE. 

Keilee is doing other things also but this is a big part of what her 8th grade will be.  She ‘wants’ to do 8th grade the 1st semester and start 9th the 2nd semester but I am trying to talk her out of that.  She worked on Sunday getting her Notebook made and has worked on it every day.  She has done it daily and really, really loves it.  I begged her to take off July 4th because it’s a holiday!

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It usually has taken her about 3 hours to complete but she is doing 2 days at once.  Still leaves a lot of time for fun stuff. 🙂

We spent Tuesday at the pool.  She has almost finished Book 2 of Harry Potter.

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There is, always, cartwheels and so forth outside.  I don’t think the Olympic Gymnasts practice as much as she does.  Well ok, maybe they do.

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We had clouds and rain and rainbows this past week.

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Keilee is doing the Blimey Cow Photo a Day Challenge on Instagram.  She LOVES Blimey Cow.  LOVES them!! Especially Jordan.

Here is the 1st day…a Selfie.  Of course no picture of JUST Keilee would do…

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Here is some of her pictures for “Exploring”.  She has the best ideas for things!

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And here are some from “Messy”.  Yes she got mud and painted it all over herself.

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Wednesday was Keilee’s 1/2 birthday.  13 1/2,  so we went to the movie.  We were going to see “The Lone Ranger” but I read really bad reviews right before we walked out the door so we ended up seeing “Man of Steel”.  It was a good movie.  We went to eat afterwards.  There is only 1 day that a girl turns 13 1/2 after all.  Even though we didn’t see Lone Ranger, she HAD to have her picture made with Johnny.

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4th of July it RAINED buckets and buckets all.day.long.  Our backyard was flooded!!  We had plans to go to see Fireworks but that got cancelled so we invited some friends over for food, fun and “Oz, the Great and Powerful“!  The movie was actually quite good.  Keilee made a cake and her 4th of July Strawberries.

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The theme this week on “7 Cool Homeschoolers” was “I Got Skillz” so Keilee did some of the roles that are her favorites.  Check it out if you have a chance.

So all in all a great 1st week of July!  I can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer brings!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.” ~Isaac Astimov

Happily linking with
Sylvia at “Friendship Friday”
Mary at “Collage Friday”

Dogs, Art, Camps and KittyCats….

Keilee has had to be at a Folk Art Camp all week to help with Puppets and Dance.  It is only for an 1 1/2 but it at a time that messes up our entire days.  Keilee has really enjoyed helping with this but she has been sick all week long.  Horrible sinus headache and congestion and coughing.  She soldiered on even though she felt bad.  This picture is from the Theater’s website so it isn’t very good.

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She has had play practice 3 times this week.  It is going really great and all the little kids in the play are just so adorable.  Emma Jo, the little 5 year old, is just the most precious thing.  She sits in Keilee’s lap as much as she can and tells her “You are my best friend” and “I love you”.  It wasn’t that long ago that the roles were reversed and it was my 6 year old doing the same thing to the teenage girls.

This is the first play College Street has ever done that there is a ‘love story’.  The fact that the Duchess, who falls in love with O’Malley, is mine is kinda freaky.  But it is SO sweet to see them and O’Malley is one of Keilee’s very best male friends so it is all good.

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Keilee used to read in a tree in our back yard.  She tried this week and she just doesn’t fit in the little nook anymore.  I was trying to take a picture for Instagram and she said, “I am going to fall and break my neck but at least you will have a great photo!” 🙂

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She read a lot this week.  In fact I have started reading Harry Potter too for the 178th time and since I read WAY faster than her I am on the 2nd book too.  We are sharing it.  I read it when she is doing other things.  She was reading on the hammock and I tried to sneak up on her but she caught me.  After that she could NOT stop laughing.  She still gets the ‘giggles’.

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Thanks to Jess at Teachable Moments she is doing a board book.  She has found her ‘theme’ and it has spent so much time planning it out.  She is having some trouble with the paint sticking.  Jess why can’t you just live NEXT DOOR??? 🙂

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1. I have found one of my Mom’s journals.  Just little snippets of her days.  Look at this one, “Today is my little girls birthday.  Is it possible we have a teenager”?  I was 13, the same age Keilee is.  I would not take $1,000,000 for this journal.
2.  This dog showed up at my brother’s house about 2 weeks ago.  He LOVED Eddie, my brother and would follow him everywhere and sleep on their carport.  Eddie found the owner and every time the owner would get him, he would break out again and go to Eddie’s.  Finally the man told Eddie, ‘He is not even my dog, he just showed up a few months ago and I am afraid he will kill himself trying to escape”.  So Eddie decided to keep him.  He already has 3 dogs.  One day Eddie was playing with his black Lab and the new dog went insane and tried to bite the lab.  He thought he was hurting Eddie.  Then the dog went outside and tried to attack a neighbor’s dog.  So Eddie did something he has never ever done.  He put the dog in his car and drove 10 miles zig zagging all over.  He lives in the country and tried to take is somewhere near people.  He was hoping the dog would find a new home with no other dogs because he said the dog was so sweet just very protective.  The next morning the dog was BACK on Eddie’s carport.  Since Eddie doesn’t live in the city limits he called me to take him to our Animal Shelter.  And yes I lied and told them I found it.  We wanted him to find a good home.  This whole thing just upset Eddie so much.  He loved that little dog but couldn’t risk his dogs or his kids since he was so protective.  I had to stop in the parking lot because I was crying.  It just made us all so sad.  This little scrappy dog, with a missing part of his ear and broken teeth, just wanting someone to love him.  Keilee and I pray for him every night.
3. and 4.  Keilee and Nomad on the patio where we spend SO much time.

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This week’s theme on “7 Cool Homeschoolers” was “A Snack” and Keilee made fun and easy 4th of July Strawberries.  Check them out!  She was sick and just felt bad the entire time.  Keep watching for the bloopers.  Too funny.

Today we are doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  Well no where to go or be. Keilee is outside working on her board book and I have been reading Harry Potter.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and a safe and happy 4th of July!

Homeschooling rocks!!

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.  ~J.K. Rowling, “The Mirror of Erised,” Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, 1997, spoken by the character Albus Dumbledore

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. ~Scott Adams

Happily linking with

Mary at “Collage Friday”
“Friendship Friday”

Art, Drama, Dance, Music….

I thought I just might not survive this past week but luckily I did.  Long days and nights notwithstanding it was actually a great week.

Saturday Keilee had an acting workshop from 10-5.  She got an hour break for lunch so I packed a lunch and took her to the park when I picked her up.  She really enjoyed the class and had a blast!

2013 JUNE10

This past week was Camp Artselle.  It is a camp for 1-5 graders from 9:00-2:00.  Keilee is a counselor and I am the ‘adult’ helper in another class. I could never be a teacher in a classroom.  I spend 50% of my time telling kids to be quiet and pay attention and listening to drama!  And not the kind we were in class for!

Keilee takes her job VERY seriously.  Her kids absolutely love her.  They brought her cards and letters every day that they had made her at home.  She had the group going into the 5th grade.  She was quite surprised how silly they acted about boys and such.  She is so NOT like that.  She loved her kids though and they had a blast.  They go to 4 classes then they pick a “Master” class for the 5th class.  There is also a snack and lunch during the day.  The theme was Mardi Gras and Keilee actually worked on the theme last year in camp for this year.

2013 JUNE11

She and another boy were also directing a video they made during camp to show to the parents.  They did a great job with it.

Then from 3:00-6:00 she was in After Hours class.  I didn’t help with this one so I left and came home only to turn around and come back at 6:00 for Aristocats practice.  Long days… from 8:15 AM to around 9:00 PM.  During the After Hours class they brought in a guest speaker who has an acting company in Huntsville.  He put all the kids on stage and they performed an Improv Skit.  Keilee won a T shirt for the Best Acting.  I wish I could have seen it.  She acted like a psycho prisoner in a prison who ended up screaming at a guard at the top of her lungs.  🙂  Yeah, that’s my girl.

They practice all week to perform on Thursday for family.  Keilee was ‘The Whistler“.  She ‘whistled’ a long solo during the song “When You Go to New Orleans”  It was really cool.

2013 JUNE13

Aristocat practice is going great.  There is a little girl who is barely 5 who LOVES Keilee.  She will sit in the front row when she isn’t on stage and just watch every move she makes.  She is TOO cute.

2013 JUNE12

I LOVE this picture.  This is Keilee and 3 of her best friends.  She has known these boys for years.  They are inseparable during plays and they text continuously.  She does NOT like them as ‘boyfriends’ but she loves them as brothers.  There were a couple of 13-15 year old girls who thought this picture was inappropriate.  These are the same girls who never stopped talking about boys and acting silly and giggly all the time.  It kinda upset Keilee until I explained to her that some people are going to find fault with anything.  This picture shows friendship and caring and happy to me.

2013 JUNE14

This week on 7 Cool Homeschoolers the theme was “Parents”. Keilee worked really hard on her video and she did it at 11:00 PM every night because we were gone all day.  She wouldn’t let me see it until she posted it.  Watch if you have a chance.  She is my heart.

We have a slower paced weekend then Keilee is helping with another camp next week.  The hours are NOT as crazy and it is actually in our town.  After that we have a few plans for day trips and of course practice 3 times a week until August.

Happy Summer!
Homeschooling Rocks!

The summer night is like a perfection of thought.  ~Wallace Stevens
“Celebrate summer–sun-drenched days and starlit nights.” ~Gooseberry Patch

Art, Aristocats and Altos….

The last 7 days has been days of busyness!  Friday Keilee went to a lock in with Maddie Grace where she slept NONE.  Sunday night her best friend from K-5th grade spent the night with her.  Keilee and Lyvvy are reconnecting after a couple of years of not talking.  It was so awesome to hear them talking and laughing all night.  Monday night Sophie spent the night with her and we went to Pt. Mallard on Tuesday.

Instagram fun with Lyv and Sophie.

2013 JUNE8

Keilee auditioned for Aristocats and got the role she wanted; the Duchess!  She is so excited to be back with her College Street Players doing a play.  Some of her best friends in the entire world are in the cast and she is geeked!

The is the first play she has ever been in that she was an ‘older kid’.  There are already several little girls who are enamored with her.  It is so sweet.

2013 JUNE5

Keilee continues to do A LOT of Art Journaling.  She loves quotes just like her Mama does. 🙂  I LOVE her fox!

2013 JUNE6

It has been beautiful and I took Kei outside for pictures.  She is at the age where she thinks every picture of her is ‘horrible’.  Why do girls do this?  Why do girls have such a negative image of themselves?  I wonder if it is things I have done or said.  I have always told her she was beautiful and wonderful so I am not sure if it is just an ‘age’ thing or what.  I always thought we would avoid that because we homeschooled but no such luck.

2013 JUNE9

I read a survey once that says teenage girls think they look worse than they do and teenage boys think they look better.  It is definitely a strange age and just because we homeschool doesn’t mean we don’t face some of the same issues.

2013 JUNE7

1.  Pt. Mallard Fun in the waves
2. Art Journaling on the floor!
3.  Voice lessons with her lovely teacher
4.  Kitty Kat love

This weeks theme on “7 Cool Homeschoolers” was What is on your iDevice.  Check out some of her favorite apps below.

This next week is going to be insane for us.  Keilee is looking so forward to it and I am dreading it.  It is strange how the same events can cause different responses.  Keilee is teaching at an Art/Drama/Music/Dance Camp and I am helping from 9-2 each day. Then Keilee is taking an After Hours Theater Camp from 3-6.  Then we have practice from 6:30-8:30.  Whew!

Stay cool everyone.  Summer is in full force here in Alabama, I don’t care what the calendar says!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” ~Maya Angelou
“A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.”  ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
Linking with Mary at “Collage Friday”

Balloons, Space, Friends and Art…

I didn’t get a chance to do my weekly update last week.  I had computer issues AGAIN!  After being told it was a hard drive failure and worrying for 3 days that everything I had was lost, I found out Monday it was the backup hard drive that was failing.  The computer guys said it worked fine the 3 days they had it.  When I turned it on it froze up EVERY SINGLE TIME!  Worked fine for them.  I brought it home yesterday and it has been running fine.  Maybe it just needed time away from us

I  know I post a HUGE amount of pictures of Keilee but since she is basically my only subject I just can’t help myself.  And she is always doing something cool or silly or awesome so there you go….

I am trying to remember what we have been up to the last 12 or so days.  We did go to the Alabama Jubilee Balloon Festival which is always beautiful.  There is something about 60+ balloons flying right over your head that is breathtaking!


There is always cartwheels at our house.  And handsprings and splits and handstands and attempted aerials and more.  Keilee has bruises constantly all over her legs from them banging together.
Photo Jun 03, 4 43 14 PM

Space Warriors came out on DVD.  Keilee is in it about 6 or 7 times.  We had to watch it twice and even pause to find her everywhere. 🙂  It was very cool.  There are so many scenes they told her she couldn’t be in because she looked too much like Lacey the main girl.
These pictures are from my TV so they aren’t the best.  The picture that she has the hat on is when Sean McNamara told Thomas Horn to ‘look at the girl in the hat and speak to her most of the time”.

2013 JUNE1

We also went to the actual Space and Rocket Center.  It is $25 a person to get in or you can get a Summer Pass with 1 adult and 2 children for $40!!  So we took my niece and had a great time.  We always see something new every time we go.

2013 JUNE

As I have said before we spend HUGE amounts of time outside.  If I could afford it I would have a in ground pool, a trampoline and a tree house.  Keilee has been Hula hooping all over the yard.  She has gotten really good at it.  She also is forever throwing it up and twisting around and catching it.

Hula Hoop

Yesterday’s post was about Keilee’s latest video for “7 Cool Homeschoolers” I have a link to the video.  She has gotten so much positive things from that day.  She is emailing with the curator of the Old State Bank AND the County Archives about interning and volunteering.

Last week’s video was Free Style and Keilee decided to do a video about Nomad.  Nomad is such an important part of our family.  We weren’t able to get a dog since we lived in a townhouse until 3 years ago.  I think she appreciates him so much because she waited so long for him.  Isn’t that the way it is with most things?  Keilee has never done without anything but she also doesn’t get things handed to her left and right.  She is so appreciative of everything she gets.  Check out the video if you haven’t.  It is very sweet.

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Keilee auditioned for “Aristocats” last night.  She was so excited about seeing her friends.  She loves all of these kids and except for Maddie Grace, she never sees them except during plays.  They stay in contact via text constantly.

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There has been all sorts of learning going on.  Keilee has decided to read all 7 “Harry Potter” books. She has listened to them all on audio as they came out.  After I read them [because I was NOT going to wait to listen on audio] I would get the audio for us both to listen to.  She also read the first 3 when she was about 9.  She would read the book and listen to audio at the same time. [This was PRE Keilee reading :)]  But now she wants to read them all this summer.  She finished the 1st book in a few days and has started on the 2nd one.

She watches YouTube all.the.time.  Crash Course, Horrible Histories, Documentaries and more.

She has created several art pages.  She gets a quote or song lyric she likes and does a page. She has taste in music that I question at times. Nothing ‘bad’, she will not listen to a song with ‘bad words’ but bands that definitely are NOT Top 40.  I was talking to her about it the other day and later I came in and she was listening to “One Direction” radio station on Pandora [Not that there is anything wrong with them but she doesn’t listen to them]  I asked her what she was doing and she said “I am listening to bands you think I should”  Then she stated her point, “So many of these songs are about drinking and going to parties and liking boys and finding a girl, the songs I like are about perseverance and making it through anything and believing in yourself”  I looked at her and said, “Point made, listen to what you want to” 🙂  *She was NOT listening to just One Direction, you make a station on Pandora and they play similar artists.

2013 JUNE2

The page about this “Brutal World” is from “Revolution”.  As I have said before she LOVES this book.  She is always talking about it or quoting it.

So that is a quick recap of our last couple of weeks.  Summer is in full force here.  We have been to the pool and had a blast.  Many, many more trips there are planned.  Play practice will start next week and Keilee has several things she is doing this summer.

Tonight she is off to a lock-in at one of her friend’s church.  There will be black light Volleyball and Laser Tag. So tomorrow I expect her to sleep all day long.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Keilee.  And it was an accident!  She was taking her phone out of her bag while she was outside on a blanket and she hit the camera button!  She and I couldn’t believe how it turned out!

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Happy weekend!

“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.”  ~Anne Frank
“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ~Henry James

Linking with Mary at “Collage Friday”

When It All Comes Together…

I love days that everything just works out.  Days that start out one way and end in lovely possibilities.

That is what happened yesterday as Keilee was filming her video for “7 Cool Homeschoolers”.  She had all the places mapped out that she wanted to go for a Tour of her town.  When we got up it was cloudy and a possibility of rain so we left much earlier than we intended trying to beat the rain.  And that’s where things just started falling into place.

We first went to Rhodes Ferry Park.  She did her little snippet about that and then she wanted to go the the Old State Bank.  That place is chocked full of history and Keilee has always loved it.  The first thing we noticed was that it was really LOUD!  It is located on a busy highway and she was afraid no one could ever hear her.  As she was walking up the steps to film the columns a pick up truck pulled up and a man got out and came up and asked us if we were there for the tour.  Keilee told him no and told him what she was doing.  Turns out that he is David Breland, former Judge and now the curator of the Bank.  He proceeded to spend 2 1/2 hours with us and he was a fount of information!  He even let Keilee video him talking.

He asked her so much about what she liked and seemed to be really interested in the fact that she homeschools.  He told her she could intern at the Bank and then he started telling her about plans for an amphitheater to be built within the year.  In October of 2014 they are having a HUGE celebration of the Sequential of the “Battle of Decatur” during the Civil War and he asked Keilee if she would like to write and direct a play to perform during the celebration!!!  She was beyond excited and told him she would love it.

He was such a lovely man.  He took us on a walking tour of Old Decatur and explained in great detail all the houses and the architectural style of each one.  Then he took us to the County Archives which I had never been to.  He introduced Keilee to the director and she told him how much she loved old records.  He took us on a tour and even showed her the vault with all sorts of records and uniforms.  He asked her to come back when she had more time and peruse to her hearts content.  She talked to him about volunteering also!

She got in the car to come home and was just babbling about her day.  She told me that the next few years all she wants to do is intern different places.  She talked about who all she could get to help her with the play and already has ideas.  She has emailed both of them since we have gotten home and heard back from them both.

So this day just unfolded so wonderfully.  As homeschoolers we have such amazing opportunities.  We have found that most people with a passion for something LOVES to discuss it with others.  They are so opened to sharing their knowledge and time.  You just have to put yourself out there.  Like I tell Keilee all the time, the worse thing that can happen is they can tell you no.

Her few minute video turned into something much longer but she wanted to show the entire thing.  If you get a chance watch it.  A little history lesson. 🙂

Homeschooling rocks!

“If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. You are a leaf that doesn’t know it is part of a tree. ” ~Michael Crichton

The River, Animals & Flowers Galore…

Every where we go now there are kids.  Public school got out this week so the kids are out full force.  The places that were once deserted and ‘ours’ are now is full of children.

Saturday we went to a mini concert at a park on the Tennessee River.  It is one of our favorite parks.  A friend of ours was canoeing 250 miles to raise money for the Tennessee Riverkeeper.  She posted beautiful pictures on Instagram.  It looked like such a lovely, peaceful time.  I would have lasted 30 minutes probably!

2013 MAY16

We have had such gorgeous weather.  Keilee and I love to be outside, seriously we go out in the morning and are in and out until 10 or 11 at night.  It won’t be long before it is too hot to be outside for very long.

I had to get my license renewed this past week and the Rose Garden at the Courthouse was glorious!  Keilee took all these pictures except the one of her with her iPhone.

2013 MAY9

We also went to one of our favorite Antique Malls.  Keilee LOVES going to antique shops.  It is so funny because my Mother and Daddy were so into Antiques.  They even owned an Antique Store when I was in high school and college.  I was interested in them not one little bit.  I wanted everything new and modern.  Mother told me one day I would appreciate them.  She, as always, was right.

2013 MAY11

1.  I have wanted this game forever. I don’t know why I haven’t bought it before.  It is called Zeus on the Loose and it has everything!  Strategy, Math skills, Mythology.  We loved it.  You get to ‘steal’ Zeus and Keilee was laughing so hard at my expressions every time she got him.
2.  Amaryllis These are just the most beautiful flowers!
3.  It rained for about 10 minutes Wednesday evening.  Keilee grabbed her pink umbrella and played in the rain!

2013 MAY10

7 Cool Homeschoolers Theme this week was FASHION.  So you know Keilee was loving it!  She had a hard time picking only 8 outfits.  I always love the extra effort she puts into her videos. This has been such a great experience for her.

The papers in the picture was her notes for the shoot.  She printed out the lyrics to the song she wanted to use, blocked off which outfit for which lyrics and used tags on the outfits to correspond with the colors of each outfit on the paper.  She can be so organized with some things and so helter skelter with others!

2013 MAY12

Here is her video.  She would love for you to take a look if you have a chance.


We went to a petting zoo Thursday.  It was seriously in someone’s back yard.  It was a big yard but still….they had over 100 animals and the people were so nice.

2013 MAY13

All these pictures are by Keilee. She takes such better pictures than me!  It makes me really bummed but I am glad she has such a good eye.

2013 MAY15

We LOVED the Llama!

2013 MAY14

Keilee kept sending Snap Chat videos to Jenn at Little Homeschool on The Prairie’s daughter.  She had a blast.

She did tons of learning things this week too.  She always has her head in a book or is writing things down or baking or watching YouTube videos and telling me things.

I started reading Starcrossed aloud to her.  We always pick a book and read it on the hammock everyday.  I have already read this and I think she will like it.  It is a trilogy and the 3rd book comes out May 28th.

We have big plans this weekend.  And our Summer is already chocked full.  More on that later.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day.  Are you planning on grilling? I think it is a USA law that you must! 🙂

Happy weekend,
Homeschooling Rocks!

“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.” ~Richard P. Feyman
“Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.” ~John Lubbock

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday”
Savannah at “Hammock Tracks


Dragon Boat, Epic Church, Last Day of Co-op…

It seems like we are always so busy.  I crave days of doing absolutely.nothing.  HOMEschooling…that’s at home right?

Saturday we went to the Dragon Boat Races at the Tennessee River.  Our church had a team and it was a great day.  We came in 4th out of almost 100 teams and while that was good our preacher has big plans to win it next year.  He is a wee bit competitive!  That is our preacher and his wife in the first picture.  Actually they co-Pastor.

2013 MAY4

Monday was the last day of Co-op.  Keilee is going to miss these girls every week.  They all live around here but in a 45 mile radius.  It is hard to coordinate get togethers with everything else going on in all of our lives.  Keilee has planned a sleepover this summer to celebrate the end of Co-op.  If we can just find a time to get everyone here, between camps and church camps and vacations!

2013 MAY6

Keilee wanted to paint her bed purple so we enlisted the help of Seth.  We could have done it but he is 17 and always looking for ways to make money.  They did a GREAT job!

2013 MAY5

Wednesday was our church’s Convergence.  We have a small building and lots of people who attend Epic.  We have 5 services every Sunday!  So once every 3 months we ‘converge’ to a large place to worship.  It is always amazing and moving and wonderful.  We are in prayer for a larger place and that just may happen soon!  I don’t see how our pastors and worship team do it week after week.

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We have been outside almost every second that we are home.  The weather has been beautiful and next week looks awesome! High 80’s every day!  After painting our glider bright yellow we decided to paint our table purple!  We already had the turquoise chairs.  Our patio is old and needs some work but we spend so much time here in the spring and summer and fall!

2013 MAY8

1. Keilee is learning to do an aerial and all I do is pray every time she tries.  Being the Mother,  I envision broken necks every.single.time.
2.  I took Keilee to Wheeler Wildlife Refuge for her “Thursday with Keilee” on 7 Cool Homeschoolers.  She wasn’t feeling well and she didn’t get to film everything she wanted to but it turned out good.
3.  Keilee can stomp me on the Wii but I rule on old school Nintento games.  We have spent hours and hours playing Super Mario 3.  Seriously I used to RULE Nintendo.  The local TV station did a story on me years ago because I was a 22 year old married chick who played video games all the time!  🙂  I told you I have always been a geek gamer girl!

2013 MAY7


Learning around here just flows. When I try to remember some of the things Kei has done I can’t remember that much.  She watches huge amounts of Crash Course.  She watches CNN Student News every day.  She reads ‘Jesus Calling’ every day.  She works on her video and ideas and editing.  She is working through an Ecology book.  She does Khan Academy Algebra.  She plays tons of Angry Birds.  We have a competition going and she is WAY ahead of me!  She does SAT app every day.   She spends hours outside flipping and twisting and turning.  She watches Gymnastics videos every day.  She plays with Snap Circuits.  The iPhone app “The Bible” has an audio option and we listen to it often.

Here are a  couple of resources I would love to share.  If you aren’t signed up for “Free Homeschool Deals” you should!  She has awesome resources.  Seriously go check it out right now!

Things we have used lately:
Middle School Science Resources
Free Chemistry and Physical Science Course
Master Math

We don’t do a lot of ‘schooly’ stuff anymore.  Is Keilee learning? You betcha she is.  The best kind of learning; learning she LOVES and remembers.  We have tons of conversations, we explore things together, she teaches me and I teach her.  She is forever showing me or telling me something she has learned.  The Mark Twain quote is one of my favorite quotes and one I try to live by most of the time.  “Explore, Dream, Discover”

So that is about it for our lovely week.  Today is raining and it is supposed to rain all weekend.  Lots of time to RULE Mario Brothers 3!  Muwhahahahahah!

Homeschooling Rocks!
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”   ~ Mark Twain

“Do not try to satisfy your vanity by teaching a great many things. Awaken people’s curiosity. It is enough to open minds, do not overload them. Put there just a spark. If there is some good inflammable stuff, it will catch fire.”  ~Anatole France

Linking with Mary at “Collage Friday”

Quantum Physics, Cartwheels & Biochemists..

Lots of Science learning taking place around here this week.  I think Keilee would be happy doing nothing but Science!

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1.  Co-op making no bake cookies
2.  Skate Day with Keilee and Maddie Grace
3.  Co-op.  These girls have SO much fun.
4.  Seth decided to do a push up with Keilee on his back.  Too funny!

Keilee watched several documentaries about Quantum Physics this week.  She then sat down and drew on pages and pages of paper to explain it to me.  Honestly, I didn’t understand everything she was saying.  I LOVE that she loves things like this.

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The weather was lovely this week.  We had tons of outside time.  Cartwheels of course were done over and over and over.

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We also decided to paint everything on our patio that wasn’t tied down.  We have tons more to do but it is looking so colorful!  I need new cushions for my glider and chairs.

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This weeks’ “7 Cool Homeschoolers” was “Blind Taste Test”.  Britney came over to help Keilee on Tuesday.  We laughed so much at her ‘tasting’.  She was convinced that she wouldn’t miss any!  She was wrong.  I love the way she added information about the tongue.  I wish you could have seen the outtakes.  She was so frustrated because she kept forgetting things she wanted to say.  I was in the back of the house just laughing at her.

She also wanted to learn about “Stockholm Syndrome” and the Catacombs of Paris.  She is TOTALLY fascinated with the French Revolution.  It happened after we listened to “Revolution” audio book.  This book is for older kids and only you know what is appropriate for your kids but she loved it.  It has led to so much learning about that time period.

Here are some of the links she used for each topic:





Part 1
Part 2

The FUNNEST [ I know, not a word] thing that she did this week was a field trip to Hudson Alpha.  From their website:

“At HudsonAlpha we engage the power of biotechnology to improve life.  Implementing a three-fold mission of genomic research, economic development and educational outreach, HudsonAlpha creates the environment and conditions to nurture life-affirming “Eureka!” moments in the lab, marketplace and classroom.”

First of all, it was BEAUTIFUL!  One of the coolest buildings I have ever been in.

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They were to extract DNA from something that they choose.  After a great tour of the facility it was into the lab.

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One of the first things they did was pass out iPads and have them look at an app called iCell!  Which Keilee already had on her iPad that she brought.  HudsonAlpha actually developed this app and the lady was really happy that Keilee knew what it was and was familiar with it.

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She picked crab to extract the DNA from.  They had to fill in a sheet with a hypothesis and pick agents to add to their solution.  Keilee got DNA strands from hers.  They let her do 2 experiments because she ask the teacher what would happen if she did a certain thing and she said, “Find out”!  We discussed with the teacher some Summer Camps that they are having and lots of resources she thought Keilee may be interested in.  Also there was talk about classes next year!

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HudsonAlpha has the largest double helix model in the world.  We were on the 4th floor and the teacher took everyone to the window and said, “What do you see”? Keilee said, “A double helix”!!  Then she showed it to them on Google Earth.  It is SO awesome!  This shot is from Google Earth before they actually built all the companies around it.


Keilee wanted to wander around and ‘just talk to everyone there’.  I love how she loves Science.  Huntsville has a huge ‘Science’ community.  There are so many resources there for all things Science.

We are loving the warm weather and the chance to get outside!  We would both stay outside from sunup to sundown if we could.

Happy weekend all!
Homeschooling Rocks!

“Never memorize something that you can look up.” ~Albert Einstein
“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” ~Carl Sagan
“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”  ~Marie Curie

Happily linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Savannah at “Hammock Tracks
IHomeschoolNetwork “Homeschool Mother’s Journal”

Slowing Down….

In Our Life This Week:

After our hectic week last week this one was all about slowing down.  Yes we have too many things going on at times and yes some days are crazy, but I know that overall our lives are much more laid back and stress free than if Keilee was in PS with outside activities.  I have often wondered how those kids find time for anything?  For playing or day dreaming or reading on the hammock?  We are so lucky to be able to learn at home.

Most of our week was spent outside in nature.  Even though our weather hasn’t really been a normal April we were still able to play outside a good bit.  Everything is blooming here.  It is so gorgeous. Some of our flowers.  Pictures by Keilee.

2013 MAY

Keilee found a Robin egg in the yard.  No sign of a nest.  We wondered if we could put it in another bird’s nest but the only bird nest we found had a Mourning Dove Momma who wasn’t budging.  Papa [we think] was near by.

2013 MAY2

Co-op has been such a blessing to us both this year.  We had never done it before and I am so glad we did this year.  Keilee loves these girls and they all have such a blast together!  Here are the cupcakes they made and a delicious Italian Cream Cake with  Cream Cheese frosting. It was honestly heavenly.  Once again I am made aware at how much Keilee cooks at home. Time after time she is the only one who has ever creamed butter or separated eggs or many more things.  She has been cooking since she was 7 or 8!

2013 MAY1

Various shots.  I found myself taking hardly any pictures lately!  And about zero with my digital camera.  The iPhone is just so much handier.  Like I always heard, “The best camera is the one that’s with you” And that is ALWAYS my iPhone.

2013 MAY3

1.  My birthday cake! My birthday was Tuesday and Keilee made this cake.  It was caramel with caramel icing.  She also made marshmallow fondant and cut out flowers.  The candle holders are dresses she made with clay.
2.  Epic Church.  Sunday was our Baptism day with 111 people baptized!  It was a moving, awesome day.
3.  This is a weird little app called Face Fusion.  This is Keilee and I ‘fused’ together.  It isn’t perfect because the pictures are supposed to be non smiling.  I see ‘mostly’ me with hints of Keilee. 🙂

Various things done this week:

  • Khan Algebra
  • Shmoop This is a really cool site.  I signed up for the newsletter and we never fail to look at it each week.  Lots of cool videos and information.
  • CNN Student News.  After seeing this on various blogs it is now something Keilee does every single morning.  Great info!
  • Snap Circuits
  • Tons of baking for my birthday, at Co-op and goodies for neighbors and at the Animal Clinic.  Keilee has taken something she baked to work every single week.
  • Crash Course / Science/History/Ecology  This is a YouTube channel that Keilee watches every single day too.
  • Blimey Cow  This is a YouTube channel that Keilee loves probably most of all.  It is done by Homeschoolers and she has watched it for years.  She LOVES Jordan.  He is in college now but still makes videos every Monday.
  • Reading, reading and more reading.
  • The Medici’s on PBS.  I have this app called Twonky that beams YouTube to my TV [via my Roku]  We have been watching lots of documentaries on that.  It isn’t 100% all the time but very close.
  • SAT Prep words App
  • Another YouTube video she LOVES is “Tour the States”  She watches this over and over and goes around singing it all the time.  It is DEFINITELY worth a watch!

I know there is a lot more but without her here to ask I forget all the things she does!  Being Interest Led she is pretty much on her own unless she ask for help.

On “7 Cool Homeschoolers” the theme was “Room Tour”  She had a blast doing this one.  This is actually  a still shot from her video so it is a little blurry.  The video is below the pic.  We are painting her bed PURPLE but “No Keilee we don’t have time to do it before you shoot your video!” 🙂

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In other EXCITING news I ‘attended’ a Twitter Party that IHomeschool Network had last night and won a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP to Notebooking Pages!  I have wanted this for so long and just couldn’t find the money to get it.  I was seriously jumping up and down, both virtually and in real life.  I also won a FREE class to Curr Click Live Classes.  I can’t wait for Keilee to choose which one she wants!  Thanks to IHomeschool Network and all the great sponsors for a great party!  I don’t go to Twitter parties nearly often enough.  I am going to try to find time for them.

Keilee just now text me this and this picture.  She loves her internship so much.  For the record I really didn’t think it was a HORSE! 🙂

Photo May 03, 9 03 12 AM

Photo May 03, 8 39 32 AM

So that is our week here at Homeschool Girls.  As always I am in awe of people who post every couple of days!  I guess I could find the time but I have been really busy for work and all of our other activities.  Finding time for my Friday post is hard at times!

Happy weekend.  Ours is supposed to be FULL of RAIN and COLD [for May in Alabama] temperatures.  Hope yours is beautiful.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Spring would not be spring without bird songs.” ~Francis M. Chapman

“I sing of brooks, of blossoms, birds, and bowers:
Of April, May, or June, and July flowers.
I sing of Maypoles, Hock-carts, wassails, wakes,
Of bridegrooms, brides, and of the bridal cakes.”  ~Robert Herrick, Hesperides, 1648

Happily linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
IHomeschoolNetwork “Homeschool Mother’s Journal”
Savannah at “Hammock Tracks


Creating, Cooking and The Red Carpet..

There was much going on this past week.  The most exciting was the premiere of “Little Josephine”.  More on that later.

There was cooking and creating and clay and so much more.  I love the way our weeks flow at times.  Not always perfect but always learning and laughing and loving.

7 Cool Homeschoolers  The theme this week was “Your Favorite Character from a book, movie or TV show.  Keilee picked Cinderella, one of her favorite Disney Princesses.  She wrote this amazing little rap song. I LOVED how this turned out!

Various parts of our week:
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1.  Cinderella – Yo!
2.  Cupcakes with homemade peanut butter icing.  Yummy!!
3.  I finally bought “Color Yourself Smart – Geography” that I have seen on so many blogs.
4.  Keilee played for hours with clay.
5.  A little volcano she had gotten months ago.  Add vinegar and voila!

Clay Creations:
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She played around a bit with Marshmallow Fondant she had seen on Jessica’s site.  Very cool.

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Saturday she went to 2 workshops at a local college.  One was for Directing and Film Making and the other on Acting.  She loved them both.  I was ‘more than welcome’ to stay but decided to let her go without me.  It is her thing not mine.  After the final class I waited and waiting while all these people came out…most of them college kids and adults.  Finally I peeked in and she was in deep conversation with both of the teachers! With everyone else already gone!  I love that she will just ask questions when she is out of her ‘normal comfort zone’.  This picture was on their Facebook page. I did not make it.
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The big thing of the week was the premiere of “Little Josephine“.  This was such an unbelievable experience for Keilee and for me.  It involved learning the script, fittings for the costume, days of filming and then days of filming her part on the green screen, recording the song, promotion and more.

We met tons of our friends before the performance for dinner.  Keilee was there surrounded by her best friends and she said, “Mom they are as excited for me as I am!”  It was just a lovely wonderful night.  It was so strange for her to be in the audience watching herself.  She is usually on stage.  We were so thankful for all the friends and family who were there to support her.

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Friends… These pictures are blurry and the lighting is horrible but I love the joy in them.
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Space Warriors is out but is being shown in select theaters only.  It is being shown at the Space and Rocket Center.  We haven’t had a chance to go this week but will go next weekend.

What a week!  As exciting as it was I am glad every week doesn’t look like this.  I would go crazy!

Homeschooling Rocks!

“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.” ~Kurt Vonnegut
“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious…and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” ~Walt Disney Company

Better late than never: Happily linking with Mary at “Collage Friday”


I sometimes worry about Math.  At times a little, at others a lot.  Lately Keilee has been asking me to print Assessment Tests for her to take.  Keilee has never, not once, taken a test given by me.  I don’t do tests, ever.

I printed out 2 last week; a 42 page ‘Reading Comprehension’ and a 30 page ‘Grammar’.  She missed 1 on the Reading Comprehension and 2 on the Grammar.  Out of that many pages!  Now keep in mind, we do NOT do Grammar.  Not in years.  She said to me, “Now I want to try the 8th grade test” [she would be in 7th grade if she was in PS] and I told her, “That was the 8th grade test!”  I was happy for her because she was proud of herself.

Sunday she wanted a Math one.  So I printed it out and knew even before she looked at it that she would have no clue on some of these questions.  I was right although she did know so much more than I thought she would, Thank you Khan Academy!


I thought long and hard about this Math dilemma.  I have changed my ‘thinking’ so many times on this Homeschool journey to actually wind up right back where I began.  Well since we have over 5 years left I guess ‘wind up’ is not the right word.

I started out loving unschooling.  Even before I removed Keilee from public school I was drawn to it. I had folder and folders [This was BP…‘Before Pinterest’ remember when you had to bookmark? :)] of Homeschool resources before I ever started homeschooling Keilee.  She went to K and 1st grade and the first week of 2nd grade I picked her up, said, “Would you like to be homeschooled?” She said “YES” and the rest is history…well ‘our’ history. 

I am really not quite sure unschooling is even the right word for what she does.  She tells me what she wants to do and I find resources or she finds them.  She does want a schedule and I provide her with one.  Even that changes format from week to week, at times it is a ‘Daily’ chart and some weeks it is just “Weekly”.

All that being said, since this is about Math, here is what “I” believe.  She knows the basics, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, etc.  As we have gone through various Math curriculums I have ran across many concepts already that I had totally forgotten.  Do you know how long it usually takes me to look it up and figure it out?  10 minutes…tops.   So then why can’t Keilee do that?  Say she gets in College [if that is what she decides to do] and takes a Math class.  She is smart enough that if she doesn’t understand she can figure it out with all the resources online.

What she does for Math now is Khan Academy.  I images Khan Academy.  She does around 3 or 4 lessons a week.  She has finished Pre-Algebra and just started Algebra.  She understands it.  If she doesn’t, she ask me to find her some worksheets so she can practice.

I have thought about this long and hard and what I think is important is that kids have the resources to “FIND” the answers they need.  Not that it is all memorized in their heads.  I know schools teach tests to students. So you have 7th graders all over the country being drilled week after week on the exact concepts they will be tested on.  So I didn’t feel bad when she didn’t know some of the 8th grade Math problems.  When she found one she didn’t know I asked her if she could ‘find out’ how to solve it.  She said yes and she did that.  To me that is more important than knowing how to do it because you have been drilled on it over and over ad nauseam.  Which they promptly forget as soon as they stop drilling.

So I am mostly letting go of my Math freak outs…Breath in…breath out….


I believe with all my heart that the internet and more importantly, the amazing resources on the internet has changed learning forever.  I am so excited that Keilee is living in this time frame, that the only place all these awesome resources have to do is get better and better.   Can you imagine how learning will look in 10 years or even 5?  Makes me wish I had a 2 year old…hmmmm…nah. 😉

Homeschooling Rocks,

*Disclaimer: I am not saying that Math isn’t important.  I am saying that ‘drilling’ Math facts or concepts into a child’s head day after day is unimportant.  There are many professions where I know higher Math is essential.

Arithmetic is where the answer is right and everything is nice and you can look out of the window and see the blue sky – or the answer is wrong and you have to start over and try again and see how it comes out this time.”  ~Carl Sandburg

Videos, Movie Stars and Bunnies…

I see people posting all the time about all the amazing things they do in their homeschooling weeks.  I seem to not post so  much about that.  Our weeks seem so busy that I fill up my posts with pictures of things we have done.

This week was busy.  Keilee had a dentist appointment, we had to do our once monthly grocery shopping [well I do buy groceries other times but once a month I buy ‘BIG’ groceries], we had Co-op, a friend came and spent the day with Keilee and more.

We spent a few hours in the closet.  Spring in Alabama means Tornadoes.  I have lived most of my life here, tornadoes have never bothered me.  Until April 27, 2011.  The day that forever changed the way I, and so many other Alabamians look at tornadoes.  Now they make me a bit nervous.  After a couple of hours all the bad weather passed.

2013 April5

1.  Best friends at Co-op.  Keilee and I both love this group of girls so much.
2. Keeping up with the weather via iPad.  In the closet.
3. I ordered Keilee Snap Circuits after reading all the great reviews from all of you. She LOVES them.
4. Giving Nomad a hug after the tornadoes had passed.  We were all 3 in a small hall closet.

Our neighbor had a man mowing her yard and THIS flew out of the blower.  Keilee took it and put it in a box with grass.  He seemed fine, just scared to death.  She then called her Vet office and they told her to put it in the yard and see if it hopped off.  She had to do a photo shoot with it first.  And of course she wanted to keep it.

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The trailer for Space Warriors came out this week!  This is the movie that Keilee was in as an extra all last summer.  SHE was IN THE TRAILER!  We were so excited.  She is at about .06 seconds and .13 seconds.  This is a scene at the welcoming ceremony at Space Camp.  If you pause it at .13 you can see Josh Lucas speaking and BooBoo Stewart and Thomas Horn.  Keilee is in the blue shirt on the left next to the girl with the red shirt.  The first thing is a picture I took of the video when you can see her.

Space Warriors

Here is the trailer.

Also “Little Josephine” premieres next Thursday.  This is a short film that will be shown in film festivals worldwide.  Keilee plays Amaya, the fairy.

2013 April6

The funny thing about these 2 events is that the premieres are on THE SAME DAY!  April 25th.  Keilee said, “Oh my gosh I have been in 2 movies my entire life and they both premiere on the same day”.  We can see Space Warriors in the theater though.  So we will be walking the red carpet for “Little Josephine” [Just kidding, no red carpet will be there, I don’t think]

Wednesday we spent the day at a local park for Keilee to film her video for “7 Cool Homeschoolers”.  She had planned it all out the night before.  She took the lyrics and wrote exactly where she wanted to film each part and different things she wanted to do.  She is VERY good at this sort of thing.  Her friend Kayla was over and went with us.  We both felt like Production Assistants dragging Keilee’s things around.  Because of course she changed clothes…and boots! 🙂

2013 April7

This week was “Music Video”.  She actually had a hard time finding a popular song she liked with no ‘bad’ words and no suggestive lyrics. Sad… Here is her video.

Favorite Photo of the Week:
We went on a Wildflower walk.  Keilee didn’t even want me to take her picture [“I look awful, my hair, blah blah] and I LOVED this one.

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Favorite Homeschool Things:

  • Snap Circuits  This is the kit I got.  There are several to choose from.
  • Kno books [I had a coupon for $10 and used it to get “Ecology” for the iPad.] These are VERY interactive books that you can even write in.  You actually ‘rent’ the books for 12 months.  The one we got was $12.99 and with the coupon I only paid $2.99 for it. So far Keilee is LOVING this!
  • Ecology Crash Course
  • Keilee made a Paper Dragon.  This didn’t turn out exactly like it was supposed to.  She is going to try it again.  We got this from Homeschooling Ideas.  If you haven’t signed up for this newsletter DO IT NOW.  Julie has AWESOME stuff here!!!!
  • She spent an hour or so on ICivics.  I had seen this on Theresa’s site! Thanks Theresa.
  • Lots of Khan Academy Algebra.  She uses the iPad app for this.  We have used Khan for YEARS.  I love it.  I just adore Salman Khan. He rocks. 🙂
  • SAT daily app.  Keilee really, really likes this for some reason.  She has always had a very good vocabulary but she has started using these new words in every day conversation.
  • She has been asking for Standardized tests!  She has been doing page after page of these.  More on this in a later post.
  • Reading “Roanoke” on iPad.  This was a free Kindle book one day and I grabbed it for her.  She has been fascinated by the story of Roanoke since she was about 8.
  • Math Apprentice  This is another site I found through who?? I can’t remember! ACK.  All I know is that all these shared resources between HS Moms are the best.
  • She is reading all the Animal books she can get her hands on.  I grab these for FREE on Free Homeschool Deals.  It is also a newsletter you sign up for.  I have gotten TONS AND TONS of Kindle books here.  The Animal books are a lower level but she still gets information from them.  Thanks Jamerill!!!

So there is a look inside the life of these 2 Homeschool Girls.  I am sitting here writing this and Keilee is at her intership.  I have the TV on and am listening to the search for one of the bombers of the Boston Marathon.  They break in with information about the number of deaths in the Texas explosion.  This has been a hard week for the United States.  Please pray for everyone affected by these horrific tragedies.

Have a lovely weekend,
Homeschoooling Rocks,

“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” ~Leo Buscaglia

Happily linking up with
Mary at “Collage Friday

Back and only a LITTLE Broken…

4 weeks I have been blogless.  My friend who always hosted my server had to shut his down and suddenly I had to find a new server!  After researching I decided to use BlueHost.  It was a long process to move 5 years of posts and pictures to a new server.  Thankfully I have a great friend who did it for me.  There were some hiccups and days I prayed that it wasn’t all lost forever.  I started this blog in May 2008; the month my Mother died. Keilee had only been 8 a few months, and I have kept it up, for 5 years.  Everything isn’t perfect.  There are some weird little symbols thrown in, most of them look like little crosses which Keilee and I kinda like.  I can’t fix them all.  It would take forever.  So I am leaving them in.

I can’t cram 5 weeks into one post so I am just going to highlight. 🙂

Keilee had her performance of “Father of the Bride”.  It was wonderful.  Even though she didn’t have a HUGE role it was so funny.  Her “Brooklyn” accent was great and so many people asked her afterward if she was A( From Brooklyn or B( Took lessons!  I am putting her favorite scene on here.  She was in a couple more but they were less lines.  Back story; she is one of the Wedding consultants and has a very bad attitude toward the Banks.  She definitely thinks they are beneath her with her Paris fashions…but as much as you can ‘take the girl outta the Brooklyn, you can’t take the Brooklyn outta the girl’ 🙂 Plus she wore 5 1/2” heels!  I can’t walk in 2” heels!


Another exciting thing the last few weeks is Keilee is a part of a new YouTube channel called 7 Cool Homeschoolers.  Theresa at Red Oak Lane’s daughter thought of the idea and the girls each day a day a week and post a ‘Themed’ video.  So far there has been “All About Me”, “A Day In the Life Of” [Keilee did The Wicked Witch!], a Freestyle [check this one out it is hysterical, she randomly danced all over our town!] and a “How Do”.  She is so enjoying coming up with ideas and filming these every week.  It is all her.  She comes up with the ideas and writes the script and films it all on her own.  I got her a  Tripod and it really makes things easier.  Please watch and support all these talented Homeschool Girls!

She has been keeping busy with her ‘Unschooling’ life.  She is constantly doing something.  More in depth on that later on.

Here are a few collages although I have taken very few pictures lately except with my iPhone.

Keilee got a Giga Ball for Christmas and we just got it inflated.  With an air pump it was still a bit of a PAIN!  She likes it though.  Storing it is a huge problem too.  It doesn’t fit through the door of any of our outside storage.

2013 April2

She spent a couple of hours one night painting all over herself!  It actually looked pretty cool but she couldn’t sit down or anything because it was MESSY!

2013 April3

Gymnastics and more gymnastics.  She loves this. She is constantly flipping and flinging and throwing herself upside down.  She has bruises all over her legs.  She always says to me, “Mom why did you let me quit Gymnastic lessons???”  Yup…all my fault.

2013 April1

Spring has SPRUNG here!  Gorgeous days and nice nights.  I am sure we will have some cooler weather but WINTER is gone!  The squirrel was so funny. It was hanging upside down from VERY high in our tree.  We couldn’t figure out what he was doing!  And of course, all these pictures were taken by Keilee!

2013 April

Various pictures taken…

2013 April4

1.  Keilee with her cousin Seth.  He is 6’4″ and had to crouch down!  They were working in the yard.
2.  Hula Hooping in Wal-Mart!
3.  Trying to learn “Call Me Maybe” on the keyboard
4.  Working on her video for “7 Cool Homeschoolers”
5.  Keilee and I Easter morning before church.
6.  Silly Keilee at her Vet internship
7.  Easter basket cupcakes!

So…I feel like the Who’s screaming from their speck, “I AM HERE, I AM HERE!!”  I have missed everyone so and missed posting.

Happy weekend!
Homeschooling Rocks!

“There’s nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.”  ~ Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” ~William Shakespeare

Happily linking up with Mary at “Collage Friday

In Like a Lion…

Some weeks I just feel like I have nothing much to say.† This week is one of those weeks.† It isn’t that we didn’t do anything because there is always things going on.† I find myself taking fewer pictures than I usually do.† And 99% of them are with my iPhone.

That being said here is our week.

The BIG NEWS is I got Keilee an iPad Mini.† Now we have an iPad but we were always fighting over it.† I find myself using my iPad more and more and my PC less and less.† Her laptop had completely stopped working and it was on its last leg anyway so we talked about it and she decided she would rather have a Mini than a computer.† I tried to talk her into a regular iPad but she wanted the Mini.† She LOVES it.† This is the most expensive single thing I have ever bought her.† I was so happy that I could do this for her.† I think since it is ‘hers’ she likes it more.† She can set up Instagram and Pinterest and things like that.† She has been a PINNING FOOL this week.† She started out with 7 pins from the account she had months ago to almost 300!!

Recently Updated12

Lots and lots of play practice.† Show Week is next week and we will both be a little glad for a break.† We just always have so much going on and practice 3 nights a week is a lot.† Keilee’s role is very cute.† She is playing a very annoying wedding circulation planner.† She is also very uncomfortable in the tighter of the 2 dresses.† She NEVER wears things like this!† The boy in the picture is the same age as her!† It is so obvious that girls mature earlier than boys for the most part. 🙂

2013 March7Keilee did so much artsy sort of things this week.† She goes in cycles, never picks it up for weeks and then does nothing else.

2013 March2

After we had sliced an avocado, Keilee looked up how to grow the pit and decided to try. We don’t really live in a warm enough climate but she still wanted to try.† We can already see changes.

2013 March5Here are some snapshots of some of our week:

2013 March61.† Keilee is working on a 20th Century Lapbook. She showed me how she added her own description of Hitler.
2.† Co-op.† This has been such a positive experience for us both.† Keilee has got the best friends there and they always have such a ball.† The girls are all within 1 year of each other.† Their teacher was sick last Monday so they made a video with Video Star.† I was in the next room and all I heard was laughter and singing and talking.
3. Coding† She is working through the Computer Science classes on Khan Academy.† Very cool.† Already she is doing things I have no clue about.
4. A SteamPunk dollhouse she is working on.† This mess would have driven me crazy at one time. Now I just take deep breaths….

What we are reading:
Daily Devotion: Jesus Calling




Read Aloud: Wonder [Thanks Jess!]
I am reading:† I just finished the 3rd book in the “Matched” trilogy; “Reached“† I loved these books.
Now I started the final book in the “Pandemonium” trilogy; “Requiem“.† Love, love.
Keilee is reading:† “This Book is Not Good for You“† It is Book 3 in a series that she loves.† LOVES!!
this book
Audio Book:† We are listening to “The Hobbit

What we are watching:
Keilee found this show called “My Fair Wedding” that she likes. It’s a’ight.† I don’t love ‘wedding’ shows. † We are also watching “Castle” our favorite show and “Once Upon a Time”.† Those are really the only 2 series shows that we watch every week.† Keilee is always watching documentaries but I am not sure which ones she watched this week.† I also just got the first 2 discs of “7th Heaven” I never watched that show but we have heard or read about 3 references to it lately so I decided to check it out.

Keilee’s week:

  • Khan Academy
  • Lapbook of Modern History
  • Art Journaling
  • Lots of reading
  • Lots of Pinterest
  • Reading about Animals, Animals and did I mention Animals?
  • Working hard on a SteamPunk dollhouse she is making out of boxes.
  • Lots of Coding and Computer Science
  • Working on her ideas for a new Video channel she is a part of
  • Play Practice
  • Working on her script for “WonderGlass”
  • Watching “Mysteries In History” on Netflix [she really loves these]
  • She is working through this book I got on Amazon.† I had found the Teacher workbook at a thrift store jammed full of great resources so I ordered her the book. She reads the chapter and does the questions on her own.
  • At her Internship she watched a dog that was getting an abcess drained.† [Gross huh?]. She is still walking the dogs and doing lots of jobs around the clinic.† She even MOPPED the floor! She has never mopped a floor here!† She also made what we call “Doo-Doo Cookies” to take Friday.† She said they loved them.
  • She has watched several Crash Course videos.† We are HUGE fans of John and Hank Green.† I love† John Green.† If you haven’t checked out their YouTube channel I would highly recommend it.† One thing I love about John Green is he is a Christian. He actually wanted to be a Minister at one point in his life.
  • Knitting
  • Drawing on the iPad
  • Instagram.† I love Instagram.† One thing I love about it is how Keilee and I have both gotten to know my blog friends kids better.† I love seeing all of their pictures and seeing the dialogue that goes on between all these homeschooling girls all over the country.

I will leave you with a little Spring.† I am so ready for it, aren’t you?


Well I guess I had more to say than I thought.† How was your week?

Homeschooling Rocks!

“March is a month of considerable frustration – it is so near spring and yet across a great deal of the country the weather is still so violent and changeable that outdoor activity in our yards seems light years away.” ~ Thalassa Cruso

Happily Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday”
Savannah at “Homeschool Review”

The Week That Was Beautiful…

One thing that has always amazed me is how, when I get an idea from a blog or article about something I want to try in our HS, I see it everywhere.† Everyone is interested in the same thing.† I don’t know if I just read like-minded bloggers or what but the sharing of ideas, resources and things that work has always been one of my favorite parts of home education. Love it!

I have been interested in Project Based Learning for some time.† I have a folder for it and the earliest information I have is from 2010.† The idea of it appeals to me, in fact in my perfect world I would gather all my favorite bloggers and friends and let our children do nothing but projects, one after another, always learning and laughing and exploring.

Keilee mainly makes her own “Weekly Plan“.† This past week was “Do a Project”

She has 2 ideas she is working on at once but the one she spent the most time with this week is a Movie on iMovie.† She is doing her version of “Wonderland”† It is called Wonder Glass.

She has spent hours this week writing a script with Scripts Pro on the iPad, doing a complete storyboard after researching storyboards and exactly what they are supposed to do, picking out costumes, writing down locations in our town where she wants to film and talking to a friend about being in her film.† She has been so ‘busy’. Don’t you love it when you kids are so busy and involved that they just don’t stop?

The Script:

Recently Updated2

The Storyboard [This is 11 pages!]

2013 March1She has picked out some costume choices, she wants it to be modern age.

Recently Updated9

I am looking forward to her doing more and more of this Project Based Learning sort of things.

Another thing that has interested her this week is “Coding”† She has been a little interested in computer programing at different points in her life.† I got Scratch years ago and she programmed on it on and off.† I also have Alice which she likes.† She and I watched a video that was on FrogCreek’s site and since then she has been raring to go.† She has found a couple of apps:† “Daisy Dinosaur” and “Move the Turtle“† Also Code.org is a great place to start.† Here is the video that inspired her: [Thanks Frog Creek!!]

What I Am Watching:
Sherlock – Ok people have been telling me forever that I should watch this.† The thing that held me back is that it is only 6 episodes.† But they are 6† lovely, 1 1/2 hours each, episodes.† This is my new favorite show.† I just got consumed watching it.† I loved it so much.† Netflix Streaming, watch it now!† It is brilliant!† I promise.† When the last episode was coming to an end I was very sad.† Keilee was in her room and I screamed “I wish Sherlock would text me”† [He texts a lot].† She came into the den to ask me what was going on and I explained how the show was wrapping up and I wasn’t too happy with it.† Well about 15 minutes later I get this on my phone:
Recently Updated8I was cracking up.† She had snuck into the den and changed her name on my phone to Sherlock, went back to her room and sent me a text.† Love her.

They made cupcakes and homemade cinnamon rolls in Co-op:
Recently Updated4Other things in our week:
Recently Updated51.† Cartwheels in the street.
2.† Maggie, one of our dearest friends, needed to do a poster on Animals. [She is in Public School] and Keilee begged to help her.† They had a great afternoon and Keilee got out her Rainforest Lapbook and they used components of that.† Turned out awesome.
3.† On the way to Co-op, the blue is the Tennessee River.
4. Texas Hold Em app.† Seriously we have both spent hours on this.† So much fun!

Here is the poster:

Recently Updated6

In other news this week, Keilee got an iPhone!† She has had one for years but it functioned like an iPod.† She had a text app for texting.† Well this week my Daddy called and said to have her ready.† He picked her up and next thing I knew she was texting me.† He got her a 4S iPhone and she is loving Siri.† 🙂

Today was her 2nd day of her internship and she had a blast.† I got these texts from her.
Recently Updated7She already has a name picked out see? Silly girl.

It is a small chance of snow tonight.† March 1st.† Like I told Jenn at Little Homeschool on the Prairie, “I will believe it when I see it”.

Happy Friday!
Homeschooling Rocks!

“I think the big mistake in schools is trying to teach children anything, and by using fear as the basic motivation. Fear of getting failing grades, fear of not staying with your class, etc. Interest can produce learning on a scale compared to fear; as a nuclear explosion to a firecracker.” ~ Stanley Kubrick

Happily Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Savannah at “Hammock Tracks

Reflections of A Homeschool Mom….

As I sat in my house on Friday, alone but for the dog, I began to think about the time when Keilee is no longer here 24/7. In a few years, this will be my life, life without her talking all the time and dancing and singing and asking questions and laughing and scattering projects and yarn and pieces of her wherever she goes.

I try to tell myself that she is barely 13 and I have many years but then I remember how quickly time passes.

She came home from the Animal Clinic full of stories, and kept remembering more and more as the days went by.  And I thought to myself how eternally grateful I am; grateful that I have had the opportunity to home educate her.  That I didn’t have to hear about things hours after they happened or not at all if she chose not to tell me.  That all those firsts were with me.  That I didn’t miss one.single.thing.

Homeschooling is not always sunshine and bonding and happy.  Some days I want to scream [and occasionally do], some days we get so frustrated with each other; this child growing into a young woman and I; some days I threaten the dreaded words “Public School” and I know she knows I would never.  Some days I worry myself sick over this Interest Led/unschooling way we have adopted.  The “What Ifs” consume me.


Most days I am 100% sure that this is OUR perfect life.  These days, mostly calm and stress free, that ebb and flow.  There are few alarm clocks and deadlines and rushing.  There is learning, always learning.  We do not learn 100 new things each day, but we do learn every day.  It may not look like the school down the road but that was never my intention.  I never ever wanted to recreate school.  There are no schedules and 1 hour blocks for Science or Math.  There are no lines or lockers or mean kids or teachers who simply do not care anymore.  Our days have laughter and wonder and discovery and knowledge and amazement and moving and flitting to one thing and another.

Her interests, her passions, the things that consume her.  Animals for 4 hours? Why not?  A day of history documentaries? Well of course you can.  Playing on Webkinz or Eden or the iPad for 4 hours? Be my guest.  Read all day? Yes please.

Time is so fleeting, it passes in an instant.  I pray to cherish each one, to live in ‘this’ moment, to say “Yes” as often as I can, to walk away from the computer to play a game, or dance in the kitchen or snuggle on the couch.

This poem I wrote on April 27, 2009.  We were in our 2nd year of homeschooling.   Almost 4 years later I still feel exactly the same way.



I could send her to school,
And from 8:00-3:00 have no clue
How many times she laughed,
How many times she learned,
How many times she questioned,
How many times she understood,
How many times she wanted more information,
How many times she bounced in her chair from excitement,
How many times she was proud of something she did.
I could send her to school and she could get her exercise and sunshine,
In 20 minute doses, if she had on the right shoes, and no one misbehaved and everyone was quiet.
I could send her to school
And let her eat the processed high fat, low nutrition fare they feed millions of children a day,
if she had enough time to eat and didn’t talk too loud and if no one grabbed her food.

I could homeschool her.

Yes indeed, Homeschooling DOES rock,

“You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.” ~ Clay P. Bedford

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.” ~ Buddha

It’s Friday, Friday, Gotta Get Down on Friday…

I love the Friday posts.† I am just in awe of those of you who posts several times a week. I just can’t do it.† Well I guess I could but it takes a lot of time.† Does everyone do Friday Collage like I do?† First of all I dump my phone pictures into Dropbox and go through them.† I take MAINLY iPhone pictures.† I then get the pictures off of my camera if there is any.† Then I edit the pictures and do the collages in Picasa.

What I love about these ‘Friday Wrap Up/Collage’ posts is in weeks that I think, “Good grief we didn’t do anything productive” I realize we did.

Monday at Co-op they made Cherry Pie Cupcakes in honor of President’s Day.† They colored the icing to look like pie crust.

2013 FEB11Then in cooking they made a 4 course meal in 1 hour.† Then set up everything after Co-op for the families to all eat.† It was so good.† Caesar salad with homemade croutons, Breadsticks with dipping oil, Green Beans with mushrooms and onions and Stuffed Shells. For dessert it was homemade brownies with ice cream and fudge sauce.

2013 FEB12We also got to go to the Shanghai Circus this week with a homeschool group.† It was AMAZING!† Gymnastics is another of Keilee’s loves.† Even though she doesn’t take Gymnastics she watches YouTube videos all the time.† She has taught herself to do so many things.† She leaned over to me at one point and said, “Davan could do all of these things!”† Just wanted to share Nicholina. :)† She took all these pictures from the balcony. Way up in the balcony.†† 2013 FEB14

These were some of Keilee’s favorites.

2013 FEB15This girl and guy were really good too.† The blurry picture is so you can see she was on pointe, ON HIS SHOULDERS!

2013 FEB16When we got home she kept talking about how much she would love to do something like that, so we looked up Shanghai Circus.† They don’t live with their families, they travel all the time and practice hours a day.† We talked about the fact that if you love something so much and want to do that always, it takes so much time and practice.† We tried to figure up how many hours she has spent on acting….thousands between practices, at home practice and performing.

She spent a lot of time on an Animal Study she is doing on her own.† I tried to get her to come watch something with me one night but she said she would rather work on it. 🙂

2013 FEB13

She is now at her first day at the Animal Clinic.† I am going to wait to post this because she said she would take pictures for my blog.† [I have so raised her right huh?]

I just picked her up and it was so funny to hear her rattle on about everything she did.† She got to walk dogs, fold towels, play with dogs and cats, help hold down a dog for clipping, put together tons of syringes [without the needle Mom!], learn about the blood machine, put dogs in their kennels† and watch a SPAY!† Not a bad first day. Here are a few pictures she was able to take.

2013 FEB17

Things she has done this week include:

  • Working on a project within Webkinz.† She is doing a comparison on her vegetable garden and determining which crop is the most profitable to raise.† She is making charts and reports. She is keibell if any of your kids play.† She and Mary’s daughter have been sending each other all kinds of goodies. 🙂
  • Doing a few lessons on Khan Academy
  • Reading Book 1 of “The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe”
  • She spends a lot of time on this site.† Brain Genie You must all check it out.† It is free and you can play against other people if you want, completely anonymous and also do a ‘lesson’ sort of thing.† It is my favorite resource this week.
  • Her Animal project
  • We finally caught up on “Once Upon a Time“† LOVE this show!† We had watched a couple of them, then stopped.† The complete 1st season is on Netflix streaming and all of this season is on HuluPlus.
  • Watched the final episode of Downton Abbey.† Still speechless.
  • She wanted me to print out some Grammar worksheets which I did.
  • We are doing the SAT question of the day.† It is a free app.† She is rocking all the questions except the Math.
  • Part of what I like Keilee to do every week may be kinda strange to some of you.† I encourage her to spend time on Social Media.† I think that this is going to be more and more important.† I want her to Instagram and Vine and search for things on YouTube and find things that are ‘trending’.† She isn’t much into Facebook but she enjoys the other things.
  • She is working on this lapbook.† It is US History from 1909 until 2009. It is so funny because I always loved the idea of lapbooks but she didn’t. All of a sudden she loves them. Which is good since I have bought or gotten free probably 75 over the years.
  • She continues to work on her blog Teens Can Change The World

WATCH THIS VIDEO! NOW!† I saw a link to this on Helena’s husbands Facebook.† We watched it, twice.† I kinda think Keilee has a little crush on Logan.† Well as ‘crushing’ as Keilee gets. Her words, “He is cute and smart”.† 🙂 I love the things he does for his ‘hackschooling’ and am planning on spending some time seeing if I could implement some of these ideas.† LOVE IT!!

So there is our week.† We have a busy weekend and Keilee’s play is in a couple of weeks.† All good fun.

HomeSchooling Rocks,

“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.î ~Socrates

ìJust as eating against oneís will is injurious to health, so studying without a liking for it spoils the memory, and it retains nothing it takes in.î† ~Leonardo Da Vinci

ìSelf-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.î† ~Isaac Asimov

Happily Linking with
Mary at “Collage Fridays
Savannah at “It’s a Wrap”

Animals, Animals, Theater, Animals…

Notice a theme in my title?† The 2 things that are Keilee’s passions.† She got huge helpings of both this past week.

We went to a Dog Parade for Mardi Gras.† They had the cutest dogs.† Keilee begged and pleaded to take Nomad but seriously our dog is lovely and sweet alone with us but he is CRAZY in public.† So we just watched this time.† All these pictures were taken by Kei.

2013 FEB8We just walked around downtown and saw people dressed up and smelled yummy food cooking and enjoyed the atmosphere.† Of course Keilee had to wear her tutu and mask. 🙂

2013 FEB9Monday we were able to go to a FREE Jack Hanna show.† Keilee maneuvered her way until we were able to sit dead center on the front row.† She has lots of experience with that at church.† She insists on sitting on the front row at church and I kid her that she acts like she is going to a concert the way she pushes [nicely] her way to the front.

He brought some fascinating animals.The bird is called a Red Legged Seriema who grabs his prey and slams it against a rock.† It was SO cool to watch!† Once again all pictures were by Keilee.

2013 FEB6Kei had practice a couple of times this week.† They also had a photo shoot.† Her role is so funny and fun to play.

2013 FEB7A publicity shot for “Little Josephine” came out and we were excited to see the photo.† I can’t wait to see how this movie turned out.

2013 FEB5Kei crocheted some flowers to wear on her knitted headbands.† She isn’t very good at crochet.† It is funny because everyone tells her that crocheting is easier than knitting but she disagrees.

2013 FEB10

A video to share:† Keilee doing a one handed cartwheel at play practice.


Other things Keilee did this week included:

  • We are reading “Jesus Calling together every morning and also “21 Teen Devotions for Girls”
  • Keilee worked all week on a lapbook I got from Hands of a Child last week during their 10th Anniversary blowout sale.† It is Veterinary Science and Animal Care.† While she doesn’t want to be a Vet this has great info on animals.
  • We put up a new Bird feeder.† All our feeders are in the backyard and we can’t see them from our living room.† It took about a week for the birds to discover it and about 3 days for the squirrels to find it.† The squirrels can’t reach it and we have laughed ourselves silly watching them try to get to it.† Needless to say Nomad isn’t happy about wildlife outside “HIS” window.
  • We found a new game at the thrift store and have enjoyed playing.† It is called “Knowledge” It is VERY similar to Trivia Pursuit.† I spent hours and hours and hours of my life playing that game years ago. 🙂
  • Keilee started a new blog about a month ago called “Teens Can Change the World“.† It coincided with her 13th birthday. :)† She has really blown me away with the topics she has written about.† Check it out if you get a chance.† She said to me, “Mom please mention it on your blog so people will maybe read it” :)† My FAVORITE post she has written is “We Allow That?
  • Vine has had an update with a BLOCKING function.† I love it, we love it.† It is so awesome to see 6 second snippets from people all over the world.† Plus Keilee has decided to get really creative in her videos.† I love anything that inspires her creativity.

And the BIG news this week is that Keilee got a phone call from the Vet that she sent the letter to.† She starts next Friday doing an internship each Friday from 8-12.† She is freakingoutjumpingupandownsquealinglikeamouse excited.† The Vet told me that she would be cleaning cages, walking dogs, giving baths among other things.† Also that she could sit in on surgeries if she wanted to.† They also do large animals and she may get the chance to go on some calls for those.† I would go with her on these visits.† I love the fact that she is just turned 13 and already being able to do these things.

The weather has been semi nice this week but a cold front is moving in with a chance of snow.† We shall see.

So there’s our week…how was yours?

Homeschooling Rocks!

ìPetting, scratching, and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind and heart as deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer.î ~Dean Koontz

Lots of people talk to animals…. Not very many listen, though…. That’s the problem. ” ~Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Homeschool Mother’s Journal


How DEEP does the Rabbit Hole Go?

As Keilee gets older we get more ‘unschooley’. Do you like that word I just made up? 🙂 I have talked to many of you about the fact that I get ‘freaked’ out at times with the ‘oh my gosh what if she doesn’t know this or that’, but those moments are coming further and farther apart.

She is so passionate about so many things that I don’t worry.† Now she isn’t passionate about every.single.thing but really….how many times have you ever had to diagram a sentence since school?

I am a firm believer that in this world we live in, this world with instant access to anything in the entire world you want to know literally at [or under] your fingertips, I shouldn’t sweat the little things.† Want to learn to knit? fish? make a cake? do an algebraic equation? quilt? learn about force and motion?† Battle of Gettysburg?† Quantum Physics? make butter? Calculus?† Go to YouTube, or TED talks, or Khan Academy or Google it.† I will bet you within 5 minutes you will be exactly where you need to be to learn ANYTHING.† You can go as deep as you want into the Rabbit hole.

So…here is where her rabbit holes led us this week…..

Cupcakes in Co-op class:

Photo Feb 08, 8 47 03 AM

She finished Book 2 of the series she is reading.† She LOVES these books.† I grabbed the rest of the series on the iPad at this site.† Free.


She made a video with Video Star using “Castle on the Cloud” from Les Miserables.† This was her look for ‘the lady all in white’, I didn’t take a picture of her as Cosette.

Photo Feb 07, 12 09 58 PM

Here is the Video:

She got this book from Amazon.† It has been in my Cart for 8 months…at least.† It wasn’t the cheapest book, but it is glorious for my animal loving girl.† She was giddy.† She has spent hours and hours reading and sharing information with me.

She decided to do a poster on Animals after seeing the awesome poster that Lauren, Susan’s daughter over at “Learning All the Time” did.

2013 FEBShe got contacts this week!† The first of January she learned that she needed glasses all the time.† She has noticed a huge difference with and without them so I told her I would get her contacts.† I remember getting them when I was 15.† I wanted them so badly.† She went, got fitted and has worn them every day with zero problem.† I am so proud of her.

She decided to make a report on New York City which morphed in New York in general.† She did the poster and then made a Power Point presentation on the iPad.

2013 FEB1Here are some shots from the PP presentation [For some reason I had her ‘decorated’ hand in both collages…oh well. 🙂

2013 FEB2

She also called 2 Vet clinics about volunteering.† Then she sat down and wrote a letter to one of the doctors about why she wanted to volunteer.† She is so passionate about animals.† I don’t think I had passions at 13.

???????????????????????????????We met friends for dinner since one of our friends is moving to Texas for a few months. Keilee had to ham it up when she saw this man!

2013 FEB3

We threw our pumpkins outside to see if they will decompose and maybe we will have pumpkins next year.† They just now started decomposing!† And even then Keilee had to knock them with a brick to get them going.

Photo Feb 07, 12 18 50 PM

Keilee is in a play, Father of the Bride.† She has a small role but the character is SO cute.† She gets to use a very thick stereotypical New Jersey accent and it should be really funny.† [Not like your lovely accent Theresa ;)]

2013 FEB41. Father of the Bride
2. Animal book
3. Cupcakes Keilee made for our church staff on Baptism Sunday.

What we are watching on Netflix/ Streaming and DVD’s

1. The Mentalist, Season 4 [I LOVE Patrick Jane.† LOVE HIM]
2. Dog Decoded: Nova
3. National Geographic Explorer/25 Years
4. Animal Atlas – Animal Mysteries

Apps we are playing:

1.† Backgammon [We have spent many an hour playing this game.† I was so glad to teach††† Kei how to play]
2.† Family Feud& Friends[Thanks Jenn!]
3. Line Runner [I STINK at this, Kei isn’t that much better :)]
4.† Geared HD
5. Starry Sky [Very fun and educational, Kei is MUCH better at this than I am]
6.† Ruzzle
7. Bad Piggies
8. IDaft
9. Vine [A word about Vine, it is all the rage and it has great potential but it needs work.† It is made by Twitter and basically similar to Instagram but you post 6 second videos.† The problem is there is NO blocking and there is Porn on there.† I have a feeling they will be making changes very soon and Keilee does have an account but she is never allowed on there unless I check it first to see what the ‘Activity’ has been.† I am HomeschoolGirls and she is Keilee

So all in all a great week for us both.† I am so ready for Spring even though we didn’t get snow.† I wouldn’t mind one little snow, around 4″, that lasts about 24 hours.† 🙂

Hope your week has been awesome,

Homeschooling Rocks!

“This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.”† The Matrix

Linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday



Stan, my boss, has been trying to get Keilee and I to come to New Orleans for 2 years.† I had told Keilee that I would take her for her 13th birthday and after a tough 6 months we were ready for an adventure.

Stan is filming a movie and told Kei that she could get an extra role.† We decided to take the train.† We both have ridden a train for a 3 hour tour [why am I humming Gilligan’s Island now?] but this was a 7 1/2 hour trip.We packed way too much, got Daddy to take us to Birmingham and hopped on.

WARNING: This post will have WAY too many pictures but you just can’t go to New Orleans without taking tons of pictures.

The trip down:† The train ride was wonderful.† We rode Coach but had plenty of room.† We packed our lunch and spent the trip playing cards, watching DVD’s, reading and just laughing and talking.† It was so awesome to just watch the towns and states go by.

New Orleans1 We got there around 7:30.† Stan had a Production meeting and he sent a driver!† We got† off the train to see a man dressed in a suit holding a sign that said, “Karen and Keilee”.† He loaded our bags into his Lincoln Town Car and off we went.† The hotel was beautiful.† It was a Westin and Stan had gotten a room for the film and wasn’t using it. This is one of the main reasons we were able to go. FREE room!!† After we were settled in we just walked around and got something to eat and came back to the room.

We woke up Monday and started walking and couldn’t believe all the wonderful things we saw.† We walked almost everywhere.† We did catch the bus a couple of days when we were going too far to walk.† Stan also chauffeured us a couple of times.

New Orleans2

Our first stop was for breakfast at Cafe du Monde.† Every.single.person that we told we were coming to NOLA said to go here for beignets.† They were delicious!!!

New Orleans6

We saw so much street art, and performers, and musicians.† It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. New Orleans8

After eating we decided to explore Saint Louis Cathedral. This church has been in existence since 1727!† In mostly burned down in 1788 and was rebuilt the following year.


We stayed so busy the entire time.† Here are bits and pictures of the most interesting things we did.

This was awesome.† What is so cool is that we are studying this now.† We had no clue New Orleans had this museum when we first planned our trip.† Keilee adores museums more than just about anything.† She said in her perfect world there would be a town with museum after museum after museum.† This one was spectacular.† I learned SO MUCH!

New Orleans11Every few feet they had little media areas with videos and audio by real people who were there during the war.† They also had tons of 7 to 9 minute videos.† It made everything so much more real to actually see and hear people talking about it.

New Orleans12The museum was full of older gentlemen and several of them came up to Keilee and I and told their stories.† It was just so moving.

We spent a† couple of hours of Tuesday and Thursday on the set.† Keilee had a chance to be an extra in the movie.† They were filming 2 days at the zoo.† The call was for 5:30 AM and lasted most of 2 days.† After talking about it she decided not to do it.† She said she would rather explore New Orleans.† She has been an extra before and it isn’t that exciting.† She did get to meet Alexis Bledel [of “Gilmore Girls” and “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” fame].† Keilee just went up and started talking to her and they chatted for about 5 minutes.† She asked Keilee her name and Kei told her how Gilmore Girls was both of our favorite shows of all time.† The top right picture is Keilee and my boss Stan talking about the film business.† He has been in it for over 30 years.

New Orleans19

Keilee’s love for acting runs neck in neck with her love of all things animals.† We spent 4 hours at the zoo.† The weather was perfect and we both had such a ball.† I so wish that there was a zoo near here.† She would love to do some of the programs they do.† We took TONS of pictures here.† Actually Keilee took all of these unless she is in the shot.

It was fascinating watching how the elephants stood on big branches and broke them.† Elephants are just so beautiful. There is something wise and old as time about them.

New Orleans13

Otters are one of Keilee’s favorite animals.New Orleans14

The big cats were gorgeous.† It was a warm sunny day and most of them were just relaxing in the sun.

New Orleans15

This was the “Petting Zoo” portion of the zoo.† We spent a lot of time here.

New Orleans16

A gorgeous cockatoo.† We learned they live to be 80 years old and how many end up at the zoo after people realize how much work they are.† What a personality this sweet girl had!† She was so beautiful.† And look at this parrot!

New Orleans17

Seriously I could have stayed for hours just watching these.† So sweet and funny.

New Orleans18

This was a male and female and we just fell in love with them.† They were so unbelievably loving toward each other.† We watched them for 20 minutes and at no time did they not touch each other in some way.

New Orleans29

This orangutan was our favorite.† He was playing it for all it was worth to his audience.† A guy had a potato chip and he spotted it and jumped as close as he could get and held out his hand.† He also kept blowing kisses to all of us.† We loved him.

New Orleans20

I have always felt torn about Zoos. On the one hand where else can you see such beauty all in one place but on the other hand it is sad to me for them to all be in cages.† Even though zoos do so much good for endangered animals.† I love the giraffes.† Giraffes are my favorite animal and has been all my life.

New Orleans21

The last pictures are of the sea lions.† Seals are Keilee’s favorite animals.† She had such a hard time getting good pictures because they never stopped moving.† She wanted to jump in there with them so badly! 🙂

New Orleans22

The weather was beyond perfect.† 70’s all week long.† We both got so much sun and thankfully had brought clothes that we didn’t burn up in.† They are getting ready for Mardi Gras and the Super Bowl and there were people everywhere setting up stands and all sorts of things.

New Orleans9

The day before we left we took a New Orleans tour and Cemetery tour.† We had our own tour guide.† She was a historian and told us SO many things we didn’t know.† It was like a 3 hours history lesson.† The cemeteries were fascinating.† I had wanted to visit these most of all.

We learned that the graves are not built above ground because of the weather but because that is the way the French and Spanish had always done it.† The tradition has continued because of the flooding.† She explained how the bodies would be buried and then dug up after 1 year and 1 day, the bones ground up and placed at the bottom of the crypt and the coffin destroyed.† It is now ready for the next family member.

New Orleans23Marie Laveau, the famous Voodoo Queen, is supposedly buried here.† Her tomb was very interesting.† It was 3 “XXX” all over it and people had left all sorts of things.† This is what we found when we researched it:
The thousands of Xís are largely the result of tour groups, who have paid to learn how to practice Voodoo. Their instructions always include breaking a brick off of other tombs (notice the neighboring tombs depleted of their bricks) and a combination of steps which involve spinning around three times, scratching three Xís on the tomb, knocking on it, or rubbing a foot on it or hollering at it or kicking it, etc., (everyone does it slightly, if not very, differently from everyone else) and then leaving an offering to get a wish granted. (Incidentally, since 2005, it has been illegal to mark on Marie Laveau’s, or any other, tomb in New Orleans.) Also, once a year, on All Saints Day, the Monette family, whose tomb is just across from Marie Laveau’s, repaints the entire tomb white.)

New Orleans24-0011. Nicholas Cage’s tomb.† He has already had it built.
2. The Italian Mutual Benevolent Society tomb
3.† New Orleans Battalion of Artillery

New Orleans25

After the cemetery tour we toured Armstrong Park and other places of interest.

New Orleans30

The entire vibe of the city is unlike anything I have ever seen.† I have lived in San Francisco and it wasn’t like this.† Everyone seemed to be happy and full of joy.† There is music everywhere and wonderful smells of food.† We spent a couple of hours at the French Market which was such fun.

New Orleans27

Stan took us out to eat our last night at a wonderful restaurant called Muriels.† The food was unbelievable.† Keilee got a fish called Puppy Drum that we had never heard of.† She also ate Cream Brulé for the first time.

Stan decided to upgrade our tickets home to first class on the train so we got a sleeper car!† It was AWESOME!!!† Seriously I think I would rather do that than fly.† We got all of our meals, which were delicious and met some of the greatest people.† It was a perfect end to our trip.

New Orleans28

This was just what we needed.† We have been home for 3 days and I don’t feel like I usually do after a trip, just glad to be home.† I want to go back!† It was that awesome.

I have had a couple of non-homeschooling people say to me, “So do you have to make up a lot of work that Keilee missed?” and I just laugh to myself.† Really?† We learned more in a week than we would have learned in 2 months sitting at home.† 4 hours of WWII, 4 hours of animals, 3 hours of the history of New Orleans and more!† Learning at its very best.

I am so thankful that we had this opportunity.† It was a perfect 13th birthday for my girl!

Homeschooling Rocks!

ìThe world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.î ñSt. Augustine
ìTwenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didnít do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.î ñMark Twain

My Girl’s Amazing Birthday…

Things in my life have been so strange lately. From my site getting hacked [it is fixed now] to being without a computer for almost a month [I got it back today!], to being unemployed for 6 months [I’ve started back now for at least 5 weeks] to Christmas and then Kei’s birthday.


Many of you followed us on Instagram to see what Keilee did for her 13th birthday. The response we got there was unbelievable! Keilee has wanted to spend her special day doing “13” things for others. She researched and made signs and made lists and got everything ready. She got $100 for Christmas and she wanted to use it for doing Random Acts of Kindness. And it took almost every bit of her money.† She was adamant that this is what she wanted to do.† So I told her to go for it. [Secretly I was thrilled that she wanted to do this.] We have been so blessed the past year, unbelievably blessed and she wanted to give a little of that blessing back.

So…here is “Keilee’s 13th Birthday”

We start her birthday the same way we have done since she was 3. We go to IHOP for breakfast. This is the same hat she has worn since she was 3! I asked her if she wanted a new one but nothing doing. This is taped all over to keep it together. 🙂

Photo Jan 09, 4 14 09 PMAfter that the FUN began. She had gotten everything together that could be gotten together the day before.

1st Stop:† The Mailman. She made cookies and put a card that she put or gave everywhere we went.

Photo Jan 09, 4 19 31 PM#2:† The Park. She threw about $4 in change all over the sand area and on the huge wooden play house. All in quarters.

Kei birthday7#3 She made cookies for the Firemen. On the way there she insisted we stop for a gallon of milk. 🙂

Kei birthday10#4 Crayons and Coloring Books for the Children’s Area of the ER. She remembered from when my Daddy was in the ER that there was nothing for kids to do.

Kei birthday8#5 : A change machine in the ER.

Kei birthday9#6 Pay for the Car Behind Us.  We went to Starbucks and told the girl what we were doing.  She called everyone in the store over to the window to look at Kei and tell them what she was doing!

Photo Jan 09, 4 52 50 PM#7 Give someone a Wal-Mart Gift certificate.  She and I said a prayer that we would find the person who needed it the most, then she bought a $10 gift card and walked around until she found someone.  She gave it to this younger woman with a baby and about a 2 year old.  She handed it to her and told her what she was doing.  The lady said, “Is this for real?” and Keilee told her it was.

Kei birthday6#8 Put $1 bills in Children’s book at the library.

Kei birthday3#9 Give 13 Balloons to people in a nursing home.  This was her favorite.  She could see the reactions plus this is where my Mom was before she died.  Keilee spent 2 months when she was just turned 8 here.  She would walk all over the place talking to the patients, playing dolls with them and visiting.  There was one lady who Keilee LOVED named Mary.  Mary wasn’t very old but due to circumstances she lived there.  She remembered Keilee and kept saying, “Keilee! Keilee!”.  I almost cried.  I thought it would be hard to be back there but it was wonderful.  Every single person asked Kei to tie their balloon onto the back of their wheelchair.

Kei birthday2#10  Give a candybar to a cashier.  We bought something small and Keilee asked her what her favorite candybar was.  She told Keilee and Kei said, ‘Ok I will try that” then bought it and gave it to her.  She was thrilled!

Kei birthday5#11 This was supposed to be to leave quarters in a bag on a washer but we saw this woman and Keilee just walked up to her and told her what she was doing.  She couldn’t believe it and just  hugged Keilee and gave her a kiss on her forehead.  So precious.

Kei birthday11#12 Leave dollars in the kid’s section of Dollar Tree

Kei birthday4#13† Take 13 Stuffed Animals to the Firemen for kids.  [We did the firemen together but Keilee did her video in this order so I did too. :)]

Kei birthdayWhat a DAY! This was our best day in a long, long time and Keilee’s best birthday.  What I loved about it was that she will never forget how she spent her 1st day as a teenager.

This was one proud Mama.

She got home and made this video with cards that she had already made.† Enjoy.

We are so ready for ‘normal’ here.  I am ready to visit and LEAVE comments and blog every week and do school and just live our lives.  It has been so crazy lately.

Happy weekend to all!
Homeschooling Rocks!

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another. ~Charles Dickens
For it is in giving that we receive. ~St. Francis of Assisi

Linking up [FINALLY AGAIN]
with Mary at “Collage Friday


13. You have always wanted to be a teenager. And here you are. My lovely girl is 13 today.

I can not imagine my life without you. The last few months have been hard at times and you lifted me up so often with wise words and a magnificent attitude. You have so much faith that it makes me have more also.

People look at you and see a beautiful girl. But when they look deeper they see a beautiful soul. A girl who never wants to hurt anyone’s feelings, a girl who wants to change the world. A girl so creative she can take takes pieces and make beauty. A girl so talented that she can step on a stage and hold audiences in her hand. A girl whose prayers humble me and make me want to be better. A girl who hugs and giggles and sings and dances every.single.day.

I love you so. I wish I could give you the world. I wish I could take you to every place we ever talk about. We could stand on mountain tops, race in ocean surf, stare down over glittering cities, relax on exotic rivers, wander through woods and jungles, ride camels over the desert, go on an African safari, spit off the Eiffel Tower, shield our eyes from The Greek sun, pick grapes in Italy, explore castles in Wales, stand in awe of the pyramids,see every Broadway play out there, watch penguins at the South Pole, eat chocolate soufflÈs in a little French cafe and so much more!

You have changed me. You have made me understand “I would die for you”. You have brought me closer to God, closer to Nature, made me love learning again, given me so much hope for the future.

At times I want to hold you down, beg you not to grow up so fast, pick you up and rock you and sing you lullabies. I want you to soar but I am not ready for you to be grown up. People always say how you look older than you are but they don’t know my sweet girl who loves her dolls, loves to color, loves to build fairy houses, and dances in the rain. Who thinks ‘crap’ and ‘butt’ are bad words. Always keep your childlike innocence my baby. It is what will always keep you young at heart.

I am proud of you every day and believe in you more than you will ever know. I just know that one day, I will be somewhere cheering for you, telling everyone around me, “That is MY girl”! I KNOW you have an amazing future. Your life stretches out in front of you like a magical road beckoning you with untold wonders. You can go anywhere, do anything, be anything.

For years people have always said to me, “Keilee is so lucky to have you”. Silly people, don’t they know that I am the LUCKY one? That you have given me everything.

Happy 13th birthday my lovely girl. I love you to Pluto and back my delightful, dreamy, dazzling, ‘dorable, darling, dear to my heart daughter.

A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend.î-Author Unknown

Looking back….

I have been thinking about this post for days. 2012 What could I say about it? The first thing is the fact that I was laid off 6 months out of 12. No money coming in. No unemployment, no anything.

But the thoughts that come to mind aren’t how hard this year has been but how incredibly blessed we have been. †Blessed beyond belief. Thinking back on all of the people who have blessed us, these are my thoughts…. I didn’t deserve this. I am not good enough or Godly enough. I have a temper, I am so far from perfect is isn’t funny.†As Jacob says to God, “I am not worthy of the least of all the deeds of steadfast love and all the faithfulness that you have shown to your servantî (Genesis 32:10). But through God’s mercy we were given blessings time and time again.

I have learned so much about myself the past few months. I am stronger now, my faith is stronger. †I think that Keilee has learned lessons. That “things” aren’t important. She has always known that but it was brought home to us both time and time again. Because we have had a wonderful year.

Last week 3 things happened within 24 hours; my computer stopped working, my microwave stopped working, and I tore my last contact. We were taking the garbage out and Keilee said, “Why has so many bad things happened all together?” †I told her there were Mothers and Fathers and husbands and children in Newtown who would give anything they had to have ONLY those things to worry about. It is all about perspective, always seeing that glass as half full. I have pretty much always been that way but the last 6 months have taught me this even more. And my Daddy bought us a microwave, a dear friend gave us money and I was able to order parts for my computer and have a friend fix it for free and I was able to order a contact.

As I look back at my posts for this year I smile at all the amazing things we did. Ways we have grown closer. Laughter, hugs, conversations, giggles shared. †We have so much to be thankful for; a house to live in, our health, the ability to educate my sweet girl at home, food to eat, a warm bed, a crazy Lab who loves us unconditionally, clothes to wear,a church that is perfect for us, friends and family that mean so much to us.

I have thought long and hard about my word for “2013”. Kei and I have talked about it and decided our word will be GIVE. We want to be a blessing to as many people as possible. We want to give; of our time, our gifts, money when we can. We learned how much a $25 gift certificate can help. We learned how an email, a card, a phone call can lift you up so much. †How a smile, a kind word, holding a door opened, a touch can make a difference in someone’s day.

Thank you to everyone who prayed for us, sent emails, sent cards, called, sent money and gift cards. You all know who you are, WE know who you are [well the ones who signed things, they were so many who just sent us things anonymously]. †I am typing this with tears in my eyes, a lump in my throat and so much love and thankfulness inside of me. 2 words…2 little words that cannot begin to convey how much it meant to us. Thank you.

My job starts back in about 2 weeks. It is for 5 weeks then I think we have another one possibly lined up. It will be very strange to have a paycheck every week. And nice. But we both learned that there are so many things that are more important.

Happy New Years Eve,
Homeschooling Rocks,
Karen and Keilee
Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us. ~Socrates
Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures. ~Joseph Addison
Everything won’t go your way, but it will go God’s way” ~Unknown

My Little Woman…

I have really been afraid to post because of the dang issues I have had with my blog.† Now Google is showing it as ‘dangerous’.† ::sighs::† I don’t think it is but Bill [my computer guy] is going to move it all to another server and that will completely clean it he said.

I just wanted to post some of Keilee’s “Little Women” pictures.† The play was wonderful and she did such a great job.† Seriously.† I wish I could have brought all of you along to see it.† It isn’t the long version of the book, but a shortened version.

It started off with the sisters lamenting over the lack of Christmas they will be having.† This is also where Marmee read the letter from Papa who is a Chaplain in the Civil War.† This is where you first see some of the ‘conflicts’ between Jo and Amy.† Keilee did such a wonderful job with her expressions.† Everyone commented on it.

Little Women2

Next is Jo trying to get Amy to ‘be more realistic’ in her fainting scene.† It has Amy trying to faint while searching for a safe place to fall.

Little Women8

Next is Jo’s play with Amy, Meg and Jo playing the roles.† This was so funny!

Little Women6Next is the ball that Jo and Meg attend.† Amy and Beth stay behind but they do get to help their sisters get ready.† Then they do some dancing of their own.

Little Women7The dance…

Little Women5Next is the meeting of the Pickwick Society.† This part was so funny too.† At the end of this scene is where Jo allows Laurie to join much to Amy’s dismay.

Collages3Then Amy wants to go with them to a play but Jo doesn’t let her.† This is where Amy burns Jo’s book.† I could never get pictures of this because Keilee was pitching a fit and throwing things around and none of them were good.† When the older girls return from the play Jo looks for her book and Amy keeps saying she doesn’t have it.† Finally she admits she burned it and Jo goes crazy.† This was so intense each time I saw it.† Keilee and Jo did a fantastic job with this.

Little Women3The last scene of Act 1 is where Amy falls through the ice and Jo talks to Marmee about her terrible temper.† Jo and Amy make up as the lights go down on Act 1.

Little Women9

Act 2 begins with a picnic with all the cast.† They play a game of Rigamarole where someone starts a story and the next person continues it.† It was a fun scene.† Also in these pictures are Jo telling the family her story got published. They were all so excited for her.

Little Women10

Unfortunately a telegram came with the bad news that Papa had been injured.† They all started getting Marmee ready to go to Papa.

Little Women13Next is the girls, Laurie and Hannah reading/writing their letters to Marmee and Papa.† They did a great job with this.† It was sweet and touching and also funny.

Little Women12Next is Beth getting sick and Amy being sent to live with Aunt March.† This was such a beautiful part of the play.

Little Women11Beth recovers and Papa returns home for Christmas.† So this play spans 2 Christmases.† It is the March girls life for 1 year.

Little Women14

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the play.

Little Women4Keilee had so many people who came to see her perform.† Over 25!† She was just giddy and we both actually hated to see this play end.† She told me that more people told her what a great job she did than in any other play.† She was really brilliant.† [and yes I am a bit prejudiced] But she also works very hard on her roles.

We went out to eat with our dear friends after the last performance.† Fun was had by all.

Little Women1

I am so glad she had this experience.† Christmas is going to be small this year so I am so glad she had such fun.

I am sorta afraid to comment on anyone’s blogs until my issues are fixed.† Please know that I am reading…just commenting in my head!

The events that happened Friday just broke our hearts.† We came home from the school show and didn’t even know about it until my brother called.† We just sat in shock and watched on the only channel I get.† And prayed…we prayed a lot.† And still are praying.

I know I am hugging my girl tighter this week and trying to enjoy every single minute we have together.

Homeschooling rocks!

ìIf I didn’t care about doing right and didn’t feel uncomfortable doing wrong, I should get on capitally.î ~Louisa May Alcott “Little Women”
ìDear me! If only men and women would trust, understand and help as my children do, what a capital place `the world would be!î† ~Louisa May Alcott “Little Women”



The Post That Almost Wasn’t..

I was hacked!† My website was taken over by someone.† I first noticed it LAST Saturday and didn’t know what was going on.† On my PC AVG scanner was labeling it a ‘virus’ and wouldn’t even open it.† On my iPhone or iPad it would open then redirect to various ‘download this’ sites.† I emailed back and forth with my computer guru and the man who hosts my website [for FREE] and he did some ‘cleaning’ and finally got it back up. I am so thankful to Bill for all he does for me and my site.† I know I ask so many stupid questions at times.† Thank you Bill.† It is still not loading but if you hit ‘refresh’ it seems to fix the problem.

I was so discombobulated all week.† I didn’t have my ‘Favorite’ blog list so I could visit and I basically stayed out of blog land.† It was a sad week.

So now on Tuesday I decided to do a quick post.† Almost every one of my pictures are from my iPhone.† I find myself using my digital camera less and less.

Keilee didn’t do much ‘school’ work this week.† She listened to some lectures from Open University.† Everyone with a iPhone or iPad needs to check out their course on iTunesU.† They are incredible.

We made 3D Paper snowflakes.† They were a little harder than they looked but once we got the hang of it they were easy.† Check out the link for the YouTube video.† We are both such visual learners.† I ‘read’ the directions and couldn’t make heads or tails of it!† Then Keilee went a little crazy and made all sorts of paper snowflakes.

I see Keilee doing more and more ‘creative’ things and less ‘academic’ things.† This worries me a bit at times.† How much ‘creative’ is too much?† Or a better question, how much ‘academic’ is too little?† She accomplishes so much in a week.† Seriously much more than I do.† But I still question myself at times.

1.† Kei has become a HUGE Alabama fan.† This cracks me up.† I grew up around sports and never missed a game of any kind.† But since Kei I have stopped watching.† We have begun to watch Alabama football and she is SO into it.† I love it.
2.† Spray painting a set piece for “Little Women”† The show is 10 days away!
3.† Nomad has a new ‘baby’.† He is so cute with it.
4.† I had to take my iPad to the Apple store.† The mic wasn’t working and the warranty was about to be up.† I was worried that it may be expensive.† They gave me a NEW iPad!† This is one reason I love Apple so much!

Keilee almost entirely decorated the tree this year.† My Daddy bought us a new Christmas tree for part of our gift.† It is a 7 1/2′ Martha Stewart pre lit tree.† It can either be all white lights or colored with a flick of a switch.† We LOVE it.† We had to get up at 4:00 AM and wait in line to get it.† It was Kei’s first experience with “Black Friday”.† Her response, “These people are like wolves!”† The tree is great though.† And since my brother and I went through all of Mother’s ornaments we had plenty to decorate with.

Our neighbor got Keilee this Santa hat! Isn’t it great!???† It has a tiara.
The picture of me cracks me up.† I always see people posting pics on Instagram of themselves.† In the mirror.† Well I took 30 pictures and I was ALWAYS looking up!† I am self portrait challenged I think.
See the ornaments? I made them when I was 10!† We found them in the attic and they made me so happy.
Keilee made Nomad a ‘Bama” bandana.† For game days.
Keilee’s henna art.† Well they are markers but doesn’t it look cool?


Keilee decided to put our old tree in her room.† She started to work after church Sunday with instructions for me to ‘stay out’.† Isn’t it great!!???† She didn’t have enough ornaments so she used jewelry, her goggles and other things.† I LOVED it.

Next week is “Little Women” and we can’t wait.† It is going so well and I think it will be one of her favorite plays.† If Momma can only survive show week.

Homeschooling Rocks!
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering
can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired,
and success achieved.Ӡ ~Helen Keller


Knitting, Co-Op, Thankfulness and Family….

In this Thanksgiving week I am thankful for so many things.† One thing that I am thankful for surprised me as I counted my blessings this week.

I am thankful that I have been laid off.† As crazy as this sounds, I truly believe the last 5 months have taught me so much about myself and my life.† I am stronger than I ever thought I was.† I have learned some things about the way I manage money.† I have learned that I can live on VERY MUCH LESS than I thought.† I don’t make much† money but I will never again spend money on things I don’t need. I would go into Wal-Mart and I may as well have torn up a $100. Most of what I ‘had to have’ was things I could very easily live without. I will never again not have savings if at all possible.† I will save a larger portion of my check every week.

The best part of being laid off has been the blessings I have received.† The people in my life who have gone beyond anything Keilee or I could imagine.† I could write a post about each and every person who has blessed us.† It would be the longest post I have ever written.† What I have taken from this experience is what an act of kindness to others can do.† Keilee and I can not wait until I am back employed.† We can not wait to bless people as we have been blessed.

Monday was our last Co-op of the year.† Ever since Keilee has been homeschooled we have not done Co-op.† I am so glad we did it this year.† We have met amazing people and Keilee has made such great friends, some new and some she has become closer with.† Keilee made Reindeer cupcakes and Indian TeePees in Cupcake Class and we had a Christmas party after classes.
Keilee made crystals this week.† They turned out beautifully.† The recipe is here.† Crystals† Even the bottom of the jars were beautiful.

Keilee has been knitting like crazy this week.† She is make these huge headbands and making them like different animals. No pattern, she just knows what she wants and does it.† She is so much more creative than I am!† So far she has made a dog, a cat and a Mustache Frog.

The weather has been beautiful here although it is supposed to be COLD this weekend.† We have been spending time outside. Keilee took these pictures.† The dog is our neighbor’s dog.† Isn’t he gorgeous?

One things I have learned from homeschooling is that my house will never be neat and orderly. I have learned am trying to learn to live with that. Everywhere is evidence of this lovely, creative child I have.† A stranger could walk through this house and immediately know what her passions are.† I don’t think they would have a clue about mine…

Here are a few of my favorite Instagram pictures from the week.† Our library closed this week for a 2 month renovation!† We got the maximum allowed 50 books and 4 audio books.† We can keep them until February.† I think I am going to have to go to a nearby city and join their library.† I can not imagine that long without going to a library!† Keilee has been trying to roll her hair to make it VERY curly for her Amy March role.† Look at those curls!!† Nomad is her guinea pig.† He has learned to just relax and live with it.

A HUGE blessing this week came from Christy at Unexpected Homeschool.† Her and her adorable daughter Amber sent Keilee a big box of goodies.† All of her favorite things.† They also blessed me for which I was so grateful for.† I sat on the floor and cried and just could not believe it.† Thank you sweet Christy.† You do not know how much that meant to me and it came at the absolute perfect time.

Keilee is not 100% well but she is feeling better.† She got a cold/sinus infection on top of her stomach problems.† But she is feeling much better now.

I woke up on Thanksgiving day and began to cook for Daddy’s house.† Keilee jumped out of bed and ran into the den to turn on the only channel we get with our antennae to watch the Macy’s Parade.† She kept calling me in to look at this float or hear that song. I just had cold chills from the memories..… Mother cooking all day to get food ready to go to our Nanny’s house and my brothers and I watching the parade and calling Mother in to see things.† If you don’t believe life comes full circle, move into the home you grew up in.† Because it does…oh yes it does.† After 4 1/2 years I still miss my Mother every day.† More so on holidays.

We spent Thanksgiving afternoon and evening at Daddy and Marlene’s.† We had way too much food and it was so yummy.† Then we played games on the iPad.† Keilee and Seth has a contest going on Train Conductor app.† I think it is 99¢ now but I got it free on “Apps Gone Free”.† You HAVE all downloaded that right??? The Train Conductor game seriously freaks me out. I could NEVER have that many things going at once!† Then Eddie, Seth and I played Scene It Movies 2. I LOVE movie trivia!† I couldn’t find it in the app store to link up here. Not sure what is up with that!† I have had it since I first got my iPhone about 5 years ago. † I LOVE that game and it is a great app.† These apps are my favorite resources this week.† Pictures are of my Daddy and my brother.

What a great Thanksgiving week we have had.† We have so much in a world where so many have so little.† And we are thankful, every single day, we are thankful.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts.† No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. “ ~H.U. Westermayer

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”† ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Linking with Mary at “Collage Friday
Susan at “Favorite Resources

Green Screen, Sick Days, Creating and More DNA

This has been a semi unproductive week.† Keilee has been sick all week.† She went to the doctor Tuesday and he said it was a viral infection.† She hasn’t felt like doing much of anything.† It is such a helpless feeling when your child is sick.† There was just nothing I could do besides snuggle with her and rub her back and make sure she had lots of liquid.

She was able to film her green screen parts before she got sick.† It was very cool.† Probably the strangest thing acting wise she has ever done.† She had to deliver her lines from 3 different angles each time.† Then step away from the green screen because it has to focus on ‘blank’ each time.† I took lots of pictures but they were all basically the same thing!† I can’t wait to see the entire movie.

We also managed to go to the Wildlife Refuge and walk Nomad.† He isn’t very well behaved.† Ok he is basically crazy and undisciplined.† But we adore him anyway.† He loves walks and loves car rides.† You should see my back windows!† GROSS.

I grabbed an app for free this week called Tracing Paper.† It is pretty cool.† You can take any photo from your photos or from the internet and ‘trace’ it.† Then you finish it up with colors and extras any way you like.† Keilee honestly spent hours and hours doing this.† I have an app called “Apps Gone Free” that I download things for free almost daily.† I believe this tracing app is originally $2.† It is a ‘Favorite Resource” this week.† Here are a few of MANY pictures she drew.

She is still fascinated with DNA.† She watched more online lectures and did some work on it.† She also downloaded a few apps by searching for “DNA” that she played with.† Seriously, I don’t see the fascination, but different strokes and all that. 🙂

She did an Art Journal page. One of her favorite things to do is find a quote or poem or song lyrics and art journal it.† This is one of MY favorite quotes too!

She also did Saxon math and watched a couple of online courses in “Introduction to Psychology” from Yale University.† Tuesday was Robert Louis Stevenson birthday.† We spent awhile reading his poems and watching other people read them on YouTube.† “Me and My Shadow” was one of our favorites!† I remember my Mother reading that to me when I was young and loving it.† Then we began watching “Treasure Island” on Netflix.

The man who directed Keilee in “To Kill a Mockingbird” passed away very unexpectedly this week.† We spent 2 1/2 hours in line at the funeral home Wednesday night and then attended his funeral on Thursday.† It was amazing how many lives he touched and what a difference he had made to so many people.† It made me start to wonder; is my life making a difference? and also considering ways I could do more.†† As we approach the holiday season there are so many hurting people.† I would like to peruse some ideas for doing more in our community.

I would also like to say thank you to everyone who has emailed me with prayers. † You do not know how much Keilee and I love to read your letters.

Merlin 4th season just came to Netflix instant.† This is one of my favorite shows ever!!† Keilee and I have already made plans to have a Merlin marathon this weekend!

Hope your weekend is great.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“So the world got compulsion schooling at the end of a state bayonet for the first time in human history; modern forced schooling started in Prussia in 1819 with a clear vision of what centralized schools could deliver:
1. Obedient soldiers to the army;
2. Obedient workers to the mines;
3. Well subordinated civil servants to government;
4. Well subordinated clerks to industry
5. Citizens who thought alike about major issues. ì† ~John Taylor Gatto

Happily linking with
Mary at Collage Friday
Susan at Favorite Resource
Savannah at It’s a Wrap

All I Want for Christmas…

One thing that keeps me up nights with this whole ‘no job/no money’ thing is Christmas.† I don’t worry about not getting my Dad or brother or other people gifts.† They will understand.† I do worry about Keilee.† She has never been a child who wants things.† Quite the opposite.† But it is Christmas.† And 9 days later is her birthday, her 13th birthday.† That is a big one.

Keilee and I have a journal that we write back and forth in.† No set schedule, just whenever we think of it or have something to say.† Yesterday she wrote to me.† This is what it said, word by word [well I did correct her spelling :)]

I read your note.† You are very good with words, sorry I am not.†
My tummy was hurting me very much and you took such good care of me. You always take care of me in every way.† Thank you.

Christmas is coming up, Wow the year has flown by.† I know you are worried about my birthday and Christmas.† I wanted to tell you not to worry because all I want for Christmas is:

  1. Snuggling with you while drinking hot chocolate.
  2. Playing games with you.
  3. Baking goodies while dancing to Christmas songs
  4. Riding around looking at Christmas lights
  5. Decorating for Christmas

To me that is what Christmas is about.† I don’t† need things that a month later I will forget.† I want memories of an amazing Christmas with my Mommy.† That being said, I am sorry that you won’t have much this Christmas.† I hope handmade things are still something you like.†

I love you,

Her heart is so lovely. Now lest you believe our life is always shared hugs and love and bluebirds flying around, she does drive me nuts at times and I do the same to her.† We live with each other 24/7.† Just us.† Tempers flare, rooms don’t get cleaned, huffiness happens.† But oh I love this child.† I am so blessed to be her Mamma.† I thank God for her every.single.day.


“What I wanted most for my daughter was that she be able to soar confidently in her own sky, whatever that may be.” ~Helen Claes

Lincoln, Lectures, Leaves and Little Women…

The further we get into Keileeís 7th Grade year the more I find myself almost completely unschooling.† Lesson plans?† I print one out.† It says this…

Monday: Coop† Tuesday: Math Wednesday: Science Thursday: History Friday: Language/Grammar
Additional Ideas:
Puppet Shows?† Your blog? Work on story for NaNoMoWrite? Art Journal Page? Stopanimation video?† Want to try to make a very short claymationvideo? Fun but so.slow!† Wanna play Meridian?† Webkinz? Start your own Pinterest account?† Let’s think of some Random Acts of Kindness we can do.† Any ideas?

I run across so many cool ideas that I usually just jot them down and send them to Kei or email her the links.† She follows up on things that interest her.† Everything doesn’t.† Some weeks nothing does that I send.† That’s OK.

The one thing I read time and time again is parents who think if they didnít plan their kids wouldnít do anything.† Keilee is not like that.† Now she may become like that.† There are unschoolers who say that that would be perfectly ok too!† I donít know what I would do if Kei suddenly sat on the couch and did nothing but watch TV.† But she doesnít.

Here is our unschooling week:

We went to an exhibit on Abraham Lincoln.† Keilee and I both love Lincoln and spent a week at the beginning of August learning about him.


We had a great afternoon playing in the leaves and playing with Nomad. Well Keilee mainly played, I took pictures.

Keilee had a great time at Co-op as usual.† She has such an amazing group of girls in her classes and they all get along so well.† They made homemade biscuits and CHOCOLATE gravy.† Chocolate gravy is a huge deal in the South. I have always. hated.it!† I tried the biscuits though and they were really good!
We voted on Tuesday and then stayed up all night watching the returns.† It is a lesson in Civics and Government that you can not get out of a book.

Keilee had Little Women practice 3 times this past week.† It is coming along so wonderfully. One of my favorite scenes is where the March sisters has their meeting of “The Pickwick Society”.

Here is a commercial they did for “Little Women”† If you watch it on Youtube there is also an interview with each actor.† It is called “Behind the Scenes”† This is the first time we have seen a director do this and it is a great idea!† Did I mention the director was HOMESCHOOLED! 🙂

Maddie Grace came over Friday and I am not sure what all they did but they were loud and giggly and Nomad was beside himself with excitement.† They played a drawing game on iPad, made a Video Star video [of course] made bracelets and I am not sure what else.
Keilee also spent hours and hours on the iPad.† She has discovered Open College courses and has been listening to lecture after lecture.

We took Nomad for a walk at our Wildlife Center, Kei made several videos and we got the most.amazing.package from Jenn and her girls.† It made our day, week, month. Seriously.† Thank you again Jenn. Thank you.

I have gotten several resources lately from a site called Teachers Pay Teachers.† Every thing I have gotten was free.† It is my Favorite Resource.

Here are a few more things she has done in this very unschooling week:

  • Stop Animation videos
  • Nano Writing.† She is at 7000 words I think
  • Bio Poems
  • Poetic Devices using a Katy Perry song [we both LOVED this and have noticed different ‘devices’ ever since.
  • Saxon Math
  • TED videos about global warming
  • TED videos about spotted seals which led her to spend an hour looking up info about these. She was so excited after watching it.† She was talking 100 miles a minute telling me all about how scientists always thought they were aggressive and this one man did all these studies and they really aren’t.† The thing is..she will NEVER forget this information because it was something she WANTED to learn.
  • She took a college pre test without telling me.† I heard her say, “This is really easy” but didn’t’ pay a lot of attention.† Afterwards she said, “Oh my gosh look at this”.† The page said she had missed only 2 questions and had qualified for College Math and English. She had to say that she was 18 before she could take the test.† She was pretty geeked.
  • She is ‘taking’ a college class on Poetry writing and has written several poems.† This is not something she had every been interested in doing before.
  • As I type this she is listening to a lecture on DNA and genetics.

So I think we will continue on this journey.† If she wants more ‘lesson planny’ stuff, I will give it to her.† But for us now, this is working so beautifully.† This is what I have always had in my mind when I first considered ‘homeschooling’.

No good news about my job, but for today, for this minute we are ‘gooder than good‘ as my Mom always said.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“I know of nothing more inspiring than that of making discoveries for oneís self.” ~George Washington Carver

Linking with
Mary at Collage Friday
Susan at Favorite Resources



Blessings ~ [bles-ing]†† noun
1.† the act or words of a person who blesses.
2.† a special favor, mercy, or benefit: the blessings of liberty.
3.† a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness.
4.† the invoking of God’s favor upon a person: The son was denied his father’s blessing.
5.† praise; devotion; worship, especially grace said before a meal: The children took turns reciting the blessing.

Almost 6 months laid off.† I do not get child support, I do not get unemployment, I get no weekly/monthly money.† However I do get something wonderful…blessings all around.

People have given us so much, friends, family, anonymous people.† My boss has given me some money a couple of times.† My Daddy has helped. We have made it.†

On Halloween I opened my email to find a “Happy Halloween” to Karen and Keilee gift card for $50! I cried.† Sunday when we got home from church there was a $25 gift card to WalMart stuck in our door. I cried.† Saturday a friend dropped off tangerines, apples and potatoes, I cried. I seem to cry at the drop of a hat lately.† And these are all just RECENT blessings.† Trust me in the course of a few months I have seen many.

I wish I could explain what this means to me.† How I feel each time an envelope is opened, an email with prayers, a phone call to encourage.† This experience has taught me so much.† I have learned so much about the woman I am and the Christian I want to be.† A dear friend said “Karen you are such a strong woman” and I almost laughed…ME? Strong?† No way.† I feel so weak at times.† So helpless, so small. I am NOT always strong, I wonder if all the decisions I make are the right ones.† I pray.† A LOT.

All I want, all I have ever wanted to to take care of this precious child that God has entrusted to me.† As a single Mom I made the decision years ago to stay at home, work from home.† I knew it would be hard. I knew I could make more money in the ‘work force’ but I chose not to do that.† I have never regretted it.† Not.once.

My brother came over this weekend to get some of his things. We went through tons of my Mother’s stuff.† She was a writer, she wrote down poems; ones she wrote herself and ones she heard or read.† Little snippets of information or encouragement everywhere.† This is one she had hand written.† I have no clue where she found it, she must have read it somewhere.† I read it and thought, “God thank you for placing this in my hands. I needed it”† Another blessing…

Learn With Every Goodbye
by Veronica A Shoffstall
After a while, you learn the subtle difference
and between holding a hand and chaining a soul,
And you learn that love doesnít mean leaning
And company doesnít mean security,
And you begin to learn that kisses arenít contracts
And presents arenít promises,
And you begin to accept your defeats
With the grace of a woman,
not the grief of a child,
And learn to build all your roads on today
Because tomorrowís ground is too uncertain for plans,
And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight
And after a while, you learn That even sunshine burns if you get too much.
So you plant your own garden
and decorate your own soul,
Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endureÖ
That you really are strong
And you really do have worth
And you learn
and learnÖ
With every goodbye, you learn.

I still love running across my Mother’s handwriting…

At church Sunday IV told the story of “The Prodigal Son”.† Keilee and I just looked at each other with our mouths opened.† Do you know the name of the movie that I have been waiting on all these months?† “The Prodigal” based on…”The Prodigal Son”.† I listened carefully and I got it God.† Another blessing…



ìThose blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.î†~Thomas Goodwin

Faires, Punnett Squares, Beauty, Art Jounaling and Halloween…

Sometimes I feel like those old Timex watch ads….Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.† So no new news on the job front.† Still January from all I have heard.† My boss is trying to find a rental for us at least for a few weeks.† That being said….

This was a very.good.week.† Keilee looked at me last night and said “I almost hate turning 13 [in January] because 12 has been the best age and I have had the best year”.† My heart just about burst…I mean my girl said this has been the ‘best year’ and I have been laid off 6 months of it.† Anyone who thinks that kids only want ‘things‘….WRONG.

We went to the Renaissance Faire over the weekend. It was cold. Seriously cold.† But we braved it out for about an hour and a half.† We have been going to the Ren Faire for years and years.† The wizard in the purple? I have pictures of Keilee with him for about 4 years.

We are both loving our new schedule. I don’t think I will ever go back to full lesson plans.† This makes this ‘unschooling’ Mama and her ‘lesson plans’ daughter happy!† Keilee spent hours one day learning about Mendel and genetics and Punnett Squares. Here are a couple†of resources we used. SpongeBob Genetics† and†Pardon the Punnett† Seriously she worked on it 4 hours.† Then she insisted we go to the library and get books.† I so love days like that.

Co-op and practice was cancelled this week for different reasons.† We reveled in staying at home and having NOT ONE SINGLE PLACE we HAD to BE!

There is this gorgeous tree a few miles from us where I always take Keilee’s picture every year.† It isn’t quite all the way turned but it is still glorious.

See how big it is compared to Kei?

Keilee also did so much Art Journaling this week.† I have tried to get her to do it showing her Jessica’s great stuff but she hasn’t been very interested. This week she did 3 pages and she said, “I thought it was harder than this, I thought you had to be an artist, but I love this Mom”.† She is making “Month” calendars and putting her pages in the month she did them.

Halloween day Keilee and Nomad performed a routine they had been working on all week.† They do one every Halloween.† Keilee also did some graphing and a Halloween Logic Puzzle

Halloween night we went with some of our best friends Trick or Treating.† Keilee was a Punk Mad Hatter and I was something that we never quite figured out.† We went to a few Trunk or Treats, then Brit spent the night and I took the girls out for a little longer.† It was cold, cold, cold and there were people everywhere!
Thursday, which was NOVEMBER 1st, was spent learning about Day of the Dead.†† If I had money I would take Keilee to Mexico to see this holiday up close and personel.† We have both always been a fan of Dia de los Muertos.† She did another Art Journaling page and made some skulls with clay.

This is my favorite picture of the week.† Keilee in a cotton field.† She looks like a cotton fairy.

My favorite resources this week are CK-12.† Have I already listed this? If so forgive my crazy brain. :)† They do have great resources.
My other favorite resource is a book Keilee is reading.† It is The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell” by Chris Golfer.† She is loving it.† She has made maps and NB pages and a world in Eden [app similar to Minecraft] about it.† It is suppose to be Book One is a series.† She said the coolest thing to me last night.† “There just isn’t enough hours in the day for all the amazing things I want to do Mom”.† [smiles]

This is a dialogue between Kei and I.† I adore this child and thank God for her every day.
Me:† Oh my Gosh, They are making “Mockingjay” into 2 parts!
Kei:† What!?†
Me:† Yes they do that sometimes to make more money.† Remember Harry Potter and Breaking Dawn?
Kei:† [outraged] Well they won’t get ONE DIME from us!
Me:† Well I don’t know about YOU but I will be there!
Kei:† Well…[huffy] FINE then!† We will pay with NOTHING BUT DIMES!† All dimes is what we will give them!!
Me:† Oh yeah baby,† that will show them!

Keilee and I are praying daily for the people affected by Hurricane Sandy.† So much destruction and so many lives touched.

So November starts with us very broke and very happy.† Our life is so blessed even though there are nothing but 0’s in my bank account.† Life is funny and wonderful and oh so beautiful.† Hope everyone enjoys this first weekend in November.

Homeschooling Rocks!

I LOVE this quote! It kinda sums up our week.
Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.† ~Albert Einstein

Happily linking with
Mary @ Collage Friday
Susan @ Favorite Resource
Savannah @ It’s a Wrap
iHomeschool Network @ Homeschool Mother’s Journal
Kris @ Weekly Wrap Up

Faith, Filming, Fright and Friends…

I wasn’t even going to post today.† The last few days have been rough.† I got news Wednesday that our show is being pushed until January 2013.† 2 more months.† Through Christmas.† I was simply devastated.† I seriously laid on the floor and wailed.† Do you know what made me get up? My sweet girl laying beside me telling me everything will be ok.† I have tried to find a job, I have put in applications but to no avail.† I don’t want a career, I want a temporary job.† My boss is trying to find another show that we can put our trailers on for a couple of months. Please pray.

As I was looking at our pictures of this past week I realized that we are so blessed.† Yes it is hard and yes I get worried, but we are here.† I read a passage early in the week that has resonated with me for days.
Matthew 6:25-34
25†ìTherefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26†Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27†Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

So yes I am worried, I can’t help but worry but I am also learning to trust God.† After all, He has been with us this entire time.

Friday night we were invited to the movie with some really great friends.† We saw “Hotel Transylvania” and it was so cute.† I really enjoyed it.

Saturday was all about filming “Little Josephine”.† They had to film the dance and then the rest of the scenes.† Keilee hasn’t done her green screen shoots yet.† Should be in the next week or so.

The dance…

It was really, really cold when we first got there.† Actually it was a little cold all day.

The cameraman let Keilee film a couple of scenes. She was thrilled to be behind the camera too!† She also found a dog to play with…of course!

Monday at Co-op Keilee made Halloween cupcakes and then they made mashed potatoes and hash browns.† They are concentrating on Thanksgiving side dishes in her Cooking class.

We learned about what you have to do to become President, we did a lesson on Fibonacci from a great link from Jenn at Little Homeschool on the Prairie.† We also watched a GREAT video about this.† It is in 3 parts and is one of my Favorite Resources.† The girl doing the video actually works for Khan Academy.† Keilee read tons of little books on the iPad about animals, and she did some Halloween crafts.† We get GREAT free books for the Kindle from Free Homeschool Deals.† Sign up for their newsletter and get them EVERY day.† Another “Favorite Resource”

The weather has been gorgeous this week and we have spent so much of it outside.† We have sat outside to read, walked Nomad and took bike rides.† October is one of my absolute favorite months.

Keilee dragged out her sewing machine and tried to make it work.† Unfortunately it is beyond help I am afraid.† So she sewed clothes for her Monster High dolls by hand.† I had wanted to get her a sewing machine for Christmas…..

Keilee has had practice 3 times this week for Little Women.† It is going wonderfully.† Last night they had a photo shoot for posters and advertisements.

We also went over to some of our best friends house for Taco Soup, Halloween movies and a visit to Cry Baby Hollow.† Cry Baby Hollow is one of our local legends.† Supposedly a woman threw her baby off the bridge years and years ago and if you visit and leave candy on the bridge it will be gone the next day.† There are also legends about hearing crying and hand prints on the back of the car and if you put your car in neutral it will roll uphill.† Great fun was had by all!† Although there may or may not have been screaming during the movie.

I am blessed by great friends both near and far.† Homeschool Moms in my area, neighbors, homeschool friends far away who have sent me emails and been so wonderful, my best friend who sat on the phone with me last night and cried with me about my situation.† I will get through this. I forget that at times.† It has been such a long 4 months and the end of the tunnel is not here yet.† But if I look very hard I can almost see the light.† Thank you to everyone who has left me comments and emailed and prayed for us.

Now I am off to see what all of you have been up to!

Happy weekend,
Homeschooling Rocks!

ìAll who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired.î† ~Martin Luther
ìI go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.î†-?John Burroughs

Happily linking with
Mary @ “Collage Fridays”
Susan @ “Favorite Resources”

All Things Drama, Pumpkins & Science Methods…

†So yes, I am starting out the same way I have for 7 weeks. PUSHED AGAIN.† I wasn’t even surprised to tell you the truth.† You get used to disappointment when it happens time and time again.† I called my Dad and he did give us the money to pay our bills for 3 weeks. I have NO extra money but I will have electricity and internet/phone.† I have no clue what God has in plan for us and I try desperately every.single.day to see the beauty and love and wonder.† This gets me through so much:
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope”

I just have to trust and believe. So I am….

We spent a day with our dear friends Melea and Maggie.† They took us to eat and then we spent the afternoon at their house.† Maggie is playing the little girl in the movie Keilee is in.† Keilee has been helping her with her part. Maggie is like Keilee’s little sister.† They love each other so much.† And I love Melea so much.† Film making is so very different than plays.† Everything in plays are BIG and over stated.† Not so for films.
Saturday was a long day.† We filmed from 12-6.† Keilee’s role is ‘green screened‘ in so she just has to deliver her lines and not be on camera yet.† She is a fairy.† A 2″ fairy!† We can’t wait to start filming the green screen parts.† I got to help make sure all the shots she needed were actually filmed…all the different angles and all the different characters.

Sunday after church we filmed the ‘cave’ scene.† Then off to record the soundtrack for the song.† This has been such a great experience for Kei.
Monday was Co-op.† I think Keilee is feeling better about it since she dropped Spanish.† She has so much fun at Co-op and so do I!† Great people make such a difference in your experiences.

Keilee did Math Tuesday for about 2 1/2 hours. She is really enjoying what she has been doing.† I love that she can take her time and really get into it and not have 4 more subjects to get to.

She also has practice 3 times a week for “Little Women”.† She is already ‘off book’.† She is the only one of the main characters that are so far.† She memorizes things CAT QUICK.† It is crazy.† This is a new theater group to us and we are both loving everyone and the way it is going.

In Science we are learning about Science and Archaeology.† We learned the 3 tests that a document must go through to be declared ‘authentic’.† We had great discussions about different scenarios.† Then I gave her an assignment.† “Write a document that tells an inaccurate account of something in History”.† She wrote about JFK [whom she is fascinated with and has been for years].† She wrote it all wrong.† We talked about what would have happened if her account was the ONLY one that survived.† We talked about how things can be very hard to get exactly accurate when the event happened thousands of years ago.† It was a great lesson.† Of course she had to get ‘authentic’ in her paper.† She said it was found in a house fire.

WE also got out the Halloween decorations and Keilee decorated the house and yard. We just love Halloween around here.† We also painted pumpkins.† We had the best day!† We spent hours on the patio painting pumpkins, talking, listening to Librivox recording of “Fairy Land of Science”.† Did y’all know that you can take a pair of computer speakers and plug into your iPhone?† We do that all the time. iPhone speakers just aren’t very loud.† It was just a wonderful day.† The acorns are falling fast and furious too.† They are VERY loud on our patio.† Sounds like bombs going off.† Keilee swore she saw a squirrel run through the yard dodging them left and right!

1.† Our sweet Nomad.† He is such a blessing to us both.
2.†† We saw this BEAUTIFUL tree on the way home from Co-op.
3.† This was the CRAZIEST thing!† This squirrel was stuck on the brick. At first I thought “how silly” but he was there 4 hours later.† I finally took a stick and helped him down. Poor little fellow.
4.† Keilee saw a dead squirrel in the road, [probably the one that I scared down…heart attack?? ;)]† She wanted to get it and dissect it! I told her NO WAY!† She made do with watching one on YouTube and then printing out the skeletal system and internal organs of a bunny.† Of course she had to get her Webkinz to go along with the lesson.

I have a few links to share for my “Favorite Resources”.
1.† Concordia University has free art lessons for 1-7 grade.
2. Freely Educate has a link for 100 free Henty ebooks and 20 free Henty audio books.
3.† Ann Voskamp has some AMAZING links on a page I found while perusing her site the other night, at 3:30 in the morning, when I COULD NOT fall asleep. Check it out, I’ll bet you find something you will love!
4. Librivox I am sure most of you know about Librivox.† Audio books in the public domain.† They also have Podcasts.† You can play them on your iPhone too.† [Use those computer speakers! :)] We listen to either a book or a podcast every night before bed.

So there you go, another great [mostly] week at Homeschool Girls.† And almost like “The Little Engine That Could” I keep telling myself, “We will be fine, We will be fine, We will be fine”.

Homeschooling Rocks!

ìI’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.î† ~ L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Happily Linking up with
Mary @ “Friday Collage
Susan @ “Favorite Resources

Fiddling, Skating, Cooking, and Tent Making…

My boss called to let me know that they have POSTPONED our start date again.† This time it is pushed to the first of November.† I didn’t handle it well.† I cried and yelled a bit and told God that ‘OK I am tired of this and I need some help here”.† Keilee had just gotten into the shower and I had a good cry.† After her shower I went into the bathroom and she had left me a note on the mirror.

And just like that, I was fine.† Because she is right, we WILL make it and it will be OK.† And I was so thankful for my girl and my God.

Friday we went to Skate Day.† We have gone to Skate Day since Keilee was 7 years old.† She always has such fun skating and I enjoy talking to the Moms that I don’t see often.† This year a really great friend of Keilee’s started homeschooling and they were there for the first time.

Saturday was the Fiddler’s Convention.† We go to this every year.† This year there was walking around and no buying, except for one little thing for Kei’s Halloween costume but we still had a blast.†† There was fiddling and clogging and tons of great crafts.† Sophie went with us this year.

People amaze me with all their talents.† We saw so many crafts we loved.† I could have spent tons of money!

Monday was Co-op.† This was the first time Keilee had her cupcake class instead of Spanish. She was a little sad but she had fun making cupcakes.

In cooking class they made Pumpkin muffins with strudel topping.† Her teacher likes cooking healthy and is always giving them tips to make recipes more healthy.† Kei has great friends in Co-op and I am SO glad we decided to do it this year.

1.† “Little Women” practice.
2.†† A house near us that has lights to go along with a radio station.† We parked across the street and listened to “Thriller” and “Let’s Do the Time Warp”. So cool!
3.† Knitting and more knitting.† Keilee has learned to make hats with her ‘in the round’ and double pointed needles.† She has made 4 hats this week!

We made doggie treats for Nomad Wednesday.† It was really fun and strange to bake something that wasn’t for us!† He LOVED them.† Keilee decorated the ‘cookie jar’.

We bought a book at the Used book sale at the Fiddler’s Convention.† We paid 50¢!† It is called “Science Smart” and Keilee has loved it.† It is one of my Favorite Resources this week. One of the first ideas was to make a ‘bird hide’ and she wanted to make one.† She dragged tons of limbs to our backyard and starting working on it.

She worked on it 2 days and once it was done she covered it and took her iPhone and my camera to sit and wait on some squirrels.† She was out there about an hour and finally got a chipmunk and squirrels that came.† She got some fabulous pictures!

Our “one subject a day” is going great.† Kei did a lot of Math on Tuesday.† Wednesday was Science and she did a report on “Laika” the first animal in space.† She did a oral report for me with a Power Point presentation to go along with it.† It was very sad that Laika died within the first 10 hours.† I always learn something from her presentations.† Thursday we learned about The Spanish- American War which apparently either I had never knew or totally forgotten.† She has read so much this week, worked on “Little Women” and “Little Josephine” which begins filming this weekend!† She has spent a lot of time on an App that she loves called “Train Conductor“.† We have listened to hours of podcasts.† One of our favorites this week is “Stuff You Missed in History Class“.† Podcasts are my other Favorite Resource.† If you haven’t checked out all the great ones for the iPhone and iPad you should!

A wonderful surprise this week was a package from Jessica’s daughters.† Grace and Lilah sent Keilee a jar full of sea glass!† She was so excited.† She and I spent some time looking up ‘sea glass’ and learning all sorts of stuff about it.† Grace also asked her if she wanted to be pen pals.† She has already written the letter and is now working on a little gift to send them.

Whew!† Our weeks look crazy when I do our Friday collage!† I think it is that I take pictures of EVERYTHING!

So a little bad but mostly a great week.† We have a busy weekend planned.† I hope wherever you are you find the time to laugh and love and get outside.† Pretty soon it is going to be too cold to do that!

Happy Friday!
Homeschooling Rocks!

“We can think of ourselves not as teachers but as gardeners. A gardener does not ‘grow’ flowers; he tries to give them what he thinks they need and they grow by themselves.”† ~John Holt

Happily linking up with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Susan at “Favorite Resources
Savannah at “It’s a Wrap”

No m·s EspaÒol, Gracias….

We are doing Co-op this year.† It is the first time Keilee has sat in a room with other students on a weekly basis since she was 6.† I wanted her to start with some ‘fun’ classes but she wanted to take Robotics and Spanish I.† Spanish I is a high school level class.† She is in the 7th grade and 12.† She had to get special permission from the teacher to be allowed to take it.† I finally relented and told her she could take it.

They have had huge amounts of homework.† [It is so funny, every time I type “homework” my fingers automatically type “homeschool”. ]† 6-8 hours a week of homework.† She is very conscientious about doing it and has made nothing but ‘muy biens’ and ‘perfectos’ on it.† The kids in her class are mostly 10th and 11th graders.† I have tried to get her to drop it but she has begged to be allowed to continue.

2 weeks ago they had a pop quiz.† Her first ever test since we do not test.† She made a 66 and was devastated!† Oh you couldn’t have told she was upset in front of her friends, but I know her.† When we got into the car she was so upset.† She didn’t want to take this class anymore!† That afternoon she changed her mind again and begged to be allowed to take it.† I have tried to talk to her about it, making her realize it will only continue to get harder.† The teacher is fluent in Spanish and expects a lot from the kids.† As she should.† But Keilee is 12.

They had a test last week.† I told her that she had to make a 85 or better to stay in the class.† So she studied, and studied some more.† She made note cards, she wrote the words over and over.† Hours of our week was spent studying Spanish.

During the week I had made my mind up that she was going to drop it.† My main reason was because there was no way I was letting her take Spanish II in 8th grade.† We have heard that is a brutal class.† In a couple of years she would forget everything she ever learned in Spanish I. She thought that everyone would think she dropped it because she was too young and did badly on the test.

The test was last Monday.† The teacher was supposed to email their grades.† We heard nothing.† Last Friday her teacher emailed me.† Keilee made a 99 the HIGHEST in the class!† A class of 15, 16 and 17 year olds!† Plus the teacher scaled the grades so she made a 107.5!!† She was giddy. I was proud of her but I had made up my mind.† I told her I wanted her to drop it and that was that.† I think a part of her was glad that I made the decision for her.† She had been very stressed about the the amount of homework they had.

It is hard at times to be a single Mom for many reasons.† One reason is that I don’t really have someone to bounce ideas and things off of.† I did call my best friend and my brother and they both agreed with me.

Now Keilee is taking a cupcake class.† She was a little sad because she wasn’t in Spanish on Monday. But she was proud of herself too.† She knows that she could have done great in that class and it will still be there in a few years.

I have never been a Mother who would say, “If you start it you must finish no matter what”.† Sometimes ‘quitting’ is the smartest thing to do.

Homeschooling Rocks!

ìQuitting is not giving up, it’s choosing to focus your attention on something more important. Quitting is not losing confidence, it’s realizing that there are more valuable ways you can spend your time. Quitting is not making excuses, it’s learning to be more productive, efficient and effective instead. Quitting is letting go of things (or people) that are sucking the life out of you so you can do more things that will bring you strength.î ~Osayi Osar-Emokpae – Impossible Is Stupid

Carnivals, Cooking and Creativity…

In Our Life This Week:
I hereby deem the first week of Operation “No More Checked Boxes” a success.† Keilee said it was the best week she has had in a long time.

This week just felt right. It flowed like I have been wanting our weeks to flow.† There was no stress or rushing.† I loved it and so did Kei.

We decided to go the Fair Friday night and were both disappointed.† We basically paid $10 to walk around in a circle.† There was no prize winning pigs or pies or blue ribbon cupcakes.† I think our fair isn’t big enough for things like that.† Next year we have a lead on a real, honest to goodness “Country Fair” that we are going to attend.

Monday was Co-op. We are still making some decisions about Spanish.† I help with Keilee’s cooking class so I am able to take pictures!† They made a breakfast casserole. The Teacher asked who had peeled potatoes and only Keilee and one other girl had done it.† When they began peeling Keilee was seriously done minutes before the next closest one! Who knew she was a peeling connoisseur!† She has been peeling and chopping for years.

My Mother collected aprons and I have them.† Every week Keilee takes a different apron to wear in cooking class.† I love this connected thread between my Mom and Kei.

For Science I had bought this book at a Thrift store that she wanted to work on.† It is about Keilee’s favorite subject, Animals.† The first lesson was about Asymmetrical, Bilateral and Radial shapes in the animal world.† She also did this really cool poster.† We were actually surprised at how small the Mammal Kingdom was in comparison to all Animals.

Then we watched Brain Pop and the video of the day was about Invertebrates and Bilateral and Radial animals.† We couldn’t believe it!† Then I was looking on YouTube and found a Crash Course Biology episode about the same topic!

In History we learned about the horrible conditions that factory workers lived with during the turn of the century.† We read in our “History of Us” book about Andrew Carnegie whose first job was a Bobbin boy in a factory in New York.† Then we read “The Bobbin Girl” that I had checked out from the library a couple of weeks ago which led to watching a documentary about the Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911 in NYC.† Flowed, I tell you it just flowed.

I saw a really neat calendar on Instagram that was free on Se7en’s blog† site.† I showed it to Kei and she decided to make her own. I really liked how she ‘hid’ the word OCTOBER in the drawing.

Britney came over Wednesday and they made cupcakes.† I had seen this really cool ‘Tootsie Roll’ flower and they decided to make some for their cupcakes.† I think things got pretty silly at the end of the decorating.† Like a cupcake with ONLY icing…

Keilee LOVES documentaries.† She is always telling me something and I ask her how she knew that and she says, “A documentary on Netflix”.† Here are some lists of the best Documentaries on Netflix.† Of course read before you let your kids watch.† Netflix Documentaries are my “Favorite Resource” this week.

Documentaries about Cities
Various Documentaries
75 Must Watch Documentaries on Netflix

Along with all of this we had play practice twice, Kei knitting and crocheted every day, she read her book for hours, she listened to Beethoven and Elvis Presley while doing some drawing, there was cartwheels and acorn gathering and so much more.† I loved this week so much and so did she.

A link to share:
I would like to share a link. This is an article written by Salman Khan of Khan Academy fame.† Read it and see what you think.† My first thought was…”Hey this is HOMESCHOOLING”

I spent MANY hours this week on the phone with my best friend Carla.† She is moving this week and we can’t wait to be able to visit them in the Spring.† I am over the moon that we have reconnected and get to talk so much.† She is cracking me up with Pinterest.† She LOVES it and she hates any kind of social network.† She calls me saying, “Karen WHY is this person following me on Pinterest, make them stop!” Too funny.

Next week we are hoping for more of the same.† This weekend we have some awesome places to go that we are really excited about.

Until next week…
Homeschooling Rocks!

ìYou can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.î† ~ Clay P. Bedford

Happily linking up with
Mary @ “Collage Friday
Susan @ “Favorite Resources
iHomeschool Network @ “Homeschool Mother’s Journal

A mini Rant, of Sorts…

As much as I totally love homeschooling, and I do love it so, I have a love/hate relationship with it at times.† I have a picture in my mind of how I think our lifestyle should look….and marking things off of a list of daily plans is NOT my picture.† I know what I want our days to look like..I can see it…it would be every subject flowing into each other, no lessons plans and check lists… always just lovely learning.

I canít seem to find this in our days.† As some of you know we tried unschooling but Keilee hated it.† She LIKES the plans and lessons but I still feel like her days consist of one thing; checking things off of a schedule. A big black check mark ? that means “I am done thank goodness”. † It seems she has only one goal every day and that is to get ëfinishedí.† She begins around 8:00 each morning and finishes around 1:00.† 8 weeks into this school year, after checking off 8 weekly lesson plans day by day, I am putting my foot down.† I want to try something new.† Isnít that what this journey is all about?† Finding your own groove, your own ëperfectí.† †She has agreed to let me do things my way for a few weeks.

So..we are going to have ëlesson plansí to make her happy but it will be one LESSON a day.† Math one day, history one day, science one day. †She still has Co-op on Monday that lasts for 4 hours. The rest of the time will be filled with ëcreativeí, free time.† Writing on her book, knitting, crocheting [she JUST learned how], reading, writing scripts, making clay creations, painting, making her movies, learning her lines for Little Women and Little Josephine, drawing, and tons more things that she doesnít have time to explore now.† There are so many art projects I want to do but every day is spent doing ëlesson thingsí.† That is going to change.

In Pre-Algebra I am asking her to do 2-3 lessons once a week.† JUST the new concepts.† Not every problem.† Then once every few weeks we will go over the last few chapters and see if she remembers the general concept of it.† I know that a lot of people do not agree with this.† And that is fine.† Some people get their kids to do every problem in Math.† I just donít feel that is necessary.† The ëconceptí is what is important.† One thing I have realized in Math is that I have forgotten how to do these problems.† But you know what? It takes me just a little while to figure it out.† So if she doesnít remember every single new concept she will figure it out if it becomes something she needs.

In History we are going to move ahead in US History.† Explore some† things that interest her.† Watch some movies, watch YouTube videos, do notebooking pages and move on.† Every week I scour the internet finding great videos to go along with what we are learning.† By the time we finish her ‘schoolwork’ there is rarely time for the videos.† Now if she wants to learn about JFK “RIGHT NOW MOM” , then we will learn about JFK.† It doesn’t matter what the ‘next thing’ in the chapter is!

In Science we are going to continue with General Science but skim the information and take what interests her.† Do the experiments because she loves them. †Go over the ìOn Your Ownî questions but not become freaked out if we donít answer EVERY SINGLE ONE.† If we are ‘studying’ force and motion but she wants to learn about fungus and mosses well the force and motion will keep.† By the time we actually ‘get to’ fungus and mosses’ she may be over her interest.

We are going to read aloud more.† We do read aloud now but there isnít enough time to read all the great things I want to read to her. So more reading and less lesson plans.† I want to rediscover the love of learning.† We are going to take more walks and enjoy this weather.† We are going to get in the car and just drive and see what we can find.

Keilee ëdiscoveredí reading this summer.† She spent hours sitting outside or on the couch reading.† So far in this ëschool yearí not so much reading.† Why? She doesnít have time.† Between lessons, Co-op, play practice 3 nights a week, Fantasy Players practice once a week, and filming the movie…she has NO TIME to read!† That is going to change.

I donít know how this will work.† Keileeís main concern is that she wonít learn what she needs to know.† Needs to know for what?† Life? College?† I tell her I STILL don’t know everything I need to know. It is a constant learning process.† She has 6 more years until college if that is what she decides on.† I believe with every fiber of my being that loving to learn is more important than checking off lists and memorizing math, history and science facts.† So here we go.

Maybe I will get this whole homeschooling thing down by the time she ëgraduatesí.†

Homeschooling Rocks,

“Trust Children.† Nothing could be more simple, or more difficult.† Difficult because to trust children we must first learn to trust ourselves, and most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted.” ~ John Holt, in “How Children Learn”


Shiny, Fantasy Village & Apple Orchards…

The weeks just fly by don’t they?† I can not believe September is about over.† We have had a great month even though I haven’t had a job.† God’s blessings are just amazing.

I love these Friday Collages because they are a great way for us to go back and see what all we have done during the week.† Thanks so much to Mary at Homegrown Learners for hosting them!

I saw this experiment on ehow about making pennies shiny that Keilee wanted to try.† She got some really dirty pennies and added them to vinegar and a teaspoon of salt.† She let them sit for 5 minutes and we could not believe how shiny they were!

Keilee is convinced she could not possibly go to public school for many reasons.† One is that she couldn’t get puppy hugs whenever she wants!

We learned about the Industrial Revolution this week.† We watched some YouTube videos and Keilee picked an inventor to make a notebooking page on.† He invented the sewing machine for soles of shoes!† She had a list of about 6 and said he was the most interesting of all the choices!

Keilee has been making iMovies this week.† She started a puppet series called “Fantasy Village”.† She has worked so hard on it.† She has made 3 so far and each one of them is about ‘learning’ something new.† I love this because she is writing the script and researching the topic. This one is about light bulbs.† If you have a chance drop by her YouTube channel and watch.

Yesterday we went to an apple orchard.† It was a little hot but we had a great time and really learned some things we didn’t know about apple harvesting.
They have 2o varieties of apples and had stations set up where we learned things about the growing and harvesting of apples.† We even got to try 4 different varieties.† Keilee’s favorite was the “Ambrosia” and mine was the “Fuji”.

They had lots of yummy things in the gift shop.† Keilee tried some Apple ice cream which was SURPRISINGLY good!
We rode with Gina, Brit and Cody and had such a great time not only at the apple orchard but the ride to and from.† Field trips are always better with friends!
One of our plans in the upcoming weeks is to read more Historical books.† I found a really good site with list of books dividing by time periods.† It is my Favorite Resource this week.† Historical Fiction site.† If anyone knows another site with books listed by time period please let me know.

In play news Keilee has had “Little Women” practice twice and it has gone amazing.† It is a small cast and most of them know a lot of their lines already.
Even though the weather got a little warm this week, Fall is in the air.† We plan to enjoy it to its fullest!† The fair is in town and we are going to try to go one night this weekend just to walk around and get the whole ‘fair feeling’.† We haven’t been in a couple of years and Kei wants to go this year.† Hope everyone has a magnificent weekend and enjoys whatever part of the country you are in!

Homeschooling Rocks!

ìBecause they are mean is no reason why I should be. I hate such things, and though I think I’ve a right to be hurt, I don’t intend to show it. (Amy March)î ~ Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

“Surely the apple is the noblest of fruits.” — Henry David Thoreau, Wild Apples

Happily linking with:
Susan at “Favorite Resources
Mary at “Collage Friday

Acorns! Acorns! Acorns!

We have a White Oak tree in our backyard that produces hundreds, thousands, millions of acorns.  They produce huge quantities every year but every other year it is a MASSIVE amount.

We have always tried to find things to do with them.  We found these cool ideas a few years ago before we even lived here and decided to ‘revisit’ them this week.

The first craft requires:

  • acorn caps
  • Markers in bright colors
  • Elmer’s glue

Color the inside of each cap with colored markers. The amount of marker you use, will determine the shade the capís inside will become. We like the bright colors and those seemed to turn out best.  After coloring inside the cap squirt the glue in all the way to the top while the marker is still ‘wet’. Allow the caps to dry overnight.  Keilee wants to use some of these in her fairy houses.  She thinks the fairies will LOVE them and I agree, don’t you?

The next thing we did was make ‘acorn people’.  Actually the first time we did this Keilee made them all orange and pumpkin like.  This year she decided to bling them.

You will need:

  • Acorns with caps
  • Paint/paintbrushes
  • Markers
  • Glitter

Just use your imagination!  We painted them first and even spray painted a couple with silver chrome paint.  Keilee had more paint on her than on the acorns but she always paints that way.  We had a blast doing this although Keilee did 99% of it and I just took a few pictures.

They turned out very cute and we had such fun doing them.

She also decided to paint a leaf and make a leaf print.† It was beautiful too.  Our leaves haven’t turned yet so she decided to ‘turn’ them herself.

We had a great time doing these.  We got to be outside together on a beautiful cool fall day, laugh and create and talk for hours.  We live very close to the high school and we can hear the bells ringing changing classes.  We felt very lucky to be at home doing something fun together instead of Keilee being in school all day.  We are so blessed.

Homeschooling Rocks,

“From little acorns mighty oaks do grow” ~American Proverb

Linking up with HipHomeschoolMoms @ HipHomeschoolHop

Wetlands, Cooler Temps and Great News…

A few weeks ago we heard about a movie, “Little Josephine” that was going to be filmed in Decatur. It is a short film that the director plans to enter into film festivals in the United States.† The only role that Keilee was the right age for was the main character.† It said, “8-12 year old girl”.† Now I was pretty sure that Keilee was too old looking but she really wanted to try out.† The other female roles said, “older teens/young adult” so we knew that wouldn’t work for her.† Well she tried out and they did go with a younger girl for the main character.† The little girl who got chosen is a really good friend of ours.† Her Mom is one of my best friends.† And Keilee got picked to be the fairy who leads the little girl on her adventure!! Keilee is excited because she gets to work with Maggie and also because she gets to be filmed on a green screen!† They begin filming October 6th.

Last Saturday we were getting ready to go to Depot Days which is a festival we go to every year.† A friend called and said that they were holding “Little Women” tryouts in Decatur with a new theater group.† I wasn’t sure we would have time because my cousin was getting married that afternoon but Keilee really wanted to try out so we punted the “Depot Days” and headed to tryouts.† We didn’t know anyone who was there or the director but we were very excited that they are doing theater in our town again.† After auditions we ran home, changed clothes and went to the wedding.† It was beautiful and I am so glad were able to go.

Keilee heard on Tuesday that she got the role of Amy March, the youngest March sister!† She is beyond excited because she has always loved “Little Women”.† Practice starts next week and I hope it will be a wonderful experience for her.† And for me! 🙂

I think it will all work out because the filming for the movie is on Saturdays and practice is Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.† She does have her “Fantasy Playhouse” practice on Monday but the director said she would work with us.

We also went on a amazing field trip.† It is about 15 minutes from here and I never knew it existed!†† It is called “Water Works Center for Environmental Education”.† They converted the old Hartselle Water Treatment Plant into a natural water treatment plant using wetlands to clean the water. Water Works is also a functioning GREEN building. They have solar panels that produce all of their electricity needs with a surplus most months, their sewage is treated through a natural sewage wetland, and part of their roof is a living sustainable garden.† It was a great trip!

Keilee took all the above pics on my digital camera.

We saw geodes, crawfish, turtles [look at his nose!], fossilized coral, fossilized rock and salamanders.

We loved the green roof!† See the strawberries?

Our favorite part was us being able to muck around in the Wetlands area.† There were TONS of little green frogs, dragonflies, butterflies and so many kinds of plants.† We just had a blast.

Keilee had another great day at Co-op.† She got all her Spanish homework done and only missed 2 things out of 11 written pages!† I was blown away by how she did.† She had just as much homework this week and she already has it done!† They made blueberry muffins in cooking and did some programming in Robotics.

Some other things she did this week included:

  • She did 4 lessons in Saxon and finished Module 3 in General Science.
  • We read about some of the inventions that made life easier after the Civil War.
  • She played with a few History Apps on the iPad that she really liked.
  • She is doing a Unit Study on Alabama.
  • She did a report on Brazil and did some notebooking pages.
  • We did a cool art project that I am going to blog about in a few days.
  • She is working through the Young Writer’s Workbook for NaNoWiMo.† You can get it free here.† It is my favorite resource this week.
  • She did a Nature project where I gave her different colors and she went outside and found those colors in Nature.† Then she took pictures of them and made them into a collage.

The weather turned MUCH cooler on Wednesday and we have been enjoying the lower temps.† We have been spending a lot of time outside.† Kei has been turning cartwheels, doing backbends and doing little routines she makes up to music.† I LOVE this weather!

The only ‘down’ side to this week is my job is pushed another week and a half.† Now it is October 18th.† The hold up is because they can’t find the lead role.† They wanted Zac Efron but he had a prior commitment.† Keilee said she would do it but I told her I didn’t think that would work. ;)†† But we are good and I am not going to get all freaked out again.† My bills are paid and we have food.

What a week.† Every time I see it all written down it looks like so much!† It is amazing how much you can get done when you aren’t in school 8 hours a day.

Happy weekend all!
Homeschooling Rocks!

ìA change in the weather is sufficient to recreate the world and ourselves.î† ~Marcel Proust

ìAnyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.î ~Henry Ford

Happily linking up with
Mary at ìCollage Fridaysî
Susan at ìFavorite Resourceî
iHomeschool Network at ìHomeschool Motherís Journalî

Oka Kapassa, Co-Op, Convergence & Art…

Yesterday was a hard day for me.† For some reason everything just kinda crashed.† I am going into my 4th month being laid off and for the most part I have stayed positive and upbeat.† I trust God to take care of us and try to let him take control.† But sometimes, not very often but sometimes, I have a bit of a meltdown.† Yesterday was one of those days.† Thankfully I have an amazing friend who talked me down, gave me hugs and tons of encouragement.† I think it is so important to have great female friends.† I am blessed with several.

We have had such a good week besides that.† September, October and November are HUGE festival months around here.† I love that everything is FREE!

We went to Oka Kapassa last Friday.† This is a festival celebrating Native Americans.† It is open to all students which means it was FULL of public school kids.† It just reinforced how lucky we are to homeschool.† The kids had 10 minutes at each ‘station’ which is NOT long enough to do anything.† They were herded around all day in their matching shirts.† We took our time and leisurely strolled through all the exhibits.

We love the Native American dances and since we weren’t in a group we watched them over and over.

Saturday we went to an Art Festival.† Now every year this is on the square of one of our favorite little towns.† This year they decided to have it at the local college.† We did not like it nearly as much.† It was crowded and just not as cool.† We did see some awesome art though.† I got several ideas for things I want Keilee and I to try.

Monday was Keilee’s first day of Co-op.† We have never done Co-op before.† She loved it.† She is taking Spanish, cooking and Robotics.† She had a great day and there are a few girls she really likes in her classes. She had SO much homework in Spanish.† Seriously.† She worked on it for 3 days and got it all done.† I was actually proud of her since she has never had homework in her life.† I am hoping she doesn’t have this much every week.† It is a little too much like Public School to me.† She didn’t mind it and actually enjoyed working on it.† As I said before this is a high school level class so maybe that is why there is so much homework.

Our church has 5 services each Sunday.† So there are people who go to Epic that I don’t even know.† Every 3 months we rent a local Theater and have ‘Convergence’.† It is an amazing experience.† Wednesday night was Convergence.† It was a powerful message and a wonderful time of fellowship.† Imagine 1000 people singing “White Flag” and waving white flags during the part of the song that says, “We raise our white flags, we surrender all to you”.† Goose bumps and God was SO in this place.

My cousin’s daughter is getting married this weekend.† Since money is so tight I decided to make this Christmas ornament I saw on Pinterest.† I got a plastic ornament at Hobby Lobby for $1.47 and I took her wedding invitation and cut it into pieces, rolled it around a pencil and dropped it in.† I love how it turned out.

As far as ‘school work there was a lot of that going on too.† It amazes me how much we get done when Kei isn’t in school 8 hours a day with 3 hours of homework.† We did Saxon Math, she worked on the book she is writing, she did a Module in General Science and 4 experiments, we learned about westward expansion after the Civil War and she made a notebooking page about barbed wire and its inventor.† I am so blown away by her creativity with her notebook pages!

Barbed Wire…

It always amazes me writing out our weekly post to see how much we get done.† And of course there are TONS of things not listed on here.† Isn’t homeschooling just the greatest thing ever?

My favorite resource this week is called “Stossel in the Classroom”.† We have these DVD’s and there is a new one out that I just ordered.† From the website:

“Stossel in the Classroom offers a new DVD free to teachers each school year. The DVDs include video segments from John Stossel’s television programs and specials, along with a teacher guide with lesson plans and ideas for complementary activities.”

Thank you all for the prayers about my job.† Hopefully it will begin around the first week of October.† It has been a long 4 months.

Happy weekend to all my bloggy friends,

Homeschooling Rocks

ìChurch isnít where you meet. Church isnít a building. Church is what you do. Church is who you are. Church is the human outworking of the person of Jesus Christ. Letís not go to Church, letís be the Church.î ~ Bridget Willard

Happily linking up with
Mary at “Collage Fridays
Susan at “Favorite Resource
Passport Academy at “iPhone Dump”
iHomeschool Network at “Homeschool Mother’s Journal”
Kris at “Weekly Wrap Up”

North & South, DIY, and Notebooking…

September through November is one of our favorite times. There are festivals galore and we try to go to as many as we can.

This week we went to the Civil War Reenactment they have every year at Pt. Mallard.† We always love this.† A few days before we went Keilee looked up “The Battle of Decatur” to find out some info.† She told me that during the Civil War the Union only left 4 buildings standing in Decatur!† She learned that the battle took place along the Tennessee River and an estimated 500 Southerners and 200 Northerners died.† She was a little frustrated looking the number up because 4 different sites all had different numbers!† It was a Union victory.† Before the actual battle starts we always roam around and see the tents that are set up.

Then the battle began!† It was a long, hard fight.† The Union was positioned behind hay bales and the poor Confederate were just sitting ducks.

They both had women in the field.† These women were nurses but there were women who dressed as men and fought in this war.† There are reports of as many as 250 women who fought for the Confederate Army.

While Kei and I ARE Southerners we both agree that the slaves should have never been slaves.† Being Southern is something that is hard to be described though.† You either get it or you don’t.†† While we were perusing the tents a “Union” soldier came to tell us to ‘Please leave the area because the reenactment was about to begin.”† I muttered “Dayum Yankee” under my breath and just giggled.† 🙂

Keilee had a great idea for her notebook for Coop.† She is beyond excited about this.† It starts Monday.† She just got her Spanish book and IT IS ALL IN SPANISH!† I was a bit freaked out.† I thought they would start with girl – amiga boy – amigo.† Uno, dos, tres…†† Anyway she got chrome spray paint and painted it.† She had asked me to buy her a small dry eraser board and she hot glued that on there and added stickers.† She was thrilled at how it turned out.† She is so much more organized than I am!!

She did an amazing report this week.† Her imagination just blows me away.† She did a typed report on Nomad and the Lab/Blue Heeler mix.† Then she made a PowerPoint presentation with slides and YouTube videos to go along with her oral presentation.† She did it on the iPad so as she was reading I was following on iPad and watching videos.† It was great!† Here are some of the ‘slides’.

A few weeks ago Phyllis at “All Things Beautiful” said she couldn’t wait to see Keilee do her own Notebooking pages.† Well she was creating all over the place this week.† She did one on the Battle of Decatur and it was so cool.† She had a string on it that hung down and the information was on both sides.† She used the program that we got.

She also made one on the “Transcontinental Railroad”.† This one had a train that ACTUALLY moved!† The Sun and the Mountains opened to contain information about the building of it.

This week has been one of my favorites in a long time.† Everything just flowed…the learning…the playing….the fun…..† Nothing was forced or stressed, even Math went smoothly. :)† Keilee is still reading so much, still creating on Polyvore, still playing with her Monster High Dolls.† Actually my friend Carla bought her the newest Monster High Doll and sent it to her without her knowing it.† She got it Wednesday and freaked out.† She is Robecca Steam and she is Steampunk.† Keilee LOVES all things Steampunk and has for a long time.† Kei also made an Instagram account for her.† Robecca Steam.† She is going to post pictures like it is really ‘Robecca’.

Yes I am still laid off…3 more weeks….but life is SO good.† I love this life we lead and wouldn’t trade it for all the money in China!

Happy weekend!
Homeschooling Rocks!

ìImagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you willî ñ George Bernard Shaw

My favorite Resource is a site from Dove.† It has activities and resources to build Self Esteem in girls ages 8-18.

Happily linking with
Mary @ “Collage Friday
Susan @ “Favorite Resources”
Kris @ “Weekly Wrap Up”

I DO Believe in Fairies and Best Friends…

I could fill books with things I am thankful for.† The last few months have been so hard in so many ways.† But so wonderful in others.† We are here and we are happy and we are good.† But this week has made me very thankful for 2 things.

I posted a few weeks ago about the fact that Keilee hadn’t built Fairy Houses this Summer.† And how sad it made me that if she never built another one, I didn’t remember her ‘last one’.

This week she DID!† She casually said, “I think I will build some Fairy Houses, will you come read to me?”† That is always how we do it.† I drag my chair beside her in the yard and read to her while she builds.† She has worked on them for 2 days and this Mama is just giddy.† I love that she still loves to do this.

The first day she clears the ground and makes her mud.† She decided to incorporate the tree roots and it was a great idea.

She builds bedrooms and tiny tables and chairs.† She uses mud and twigs and flowers and acorns.† She spends hours on this.† She gets SO dirty.† I love it.

I am thankful not only that Keilee is still building Fairy Houses but that I have the privilege to sit beside her and watch her face as she concentrates and builds.† She gets so excited when she thinks of a particularly cool room and calls me over to see it.

I am not sure how much longer she will do this.† Was this the last time?† If so, I DO remember.

My other ‘Thankful’ is my friend Carla.† Carla and I have been friends for over 20 years.† The stories we could tell you!† We have been through it all together; marriages, divorces, partying, tears, laughter, the death of my Mother, the death of her Father, talks into the wee hours of the night, single parenting, both of us moving to California, spending tons of holidays together over the years, ringing in New Year’s, dressing up for Halloween, dinner parties, playing video games, playing online games, laughing until our stomachs hurt, the list is endless. The longest relationship I have ever had has been with her, except for my family.† But she IS my family.† She is the sister I never had, the very best kind of sister, the kind you love because you WANT to, not because you have to.† Carla has a 19 year old daughter Caitlyn who Keilee met for the first time 2 years ago.

Jessica at Teachable Moments wrote a post a few weeks ago about her best friend.† Carla and I go months without speaking at times.† We are both busy and on opposite ends of the country.† I decided then and there to call her.† We talked for over an hour.† I told her how much I missed her and having her in my life.† We promised to do better.† After we talked she sent me an email. Here is a portion of it:
“I have wanted to find a friend like you and today I feel like I had an ah ha moment….I have Karen, why in the world am I looking, or feel like I need to look, for someone like you!† So silly.† I know we live a long distance apart but it shouldn’t feel like a void that is insurmountable!† So many times I just sit on the couch, watching some TV or messing with the internet, just not really doing anything but would love to have had someone to yack to.† Those are the times I am going to call you, I mean it!† How many times do I say to you only “I haven’t told anyone else this” and it’s true, I would never say to anyone else on the earth many of the things I tell you.† I just can’t tell anyone else, only you would understand.

Since then we have talked hours and hours.† Every day several times a day.† I have introduced her to Pinterest and she is cracking me up with it.† She hates social network sites and she said she has finally found one she loves.† She is a ‘pinning fool!† She has a board called “For Kei” with things she would love.

We are also making plans to go visit them in March.† My boss had already told me he would pay for the flight for Keilee and I and we would stay with Carla of course.† We are planning on staying 3 weeks and Keilee will LOVE it.† I can’t wait to show her San Francisco.

So this week I am thankful for a girl who builds fairy houses and a friend who knows all my secrets and loves me anyway.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Everytime a child says ‘I don’t believe in fairies’ there is a a little fairy somewhere that falls down dead.“† ~James M. Barrie

“Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, and somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends.”† ~Author Unknown

Happily linking with Theresa at Red Oak Road “Thankful Thursdays”

Antique Cars, Park Days and Instagram…

Cross another week off the Homeschool Girls calendar.† 4 Weeks done!† We have had a great first month. Now there have been bumps now and then.† I still think we are too ‘scheduled’ but Keilee doesn’t agree.† She loves Math but isn’t loving it every single second.† Saxon Math is very time consuming.† It sometimes takes her 2 hours to do it.† She gets frustrated but keeps going.† I am very proud of her.

We went to a little Festival in the downtown section of our town.† They had tons of antique cars.† They were beautiful!

We had a Play Day with our Roamies.† Everyone had a ball and we figured out our schedule for next year.† Every Mom is taking a month and planning something, it can be a field trip, a hike or a get together at your home.† Anything goes!
We love this park by the Tennessee River.† It is beautiful!† You should have seen Esther and I running to jump up on the bench after we set our ‘Timer’ on the camera.† I keep forgetting I have my camera on “Vivid” hence everyone’s wonderful sunburn! 🙂

After we finished up at the park, Brit came home with us for a couple of hours.† I dragged an old mattress out and they tumbled.

I am loving Instagram.† I have been on awhile and just enjoy seeing everyone’s pictures so much. Come on and join…all the cool kids are doing it.† If you don’t have an iPhone you can still play!† Here is an article with some options!

1. On the way to Fantasy Players rehearsal.† For homework this week they had to think of a character in a movie and ‘be’ that character at this rehearsal.† Guess who Keilee was…”Edward Scissorhands”† She wore her shirt as a hint.
2.† We read about the Native Americans and how horribly treated they were this week.
3.† At the Park with the Train bridge behind her.
4.† Her check for “Space Warriors”.† She is now a PAID Actress!
5.† Kei and Nomad chilling on the couch.

Keilee has been spending tons of time on “Polyvore“.† All you Mom’s of girls MUST check this out!† You put together complete outfits and post them.† Keilee has had a BLAST on this.† She loves fashion and loves putting together clothes.† As I am sure some of you have noticed by what she wears. :)† Check out her page and make your own!† It is my favorite resource this week.† Here is one of her outfits.

So there is our week. We have lots of fun stuff coming up that I can’t wait to blog about.† Like most of you I am sure we are ready for cooler weather.† Here in Alabama that can be anytime in October…hopefully.

My favorite picture this week…† Our neighbors had given Keilee a $10 gift certificate† to a local ice cream parlor.† I captured her ‘enjoyment’ of her cone.
Happy weekend!
Homeschooling Rocks!

“What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn’t have any doubt – it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn’t want to go anywhere else.î† ~ Hal Boyle

Happily linking up with:
Mary at “Collage Fridays
Susan at “Favorite Resources
Passport Academy “iPhone Dump”
Kris at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers “Weekly Wrap Up

Doggies, Notebooking, Swim Time and Alice…

First of all to get the ‘bad’ news out of the way.† The job we had starting in September has been pushed to October 1.† Yes I was devastated but after a day of crying and feeling defeated I am back strong.† I know we will make it.† Not with as much money as I was hoping for, but make it we will.

Now on with the goodness that was this week.† Monday Keilee had her first rehearsal for “Fantasy Players”.† She really loved it and I am hoping for lots of opportunities and fun for her.† I got no pictures because the Moms were banished to the waiting room!† 🙂

And a little sad…† We came into possession of 3 little doggies Monday.† They started following a man who walks his dogs around our area.† We have spoken to him a few times when his dogs have gotten loose.† He knocked on our door with these 3 little dogs and asked us if we knew whose they were.† We didn’t.† Long story short, we agreed to keep them and try to find their owners.† Put an ad in the paper and heard nothing.† These doggies looked abandoned, dirty and starved for food and love.† By Tuesday night it was apparent no one was going to claim them.† I called Esther who knew someone who ran a no kill shelter in a town about 45 minutes from here.† It is called “The Fairy DogMother” and the woman who runs it is named Glinda!† I sent a picture and she said she would take them!† She asked us to take them to a vet to have them spayed and neutered in the town where her shelter was.† The “Mother’ doggy had a huge growth on her front leg that really disturbed me.† Keilee fell in love with these sweet dogs and played with them every chance she got.† She named them Luke, Logan and Lulu. [ We are Gilmore Girls fans here]. Nomad was NOT in love with them and let us know it every chance he got.† We got up Wednesday and loaded them up and took them to the Vet she uses.† It was a hard goodbye.† I got in the car and just cried.† They were the sweetest doggies.† We heard yesterday that the Mother dog’s growth was a tumor and much larger than we thought.† The Vet wanted to put her down but Glinda said ‘NO’ so they are removing it in 2 parts.† We hope and pray so badly that our doggies will find a lovely home together.

We did lots of learning this week too.† Keilee did Math outside and tons of Notebooking for both History and Science.† We have done more Notebooking this year so far than we ever have.† I found a Favorite Resource on Amazon.† It is CK-12 Foundations FREE Kindle books.† There are some really good ones here.† Also Esther sent me this link which has some great Science resources and activities.† It is called Design Squad.† Check them both out!
We also got together with our Roamies for a “Not Back To School” swim!† There was fun, food, laughter and water with† some of our best friends!

Thursday we were invited to see “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” that our Crawfords were in.† They did a great job and the costumes were AMAZING!† Jake was the White Rabbit but he was so ‘hoppy’ that all the pictures were so blurry!

During and after the play..
On the way home Keilee and I talked about how blessed we were in spite of the fact that things are very tight.† We counted our blessings which were MANY.† We looked back on our weeks and laughed and marveled at all the amazing things we did with hardly any money.† Life is such a gift and we are so lucky to have each other and terrific people in our lives.† THOSE are the true ‘riches’ in our lives.

Happy weekend all!
Homeschooling Rocks!

“Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.”† ~ Ruth Ann Schabacker

Happily linking up with
Mary at “Collage Friday
Susan at “Favorite Resources
Passport Academy iPhone Photo Dump


Student Photos..Homeschool Girls Style

When I decided to participate in iHomeschoolNetwork’s “Not Back to School Student Photo” week, I immediately enlisted Keilee’s help.† “I need a number “7”, I told her.† “Something to show up in pictures”.† Off she went.† She got some poster board and cut a “7” out and then painted it.† I love the way it turned out!

I am NOT a great photographer, aperture and F-Stop and ISO mean little to me.† I kinda just point and shoot.† I figure if I make enough pictures there will be good ones.† I love taking pictures of Keilee.† Of course, as her Mother, I think she is the perfect subject.† She loves any chance to dress up, so off we went.
First stop, the creek [ok it is actually a DITCH, but creek sounds so much better doncha think?].† After shooting a few pictures she spotted something shiny and was off!
She always wants to STAND in swings so she jumped right up in the swing in the Rose Garden.† That is what we always called it…the Rose Garden.† Not many roses anymore since I have no green thumb.
Then she had to change clothes…she is 12 remember?† This was my brother’s skate board years ago.† I never let her stand on it and ride.† So she was very excited that I let her do it for the picture.† The right one we tried about 5 times, her throwing it up and me capturing the exact right moment.† Cool huh?
These are my favorites.† They capture my silly, dramatic, quirky, girl just perfectly.

I asked Keilee what she was looking forward to this year and she typed up this list…

I hope everyone has a wonderful 2012-2013 year full of learning and laughter and memories.† I can not wait to see what this “7th” grade year brings us.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”† ~ Albert Einstein
Not Back to School Blog Hop

Moon Buggies, Experiements and Flexibility…

I love homeschooling.† I love every thing about it.† One of the things I love the most is the flexibility.† Yes we do lesson plans and yes I plan out each day but if something comes up I am more than willing to dump the plans for the day.† I know everyone doesn’t.† I know people who won’t take the day to do something when the opportunity arises.† We aren’t one of those people.

So this week our carefully planned out week was all helter skelter.† And we had a blast!

Friday night we spent the night with Kathy and Sophie.† We went to one of our favorite places, Bridge Street Town Centre to wander and window shop and eat.† Kathy insisted on paying for our meal.† We have such amazing people in our lives!
Keilee and Sophie heard music and HAD to dance.† Keilee tried on clothes at this new store that we LOVED.† It is called H&M and they have the coolest clothes!!† Bridge Street is beautiful at night and yes that is a gondola!

Monday we did ‘school’.† We had a great day.† Keilee is really liking Saxon Pre Algebra and her General Science.† We have already done 3 experiments!† That blows my mind because last year we were lacking in the experiments.† Here is one we did with baking soda, vinegar and red cabbage.† It was really cool.† Keilee is doing lapbook/notebook pages also.
Tuesday we were going to do school as usual but they called from the “Space Warriors” set for Keilee to be a PAID extra!† School?† Whateva…† How many times can you get a chance like this?† It was a long day.† We were there from Noon till 10:30.† It was the last day shooting for extras so I am so glad we got to go.† The large part of the day was spent filming a Moon Buggy Race.† It took forever!† From 1:30 until dark.† There were a lot of burned up faces after standing in the Alabama sun all day.† Of course not the actors, they were sprayed with sunscreen every hour.† We also got to see Dermot Mulroney and Mira Sorvino at the closing ceremony shoot.† I didn’t get any pictures of them because I was in the scene too.
This is BooBoo Stewart, Thomas Kasp, Thomas Horn, Robotnaut guy and several crew members who were SO nice to us.
Keilee had REFUSED to take pictures with anyone the entire time.† The last day I ‘made’ her take pictures with Thomas Horn and BooBoo Stewart.† She said she hated being a ‘Fan Girl”.
We had to go to her doctor’s office to get her shot record so she could get paid.† The other forms of I.D they would except; passport, Non Driver ID or School ID we did not have.† Walking across the walkway above the street Keilee felt an urge to turn a cartwheel.† Then we took the info to the Production Office and I took Kei’s picture at the door of Thomas Horn’s trailer.† Jimmy Hawkins is his character name.† This is what I do for work.† We have rental trailers and I run the business.† The last picture is Monster High Stop Animation.† Keilee LOVES Monster High dolls.† She knows EVERYTHING about every single one of them.† Even the ones who haven’t come out yet.† They are pretty cool.† I wish I could buy her every one of them.

We also watched a great DVD about “Reconstruction-The 2nd Civil War“† How did I not know all of this stuff?† We are using “The History of US” for History and have learned so much already.† And yes I said, “WE”.† I love learning things I didn’t know/forgot.

Keilee also went to 2 birthday parties this week.† For both of them she knitted them something.† She worked HOURS on both projects.† Wednesday was Brit’s birthday and she had a spend the night party.† Keilee came home pretty exhausted and then we had Maggie’s birthday party which was a swimming party from 8-10 Thursday night.† She had such a great time at both of them but she slept last night, as my Mom always said, ‘like an old dead log”.

I just got off the phone with a man who is going to rent 5 of our trailers around the 2nd week of September.† I was so happy! Rental trailers = a pay check for me!

So that was our week…full of laughter and love and learning and friends and our 15 Minutes of Fame.† We are so incredibly blessed.

Homeschooling Rocks!

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” ~ Mark Twain [credited but not verified]

Happily linking with

Mary at “Collage Friday
iHNís Homeschool Motherís Journal
Rachelís friday favorite things

Angels Among Us…

6 Weeks without a paycheckÖthatís a long time with no money.† Yet here we areÖbills paid, food in the freezer, gas in the car.

I put in a few applications and asked people if they knew anywhere they were hiringÖno luck.† It is hard to be without money.† Knowing that even spending $5 is a big deal.

But we have made it.† How did that happen?† Like the title says, ëThere are angels among us.í† We have been blessed with the most amazing people in our lives.† The 2 ladies next door have given us $200!† The first $100 was from Joan who said to ëbuy some fluffí.† I think she knew the ëfluffí would be food and gas.† Then Frances sent a card with another $100 bill for Keilee for ëher first movie roleí.†† My Daddy paid my electric bill which was the largest electric bill we have had since we lived here.† We had way over a week of 100+ temperatures.† Then we got an anonymous card in the mail with $50 in it.† Then a dear friend sent us a check for $50.† One of our best friends has been over 3 Saturdays in a row with groceries.† I keep telling her that we donít need that many groceries but she still comes.† Bags and bags of food each one opened like a package.† It is so strange to get groceries that I didnít buy and such an amazing blessing.† My friend Kathy took us out to eat and we spent the night with them and had girls night out.

I sold some books on eBay.† I worked on the film ìSpace Warriorsî and got paid.

And prayersÖprayers all over the United States going up from some amazing Homeschool friends.† I close my eyes and picture them going up to heaven, straight to God from all over.† Prayers going up from friends and family here.† Prayers, like balloons, going up, up, up.

And prayers from me, on my knees telling God I trust in Him to see us through.† I have been so emotional the last few weeks. Crying, always crying at how amazing people are, how amazing God is.

I think we have a job coming up September 9th.† Even though that is 3 weeks away it will mean I will finally be back on track.

So for this Thankful Thursday I am thankful for the angels among us.† Never doubt that they are there…
I have seen them….

Thank you all,
Homeschooling Rocks!

“I believe there are angels among us.
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours.
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give.
To guide us with the light of love.” ~ Alabama

Happily linking with Theresa with “Thankful Thursdays”

1st Day of School, Mars, Swimming and Theater….

It continues to amaze me how we keep making it with no income.† Well not much income.† I got my check from “Space Warriors”.† This is after taxes for 10 hours work!† A red or black Porsche 911 you think?
We stayed up and watched Curiosity land on Mars.† We had to cancel cable about a month ago but we still have our Roku and it has the NASA Channel. This was SO exciting.† We were cheering and jumping up and down when it finally landed.

We started school Monday also.† Keilee set her alarm and woke up very early.† She got dressed in a cute little outfit she had picked out and put a BOW in her hair! A BOW!† She never wears bows.† I was cracking up.† She even put a bow on Nomad.† God love her.
We are doing Notebooking for the first time.† I mean we have done it here and there but not with any regularly.† She wants to make her own NB pages.† Above is her first attempt. It is for Apologia General Science which we are LOVING!
A couple of pictures of the experiments we did.† One is showing the density of different liquids and the other is about Atomic Motion.† We are also using Apologia General Science Lapbook Journal which is on sale at Currclick for $6!† She is really liking that too.
And there has been reading and falling asleep while reading. 🙂
Tuesday night we made a fire and made S’mores!† It made me really wish for cooler weather.
We also got a late call for Space Warriors.† They called and ask us if we could be there within an hour.† Well we live 40 minutes away and we both looked like ragamuffins but we made it.† Top right shot is Thomas Horn, Sean McNamara and some strange Robot boy!
Keilee also auditioned for a theater group in Huntsville.† They are called “Fantasy Playhouse Traveling Players” and they do just that…they travel around to different festivals and events and schools and perform.† She really wanted to try out but I knew it would be a whole different league of kids.† They were really, really good but Keilee did really well and she got the call the next day that she made it!† She was jumping up and down.† What I love about it is they do huge amounts of Shakespearean plays.† When we saw them perform last spring they did Shakespeare.
Thursday we picked up Britney and took her to Pt. Mallard with us.† The girls had a blast swimming, riding the waves and riding the slides over and over.

My favorite resource this week is a GREAT one.† In fact I tried to talk Keilee into us using it this year instead of General Science.† And it is completely free!!† It is Middle School Chemistry.† It is an almost 700 page ebook and lessons plans and multimedia galore!† Another of my favorite resources is Hands of a Child!† Check them out for their Annual Back to School Sale.† They have amazing Lapbooks and Notebooks.† This is the VERY first homeschooling product we ever bought when Keilee was 7.† We have always loved their products.† With this sale you can save over 50%

So I deem our first week ‘back to school’ a complete success!† In fact Keilee said she could not wait for next week.

Happy weekend all!
Homeschooling Rocks,

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” ~William Shakespeare

Happily linking with Mary at “Collage Friday
and Susan at “Favorite Resources


Homeschooling Middle School….7th Grade

Monday August 6th we begin our 6th year homeschooling!† 6 Years.† We were eclectic right from the start.† I would pick and chose the things I thought Keilee would love best.† We have tried so many different things to get to this year’s plans.† And the thing is…I am sure we will make changes this year too.† That is the beauty of this life we have chosen.† If something isn’t working, we can throw it out and try something else.

Our foray into unschooling didn’t go so well.† I loved it, Keilee not so much.† She wants lesson plans and a daily schedule.† She likes to know exactly what she is supposed to do when she wakes up every morning.† She wants her subjects lined up to check each one off with a neat little ? . She has all of† a sudden decided she has to ‘crack down’.† Her words.† So we have spent the Summer figuring out what we are going to do this year.† For each subject I showed her some of the options and she picked the ones that interested her.† For a few subjects we are using resources we already had and have never used.

We have had a really great Summer.† Trips to Gatlinberg, tons of swimming, being on a Movie set, but the most exciting thing in my opinion is that my girl has become a READER.† She has read constantly book after book this summer.† It just makes this Mamma’s heart so happy.† 🙂

One thing we are both so excited about adding this year is lots and lots of Notebooking.† I have always been interested in this but never used it very often.† Jimmie at Jimmie’s Collage has gotten me really excited about it!† Check out the tons of resources on Notebooking.† Jimmie’s “Notebooking Fairy” is a great place to start.

This is what our 2012-2013 Curriculum looks like.

7th Grade Curriculum

We have done Story of the World for 2 years.† Instead of going to SOTW 3 next year we are doing American History.† There has been so many times when Keilee asked me about something that didn’t fit into my perfect little timeframe that I would say, “Wait until we get to it”† How crazy is that?† She wants US History, so US History it is!† We have studied up to The Civil War in great depth when Kei was in 4th/5th grade so we are starting with Reconstruction.† She wants to know more about the World Wars and the Vietnam War.† We both have had long talks about how each part of history is marked by wars.

Reading the books, doing Notebooking and lesson plans found on PBS
Have Fun With History site
We also watch A LOT of historical movies to go along with our studies.† Teach With Movies
Video: Freedom A history of Us† and watch “A Story of Us“† We own this but it is on Netflix streaming also.

Alabama State History Lapbook Journal

Decatur Walking Tours
36 Week Geography

General Science / Apologia† [A dear friend is letting us borrow this!]

I found a great resource for this here.
We will be using Notebooking extensively for this also.

Saxon Pre Algebra† [This is borrowed also.]
Learning Language Arts Through Literature

Writing Skills book and Notebooking and Book Summaries
The Writer’s Express

The Magic Pencil

Vocabulary Cartoons
Vocabulary Builder [iBooks download]
SAT prep App on iPhone
English from the Roots Up
Harry Potter Vocabulary Builder

I had planned on giving Keilee a book a month to read but with the way she is reading this isn’t necessary!† And she is reading WAY more than 1 book a month.† Who says praying doesn’t get results!

CO OP Classes
*Spanish [This is a high school level class.† Keilee is getting special permission to take it. I† want her to wait until at least next year but she really wants to try it.† This makes me nervous because they have homework and grades.† She has never had either.]
Sci Quest ñ Dissection/Biology Classes/Monthly
Space and Rocket Center Classes ñ Aviation 201 6 week class/2 hours a class
Botanical Gardens †[1 Day Classes]
Cycles of Life – Biology in the Garden
Nature Inspired:Writing and literature in the Garden
Plotting A Bulb Garden: Math in the Garden
Theater – Of course there is ALWAYS Theater.

MOVIES Series [Kei has not seen all these series in their entirety]
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Star Wars
Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe
Lord of the Rings

ARTISTS [Weekly]
Great American Artists

Various Unit Studies
††††††††††††††† Made up from ìThings Keilee Wants to Learnî

Lists for Alabama
List for Tennessee

None of these are affiliate links.

This is A LOT of work huh?† But the beauty of homeschooling is that we don’t have to do every single thing every single day.† We will pick and choose between most of these.

We are both looking so forward to a great year.† How about you?† Can’t wait to read others plans for this year.

Homeschooling Rocks!

ìWear the old coat and buy the new bookî ~ Austin Phelps

†ìI find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.î †~Groucho Marx

Not Back to School Blog Hop

Saloons, Wildlife Refuge and MOVIE STARS…..

We have crammed about 2 weeks worth of fun into this past week!† We have just had a blast the last few days.

We celebrated Esther’s birthday at a place I have heard about forever.† It is called RattleSnake Saloon and it rocked!† Literally….it is a restaurant under a huge bluff.† When we arrived and parked they picked us up in a truck and rode us in the back down to the bluff.† That in itself was a little like a roller coaster ride!

It is just the coolest place.† At night they have a band and I think the place is more for adults but it is perfect for lunch.† The food was fine, nothing great but the atmosphere was remarkable!

After eating lunch and wandering around we were going to go swimming at this place Michelle knew about.† Unfortunately it started thundering and we weren’t able to go in.† Cause you know what they say, “If you can hear it, it can kill you!”† See the skink?? He was in the commode I was ABOUT TO USE!† Heather tried to flush it and scare him out, but she only succeeded in drowning him we think.

Keilee and I went to the Wheeler Refuge for a few hours too this week.† It was VERY hot but most of it is under shade trees so we survived.

Did anyone else think “Children of the Corn” when they saw that top picture of Kei?† We did see some cool fungus, lichen and puff ball flowers [which we have since found out is called buttonbush]. † See the picture of Kei taking a picture?† Right after that she dropped her green sunglasses into the river and we had to find a stick and fish them out.† We were successful.† That counts as P.E. right? 😉

Monday we spent the day on set of Space Warriors again.† It has just gotten to the point they should really just let us stay in the Marriott with them doncha think? :)† We have a blast doing this.† It is even fun for this ‘behind the scenes’ Mamma.

1.†† See Josh Lucas in the blue shirt facing the crowd at the front?† [Sweet Home Alabama, among other movies].† Right in front of him is BooBoo Stewart who plays Seth Clearwater in the Twilight movies.† He has a ponytail.† Keilee is on the front row on the right side, the 4th person on that side.† She was on the blue Space Camp team.
2.†† Some of the kid stars, BooBoo, Thomas Horn and Thomas Kasp.
3.† I love the way they put the camera on rollers.† This is called a trolley shot.
4.†† Another shot of BooBoo Stewart.† I try to get Keilee to let me take a picture of them together.† TONS of girls go ask him in between takes but she refuses.† She says, “When I am famous I will take a picture with him”.

There is a lot of down time in movies we have discovered.† Keilee has made stop animation movies and stood around A LOT!† One cool thing is that we are at the Space and Rocket Center so we are free to roam around in between shots.

We stayed at home one day this week and Keilee drug out the kiddie pool to beat the heat!† It has been so hot!

Wednesday she had to be on set at 4:00 PM.† This time she was on the yellow team for Space Camp.† I was an extra in this scene too and the top picture is where I ended up. My directions where to ‘stroll across the grass and then stop behind the shuttle’.† In my scenes I have done a lot of strolling.† A LOT!† This top picture is of the Titans [who are the bully kids in this film].† That is BooBoo with the ponytail.

There are 4 more weeks of filming so who knows what will happen.† They may call Keilee every day or not anymore.† Whatever happens it has been the coolest experience for us both.† We have met some really great people.† And unless we end up on the editing floor we get to be in a movie!† Hows that for “How I Spent my Summer Vacation?”

My favorite resource is from my boss! He is always sending us great resources.† This one is “Country Studies” and it has all the countries of the world and some fabulous information about them.† Thanks Stan!

We are starting school Monday.† All our ‘non homeschooling’ friends say, “Why are you starting so early if you don’t have to?”† We laugh and tell them we WANT to.† Keilee has been wanted to start for 3 weeks but I didn’t have everything together.† I am going to post our Curriculum next week.† Can’t wait to see what everyone else is doing.

Homeschooling Rocks!!

“The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.”† ~Ralph W. Sockman

“It’s not all lipstick and sunglasses”† ~Stan Storc [NOTE: This is my boss and that is the tagline on our invoices] 😉

Happily linking up with Mary at “Collage Friday
and Susan at “Favorite Resource

15 Minutes of Fame…

What an exciting adventure we had Sunday and Monday!† A few weeks ago Keilee had auditioned for an upcoming film to be shot at “US Space and Rocket Center“.† We lined up with about 500 other people for a few roles in the film “Space Warriors“.† It is a film about a group of teenagers at Space Camp.† It stars Thomas Horn who we loved in “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”.† Keilee was really too young for a role since most of the kids are 14+ but it said 12 and over and we thought it would be a really great experience.† There were kids as young as 3 there but after standing in the hot sun someone came out and said “12 and over only”.† We stood in line for about 3 hours in the blazing sun for her 1 minute audition.† She loved it though so it was worth it.

A couple of weeks passed and we got an email that told us to be at the Space Center at 11:00 AM on Sunday.† It said to be dressed in shorts and a shirt with a bag packed.† They were filming a ‘parents dropping your kids off at Space Camp’ scene.† We got there and had to fill out paper work for minors appearing in a film.† It was TOO cool!† Then it was off to film the first scene.† The 1st Asst. Director met us and explained the scene.† He picked us to be on the Space Camp bus.† After that was shot about 6 times we were chosen to arrive on the tram.† We then were told to get out and walk into the Camp like new arrivals.† That was also filmed a few times.† Then we moved into the actual Space and Rocket Center.† Keilee was picked to film quite a few scenes.† In one scene her and another girl were to stroll behind Thomas Horn.† That is Thomas in the blue short sleeved shirt.

It was fun and exciting as we babbled all the way home.† They asked us to be on set at 9:00 AM the next morning.† Keilee brought 4 outfits just in case.† She is so silly.

When we arrived at the Space Center we all went into the actual museum and they started assigning roles.† The 1st Asst. Director, Chris, picked me and asked me to come with him.† There started the most surreal day I have had in a while.† He asked me and an older man to be a couple who was exploring the Center.† We decided we would be Father/Daughter since he was quite a bit older than I was. :)† We were to be in a scene with Thomas Horn.† Just us 3!† I was kinda freaking out to tell the truth.† I am not an actress!† We shot 3 scenes over the course of 13 hours!† There were many, many scenes shot in between and Keilee was in most every one of them.† But the director and all the crew kept calling for “Karen, We need Karen” and Keilee was so geeked. Everyone was asking her if I was a ‘real actress”. Ummm NO! † I even had a STAND IN to measure light, etc.† I also got paid, not much, but I will get a check.† I figure it will be around $60 after taxes.† So much for the glamorous life of a star I guess. ;)† I am honestly hoping they will end up not using the scene.† I would freak out to be sitting in the theater and have my HUGE face on screen. I mean I wasn’t even fully made up for Pete sakes! ;)† Thomas Horn is a VERY nice boy.† He is 15 but looks much younger.† We honestly talked for hours and he is smart and very funny. Also very low key.† If you read about him, he never wanted to be an actor.† He was discovered on Jeopardy when he won the Kid’s Tournament.† It was funny because Keilee and I watched it on YouTube and he was up against a homeschooler,† I told her if we had watched it we would have been pulling for the HSer.†† Danny Glover, Mira Sorvino, Dermot Mulroney and Josh Lucas are all in the film also but they were just filming the kids scenes the days we were there.† We also saw BooBoo Stewart who is in the film.† All you Twilight fans know who he is.† He played Seth Clearwater, one of the werewolf clan Jacob ran with.† Keilee recognized him but I didn’t.

The director is Sean McNamara who directed “Soul Surfer”† He also did several shows on Nickelodeon.† Keilee walked up and introduced herself and they chatted about one of her favorite shows, “Cake” which he also directed.† She introduced herself to every person working there!† She is so funny.

These are the stairs I walked up and down about 100 times!† Seriously my legs were so sore for 2 days afterwards!† That is the director in the hat, Sean McNamara and Michael an Asst Director I think.

Keilee made several new friends.† Also something really funny happened.† There have been about 20 people who have told Keilee or I that she looks like Elle Fanning in “We Bought A Zoo”.† This girl ran up to her and said, “Oh my gosh! It’s YOU!!”† She was jumping up and down. Keilee said, “Hi”† and she said, “You are the girl in “We Bought a Zoo” and Keilee said, “No that is Elle Fanning”. I told Keilee she should have signed an autograph. 😉

In the top picture Sean told Keilee to run across the center like she had seen a friend she hadn’t seen in a while.† In the bottom right picture Thomas Horn,who is right behind the wheels of the Moon Buggy, is explaining something the the crowd.† The director and others sit in what they call the “The Village” and watch on monitors.† Sean called out, “Thomas I want you to talk directly to the girl in the white hat, interact with her only”.† I was sitting off set just grinning.

Stan, my boss who works in the film business, has always told me film is MUCH easier than stage.† I saw that in action.† While there are big dialogues that actors do, much of it is 2 or 3 lines at a time.† Keilee had 227 lines in “To Kill A Mockingbird”!!† Also the director would do each scene between 5-10 times and they edit together the best bits and pieces.

We got to eat at craft services because I was a ‘paid’ extra which was cool too.† It was just an incredible experience.

We learned so much about the actual filming and a lot of terms we had never heard before.† The lingo in film is different than on stage.

The last shot of the night was outside.† It was beautiful and a wonderful end to our surreal day.† They yelled ‘genius’ which is what Sean said after he was finally filming each scene and we signed out and headed for home.† It was about 9:30!† We left our house around 8:15 AM and got home around 10:15!† Long day.

Tuesday we were both in such a strange mood.† We both wanted to be back with all the excitement of “Hollywood”.† It just solidified Keilee’s desire to be an actor.† She absolutely.loved.every.minute.of.it.† I am so glad she got to do this.

Homeschooling Rocks!

In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15†minutes.” ~ Andy Warhol

Happily linking with Mary @ “Collage Friday
Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Unschoolers



The Last Time….

Sometimes it is hard to not have money to do things, worried about every bill and every dime spent. Times like this, when my job is nonexistent I question every decision I have made. Would it be better if I found a real job as my Dad would say?

I do not believe for one second that you would be better off in school. I know this is Gods plan for us and I trust in him to hold us up in hard times. I do trust, but I also feel so much doubt at times.

At the pool the other day I sat and watched little girls, girls with their little tummies in their 2 piece bathing suits, walking carefully through the water. I watched them try to outrun the waves and jump over them; always at the wrong time. Seeing their delight and hearing their giggles I felt so nostalgic for days like that with you.

You are growing up so fast, this beautiful combination of little girl and young woman. I want you to slow down, is time on fast forward? Why does it go so fast? I try to treasure each moment, to savor the loveliness of you but life gets in the way at times.

I read a book to you a couple of weeks ago, Let Me Hold You Longer by Karen Kingsbury. I couldn’t even get through it. I just lay on the hammock beside you and sobbed. You said what you always say when I cry over something sentimental, “Silly Momma”. But you didn’t really understand how could you? You have never loved a child beyond all else. The book is about how we celebrate all of our children’s Firsts. First walk, first word, first time riding a bike, first time reading .but we don’t celebrate the lasts because we do not know they are the last.

And I started thinking about your fairy houses  forever you have built them since you could pack mud together in your tiny little hands. Hours and hours were spent outside with you building beautiful, intricate houses and stores for the fairies to visit. I always sat with you and read to you. Do you remember I told you that the fairies leave sparkles behind when they visit? You would rush outside each morning, fascinated to see the fairy dust left everywhere. You would trace their routes and be delighted that they paused a moment in this section or that one. You would make up stories about what they did in each part of your houses.

Fairy Houses

Now in this summer of your 12th year there has been no fairy houses. You built some in the Spring, I know you did but when exactly? I gently ask you every now and then, Do you want to build Fairy Houses today? and you say, Not today Mom, but I will.


Did I miss your last time?


Last time you caught a frog in that old backyard pond…
Last time when you ran barefoot across our fresh-cut lawn,
Silly scattered images to represent your past.
Would I have taken pictures…if I’d known they were the last?  `Karen Kingsbury

Linking up with Hip Homeschool Moms
Hip Homeschool Hop Button

Flowers, Friends and Fowl….

What do you do all week long when you have no money?† You do things that only costs gas!† Yes gas is expensive, but Keilee and I both get a little stir crazy when we do absolutely nothing…especially in the summer. In the winter we love just staying at home but in the summer we like just getting in the car and going.† So we took advantage of a gas card that I had gotten for Christmas and saved for times like these.

Our church has 5 services on Sunday.† FIVE!† We have been doing this since last September.† Our entire church is in prayer for a solution to this.† We want to either build another church or find a building that is perfect for us.† We go to the 9:00 service so by 10:30 at the latest we are out.† We always hate just going home so last Sunday we ran to change clothes and headed to a couple of parks in our town.

We live right on the Tennessee River.† I forget at times how beautiful it is.† We spent an hour or so at the “River Park” as we call it.

We then went to another park.† This park has a Splash Pad that Keilee spent hours playing in when she was younger.† Now she takes pictures of flowers.† If you have a chance please visit Keilee’s site with her flower pictures.† And thank you all who have commented on her blog. She gets giddy when you do!† She will run in here and say “Mom I just got a comment from _____”

  • We went to Pt. Mallard on Tuesday.† I am so thankful I was able to buy passes when they were really affordable in March.† We love Pt. Mallard.† They have a wave pool, [the Nation’s 1st!], an Olympic Pool, and even a beach since it is located on the Tennessee River.
  • The wall picture is something that makes me cry almost every time I look at it.† As most of you know we are living in the house I grew up in.† My Mother always measured us and every child that ever walked into our house.† It has literally hundreds of little marks on the wall.† It is old and dingy and needs painting but I wouldn’t paint it for $10,000.† Here is the mark for Keilee and I when we were exactly the same age.† She has always wanted to be as tall as me, 5’10”, but I don’t see that happening.† Actually the mark under Keilee is me at 11 1/2.† I grew almost 4″ in one year!
  • We bought groceries on Wednesday.† Keilee was freezing [as I always am but I brought a jacket!] and made a toilet tissue igloo as I was perusing the frozen veggies.

Wednesday we spent the day at Esther’s.† So many of our favorite homeschool memories has taken place at Esther’s house.† The ‘way’ the kids play have changed over the years but they always have a blast.† So do us Moms.† We talk and laugh and solve all the problems each of us have.† And of course food….there is always yummy food.† The girls spent almost the entire day making a video with “Video Star”.† They didn’t finish it because Keilee’s battery died and my car charger would not work!† Can you tell the song they used?† “Call Me Maybe”… If I had ONE piece of advice for new homeschoolers it would be to find a GROUP!

Thursday we spent time with some semi new friends.† We have gotten together with this group about 3 or 4 times.† They all have girls and most of the girls are exactly Keilee’s age.† They had a BLAST together.† There was duck and geese feeding, mushroom hunting, game playing and of course Video Star recording.† Seriously, if you haven’t checked out Video Star app please do.† It is fabulous and Keilee has spent huge amounts of time making awesome videos.

In between all of this fun I have been planning our next year.† We Moms spent a lot of time at the park talking about all the great resources their are for our kids in this area.† We discussed Co-ops and the pros and cons of each one of them, classes available and more!† We are super excited to get started.† I will blog more about our plans in the near future.

Our favorite resource this week is an amazing site.† Truly.† It is called The Hub and is on Christian Homeschool Site.† You sign up for free and they have TONS of free downloads.† Tons!† Every subject you can think of and lots of free Notebooking pages.† We plan on using lots of Notebooking this year.† If anyone has any great resources for that please let me know!

So that was our week…. Water, friends, God’s beauty, good food and lots of laughter.† And none of it cost a penny.

Happy weekend all!
Homeschooling Rocks!

“You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” ~Winnie the Pooh

Happily linking up with Mary at “Collage Friday
Susan at “Favorite Resource

and Kris at “Weekly Wrap Up”



Rooms, Rain and Recordings….

We stuck close to home this week.† That’s what having no income will do for you.† But we had a blast and got so much done.

Keilee rearranged her entire room.† Before she began she got a tape measure and measured every piece of furniture including her bed and drew them to scale on a piece of poster paper.† I actually liked the way she did it so I gave her the go ahead.† Her bed is HUGE.† It is a full size loft bed that my Daddy made her when she was 5 so I knew she would need help moving that.† We enlisted my nephew Seth and they moved for 3 hours.† She refuses to actually sleep on the ‘loft’ part because then Nomad can’t sleep with her so that is her storage for her 167 Webkinz!!!!

Some of her jewelry.† Her signed Johnny Depp picture [My boss worked on Alice in Wonderland!], her masks, her hat rack and her window and bean bag.

Some of her Headshots and photos from plays and Newspaper articles.† Also her crammed packed bulletin board.† I had poster of boys, she has play posters!

Her bed with the mattress under the loft because….

The actual loft is full of WEBKINZ!!!

It finally rained this week.† We have had at least 6 weeks of no rain.† I know most of the country is as rain starved as us.† I hope you all got some rain this week.† Kei was so excited she put her bathing suit on and ran to play in it!† She has always played in the rain.† She also found a frog and tried to put it so it wouldn’t drown!

We also had a photo shoot this week.† I am no expert when it comes to my camera.† I just basically play around with the settings and take pictures.† I tell Keilee when I take 20 pictures of the same thing, one of them is bound to turn out.† Of course I think she is the perfect subject!

Kei has been playing almost non-stop with the Video Star app.† Check it out.† She has made tons of videos and they are actually really cute.† Here is one of them.

My favorite resource is EReader Today on Facebook or their Webpage .† They have at least 15-20 FREE books a day.† There isn’t a day when I haven’t gotten at least one.† Now I am not sure how great they all are but there are lots of children’s books and cookbooks and so much more.†† Check them out!

And there is our week.† Lots of moving stuff around and lots of ‘Arts’.† We have a really busy week next week full of new adventures!

We are both ready to ‘start’ back full time on our learning adventures and I have been busy planning our upcoming year.† We are both so very excited.

Happy weekend
Homeschooling Rocks

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.” ~Author Unknown

Happily linking up with Mary at “Collage Friday


Susan at “Favorite Resources

Thankful Through The Tough Times…

I woke up early this morning.† The world is drenched in rain.† We have had no rain for over 6 weeks and now there is a flood.† Feast or famineÖthat always seems to be the way.

I donít usually do a ìThankfulî post.† Not that I donít have so much to be thankful for, just that in my busy life I rarely have a chance to get my thoughts together and post.

As I read Theresaís post at RedOakLane I realized TODAY is the perfect day for this.† Today when I am in tears and worried about money and how I will pay my bills and when our next job will start and how I will do everything I have to do with hardly any moneyÖ

Today is the perfect day.

  • I am thankful for Godís perfect Grace.† As I prayed this morning, I tried to let it all go, let it go to a God that knows every crevice of me, that has my best interests at heart, one who has ëgot thisí.
    • I am thankful for a child that means more to me than I could ever imagine.† Who delights me, cracks me up, hugs me a million times a day, dances and sings her way through every day, drives me crazy at times and has gotten me through some of the darkest days of my life after my Mother died.† I am so honored and blessed to be her Mother.


    • I am thankful for friends, email friends, blog friends, my dear friends, near and far. For laughter and tears and understanding.


    • I am thankful for the rain, beating down on a parched yard and town.† Green is popping up everywhere, life begins anew.
    • I am thankful for a dog, who loves us unconditionally.† Even when we are too tired to play or donít want to sleep with him in the bed and push him to the floor.
  • †††† I am thankful for my job; no it isnít the most reliable job in the world but it allows† me, as a single Mom, to stay home and homeschool Keilee.

I do not always understand Godís plan for me, but I choose to trust completely, even when itís hard because where in the world is the glory in ‘easy’?


ìReflect upon your present blessings — of which every man has many — not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.î ~ Charles Dickens

ìDo not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.î ~ Philippians 4:6

Linking up with Theresa at Red Oak Lane.

The Week of Living Slower…

We had plans to slow things down this week.† And for the most part we did.

I had a great idea to move ALL MY PICTURES from the C: drive to the empty D: drive.† The D drive got corrupted with ALL MY PICTURES on it.† Every picture I have ever made of Keilee, my Mom and more.† I cried for days.† My brother came to get my computer to see if his friend could fix it.† I finally got it back today.† He was NOT able to grab the pictures off but he assures me they are on there.† I will just have to take it somewhere and let them do it.† That will have to wait because I am laid off for 3-4 weeks.† I had a lot of the pictures backed up but none from the last couple of years.† It honestly made me physically sick.† And 4 days with no computer is excruciating.† Even with my iPhone and iPad.

We went on an adventure last Sunday.† My brother Eddie took us up into Tennessee.† We explored some awesome graveyards.† Eddie loves old graveyards and so do we.† These pictures are Keilee’s because I LOST ALL OF MY PICTURES!

As we were riding around in the hills of Tennessee we saw the coolest thing.† It was a Farmer’s Market ran on the honor system.† Once again, I had tons of pictures and they were lost.† My favorite sign said, “FREE TO WIDOWS”.† Isn’t that amazing?† There were all kinds of vegetables, fruits and eggs and a box to drop your money in.† I just loved it.

Keilee has been embroidering a lot this week.† I have always wanted her to do this but she wasn’t interested until now.† She has made some jean shorts and is now working on a pair of jeans.

Kei got this really cool kit for Christmas, I think 2 years ago!, and got it out this week. It is a Digital Recording Lab. I was reading the instructions and seriously it made my head hurt.† It was one of those things that I would have had to sit down and concentrate to figure out what it was talking about.† Thankfully she didn’t need my help!† It has all these wires and different schematics that you hook the wires up to which causes different things to happen.† She played with it for a couple of hours.† She even figured out different combinations than the book had.† I was outside reading and she kept calling me in to look at what she had discovered!

We also went to Pt. Mallard this week.† I am so glad we were able to get a pass this summer.† As hot as it has been it is pretty much the only place outside to get cool.† Although Keilee and I do spend a huge amount of time outside, 100∞+ temps or not.

Speaking of spending time outside, we did that too.† We read on the hammock and played with Nomad and just chilled on a blanket at twilight.

Our town has an annual 4th of July celebration each year.† The last 2 years we have volunteered with our church to run the Children’s Activities tent.† We always have a blast doing this.† We also get free passes to Pt. Mallard.† We have season passes but we wanted to get them so we could invite some of our friends to come along with us for a day of swimming.

My favorite resource is “Digital Recording Lab”.† This is wonderful for anyone who has an interest in all things electrical.† From Amazon’s site:† The Digital Recording Lab opens the door to the circuitry of sound. This unique, versatile design lets you build 59 different electronic circuit projects on just one console. You can record sounds and play them back, change your voice to sound like monster or robot, set an alarm clock and security system, even make an electronic parrot repeat what you say. PLUS, the spring coil construction makes wiring the projects simple and safe no tools or soldering required. Step-by-step directions and diagrams make advanced electronic concepts snap.

Next week is looking busy but full of things we are really looking forward to.† FREE things.† It seems almost every other summer I am broke during a month or so.† You know, no matter how I worry and fret, God always seems to take care of us.† We always make it.† God is so good.

Happily linking with
Mary at “Collage Friday

Susan at “Favorite Resources”

Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Happy weekend,
Homeschooling Rocks!

Summer afternoon…Summer afternoon… the two most beautiful words in the English language. – Henry James

Life in da ‘Hood….

Our almost 2 months of living in da ëHood has come to a close.

Show Week always kicks my butt.† Keilee loves it, I am usually praying I survive by the end of the week.

Dressing Room Fun

Everything came together really well.† All the kids did a great job.† This was a fun play but a bit stressful at times.† Thank you again Esther for taking great pictures of the actual play.† Pictures from the side of the stage aren’t the best.

All Photos by Esther Crawford.

Keileeís role was the Sheriff of Nottinhamís wife.† She was a groveling social climber who tried very hard to impress the villain of the play; Lady Merle.† Kei’s character kept saying things in French but they were never the right words for what she was referring to.† It was quite hysterical.† Keilee played her quite well.† I got so many compliments on the job she did from friends and strangers alike.† That is always nice considering how hard she always works on her characters.† You can always see the passion Kei has for plays shining through on her face.† In a funny twist of casting she was married to the same guy who shunned her for being too silly in ìPrincess and the Peaî.† We all cracked up about that.

The Sheriff and his Wife

We had long nights spent at the theater.† I worked backstage with 2 of my best friends and we had a blast as usual.† Although I had to shush them a few times.† They got louder than the kids at times.† It wasnít me! Really it wasnít.† 😉

Photos by Esther Crawford

The last show got a little out of hand.† It is tradition for the kids to shake it up a little in the final show.† Do 1 or 2 unexpected things.† Well this show they went crazy.† We all just stood backstage with our mouths opened.† I heard afterwards that some of the audience was not very happy with it.† They were just kids being silly and like most kids when they got laughter from what they did, they fed on it and became even more over the top.

Our homeschool friends all did wonderfully too.† Ben and Austin were great Merry Men and they even wore TIGHTS!† Brit was a great wife of one of the Merry Men.† She and the boys sang and danced their way all thru Sherwood Forest and beyond.† Chan was awesome as the old widow.† Her posture and voice was dead on.† Jake played King Richard and he looked very kingly in his outfit.† He also was ëthe Strangerí in a couple of scenes complete with a mask.† The mask he used, which was his own, was a Plague Doctor which was awesome!† Only a homeschooler would be so cool ;)† †Emily got the role of Friar Tuck and she rocked it!† She has the perfect voice for it.

Backstage and After Show

Kei’s favorite shots from her iPhone.

I plan to do nothing in July.† Although when I put up our new calendar yesterday it was already almost full.† The difference is most of those things are things we CAN do, not things we HAVE to do.

We are hoping for cooler weatherÖlike in the 90ís.† These days of 100∞+ are killing us and everything that grows!

Hereís to a calm, relaxing week.† I am off to catch up on all you in blogger land and see what kinds of fun things YOU have all been up to. 🙂

Homeschooling Rocks!

†ìAll the best performers bring to their role something more, something different than what the author put on paper. That’s what makes theatre live. That’s why it persists.î ~Stephen Sondheim

Miss Sassafras and Miss Chamomille…..

Keilee and I have had Tea Parties for years.† When she was a very little girl she would want to have a tea party and I would make little finger foods and we would dress up and enjoy our tea.

About 4 or 5 years ago, she took over the Tea Parties.† She gave us names, she is Miss Sassafras and I am Miss Chamomile.† We wear garden party dresses and hats of course. We found a Tea Set that she hand painted several years ago.† It has plates and a sugar and creamer and the tea pot.† The paint is chipped off in several places from use but it is still one of my favorite things. She has the forks, spoons and knives from her American Girl Dolls.

Our Tea Parties start with an invitation.† The date and time are written out so I will know exactly when I am expected.

We always either speak in a British accent or a very old Southern accent.

She makes yummy foods complete with fruit, tiny sandwiches, and what ever else we have on hand.† The day before we had gone to the Farmer’s Market and she saw Tea Cakes that she deemed perfect for our party.† And of course there is tea…lots and lots of tea.

We discuss the weather, our gardens, our grandchildren and I always beg for her recipes which she never gives me.† It is beautiful, pretend play at its finest.

She always breaks character to complain about all the pictures I insist on taking!

How can you wear a dress like this and not twirl?

This is something that just delights this Mamma’s heart.† That my 12 1/2 year old daughter is so thrilled to do something like this.† Would she still love this if she was in public school or would she be more concerned with texting or Facebook or phone calls?†† Who knows but I am so thankful that we will always have this memory.† She assures me that Miss Sassafras will NEVER be too old for a Tea Party with Miss Chamomile.

Homeschooling Rocks

Afternoon Tea
“Who wouldn’t like to drink afternoon tea
Out in the garden just like these three?
With the song of a bird, and the hum of a bee,
And the sun-flowers looking all eyers to see.
The little girl’s stirring her tea so sweet;
Tea in the garden is such a great treat,
With a cool breeze blowing, and not too much heat-
And doesn’t the tea-tray look charmingly neat?”
~Kate Greenaway


Drama and Drama…


[drah-muh, dram-uh] noun

1. a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue or pantomime a story involving conflict or contrast of character, especially one intended to be acted on the stage; a play.

2. any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting, or striking interest or results: the drama of a murder trial.

This has been a week of drama.† Some good, some† bad.† I have found out things about myself.† I donít deal well with bad drama.

Keilee was in Fine Arts Camp this week.† She was asked to be a counselor from 9-2 each day and then she had an ìAfter Hoursî camp from 3-6.† Then we had play practice from 6:30-9:00.† I was asked to help in the 1st camp, from 8:15-2:30.

It was A.Long.Week.

She loved parts of it.† In the After Hours classes, for kids 6-12 grades, she did Improv for the first time and spent hours working on drama techniques and applications.† In her Production class she learned so much about the production of a play.† The teacher of the class told me he was amazed by her ideas and her vision.† He said the other kids hung back and waited for instruction but she just took control.† It really, REALLY showed me the difference in self directed homeschooling kids.† They are used to seeing what needs to be done and doing it.

ButÖshe hated parts of it.† There was an adult who was very ugly to her and said some things that were totally uncalled for.† She didnít tell me until we got home Wednesday night.† I went into Mamma Bear mode and was ready to go hunting and she begged me to let her talk to the director of the Program herself about it.† I was really proud of her for wanting to deal with it herself.† I am not sure at 12 I would have felt comfortable doing it.† I am not comfortable doing things like that even now!† The director, who had already told me about a dozen times how much he loved Keilee, was wonderful.† He immediately came to get me and was furious with this adult.† He told her this behavior would not be accepted and we heard she was asked to leave.† She had obviously caused problems in other areas too and said some things to other kids.† It kind of put a damper on the whole experience for me to tell you the truth.

Keilee and another 12 year old girl were in charge of 23 8 year olds.† There was bad drama there too.† Bullying and tears and boo boos and feelings hurt.† I was seriously emotionally drained.† I was in tears a few times.† And I wasnít even the one dealing with her group drama.† I just helped with other things.

Keilee couldnít believe the behavior of some of the kids, the disrespect they showed the adults, the running wild, the not listening, the way they treated each other, the language.† Of course she also had kids she adored, who hung all over her and even made her cards they gave her at the final performance.

I was so surprised how many kids would say to me, ìso and so bullied meî.† BulliedÖlike it was just another verbÖ

There was also good dramaÖfun times but honestly I feel like the bad outweighed the good.

It makes me doubly thankful that we homeschool.† That our days consist of waking up on our time, learning what we want to learn, playing outside, laughing and hugs and conversation.

I learned this week that my life is such a blessing.†† And days of doing nothing sound close to heaven.

Now if we can only survive Show Week next week.† After this week it should be a walk in the park.

Linking up with Mary at “Collage Fridays”

Susan, sorry I don’t have a favorite resource, unless surviving on 5 hours a sleep a night is a resource! 🙂

†Homeschooling Rocks!

ìThe stage is not merely the meeting place of all the arts, but is also the return of art to life.î† ~ Oscar Wilde

Picnics, Piano, Plays and Pies…

June is flying by.† The days are long and hot. The nights are hot too!

It seems like my dreams of long summer days spent sitting outside reading and Keilee building fairy houses was just a fantasy.† We are always doing something.† I miss those days of doing nothing.† I mean come on we are HOMEschoolers! ;)† We have both decided July is going to be full of NOTHING!

We spent one day in a near by town.† We always love to visit Cullman.† There are so many unique shops and parks and things to see and do.† Downtown Cullman is one of our favorite stops.† It was hit hard by the April 2011 tornadoes but there is reconstruction going on everywhere.

Southern Accents is a place I have always wanted to go.† But I could NEVER find it.† My GPS always took us to the wrong place.† Fortunately we kinda ran upon it this time.† It is full of ….well just about everything home related.† We saw more door knobs than I have ever seen in one place in my life!† We loved just meandering around the HUGE store looking at everything.

After going to a few more stores, including a German Toy Store that we loved, we headed to Sportsman Lake.† We stopped by Subway and got a sandwich and ate lunch and walked around and fed the crazed ducks and geese.† These sucker were a little scary.† If you had food, 100’s of them would come quacking and walking toward you!† We walked around the lake and rode the little train and just had a great time.

Kei has been making these cute little footie sandals this week.† She bought some a few years ago at a festival and found them.† It inspired her to make several pairs to match her bathing suits for the pool!

Piano lessons, she is learning Amazing Grace and has already finished the workbook she gave her YESTERDAY!

Play practice.† Robin Hood is shaping up!

Kei had never had a strawberry pie like this so we had to remedy that at the Farmer’s Market.

Finally my Aunt posted this picture on Facebook.† I was about 15 or 16 years old here.† We were at my Nanny’s house.† Wow…memories.

Keilee has been spending tons of time working on a Unit Study called Passport France.† She is notebooking along with it and creating all sorts of little lap book sorta pages.† I think the link info is a misprint.† It is a 146 page Unit Study so I think it is a 4 week instead of 1 week! 🙂 She is still reading her book and working on Math. We have also been spending lots of time at the pool.

As this week wraps up we have a wedding to attend this weekend.† My sweet Aunt is marrying her high school sweetheart.† It is an awesome story and I am so happy for her.

My favorite resource this week is a REALLY cool one.† It is called History Pin and you just have to take a look at it to see how cool it is.† I am digging around looking for our pictures to add to it.

Next week is going to be a doozy so I am doing nothing this weekend but attending the wedding.†† Keilee and I bought this little blow up pool that I intend on throwing my float into and relaxing all weekend.

Hope your weekend is amazing!

Happily linking up with Mary with “Collage Friday


Susan with “Favorite Resources

Homeschooling Rocks,

“And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days.”† ~ James Russell Lowell

“Ah summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.”† ~Russell Baker

Hurt Happens…

Pippi died Saturday around 1:30.

We still are not sure what happened.† It was a hard afternoon for Keilee and yes, even for me.

She was going to blog about Pippi but she got busy and wasn’t able to.† She was very sad that her blog post about Pippi had to be about her death.† But like I told her, the post is not just about death, it is also about her life…her beautiful, short life.

Please visit Kei’s blog and read about it here.

I was reading my book on my bed and had almost fallen asleep.† You know that place you get to…not really asleep but not awake?† She said, ‘Momma’ and I knew something was wrong.† I jumped up and she said, “Pippi is dead”.† I rushed outside and she was laying in her box.† You could tell her little neck was broken.† Keilee and I just hugged each other and sobbed.

How could a silly little ‘pooping all the time’, ‘never stop chirping bird’ wind its way into our hearts in 10 days?† Keilee was sure it was her fault.† She didn’t understand.† “Why would God let me find Pippi and save her, if she was only going to die anyway?”† “What did I do wrong”? “I should have moved her into a taller box”.† Questions and no answers.

We talked about what a wonderful life Pippi had.† Yes it was short, but it was full of love and yummy food and a girl who loved her dearly.

Sometimes there are no answers.† And I know in the grand scheme of things, one little bird dying isn’t the worse thing that could happen.† But it hurt my girl’s heart.† As Mom’s we want to protect them from all the bad things in the world even when we know that is impossible.† Life happens.

R.I.P. Pippi.† You brought us a lot of happiness in a very short time.† Keilee and I hope you are flying in Heaven.

Hurt happens….


“Heartbreak is life educating us.” ~George Bernard Shaw

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. ” ~Anatole France

Plays, Lovely Learning, Water, & Pippi the Bird…

It is hot here already!† Is it hot where you are?† I think it took us a week to recover from our trip.† There is so much to do when you get home; clothes to wash, groceries to buy, a house that needs straightening up, just getting back in the rhythm of life.

We spent 3 days this week at Robin Hood practice.† It is going really well but I think Keilee and I will both need a break after 6 complete months of theater.† This is her 3rd play in 6 1/2 months!

We also spent a couple of days at Point Mallard.† This is our local Wave Pool/Olympic Pool.† We snag passes on their 1 day only $50 each sale in March.† Otherwise we could never go!† It costs $36 for both of us to swim once!

See Keilee in the top picture?† She is riding the waves. :)† The second picture she is sleeping resting her eyes.

1.††† Keilee has been reading.† With no prompting from me.† I don’t even mention it anymore since I am now a hip, cool unschooling Mamma ::coughcough::

2.†† I just finished reading “Matched” and started “Crossed”.† I am liking these books very much.† New “Hunger Games”?† Not sure I think that but they are very cool.† Down side is the 3rd one doesn’t come out until November.† I did not know this when I started.† I don’t like series books I have to wait on.† I almost had nervous breakdowns during my almost 10 year Harry Potter era.† Anyway…this Dylan Thomas poem is featured very heavily in the books.† Keilee is reading the books next so I wanted her to have an idea of this poem.† I read it aloud to her and she did it as copywork.† “Do Not Go Gentle Into the Good Night” has always been a favorite poem of mine.

3.†† A few months ago we were at an Antique Mall and Keilee bought an old letter.† She LOVES old letters.† She managed to find the person the letter was from on the internet and found out a lot of things about them.† My brother went back the other day and bought her several more.† She was so excited!

4.†† Our lovely neighbor is giving Keilee voice lessons.† They also worked on piano.† Both of our neighbors are scary talented in voice and music.† Frances headed the music department at our local college for 40 something years and Joan has sung for 2 presidents!† Keilee practiced “Amazing Grace” all week on her keyboard.† Like most things if she messes up “I” can’t help her!

I have this thing about taking pictures of our shoes.† My favorite one is the one on the water over glass.† That was at the Aquarium.† Keilee loves her black Converse.† She has tons of shoelaces that she changes out depending on what she wears.

Keilee has been reading “Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day” for about 3 weeks.† She loves it.† Well guess what we found in our driveway the other day?† A little fledgling.† It was pitiful looking.† We looked everywhere for its nest and even left it there for about an hour while we watched and no one came for it.† So it was Keilees!

It was terrified at first.† Keilee did research on what kind it was and how to feed it.† It is a mockingbird and she has hand fed it for 8 days now.† She gives it sugar water with an syringe.† She has fed it bread soaked in water, chicken livers, and egg yolk.† She thought that was cannibalism but that is what it said on a bird site.† We also bought worms!! which are in my outdoor fridge.† We aren’t too sure about those.† I told Keilee they were too big and I wasn’t about to chew them up for Pippi!† This poor bird will never adjust to regular ole’ bird food after spending a couple of weeks with us.† She is so funny, if she doesn’t like it, she spits it out!

She plays with “Pippi” every day.†† She has taught it to fly short distances.† Pippi chirps her little head off during the day.† Keilee feeds her every hour or every 2 hours.† But at night…not a sound out of her.† No matter how much sound we make.† She sleeps in the homeschool room.† Keilee is afraid a coyote or cat will eat her on the patio.

We can not believe how she has grown in only 8 days.† Keilee read that if you whistle the same tune every time you are about to feed them, they may start mimicking it.† Some sites even say they may return to visit year after year.† She has honestly spent HOURS with this bird.† And our crazy Nomad who barks at every bird and leaf…not a peep outta him when Pippi is in the house.† I think he knows she is part of the family.

I circled Pippi so you could see her.† She will fly up and land in Keilee’s hand.

She has researched, kept a notebook, taken pictures and spent so much time with this bird.† Talk about ‘hands on learning’.† This is it at its finest.†† I asked her if she would be sad when she flew away and she said, “A little but I will be proud that I helped her live and fly”.

I made this video yesterday.

We also spend the day with our RoamSchoolers!† I made 2 pictures, both of which were really horrible.† So I stole Esther’s….hers are always good. 🙂

Photo by Esther Crawford

So the first week of June shall be deemed a success!† We are off it a bit on an adventure.† I want to go somewhere, anywhere about once a week if we can.† Just meandering, going no where very far.

My favorite resource this week is one I have loved since I began homeschooling.† In fact I used this FREE curriculum for Keilee’s science for 2nd and 3rd grade!
Mr. Q’s Lab Notes† Links to TONS of Science Activities

Mr. Q’s Science Curriculum† Wonderful!† The “Life Science” is the free one.† He offers others for sale.

Happily linking up with

Susan at “Favorite Resources”

Mary at “Friday Collage”

Homeschool Mother’s Journal

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Birds are a miracle because they prove to us there is a finer, simpler state of being which we may strive to attain.” ~ Doug Coupland

God loved the birds and invented trees.† Man loved the birds and invented cages.”† ~Jacques Deval

Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, Dollywood & The Great Smokey Mountains…

Keilee and I don’t take vacations.† It is just too expensive for this single Mom.† We have gone on a couple of short trips over the years and we went camping with some of our homeschool friends but that has been it.† We got an AMAZING chance to go to Gatlinburg this past week.† Kathy and Sophie were going and invited us to go along.† They had already gotten the cabin so we didn’t have to pay for any accommodations.† I wasn’t sure we could swing it, but we were able to.† WE HAD A BLAST!

The trip took about 5 1/2 hours.† It is the first time in years that I have ridden that route.† Years ago I lived in the mountains of Tennessee and it brought back bittersweet memories.† We were staying in Sevierville which is right beside Pigeon Forge.† Our cabin was at the TOP of a huge mountain.† Our poor GPS was so confused because it was a newer area.† We got lost almost every single time we left or came back in.† But it was breathtaking.† I could happily live there forever.† Unfortunately we did so much going that there was very little enjoying it!

The first night we just went back down into Pigeon Forge and walked around some.† We ate dinner and since we were all tired we headed back up to our ‘home away from home’.

Thursday we had planned to go to Dollywood.† Our wonderful friend from here knew someone who worked at Dollywood and she said we could get discount tickets from her.† That was great news since Dollywood is expensive!† We got there and met with “Jane” and she handed us FREE tickets!† She said Melea had told her that we were both single Moms so she just gave us tickets.† It was such a blessing.† That was about $85 each we didn’t have to spend!

We had a blast in Dollywood.† It was the first time Keilee or I had been.† Keilee wanted to ride every ride.† The main thing she wanted to ride was the new Wild Eagle Coaster.† But no one would ride it with her.† :/† Not even me.† I felt so bad and told her I would ride it but I think she could see the terror in my eyes.† I love rides but HATE roller coasters.† This one looked scary!† Your feet were just dangling in space.† But she did ride every other thing and I rode most things with her.

There were so many themed areas.† We walked and walked and shopped and rode rides and ate and laughed and just had a blast.† It was crowded but I am sure it wasn’t as crowded as it would have been on a Friday.† I talked to Jess while we were there and we tried to figure out a time to meet.

Not sure why I thought putting my hair through the hole would be cute.† Beard anyone?† The water ride was my least favorite.† I don’t mind getting soaked but when 15 year old boys were doing the soaking I was not happy!† 🙂

Do you see the Bald Eagle on the nest?† They have a huge area filled with Bald Eagles!† It was one of our favorite things we saw.† They are so majestic and beautiful.† It was even more special to Keilee and I because we had watched the Bald Eagle cam a couple of months ago and saw the eaglets hatch.

On Friday we decided to hang out at the pool.† It was a beautiful salt water pool in the mountains!† It was even a DIVE IN pool!† See the movie screen?† We wanted to come back and watch a movie but we just didn’t have time with everything else we did.† Keilee and I did decide that a Dive-In will be a part of our ‘if we win the lottery’ dreams.

Friday late afternoon we headed for Smokey Mountain National Park.† We were going to Cade’s Cove.† We saw deer on the side of the road and pulled over once when we saw several cars stopped.† We just missed seeing a black bear!† When we got to Cade’s Cove, some of Kathy’s friends that lived nearby met us and we all piled in the back of their truck for our Cade’s Cove adventure.

We saw 49 deer, wild turkeys, and a coyote.† We wanted to see a bear but we didn’t have any luck.† We did stop at old churches and several log cabins.† The church pictured above was beautiful.† See the 2 doors? One was for the males and the other for the females to enter.† On the podium there were letters to God from all of the world.† Then we walked through the cemetery.† I was particularly moved by the ‘3 Sons” markers.† 2 of them died within their first day of life and the 3rd was a few months old.

Saturday was Aquarium day.† This is the only thing Keilee asked to do.† We all loved it.† Look at the SEA TURTLES!!!† We love Sea Turtles!† And they swam right over our heads.† Hard to get good shots since it was so dark.† And I hate flash!

They had these cool little tubes that you could crawl into.† Keilee was not very happy since the tagline said, “Playing with the Penguins”.† She thought she could actually PLAY with them. 🙂

The first fish is a Lion Fish and we love Jelly Fish!!† Aren’t they the coolest looking things??!!

Stingrays, Swordfish, Sea Dragon, Iguana, Garden Eels and Piranhas!† These were some of our FAVORITES.† The Sea Dragon is one of the coolest things I have ever seen.† They look like grass and leaves.

Coral and an huge Moray eel, Keilee with Bubba Gump Shrimp and with horseshoe crabs!

Saturday we toured all the Craft areas of Gatlinburg.† There are craftsman that do just about everything.† Leather, candles, quilling, forging and more.† The main thing Keilee and I wanted to see was glass blowing.† We got to the shop and the man had left 15 minutes earlier!† We saw incredible wood creations, Keilee got to eat ice cream at Ben and Jerry’s.† She had watched a documentary on them a month ago and told us the ENTIRE story of how they got started.†† I also found something I wanted but it was a little pricey.† But doesn’t it look cute on me??? 🙂

Keilee and Sophie both had a blast.† We were going to go to Wonderworks but just ran out of time.† Also Keilee and Sophie practiced for their upcoming roles in “Robin Hood”.

We ate at this cute little 50’s diner and Keilee had to do a photo shoot with Marilyn.

We had an incredible time.† It was so much fun to get away and just laugh and talk and have fun.† And we indeed had fun.

Keilee and I hated that we didn’t get to meet up with Jess and the girls.† They were so busy and we weren’t just keeping to OUR schedule.† But next time Jess!

And Nomad…first time ever left alone.† My nephew, who is 16, was supposed to come check on him twice a day.† We just left him in because he has NEVER slept outside.† Seth ended up staying all nights but one.† We missed him so much but we Face Timed him every night.† WHAT??? Do you not Face Time your doggie when you are gone? 🙂

I can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store for us!

My favorite resource this week is our GPS!† You all have no clue how directionally challenged I am.† Seriously.† I.get.lost.everywhere.† Since we have had GIA [Yes we named her, Girls in Action] my life has changed dramatically.† I am still always lost, but she isn’t!† We took her to Gatlinburg and she was only confused on the mountain.† One of Keilee and I’s favorite things is to drive and drive, doesn’t matter how lost we get because we just hit ‘Go Home’ and she takes us home.† Now if they could only invent cars that drove themselves so “I” could look around!

Happily linking up with

Mary at “Friday Collage”

Susan at “Favorite Resources

and Keilee’s blog with her version of our trip.† She has mainly pictures she made on her iPhone.† I love how she loves taking pictures.
*Disclaimer- I promise I don’t usually eat like a 14 year old boy with sandwiches and french fries!† I just craved them the entire time.† 😉

Homeschooling Rocks

ìIf you come home as happy as you leave, you have had a good vacationî† ~Author Unknown

Alpacas and Zebras and Bison Oh My!

When Keilee was 5 I took her to Harmony Park Safari.† It was the greatest time.† I don’t know WHY we waiting so long to go back.† It is about an hour from here and it is a drive thru ZOO.† This is seriously one of the coolest places we have ever been.† We made a vow that we are going at least twice a year.

It a a federally funded park with animals roaming free.† You can buy food, which I definitely suggest doing.† They tell you to leave the windows half way up and throw the food on the ground.† We don’t follow directions very well.† We had animals with their heads firmly planted in our windows and eating out of our hands.

I haven’t laughed so hard in forever.† You can stay as long as you like, it loops around and you can go out or go back around.† We were there about 2 hours.

We saw:

Shetland Ponies, Zebras, Buffaloes, Emus, Geese, Goats, Tortoises, Bison, Turtles, Bulls, Albino Turtle, Deer, Pythons, Alpacas, Frogs, Camels, Iguanas, Monkeys, Kangaroo, Alligators, Lemur, †and Peacocks. I am sure I am forgetting several.
Most of these were roaming free except for the camel, reptiles, lemurs and the kangaroo!

It truly felt like an African Safari.† All we needed were bush hats!

The Zebra was my favorite.† Zebras have been my favorite animal all my life.† Zebras and giraffes.† Unfortunately there were no† Giraffes on this safari.

There were so many great moments.† Keilee is a lover of all things animal but she isn’t too fond of emus.† She loves them, but our friend Esther got nipped by one a few years ago and she has been very leery of them since then.† Every time an emu came near it was UP with the windows.† I was laughing so much at her.

The giant TONGUE is a deer.† He licked my camera right when I was taking a picture.† We wondered about the goose.† I can’t find anything that looks like the one in the picture.† We wondered if maybe it was rescued from an oil spill.

I had just gotten LICKED by a deer.† We both got lots of slobber on us!

The Bull was one thing we DID roll up our windows for.† He came right up to the car.† Keilee’s favorites were the Alpacas.

Alpacas are gorgeous!† Look how this sheep is molting!† There were so many animals that my slightly OCD self wanted to take a brush to!

We got to get out to explore the Tortoise and Reptile house.† We loved feeding the Tortoises.† Those suckers were MUCH faster than we thought.† Turtle and the Hare Indeed!

We had such a great time.† Of course at the end of the day there was 2 cups of feed in my car and the windows were streaked with animal slobber.† Nothing a run through the car wash and a vacuum couldn’t fix!

So now we are off on another adventure!† More to come later.

Homeschooling Rocks!

ìThe greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.î† ~Mahatma Gandhi

ìSome people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem.î† ~A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

ìThere the wild animals wandered and fed as though they were in a pasture that stretched much farther than a man could see, and there were no settlers.î† ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

Bread, Squirrels, Plays and Fairy Houses…

I can’t believe it is Friday already!† The weeks just zip by.

1.††† Kathy and I took the girls to see “Dark Shadows” .† The movie was not very good but Keilee really wanted to see it because of Johnny Depp.

2.††† Keilee made me this for Mother’s Day!† She nailed it together and painted it.† I had seen one similar to this and she decided to make it.† It is for the squirrels!† My Daddy would DIE!† He spent so much time getting rid of the squirrels here and Keilee names them and feeds them. 😉

3.†† Bread in our Dutch Oven!† This is so good and it really worked!† I had my doubts.† I first saw this recipe over at Deb’s and followed her link to the recipe I ended up using.† I WILL make this again.

Crusty Bread

3 cups unbleached all purpose flour
1 3/4 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon yeast
1 1/2 cups water

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together flour, salt and yeast.† Add water and mix until a shaggy mixture forms.† Cover bowl with plastic wrap and set aside for 12 – 18 hours.† Overnight works great.† Heat oven to 450 degrees.† When the oven has reached 450 degrees place a cast iron pot with a lid in the oven and heat the pot for 30 minutes.† Meanwhile, pour dough onto a heavily floured surface and shape into a ball.† Cover with plastic wrap and let set while the pot is heating.† Remove hot pot from the oven and drop in the dough.† Cover and return to oven for 30 minutes.† After 30 minutes remove the lid and bake an additional 15 minutes.† Remove bread from oven and place on a cooling rack to cool.†† You do not need to oil the Dutch Oven.

4.††† My dryer stopped working when I had just washed 2 loads of clothes!† Keilee and I had to go to the laundry-mat!† First time I have been there in forever and first time ever Keilee has.† It made us both very appreciative of our washer/dryer.† A friend of my Daddy’s came and fixed it for us, thankfully.

5.††† Keilee’s first attempt at French Braiding.† She wanted to learn so I taught her and she braided my hair.† Not bad for a 1st time!

1.† Keilee and I went out to eat the first of the week.† This is something we rarely do.† We had so much fun.

2.†† It’s Fairy House time!† Hours are spent of this each summer.† I am so glad she is still interested in building these.

3.†† Going to church.† I love her sense of fashion.† [and I used to be the same way!]

4.††† Keilee and her friends at play practice.

5.† Keilee even took her ‘studies’ to the dentist office.

She has surprised me so much the way she has taken off on educating herself.† There are times when I want to say something to her, but for now I am letting her do things at her own pace.† She makes a schedule and works from it.† This week she has studied about “Flying Creatures”.† She reads and takes notes.† She watches videos and draws birds.† She even made a spelling list of 20 words from her Science.† Seriously I couldn’t spell some of these words without studying.† She asked me to give her the test today and she missed 1.† She is also reading about WW1 and WW2.† She has compared life in Germany to life in Russia and read her book everyday.

She has also been working on a new blog.† Check it out!† I love that she uses quotes just like I do.† She scours the internet for just the right one.

I also have great news!† There is a VERY good chance that Keilee and I are going to meet Jessica and her family next week.† They are coming to Knoxville for a DI tournament and we are going to Gatlinburg for vacation!† We have talked on the phone about our plans and we are so excited.

I have 2 Favorite Resources of the Week

Lit2Go A great site with audio stories and poems and the pdf files to go along with them.

†Periodic Table of Elements with Videos!† This is awesome!† Each element is clickable with great videos featuring an “Albert Einstein” type professor.

Happily linking up with

Mary @ “Collage Friday
Susan @ “Favorite Resource
Kris at “Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Have a magical weekend!

Homeschooling Rocks!

†”Come away, O human child: To the waters and the wild with a fairy, hand in hand, For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.”† ~William Butler Yeats

ìAll sorrows are less with bread.î† ~Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish author

Botanical Gardens…

Last Friday was National Garden Day and we were able to go to our local Botanical Gardens for free.† We made a day of it.

First of all, Keilee has a much better eye than I do.† She makes pictures on her iPhone camera that are better than my digital.

It was a beautiful day and the fact that it was filled with public school kids didn’t faze us a bit.† Keilee said a few ‘poor public schooler’ comments under her breath though 🙂

Keilee’s favorite Flower Pictures

Other Pictures from Keilee

The butterfly house was stunning.† Butterflies everywhere, blooming flowers, turtles, waterfalls.† I could have stayed in there forever.

My pictures:

So funny every picture of me and Keilee together is taken at arms length.† See my arm in the sunglasses. 😉

The pictures of me, Keilee took with my camera.† I should have let her use her own!

It was such a glorious day.† We were very lucky we could meander at our own pace; no following someone’s notion of how we should explore, no walking in lines, or being told “no’ over and over.

So blessed to homeschool.

Homeschooling Rocks

I will be the gladdest thing
Under the sun!
I will touch a hundred flowers
And not pick one.
~Edna St. Vincent Millay, “Afternoon on a Hill”


Rats, Roamies, and Robin Hood…

I really wanted the week after Show Week to slow down for us, but no such luck!

Keilee tried out for another play and had her first cast meeting.† It is ìRobin Hood~ The Musicalî and I think it will be really good.† She got the role of the Sheriff of Nottinghamís wife, a social climbing woman who wants desperately to find her place in society and get her awkward, silly daughter married.† It should be a really cute play.† I just wish there would have been, I donít know, more than ONE day between shows!

Kei studying about stars.

Kei and her cool tennis shoes before church started.

Kei, Sophie and Mags at Robin Hood practice.

We are still on our ëunschoolingí journey and I have already had one HS Mom say ìoh no, unschooling is awfulî.† I just smiledÖdifferent strokes and all of that.† Keilee became fascinated with stars, galaxies and solar systems because of a class she was going to take on Wednesday.† She spent hours researching and told me tons of things I didnít know.† Then they had to cancel the class because they didnít have 5 students sign up.† It all worked out though; I talked to the instructor and she sent me the lesson plan she was going to do and Keilee signed up for another BETTER [to her at least] class.

They dissected an owl pellet and a R.A.T† A GIANT Rat.† Better her than I!† When I asked her why she didn’t take pictures of the dissected rat she said there was so much blood she couldn’t pick up her camera!† She touched the heart too.† I mean she is 12 and has done so much dissection.† We are so lucky to have access to these classes.

1.†† Rat jaw found in Owl Pellet…see the teeth?

2.†† THE GIANT RAT [Kei’s finger!]

3.†† Everything found in the owl pellet.

4.†† Some bones and things from pellet

5.† The Owl pellet in half.

6.† The RAT in the bag.

One thing that Keilee spent a lot of time on is Khan Academy.† It is a GREAT RESOURCE for Math and so much more.† We always watch the videos and then work some problems.† She is doing Pre Algebra and really liking it.† He explains things so wonderfully!† It isn’t just for upper level Math.† He starts at the basics.† They is an iPad app too!† It is my favorite resource this week.

2 years ago Keilee took summer classes at our theater offered by Bethel University.† She fell in love with the college kids teaching the classes and decided that is where she wants to go to college.† They have an amazing Fine Arts program.† She even met the director of the Fine Arts program when she was 10 and said, “My name is Keilee and you should remember me because I am going to your school’.† Well they put on a performance Tuesday and we went.† The director was there and walked up and said, “Hi Keilee!”.† He then told some students what she had told him.† She was so excited that he had remembered her.† The did skits and songs from several plays including Wicked, but the one Kei liked best was from “Anne Frank”† These pictures are from her iPhone.

Thursday we spent the day with our Roamies!† Esther had made tuna salad and egg salad and everyone brought yummy things.

These are the only pictures I took.† The top one is the only one with all 4 girls.† [See Keilee in the mirror ;)]† We had a great day.† It was beautiful weather.

Kei has been doing so much art lately.† She has this really big Art Pad and she has been ‘arting’ like crazy.† 🙂

Kei’s Owl

This is a song she decided to do.† It is by Kelly Clarkson.† I told her it wasn’t a very ‘happy’ song but she likes it.† She found the Victorian girl and printed it out to put in the center.† I love the way it turned out.

This is a collage of everything she loves.† Hopefully in no particular order since Johnny Depp is above MOM!

We spent all day today at The Botanical Gardens but between us we took 250 pictures so that is another post for another day.

Happily linking with Mary @ “Collage Friday


Susan @ “Favorite Resources

I hope all of you have a FANTASTIC Mother’s Day!

Homeschooling Rocks!

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.† ~Tenneva Jordan

Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is! ~Anne Frank

If the stars should appear but one night every thousand years how man would marvel and stare.† ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I Am Mother…

I am Mother.

Honestly it is something I never thought I would be.† An Aunt? I rocked at that.† I was the cool Aunt, the one who would let you do things your parents never would.

But a Mother?

Not IÖ

Funny how God had other plans for me.

Keilee has changed my life.† She has made me understand a million things that I never understood completely.

It is hard at times being a single Mom.† Hard being a homeschool Single Mom.† Hard being a homeschool Single Mom without my Mother, but things happen every single day to make it all worthwhile.

Thank God I had an amazing Mother who showed me what is was to be a great Mom.† I find myself channeling her SO often.† And I smile…..

I am raising this amazing child.† This amazing girl child with a huge heart and wonderful talents and a love for God that is awesome.† A child who has so many passions and interests.† Who I have never ONCE heard say, “I’m bored.”† I am so thankful that I decided to homeschool her.† A thousand, a million things I would have missed.

There is no rule book for Motherhood.† No set of guidelines.† Everyone does it differently.† Most of us do the very best we can.† We donít live a lavish lifestyle.† We live very simply.† We donít eat out, or buy expensive clothes or drive a new car or live in a big house, but we have something so much more than all of that.† We have a unique closeness, a language almost all of our own.† Laughter, silliness, joy, love mark the passage of our days.

I am far from a perfect Mom.† I yell, I get frustrated.† Mostly I think that is because I forget that Keilee is 12, with a 12 year olds perspective on things.† She is still a child.† She still leaves her room a wreck and throws everything on the kitchen table and forgets to do something I ask her 100 times to do.

I have trouble making time for myself.† There are no dates or time spent without Keilee.† Now she does things without me, I just donít do anything without her.† I spend my ëmeí time reading or blogging or finding a TV series that maybe isnít appropriate for her and watching in my bedroom.† I love working backstage at her theater productions with the other Moms.† We have a blast.† I also love playing online games but I find they take up too much of my time.† My friends who play are the ëletís play for 12 hours at a timeí kinda gamers.† So we are mostly together; always.

She will be gone so soon.† There will be time for Karen time.† Now I just want to be Keileeís Mommy.† It is the best ëJob Titleî I have ever held.

†Here are† 2 of my favorite ìMommy/Keileeî stories.

When Keilee was about 3 or 4 she would drive me crazy asking me to change her Barbieís clothes.† Every 30 minutes all day long.† Why do they make those stinking clothes so hard to get on and off???† So I had a brilliant idea!† Instead of changing their clothes, I would jerk off their cute little heads and stick it on the other body! Voila!† Years later I told Keilee this story and she said, ìI always wondered why my Barbies always had different color bodies and headsî 😉

KeileeÖaround 2 years old Ö.I was playing a game online, she was watching a movie; probably The Wizard of Oz since she watched that back to back to back every day for 3 MONTHS!† She came up to me and said, ìI have something on my finger, get it off pwease.î† What did I do?† I looked, saw a little dot and stuck it in my mouth.† Guess what it was?† Yes, I ate Keileeís booger!!† Is that TRUE MOTHER LOVE or what???

April 30th was my birthday.† This is what Keilee wrote on my birthday card:


Thank you for always being the calm one.† Thank you for always being there for me.

Thank you for being the amazing Mom that you are.† Thank you for every meal you have ever cooked, every dish you have ever washed, every shirt, pants or shoes you have ever bought me, every drive to another city to take me to play practice or field trips or classes, every time you told me everything would be alright, every kiss and hug, every good night kiss, every dance in the rain, every cuddle or snuggle.† But most of all thank you for making me who I am today.


†No words in the world could be as sweet as these are….

Motherhood Rocks!

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love.† ~Mildred B. Vermont

Sweater, n.:† garment worn by child when its mother is feeling chilly.† ~Ambrose Bierce

What do girls do who haven’t any mothers to help them through their troubles?†† ~Louisa May Alcott (Littler Women, 1868)

Be sure to join Susan at “Learning All The Time” for tomorrow’s post on Motherhood!† I can’t wait.


Princess Diana Ding-a-Ling of DingDong…

Show week…ahhh show week


Keilee has had a blast playing a ditzy blonde who can’t sing, can’t dance, giggles like a loon, but is very good at flirting!!!† This Mama has not enjoyed that part very much.† I told a friend this is the most Keilee has touched a boy EVER!† Let’s keep it that way for a few more years Kei, m’kay?

There was almost as much fun to be had backstage and after the show as during.† The younger girls flock around Keilee.†† She also gave her world famous “Knitting Lesson’s During a Play” classes.† It just tickles me all the people she has taught to knit. I love that she is passing along one of her passions.

The actual show is a twist on the classic “The Princess and the Pea”.† It is hysterical.† Prince Valiant takes off on his journey to meet his potential princesses.† They are all a little …strange….for his taste.† There is the very smart one that he doesn’t understand, the beautiful, vain one, the one that is stronger than he is, the alien one, the one who is allergic to everything, the one who is OCD about cleanliness, the Valley Girl princess and more.

Then there is Keilee.† The Ding Dong…

Pictures from Esther Crawford.† I am backstage all shows.† Esther described her role as a ‘poodle on crack’.† Pretty much true..

This is a collage that Esther made of her screeching singing.

Show week is almost non stop however we did find time for a bit of other things.† Keilee and I played a lot of board games, did some art journaling, we watched “The Man in the Iron Mask” which is one of my favorite movies ever, she wrote a story about an alternate version of “Red Riding Hood”, she is learning French, she is working on a Power Point presentation about Life in the 50’s,† we picked up a great outdoor swing that a friend was about to get rid of and have spent tons of time sitting under the trees reading and talking.

She also took lots of pictures.† All these she took with her iPhone camera.† Isn’t Spring beautiful?

So Saturday wraps up the last show.† The bad good news is she starts another one Monday.† Ay caramba!

Deep breaths, Karen, deep breaths.

Favorite resource…

Since we didn’t really do a lot of ‘schoolish’ things I will use a link to a blog that I have recently found and love.† Penelope Trunk is an Homeschool Mom, speaker and has founded 3 startups.† Her posts are intelligent and wonderful.† Check her out .

The other ‘Favorite Resource” is a recipe site called My Recipes.† Now I know there are thousands of these out there, but I really love this one.† Besides having tons of great, healthy recipes, there is another thing I love.† If you sign up [free] it will tell you if there is ANY ingredient in that recipe that is on sale near you!† Love it!

I really hope to slow down next week.† I am hoping for lovely weather, not many commitments, lots of learning and slow moving days.† What could be better?

Happily linking with Mary @ “Collage Friday


Susan @ “Favorite Resource

Homeschooling Rocks!

I love that one of my quote comes from my [coughcough] future son-in-law.
ìWith any part you play, there is a certain amount of yourself in it. There has to be, otherwise it’s just not†acting. It’s lying.î – Johnny Depp

“Acting should be bigger than life. Scripts should be bigger than life. It should all be bigger than life.” ~ Bette Davis



We Don’t Need No Thought Control…

Week 1 is in the history books.† It was not without problems.† See the whole thing about ëunschoolingí is my child craves lists and plans.† She kinda freaked out about not having them.† Which is ironic considering SHE NEVER FINISHES THE PLANS EVER!

I told her to letís just do it this way for awhile.† I remember when we began homeschooling all the things I read about deschooling.† Maybe the same thing is true for letting completely go.

She wrote stories; a lovely story about a turkey who planned his getaway right before Thanksgiving.† It was so hysterical.

She worked on the Webkinz blog.† This takes up huge amounts of her time.†

She knitted and knitted and knitted.† She is working on a purse with the colors of Ice Cream in each patch.† She read.† All by herself. She worked on a documentary whose subject is a secret from me.

I bit my tongue, MANY times.† I started saying, “Maybe you could” ….and I would just stop.

We watched a DVD called ìPrinces in the Towerî about one possible scenario for the strange disappearance of Englandís King Edward V and his younger brother.† We both LOVED it.†

We watched another DVD, ìCreatures That Defy Evolution, Disc 3î.† We both really liked this too.

Keilee watched episode after episode of ìDance Academyî.†† She loves this show.† It is about a Dance Academy in Australia.† She loves all things Australia.† [*Waves to Helena].†

She played “Tower Madness” on iPad which she loves.† Very physics based.† She tries to save sheep from Aliens.† I mean how great is that? I got this free on “Apps Gone Free”.† I am telling you if you have an iPhone or iPad download this APP!† Free stuff every single day.

We had 2 semi performances of ìThe Princess and The Peaî.† Director asked Keilee and Britney to do their roles for ìRelay for Lifeî and a fundraiser at the theater where she performs.

Relay for Life FundRaiser

Fine Arts Center Fund Raiser

She has had practice and she is working on her audition for ANOTHER play which she tries out for Saturday.† More on that later.† We are also exploring options for even more theater experiences.

We went to Panoply with a homeschool group.† This is a HUGE Art festival in Huntsville.† We had such a great time.† We heard a blues band, we watched a Shakespeare performance, †we watched dancers and saw amazing art.† I got so many ideas for art journaling. ††The place was filled with Public School kids and Keilee kept telling them to ëshhhhhí during the performances.† She couldnít believe how rude they were. 🙂


†Really bad lighting but here are some of my favorite ideas.

So Week 1 is down and out.† My feelings….it went well.† It feels weird.† What about Math???† What about???† I am trying.

Favorite Resources this Week:

Teenage Liberation Handbook – Grace Llewellyn

I have known about this book forever but always thought, “Keilee is too young for me to read this”.† She is suddenly not too young.† About 1/2 way through it and LOVE it.

Happily Linking up With:

Susan at “Favorite Resource


Mary at “Friday Collage

Homeschooling Rocks!

I recognize June by the flowers now.† I used to know it by review tests, and restlessness.”† ~unschooled teen (From The Teenage Liberation Handbook.

†”Education is hanging around until you have caught on”† ~ Robert Frost

1 Year Ago Today.

Close My Eyes and…. LEAP!

I wanted to homeschool Keilee since pre K.† I was scared.† She was in her first week of 2nd grade and I picked her up one day and said, “How would you like to be homeschooled?”† The rest as they say is history.

I was drawn to unhomeschooling from the beginning.† I was scared.† [familiar theme† here?].† What if…she never wanted to learn Math? or read?† or learn anything??

So we never did it.† It has still hovered in the back of my mind.† I read about unschooling and child led all the time.† I read unschooling blogs, I read unschooling books, But would it work for us???

I mean Keilee drives me crazy at times; complaining about work, hating Math, doesn’t want to read…. How could I trust her to learn ANYTHING!!!

Then I had told her about what Theresa did with her girls; asked them to make a list of 10 things they would like to learn more about.†

I asked Kei if she would try to do that in the next few days. She did it that day!† And the things she put on her list blew my ever loving mind!† Here is her list.† *The ‘red’ are my comments.† I would have just taken a picture of her list, but you wouldn’t be able to read some of it..seriously.† *See #16, at least she knows her shortcomings. 🙂

  1. Renaissance
  2. Gypsies/Magic [about Fortune Tellers, their history]
  3. Algebra† [WHAT?? Really????]
  4. Italy / history of
  5. Robotics
  6. 1950 America† [She LOVES the 50’s for some reason]
  7. Africa animals, plants and wild life
  8. Famous historians
  9. More Geography
  10. Architecture
  11. Mechanics [how cars and electronics work]† [HELP!!???]
  12. History about Girls [she wrote ìHERSTORY about girlsî]
  13. Space; the alternate universe.† Like that guy in the wheelchair believes. [She means Stephen Hawking; Where does she come up with this stuff?????]
  14. Geometry† [Again..REALLY???]
  15. Proper writing skills† [She loves to write but hates anything about the proper way to write so this surprised me]
  16. Spelling† [SPELLING?? Hates this too.]
  17. Mysteries in history that have not been solved
  18. UFO history, sightings, theories and documentaries
  19. Light, understanding how light works and travels
  20. Horrible happenings involving weather throughout history.
  21. Lost City of Atlantis
  22. String theory† [What ??? What???† HELP AGAIN!!]

This just made me giddy!† Seriously. Who knew she wanted to learn about all of these things?† Where did she even hear of some of these things??

I have been struggling so much with just letting go.† Just letting her do what she wants to do.† My friend at The Mournful Cry of the Laundry said to me the other day, ‘Just give her a year and see what happens”.† GULP!† A year??†† What if her ‘Child Led” leads her to the couch to watch TV or nothing but knitting???

But,† I am doing this.† Starting today….† Sometimes you just have to…


I remember getting this bike; her feet didn’t reach the pedals.† Wasn’t that only yesterday?

UNschooling Rocks?

“Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I’m through with playing by the rules
Of someone else’s game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It’s time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!”† ~Elphaba from “Wicked”

Happily Linking with† Make Life Meaningful



Girls in the House, World Puzzles, & Shakespeare….

Friday after Skate Day we had a get together at the park for our very first Homeschool graduate.† It was a great day filled with food, fun and friends.† We are so proud of you Evan!† Gosh our kids are growing up so quickly.† But they still run and play all through the playground. 🙂

After the park Chan came home with us Friday and stayed until Tuesday.† The girls had some serious talking/playing/creating/laughing time.† I loved watching them play.† It reminded me of all the posts and pictures from so many of my blog friends who have 2 girls.

1.† Hours of Dogopoly.† I am so glad because Keilee loves Monopoly, Dogopoly, Fairyopoly, etc. and I DESPISE them.† Like a good Mommy I play them with her but I am not thrilled.

2.† 10 Days in the USA.† This game continues to be a favorite of ours.

3.†† Making plans and just talking.

4.†† Snack creations.†† Strawberries with grapes inside!

5.††† Lots of iPad playing.

There was also kite flying, badminton playing, back yard scavenger hunts, movie making, picture taking, Webkinz playing, TV watching, dog playing and more girlie good times.

Saturday morning I pulled their butts outta bed at 6:00 so we could go to a HUGE Community Yard sale in a neighboring town.† We found some deals…not as many as I expected but several.† Keilee loves yard sales, I tolerate them.† I do love the deals, I just hate driving all over the town for them.† That is why I LOVE Community sales.† You park your car and just walk from sale to sale.

Keilee got a World Puzzle that the man assured us had all the pieces.†† Keilee spent hours putting it together.† Once she finally got it, we played a game where I would pick a country from a list and we would see who† could find it first.

As you can see it did NOT have all the pieces.† Notice the iPad in the background.† We are still watching the Red Tailed Hawks and they still haven’t hatched!

We got to attend a college production of “Much Ado About Nothing”.† It was awesome.† I made Keilee and Chan look up the storyline and tell me about it.† I just think you should have some sort of background when seeing Shakespeare.† We packed a huge picnic lunch; bagels sandwiches, strawberries, pasta salad, grapes and more.† We sat on blankets under a huge white tent to watch the play.† It was so great.† We also watched this version later in the week to see how they compared.

I think it is so amazing that Keilee already has such a great knowledge of this play.† She knows Beatrice, Hero, Claudio, Benedick and more.† I had no clue of anything Shakespeare when I was in the 6th grade.

What would we do without Nomad?† For some reason Keilee is sure that he is happier with a blanket over his head.† He is completely fine with this and many days we find him trailing it behind him like Linus.

I found a great resource this week.† It is my Favorite Resource of the week.† It is a magazine published by Homeschool Girls FOR Homeschool Girls.† They take submissions and Keilee is excited about maybe submitting something.† It is all free and you can get the latest issue and all back issues here.

I just keep repeating the same thing over and over, but I love our life.† I feel so blessed to be able to homeschool.† That I can work from home and stay with Keilee.† That our classroom is our world.† Isn’t that just the greatest thing ever?

Happily linking with

Susan at “Favorite Resources


Kris at “Weekly Wrap Up

Homeschooling rocks!

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. ~ Anais Nin

“There was a star danced, and under that was I born.”
– William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, 2.1


Creating, Courthouse and Academia…

I suwannee [that is a southern word we say instead of “I swear”, Actually I don’t say it, but it just seems fitting]…anyhoo I digress… We have been so busy going places that I am plum tuckered out … and I have no clue why I am typing in ‘Country Southern’ ????…..

It is like that for us every Spring.† I think people are so tired of being stuck inside they go ‘field trip’ crazy.† At least homeschoolers do!

We had a blast this past week.† And we even learned too!

We took a field trip to the Courthouse.† We sat in on a “County Commission” meeting.† All of us got a copy of the minutes and Keilee even marked how they voted.† All the councilmen came and talked to us afterward and it was really awesome.† Then we got to go into the EMA [Emergency Management Agency] located in the basement.† That was SO COOL!† The man that spoke to us told us all the procedures for emergencies and how they had vamped it up since the April 2011 tornadoes.† Keilee really loved it.† She even said she thought working there would be really interesting.

Keilee is working on a stop animation movie that she is making with paper toys.† These are the city of Paris and we found them here.†

One of Keilee’s play friends has really bad allergies.† She is a 2nd grader and Keilee found out she had to wear a mask when she went outside to play at home or at school.† So Keilee made her a BEJEWELED mask!!† Isn’t this awesome??† Maggie loved it.† One of our dear friends 2 year old daughter has leukemia and spends so much of her time wearing a mask.† Keilee told me she wants to make Ava a mask and also make a bunch more for Ava’s Mom to take to the Children’s Hospital for the kids that need them.† I love Keilee’s heart.

This is our left over knit pieces that we hung outside for the birds.† We are impatiently waiting to spot a colorful bird’s nest made from them.

Keilee found her first ever 4 leaf clover.† I am sorta the Queen of finding 4 leaf clovers and she always gets all bummed, but she finally found one!

We also had Field Day.† Does your homeschool group do this?† We have a blast every year.† Look at the bottom right picture.† This is the mile run.† What did these homeschoolers do as they were about to cross the finish line?† Joined hands and crossed TOGETHER!† How cool is that?

In our ‘school week’ we did 3 Teaching Textbook lessons [thank you ONCE again Theresa!], did our Botany lesson, learned about Joan of Arc and watched “The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc“, this is rated R for violence as in ‘heads getting cut off’ but we really enjoyed the movie. I always love to find a movie about what we are studying.†

Keilee is reading her 3rd Poison Apple book. She actually likes them.† Not enough to read more than her 2 chapters a day but she doesn’t complain.† Thank you Jessica for this recommendation!

We also did a Robin Study and decided we are going to dig up some worms for our Robins!† Keilee sat in her treehouse and observed them for an hour and drew in her Nature journal.

We also have had practice for “The Princess and The Pea”.

My “Favorite Resource” is one Keilee spent HOURS on this week.† You use beautiful drawings to make your own stories.† You can then ‘publish’ them to the site.† The site is called “Story Bird”

Finally, with everything blooming and so beautiful I just had to take pictures.† My girl is growing up too fast.† I wish I could stop time some days…

Happily linking up with

Mary at “Collage Friday


Susan at “Favorite Resource

Happy weekend!

Homeschooling Rocks!

I realized that if I had to choose, I would rather have birds than airplanes. ~† Charles Lindbergh

“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” ~ Kahlil Gibran


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary…

What better time to study Botany than Spring?† Everything is blooming and beautiful and just there for you to see.

We did a really cool experiment to tie in with our Botany Unit.

Keilee did this entire experiment herself and took ALL the pictures.


Here’s the Materials You’ll Need:

†Plastic glove

Permanent marker

Five types of seeds

Cotton balls


Pipe cleaner



Small cups

Step 1 of 5:

Use a marker to write the name of the seeds on each of the glove’s fingers. Write one seed type per finger.

Step 2 of 5:

Dip the cotton balls in water and wring them out. The cotton balls should be slightly damp.

[*Note: That is marker on her fingers, not blood or dirt, although she has had both on her fingers at times] 🙂

Step 3 of 5:

Put two or three seeds of the same type into each cotton ball. Put a cotton ball inside each finger of the glove. You may need to use a pencil to push the cotton ball all the way to the tip of the glove’s finger. Make sure the type of seed matches the label written on the finger.

Step 4 of 5:

Blow a small amount of air into the plastic glove and close it with a pipe cleaner. Tape or hang the glove in a warm place, like a sunny window. Keep an eye on the seeds over the next few days – you should start to notice something interesting!

[Note- See the pink on the sprouted pumpkin? It is from the marker which was written on the OTHER side of the glove.† Isn’t that cool?]


Step 5 of 5:

Replant in little cups to transplant outside in the garden!


Each seed contains a baby plant that will start to grow under the right conditions. All a seed needs to begin growing is warmth and water. The first stage in seed growth is called germination, which is when the tiny root emerges from the outer seed covering. Once the seed starts sprouting, it needs soil, room for the roots to grow, sunlight and water.

Now she is about to replant them outside and watch them grow, or get eaten by the squirrels!!† [I’m betting on the squirrels!]

Peas, Pumpkins, Broccoli or Squash anyone???

Happily linking with Theresa and Susan at “Look What We Did
Go check them out, they have some fabulous resources!

Homeschooling Rocks!

ìWhy try to explain miracles to your kids when you can just have them plant a garden.î ~ Robert Brault

ìNature never hurries. Atom by atom, little by little she achieves her work.î ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Easter Weekend….

We had a great Easter weekend.

Saturday our church had a city wide Easter Egg Hunt.† We hid 25,000 eggs and had 75 brand new bikes to give away.† It is so amazing to be able to serve our city.

The 25,000 eggs were 90% gone within 30 seconds.† I am NOT joking!

Entries for the bikes and all those shiny new bikes all lined up.† You should have seen the faces of the happy winners!

The JV kids gave away free drinks.† Keilee loved working the booth.

Keilee with her Easter basket.† We didn’t do much this year because I have been laid off for a couple of weeks. I should be back to receiving my check in a week or so, so all’s good. 🙂

The other 2 pictures are her at Epic and in front of our red roses.† Aren’t they gorgeous?

This is what Keilee made me for Easter.† It is a beautiful knitted tree with crocheted flowers, butterflies and a little green worm.† She worked on it for a couple of weeks.† It is almost 20″ high!† I love it!

We went to church twice this weekend.† We had a service Saturday at 4:00 for the Dream Team.† This is the group of people who serve in some way.† It was amazing. It is always a different vibe in these services.† Everyone is just so geeked to be there.† Then we also went Sunday morning at 9:00.

Our AMAZING worship band dressed in 1930’s clothing and performed “Nothing But the Blood”† Please watch it here if you have time.† This was just shot on a camera but it is so good.† I got chills when they performed it.

After church we headed to Daddy and Marlene’s for Easter dinner.† We had tons of food and afterwards the kids played “Jarts” and had an Easter Egg hunt.

All in all a lovely day was had by all.† What a blessing our church, our family and friends and just our lives are.† Even though I have been laid off and had NO money, everything just seems to always work out.† The Grace of God…

Homeschooling Rocks!

‘Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees Filled all the air with fragrance and with joy.í ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Cinderella, Plants & Streamin’…

We finally started Botany this week. We had planned this in September and I decided to wait until Spring.† Keilee is really liking it so far even though we are only in the 1st Chapter.†

1.††† Banagrams.† We played lots of games this week.† We love Banagrams.

2.††† Kei working on the cover of her Botany notebook.† I thought this was SO creative!

3.†††† We stopped on our bike ride for Kei to take some stop animation pictures.† She knew where there was a perfect patch of clover!

4.†††† Celebrating G’s 8th birthday.† Kid’s love playing on the trampoline.

The weather has gotten just a wee bit cooler this week.† It is still gorgeous and we have been spending so much time outside.† We have been riding our bikes around 3 miles each day.† These flowers are all ones we saw on our ride.

Wednesday we went to see the ballet, Cinderella.† It was the first real Ballet we had both seen.† Afterwards as we were taking pictures of the kids, a couple of dancers had to get into the picture!

I love the way our weeks flow.† I love how each day is filled with possibilities.† Where anything can happen.† I feel so incredibly blessed to be able to live my life this way.†

I decided to start something on Fridays.† I want to post a few of our ‘Streaming’ Netflix choices.† This is some of what we watched this week.

We are both fascinated with loggerheads.† We watched this amazing documentary about them and loved it.† I had just re-read a book called “The Beach House” that is interspersed with true facts about the loggerheads.† I would read the prelude to each chapter to Keilee.† We would love to be “Turtle Ladies”!!!

“Dr. Who” is something that I have wanted to watch for a while.† I have seen so many people mention how great it is.† We are really liking it!

“Billy the Exterminator” is something that Jessica recommended.† We always manage to be watching this one at dinner time it seems!† We have learned so much about pesky animals and insects.† Every time Kei sees a wasp now she says, “We need to call Billy!”

“Switched At Birth” is something that Kei just stumbled upon.† It is a really good show about teenagers with a really good storyline.† Also several characters are deaf and Kei has learned so much sign language!

We just love Netflix Streaming.

My Favorite Resource this week is the Live Cam of the Red Tail Hawks at Cornell University.†† We have been watching several of them. It is just so awesome to be able to watch things like this.† The Red Tail Hawks camera is so clear and also it has a chat bar and you can talk to other bird lovers all over the world.† We have been tuning in for weeks.

Red Tail Hawks at Cornell University.† These are supposed to hatch around April 13th!† I so hope we don’t miss it!

Happily linking with

Mary at “Collage Friday


Susan at “Favorite Resource

I hope everyone has a blessed Easter.

Homeschooling Rocks!


“Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day – like writing a poem or saying a prayer. ” ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Epic Church / Epic Love….

I wasnít raised attending church every Sunday.† We did go, just very sporadically.† My Daddy worked very hard to provide for us and on Saturdayís he played golf.† [AND every afternoon that he didnít have baseball/football/basketball practice with my brother]†

Sundayís were for 2 things; us all going to the town he was raised in to help his Daddy and Mother [some of my VERY favorite memories] and taking us on ìSunday Adventuresî where we explored woods and took walks in Nature went on ‘let’s just drive and see what we find’ trips and had picnics.† We always believed in God, had prayer before meals and knew the Bible.† We just didnít go each week. My Mother was one of the most spiritual people I ever met.

As I got older I visited several churches in my area.† They all seemed to just not fit with my idea of church.† I didnít dislike them, I just didnít fall in love with them.† I am a huge dis-liker of “Let’s be good on Sundays but the other days don’t matter” kind of person.

Fast forward several† years.† Keilee and I visited churches from time to time but didnít find one we loved.† I read her Bible stories, we prayed, we talked about God and Jesus.† Then one day I got a flyer on the door about a new church.† It said, ìNo Perfect Peopleî allowed.† Well there you goÖthat was ME!

When we started going to Epic there were about 30-40 people.† Now there are over 1500.† We have 5 services each Sunday plus our iCampus that people from all over the world watch.† Seriously, they announce every service who is tuned it and it is not only everywhere in the US, but Africa, Germany, China and more!†

Our church is an amazing place and it has made a huge difference in our lives.† We have an incredible preacher.† He keeps things very real.† He never wears shoes when he preaches, he loves football and is a true Southerner through and through.† He and his wife Bene’ have changed Keilee and Iís life.† Bene’ is the best person I have ever known.† One of those “REALLY GOOD and not just talking the talk” kinda people.

Another thing we loved about Epic was all the community service we do.† I have always loved volunteering and wanted Keilee to experience that at an early age.† She has done SO much volunteering at a very young age.

Keilee was baptized in this church.† When she got baptized over 4 years ago there were about 8 people that got baptized with her.† The last time we had baptism [which we do every 3 months] there were over 100!

Keilee Baptized 8 years old

One thing I love about Epic is we live by 2 ëRulesí.† Love Jesus above all things and Love people.† And love on people we do!† Epicís campus is a little metal building.† Our kids buildings are trailers that have† been totally pimped out.† We spend money on our community.† They are always doing something.† ALWAYS.

We have done:

Donate toys to families at Christmas

Free Gift Wrapping at Christmas

Serve and deliver Thanksgiving meals to 1500 people and serve over 500 inmates.

Epic volunteers at EVERY event that happens in our city.

We delivered fresh baked goods and conversation to the worst parts of our city.

We gave land to Lexi House which is an organization for unwed Mothers.

We sent people and supplies to Joplin, Missouri after their devasting tornadoes.

After the horrible April 27th tornadoes our church was everywhere!† We cleaned up, took people tons of food, loved on people, paid bills, found tents for immediate needs, bought trailers for families, opened a Store with donated items for anyone who needed it and so much more.

We have a ministry at Tent City, the place where many homeless people live.† It is amazing!†

And so much more!!!!

This week is LOVE Week.† We have it every year the week of Easter.†

Monday was ìTeachers Appreciationî Day.† We delivered over 3000 candy bars and handwritten ìThank Youî notes to the schools.† [Keilee told me she would buy me a Butterfinger ;)]

Tuesday was ëPay it Forwardí day.† Where you went to a fast food place and paid for the personís order behind you.

Wednesday was ëEpic Gives Gasí.† We swarmed some local gas stations with gas cards and gave them gas.† We didnít only pay for it, we pumped it!

Thursday morning we delivered 1500 chicken and biscuits from Chic Fil A to local firefighters and police officers.

Friday will be ëCook Your Neighborî a meal day.

Saturday is our City Wide Easter Egg Hunt.† We will hide over 15,000 Easter Eggs for the kids of our city to find.† Also we have 75 brand new bikes to give away.

Epic Love Week

I am so thankful for Epic.† It has made us kinder, and more giving.† Our lives are enriched so much.† So many wonderful things have happened since I have let God take control.

The thing that is so ìGod is in Controlî about all of this is we started going to Epic in January of 2008.† In February of 2008 my Mother got sick and died in May.† I know that God knew I was going to need something more than I had.

So today, on this day before Good Friday, I am thankful for Epic.†

Happily linking with Theresa at ìThankful Thursdaysî.

Homeschooling Rocks!


†Epic iCampus† Click on ìiCampusî ñ Join us some Sunday.† Services are at 9:00, 10:30, 12:00, 4:00 and 6:00.† Central Time.† If you watch the 9:00 service, look for Keilee and I.† We always sit front and center. 😉

I love this quote and this is what our church tries to do every day.î

I think if the church did what they were supposed to do we wouldnít have anyone sleeping on the streetsî. ñ Michael W. Smith

Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding…

I am not† a huge fan of ‘sweets’.† I know, I know, I’m weird.† Just have never liked them.† And I really don’t like chocolate at all!

I do like them more than I used to and Keilee likes them but she isn’t a huge eater of them.† She would rather have broccoli or spinach than chocolate.† Seems like whenever we make a cake or dessert, I end up throwing most of it away.

Now that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate a great dessert recipe.† I was reading a novel and in it the girl describes a dessert she made with Krispy Kreme donuts.† Well I had to find that recipe.

I turned to trusty Google and found one from Paula Deen but it wasn’t the same as the girl in the book.† Finally I found it and I am going to share it with you all.

This is SO GOOD!† I think if you ate the entire thing you would go into a sugar induced coma.† We shared it with neighbors and my Daddy and still had to throw the last little bit away.†

Here, for your tasting pleasure is “Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding”.† Make it…trust me…MAKE IT.

Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding

†††† 1 dozen Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

††† 1 small can sweetened condensed milk

††† 1 tsp cinnamon

††† 1/2 tsp salt

††† 2 eggs

†Butter Icing

††† 2 t. Vanilla Flavoring

††† 1/4 butter or margarine

††† 2 cups powdered sugar

†††† Cube doughnuts in bowl.† Pour sweetened condensed milk over doughnuts and toss lightly to evenly coat the chunks. In a small bowl whisk eggs, cinnamon and salt; pour over doughnut chunks. Stir until evenly distributed and set aside. Let set for 10-15 minutes to absorb as much moisture as possible.

†Bake in an oven safe dish at 350 degrees for approx. 30-40 minutes; until slightly crisp on top. You want the bread pudding to be moist, but no raw egg.

While baking make icing:

†In a microwave safe bowl melt butter. Add Vanilla flavoring and stir well. Slowly whisk in powdered sugar working out lumps.† [I had to add a little more butter to get the right consistency]†

Pour over hot bread pudding. Serve immediately.

This is RICH! †So sweet.† So good!† Yummy.

You will all love me! I promise 🙂

And to all my Roamies…next get together, I am bringing this.† You all are the first people I thought of when I saw the recipe. 😉

Happily linking up with

Lisa for “Try a New Recipe Tuesday


Kellie for “Adventurez With Kids in the Kitchen

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Stressed spelled backwards is desserts.† Coincidence?† I think not!”† ~Author Unknown

“Seize the moment.† Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart.”† ~Erma Bombeck


Botany, Nature and Doggie Birthdays….

Keilee loves to take pictures.† She will go months and barely touch the camera and then just go on a shooting [camera that is] spree.† Here are some of her latest pictures.† I love the way she sees things. She also really likes ‘macro’ shots.

We did lots of learning this week and it mainly seemed to revolve around botany and nature.† I think the amazing weather had something to do with that.

1.†† Lovely glass bottle set my brother got at a garage sale for $1.† As soon as I saw it I begged him to let me have it.† Keilee made all sorts of flower potions this week.

2.†† Keilee’s drawing of the parts of a plant.† We also did a really cool experiment that I plan to share later.

3.†† Keilee sitting in her tree reading one of our† “National Audubon Society Field Guides”.† I think this one was “Birds”. † You have to get these books if you don’t have them.† I got mine as a Secret Sister gift in our homeschool group a couple of years ago.† We love them!

4.†† Tuesday was Nomad’s 2nd birthday.† Keilee made him a peanut butter and carrot ‘cake’.† We also bought him toys.† This is the hat he wears on each birthday.† He has worn it several times because Keilee used to make us celebrate every ‘MONTH’ birthday!

5.†† Keilee and Nomad ‘cuddling’.

6.†† Keilee planted broccoli and peas in her garden.† She has decided the reason nothing ever grows is because it isn’t HER garden exclusively.† She worked for hours on this.

7.†† Keilee’s miracle potion.† She rubbed it all over my legs and arms!† Someone needs to polish their fingernails; I’m just sayin’.

My favorite resource this week is a good one!† It is a YouTube channel called “History Teachers“.† They take current songs and write songs that talk about all sorts of history events.† Let me tell you after listening to the one below Keilee will NEVER forget that ‘fleas on rats’ caused the Black Death!† *Disclaimer, the videos we watched were all appropriate but I think these are for ‘high school’ so view at your discretion.

Happily linking up with

Mary @ “Collage Friday


Susan @ “Favorite Resources


Kris @ “Weekly Wrap-up”

Happy weekend!

Homeschooling Rocks!


ìReading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God.î ~ George Washington Carver

“. . . the more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us the less taste we shall have for the destruction of our race.“† ~Rachel Carson


Do you have a passion? Something that moves you? Something you can not live without?  I don’t think I do.  I mean, I have many things I love, many things that make my life better.

Reading? Maybe reading is my passion.† I do love to read. I can’t imagine living without it…so I suppose reading is mine.

My child’s passion is acting. She loves being on the stage more than anything else in the world. She first auditioned when she was barely 6 and sang, “Tomorrow” from Annie. I was scared to death for her. She wasn’t nervous in the least.  She has never been nervous…ever…not one time. She wishes she could practice every day. She wakes up excited if she has practice that day. She practices her lines over and over and over and you get the picture. 🙂

1. Her 1st role – a bee in “Jungle Book”. Everyone called her “Queen Bee”.  She had to stay on stage the entire time. She was adorable. No lines, just songs.

2. Her 2nd role.  A Chihuahua in “101 Dalmatians”. She had her first lines in this play. I think she had 3.

3.A flower in “Enchanted Sleeping Beauty”. She was in 3 scenes. She had a ballet dance that began the show, a scene where they gave Sleeping Beauty her gifts as a baby and when Sleeping Beauty married her Prince.

4. Meeko in “Pocahontas” She did a little dance and was in 3 other scenes with Pocahontas.

1. and 2. This was for “Wonderland”.  She had 2 roles; a red pawn and a Dixie Chicken that was Humpty Dumpty’s back up singers. She had to change clothes down to her tights and a wig; in about 2 minutes! Freaked me out, but she did it every time.

3. Cindy Lou Who in “Seussical”. She loved this role!

1. She was in “101 Dalmatians” again with a different theatre company. She wanted the role of Horace so badly and got it! Her first time playing a ‘boy’ role.

2.† She was a maid in “Annie”. She had 2 dances. We loved doing this play.

3. Scout in “To Kill A Mockingbird”  217 lines! She did such a great job. This is one of her favorite roles.

4.The Wicked Witch in “The Wizard of Oz”. She did evil very well. A little boy in the audience had to be taken out and he wouldn’t come back in! She felt really bad and also giggled just a bit.

Now we are working on play number 11. I get exhausted at times. Plays are a lot of work and not just for the actors. I always help back stage and of course I have to provide transportation. I don’t really mind, I love it too.

Who knows where this will lead Kei. She already knows where she ‘thinks’ she wants to go to college. It is a college with a wonderful “Theater Arts” program. She may change her mind before the time actually comes  But she usually makes her mind up and sticks to it.


What do you do to inspire and nurture your children’s passion?

Homeschooling Rocks!


“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” ~Nelson Mandela

“One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested.”† ~ E. M. Forster

“There is no greatness without a passion to be great, whether it’s the aspiration of an athlete or an artist, a scientist, a parent, or a businessperson.” ~ Anthony Robbins


Hardware Stores, Tallulah, and HUNGER GAMES…

I love doing these “Friday Collages”.† It helps me see exactly what we do.† We do A LOT! This was an awesome week!

We had a field trip to a hardware store in Huntsville that was founded in 1879.† It is called Harrison Brother’s and was founded by brothers. 🙂 It is crammed pack full of old things and new things.† It is now run by the Historic Society and it was a wonderful way to spend an hour.† We had a tour and then just meandered around.

Keilee got to taste honey; garlic and bacon honey!!† She liked it.

Afterwards Keilee and I roamed around downtown.† It was a BEAUTIFUL day with the Dogwood trees and 76∞ weather.† We also saw Tallulah Bankhead’s house.† She was born and raised in Huntsville.† She was a very bad girl who lived life by NO ONE’s rules. †

We did history this week.† We learned about the Rus’s and Ivan the Great and Ivan the Terrible.† I am thinking we will never finish SOTW 2 by end of the year.† We are only on Chapter 23 and there are 44 Chapters!† EEK!

We are doing a lot of Chemistry/Elements.† I found a really great download that we have been using. ElementsFirstTwoChaptersSample.† I am really not sure where I got it….It is a sample of a course.† I wish I could find the entire thing! Anyone know?

She has been doing a lot of drawing on the iPad.† She uses an app called “Inspire” that she really likes.† She also has had practice for “The Princess and The Pea” and while this is a small role she is hysterical in it.† I LOVE this role!†

Keilee had a 2 hour lab that they were SUPPOSED to dissect a perch.† Instead they watched a virtual dissection.† The kids were not very happy about it and neither were the Mamas.† We all were assured that would not happen again.

AND…she was so excited Thursday.† She and Chan have had a† Webkinz blog for a year or so and they work really hard on it.† Well Ganz/Webkinz commented on it Thursday.† Isn’t that cool!???† In fact one of my favorite resources is Webkinz.† Keilee spends a lot of time on this site and has since she was 6.† She has learned about animals, personal finance, integrity and so many more great lessons.† She loves going to the Trading Hall and keeps a notebook with what her items are worth and what she wants to trade for.† Keeping her Webkinz blog she is constantly writing and editing articles.† We love Webkinz.

Fish and Webkinz!

†Since the weather has been so amazing Keilee has played outside often.† She is trying to learn to do a back walkover.† She uses one of the buildings to push herself off.† I know she will get it by summer.

Back Walkover

†And last night was THE HUNGER GAMES.† We were so excited.† We decided to go over early and hang out with Kathy and Sophie.† We went to eat and just sat around and talked until around 11:00.† It was so fun getting ‘ready to go’ with a house full of females.† We loved the movie.† It wasn’t perfect, but I have never seen a perfect ‘book into movie’ film.† The violence was not much to me….of course it was there, but it wasn’t over the top.† Several of the fighting scenes were so closely shot that you couldn’t really tell what was what.† There were 7 theaters showing it and they were all PACKED.† Fun times!† * See Keilee’s “District 12” shirt? She also had on Mockingjay earrings.

Getting in bed at 3:00 AM wiped this Mama out.† Today we are moving really slow.

Happily linking up with Mary at “Collage Friday”


Susan at “Resource Fridays

One of our favorite sites:† “Homeschool For Free”† and one more favorite resource is “Christy”.† I had read this book a long time ago.† My mother had it and I picked it up while I was a teenager and read it.† The TV series is on Netflix and we have both loved it.† We have learned so much about the Appalachian area and people.

Homeschooling Rocks!


“May the odds be ever in your favor”† Effie Trinkett “The Hunger Games”

“District Twelve. Where you can starve to death in safety.” Katniss Everdeen “The Hunger Games”

Thankful Thursday…. Enjoying Nature

I have always loved Spring.† New beginnings, growth, warmth, breezes, beauty.

I am so thankful for this life I live….

Thankful for the opportunity to spend so much time with my girl.

Thankful for our relationship..

Our way of learning…mostly stress free….

Our ability to go about most days S-L-O-W-L-Y

Really examine God’s creations…

All Pictures by Keilee

Thankful for time to take Wildflower Walks….

Examine bugs….

Enjoy the birds…..

Live each day…

Happily linking up with Theresa at “Thankful Thursdays

Homeschooling Rocks,


ìA bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.î ~Lou Holtz

†ìForget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.î† ~Kahlil Gibran

80∞ Weekend Means….

playing with your dog….

swinging in a swing wearing a hat of course….

making bunny food on an open fire built on Indian rocks…..[notice the dirty feet…love it]

sitting under trees….

grass beneath your feet…

grilling out….


Isn’t Spring the best? And it IS Spring, I don’t care what the calendar says. 🙂

Homeschooling Rocks!


“If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall.”† ~Nadine Stair

Mehndi Gloves, Pysanky Eggs, The Simple Life and MORE….

Spring?† It feels like SUMMER here.† I can not believe this weather.† Ok, we had a really mild winter but 80∞ in the middle of March is crazy.† I want to drag out all of our summer clothes but as soon as I do it will SNOW!

We have had such an incredible week.† It included a lot of ‘going’ places, but also a lot of learning.

†1.†† Keilee made this picture of her art drawing figure.† Behind it is one of her old cameras.† She LOVES old cameras.†

2.††† Keilee also made this picture of her favorite subject, Nomad.† I swear she had some that I think was shot UP his nose!

3.††† Went to see “The Lorax” with a homeschool group.† I liked it very much even though 3D is not my favorite most of the time.† “The Lorax” is my favorite Dr. Seuss book.

4.†† One of my FAVORITE RESOURCES of the Week.† “Girls Who Looked Under Rocks”.† This is an awesome book.† It is about 6 female naturalists.† Anna Botsford Comstock is one of them.† We read this book all week and looked up information on all the women featured.† Keilee is going to do a report on one of them next week.

5.† A very cool recycle project we saw at Burritt Museum.† It is all made from the tops and caps of various things!

6.† Lilac Bush – this was beautiful and smelled so wonderful!

We did a very cool art thing called Mehndi Gloves.† Here is a link to the lesson plan.† Mehndi Art Gloves Lesson PlanOurs didn’t look as good as the ones portrayed but we had a lot of fun with them.† Our gloves were a little big and I think it would have been better if they were tighter.† I got our gloves at Dollar General and they were ‘one size fits all’.

†We also went to Burritt Museum to take a class about Pysanky Eggs.† The class was informative but the actual “making of” was a little lacking.† Keilee and I both thought it was a little too “Easter Eggish” instead of “Ukranian Eggish”.† There was a HS Mom who sat next to me who told me she and her family had just spent a month in Ukranine because she was adopting her daughter from there!† Even though ours didn’t turn out as cool as the videos Kei and I watched it was still fun!

After the class we roamed around the Historic section of Burritt on the Mountain. They have beautifully restored historic homes from the 1800’s and 1900’s.† They also have animals.† Keilee was in heaven.† She said she could see us living in one of these houses.† I told her that would be awesome as long as I had electricity and indoor plumbing!

Animals and More Animals!

We have been spending huge amounts of time outside.† We have walked the dog, laid out, rode our bikes, gone on wildflower walks and just sat under the trees and talked.† I love this time of year.

We have been playing an iPad game A LOT called Charadium HD.† It is another “FAVORITE RESOURCE”.† It is too fun.† It is like Pictionary and you play with other people.† Everyone so far seems really nice and doesn’t use bad language or anything.† Keilee loves this game.† She plays it all the time.† It also helps her with her typing and spelling which she needs!† Hores indeed!† I think she meant holes. 😉


My favorite picture this week:

Watching the Sheep...

Keilee loved learning about Marco Polo this week from SOTW.† Then we watched a really good Hallmark Channel Movie called “Marco Polo”† [duh huh?]† We kept having to pause it while Keilee told me things she remember from her reading.† I love that!

And next week is the HUNGER GAMES!!† We have had our tickets for a month.† EEP!† 12:01 AM will find us at the movie theater.† Keilee is thinking about dressing up as Katniss like she did for Halloween. ††

Isn’t homeschooling just the best thing ever???†

Happily linking up with

Mary at “Collage Friday


Susan at “Favorite Resources

Homeschooling Rocks!


“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”† The Lorax, Dr. Seuss

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”† ~Margaret Atwood

Christina’s Interview With Keilee….

Christina at Interest Led Learning interviewed Keilee last week for her blog.† We LOVE Christina’s blog and get so many great ideas from it.† She is the Mom of twin 6 year olds!

Here is the beginning of her interview…

“Today Iím so excited to share an interview I did with Keilee. Keilee is 12 and has been homeschooling for the last five or so years. Iíve learned a lot about all the creative things Keilee has been doing lately from visiting her mom Karenís blog at HomeschoolGirls.

I wanted to interview Keilee because she lives a life full of imagination, creativity and passion outside the school system. My kids are still young, so I find it so exciting to read about older kids who are doing some really cool things. (Not that we arenít too, but at a different level )”

Read the rest HERE.

Thanks again Christina for giving Kei this wonderful opportunity.

Homeschooling Rocks!


“Do not go where the path may lead; go where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


Wicked, Spring is in the Air, & Math and Science Fun…

This week was unbelievable!† After the crazy show week and the crazy FLU week, it was nice to get back to semi-normal.

First of all we saw Wicked.† To say we loved it would be a huge understatement.† It was MAGNIFICENT, SUPERB, AWESOME, BLOW OUR MINDS great.† Keilee knew every song but we didn’t know the ENTIRE story line.† She was on the edge of her seat the entire time, literally.† I would have sat through it again immediately afterwards.† Even if you don’t like Broadway shows [and HOW is that possible????] you would love “Wicked”.† I even loved the $40 T Shirt that she wanted…..ok, I didn’t love it, but I stood in line with other crazy people and happily gave up the money.†

We did so much this week I can’t even remember all of it.† There was lots of learning.† We learned about sine and cosine, we made roller coasters and more on a great site I found.† It is my resource of the week.† It is called Math Apprentice and we both learned so much.† Doncha love when YOU learn stuff too?

Math Fun!

Periodic Tables and Roller Coasters

We tried veggie black bean burgers and I was so sad that we didn’t like them much.† What did we do wrong Jess??† Keilee made some Taco Chicken Soup that was delish though!

Black Bean Burgers and Chicken Taco Soup

Keilee did some playing outside.† We are both so ready for warm weather.† Even though we didn’t have much cold.† I found this app called Fast Camera that takes about 100 or more pictures a minute and played around some with it.

Cartwheel Fun

We also did an experiment to find out whether atoms move faster in cold, hot or room temperature water.† [Hot in case you were wondering],

Keilee made a draw string purse which turned out very cool [it is a lot larger than it looks in this picture]†

Kei and I have been talking a lot about how important our words can be.† I have gotten into a horrible habit of saying, “Stupid”.† Everything and everybody is ‘Stupid’.† I am trying very hard to do away with that word.† And because I say it, of course Kei does.† We talked about being critical and how even though everyone needs someone to ‘vent’ to and we have each other for that; we need to be more supportive and kinder.† To help us remember Keilee made us both ‘Think’ bracelets.† Like ‘Think before you speak’.† I love the idea and am wearing mine everyday.

†We got the bracelet idea from this Monthly Newsletter called “Homeschooling Ideas- Fuel the Fire”.† Sign up for this if you haven’t.† REALLY..do it NOW.† It is awesome and I look forward to it every month.† Here is a link to this months newsletter.†It is my other Favorite Resource this week.

There was even time for SILLY.† We do silly a lot at our house.† Don’t you?

Oh and Keilee tried out for another play “The Princess and the Pea”.† She got the role she wanted; Princess Diana Dingaling of Dingdong.† A princess who does nothing but sing and dance all day…type casting I say.† Rehearsals start next week….oy vey.†

Delighted to be linking up with

Mary at “Collage Friday


Susan at “Favorite Resources”

Math Apprentice

Homeschooling Ideas – Fuel the Fire

Homeschooling Rocks!


” Take time every day to do something silly.” ~ Philips Walker

“If you never have, you should. These things are fun and fun is good.” Dr. Seuss

There’s No Place Like HOME….

I can’t believe the last 2 weeks have flown by so quickly.† Last week was Show Week and it was spectacular.† Yes it was hard work for both of us [I worked back stage 9 of the 10 shows], yes it was crack of dawn early mornings and late nights but we had a blast.

There were 88 kids in this show.† Some of them as young as 3 and they did a wonderful job.† Many of them had never done plays before.† All of our awesome Homeschool friends were in the play which made it more special.

Keilee did a really good job.† This role wasn’t as many lines as Scout, but it was a lot more ‘physical’ acting.† She pulled it off magnificently.† Her makeup took about 1 1/2 hours to apply and was horrible to remove.† There were TEN shows which is more than we have ever done before.

Here is the ‘Getting Into Character’ Shots.


Here are some ‘behind the scenes’ shots.† iPhone and dark.† My favorite is the Wicked Witch and Dorothy ballroom dancing.† FYI, Dorothy is homeschooled too!† We had about 15 homeschoolers in this play!Keilee kept the munchkins occupied playing games like “Keilee Says”. 🙂

Here are a few from the actual show.† I think Esther made most of these.† Between Esther, Heather and I taking pictures I kinda forgot who was whose.† The really good ones are Esther’s and Heather’s.† The blurry ones are mine. 😉

More show…

One of the sweetest things was that all the Poppies that Keilee called up to put Dorothy, Toto and the Lion to sleep just LOVED Keilee.† They hung all over her and made her cards and got their parents to take pictures with her.† They were adorable.

And here are some of her favorite things.† She got flowers from our neighbor ladies, cards from her Poppies, 3 articles in the newspaper!, and she got to keep the banner they used for decoration at the theater.†

Keilee also had a knitting class in between shows.† Now Mom’s are contacting me and want to meet up at Hobby Lobby so Kei can show them what to buy.† Kei was almost as excited about that as the play!


Ok I edited these just for Keilee’s scenes.† She was in one more scene where she called up the Poppies but it was only about a minute.† And for some reason I have the curtain call in both videos.† And I don’t feel like fixing it so there!† Hope you enjoy. 🙂

And these are MY favorite pictures.† All from backstage. :)†

My Little Witch

Unfortunately almost everyone got sick.† The rooms backstage are very small and everyone was coughing and sneezing and running a temperature and there was almost no way that we weren’t going to get sick.† I got sick Friday night.† I woke up during the night with a 100.8 fever and just prayed that I would feel well enough to make it through Saturday.† We had cast call at 10:30 and wouldn’t be finished until at least 9:30 that night.† I had friends that could have taken Keilee but there was NO way I wouldn’t be there.† I hadn’t even seen the show from the audience.†† So I sucked it up and made it through.† I was fine until about 7:30 and then I just felt so bad.† Then Keilee woke up with it Sunday. Kei went to the doctor and she had the flu.† I am sure I had it too but I didn’t go to the doc.† Thankfully we are both feeling better now.

Sick Witch

WHEW!† What a 2 weeks.† First one amazing and fun, second one not so much.

Happily linking up with

Mary at “Collage Friday”

and Susan for “Favorite Resources”

Since Spring is in the air, here is one of our favorite Natures Sites:

Nature Detectives This is our favorite of all time Nature sites.† It is from the United Kingdom and has TONS AND TONS of great ideas, games, worksheets, activities and more.† Also be sure to sign up for their newsletter!

AND GUESS WHERE WE ARE GOING SUNDAY!!????????????† TO SEE WICKED!† How perfect is that?


Homeschooling Rocks!


Wicked Witch of the West: Going so soon? I wouldn’t hear of it. Why my little party’s just beginning.

Wicked Witch of the West: You cursed brat! Look what you’ve done! I’m melting! melting! Oh, what a world! What a world!

We Interrupt This Broadcast….

Missed me?

I have so much to write about.† Oz and Witches and Flying Monkeys, oh My!

Last week was Show Week.† We had to be at the theater at 7:00 AM every morning which is way too early for these homeschooling girls.

This week we both have either the Flu or Strep.† Kei has a doctor’s appointment this afternoon.† She feels so bad my poor baby.† She is tired and coughing and running a fever.

Me too, all of the above.

Color us sick and exhausted.

A picture to whet the appetite.


I have missed everyone.† I can’t wait to catch up.

Now I am going back to bed.

Homeschooling Rocks,


ìI’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.î† ~ Fannie Lou Hamer


Love and Wicked Witches Are In the Air…

‘Learning from a lesson plan’ was pretty sketchy this week but learning was done all the same.† Life is funny like that† doncha’ think?

Yes there was a bit of the ole’ lesson plans.† She did 3 lessons in Teaching Textbooks and worked on a Note Pack from Hands of A Child.† While I always loved the idea of lapbooking, Keilee never loved them.† The Note Packs are perfect for her.† She is working on one about “Owls”.†

She is also reading a biography on John F. Kennedy.† For some reason she has always been fascinated with him and his story.† She also wanted to know more about Marilyn Monroe† because we are watching a new TV show called “Smash” which is about a group of† people who are making a Broadway musical about Marilyn Monroe.† So we talked about her and watched “Some Like It Hot”.†

Valentine’s Day was wonderful.† I made Kei heart shaped French Toast for breakfast.† She had made red velvet cupcakes for her Play friends and a heart shaped cake for the two older ladies next door.† I got her 2 Webkinz, some candy, and bubble gum [see it in her mouth? ::rolls eyes::]† for Valentine’s Day.† She made me the MOST AWESOME GIFT EVER.

We also found this and loved looking at all the “Hearts in Nature”.† These are a few of our favorites but the entire article is here.† Beautiful pictures!† Seriously this link is worth looking at.† We oohee and ahhed all over it.

1.††† Heart-shaped Tupai Island in French Polynesia

2.†††† Heart-shaped tree in a wheat field in the English countryside, UK.

3.†††† The Heart Nebula lies some 7,500 light years away in the constellation Cassiopeia

4.†††† Heart-shaped rock on Palm Beach, Preveli, Rethymno, Crete, Greece.

5.†††† The 130,000 square yard islet of Galesnjak

6.†††† The Heart Reef, in the Great Barrier Reef of the Whitsundays, Australia

Next week is Play Week and it is going wonderfully.† This week Keilee tried on her green makeup and wig for the first time.† The director told her she just couldn’t make her ugly enough for this role. :)†

Keilee getting her Witch Makeup, standing in front of her ‘castle’, getting her Webkinz together for a stop animation and playing our new game, “10 Days In The USA”.† We want to get the Europe version next.† We have played this hours this week.

Here is my favorite resource this week:


My friend Esther sent this link out and we finally got a chance of watching it.† It is EXCELLENT and there are going to be 40 videos; one a week.† It may not be for your younger child.† I would advise watching first.† Only YOU know your child.† Keilee LOVES it and kept wanting to watch more.† She remembered so many things from our History studies. 🙂We discussed so many things after watching this.


My child who never ceases to amaze and delight me.† Some of you know our remarkable story.† I thank God for her every day.

This was her Valentine’s gift to me.† THIS VIDEO BELOW.

She worked on it for a week.† At first she didn’t want me to post it because she said, “I sound horrible singing”.† [And she sings beautifully] She was trying to sing very quietly because I was in the other room.† I told her it was up to her and finally she agreed.† I cried when I watched it and still cry every time.† All of these things in the video she made me; a card, model of Pluto, roses made from pipe cleaners and a bracelet she made;† and gave them to me after I watched.†

NOTE: Kei and I’s ‘saying’ for as long as she could talk has been, “I love you to Pluto and Back”.

PS.† I don’t think she understands that “FINE” isn’t really something you call your Momma. ;)† God love her.

Happily linking up with

Theresa with Thankful Thursdays

Susan with “Favorite Resource This Week

Mary with “Collage Friday

and Kris at “Weekly Wrap-Up

Happy Weekend!

Homeschooling Rocks,


“I Love you to Pluto and Back” ~ Mommy to Keilee and Keilee to Mommy

Dissection, Glasses and Year of the Dragon….

There seems to be such a trend on the blogs I read to explore “Interest Led Learning”.† I am so excited where this has led us.† Thank you to all who inspire me in blogland; Christina, Susan, Jenn, and more.†

1.††††††††††† Keilee at the eye doctor.† She is farsighted and needed glasses only for close up work.† Since she has had them her headaches have completely gone!

2.††††††††††† Kei, Chan and Jake at our Chinese New Year party!† We had such a great time with all the Moms and kids.† Great food and great friends.† Keilee is the “Year of the Dragon” so this is her year!

3.††††††††††† 2 Ingredient Strawberry Fudge.† Kei made this to take to the Chinese New Year party.† Very easy and very yummy!


  • 1 (16 oz) can of strawberry frosting
  • 1 12 oz bag of white chocolate chips

How to Make

  1. Prepare a 9×9 pan by spray lightly with cooking spray.
  2. Over a double boiler, or in the microwave, melt your white chocolate chips.
  3. When chips are melted, remove from heat and stir in your strawberry frosting, evenly.
  4. Spread in your prepared pan and place in fridge to set for 30 minutes.
  5. Cut into squares to serve.


Store in an airtight container for up to a week.

4.††††††††††† This is candy that my brother got when they cleaned out a Fallout Shelter on the Arsenal.† It came in a 55 pound can.† The label said, ìCarbohydrate Supplementî.† It was from 1963!† He looked it up and they said it was fine as long as the can was still whole and sealed.† Which it was. We shared it with our friends at the Chinese New Years Party.† So everyone ate 49 year old candy!

5.††††††††††† Keilee at Wizard of Oz practice.† With the Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion and a Winged Monkey

6.††††††††††† Keilee with her new glasses playing a Critical Thinking game on iPad.

7.††††††††††† Working on a craft in our cleaned up Homeschool Room.† Keilee cleaned off this table and it is now her ëCraft Tableî.

8.††††††††††† At Sci Quest exploring ìLightî

Keilee took 2 Science classes this week at Sci Quest.† Each class was 2 hours long so she got tons of good Science instructions.† Which is great because I am a little lacking in the whole ‘hands on science stuff’.† The first one was on Newton’s Laws.† They talked about the 3 laws and did lots of experiments.

All of these pictures are ones Keilee took during class on her iPhone.† She kept texting me pictures showing what they were doing! 🙂 I trained her well.

Newton's Laws Experiment

The second class was on Arthropods.† It was a dissection class.† Kei has never shown any interest in dissection but decided she would like this one because they dissected a crayfish.† She did not stop talking about it for 24 hours.† She learned so much.† They examined several Arthropods, did worksheets and then dissected a crayfish.† She got her own one to do all by herself.† She loved everything about it but the smell.† Remember that smell? I do!

Grasshopper and Cockroach w/o Wings

Before and After Crayfish

†While Keilee was doing her 4 hours of science I got to sit in the break room and talk to Moms.† That place was full of HS Moms.† You could almost feel the ideas and resources bouncing around!† One of my great friends Stacey and her daughter Makalia [who decided not to take a class this time] brought this game called “10 Days In the USA”† We played it for about an hour and I loved it.† I mean loved it so much I ordered it from Amazon yesterday.

This game is my Resource of the Week.† Another Resource I found this week and LOVED is K12 Open Ed.† There are FREE ebooks for most subjects.

Happily linking up with Mary at “Collage Fridays

and Susan at “Favorite Resources

This has been an amazing week.† Tonight Keilee is going to a spend the night party so I expect to do a lot of reading on the couch with my doggie.† Keilee has made me promise she can Face Time me before she goes to bed.† Isn’t technology wonderful?

Homeschooling ROCKS!


“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.” ~Edwin Powell Hubble, The Nature of Science, 1954

“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.”† ~Wernher Von Braun

February Missing….

I want to live fully. I don’t want to take things for granted. I want to enjoy moments, those amazing little moments, with Keilee. Because really..isn’t that what it is all about?

Today is my Daddy’s birthday. He is in Florida for 2 months, enjoying the weather. I am sitting here on this unseasonably warm February day horribly missing my Mother. Missing her voice, her laugh, her smell, her hugs, her presence. I am in her house, the house she made into a home hoping, praying, that I am doing the same for Keilee.

She has been gone for almost 4 years.

It seems like yesterday…

It seems like forever ago…

Every day I was safe in the knowledge that she loved me. Adored me. Ours was the house where the neighborhood kids hung out.  No one left my Mother’s house without a “Jean Goodie Bag”. †She would take a baggie and fill it with candy and Little Debbies and gum.  Every child that visited us left with a goodie bag grasped tightly in their hand.

Kids would get measured on our laundry room wall.  There are years and years of measurements there….almost 40 years… She measured Keilee up until she was 7, then was unable to do it again. I carefully mark her height and feel such a connection to my Mother. I know she is watching me, smiling that I am carrying on her tradition.  The wall needs painting so badly and I wouldnít paint over it for $20,000.

This is only 1/2 of it. I can’t back up enough in the tiny laundry room to get the entire wall…

Momma’s Wall

She loved me unconditionally.† I never really understood that until I had Keilee.  How many times I would say to her, “Mom I love those earrings, bowl, picture” and she would answer, “It’s yours”. Keilee says to me, “Mom I love those earrings” and I say, “They’re yours” and I smile.

Her joke was to kiss something when I borrowed it.† She was “kissing it goodbye”.  I smile as I type that and my eyes tear up “missing” does it ever really leave us?

She called me every single morning I lived in California to make sure I was up for work. We watched the airplane crash into the 2nd tower together; her in Alabama, me in California.

She would call me every night to tell me “Goodnight my babe”.† After she got Caller ID, she answered the phone when I called †”Hello sweetie”. What I wouldnít give for one more of those calls.

She loved me, drove me crazy at times, taught me to be a better woman, slipped me her credit card to buy clothes, kissed boo boos, sacrificed, loved fiercely, called to tell me it was raining outside, woke me up every morning of my school life whispering, “Good morning sunshine”, cheered my successes, cried with me for my mistakes.† †She was a great Mother.

Picture I Keep by My Computer…

4 years ago this month she began getting really sick.  Did I fight enough for her? Keilee and I spent February through May either at the hospital, rehabilitation, or at her house.  I talked, sang, brushed her hair, brought her favorite things, made her food she loved, kissed her, stroked her face, read to her, laughed with her, talked to doctors, did research, asked a million questions

and she still died….

They never knew exactly what was wrong with her.† They called it “Failure to Thrive”.  I was appalled at that.† No one ever wanted to live like my Mother did.†

I miss you Mother.† Every day.†




I wish Keilee and I could spend one more day, week, month, year, decade with you.

One day we will…


“Your absence has gone through me
Like thread through a needle
Everything I do is stitched with its color.”

~W.S. Merwin, “Separation”

“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.” ~Kahlil Gibran


The Final Frontier…

We had a week full of Space….and it all happened just by chance.† Don’t you love weeks like that?

We were reading “100 Greatest Science Discoveries” and started following rabbit holes.† We ran across a mention of Voyager and the Golden Record.† I didn’t have a clue what this was so we started reading about it.††

Voyager 1 was launched in 1977, passed the orbit of Pluto in 1990, and left the solar system in November 2004. In about 40,000 years, it and Voyager 2 will each come to within about 1.7 light-years of two separate stars. †40,000 YEARS!!

What is so cool about this is that they both had phonograph records aboard.†† This was a huge project led by Carl Sagan.† They were made for “any intelligent extraterrestrial life or future humans. There are greetings in 55 languages, 116 images, natural sounds and more.† I was blown away by this.† How cool is this?† You have to read more about here.We also watched some YouTube videos about it.† This is my favorite resource of the week. †

The Golden Record has instructions on how to play it written in binary and diagrams.

Golden Record

Then we watched a 6 episode show on Netflix streaming called “When We Left the Earth”. †

On Wednesday night, we heard that they were trying to get a homeschool group together to see Orion which was on a 3 city tour.† Huntsville was one of the stops.†† They were offering a 5 hour class, complete with movies, a discussion with Rex Walheim one of the last astronauts to fly the Space Shuttle, lunch, museum tour and more.† We signed up immediately.†

We had a blast Thursday.† It was one of the best things we have done in a long time.† Our favorite part was the interview with Rex Walheim.† He was awesome and he brought tons of his photos.† They were amazing.

They talked about each of the space programs, what each cost and how that was in today’s money.† They discussed in great detail plans for Orion.

†1.††††††††† The route of Orion

2.††††††††† The PYRAMIDS from space.

3.†††††††††† Keilee asking a question during the question/answer phase.† She wanted to know if he saw The Great Wall of China.† He didn’t because of cloud cover.

4.††††††††† Rex Walheim during a space walk.

5.††††††††† Rex Walheim in the 360∞ view area of space shuttle.

6.†††††††† Their mission was to take a year’s worth of supplies to The Space Station.† Here is the Space Shuttle crew on board with Russian and Japan astronauts!

We did so many cool things!† Here are a few of my favorite shots.† Including one of Keilee at The Wizard of Oz practice.† She is a very convincing Wicked Witch.† Some of the smaller kids are scared of her!!

†1.††††††††† Exploring the Museum

2.††††††††† Riding the Space Shot!

3.††††††††† Keilee and Hope checking out the astronaut suits

4.††††††††† Wall of Fame

5.†††††††† Lunch a la cafeteria style.† Honestly so many of our kids had no clue what to do.† It was too funny.† Keilee was appalled that she was expected to eat off the tray.† She ate probably 2 bites.† She never bought her lunch in K and 1st grade.† I always made it.

6.††††††† The WICKED WITCH

7.††††††† Ringing the bell on the rock wall.

We also got to sign the Orion!†

Keilee and Karen in Space...

†We were tired when we finally made it home but it was so worth it.

Here is a video of Kei and her friends riding the Space Shot.† YES it is sideways.† Please tell me if you know how to ‘straighten’ it!

Keilee wanted me to let† you know that she was NOT screaming like a girl thankyouverymuch!

Just an almost perfect week!† Gotta love when that happens.

Linking up with Susan for “Favorite Resources”

and Mary for “Collage Friday”

Happy weekend,

Homeschooling Rocks!


“Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain lurking on planet Earth, but to spread out into space.”† ~ Stephen Hawking

“There are a thousand things that can happen when you go light a rocket engine, and only one of them is good.”† ~ Tom Mueller, SpaceX propulsion chief


Drumming to OUR Beat….

The more I read the book “Free Range Learning” and visit unschooling/interest led blogs the more I am drawn to this.† This past week we haven’t had a lot of ‘written down plans’ but we have learned so much.

I downloaded this free book on iBooks “100 Greatest Science Discoveries of All Time”† You can get it as a pdf or in iBooks.† I just randomly read it to Keilee.† It’s awesome.† We always explore in greater detail from the initial article.

Friday Collage via Mary at Homegrown Learners.

is made up of things we learned about instead of pictures of Kei ;)† Well except for the center one which shows HOW she learned all these amazing things.

Kei dictated this to me about each picture. † ††††††

1. † † † † † † Knights:† We read about the Code of Chivalry and watched several movies and documentaries about knights.† “In Search of History: The Knights Templar ” on Netflix instant was good and we also watched “King Arthur”.†

2.†††††††††††† We read about Nicholas Copernicus and how he first showed that the Sun was the center of the universe.† Until then they believed, because of Ptolemy that the Earth was the center.† We talked about this, looked up graphics and drew for an hour.

3.††††††††††† Andreas Vesalius: 1515 AD † He had the first accurate guide to human anatomy.† Before that doctors believed the teachings of Galen from 50 BC.† His published book was used in Human Anatomy for the next 300 years.

4.††††††††† “The Inch High Samuri”† We read this after reading about Samurai’s in SOTW.†

5.††††††††††† Me [Kei] on the iPad.

6.††††††††††† Galen’s drawings of the human body.† We loved learning about how people assumed the human body was for over 2000 years.†

7.†††††††††† “The Dragon Dance”† We have been reading about the Chinese New Year this week.† Lots of video watching from parts of the world.† I [Keilee] is the Year of the Dragon and we researched what each symbol represented and tried to find people we knew were born in that year to see how closely they matched.

8.†††††††††† Archimedes discovering buoyancy.† The King Hieron gave him an order to find out whether a goldsmith had cheated the king.† We loved reading this story about how he discovered buoyancy.† [*Yes he discovered it in the bathtub but I don’t think HE was bathing at the time ;)]

And MORE:†† Keilee wanted to learn about the difference in human and dog bones.† She told me that while the Femur is the longest bone in the human body, the tibia is the longest in a dog’s body.We watched the musical, “Memphis”† and “Les Miserables” which led to discussion about the Paris Uprising.† It was a 25th Anniversary copy of the musical and it was wonderful.† She has been making Stop Animation movies like crazy.† Britney spent the night Wednesday and they made several.† She is making another one as I type.† Plus we had “Wizard of Oz” practice.† We also did 3 lessons in Teaching Textbooks and she read 4 chapters in “Midwife’s Apprentice”.† We do SO much more without television it isn’t funny!

Just to smile and see something breathtaking and beautiful, go here and check out this video….

Favorite Resource of the Week:† via Susan at Learning All The Time

This favorite resource is a GREAT one.† It is free DVD’s and teachers resources for “Teaching Tolerance”.† I found this a few months ago.† I have received all SIX of these and while I haven’t used all of them the ones I did use are awesome.

We watched “Bullied: A Student, a School and a Case That Made History” which led Keilee to do a report on Public Schools and bullying.† She also researched the “No Child Left Behind” bill and wrote about that.† All on her own, I did not ask her to do this.

The Kit entitled “One Survivor Remembers” would go along wonderfully with Theresa’s favorite resource this week; “Number the Stars”.†

Whew…what a week.† Was that a lot of yummy learning or what?† The best part of it is Keilee remembers things better when we ‘discuss’ it as opposed to me or her dry reading it.† This is what learning at home is all about.

Happy Weekend to my friends in blog land,

Homeschooling Rocks!


“Youth is the time to go flashing from one end of the world to the other in both mind and body; to try the manners of different nations; to hear the chimes at midnight; to see sunrise in town and country; to be converted at a revival; to circumnavigate the metaphysics, write halting verses, run a mile to see a fire, and wait all day in the theatre to applaud ‘Hernani’.” -Robert Louis Stevenson



Little Things Mean A Lot…

Thankful ThursdayÖ.

*Early morning conversations in bed discussing the dayís plans…

*Doggy kisses…

*Chocolate cake, made from scratch by Keilee for the neighbor ladies…

*Reading aloudÖthe current book, ìThe Hobbitî…

*My Dutch OvenÖwhy is it I feel such a sense of satisfaction when something is cooking in it….

*Naps on the couch….

*An amazing post that touched my heart….

*H-Mamaís post that introduced us to ìStopAnimationî for the iPad/iPhone, that has led to HOURS and HOURS working on videos the last couple of days.† This is her first effort and she took 519 pictures for a 44 second video… More patience than I my child has… †See if you can see how she spelled out her name 😉

*Laughter, silliness, rainy days, music and dancing….

*Keilee doing ballet with a heavy metal song as inspiration….

*This amazing child who has shown me the world in an entirely new way…..

Linking up with my awesome friend Theresa at Red Oak Lane!

Homeschooling Rocks!


“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.“† ~Oprah Winfrey


I never wanted an iPhone. I had a perfectly good cell phone.  No bells and whistles but it rang and I could answer it. I wasn’t the kind of cell phone user who had my phone 24/7. However my boss sent me an iPhone in 2007.† It was cool and everyone oohed and ahhed over it. I  liked it but  I wasn’t at the I can’t  live without it phase.

Then I got an iPhone 4 and BOOM!  Everything was different.† I loved it. I used it every day.† I watched Netflix in bed, I read books on it, I googled from all over Alabama.†

When the †iPad came out I thought, Cool but basically a larger iPhone  and I knew I could never afford one anyway.† Then I started hearing all these cool things they could do, how helpful they were for homeschooling Mamaís like me!† At the first of December when my boss asked me what I wanted for Christmas I told him there was nothing I really wanted.† [He gives the BEST gifts EVER]† He kept on and on and I finally told him I would like a gift certificate to Apple.† He asked what for and I told him Kei and I would like to save up for an iPad.† Never did I expect him to BUY THE DANG THING FOR US!

Guess what he got us for Christmas?† Not the lowest priced iPad that I would have picked out but a super duper iPad 2 with 3G!!!

The point of this rambling post is to let you know





We use it every day.† EVERY STINKING DAY.† Not for gamez although there are some great ones out there, but for LEARNING!

I am considering doing an iPad weekly linkup.† There are just so many good apps out there.† Letís start with these.† These are apps we ACTUALLY use.† We have tons of Apps that look good but we havenít actually gotten around to using them.

Without further ado here are some of our favorite apps.† [Keep in mind I have had my iPad less than a month] A lot of these are also available on the iPhone.†


Old favs: Brain Pop, Stack the States, Stack the Countries

This Day in History:† FREE Nuff said…. We check this every day.

Geo Walk HD† $2.99 Around 500 objects with up-to-date descriptions are available for your edutainment. Learn about interesting historical places, great people, unusual animals and plants all around the world.

NYPL Biblion FREE†

ìEnter the World of Tomorrow and experience the 1939ñ40 New York Worldís Fair through the collections of The New York Public Library! Biblion: The Boundless Library is designed to take you ó all but literally ó into the Library’s legendary stacks, opening up hidden parts of the collections and the myriad story lines they hold and preserve. In this free app you will hold documents, images, films, audio, and essays directly from the collections right in your hands.î


STAR WALK $4.99 This is another awesome app.† Well worth the price.† Star Walk enables you to point your iPad at the sky and see what stars, constellations, and satellites you are looking at in real-time.† But it does so much more than that.† Check out this video.†

NASA† FREE†††††††††††††††††††††††††

ìThis is the NASA Visualization Explorer, the coolest way to get stories about advanced space-based research delivered right to your iPad. A direct connection to NASAís extraordinary fleet of research spacecraft, this app presents cutting edge research stories in an engaging and exciting format. See the Earth as youíve never seen it before; travel to places otherwise unavailable to even the most intrepid explorers! Download it now, tap into the power of NASAís cutting-edge research today and check for new stories every week!††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††

Video Science† FREE

A growing library of over 80 hands-on Science lessons that are great for home and the classroom. These short videos demonstrate inexpensive and easy to recreate experiments that are designed to inspire and excite kids of all ages.

Color Uncovered† FREE

How is Monet like a honeybee? What color is a whisper? Why is it so hard to find your car in a lamp-lit parking lot?
Color Uncovered features a wide spectrum of cool color-related topics to explore. Learn why friends shouldnít let men buy bananas. Try your own color experiments on the iPad using simple items you have at home: a CD case, a drop of water, and a piece of paper. Discover how the iPad and other devices create color. Find out what causes afterimagesóand more


ANYTHING by Khan Academy! FREE


Learn Chess†† FREE

Kunumdrum $.99 There is a lite version to try it out first.†

ìGuide your spark flinging orbs to their colourful goals to unlock stage after stage of brain boggling fun! Make your way through 150 levels of intense strategy using mind warping logic encountering Teleporters, Direction Changers, Blockers, Gates and Switches that alter your path as you try to complete the puzzles in as few moves as possible. And when you’re done there, try out one of the upcoming Map Packs with fresh new mechanics adding to the addictive game play, the possibilities are endless!î

Machinarium†† 4.99 It was a little expensive but it is a beautifully done game.† Tons of critical thinking.


Educreations † FREE Interactive Whiteboard.† Also has a playback feature.† We use this for LOTS of things.† When Kei learns some Latin prefixes or suffixes I make a quick little quiz on this.† She likes doing it better on the whiteboard than a paper.

Colorful Day††† $.99 There is also a FREE version.†† This is just a cute little journal.† You can record about 5 seconds each day.† It has several cool little functions that Kei likes.† Password protected


Google Earth†† FREE Hold the Earth in the palm of your hand.† At Keiís birthday party the girls played with this for over an hour.† They ëwentí EVERYWHERE.

HSW HD††† “How Stuff Works”† FREE† They have Audio and Video podcasts!

ITunesU††† FREE

The iTunes U app gives you access to complete courses from leading universities and other schools ó plus†the worldís largest digital catalog of free education content ó right on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch.†Whether youíre majoring in molecular biology at a university, taking Spanish in high school, or just interested†in European history, you now have a valuable tool to help you learn anytime, anywhere


PuppetPals HD††† FREE but we did unlock the entire package.† $2.99† Kei uses this after a Chapter in SOTW.† She makes a little short play on what she has learned.† It doesnít have all the right characters but she makes do and remembers the material MUCH more than if we just read it and do questions.

ìSimply pick out your actors and backdrops, drag them on to the stage, and tap record. Your movements and audio will be recorded in real time for playback later.
This app is as fun as your own creativity. Act out a story of Pirates on the high seas, fight as scary monsters, or play the part of a Wild West bandit on the loose. You can even combine any characters however you want!î

Art Authority††† This was our most expensive app.† $7.99† I am sure it is worth it but we havenít done a lot with this app.† It is BEAUTIFULY done.† †I really like to find art from the era we are studying in History.

ìA comprehensive collection of works by over 1,000 of the western world’s major artists, from ancient times to today. In your pocket! Organized by period and artist, Art Authority’s 40,000+ paintings and sculptures are downloaded as needed and displayed chronologically for each artist, with detailed captioning. In-depth information about the periods and artists is also available.
From the earliest creative pieces to the latest modern and contemporary works, Art Authority provides an impressively displayed, carefully selected, well organized view of the western art world that is both broad and deep.î


Flipboard † AWESOME app.† FREE This is something we just sit around and look at and read.† I may tell Keilee to go find one story that interests her on Flipboard and then tell me about it.†

Discovery HD† FREE† This has all the things Discovery Channel has but one thing extra that we LOVE.† Cinepuzzle; For all ages and interests CinePuzzle is an award-winning video puzzle innovation that is deceptively simple, totally addictive, and visually stunning. †A Cinepuzzle is a moving puzzle challenge: tap and drag the scrambled and rotated tiles from a moving video to realign the pieces while the video plays! Featuring exclusive puzzle content from hit Discovery shows! It amazes me how much faster Keilee is at these puzzles than I am.† She sees things visually much quicker than I do.

Also grab “Apps Gone Free” App.† They have around 5-7 apps free every day!† We have gotten some really good ones.† Some days I don’t get any, but one “FREE” makes it worth my time.

So thatís all for my first APP post.† I hope you can find something that will enrich your learning experience.† I can not wait to see where APPS are going.† I am sure they will only get more and more astonishing.† I wish I was rich and I could buy everyone I know an iPad.† I seriously think they are the educational wave of the futureÖnot just iPadís but tablets in general.

Homeschooling Rocks.


Disclaimer: No iPads were injured in the making of this post.† I was not compensated in any way, however if anyone from ye ole’ Apple is reading this; iTunes cards would be mostly appreciated.

ìThe last few decades have belonged to a certain kind of person with a certain kind of mindócomputer programmers who could crank code, lawyers who could craft contracts, MBAs who could crunch numbers. But the keys to the kingdom are changing hands. The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mindócreators and empathizers, pattern recognizers, and meaning makers. These peopleóartists, inventors, designers, storytellers, caregivers, consolers, big picture thinkersówill now reap societyís richest rewards and share its greatest joys.î ~Daniel H. Pink

ìThe illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.î ~Alvin Toffler


AppleÆ, Dr Pepper Pork, Witches and Doggie Scarves..

Collage #1

We did a class at the Apple Store.† [This is something FREE they offer for homeschoolers so check if you have a store in your area].† The class was for Middle/High School kids and they taught them how to make movies in iMovie.† They discussed plots and story-lines for their movie.† He asked for actors and Keilee decided to be the director and camera person.† She also got to go up and do the editing.† She had a blast and has been making iMovies ever since.


1.††††††††††† Keilee and Nomad doing Teaching Textbooks.† He is such a help.† I think Kei said he drooled on her laptop.† Good timesÖ

2.††††††††††† We played a game with her Eyeclops.††† She got this cool thing a few years ago and it has been stuck on a shelf.† I took it out and plugged it into our television so she has easy access.† She took 6 or so things and had them one at a time on the TV and then took pictures of them.† I had to guess what was what.† This is a quilt of my Grandmothers.† I would have NEVER guessed it. The Eyeclops makes things HUGE.† So cool.

3.††††††††††† Keilee has knitted 3 scarves for Nomad.† He loves them.† He will go get one and bring to us to put on him.† We ëoohí and ëahhí and tell him how handsome he is. ††

4.††††††††††† After the great class at the APPLE store, Kei has been making iMovies.† This was a stop animation one she did with her 167 WebKinz!!!† She also has made one of Nomad. Then she got her flash drive and grabbed over 100 photos off my computer.† She transferred them to her PowerBook and made the most adorable iMovie complete with songs.† I helped her ZERO with this.

5.††††††††††† Keilee got Banagrams for Christmas and we have loved playing it.† This is something she made with words from ìHunger Gamesî trilogy and ìEnderís Gameî our current audio book.

6.††††††††† Dr. Pepper Shredded Pork from Pioneer Woman.† It was SOOOOOOOOoooo† good!††† I mean anything with Dr. Pepper in it, I am in like Flynn!† Cooked it in my Red Dutch Oven I got for Christmas.† I am seriously in love with that thing!

My resource of the week is a couple of my favorite sites.† Check them both out if you haven’t.† So worth it!

The first is a site I found when Keilee was 8.† We have used it so many times.† The Brain Hat is just one of the cool things she has!† She has tons of free printables.†

The second site, The Toymaker, we have also loved forever.† It has the most beautiful paper projects in the world.† All free.† I just so admire people who offer their talents free for all to enjoy.††


Places weíre going and people weíre seeingÖ

Keilee has had play practice which of course she loves.† She is a very believable Wicked Witch!

My favorite thing this week wasÖ

Watching Keilee get so excited about making iMovies. She made 4 movies in 1 1/2 days!

Iím readingÖ

ìRange Free Learningî on my Kindle.† I LOVE this book.† It is making me rethink some things.I just love how I can still get so excited about homeschooling!

Whatís working for us:

Very little television.† I am seriously loving this.† Today I was going through my Netflix queue and I realized I do not hate TV, I hate mindless TV.† I have some amazing things in our instant queueÖartists bios, science and history documentaries, and much more.†

Itís not that I think all TV is horrible, I was tired of turning the TV on every night and just zombieing [ok I know that isnít a word but it sounds cool] in front of it.† We watch less than 2 hours a week now.†

I am praying for:

My Daddy.† He and Marlene are in Florida for a couple of months and he has been to the doctor once and the ER once.† They think he has bronchitis but it is scary to me because I canít go check on him.

Linking up with Susan’s ìFavorite Resources”

Favorite Resource This Week
and Mary’s ìCollage Fridayî


Happy Weekend to all !


ìWe have a cultural notion that if children were not engineered, if we did not manipulate them, they would grow up as beasts in the field. This is the wildest fallacy in the world.î ~ Joseph Chilton Pearce From “Range Free Learning”


Learning by Creating, Listening and Watching…

1.††††††††††† This is what happens when 4 girls sleep over!

2.††††††††††† Keilee got a new Monster High Doll, Clawdeen Wolf.† She has been looking for this one for months and she found it on Ebay.† She used her money, bid on it, followed the bid, set her limit and raised it 2 times, and WON it!† [Clawdeen is the one in the middle]

3.††††††††††† After Keiís party, Chan stayed with us for 4 days!† We all had a blast.† One of the ëMANYí things they did was play Dance Twister.†

4.††††††††††† Love this picture of Nomad.† The girls had spent hours with clay.† See the clay on my floor and on Nomadís nose?† Too cute.† You know the things about messes?? Öthey clean up. 🙂

5.††††††††††† Keileeís clay creation.† A cake made with fondant.† She is a fan of ëCake Bossí.†

6.††††††††††† Of course Monday night we had to watch the Alabama vs. LSU game for the National Title.† Nomad was supporting ëBama with pompoms.† It was a GREAT GAME.† ROLL TIDE!!!

7.††††††††††† The next day I had to teach Chan and Kei the rules of football.† I used candy and put 11 pink and 11 white on the table and explained the rules.† Then I taught them how to play paper football.† Keilee got a little too into it and jumped up on the table!

8.††††††††††† The purse Keilee knitted!† It was beautiful.† It was lime green on one side and turquoise on the other.† She used both colors for the strap.† She took it to her Sci Quest class.

9.††††††††††† This is a picture of the Tennessee River on the way home from Keiís science class.† It was so stormy and rainy all day.† She had a science class this week at Sci-Quest.†† It was the first time she has taken these classes.† She loved it and I loved sitting and talking with all the Moms.† We all exchanged APPS.† They learned about plant, animal and bacteria cells. When I picked her up the teacher told me she was ìa cool kidî.† I found a great Free APP to go along with her learning that she played with on the way home.† It is called iCells.†

Favorite Resources This Week: [Sorry Susan, I couldn’t pick just ONE! :)]

We are in Chapter 16 in SOTW 2 here are some great resources we used:

  • Middle Ages † .† We played ëTabla Lurosia Board Gameí from the Teachers Guide and learned about Old English, serfs and noblemen and castles.†
  • We watched this video about defending a castle.††
  • Keilee also made a short play about serfs and noblemen with iPad app called PuppetPals HD††
  • I am going thru a free ebook with Keilee called ìFiske 250 Words Every High School Freshman Should Know† I got this for free but it isnít free now. Not really sure why.
  • We are still doing ëEnglish From the Roots Upî† I think knowing Latin and Greek root words are so very important.††
  • We watched a movie about Georgia OíKeeffe.† We looked at her art work online.† I love finding a film about someone we are studying.† Keilee told me she would never forget Georgia OíKeeffe after seeing the movie.† [Warning: Probably not suitable for younger kids. It is Unrated but I think it is probably PG13]††

†The temperature fell about 20∞ yesterday in a couple of hours and it is COLD.† It was even spitting snow a bit outside, but it is warm in the house.† Keilee is planning on playing with a cardboard Dollhouse that she made yesterday from huge boxes and painted.† I plan to snuggle under the blanket and read on my iPad and Nomad will be snoring on the couch.† Life is good.

Linking up with Susan’s ìFavorite Resource This Weekî†

Favorite Resource This Week
and Mary’s ìCollage Fridayî†

Homeschooling Rocks!


ìAlways walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.î †~Vernon Howard

PARTY like it’s 2012…

Keileeís 12th Birthday was Tuesday.† She decided she wanted to have a spend the night party.† There were so many people she wanted to invite but we just didnít have room for everyone.† I was also going to do a Scavenger Hunt at Wal-Mart and I had to be able to fit everyone in my small car.

So she decided on her 3 best homeschooling friends.† We planned it for Friday and got ready to PARTY!

First of all we went to Skate Day.† Everyone had a blast as usual.

Girls at Skate Day *Picture by Gina Lackey

Then since it was nice outside we went to the park for awhile.† It wasnít THAT warm and I froze as usual but it was good times.

Kei and Chan at Park

Hanging Out

Big Plans...

Love This One...

Then all the girls piled in my car and we headed for home.† After Nomad enthusiastically greeted them, they decided they needed a snack.† I quickly opened the goodies and made some cheese dip.


Then they played HeadBanz and I laughed so much at them.

What Am I?

I had a GREAT idea earlier in the week for a Wal-Mart Scavenger Hunt.† I decided to ask for pictures instead of items.† I divided them into 2 teams and off to Wal-Mart we went.† I was afraid they would get in trouble or kicked out but they were very good.† Except for a little running and I’m not going to mention names ::coughKeileeEmilycough::† Here is the list:


Please do not destroy anything in the process of this scavenger hunt. Also, remember that we are in a public place so try not to be too loud. Finally, there is a time limit of 1 HOUR! We will meet at the entrance we came in through in 1 HOUR!


Both Team Members holding a Flag [any country]
One team members dress in a boa and tiara.
A Kiwi
3 unknown people doing ìCharlie Angelî pose
Take a picture of someone chewing gum
Take a picture of someone with a cart-load full of things.
A Barbie Doll wearing MAINLY RED
Something you can buy with a Lady bug on it
A Welcome Mat with DOG paws on it
ONE team Member holding a Justin Bieber CD
Someone wearing Camouflage
1 Team Member on a Bike
Polka Dot clothing item
A Ball with Spiderman on it
BOTH Team Members with Wal Mart Greeter
1 Team Member with a Pregnant person
A Family with at least 4 Children [all in photo]
An employee named Pat and take a picture of them w/ Name Tag
Something that you can buy that starts with a ìXî
an organic snack with a wild animal on the box
One Team Member with a Towel Dress on
Have a stranger sign their name on both of your arms in black pen.
Buy the cheapest item you can find and have receipt
[Only ONE team will get the points for this]


Tons of Fun!

They had so many funny pictures but this one from Keilee and Emily’s team was great.† Charlie Angel’s pose! 😉

Charlie's Angels

When time was up we went home to look through pictures and count up the points. There were so many funny stories told back and forth.† Obviously there were no Justin Bieber’s CD’s in the entire store and Emily had a hard time believing that.† She made Keilee look about 5 times.† Chan and Brit were told that picture taking was not allowed in Wal-Mart.† So they just went to another part of the store to find their things!† There was an employee named Pat [I picked a total random name] but he had left a few minutes earlier!† There were stories of trying to get a picture of a ‘pregnant person’ and not wanting to ask someone if they were pregnant in case they weren’t!† They both took a picture of the same ‘FULL SHOPPING CART” at different times.†† They both spent WAY too much on their one item, Kei and Em spent 79¢ and Brit and Chan spent 74¢.† I saw Christmas stickers on sale for 5¢!† After tallying the points Keilee and Emily won by only a few points!† The girls all loved the Hunt and I will have to do something similar some other time.

After talking about it for an hour they decided it was time for cake!

Nomad wants in on the fun!

"Zebra" Cake

Make A Wish.....

After cake they went to Keilee’s room and talked for awhile.

Chatting and Posing...

Then I went to my room for the night.† There was music and dancing and videos and laughing and music and giggling and more.

Keilee said it was her best birthday ever.† She is so lucky to have such great girls in her life.

Homeschooling Rocks!


There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents … and only one for birthday presents, you know.† ~Lewis Carroll

Collage Friday…First Week of 2012!!

1.††††††††††† Keilee at our friendís house in her winking Panda Hat.

2.††††††††††† A dress Keilee knitted for her Monster High Doll!† Her 1st ëclothesí knitting project.

3.††††††††††† Keilee at her first Wizard of Oz practice.† She is The Wicked Witch!

4.††††††††††† Perfect cupcakes from Gigiís.† Birthday treat.

5.††††††††††† Keilee and the ìWICKEDî tickets I got her for her birthday.† She has wanted to see this for years!† She has the soundtrack and listens to it every day.† She has auditioned for plays twice with songs from ìWickedî.† Here is the Birthday Booklet I made her with the tickets on the last page.† She had NO clue. She was bouncing off the walls when she came to the end.† She kept saying, ìSeriously? Seriously? Is this for realî?

6.††††††††††† Our church has convergence every three months.† It was this past week and it was amazing.† The first week of December they had a ëReverse Titheí and gave out $5000 with instructions to use your talents and turn it into whatever you can.† Kei made knitted things and we turned $10 into $60.† Everyone turned in their money last night and we got over $20,000 !† It was an amazing night.

††††††††††††††† We had given up television for our Churchís 40 Day Fast and we donít intend to go back to how it was.† We are only watching 2-3 shows that we love and movies and videos for homeschooling.† We got so much more accomplished and both feel so much better with it mostly out of our lives.†

I am linking up with Mary at Homegrown Learners for her Collage Friday!

Homeschooling Rocks!!


“Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.” ~Bill Gates

“I find television to be very educating.† Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room and read a book. “~Groucho Marx


Happy 12th Birthday to My Girl…

Today is your birthday.

You are 12 years old.†

I wish I could make you understand what you mean to me.† I wish you could know what you have brought into my life.

Before you I was just a female.† Now I am your Mother.

Being your Mother is the best thing I have ever done.† You are such an amazing child.† Your heart is huge.† Your smile is infectious.† Your laughter is music.†

I love that you jump up and down with excitement.† I love that you love with your whole heart.† I love that you despise injustice and refuse to stand by and let people say mean things.† I love that you stand up for what you believe in.

You love so many things; knitting and sewing and writing and performing and dancing and cartwheels and backbends and playing in water and watching the stars, and jumping rope and riding your bike and singing and swimming and playing with your dog and hanging out with your friends and laughing at the silliest things and listening to audio books with me and taking walks in the woods and exploring and building fairy houses and snuggling in bed and bubble baths and makeup and hats and putting clothes together and playing online games and talking to every inanimate thing in the house and cooking and baking and plays and shopping and summer nights and snow and wind and rain and playing dress up.

I love that our house is never quiet.† You talk to the computer, to the dog, to your dolls, to the television.† And there is always singing.† In the shower, doing work, and just walking around.

I love that we speak in a wonderful shorthand that no one else understands.† That we randomly dance in the middle of the kitchen or sing some crazy song.

I love teaching you.† I love for you to get excited about things.† I love that you come up with great ideas and I love seeing the light bulb come on.† I love the way your mind works.† I love that you love animals.†† I love that you don’t think you are too old to play with your dolls and your toys.

I love that you think ëbutt and crapí are bad words and refuse to say them.† I love to hear your prayers.† I love your belief in Jesus and how much you love him.

I want to give you so much.† I want to have years and years and years with you here.† But I know that wonít happen.† You have so many plans, so many dreams. You will grow up and live your life.† I want that for you, but at the same time it makes me sad.†

What I wish for you is joy and fulfillment and friendships and love.

What I wish for you is the world.†

You deserve it.

Happy Birthday Keibug

I love you my baby girl,

To Pluto and back,


“A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.” ~ Agatha Christie

Ringing in The New Year…

Many years ago, MANY years ago, I spent New Yearís Eve with Kathy.† She had a party at her house.† We were in high school.† I donít remember much of itÖit was a LONG time ago, but I do remember music and laughing and dancing.

Now, years later that is how we rang in 2012.† The only difference is we both had our much loved daughters with us.† How quickly the years pass…how much like a circle life can be.

We headed out to Kathy and Sophieís house New Yearís Eve afternoon.† The plan was to hang out, maybe get something to eat and then go back and get ready to go to some friendís of hers New Years party.

Kei with her New Years Hat on her Panda Hat

We decided to grab Chinese and all got stuffed at the buffet.† Then we decided to go book shopping.† I mean is there any store better than a book store?† Keilee and Sophie had a blast trying on hats.†† Then Kathy and I had to get into the act.

Hats and Hats

†Then we headed back to Kathy’s to get ready.† I had forgotten how it is for 4 girls to get ready to go to a party.† Keilee and Sophie were all about their makeup and clothes and bling. † We ALL had on black and grey.† Not planned.

Ready to Party!

When we got to the party our make-uped, dressed up, blinged up girls quickly starting playing NERF GUNS!

Dressed to KILL....

There was a couple there from England and of course Keilee had to quiz him for 30 minutes in a BRITISH accent.† She is so goofy.† He told her that her accent was very good.† She and he discussed William the Conqueror and The Battle of Hastings and more.† She told him about Wales being where King Arthur lived and he told her about living in Prague and she loved every minute of it!

We also played “Pass the Parcel” which is a game they play in England.† There was a ‘parcel’ wrapped in about 15 layers and you passed it around the room with music.† When the music stopped the person holding it would open the top layer and do what the little note said.† Sophie had to go up on the balcony and shoot the Nerf gun and hit 4 people out of 5 shots.† People had to do all sorts of things.† It was so much fun.† Keilee had to stand on one foot, make a counter clockwise motion with her foot and draw an ‘R’ in the air with her hand.

Passing the Parcel

Keilee doing her 'forfeit'

We counted down to the New Year. Finally it was 2012!!

Happy New Year 2012!

†Then there was dancing and more dancing.† Keilee and Soph ‘whipped their hair’ so much I am surprised they didn’t have whiplash.

Dance Dance Dance

Before we left I made this little video.† Bad lighting but cute.

It was a GREAT start to 2012!† I am looking so forward to this new year.

My word this year is going to be:† YES!

Saying Yes instead of No.† Taking chances, not worrying about everything being planned to the last little bit.†

Just living in the moment.

Hope your 2012 is a wonderful adventure.† I can’t wait to hear all about it!

Homeschooling Rocks!


We will open the book.† Its pages are blank.† We are going to put words on them ourselves.† The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.† ~Edith Lovejoy Pierce


It Was A Holly, Jolly Christmas…

We had a wonderful Christmas this year.† We served with our church, we had Christmas get-togethers with our dearest friends, we spent time with family.† We laughed and sang and ate too much.

Christmas Eve day we attended church.† They decided to have it on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day.† It was entitled ìBelieveî and it was awesome.† Our preacher tied it in with ìPolar Expressî.† We watched clips of the movie; the little boy who wasnít quite sure he believed any longer.† It was a wonderful message.† The scene where Tom Hanks character says, †ìDoes anyone want some refreshments?î played on the screen and then our preacher repeated it.† They brought carts filled with hot chocolate down the aisles to everyone.† It was a beautiful, heartwarming message.† About the true reason we celebrate Christmas.

Then Keilee and I braved Wal-Mart.† We went with a great attitude.† We KNEW it would be crazy and packed and we decided to just revel in it.† It actually wasnít that bad.† They had EVERY check out opened so no waiting.† Why canít they do that every day???

Christmas Eve night we went to my brotherís house.† He had a roaring fire and we had some snacks.† We watched ìA Christmas Carolî with Patrick Stewart.† It is my favorite version.

We went to bed pretty soon after we got home so Santa could come. Neither Keilee nor I could sleep we were both so excited.† She woke me up at 6:06 and was raring to go.† Mommy and Santa went a little crazy this year after we had promised we wouldnít.† It so easy with just one to buy too much.† I donít buy Keilee that much during the year so I like to get her things at Christmas.† She is so easy to buy for because I know everything she would love!† And love everything she did!

Knit book, Panda Hat and gloves, wallet, Fairy Opoly, Makeup, Black boots, Pink Goggles, Hunger Game Earrings


More Pandas, Hunger Games Calendar, Earring Tree, Black Shiny Boots, Owl Shirt

She also got earrings, a Claire’s gift card, a iTunes gift card, bubble bath, socks, an orange, Hello Kitty PJ’s, suckers, 2 awesome necklaces, feather earrings, a bracelet, banagrams and more in her ginormous stocking!

Keilee got me too much!† She saved the money she made Sept – Dec at Skate Day selling her Knit Wits.† She was so excited about what she got me and wanted to give it to me about 100 times.† She picked everything out herself and it was all things I loved.† Here is some of it.† She also got me a long [to my shins] black button up sweater that I loved and a yin/yang necklace that we both wear one half of.† I have wanted “The Pioneer Woman” cookbook all year.† I love it but we would have to plow the back 40 to eat like she cooks everyday!

Blender, Pioneer Woman's Cookbook, Earrings, Coolest Rain Boots EVER!

Here is Keilee with her ‘Goodies’.† She kept saying it was the best Christmas ever.† She says that every year. 🙂

After opening gifts we went to Eddie and Heatherís for Christmas breakfast.† This is a tradition that we have always done with my Mom.† The kids used to wear their pajamas but only Kei wore hers this year.

Kei at Eddie's with her Roll Tide Hat

We got so many things that we loved and we loved giving gifts to all of our family.† Eddie got me a Dutch Oven that is RED!† I love it and plan on using it tonight for the first time.† Daddy got me a sculpture that is very Art Deco.† It is so cool and so ME!

Eddie and Katherine

Seth and I modeling Keilee's goggles and Panda Hat

After Eddie’s we came home and then went to Daddy and Marlene’s for Christmas dinner.† I missed my Mother very much.† I think I will always miss her.

Keilee got a gift certificate to Hobby Lobby and we went there Wednesday.† She racked up on yarn and needles.† She is working on a blanket.† I so envy her patience.† I could never make something that would take that long!

Working on the Blanket

I loved everything I got for Christmas but my favorite thing was from my awesome boss.† He got us an iPad!† We LOVE IT.† I could never had afforded to buy one for us.† I thought I wanted one but wasn’t sure.† Kei and I both have iPhones and I wasnít sure how different it would be.† MUCH DIFFERENT I can tell you.† We both fight to use it.† We have looked up things, watched videos, played educational games and so much more.† Keilee is writing a report right now on it about Public Schools.† [her choosing of the topic]


We were blessed this year.† I told Keilee time and time again how lucky we were.† We have neighbors that care about us, amazing friends and wonderful family.† †We have a roof over our heads, food in the house, a crazy dog that we love, a church that is beyond belief and each other.

What more could anyone want?

Homeschooling Rocks!



“Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows, and the more power you have to use it on your behalf. If you do not practice gratefulness, its benefaction will go unnoticed, and your capacity to draw on its gifts will be diminished. To be grateful is to find blessings in everything, This is the most powerful attitude to adopt, for there are blessings in everything.”† ~Alan Cohen

Twas The Week Before Christmas…..

1.††††††††††† Keilee and Nomad sharing a beater.† She didnít lick on the same side as he did!!

†2.††††††††††† Oreo Truffles† ….. One of our favorite Christmas goodies.

†3.††††††††††† Keilee at our churchís ìWrapped With Loveî community service.† We wrapped Christmas gifts outside Wal-Mart for 3 nights FREE!!† We had a blast.

†4.††††††††††† Mommy and KeileeÖ Merry Christmas!

†5.††††††††††† Homemade Sugar Cookies from Keilee!† This was such a messy, fun, crazy day.† I am not fond of holiday baking so Keilee said she could do it all by herself.† And she did!

†6.††††††††††† The Girls at Estherís Christmas party.† We played Dirty Santa and had so much fun.† I scored a Target gift card and Keilee got 5 awesome nail polishes!

†7.††††††††††† The kids at Estherís.† Traditional ëpose on the porchí.

†8.††††††††††† The Momís!† I am so thankful for these women in my life.

†9.††††††††††† Gina and I playing Cow Girl!

†10.††††††††† We went to Karen S’s house for food and conversation and laughing so hard my stomach hurt.† Keilee and the kids played Wii.

†11.† ††††††† There also played Red Rover and dodgeball and soccer and hide and seek.† Karen S. has goats and a cow and chickens and dogs.† Keilee was in hog heaven!

†12.††††††††† Keilee and I played so many games this past week.† Clue and Head Bandz and Yahtzee and Scrabble!†††† We laughed and laughed and had so much fun.

†13.††††††††† Keilee FINALLY got an ornament with her name on it. 😉

†14.††††††††† The presentsÖ.all finished!

†15.††††††††† GAS UNDER $3.00!†

Merry Christmas to all my wonderful blog friends.† I hope this is such a lovely Christmas, full of laughter and love and giggles and delicious food and hugs and secrets and delight and wonder and the blessing of the season.†

Homeschooling Rocks!

Karen and Keilee

Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.† ~Laura Ingalls Wilder

Even as an adult I find it difficult to sleep on Christmas Eve.† Yuletide excitement is a potent caffeine, no matter your age.† ~Terri Guillemets

When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things – not the great occasions – give off the greatest glow of happiness.† ~Bob Hope

Mars, Hugo and Oz…

We had a really good week and weekend.† We got our tree up.† Ok Keilee got our tree up, I helped very little.† We were going to get a real tree this year but our tree is so easy to put up.† I have had 20í trees, big fat touch the ceiling trees and theme trees.† Now we like simple.† Now ìIî like simple.† It is not a ‘bad little tree’† and Nomad approves!†

One of the BEST presents of all... iPhone Photo

Wednesday Kei got a great opportunity.† They were going to test a new Mission at the Space and Rocket Center and asked for Homeschool volunteers.† I called Gina and asked if Brit wanted to go and she said, “YES”, so I signed them up.† We weren’t sure exactly what they were going to do but Space and Rocket Center is always the BOMB! And it SNOWED on the way there…wet, sloppy, “not going to stick” snow, but snow nonetheless!† If it isn’t slippery, I love driving when it is snowing.

At Space and Rocket

Now they were going to be ‘guinea pigs’ for 3 hours so I had called my brother who works at Marshall Space Flight Center and asked him if he could get away for awhile.† He picked me up and we went to Sam’s.† Do you have Sam’s?† Similar to Costco’s.† We wandered around and got a few things and then he took me to his office.† This is on Redstone Arsenal and you have to have a badge to get on the base.† We stayed at his office for a couple of hours and I met his co-workers.††† He works with some great people!† I already knew a few of them because he has worked there for years.It made me remember how much I liked working in an environment with great people.† Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to do that, I just remember fun times.

On the way out he showed me the building where Wernher von Braun worked.† Google him or look on link if you don’t know who that is.† He was VERY instrumental in the Space Program.

Wernher von Braun's Office

When I got back to the Space and Rocket Center I saw Kei coming out of a space shuttle with her ‘crew’.† I cracked up because she had her purse!

Mission to Mars

Here are some pictures Kei made with her iPhone that was IN HER PURSE!† Never mind about the important saving the world moments…lets snap some photos.† I am so proud of her.

Mission Control

All the way home I heard what a blast they had.† They were divided into different groups.† Kei’s group stayed on the ship while Brit’s group had to repair the space ship “Aurora”.† Kei was the pilot and communicated with Mission Control with headsets.† The ship went down and for 20 seconds they were without communications and all red lights began to flash.† They finally re-established contact and fixed the problem. Brit’s group died I think. :)† They stepped out onto Mars before the ‘all clear’ sounded.† There were other groups doing other things but this is dictated to me by Keilee.† :)† They both loved it!

Kei "ON" the Moon

After the Mission Brit came and spent the night with Keilee.† They sang and sang and there may or may not have been a video of dancing to “Barbie Girl”.† Don’t try to deny it, if a picture is worth a thousand words…what is a video worth? Huh? 😉

Pretty in Red...

Saturday Keilee tried out for “The Wizard of Oz”.† She didn’t expect a big role because they are very fair with letting the kids all have a chance.† But she really wanted to be The Cowardly Lion.† She has a strange fascination with tails.† Don’t ask…I don’t.† There were 130 kids that tried out!† Almost all of our core group of Homeschoolers tried out.† Many of them have never done plays and only Chan has done plays with this group.†

Kei Wizard tryouts

All the kids did a really good job.† We found out Sunday night that EVERY ONE of the HOMESCHOOL kids made it!!!† We were so excited.† They are going to have a blast.† Keilee was cast as the Wicked Witch which surprised us both very much.† So I have heard, “I’ll get you my pretty and your little dog too” about a thousand times already.

Sunday after church we met some of our favorite people at Bridge Street to see “Hugo 3D”.† Kei and I read this book [you must read it if you haven’t] and were very excited to see it.† Martin Scorsese directed it and it was wonderful.† It was one of the best “3D” movies we have seen.†

After the film Keilee and Sophie got into a fight about which one of them was marrying Johnny Depp.† It just drives Keilee crazy because Sophie wants Johnny to be one of her 3 husbands and Keilee just knows he is her one and only.† Crappy picture in dark theatre on iPhone but it was so funny.

Cat Fight

Kei and Sophie

Then there was ice cream at Maggi Moo’s and shopping.† Kei and Sophie flitted around like butterflies to pollen.† Every store had the cutest things.† Ahhh I wish I was rich.† But we did manage to get a few things.† She found some awesome distressed jeans on sale.† I bought them for her FOR CHRISTMAS! 🙂

Ice Cream!

We had such a great afternoon.† It is so cool to love the Moms of your child’s friends.† I am so blessed because I love all of Keilee’s friends Moms.

One of my favorite things this week was talking to Jess and Theresa.† They each called me Thursday and I am surprised my cordless didn’t go dead.† We talked and talked and talked.† I just love talking over things with these 2 women.† They are both just the greatest.† If only I could build that street, you know the one…with houses for me, and Jess and Theresa and Helena and Susan and Jenn and Phyllis and H-Mama and Mary and the Roamies [because sometimes 30 or 45 minutes is just TOO far]…it could be called “What a Jolly Street”.† Does anyone remember that book?† My Mom liked it and bought it for me when I was little and I loved it.† I bought it for Kei and she loved it.† We used to read it every night.

We also learned stuff!† Lots of stuff… and there was knitting and cooking and laughing and looking up things and videos and NO TELEVISION.† I forgot to mention that huh?† We are not watching TV until Jan. 4, 2012.† We are taking part in a fast at our church and that is what we decided to ‘give up’.† We are watching 2-3 shows a week or a movie.† But the rest of the time…silence from the boob tube.† I have loved it.† Kei hasn’t hated it. ;)† We chose to watch “Super 8” for our movie this week.† We both really like it!† [Thanks Gina and it went into the mail today ]

A great few days.† Aren’t we blessed?† Don’t you feel so blessed to be able to homeschool?† I know I do.† [most of the time] 😉

Homeschooling Rocks!

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”† – Anais Nin

“Every person is a new door to a different world.” from movie “Six Degrees of Separation”

Spend the Night, Santa’s Village, Knitting Till You Drop… and learning….

It has been such a homeschooling kind of last few days.† Chan came over last Tuesday and spent the night with Kei until Friday.† I mean how cool is that?† That we can do things like that?† Kei taught Chan how to knit and I can tell you there were some knitting marathons going on.†

Knit 1, Purl 2

There was game playing.† Of course there was very little ‘following by the rules’.

What do you call this again?

They played “Life” [which I HATE] and I heard things like this; “Oh so you are making your kids work for money”, “I’m soliciting money from the children in the orphanage”, “Let’s pull another bank job for money”.† Ahhh those great lessons games teach us!

Kei knitted some scarves.† I was really proud of her because they were the first ones she had ever knitted.† She is crazy good at things like this!

Kei's Scarves

Knitting a Christmas Scarf

Thursday night we went to our Library’s Christmas Program.† A professor at a nearby college was reading “A Christmas Memory”.† He has this magnificent voice and we always try to go when he is speaking.† This is one of our favorite Christmas stories.† You should definitely read it if you haven’t.† It is written by Truman Capote about his childhood.† He grew up in Alabama and was always friends with Harper Lee [To Kill a Mockingbird].† It is also on instant on Netflix.† It is wonderfully done.†† My brother reads it aloud every year at Christmas.

†Friday was Skate Day and we went but I didn’t let Keilee skate.† She had ran a fever the day before and had a sore throat so we didn’t stay very long.

I read 11/23/63 by Stephen King.† I downloaded it to my Kindle and while Kei and Chan were doing their thing I read an 873 page book in 2 1/2 days.† I LOVED IT!!† I have always loved Stephen King, but he is not everyone’s cup of tea.† This book had a feel of King, but not really.† It was definitely worth reading!

Saturday we decided to go shopping.† I bought Kei some new clothes, boots, a hat and a few more little things.† Most of them are put up for Christmas! I look back fondly on the days that I could just buy her clothes and she would love them.† She still likes what I pick out but she MUST try everything on.

Monday we went to Santa’s Village with a Homeschool Group.† Now this place is really for younger kids but Keilee wanted to go because it was the 1st Field Trip she ever went on in Kindergarten.† We both had a blast.

Santa's Village

Kei at Santa's Village

Last night Kei spent hours texting with A and P, Theresa’s daughters.† She had a blast and plans to play an online game with them today.† I think there are Face Time plans in the future too!

Texting and more Texting

Today she has decided she simply ‘must’ write. This second….before she forgets this amazing story she thought of.† Me: “Why don’t you move somewhere more comfortable”?† Kei: “No I have to write this NOW”!

Must Write....

Did we learn?† Well of course silly!† We learned about Vikings and Odin and read myths and played online games about the Vikings.† We did a unit study on Rocks and Minerals and Kei did 2 months of Pet Shop Math and she is reading 2 books at once and she has written and written on stories.† She watched Brain Pop every day, we watched a documentary about Vikings and a movie.† She has watched documentaries about the intelligence of mammals and keeps telling me all these facts that she has learned.† She had an online Knitting Club meeting and had such fun talking about knitting.† We also started “Connect The Thoughts” Christmas study.† It seems really cool so far.

So here it is ….December.† DECEMBER!† I am so not ready for Christmas.† Blast all of you who has your tree up, decorations abounding, baking done and all your gifts bought and wrapped.† I work better under pressure. …..OK?????!!!!!!

Homeschooling Rocks!


ìTrue learning ñ learning that is permanent and useful, that leads to intelligent action and further learning ó can arise only out of the experience, interest, and concerns of the learnerî† ~ John Holt

The Week That Was Thanksgiving…

The Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this weekÖ

Cooking and laughing and spending time with the family on Thanksgiving.

Kei and My Brother Eddie

In our homeschool this weekÖ

Kei is writing this hysterical story about a Spider named Star who wanted to find the ëstarsí.† She meant in the sky but everyone she met thought she meant the ìHollywoodî stars so she found herself in Hollywood where she met Madonna and hence the song †ìLucky Starî.† Only my daughter would write a story about a Madonna song!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to shareÖ

I really need to just post some of my resources.† Isnít it crazy how much is out there?† I also must say our new schedule is amazing.† I love doing one subject daily.† We do Math, journaling and reading every day but the rest is once a week.† We can spend so much time on that subject without me freaking out.† We learned about Charlemagne this week, Kei did a unit study on amphibians and frogs and of course there was all the million of things that are ìKeiís thingsî; knitting and coloring and playing and baking.† I found a really cool coloring site.

Cool Coloring

Coloring with Markers and Crayons

I am inspired byÖ

My friend Erica whose daughter was just diagnosed with leukemia.† Her posts and her faith and her strength amaze me.† I wonder if I could possibly be that full of faith and love if it was Kei?† And then I always whisper, ìPlease God donít test meî.

Places weíre going and people weíre seeingÖ

We mainly hung out at home except for Thanksgiving.† We ate at Daddy and Marleneís and met her son and daughter in law who lives out of state.† It was a lovely afternoon.† I donít do Black Friday sales.† I just canít justify getting up at 2:00 AM to save a few dollars.† It isnít that I donít NEED to save the dollars, I am just more of a ìCyber Mondayî kinda girl.† People are crazy on Black Friday.† Did you see the news??† Shootings and pepper spray and tazers.† Good grief.


My favorite thing this week wasÖ

Lying in bed, under my electric blanket, reading ìYou Belong to Meî on the Kindle app listening to Kei and Livvy play in her room.

Kei and Liv

Questions/thoughts I haveÖ

Does anyone know of a really good King Arthur unit study?† It isnít really covered in SOTW and Kei LOVES that story.† I have searched but canít find exactly what I am looking for.

Iím readingÖ

*See ìMy favorite thing this weekî

Iím cookingÖ

Lots of leftovers, aren’t YOU? 🙂

Iím grateful forÖ

The fact that we are both healthy.† You just never know when something is going to blindside you.† One minute your world is spinning happily and the next it spins off its axis. †We have to all appreciate the little moments.†

Iím praying forÖ

The Campbells

A photo, video, link, or quote to shareÖ

Ericaís latest Facebook post:

I Love watching my sweet girls quietly playing together when they think i am not looking .. It is so nice to have a break from the hospital for a couple of days..we read a book last night to HG about siblings with cancer and how itís ok to be sad.. she was sad &confused and said mommy” I am the oldest why didnt God pick me.”.. Wow what do u say to that .. so after we prayed about it i told her God has made all of us unique in his own eyes and sometimes we go through things hard because God knows we are strong enough to handle it.. now as I am saying this its hard to hold back the tears or really even talk about it because as their Mommy I just want to protect them and when they hurt i hurt.. but I have also realized through my sadness i see their smiles and I never want to miss a moment of “joy” I donít want to spend one moment not appreciating what God has entrusted me with my beautiful sweet girls..So today we are going to turn on the Christmas music , put up all 5 Christmas trees, dance & be silly and just enjoy each precious moment!! So today I pray you all will do the same.. Please continue to lift us up in prayer as we are starting to see the effects chemo has on our sweet girl. and please keep HG in your prayers so she will know just how much she is loved! thank you all for loving us so much and continuing to follow our journey .
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34

So next week it is December!!† Already.† I am looking forward to smiles and laughter and family time.† Time spent with my girl and my dog, favorite movies to watch, favorite foods to cook and lots of moments.† It is all about the moments.

Homeschooling Rocks!


When you finally allow yourself to trust joy and embrace it,
you will find you dance with everything.††
– Emanuel

Parties, Space Camp, Pierced Ears and BREAKING DAWN!

The Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this weekÖ Birthday parties, more birthday parties, last day of Space Camp, amazing life group with such wonderful God women, friends, BREAKING DAWN!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to shareÖchillax.† That is my best advice.† Stress gets you nowhere fast.† Life is a journeyÖhomeschooling is a journey.† In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson [and Aerosmith] ìLife is a journey, not a destination.î

I am inspired byÖ my child.† Who makes me happy, makes me smile more, teaches me something every day and loves life in a way I wish everyone could.

My Girl

Places weíre going and people weíre seeingÖfriends and friends and friends.† What would we do without them?

My favorite thing this week wasÖ sorry, canít pick just one.† Too many wonderful things this week.† Highlights were Makalaís great Art Party [More on that later!], Jakeís 16th !!!! birthday party and Breaking Dawn with Gina, Britney and Cody.† Midnight showing yaíll.† Our kids were the youngest ones there.† Bad homeschool Moms!† It really was so well done.† I had no problem letting Kei watch it.† I love that Bella was a virgin when she married Edward.

Homeschool Kids

Still Can 'Do' Silly...

Mothers and Daughters

Kei’s Favorite Thing This Week…..PIERCED ears!† Kei had her ears pierced when she was younger but the earring split her ear and fell out in my hand while I was brushing her hair.† I freaked!† I have made her wait until 1.† the ear split closed up and 2.† she wasn’t allergic to metal any longer.†† That happened so off we went.

Preparing Herself


Whatís working for usÖPet Shop Business Math.† Loving it! LOVING IT!† Kei does it at night she likes it so much.† I have meant to buy this for over a year and finally did.† I think it teaches such great skills.

Questions/thoughts I haveÖAs Kei gets older, I worry that I wonít be able to fulfill all her needs.† I know that a lot of you out there have similar doubts and I hope that by sharing information between us all, we will muddle through.

Things Iím working onÖ After making “THE LIST” actually ACCOMPLISHING all some at least one things on it!

Iím cookingÖ chicken and wild rice in the crock pot.† I just love throwing things in a crock pot.† There is a sense of accomplishment to have dinner ready at 10:00 am!† Anyone have any amazing recipes?

Iím grateful forÖthat I had the money to send Kei to Space and Rocket Aviation Camp.† Her last class was Thursday and she was very nervous about riding the G Force Accelerator and the Space Shot.† She did them both easy peasy.† She was nervous because she gets car sick and was afraid she would get sick on the rides.† She didn’t.

These are NOT my pictures.† They wouldn’t let the Mom’s come and watch.† AS IF!

G Force and Space Shot

Iím praying forÖ Ava Campbell.† Her parents, Erica and Mike go to our church.† Erica is the kind of person that lights up a room.† She emits love and smiles and has such a huge heart.† Kei and I are both madly in love with her and her beautiful girls.† She has a 2nd grader Hannah Grace and the most beautiful baby Ava who will be 2 next month.† Thursday their lives were forever changed when Ava was diagnosed with leukemia.† Please pray if you pray for this child and this family.† Here is Erica and her sweet Ava.

Erica and Ava

A photo, video, link, or quote to shareÖ If you would like to follow along on Avaís progress here is her facebook page.† I have a feeling that this story may change your life.

Hope this week brings you love and joy and thankfulness.† I can’t wait to read about all of ya’lls Thanksgivings!† Enjoy each other, love each other, HUG each other.

Homeschooling Rocks!


We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.
Virginia Satir

I will not play at tug o’ war.
I’d rather play at hug o’ war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.
Shel Silverstein


Grandma Springs…

Growing up I don’t remember a time I didn’t know about Grandma Springs.† It was named after a midwife who lived there in the late 1800’s. † My grandfather spent time there, hunting and fishing.† My father spent time there doing the same.† Our family would go to hike, climb, find interesting insects, sit on bluffs that Indians roamed, had picnics and more.

There are ghost stories abound about Grandma Springs.† Stories of a Confederate soldier killed there who haunted it for years, stories of a headless baby that roamed around at night.† My grandfather told stories of walking down the dirt road late at night and hearing a carriage traveling very quickly.† He got out of the road and heard it pass, but never saw a thing.

Kei has grown up with stories of Grandma Springs.†† She has always loved ghost stories, a love she shares with my Mother and Mom always told her stories about the springs. † But it is now private property and not easy to get to.† My father had asked the owners if we could go down and walk around and they told him we could.† Sunday morning we all headed out. We were taking sandwiches and I made sausage balls.† It was very warm but so windy.

Pear Tree

Hike begins

This was the first time I had been to Grandma Springs in about 20 years.† It was familiar but different.† I am different changed since the last time I was there.† I spent some of the time thinking back to the Karen I was, and the Karen I have become.† I spent a lot of time wishing my Mother was with us.† She loved this place so much.† She would have loved to walk along with Kei and I and tell us stories.†

We saw an Indian sign tree.† These are young trees that were bent in some unnatural position without being broken, and were fastened securely.† After doing this it would continue to grow, forever after maintaining the bent position.† With this as a means, it was possible to deform the trees deliberately so that they could easily be distinguished from the other trees in the forest.

Indian Sign Tree

There developed a custom of marking trails through the forests by bending saplings and securing them in such positions that their directions of bend indicated the directions of the routes to be followed.† A line of similarly bent trees thus established a continuous uninterrupted route of travel which could readily be followed.† We have found many arrowheads up in the bluffs in the past.


We ended up hiking about 6 miles.† These were hard miles not easy miles, uneven ground, bushes and grasses and uphill in places.† When we arrived at the bluffs Daddy and Marlene decided to hang around that area and Eddie wanted to take us up Range Mountain.

My Family -Most of them

†We found a tree frog and a hummingbird nest and so many other cool things.

Tree Frog

Beautiful Hummingbird Nest

Range Mountain is about 500 feet up and it was NOT easy going.† Very steep and underbrush everywhere.† The fall leaves made it so slippery.† Seth had to keep hacking away so we could get through.† I almost stopped about 3/4 the way up but I finally decided to keep going.†

On the way up we saw one of the trees my Daddy had carved “Jean and Bull” on.† [My Daddy’s nickname and my Mom]† It made me a little teary eyed.

Mom and Dad

When we finally huffed and puffed ourselves up to the top, it was beautiful.† There was a little cave that Eddie had played in when he was younger.† Rocks that he carried to make the walls that were still there.

Against the Bluff Wall

Me and Kei

Relaxing in the Sun

Going back down was a little easier but much more slippery!† I used my butt to just slide down some of the way.† Which was fine until I hit a rock.† OUCHIE.† We met back up with Daddy and Marlene, ate some lunch and headed back out.† We were all pretty tired on the way out. Kei got a ride from Seth.

Kei got a Ride from Seth

When we got back to our house, my Daddy called and he had LOST HIS CELL PHONE up there.† Kei and I had to go to church but Eddie and the kids went back and found it!† I couldn’t believe it.

But it was a great day.† Family and memories both old and new.† Mother would have just loved it.

Homeschooling Rocks!



A happy childhood can’t be cured.† Mine’ll hang around my neck like a rainbow, that’s all, instead of a noose.† ~Hortense Calisher, Queenie, 1971


Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.† ~From the television show The Wonder Years

A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen.† ~Edward de Bono


Homeschool Mother’s Journal… 11.11.11


The Homeschool Mother's Journal


Happy 11.11.11 This is such a cool day.† Kei and I started off talking about how unique it is.† Hope yours is amazing!
In my life this weekÖcalmer, slower, less frantic.† Our new schedule is amazing.† We are both so much happier without a huge amount of check lists to get through each day.† We are exploring things in greater detail.† I have wanted to do this basically ëone subject a dayí for years.

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to shareÖfound so many wonderful sites.† How did people do this before the internet?† The resources are incredible.† A few of our new favs:

http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/category/new Many simulations with free lesson plans to go along with them.† We did one Wednesday on Physics and we both loved it.

http://www.msnucleus.org/membership/k-6.html Great science resources.† You do have to register but it is completely FREE!

I am inspired byÖJessica at Teachable Moments.† Thank you Jess for talking me through our new schedule.

What made me smile… While searching for a video to show the difference between potential and kinetic energy I found this.† What better example than that crazy Wile E. Coyote and RoadRunner!!

Places weíre going and people weíre seeingÖWe mainly hung out at home this week.† Kei did go to her Space and Rocket class and learned to build a fire and construct shelter from a parachute. Because of course every one carries one of those suckers around!

My favorite thing this week wasÖCurling up on the couch and Kei and I taking turns reading aloud from ìKing Arthur and the Knights of the Round Tableî. Also we are watching ìMerlinî on Netflix streaming and loving it.

Questions/thoughts I haveÖ why is bullying acceptable behavior?† Who make that something that just happens.† Feeling blessed that Kei doesn’t HAVE to live with these kinds of people and can walk away from anyone who doesnít treat her with respect.

Things Iím working onÖbeing fine with Kei not wanted to jump out of bed and start ëworkí.† It is ok to do other things first Mom! Really it is.

We are readingÖ

I am reading ìLove Walked Inî by Marisa de los Santos [thank you Theresa] and really enjoying it.

We are reading ìKing Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtableî together.†

Kei is reading ìCelia and the Fairiesî

We are both reading poetry to each other.† Rereading Shel Silverstein ìWhere the Sidewalk Endsî.

Iím cookingÖchili and chicken tortillas and baked chicken and homemade bread!

Iím grateful forÖmy silly dog, who taught me it is possible to love a furry canine who chews up everything in sight, licks my mouth and nose, whines if he isn’t petted, gets dog hair EVERYWHERE, breathes his stinky breath all over me and is the highest maintenance thing in our house!

†What’s working for us...We have cut out TV by 80%.† Let me clarify….we still watch shows and movies but not regular TV.† We are watching things that we feel enrich our lives instead of waste time.† We are also sitting on the couch together talking, knitting, reading, doing crosswords, etc at night instead of just mindlessly watching television.† So far neither one of us have gone insane. 😉

Iím thankful forÖa job that is steady enough to splurge on beautiful yarn for my girl and not have to worry about it.

A photo, video, link, or quote to shareÖ Kei took this picture of herself with her iPhone and I loved the way it turned out.

Homeschooling Rocks!


“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.“† ~Hans Hofmann

Scheduling, Art Cards, Knitting and BFF News…

In our homeschool this weekÖ we shook it all up.† I was tired of doing lesson plans that never got completed because fun stuff came along or we wanted to spend an extra hour on Science.† So I called Jessica and chatted to her about it and after going to her post at Three Thinking Moms, I pretty much borrowed her schedule.† Of course I changed a few things, but I am doing ONE subject a day except for Math, journaling and reading which we do 4 days a week.† So far we are loving it.† We can spend hours on History instead of freaking out because we have 3 more subjects to do. †

New Weekly

The weather has been cool and crisp and autumny which we have loved.† Kei worked on Art Cards and had so much fun doing them.† She used magazines to make hers but you can use ANY medium; chalk, pencil, markers, paint, feathers, anything.† We were doing a Swap† Day at Skate Day and she made about 11 of them.† Fun fun.† If you aren’t familiar with Art Cards, google it.† Resources GALORE!

Working on Art Cards

"The Eyes Have It"

She woke up really early Tuesday morning and started reading a knitting book that Ami had sent her over a year ago.† She then told me “I can KNIT”.† Now she finger knits and crochets her little heart out but she couldn’t knit.† Now she can!† She knitted for about 10 hours straight.† She would knit, take it all out, start something else and rinse and repeat.† She said she was just ‘learning’.† Argh this is why I don’t knit.† I like FAST projects.† We also rented a DVD that Susan told us about called†No-Rules Knitting at the Teen Knit Cafe.† We loved watching it and Kei got some great ideas.† Thanks Susan!† I just love the give and take of Homeschool Moms.† I have learned so much from my blog friends!



Friday was Skate Day and Kei took all her Knit Wits Kreations that she had been working on all month.† She had orders for 5 scarves, hair extensions and bows.† I am just so proud of her.† She loves making the price tags and order sheets and arranging them just so in her basket.

Getting Ready

Skate Day

Saturday Liv spent the night with us and they stayed up until 3:30 AM!† Laura if you read this, it was NOT my fault. ;)† We also found out the best news.† Liv is going to be homeschooled again!† Kei and I are both so excited we were giddy.† Kei and Liv spend so much time together in the summer but when school starts Liv is at school all day, then doing homework and they don’t get to see each other.† Laura and I are already making plans Lucy!

Dress Up Angel Style

Kei had her 4th Aviation class last Thursday.† It was pouring down rain so they didn’t get to do the Surviving in the Wilderness class.† She is just loving those classes so much.† I hope they will do more.

So another great week in Bama.†

Hope your weeks are lovely and filled with beauty and learning and laughter.† Isn’t homeschooling the best?

Homeschooling Rocks!


“…knitters just can’t watch TV without doing something else. Knitters just can’t wait in line, knitters just can’t sit waiting at the doctor’s office. Knitters need knitting to add a layer of interest in other, less constructive ways.î† ~Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

Bonfires, Boos and Kats…..

What a positively Halloweeny few days. We love Halloween around here. Now, living in the same house I grew up in, it holds so many memories that I can share with Kei.† We love to decorate inside and outside.

Ahhh Halloween

We went to my brother’s house Saturday night for a bonfire.†† Kei and I brought acorn snacks we got from Phyllis’s site.† While Kei was making them Nomad was waiting to clean up the messes!† Yes he has an apron on.† What??† Don’t your pets wear aprons while cooking?

Nomad with his apron


We had such a good time. †We toasted and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.† He had a dry ice cauldron bubbling and the makings for S’mores! It was really chilly outside so the fire felt great!


Eddie had bought pumpkins for Kei and Katherine to carve.† Seth bailed on us and went to the Auburn game!† Kei was so proud of her Dragon Pumpkin.† While they were carving Eddie, Heather and I watched “Walking Dead”.† We LOVE that series.† It is about zombies. †

About to begin

Dragon Pumpkin

It was a great night with family.

Monday was Halloween and we had so much to do!† We were having our friends over to eat and then go trick or treating, then come back here.† I made Taco Soup, which is something you MUST try if you haven’t.† I used turkey because several of our friends do not eat red meat.† I follow the linked recipe almost exactly except we don’t use olives.† It was so good.† I make it in the crock pot and it cooks all day. †

Then Kei and I got ready for our Halloween adventures.† She was going to be Katniss Everdeen from “The Hunger Games” so I decided to be a cat.† Get it?† Cat and Kat? :)† We had been working on her costume for a few days and thought it turned out really well.† We spray painted the bow silver, made a quiver out of leather and made a pouch for her belt and even put berries in it.† [For those of you who have read the book]† She wore a black one piece suit, a black sweater we bought at a thrift shop and cut the sleeves out of, a brown leather belt with fringe and brown boots.† She had leather wrapped all over her wrists and her hair in a side braid and wrapped with leather.† We put dark eyeshadow on her face for bruises and ‘blood’ by her ear for her injury in the arena.† She looked so cool!

Katniss Everdeen

Katniss ready for the games

I love this picture

Homemade Quiver

Ready, Set, FIRE!

And the Mommy CAT

Mommy Cat

We had the house semi cleaned, candles lit everywhere, pumpkin smells wafting all around the house.† The Taco Soup was in the pot, Kei had made cookies, chips, sour cream, cheese and drinks were ready to go.† And of course Nomad was dressed in his Halloween finery.

Darth Vader Doggie

We had such a blast.† There was laughter and food and talking and kids everywhere.† Then we all went trick or treating and there were HUGE numbers of people out.† They even had the police and a firetruck to make sure everything went smoothly.† We take our Halloween seriously here!

Loved this house

Photo by Esther Crawford because my picture of the kids was horrible!

The kids

After loading up with candy and fun, we headed back over here where more food was consumed.† Trick or Treating is hungry work!† The kids all did their annual ‘candy trading’.† I think they like this part more than the collecting.

Candy Trading

It was a great night.† And here it is November 1st!† I can’t wait to see what amazing things await us this month.

Hope everyone’s October was as lovely as ours.

Homeschooling Rocks!


Nothing on Earth so beautiful as the final haul on Halloween night.† ~Steve Almond

I don’t know that there are real ghosts and goblins, but there are always more trick-or-treaters than neighborhood kids.† ~Robert Brault



Search, Rescue and Renaissance….

I was about to type my first sentence and stopped.† Seems like each time I post I start out, ‘We had the best week!”. † I started thinking…is every week really that great?† And you know, for the most part they are.† Of course we have our bad days, days I want to drag Kei by her cute little head back to public school, days that my job demands time and I am trying to teach Physics and the dog is barking in my ear and the clothes are piled up to the sky and the house is covered with dog hair and I am overwhelmed.† Days that Kei hates Math and “Why do I have to read” and complains and her room is a disaster zone.

But this is not the norm.† Most weeks ARE great.† They are ‘our’ definition of great, which may not be everyone’s.

Kei working on Teaching Textboooks

We learned a lot this past week, history and physics and grammar and more.† We are reading “Devotions for the God Girl” together and loving it.† We are also getting to preview an exciting new product that I will write more about later.†

Kei has been very busy.† Not ‘Show Week’ busy but busy.† She has been knitting a lot.† On Friday we had to go get the oil changed.† While we were there they discovered I had a V Belt [?] that was about to break.† So we ended up being there 2 hours.† We met the coolest lady who sat there and taught Kei a crochet stitch she didn’t know.† She will now know how to make hats.† Kei didn’t have† her yarn with her so she isn’t sure about a couple of steps but Misty said to call her and she would meet us somewhere and she would show Kei.

Kei has also been making clothes for her Monster High Dolls.† She LOVES these dolls.† They are totally cool.† She started a blog called The Real Life of Monster High and she has been developing stories and taking pictures to add to it.† She has spent tons of time on there.

Monster High Photo Shoot

Thursday she had her Space and Rocket Class.† The one thing I hate about it is that I can’t take pictures!!!† This week was called “Search and Rescue”.†† Kei dictated to me what happened:

They got them in a room and told them all the positions; Lead pointer, second pointer, first in call, and first in call 2.† They you have a SWAT team of Alpha Swat, DC who are the Danger Crossing people, BS which is Beta Swat and the back position.† They voted and picked Kei for the Lead Pointer which is like the leader.† Then they practiced signals, danger crossing, dropping down quickly on the ground, duck and cover and more.† Then they were told their mission.

They had a bomb and about 2 miles away there was an enemy plane with their secret documents.† They had to destroy the plane along with the documents.† They had to avoid the gate people and cars coming down the road.† They could not be seen or heard from any staff members.† They accomplished this by sending hand signals to the SWAT teams and coordinating their moves.† When they got to the plane they dropped the bomb on the wing and ran away as fast as they could.†

While she was doing all of that I went with some friends to a model shop and then watched the son race a Bandit model car around a dirt track.† It was pretty cool too!† When I picked her up she was excited, jabbering like crazy and had GRASS stains on her new jeans. Next week is rope training.

On Saturday we went to Florence to the Renaissance Faire.† This is one of our favorite festivals!† I would love to take a year and just travel around from faire to faire.† We had so much fun!† We met some friends there and walked around.† It was a beautiful day for it!

The King and Queen

Kei took this picture of the King's boot. Isn't this amazing?

Pink Fairy

Kei found a Ferret! These are cute little things.

A Dog Jester! We loved it.

This is what I wanted. I LOVED these goggles. They remind me of goggles in World of Warcraft!

She ended up buying one of these. Aren't they lovely?

One of the funniest things was a Jack Sparrow impersonator.† Now anyone who knows Kei knows that Johnny Depp is† her future husband.† Girls were following him around, giggling and acting silly.† I told her I wanted a picture, she rolled her eyes, muttered ‘imposter’ under her breath and stood beside him.†

Kei and the "Imposter"

It was a wonderful day.† Kei ended up getting a crown, a bow and arrow [for her Halloween costume which has changed AGAIN] and a jingle belt.

Kei and her goodies

On the way home we passed so many cotton fields.† We decided to stop and take pictures because, while cotton fields are very common to us, we thought some people may not have seen one before.

Alabama Cotton Girls

We also finished “Catching Fire” on the way home and are about to start the final book, ‘Mockingjay‘. † We have LOVED these books so much.† The movie comes out in March and we are looking forward to that too. Seriously we have enjoyed these books as much as anything in a long time.† We work “Hunger Games” conversation into every day life. 🙂

Another great week and here is it Monday.† What happened to October???

Homeschooling Rocks!


ìHappy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!î ~Effie Trinket

ìHereís some advice. Stay alive.î ~Haymitch Abernathy


At Skate Day a couple of weeks ago someone had some FREE magazines.† I picked up a copy of Mother Earth News to take home.† I would pick it up and glance through it at different times of the day.† Then I saw an article called ìWabi-Sabiî and started reading.

You can find the article online I am sure if you search for it.

Wabi-sabi is the Japanese philosophy of appreciating things that are imperfect, primitive and incomplete. ††It means finding beauty in things that at first glance, arenít beautiful.† It is old not new, antiques not mass market, old quilts ragged but still beautiful.† It is walking down a old street and seeing beauty in things most people would walk on past.

The strange thing about this wonderful word is that my Mother and Daddy have embraced this their whole lives.† How many times growing up did I long to have a brand new dresser, not one that was made 100 years ago.† Everything in our house was antique, and while my brother soaked this up, learned and appreciated, I did not.† How sad for me.† When I first got married years ago, Mother and Daddy almost completely furnished out house with ëold thingsí.† I had beautiful oil lamps, old furniture, a sleigh bed, churns and quilts and so much more.† I figured they would do until I could get better.† After a few years we were able to buy our ëdreamí house.† A totally modern 2 story with rounded walls, aqua and pink and black throughout.† Of course none of my furniture and things would match so we had a garage sale.† Everything must go!

We sold it all and bought all new, all modern, lots of glass and black and Mother told me, ìOne day you will come back to the beauty of old things.î† ìBahî I said.

As with most things she was right.† I do love old things now, old chest of drawers with pegs instead of nails, quilts made lovingly by hand, churns that were used to make butter so long ago, chairs that were made on front porches, aprons hand stitched, old jewelry that hides secrets of long ago events, old gloves, hats and purses.

I read the article to Kei and we have been finding Wabi-Sabi all around us.† It is our new philosophy.† I love it.† And NO Kei, leaving your bed unmade and messy is NOT Wabi-Sabi.

Here are 12 ways you can Wabi-Sabi† [Taken from the article in ‘Mother Earth News’]

1. Cultivate Slowness. Rebel against the machines. Hand a towel to a loved one and ask him or her to dry dishes while you rinse. Take 10 minutes to sweep the floor with a real broomcorn broom rather than filling your space with the roar of the vacuum.

2. Cultivate Vision. Start with the container you use to hold your morning beverage. Treat yourself to pottery that feels solid and heavy in your hand. Admire your mugís shape, textures and colors every morning to strengthen your ability to find beauty in the rest of the day.

3. Cultivate Craft. Making and growing things yourself is a gentle rebellion against globalized mass production. Spinning wool, making pottery and weaving baskets provides a tactile meditation almost impossible to experience by any other means.

4. Cultivate Cleanliness. An ancient tea master described wabi-sabi as ìputting oneís whole heart to cleaning and repeating it several times.î Every time we sweep, dust or wash, weíre creating clean, sacred space.

5. Cultivate Solitude. Find a space in the attic or a spare bedroom that you can dedicate to solitude and meditation. In tight quarters, designate a quiet corner in your bedroom or even living room as your meditation space.

6. Cultivate Space. Clutter smudges clarity, physically and psychologically. In wabi-sabi, space and light are the most desirable ornaments.

7. Cultivate Silence. To cultivate what Quakers call the ìstill, small voice within,î slowly reduce the noise sources in your life. Less is more.

  • Leave the television off for one night each week.
  • Turn off the radio during your morning or evening commute.
  • Practice a few moments of silence before eating a shared meal.
  • Make time in the afternoon for a quiet cup of tea.

8. Cultivate Sabi (the beauty that comes with age). Antique doorknobs and radiator grates give your home soul. Building with salvaged materials gives a new house depth and history it couldnít otherwise have.

9. Cultivate Soul. A piece made by hand holds the steady, solid vibrations of its maker rather than those of the jarring, impersonal machine. Surrounding yourself with things made by real people invites a tiny piece of each craftsman into your space.

10. Cultivate Imperfection. Real people leave mail piled in the entry, let the flowers go a little too long in the vase (if they have them at all), allow the dog on the bed and have unpredictable cats. Wabi-sabi embraces these flaws.

11. Cultivate Hospitality. Give every room in your house a soft seat, a blanket to curl up with, gentle lighting and a deep, delicious rug. Invite people to stay, curled up in afghans and sipping tea.

12. Cultivate Simplicity. Less stuff means more time to spend with family, friends and nature ó a philosophy simple enough for even the most complicated lives.

I honestly think the homeschooling families I have gotten to know over the years practice Wabi-Sabi much more than other people I have known in my life.† They know that simple is so often better, that there is beauty all around, that imperfection can be so perfect.†

So find Wabi-Sabi in your daysÖEmbrace it.

Homeschooling Rocks!


ìAny intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.† It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite directionî.† ~E.F. Schumacher

ìEverything has its beauty, but not everyone sees itî† ~ Confucius

‘To Kill A Mockinbird’ and Flight…

Scout on her Front Porch

What an experience.† Each play that Kei does is special for different reasons.† This one had some hiccups from the beginning.† Kei and I were both much more stressed than we usually are.† ButÖit was an amazing play.† I know it sounds like ëoh yeah youíre her Motherí but she shined.† I had so many people come up to me and tell me how great she did and she had even more.† Kei worked very hard on her role as Scout.† Memorizing comes a little easy for her.† But ëactingí takes work.† She worked long hours on perfecting this role, understanding Scout, understanding 1935 Alabama and the things that were going on at the time.† A couple of people told me I should get her a talent agent!† I just said thank you and laughed.† I want Kei to be everything she wants to be, but I want her most of all to have a childhood.

Scout, Maudie and Stephanie

Scout and Atticus

Tom Robinson's Trial

Scout and Miss Maudie

Scout Finally Meeting Boo Radley

We didnít do a lot of ëschool workí last week.† But let me tell you what she got out of this play.† First of all, she read the book; a requirement in Alabama for 9th graders.† Second of all we discussed every aspect of the story.† I doubt there are many 11 year olds with as much knowledge of ìTo Kill a Mockingbirdî.† We learned about Harper Lee, who is from Alabama for all you non ëBama readers. :)† She was a childhood friend of Truman Capote and ìTo Kill a Mockingbirdî was the only book she ever wrote.† Many aspects of the novel were autobiographical.

Scout, Jem and Dill

Scout and Dill

Scout and Jem

We also discussed protagonists and antagonists and who we thought each was in this story.† We discussed Atticusís parenting style.† We talked about how different the outcome would have been if it took place now, the role of Calpurnia and so much more.† She has such an amazing understanding of the novel now.† I am hoping to soon visit Monroeville, Alabama and the Heritage Museum.†


Scout and Boo Radley

Usually there are mainly children in the plays Kei does.† This play had 3 children roles; Scout, Jem and Dill.† She worked with some super talented adults.† The oldest was 71 and Kei loved her, as well as all the adults she worked with.† The woman who played Miss Maudie gave her a Mockingbird necklace.† It was so beautiful and will always mean so much to Kei.

At the Friday night show there were about 25 people there to see just her.† Our family and friends.† I felt like I was just going to burst right open with pride and happiness.†† Saturday my Motherís best friend, her neighbor for 40 years and her sister all came.† I felt like a little piece of my Mother was there.† My daddy told me he was blown away by the job Kei did and that Mother would be so proud of her.† My Mother never got to see Kei in a play.† When she did her first play, Mother was not walking so she never saw it live.† I always showed her the DVDís.

Our Great Friends...

Kei, Aunt Betty, Billie and Patsy

Getting Ready ...

Kei also had her first class at Space and Rocket Center.† Now these classes sounded unbelievable but the 1st one was the one I thought she would like the least.† It was on Aviation and she has never shown an interest in planes.† She LOVED it.† I mean, it is about a 40 minute drive home and she did not stop talking about it.† All the different kinds of planes they actually saw; T-38 Falon, Tomcat, Phantom and several more.† They got to get in the cockpit and have hands on contact with the gear and equipment used.† They learned about lift, thrust, weight and drag.† I am so thankful that I signed her up for this.† Next weekís class is about Strategic Communication and Teamwork.† They will conduct a ìSearch and Rescue Missionî to retrieve a downed pilot and secure Top Secret documents!† How cool is that.† I wish homeschool MOMS could take the class.

So now I am a bit exhausted.† Kei is actually sick and I am afraid it may be strep throat.† Her throat is hurting so badly and she has a fever.† The doctor may be in our plans for tomorrow.

I am looking forward to a quieter week, less hectic but involving lots of learning!† I know I mention this every time but I just love homeschooling.† Feeling very blessed right now.

Homeschooling Rocks!

ìI didnít have to stand in Boo Radleyís shoes to know him. Just standing on his porch was enoughî. ~ Scout from ìTo Kill a Mockingbirdî.

ìYou never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view–until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in itî. ~Atticus to Scout ëTo Kill A Mockingbirdí

Mockingbirds, Mockingjays, Skating and Fiddling…

Another great week here in ëBama.† Doncha’ just love Fall?† Even though as soon as we dragged all of our fall/winter clothes out and put up the sleeveless things a heat wave hit!† You would think after living here all my life I would realize that October does not mean COOL weather!†

Kei has been practicing so hard for ìTo Kill a Mockingbirdî.† This is the most line intensive play she has ever done.† She has 218 lines!† She knows them all but it is still nerve wracking.† Not knowing exactly what the actor is going to say that goes before each of her lines is making us a little stressed [yes probably ME more than her].† This is show week so it is going to be CRAZY.† These pictures are really bad because the lighting in there is horrible until the show.

Scout, Jem, Dill, Miss Stephanie and Atticus

We had been enjoying so many things in our homeschooling.† I found this site that teaches Life Skills. † It is mostly a little easy for Kei even though it is for High School kids but it may get harder.† It is different skills that Kei has already learned through osmosis I guess.† Things like ATM transactions, how to write a check, checking receipts and so much more.† We are doing Everyday Life right now.

We are loving Real Science 4 Kids Physics.† I had bought this last year and just started using it.† I have found some really good activities to go along with it here.††† We are using the ìForce and Motionî but there are tons of cool things.

We are on Chapter 9 in SOTW 2.† We love SOTW.† I know people have mixed feelings about it, but I am really glad I decided to use it.† She is still loving Teaching Textbooks.† I have used several different Math programs and this is her favorite so far.† Thanks again Theresa!

Friday we had our 2nd Skate Day of the year.† Kei has been working hard on her ìKnit Witsî.† She took about 15 items to sell; scarves, bracelets and hair extensions.† She sold everyone of them and got orders for 14 more things!† She was so excited.† She doesnít sell them for enough I think, but there is no way she can sell them for her ëtimeí.†† But she loves doing it so much and she just canít believe that people buy them.† I saw all these girls skating around with Keiís scarves and hair extensions.† It just tickled her to death.

Kei's Knit Wits Basket

Kei's Halloween Outfit for Skate Day

Girls at Skate Day

We spent Saturday at the Fiddlers Convention.† We have been going to this for years.† There are people who enter this from 30 states.† There are 18 different categories, including several fiddle and guitar categories, harmonica, mandolin, bluegrass banjo, dulcimer, old time singing, banjo, and buck dancing.† It feels like you have stepped back in time to walk around and hear people playing fiddles and banjos and more.†† There was craft booths with everything imaginable.† We ate lunch under the trees and had a great day.† Helena, we thought of you and your family.† I wish I could have blinked you all there for the day.† It was so fun!

We love to watch the groups and their various instruments...

Awesome Metal Works. I would have loved some of these!

Kei had to have a Sock Monkey Hat. She even bought him a pair of earrings!

Kei and I at Fiddler's Convention

We also went to see “A Dolphin’s Tale” after church.† It is a wonderful movie.† I love the way it shows how kids learn so much when it is interest led.† We were so excited that the girl was homeschooled.† We still feel very privileged and lucky to homeschool.† We are proud to say “We homeschool”.

We are on the 2nd book in the Hunger Games.† To say we love it is an understatement. We go on rides just so we can listen.† Yes I know we can listen in the house but it is our CAR book. 🙂

The weeks are flying by and we are having such a blast.† Kei has decided to be either The Cheshire Cat or The Red Queen [punk version] for Halloween.† We love Halloween around here!†

Hope wherever you are, you are loving life, learning and giggling and having the times of your life.

Homeschooling Rocks!


“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.”†† ~George Eliot




We had the most magical, wonderful, FUNTASTIC day on Saturday.† We got invited to go on a train ride.† Our friends, Kathy and Sophie, had 4 tickets and shared with us!† We were seriously dancing Friday night we were so excited.

Saturday morning at 4:30 AM when the alarm went off there was still excitement but not much dancing.† Man that is early.† Dark early.† Middle of the night early.† “Why did we wake up this early” early.† But we stumbled around and got ready.† We were supposed to meet them at their house, about 30 minutes away, at 6:15.† We would have made it too however we got stopped by a TRAIN.† Ironic yes?† We got there about 5 minutes late, which is early for us. :)† Kathy and Sophie were waiting in the car and off we went.† We were headed to Chattanooga.† Now Chattanooga is one of my favorite cities but Kei has never been there.† I lived near there briefly in another life time and always loved it.† We were all raring to go!

Headed Out!

We had a blast on the trip up there.† We talked and laughed and listened to Mama Mia!† Hey we are all show girls!† We arrived right on time and went into the train station to join the group.† This was the Chickamauga Turn trip.† They have all sorts of ‘trips’.† We definitely want to go back soon.† We got our tickets and boarded the train.


It is an older train that has been restored.† It looks just like a …well, a TRAIN.† This was my first train trip and Kei’s too.

Our Train

Pulling Out of The Station

The Mommies

The trip took almost 2 hours.† Our destination was Chickamauga, Georgia.† We had a uniformed Civil War reenactor with us telling us interesting facts and pointing out the places we passed.

Old Bridge

We passed the Chattanooga Zoo and learned the first animals there were 2 Rhesus Monkeys

This cemetery was built in 1863. By 1870, more than 12,800 interments were complete: 8,685 known and 4,189 unknown. The dead included men who fell at the battles of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain. There were also a number of reinterments from the surrounding area, including Athens, Charleston and locations along the line of Gen. Shermanís march to Atlanta. A large number of menó1,798 remainsówho died at the Battle of Chickamauga were relegated to unknowns during the reinterment process.† It was beautiful and I would have loved to get out and really explore it.

Chattanooga National Cemetery - 2nd in size to Arlington

We got a kick out of the bathroom sign... The girls went "EWWWW".

We passed some really cool Sculptures.

After the almost 2 hour trip we arrived in Chickamauga, Georgia.† This town was founded in 1891.† The 1863 Battle of Chickamauga occurred just east of the city and Gordon-Lee Mansion served as a hospital during that battle.† It is a lovely little town with shops, cafes and more.† We meandered down the streets and into the wonderful shops.

The first shop was filled with all things old and new. We loved this collection of "Opolys"

Some shops had food and drink set up for us.

We saw several really cool things.† A skirt that just screamed Kei, a pillow we both loved and paint cans for Trick or Treating.† They had Velcro fabric so you could change them out.



After looking all over town for a Diet Dr Pepper I finally found one and happily boarded the train. We went straight to the dining car for lunch.† It was so nice, linen tableclothes and so much silverware I had to laugh at Kei and Sophie’s questions.† In all honesty, we DON’T use settings like this EVER.

Decisions, Decisions

It was a yummy meal.† Nothing fancy, croissant sandwiches, potato salad, cole slaw, potato chips, fruit salad.† We enjoyed it so much and we were ON A TRAIN! That was something I can cross off my Bucket List!† Before we were able to eat dessert we had the 2nd stop on our trip.† We stopped at the†Wilder Tower in Chickamauga-Chattanooga National Military Park.† I forgot my camera and had to run back to the train while the girls climbed the tower.

See Kei and Sophie up there?

See them now?

I was about to climb up there….got about 90 steps up and they passed me coming down.† I decided I had gone far enough!† Our guide was doing a speech about the battle that took place here.† He was very dramatic.


And of course Kei found a dog.† Kei ALWAYS finds a dog.

Doggie Spotting

When we got back on the train it was time for dessert.† There were 3 to choose from and we each got a different kind.† Yummy!

What would YOU choose?

Kei and Soph decided to be silly.† They do silly well.

Theater Girls

We went back to our seats and the girls wanted to explore the train, so off they went.† They saw some graffiti that they liked.

Graffiti everywhere

Some Graffiti is just ART!

We saw the bane of the South’s existence – kudzu.† I love kudzu but I have never had to deal with it.†


We all went to the back of the train and stayed for about 30 minutes.† It was so very cool.

Waving at Passerbys

I just knew she was going to FALL out the back!

Train Girl

We had the BEST time!

There is a tunnel we had to go through.† On the way back we were outside when it was coming up.† It is such a tight fit, they tell you to NOT stick your hands out or they will hit the sides of the tunnel.

Dark in the Tunnel!

Leaving the Tunnel

I felt just like a Hobo...riding the rails

It was almost time to return to the station.† None of us were ready for it to end.† I can’t believe this was a 6 1/2 hour trip.† It just sped by.

What a day!

Kei with our Guide who refused to smile!

Back at the Station

This was seriously one of the best days we have ever had.† We are still talking about it days later.† We want to go back.† Thank you so much Kathy and Sophie for letting us come with you.† I want to take everyone and go again!† It was that amazing.

I love our life.† Right now, this minute in time…it is so perfect† I love that I finally get it.† I finally understand what is important.† It is all the things I have right now.†

Homeschooling Rocks!


“Life is just like an old time rail journey … delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.” ~Gordon B. Hinckley

Dams, Doughnuts and SPACE…

Another great week last week for these Homeschool Girls.† We did lots of fun learning things and took some amazing field trips.

Kei is loving Teaching Textbooks.† She has always liked Math but less and less as the years go by.† She is really liking TT though.† She doesn’t complain at all, just does it every day.

She is writing in her journal daily too.† I wish she would blog but she just doesn’t do that with any regularity.† We are using mainly this site for Grammar.† Kei doesn’t love grammar but I never did either.† Really, who does?†

†We are learning tons in SOTW.† We finished Islam and Muhammad last week.† She used a resource in the activity book and put on a play about Sinbad.† We also watched a video about Sinbad.

Monday she had her first Life Group at church called “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”.† It is for middle schoolers and she loved it.

Sinbad and Valley of the Snakes

We have also been using Stossel in the Classroom for Current Events.† It is a great DVD that is FREE.† There is also lesson plans on the website.† Check it out if you haven’t!

We have had “To Kill A Mockingbird” practice twice a week.† Kei knows all her lines and I am so proud of her.† It is such an inspiring, sad, poignant play.† I am so happy she has this great opportunity.

Kei with Jem and Dill

We went on a great field trip Friday. We got to tour Wilson Dam. This is the FIRST time they have allowed this since 9/11. We learned so much. We got to see a barge actually enter the lock and exit on the other side. The barge was carrying metal, sand and rock. It was actually 3 barges locked together. With a little tug pushing the entire thing.

Tug and Barge 100 feet down

The tug boat had to move in beside the barge in order for the gates to swing close.

Tug Beside Barge and Gates slowly Closing

The gates are 118 ‘ tall and there is almost 20’ of water under them. As soon as the gates closed the lock filled up with 50,000,000 gallons of water! It took about 20 minutes. That is a lot of water!!

Dam Girls 😉

After the water levels are even, the bridge on the other end closes and the barge is pushed out into the river. It takes about 45 minutes total. It was really amazing to see this in action. The Tennessee River is a huge water highway. There are 14 dams scattered all over the river.

See how high the Barge is?

The barge was finally on its way. The captain even tooted at us and came out to wave.

On the Way...

Someone, I am NOT mentioning any names [cough Karen cough] thought it would be a good idea to toss a penny on the barge for the trip. Chandler thought Flat Stanley would be better but we had to make do with what we had.

The Traveling Penny

After the barge went past they raised the bridge and let us all walk over it.

Crossing the Bridge

”]”]After the dam we all went to Krispy Kreme.† I am not a huge fan of doughnuts and neither is Kei but it was cool to see them being made.† After eating a doughnut we felt a little yucky.† Too much sugar for us.† Several of our group felt the same way.

Doughnuts and more Doughnuts

Kei's first Doughnut Hole...we don't eat stuff like this much.

Got Milk?

Saturday was Free Museum Day.† We are so lucky to live near The Space and Rocket Center and haven’t been in a few years so us and everyone else in a 100 mile radius set off to enjoy the day.† I just put our pictures in a slide show because I took so many!† We learned some very cool things.† We felt the way it felt on the day they tested the 5 rocket boosters, we saw the food the astronauts eat, saw the trailer where they decompress and are checked for infections, saw space suits, tried out a pair of moon gloves and so much more!† Kei is taking a class here in October and she and I are both so EXCITED about it.†

Sunday at church we began having FIVE services!† Kei and I went to the 9:00 am and back to the 6:00 and watched another one online! Epic’s growth is unbelievable.† It is something few people experience in their lifetime.† I am constantly blown away by it.† We had Baptism Sunday and during all 5 services 111 people were baptized, including our dear friends, Brit, Bobby and Cody. It was an amazing day.† We believe in throwing a party to rival the angels in Heaven and it was definitely that! † I know most people really love their church but our church is truly life changing.† You can watch any of our online services on Sunday here.† We have people watching from all over the world! †

Blessings abound in our life.† I am so thankful for all the wonderful things happening.† I pray all of you have an amazing Autumn [or Spring as the case may be ;)].

†We are also going to be able to go on an amazing trip this weekend.† More to come!

Homeschooling Rocks!


Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some.† ~Charles Dickens

Readin’, Writin’ and ‘Rithmetic

We had another crazy, awesome week last week.† We did SOTW Chapter 6, The “The Rise of Islam”. † We learned about Muhammad and watched Muhammad- The Last Prophet from Netflix.† Kei is very anxious to get to the knights and castles.† She also wants to learn about jousting because as she put it, ‘You never know when you may need to know the useful skill of jousting.”

She is LOVING Teaching Textbooks [thank you again Theresa] and has gone from doing Math last, to doing it first!

She wrote “InkBlot Poetry” where you take a piece of construction paper and fold it in half.† Then you squirt 5 or so drops of different color paint on it, close it and gently rub.† Then you write a poem about it.† She wrote 2 and the first one was about how she couldn’t think of anything to write!!† I love her imagination.† If you want to read her ‘creations’ just click on the picture for a bigger copy.

InkBlot Poetry

†In Science we have been learning about Reptiles.† Kei really, really wants a reptile of some sort.† Last week she began researching.† For 2 days she read, listed questions, called every pet store and vet in a 40 mile radius and decided on a “Crested Gecko”.† She found out the total cost, she called bait shops for cricket prices, priced tanks and food and all the extras.† I am not very excited about this, but I will probably let her get one soon.† I am sure Nomad will eat it!† This is the one she has found that she wanted.

The Crested Gecko Kei wants

One of the best ideas I have stolen borrowed lately is from Jessica at Teachable Moments.† She blogged about her girls working on their Girl Scout badges and how she was using the Girl Scout Badge book for writing.† I bought this book off of Ebay even though Kei is not a girl scout and she loves it!!† She has already done the requirements for 3 badges!† She worked this week on “Wildlife” badge.† She found out about endangered species in Alabama and called the Governor’s office and several other departments to ask what they were doing about it.† The 2 species she focused on was the “Alabama Red Bellied Turtle” and “Alabama Beach Mouse.” Both are in South Alabama.† She found a man who explained to her all they were doing, from making ‘turtle fences’ to donating land just for the Mice.† I was really proud of her how she talked to everyone.

Friday night the Princess Theatre in our town was showing “Gone With The Wind”.† The Princess is no longer a movie theater but they set up a huge screen for this special showing.† We went with Kathy and Sophie and had a blast.† What made this even cooler was that I went to see this movie when I was in the 6th grade!† It was a great time even though Kei had seen the movie several times.†

Kei at Gone With The Wind

Saturday we went to a local festival called “Hartselle Depot Days”.† We have a great day looking at all the booths, listening to music and seeing friends.† Kei got some awesome crocheted hats and a cool scarf.

Kei and her new hat

“To Kill a Mockingbird” practice is going really well.† Kei has bonded with the other kids in the play.† The boys playing Jem and Dill have both never done plays before.† Kei has 218 lines and knows them all!† I am so proud of her.† She has worked really hard on her role as Scout.

Sunday after church we took pictures outside, went over to my brothers to borrow “Catching Fire” and “Mockingjay”.† We are almost finished with “Hunger Games” and we both love it like we haven’t loved anything in a long time.

Swinging from the Tree

Kei has known this “1 Minute Sermon” for about 1 1/2 years.† I have been meaning to video her doing it but keep forgetting.† We finally did it yesterday.† She kept laughing because I was making faces at her.† I guess I could have moved the garbage cans but I guess they add ambiance.

My Mother’s birthday was Thursday and she was on my mind so much.† I still miss her everyday but I know she would be so happy that Kei and I are living here and so proud of us both.

Isn’t Fall the best?

Homeschooling Rocks!


A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend.† ~Author Unknown

Indians, Art, and Friends…

What a week!† We have been doing anything butHOME“schooling.†† I love this opportunity to teach Kei at home in the real world.† September, October and November are the best months for finding cool things to do.

Friday we went to the Oka Kapassa Festival.† Oka Kapassa, a special Native American gathering, is held in Spring Park, Tuscumbia, Alabama to celebrate the culture and traditions of American Indians who once thrived in north Alabama.† Friday was Kid’s Day and also opened to the general public.† There were school children everywhere, most in matching shirts and standing in lines.† Did I mention I love homeschooling?

Homemade Dolls in Native American Clothing

He made beautiful things from shells...and takes Master Card and Visa!

I wish you could "Hear" this dance...the women have on turtles shells or tin cans with pebbles inside. Only the males 'chant'

She used tin cans. Did you know that Pet Milk cans have been around since the 1800's?

Kei watching the Dance

Kei was all giggly with this guys 'ball headdress'

Beautiful dancers

The children's dances were so great

This man said the coolest thing to Kei.† The PS kids moved from station to station while we just wandered around.† After a group left Kei sat down and said ‘hello’ to this man, Freeman Owle [isn’t that the greatest name???].† Then he asked her and her friends where they were from and they all said something different.† Kei said, “We are homeschooled” and he said “I KNEW you were homeschooled when you sat down and said ‘hello’.”† Come to find out he is a PS teacher who left to homeschool his kids until they graduated.† We heard stories all day about homeschool kids.† The lady who led the dancers homeschooled her children.† The Park Ranger who showed the animal skins homeschooled her kids…it was just a homeschooling lovefest. 🙂

Indian Story Teller


Lunch with great friends...


This was so cool! All the dancers got the kids out in a huge field and did an Indian Dance. It was very 'hokey pokey turn yourself around' in an Indian sorta way. Kei loved it.

Kei with one of her favorite dancers. She laughed about how authentic her costume was with a Dr. Pepper bottle. 🙂

This was AMAZING. The man had over 50 hoops going all over the place. The little boy is his grandson and he was just beaming. It was so beautiful.

Kei with Hoop Dancers...Grandfather and Grandson

Animal skins...Kei was delighted about the furs and horrified that they were dead

There was playing at the Falls and posing on a rock.

And the Mommy and Kei shot. 🙂

They called this, "How many Homeschoolers Can you Fit on A Tire Swing"

I wish you could really 'see' all of this. Hundreds of children and Indian dancers holding hands and weaving all around the area. In and out like snakes. It was so beautiful.

Our awesome kids

It was a great day.† The weather was perfect, the sky was beautiful, there were costumes and music and laughter and learning and friends.† On the way there and back Kei and I listened to “The Hunger Games” which we are L O V I N G!†

Saturday we woke up early to go to the Athens Art on the Square.† We go to this every year.† Athens courthouse is beautiful and it is a true center of a square.† We love downtown Athens and visit there often.† Saturday they had tons of artist from all over.† Ahhh I wish I was rich.

There was hula hooping. The instructor was amazing. She could hula hoop doing ANYTHING! She also made her own hula hoops. We talked a bit about a day class for our homeschoolers. Sounded interesting.

Do you see the picture in the left side? Red brick background with 2 little girls getting water? The artist told us he saw that really happen in 1959. In case you can't see the fountains are marked "White" and "Colored" but the little girls are drinking from the 'wrong' ones. What an amazing picture. I loved it so much.

We loved all of this lady's things. She told us she made all the shawls on a homemade loom with nails. Kei and I are already researching how to make one.† I told Kei that Karisma probably knew how to make things like this!

Kei loved this too. It reminded both of us of our friends Helena and Karisma over in Oz. I just love saying that..."Oz" 🙂

This is ONE bedazzled carrousel horse. Ok I know it isn't really BEDAZZLED, but isn't it tre's cool?

This is for Jessica. It is called "Strawberry Fields" I wish I could have gotten a better shot. It has all 4 Beatles on it and the lyrics down the handle.

Look at this! I wish I was this creative.

Read this

I would have LOVED to buy this. It was made from debris from the April 27th tornado. It has the lyrics to "Sweet Home Alabama" down one side. We loved this. LOVED it.

Sunday after an amazing church service we went to visit with Kathy and Sophie.† We had a great day.† We rode around and saw their neighborhood and Sophie’s school.† She goes to private school in Huntsville.† We then went to Providence.† Providence is like a small village in a big city.† It has its own school, shops, grocery, restaurants and more.† And the houses are awesome.† You can chose from a house, a townhouse or a loft.† I promised Kei as soon as I won the lottery we are moving here!

Lunch outside at The Mellow Mushroom. What a cool, hippy place. Kei and I loved it.

Kathy and I enjoying lunch. We have been friends forever.

After lunch we walked around and Kei and Sophie played in the fountain.

It was such a great afternoon and we left with promises to come back soon.

Now before you think we only played† this week, think again.† There were Math lessons and India and Mohammad and watching videos about India’s beginnings.† There was Science and writing and grammar and book reading and play rehearsal and timelines and lizards and reading parables and so much more.† It is amazing what you can accomplish when you aren’t in a brick school for 8+ hours a day.


Homeschooling Rocks!


“I have used the words “home schooling” to describe the process by which children grow and learn in the world without going ….to schools, because those words are familiar and quickly understood. But in one very important sense they are misleading. What is most important and valuable about the home as a base for children’s growth in the word is not that it is a better school than the schools but that it isn’t a school at all. “

~John Holt~ Teach Your Own

It’s Been That Kind of Week..

The kind where we slowly wake up…

And eat ice cream…

And play in fountains….

And go to a World Kid’s Festival and have a blast learning about solar energy, lights and lasers, dances from different countries and so much more.

Kid's Festival

There was jousting with a best friend….

And hiking in the 100∞ weather!!!

And surfing to do…

Rocks to be skipped…

Pinwheels to watch….

1st Day of School Pictures to take…even though we really aren’t starting until next week….

Friday was the 1st Homeschool Skate Day.† Kei was so excited and so was I.

We had a blast!† I loved seeing everyone that I hadn’t seen all summer!† I also sold $20 worth of our old curriculum…of course I bought more…As if!† Kei sold some crocheted hair bows and made money too!† Her company is called Knit Wits.† Isn’t that clever?

Photo by Esther Crawford

Afterwards we all went to Cathy’s to chat for a bit.† It was so great to see everyone!† [We missed you Heather!]

†† My adorable friends!

All in all it was a fantastic, slow moving, laughing and talking kind of week.† My favorite kind.

Homeschooling Rocks!


Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.† ~Pooh’s Little Instruction Book, inspired by A.A. Milne

L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge {Live} in the moment


A concept I try very hard to live by….

in the moment…

THIS moment….


Yesterday is gone…

Tomorrow has not arrived yet….

No silly worries….

what may be [but probably won’t]

just this beautiful, amazing moment.




This post is linked here – Home is Where You Start From

Homeschooling Rocks!


Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present†moment.† ~ Buddha


It’s a Tea Party Dahling, Fairy Abodes and Swimming…

This past Saturday, Kei had a Character Tea Party.† She was reprising her role as Horace in “101 Dalmatians”.† It was a completely different script to learn and it was interactive with the audience.† Lots of ad libbing which she LOVED.† There were 16 different tables, beautifully decorated, twinkle lights everywhere, little and big girls in hats and lace gloves, 2 extra rooms where the puppies and dogs of London ‘lived’.† The tables mainly had a red, white and black color scheme to go with the Dalmatians theme.† One of our favorite tables was the Eiffel Tower one.† Isn’t it adorable?† People could walk around before the lunch and interact with the characters.† It was an amazing experience.† Quite unlike anything Kei had done before.† I bought Liv a ticket so she could see Kei’s performance.† We had a great time.

Aren't These Tables Gorgeous?

It was a lovely Tea Party.

101 Collage

Kei also built some fairy houses.† You would not believe how much time she spends doing this.

Building the Stairs to the 2nd Story

We also went swimming yesterday.† All the pools around here close after Labor Day and we spent a great day with 24 homeschoolers/unschoolers.† Fun times.

Kei's World Famous ...???

Kei and Ben

The KEI Jump/Cheer / Phote by Heather Woods

Kei noticed this shadow on her leg on the way home and grabbed my camera.


We did school sort of things too, but I am finding myself more and more drawn to less structure in that.† I mean really, when she is 77 what is she going to remember?† That we spent a Wednesday conjugating verbs or that we spent an incredible day with some of our best friends, playing in water.

Homeschooling Rocks,


Mad Hatter: Would you like a little more tea?

Alice: Well, I haven’t had any yet, so I can’t very well take more.

March Hare: Ah, you mean you can’t very well take less.

Mad Hatter: Yes. You can always take more than nothing. ~Alice in Wonderland

Learning ALL The Time…

This was back to school week for us.† For some reason, even though I was very excited about starting back, I was being a huge procrastinator about the whole ‘planning’ thing.† I have our curriculum, mostly, but I have decided I am not going to spend hours and hours actually planning daily lessons.† I am taking advice from Theresa at OurLifeInWords and just jotting down what I want to cover each day and just going with the flow.† It seems to be working pretty well.†

Love how HSers don't have to brush their hair before class!


We started SOTW 2 and are already in the 2nd chapter.† I am also reading aloud “Our Island Story” for some British history.† You can read it free online here.Here is the free audio version from LibriVox.† Kei and I were talking about it yesterday.† How Americans know so much [well SOME of them] about US History but so very little about other countries.† She was very interested in British history because she is planning on living in England when she is older. 🙂 She loves all things British.† We are doing Life of Fred for Math for the first month or so.† I bought this last year but Kei wasn’t interested.† Now she is.† She is so funny, for those of you who know what LOF is …she was reading a chapter yesterday and she yelled, “Do you know what that fool just did”? and I said “Who” and she said, “Fred! He paid a billion dollars for a bicycle!”.† I told her that is why you can be a genius in one area and not have, as my grandmother would say, ‘walking around sense’.† We are using Writing with Skill for Writing which Kei seems to like so far. [3 days in!]† We are finishing up Zoology 3 and going to start Botany and then do Real Science 4 Kids Physics.† I have heard from so many people that Botany is gets a little intense the last few chapters so we will see. †

Art With .....M&M's!

Kei is practicing for a Character Tea on Saturday.† It is a fund raiser for the Hartselle Fine Arts Center.† She is once again playing her favorite bad guy role, Horace, the bumbling, extremely stupid henchman.† She was in the Hartselle paper today promoting the Tea.

She also is practicing for her BIGGEST role to date.† She auditioned for “To Kill a Mockingbird” and got the role of Scout!!† She is so incredibly excited.† It is her first non musical role.† At the first rehearsal she knew every line already!† There are only 4 children in the entire production.† It is mostly an adult cast.† Kei has wanted to play Scout since she saw the movie when she was 7.† What is so ironic is that we were listening to the book on audio when we heard that they were doing this play.† Kei said it was a ‘sign’.† Harper Lee is from Alabama and the story, of course, takes place in Alabama.† I wish I could scoop you all up and bring you to the theatre on that day!

So we are busy around here.† Plays and learning cool things and building fairy houses and hanging out with friends.† We had a† couple of nights that it got cooler and it was so lovely around 7:00 AM.† I am ready for fall, I just wish we had a longer one.† It seems to be HOT and then COOL for a couple of weeks, then COLD.† I hope this is a wonderful year of learning for everyone.† I hope it is full of magical times with all of your children that you will remember forever.† Make it count.

Huge Mushrooms!

Homeschooling Rocks!



ìWe ask children to do for most of a day what few adults are able to do for even an hour. How many of us, attending, say, a lecture that doesnít interest us, can keep our minds from wandering? Hardly any.î ~John Holt~ How Children Fail†

*More GREAT John Holt quotes here.

Water, Friends, and Water…

What do you do when it is over 100∞?† Well swim of course!

We went to a fabulous NOT back to school party this week.† Gina picked us up and we headed to Huntsville.† Katy had reserved an entire pool for our group.† 35 of us!!† After we swam for a while we headed out to Katyís house,† which I totally want to move to!† It is a perfect place for kids to live.† Beautiful setting, right on top of a mountain with everything a kid could want in the backyard; trampoline, hammock, swings, air gun and target, a HUGE treehouse and more.† Loved it!

What a View!

Tons of Yummy Food...

There was eating...

And playing...

This series of pics cracks me up!

Isn't this Treehouse GREAT???

Kid's NBTS!!! Woot!

Then Gina and I had some ….err fun on the swing.† The problem was when I stepped on one side, the other side went up, so Gina helped me on and then I couldn’t get off.† The kids just jump off, but that wasn’t happening.† Gina was laughing so much she couldn’t wouldn’t hold the dang swing.† She literally picked me up from it and put me down. Photo by Katy Bothwell.

Me Tarzan!

We got to get an entire group shot.† This picture is from Esther Crawford.

Love Homeschooling...

It stormed the last 2 hours we were there so we just sat inside in a room with floor to ceiling windows and watched it.† It was such a great day!

Brit came home with us and she and Kei cut my hair! They did a great job.

The FREE haircut!

On Friday, Kei and went to Pt. Mallard.† It is the last day the center is opened during the week.† It stays opened until Labor Day but only on weekends.† Public schools start Monday and most of their lifeguards and workers are high school kids.† Kei wanted to get there very early.† She got into the Olympic pool first!

Just Kei...

It wasn’t very crowded, which was a first.† Several schools in North Alabama have started already.

There was much jumping...

More Jumping...

Love this picture!!


She also jumped off the 1st platform for the first time.† It is very high….I wouldn’t have jumped off of it for $1000!† She was so excited and I was praying!

We ended the day with Italian ices.† We have had such a blast this summer at Pt. Mallard!

Now we are ready to get Not Back to School on Monday.

The summer is not over, but it feels like new beginnings.† Bring on the adventures!!

Silly girl...

Homeschooling Rocks!!


The water is your friend.† You don’t have to fight with water, just share the same spirit as the water, and it will help you move.† ~Aleksandr Popov

Seventy-five percent of our planet is water – can you swim?† ~Author Unknown

Not Back to School…

Ahhh back to school time.

For us there is no scrambling to clothes sales looking for bargains.† There are no new tennis shoes for P.E.† There are no mad dashes to make sure every little item is crossed off a 40 item ìSchool Listî.†† There is no hunt for backpacks or lunch boxes.† There is no stocking up on food for lunches.† There is no wondering if you will like your new teacher. †There is no wondering how you will like your new classmates. †There is no going to bed earlier each day to make sure you can get up at 6:30.

ButÖthere is excitement.† Excitement over the entire year stretched before us to discover new things, learn things that stimulate our brains, read marvelous stories.† Excitement over new crayons, colored pencils, notebooks, pencils, clay, art pads, and more.† New books just waiting to be opened and pored over.† Excitement for field trips not yet taken, picnics just waiting for us, meandering walks in the woods, new places to explore, videos to watch, nature to watch unfold and change before our very eyes, laughter to be laughed, plays to rehearsed, wonderful volunteering to do, amazing friends to spend time with, notebooks to fill with stories, new math concepts to figure out, plants and animals to learn about, our Bible to explore in more depth, the entire Middle Ages to read and learn about [we CANíT wait!!], conversations to be had, fall leaves to crunch on, snow to watch quietly falling, cocoa to drink, Shakespeare plays to read, meals to prepare, marshmallows to roast over fires, dogs to walk and play with, †time for snuggling, time for giggles in the dark, reading in bed with a flashlight, watching the night stars, bike rides with the wind blowing our hair back, picking beautiful leaves from the ground, discover new secret places and so much more.

This summer has taught me one thing, time is so fleeting.† Kei is growing up so fast.† It wonít be long before she is no longer under my roof.† I must cherish these moments; hold on tight, squeeze them until they almost canít breathe.† Stop and smell and taste and feel and see and hear everything.

Bring on 2011-2012. A marvelous adventure is just waiting for us.† Are you ready?

Homeschooling Rocks!


“Life is either a great adventure or nothing”~Helen Keller



It’s A Hard Knock Life….

Last week was Show Week.† Which means this week I am still moving slowly.† Kei loves Show Week.† I barely survive it. 🙂 This time my backstage job was to keep 12 7-11 year old girls completely quiet for about 35 minutes.† M&M’s may or may not have been included as bribes gifts.

Kei did amazing.† She was a maid and I was a little concerned at first because she was by far the youngest Maid.† And they danced, a lot.† And several of the girls had taken dance since they were like 6 months old!† But she did great and loved every minute of it.

We had so many people come and support her.† We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.† Several pictures I took just didn’t come out but here are some of my favorites.


The obligatory "Lipstick" picture

Maids Greeting Annie

The kick

Photo by Esther Crawford

Photo by Esther Crawford

"NYC" Dance Number...

Another "NYC" shot

Kei with My Mom's Best Friend of 50 years...

Kei and Brit...

Kei with My Daddy and Marlene

Kei and Chan...

Kei with Drew, Abby and Gracie..

The Cast at the Cast Party

Another amazing experience.† It only took me 4 days to recuperate!

Practice starts Thursday for the NEXT PLAY.† It is a VERY EXCITING part for Kei.† More about that later. 😉

Happy August,

Homeschooling Rocks,


I would like to be going all over the kingdom…and acting everywhere. There’s nothing in the world equal to seeing the house rise at you, one sea of delightful faces, one hurrah of applause!† ~Charles Dickens



I know everyone is wondering where in the world I have been. Well maybe 2 of you.

Busy busy.† Living life, exploring, playing, reading and trying to stay cool in this Alabama July heat!

This is play week for Kei.† She is in “Annie” and has performances Thursday, Friday and Saturday.† So we have spent hours and hours at the theatre.† I will update more later.

Practicing the Dance...

Kei playing around..

Homeschooling Rocks!


Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don’t have time. ~Tallulah Bankhead [Actually in our case it is just ‘BUSY” girls. 😉

Drama, Drama, Some More Stuff, and More Drama….

Kei eats, sleeps and breathes theatre.† She has loved it since she could walk and talk.† We try to take advantage of everything our semi-small town offers.† She has been in 9 plays and is about to audition for the 10th.† We are doing Annie right now.

Last week was Camp Princess.† She had such a blast.† It is a week long theatre camp with the show on Friday night.† This is her second year to attend.† Every day she I dropped her off at the theatre she was just giddy.† When I take pictures of her onstage, her face just glows.† I don’t think I have ever loved an activity that way.

Headed to Camp Princess

The Performance

See the Joy?

On stage they did several exercises they did at Camp.† This one was “open your mouth as wide as you can”. 🙂


The Entire Cast

After the show she posed with Brian.† He is the director of the entire Bethel University Theatre Program.† She told him to remember her name because she would be there in 7 years.† [only 7 years????!!!]

Kei and Brian

Kei was so happy that Livvy was able to come.

Kei and Liv

And of course her BIGGEST fan!

Kei and Mom

It was an amazing experience for her.

So you wonder what to do with extra tomatoes?† Try this..Tomato Pie.† I promise it is so yummy you will almost faint!

Tomato Pie

4 tomatoes, peeled and sliced

10 fresh basil leaves, chopped

1/2 cup chopped green onion

1 (9-inch) prebaked deep dish pie shell

1 cup grated mozzarella

1 cup grated cheddar

1 cup mayonnaise

Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Place the tomatoes in a colander in the sink in 1 layer. Sprinkle with salt and allow to drain for 10 minutes.

Layer the tomato slices, basil, and onion in pie shell. Season with salt and pepper. Combine the grated cheeses and mayonnaise together. Spread mixture on top of the tomatoes and bake for 30 minutes or until lightly browned.

To serve, cut into slices and serve warm.

Tomato Pie

†Kei found time this week to catch minnows in the creek…

Work on learning a hand stand.

Playing Frisbee with Nomad.† Look at his face!!!!

Going to see Harry Potter! [Bring tissues!]

Kei and Hermione

Kei will never know a world without Harry Potter.† When she was 7 she dressed up for the final book release as Hermione and won 1st place!

Of course in the midst of our busy week she still had “Annie” practice!

Annie Practice

Giggly moments..

Learning the dances...

WHEW!!!† What a week.† I am so in awe of you Moms with more than one child.†

Homeschooling Rocks!


If you really want to help the American theater, don’t be an actress, dahling. Be an audience. ~Tallulah Bankhead


Caves Are Scary Places…[to me]

I have a small case of claustrophobia.† It isn’t so much the ‘size’ of a place but the fact that I can’t get out of it quickly enough.† My Mother had claustrophobia big time.† She was in nursing college and got stuck in an elevator for 6 hours in the middle of the night.† My entire life I knew this about her.† She would not ride elevators unless she absolutely had to.† She would make me prop the† bathroom door opened when we had to stop at a gas station on a trip.†

The first time I was ever made aware that I too have this is when I was about 25.† I was married at the time and we went to Ruby Falls in Chattanooga.† We paid the money and rode down the elevator.† The ceiling was about 6″ above my head.† All of a sudden I got very shaky.† I asked the guide how long the tour was and he said about 2 hours.† To my way of thinking that was 1 hour in and 1 hour out.† So I would be, at the most, an hour from air.† I couldn’t do it.† We had my niece with us and they went ahead and took the tour while I rode the elevator back up.† The lady told me it happened several times a day.† I remember laying in bed that night and getting so upset.† Would I never be able to fly?† Ride a subway?† Take a cruise?† I fly fine.† The first time I was a little scared but it wasn’t a big deal.† My first flight was a 6 hour flight!† I have ridden a subway, no big.† Never taken a cruise but I don’t think it would really bother me.

Fast forward to yesterday.† My sister in law and niece and nephew are at the beach.† My brother wanted to take Kei and I somewhere.† He wanted to take us to Cathedral Caverns.† He assured me it was a huge cave, although it isn’t really the size that freaks me out.† Kei was so excited so I said sure.† The closer we got the the place the more nervous I was.†† I used to be very ‘to myself’ about my claustrophobia, now I tell anyone who will listen.† I have found that when you share something, it helps tremendously.† I told the guide that I was a little claustrophobic.† I explained to her that I wanted her to understand if I started screaming and running. :)† We paid and started the tour.† I was fine, a little nervous, but fine.† The further we got from the entrance the more I was actually ok.† But it was there, it the back of my mind like these things seem to do.† Then, about 20 minutes in, the power went out.† Dark as..well dark as a cave!† The guide had a flashlight and one little boy was wearing a miner’s hat but neither provided much light.† I pulled out my iPhone and used my flashlight app but I kept accidentally shining it in people’s eyes!† Then a guy pulled up on a golf cart and said there was a horrible thunderstorm and the power was out!† I mean really!!! What were the odds?† She asked if anyone wanted to go back as she looked at me.† I decided I did want to go.† I just wasn’t happy about another 1 1/2 hours in the dark!† Eddie said he would take Kei, so I handed him my camera and jumped in.† The guy was really nice and said that caves freaked a lot of people out.† I was dissappointed for Kei.† Her first cave and I missed 80% of it.

I sat up on the porch and talked to a lovely lady from Florida.† She and her 3 kids were there to go to Space Camp and they decided to stop by the Caverns for awhile.† They canceled all tours until the lights came back on.† An 1 1/2 later Eddie and Kei were about to leave the tour the lights came back on.† So Eddie went back in with Kei to take more pictures.† He said that it was no where near as cool with no lights.


Kei's Shadow

When they came out Kei was very excited but she said, “It would have† been more fun with you but I understand Mom”† Argh..† The thing is, if my claustrophobia is a direct result of my Mom, then am I doing the same thing to Kei?† Although that is the first time anything has ever happened that prevented me from doing anything.† I close and lock the bathroom door with no problems and we love riding elevators.† I just feel like I let her down somehow.

Kei and I at The Trading Post

Homeschooling Rocks!



“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
~Frank Herbert, Dune – Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear

Pretty Girls, Silly Girls, Giving, Caring Girls….

What an incredible start to July we have had.† So far, July has been all about photo ‘shoot’s, fireworks, girls spending the night and volunteering.

Our lives are not always perfect.† At times there is too little money, too many bills, not enough to go around.† But one thing we always have is love and laughter.† It is hard at times being a single Mommy, but my journey as a Mommy is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

The past few days I took lots of pictures of my girl.† She is just so dang photogenic!

Just Right...

My Girl..

Picture Perfect...

Our yard is full of squirrels, birds, chipmunks and bunnies.† We sit outside and just watch them come and go all the time.† Kei has named all of them.† She also was trying to catch one with a basket until my Daddy told her that Seth [my nephew] did that one time and the squirrel had a heart attack and died!!!† It is so not funny but it is so funny.

Melonhead the Squirrel

Another thing we did this week was go to Tent City.† This is a really big ‘city’ under the interstate where homeless people live their lives.† We spent 4 hours there, grilled for them and brought lots of food and staples.† People brought guitars and drums and sang songs.† So many of the men wanted to hear old time Gospel songs.† It was so moving.

Mark Making CrossesTent City

Kei and Brit meeting lovely people..

Making Music

Food, Food, Food...

Kei and Brit

They have their own band called “Burn Barrel Band”

Burn Barrel Band

This is one of the coolest things.† They have a homemade chess set.† Isn’t this amazing?

Homemade Chess Set

Karen, Kei, Gina, Bobby, Britney, Cody

I was thinking about all the times that we volunteer.† I want Kei to just be a volunteer, a part of her; like dancing and acting.† Just who she is.† Thinking back over the years, we have done so much volunteering.† It is the one thing I always wanted when she was younger and we are so blessed to have all the opportunities† we have with our church.

Brit spent the night with Kei and they lit some sparklers for a pre-4th of July celebration.

"K and B" from sparklers

The next day Kei and I spent at The Spirit of America Festival volunteering in the children’s play area.† We had a blast but it was very hot.


Kei found a dog to play with which I swear she would do in the middle of nowhere.† She can spot a doggie a mile away!

Kei and the Dog

Girls and Dog..

Happy 4th!

Livvy spent the night with us that night.† There was more fireworks and sparklers and giggles.

The Pose...

Best Friends..

The next two weeks are so busy for us.† Kei has Camp Princess [acting camp] next week and the following week is their production of Annie! The week after that we are starting school back full time and I am so EXCITED!

Happy week all!


I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Mahatma Gandhi

Another Repost…HEY It’s Summer, It’s too HOT to Think!


I wrote this one afternoon while Kei was sitting outside reading in the sunshine.† It was such a wonderful moment.† I realized how incredibly blessed we are to be able to homeschool.† We have so many of those moments. Now don’t get me wrong; we have moments that I could just about pull her cute little hair out, but those moments are few and far between.† We have more magical moments, moments that the world seems to pause and smile.† Moments that I would not take anything for.† Moments to cherish….


April 27th, 2009

I could send her to school,

And from 8:00-3:00 have no clueÖ

How many times she laughed,

How many times she learned,

How many times she questioned,

How many times she understood,

How many times she wanted more information,

How many times she bounced in her chair from excitement,

How many times she was proud of something she did.

I could send her to school and she could get her exercise and sunshine,

In 20 minute doses, ifÖshe had on the right shoes, and no one misbehaved and everyone was quiet.

I could send her to school

And let her eat the processed high fat, low nutrition fare they feed millions of children a day,

if she had enough time to eat and didnít talk too loud and if no one grabbed her food.


I could homeschool her.


This I wrote when we had returned from Sugar Creek.† Some of you are familiar with one of our favorite places in the world.† I wish I could just scoop up all my online friends and whisk you all away for a day at Sugar Creek.

Reason #101

Saturday, May 24th, 2008

Warm spring breezes, Sun beating down.
We travel in a caravan, down winding roads through the countryside.

We pass a school; poor children, trapped inside with their rules and bathroom passes, and cookie cutter education.

We arrive.
It is a beautiful day.
Moms sitting on blankets. No one asks each other, ìDid your child get invited to that party Fridayî? “Has your child asked for those $150 jeans yet?”† There is laughter and caring and love. A group of women who want the best possible education for their children.

Kids everywhere, splashing in the water, riding boats down the current, finding geodes and creepy crawlies and fish and crawdads.
Squeals of delight coming from all directions. One loses a shoe, one a boat, someone sees a snake. When they are tired they come to throw their cold bodies over mommy, when they are hungry they eat.

After lunch costumes are donned and all a sudden, princesses and knights and magicians and ninjas are everywhere. There is even a chicken and a horse! Imaginations abound and worlds are created. Is there anything more wonderful than children in costumes under a grove of trees?

We reluctantly load tired kids and gear into the car.
Did we turn left here or right?
I donít remember seeing that silo? Did you see those goats before?
Finally arriving home.
What a magical day.
This is why I homeschool my child.

I love everything about homeschooling.† I have said this so many times….It is the best thing I have ever done.

Homeschooling Rocks!


“We don’t need no education.† We don’t need no thought control.† Hey teacher leave the kids alone.” ~ Pink Floyd

In The Beginning [Repost]

When I first started homeschooling over 4 years ago I had NO clue what I was doing.† The post below is something I wrote early on in our homeschooling experience.† I wanted to share.


A few months ago I decided to homeschool my 2nd grader. This journey has been a strange trip. Like Alice, I feel like we fell into the rabbit hole and have been running around crazy down here ever since.

The choices are endless! What to teach? What curriculum to use? How long each day? Every subject every day? How long for each subject? Do it all before lunch? Take a break every hour? Do I make her sit at the table? In her bedroom? Upside down from the ceiling fan?

Ideas? With the help of what I have quickly discovered are the most creative, intelligent people on earth; homeschool moms; I have lesson plans, books lists, science experiments, plays, math games, lapbooks, notebooks, timelines, nature journals, interactive sites, spelling lists, scavenger huntsÖthe list is endless!

I have discovered I rock at planning and gathering information. My excel spreadsheets have enough ideas, plans, websites to get us through high school! It is the implementation that needs work. But I am getting thereÖ..slowly. As my best friend is so fond of saying, ìThank goodness 2nd grade is a review year!î

I have decided we are not a ìbuy a curriculum and go through it lessonbylessonî kinda girls. SoÖ some days we do only math, with jelly beans. Or just planets using amazing videos on Ted.com, or we build fairy houses. We build ëburrowsí with blankets like prairie dogs. [Of course ours are complete with tea in china cups and cookies!] We may homeschool under a tree on a blanket with a Little House book, or on the stairs. She makes ëinventionsí with Tubers and Zots. She designs a city on Pluto with domes over everything so people can breath. She makes a town out of paper. We try to go an entire day with no electricity or running water like they did during Colonial times. [This is harder than it sounds we quickly found out!]

We are winging it day by day. And I am loving it. It is the best thing I have ever done. And who knowsÖone day, I may even know what I am doing!!! Even Alice eventually made it out!

Karen 2007


Now over 4 years later, looking back even though I didn’t know ‘how’ exactly I wanted to homeschool, I know that the first year and every year since we have had unbelievable experiences that we would have NEVER had if I had left Kei in Public School.† Homeschooling is the best thing I have ever done.† EVER.


Kei's 1st Pony Ride...

Wild Swims...

Nature Walks

Amazing Field Trips



So for anyone considering this and feeling unsure my advice is: Go for it!† Do it!† It will change your life.† Your relationship with your children will grow and blossom.† It is a marvelous, life changing thing!

Homeschooling Rocks!


“In the end, the secret to learning is so simple: Think only about whatever you love. Follow it, do it, dream about it…and it will hit you: learning was there all the time, happening by itself.” ~Grace Llewellyn

Days of Summer…

Lovely days of summer,


reading under the trees,

building fairy houses…..Kei has quite the village going, here is her Fruit Stand.† See how the bowls are acorn tops? Isn’t this adorable?

Livvy and Kei have spent the night with each other several times.† There is always silliness when those two get together!

There has been painting….

and lots of Mommy/Kei time….

And today was a great day!† We went with some of our best friends to another friend’s house.† She has a perfect house for kids.† Goats, a calf, chickens, a koi pond, a huge garden and more.† We felt like such farm girls.

Koi Pond

Kei and the Goats

Girls and "Chuck"

Kei and Brit

Some of my bestest friends...

Our Awesome Kids...

I can’t believe that June is winding to a close.† We have had such a good time so far.† And there is more to come.† Because of my friend Jessica’s post Kei and I are planning to head to Amish Country in Tennessee soon.† We† are so looking forward to that.† There are more plans in the works.† “It’s summertime and the livings easy”.

Happy days,


What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade.† ~Gertrude Jekyll

“Life’s a journey not a destination” Aerosmith

Teresa at Three Thinking Mothers wrote a wonderful post today about transitioning from school to home.† It is a must read!

She talks about how she considered homeschooling before her girls even started school.† I did too.† I always wanted to homeschool Kei.† She thrived in public school.† There was no bad times, nobody mean to her, no one thing that made me say, “That is it, I am homeschooling you.”† One of the main problems I had with it was I wasn’t crazy about how ‘boy crazy’ the kindergarten girls seemed to be. It was unbelievable to me.† I mean I had boys I liked in K but they took it to extremes.† Thankfully Kei was never really like that.† She still isn’t. This may be due to the fact that she is marrying Johnny Depp and that is that! 🙂

But it was always there.† I had tons of information, sites bookmarked, lesson plans, books.† I was very worried that I couldn’t do it.† “What if I ruined her?”.† Looking back it was so silly.† I mean who could teach her better?† Me, who knew her inside out and had just her all day long or a teacher, full of a room of kids, overcrowded, overworked, worrying about discipline and test scores.† She had a wonderful year in Kindergarten, was the teacher’s pet, loved everything about it.† 1st grade was much the same but still the thought niggled at the back of my brain constantly.

Kei was in her first play at age 6 and I met a family that homeschooled.† I quizzed and questioned that poor Mom every time I saw her.† She had 4 kids and they were amazing children.† They acted, sang and danced and played instruments…all the things Kei loved to do.† I begin to think more seriously about it.† I had a friend whose sister homeschooled.† I would call her and ask her all sorts of crazy questions.

Kei started 2nd grade.† It was the first Monday after school had started on Tuesday.† Her teacher didn’t seem as dedicated this year,† she had just gotten married and seemed more interested in her new life.† There were more kids in her class.† She was bored and doing the other kids work for them when she was done.† One of my favorite stories was when she was helping a little girl count M&M’s for charting and she told me, “Mom she kept eating the M&M’s”.

I picked her up on Monday and said, “How would you like to be homeschooled?” And she said, “Oh please, I would love it”.† Next day, I went to the school and unenrolled her.† Just like that.† No clue..no plans..no cover school. :)† I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do.† I loved the idea of unschooling and still find myself very drawn to it.† I love Charlotte Mason, love Unit Studies, love Well Trained Mind.

I found out very early that we were not a ‘buy a curriculum and go’ kinda girls.† I loved spending time searching for lesson plans and ideas.† I still love that so much.† Yes it is time consuming but it is so worth it. Aren’t homeschool Mom’s the BEST?? Anytime I try to search for a certain lesson plan I type in, ‘Ancient Greece homeschool” because I KNOW I will find the greatest things that way.† Everything didn’t work. I LOVE the idea of lapbooks.† Loved the way all the completed lapbooks looked but I felt like we were spending all our time cutting and gluing instead of learning.† I still love them and have to make myself NOT buy them.† We did several but Kei never fell in love with them.

One thing we did the first week was go to a Homeschool event.† I had heard about how great our local HS group was and we went to an inside playground.† This is the best advice anyone can give you.† FIND A GROUP.† The women I met were amazing! I was full of questions and they answered all of them.† In fact the first few women I met ended up being my very best friends.† We have a great HS group but we have a core group of about 7 Moms and 13 kids that we spend tons of time with.† It makes all the difference.† The thing I love about HS Moms is they are all so invested in their kids learning.† Not that they have the right clothes or get invited to the right parties or watch the right TV shows, just that their kids are the best they can be.† These are Moms who make time to talk and laugh and bond.† They are not dropping off their kids and running to work/home/gym.† The ones I have met are such ‘stop and smell the roses’ kind of people.† I love that!

I an an observer of people. I watch the kids at homeschool events and get togethers.† They honestly seem kinder, more willing to help each other, to have each others back.† I love the way they play together, all ages not dividing up by gender and age.† They seem more laid back, not so stressed about life.† Their play seems more complex, they are interested in so many things.† I think it is that they are allowed to be their true self.† They don’t have to pretend not to like something because someone will think they aren’t ‘cool’.

Kei’s K and 1st grade teachers both told me the same thing, that she was one of the most confident kids they had seen.† I wanted her to keep that confidence and she has.† She has thrived and learned so much.† The things she learns she remembers.† I love that she learns for life not for a test.

This is a journey, just like Theresa said.† A wonderful, beautiful, amazing journey.† Every day is different, there are few things written in rock.† Plans change and we change with the days.† We laugh and love and learn, always learn.† Seriously, what could be greater than that?



A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us. ~John Steinbeck

“A child miseducated is a child lost.” ~ John F. Kennedy

Fairy Houses, Puppy Love and Aqua [Latin Origin]..

What a laid back, bask in the sun, no where to be sort of week we have had.

We were able to get passes this summer for our local wave pool.† This is something we haven’t been able to do the last few years. Kei loves swimming, she is like a fish in water. It renews her, delights her, makes her dance with glee.† I am so glad to be able to just run to the pool for a couple of hours and not worry about staying all day.† Since it is $18 each to get in!! It is a wave pool, Olympic pool, kiddie play area, beach and deck and water slides but still! That is so expensive for us.† They run a special for ONE day in March where the passes are $50 each.† Yay us!

I love this picture of Kei and Nomad.† He is much improved from the “I am so crazy I think something is wrong with me” self that he was a few months ago.† Still kinda wild, but better.

Kei has been building Fairy Houses since she was old enough to walk. She LOVES this.† She can spend hours working on her houses.† She has been busy this week on her newest Fairy Mansion.

There was also a lot of playing outside, riding on the huge spool I snagged at Home Depot, jumping and more.



One of our favorite things we did was the Greek/Latin cards we have.† We sat outside while Kei worked on her Fairy Houses and I would hold up each card and have her guess the origin and the meaning.† After she had gotten about 12 right it finally dawned on me that the Greek cards were GREEN and the Latin were RED.† She was just laughing her head off and so was I.† I really thought she was just that good at guessing!† To me this is homeschooling at its best….a girl playing in mud while learning about word origins, and laughing…always laughing.

Today she joined a Webkinz chat on Facebook.† She was so excited because she asked a question and they answered it and typed her name.† 🙂

She also made a really yummy snack.† It was very quick and easy.† The recipe is here.

We are reading a lot together.† Fabre and Turtle in Paradise and Kei is still reading her book and I am reading Guerrilla Learning [which is one of my favorite HSing books].† We have 2 more chapters in SOTW and a couple more in Zoology 3 and then I am ready to start back! 6th GRADE.† How is that possible?

Kei also made a mailbox which we hung on the wall.† You never know what is going to show up in there!

Lovely giggly days….Is there anything better?

Happy weekend!


[E]very time a child says, “I don’t believe in fairies,” there is a fairy somewhere that falls down dead.† ~James Matthew Barrie, Peter Pan

Nothing can be truer than fairy wisdom.† It is as true as sunbeams.† ~Douglas Jerrold

Slow down, you move too fast….

My sweet girl will be going into 6th grade in August. This beautiful child who has shown me that being a Mommy is the best thing in the entire world and who has taught me more in 11 years than I have learned my whole life, would be going into middle school if she was in Public School. I thank God daily that she is not.

Middle school youth are engaging in sexual intercourse as early as age 12, according to a study by researchers at The University of Texas School of Public Health.

Almost 20% of 14-year-olds say they’ve been drunk at least once, according to a U.S. Surgeon General report, and one-fourth of 8th graders have reported being drunk, according to the Monitoring the Future Survey. Another study, by RAND Health, found that three-quarters of 7th graders had used alcohol.

Nearly one in five 7th graders and 15 percent of kids in 6th grade are having sexual intercourse.

One in five (19.9%) students reported being bullied on school property during the past year.

The most common reasons youth receive mental health services are feeling depressed (50%), problems at home/family (28.8%), breaking rules or ìacting outî (25.1%), and suicidal thoughts or attempts (20.2%).

The Adolescent Substance Abuse Knowledge Base reports that right around 30% of teens are offered drugs in middle school and high school.

The Kaiser Foundation reports that about 50% of teenagers feel pressured with regard to sex in relationships.

Thirty percent (30%) of U.S. students in grades six through ten are involved in moderate or frequent bullying ó as bullies, as victims, or as both ó according to the results of the first national survey on this subject.

1 out of 4 kids are Bullied.† The American Justice Department says that this month 1 out of every 4 kids will be abused by another youth.

Surveys Show That† 77%† of students are bullied mentally, verbally, & physically.

100,000 students carry a gun to school.

Playground statistics – Every 7 minutes a child is bullied. Adult intervention – 4%. Peer intervention – 11%. No intervention – 85%.



As for us, we have NO time for such thingsÖ

There is:

Science to learn

History to explore

Doggies to play with

Fairy houses to build

Dandelions to blow

Rain to dance in

Ice cream to be bought

Silly faces to make

Fireflies to catch

Songs to be sung

Books to read

Chocolate to eat

Swimming to be done

Picnics to be taken

Walks to take

Birthdays to celebrate

Playgrounds to play on

Stories to write

Pretending to be done

Country roads to travel down

Woods to explore

Dreams to dream

Recipes to make

Giggles to be giggled

Tire swings to be swung on

Dances to be danced

Knitting to be done

Art to be drawn

Snow People to make

Friends to hug

Gardens to be gardened

Best friends to whisper to

Plays to be performed in

Cartwheels to be turned

Prayers to be prayed


Pictures to be taken

Frogs to catch

Places to explore

Volunteering to be done

Games to play

Trees to climb

Flowers to be smelled

Dressing up to do

Swinging to be swung

Webkinz to play with

Clay to be molded

Experiments to make

Sewing to be sewn

Clover crowns to make

And so very much more…

Every day I thank God that I am able to homeschool Kei. As a single Mom it is hard at times, but with Godís grace we are able do this wonderful thing.† We try to never forget to count our blessings.


I guess when it comes down to it
Being grown up isn’t half as fun as growing up
These are the best days of our lives
The only thing that matters is just following your heart
And eventually you’ll finally get it right.- The Ataris

Too many of today’s children have straight teeth and crooked morals.† ~Unknown high school principal



TShirts, Birthdays, BBQ’s and Sugar Creek…

We have had an amazing few days. We have gone and gone and gone. And had a blast. All around us schools are still in session. They had to go longer this year because of so many weather days. Thankfully they did not have to make up the Tornado days. If the area is declared a National Disaster, school does not have to be made up.

We headed out on Friday to Cullman to a T Shirt sale. Our friend Gretta had Facebooked that her church was having a huge sale with $1 T shirts. I didn’t think too much about it until she posted pictures of the shirts she got. They were AWESOME! Sanctify shirts, shirts from the 80’s and all sorts of cool things.† So I contacted Gretta for the address not knowing that Gina did the same.† We decided to ride with them to go T Shirt shopping!† We always have a blast with the Lackeys!!

A Shopping We Will Go!!!


When we got there I could not believe the great shirts! I was in HEAVEN!† We scored big time.† Kei and I bought 31 shirts for $31.† After the shopping binge, we went to Gretta and David’s house and had such a fun time hanging out with them.† This is their first year homeschooling her 3 kids and I loved hearing her HSing stories.† She also GAVE me a LifePac Spanish 1 course.† I had JUST told Kei that morning that I wanted her to take Spanish for next year and I hoped I could find something I could afford.† I just love how God works things out.† She also told us their tornado story and it just brought tears to my eyes. God truly held them in His embrace.

Here are our T Shirts! Jealous much?





Livvy spent the night with us Friday night and Saturday we went out meandering. I just love that word…meander… I love the defintion: To move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction.† I live so much of my life like that. Aren’t I lucky? 🙂

We went to the boat docks and picked out the boat of our dreams.† We also picked our favorite name which we all agreed was Pier Pressure.† Isn’t that great?





Then we heard the ice cream truck so of course…it was ICE CREAM time!!




Sunday we went to church and our church had sent some crews to Joplin, Missouri to help with clean up.† Our church has a live service online and they were watching along with a church in Joplin.† It was a very moving experience.† They lost so many people in the tornado that struck their town and there was so much destruction.

Monday was Memorial Day and we started off the day early at my brother’s house. It was my niece Katherine’s 14th birthday and we ate grilled hamburgers and cake.† My Dad and Marlene were there and Heather’s Mom and Dad.



Happy Birthday Katherine!



Then Kei and I came home to get started on our BBQ.† Laura and Livvy were coming over.† We had grilled hamburgers, hot dots, baked beans, chips, and homemade brownies and ice cream.† Laura brought some yummy macaroni salad.† We had a blast.† The girls played in the sprinkler afterwards and we sat on the patio and talked and talked and talked.

There were cartwheels…





and water….

Friends and Water...



A great Memorial Day with our friends and family!

Tuesday we were going to Sugar Creek.† Sugar Creek is one of our favorite places in the world.† It is this wonderful creek filled with fish and a rope swing and geodes and a old swinging bridge.† There is a church and a cemetery nearby.† We always go in a huge caravan and we spend the day.† There are blankets and chairs everywhere, floats and boats, kids laughing, Mom’s and Dad’s laughing, food galore.† It is a magical place.

Just floating...

Sugar Creek

Kei and Chan checking out their Geodes


Shaking the Geode

Lovely places...

Our Amazing Kids...

Photo by Heather Woods


It was such a great day.† Chan came home with us for a couple of days and her and Kei are having a blast as usual.† Kei was a wee bit tired from her day and had to chillax with Nomad for a bit.

A Girl and her Dog..


What a wonderful start to our summer! I hope your summer [or winter if you are one of my Aussie friends] is magical and full of delight…

Colored scents that fill the air as drowsy insects hum around in the meadow is the place of secret magic where nature alone renews itself.† ~ Kate Bergquist



Almost Sisters, Field Days and Some Learnin’…

Kei came home from Kindergarten the first day talking about “Livvy”.† Every day she would tell me things that happened with her new ‘best friend’.† I met Livvy and her mom, Laura early in the year. Her Mom and I bonded just like our girls did.† In first grade, Kei changed schools and we didn’t see Livvy every day anymore. But the girls and the Moms still stayed in contact.† I pulled Kei out of Public School after the 1st week of 2nd grade.† We weren’t talking to Livvy and Laura every day then.† Sometimes not even once a month.† But Laura called me a couple of weeks after I started homeschooling Kei and said she was going to take Livvy out too.† They homeschooled for 3 years then last year Laura put Livvy in private school. She is a single Mom like I am and she had to go back to work.† But our girls have become closer each year.† They have always played so well together, talked on the phone for hours, spent the night with each other.† They call each other ‘sister’ and I love Livvy so much.† Laura is one of my dearest friends in the world.† You know..it isn’t often that your child’s best friend’s Mom is one of your best friends but that is the way it has worked out.† We love our relationship with these amazing girls in our life.
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you’ve had.† ~Author Unknown


Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, “What! You too? I thought I was the only one!” by C. S. Lewis


Tuesday we had Field Day.† This is always a HUGE deal.† We had so many people there. I have no clue how many but it was well over 100.† The kids all enjoy it so much.

Hanging Out Before Field Day

Cool Homeschoolers...

Kei won 3 Medals and Ribbons for Shot Put, Soccer and Mile Run.

Mile Run..err Walk..

Kei loves Soccer, she has never wanted to play organized Soccer but every year she signs up for Field Day and has a blast.

We are still ‘schooling’ but we really never stop.† We do less in the Summer, not so organized, but we still do things.† I want to finish our Story of The World.† We have a couple of chapters left.† The biggest thing we need to finish is Zoology 3.† Since I used another science the first of the year, we started this late.† I would like to finish the book but if we don’t and summer’s siren song gets to be too much,† we can finish it in August.

I can’t believe my little girl would be going into 6th grade if she was in PS.† 6th GRADE!† It is so hard for me to believe.† I have lots of thoughts swirling around about that but I will save it for another post, another day.

As for now…there are long, lazy days to explore, lightening bugs to catch, swimming pools calling our names, picnics to be taken, meandering trips down country roads, food to be cooked outside, songs to be sung, movies to watch, flowers to stop and smell and more.

Viva la Summer!

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” ~ John Lubbock

Today is the First Day of the Rest of …

This week has been about starting new habits.† After my hospital scare I came away determined to do better, be better, eat better.† I really don’t eat that badly.† We never eat fried foods, never eat fast food, almost always eat baked chicken and tons of veggies but….it is the caffeine that is the killer.† I have cut down my caffeine consumption by at least 75%.† Now I was drinking crazy amounts of caffeine.† Anyone who really knows me, knows that is true.† I am a Diet Dr. Pepper addict.† I am never without it…NEVER.† This week I have started off each day with orange juice.† The rest of the day I have either mixed Caffeine free and regular or just drank caffeine free. Now I KNOW that I need to get off the sodas all together.† But here is my dilemma.† I have always drank too much soda.† I am one of those people who have to have something to drink at all times.† I don’t like water, although I have been trying that Crystal Light stuff you put into water.† It isn’t horrible…it isn’t Dr. Pepper, but it isn’t horrible.

But I will get there…slowly…because I will do whatever I need to do to be healthy!† Thankfully I have been mostly slim my entire life but I want to really start doing more in the exercise department. Kei and I love riding bikes but my bike from last year has 2 rotted tires so I am in the market for a new bike.† Figured I could pick up one at a yard sale cheaper than replacing the tires.

We have had a great week ‘learning’ wise.† We are trying to finish up SOTW 1.† We have just a few more chapters left.† We have loved it and I so wish I had used SOTW since I began HSing Kei in 2nd grade.† We are also finishing up Zoology 3 / Apologia.† We have LOVED that too.† I can not believe how much we have learned about animals.† And I can’t believe that EVERY SINGLE ANIMAL we study, Kei has a “Webkinz” story about it!† Seriously, someone needs to create a Webkinz Lapbook/Unit Study.† There are a few little things I have ran across but nothing really intense. My girl would LOVE that.

Stan, my awesome boss, gave me a Amazon gift card and I finally ordered a new camera.† It is the camera Esther uses so I know it will be fabulous.† Just hope I can figure it out!† Kei is excited because she gets my old one which is really a good little camera.

Kei also had tryouts last week for Annie, Jr.† She got the role of a house maid and is in a couple more dance numbers.† They are VERY fair with the kids trying out, so we knew she wouldn’t get a huge role since her last role was so big.† But she is so excited, of course.† And I will be spending my summer at play practices.

Kei at Play Tryouts...

Kei finished another book and decided to find one she wanted to read instead of one I am making her read.† She decided to read Dear America book.† It is “Voyage on the Great Titanic”.† She said it was good so that is a start.† We went to the library today and she got about 6 more of the “Dear America” books.† Of course the one she can’t wait to read it about the 1960’s.† Ahh my little hippie chick.† We also ate lunch at Cracker Barrel.† Do they have Cracker Barrel’s everywhere or is that just a “southern” thang?† Yummy food.† We also got the tulle to make her a skirt like the awesome ones HMama made her two adorable daughters!† Kei can’t wait to wear it, if I will get off the butt and make it!† She also got some cross stitch kits and tons of embroidery thread.† I want her to stitch some way cool things on her jeans…flowers and peace signs and ivy and stuff.† Wouldn’t that be cool? Something like this? [Well probably not the “Wine Lover”]

Supposed to be a beautiful weekend.† Livvy is spending the weekend with Kei. They have requested chicken wings for dinner and sounds of laughter is ringing off the walls.† Good times…

Some crazies people are predicting that tomorrow is the end of the world.† We will be at SoulStock, an outdoor Christian concert, with thousands of Jesus lovers!† I can’t think of anywhere better to be, can you?

Happy weekend,


To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.† ~Buddha


Water, Wildlife, Webkinz and Scary Times.

We had a really great, laid back week. Until Saturday. More about that in a minute.

We spent Tuesday with our bestest friends.† There was a park day with Moms and kids running everywhere.† It was a great time.

*See my cool collages? Thanks Theresa! I LOVE these!


Then we went to Heather’s for the FIRST Swim of the Year.† YAY for warmer weather.


We also watched squirrels, rabbits and birds galore in our yard.† We are amazed by how much wildlife we have!

Kei's pic of a squirrel

Kei and I spent a lot of time outside.† She played Webkinz under the tree.† Is there anything better than that???

Saturday morning about 1:00 AM I woke up feeling quite yucky.† I was shaking all over, my heart was racing and I felt like I was going to be sick.† Now I have had panic attacks in the past and I thought that is what it was.† But it did not go away.† For an hour it just got worse.† I woke Kei up at 2:30 AM and told her I was going to go the the ER.† Now I have NEVER gone to the Emergency room in my life except when an ambulance took me when I cut my wrist so badly.† But I knew something was not right.† Well 14 hours later, 7 sticks of needles for blood work [including 2 blown veins, I have horrible veins], 3 EKG’s, an echogram, X rays and tons of poking and prodding they determined my thyroid was way out of whack.† I had hyperthroidism when I was 27 but haven’t had it checked in a few years because I don’t have insurance.† I should have just gotten the money and done it because I don’t even want to think about my hospital bill.† I also have really low potassium and magnesium levels.† It was a long, scary time.† They put me in ICU for observation, purely standard they said, but I was freaked out.† Also they put a IV port in ‘just in case they had to Med Flight me to the nearest city’.† It was not a fun time.† By 9:00 AM I was so ready to go but the cardiologist didn’t come until 3:00 PM!!† But he released me with new medicines and the stern “Stop drinking so much caffeine” that I knew was coming.† I walked out and honestly felt like kissing the ground.† I wasn’t sure when I walked in 14 hours earlier if I was even coming out.† Stuff like that is so scary! Kei wasn’t afraid.† She told me she knew I was fine, that she prayed and knew God would watch out for me.

So ..scary time but good results.† My thyroid being so low explains so much. Like why I freeze when everyone else is burning up, why I am so dang tired all the time and other things.

Today is Monday..and I am happy to be alive. 🙂


The greatest wealth is health.† ~Virgil

The best six doctors anywhere
And no one can deny it
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air
Exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend
If only you are willing
Your mind they’ll ease
Your will they’ll mend
And charge you not a shilling.
~Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows, 1990


Dear Mother…

3 years today..how can it be that I have had no Mother for 3 years.† It seems like yesterday, it seems like a lifetime ago.

I still wonder sometimes if I should have done more, fought harder, tried different things.† The months before your death was filled with so many emotions; hope, fright, tears, smiles, panic, helplessness, determination, laughter, devastation.† I wanted you to get better, I talked to doctors, did research, prayed.† But in the end, you died.

The week before your death was surreal.† We all knew it wouldnít be long.† On May 7th, you said, to my knowledge your last words, ìI love you tooî when I told you I loved you.† †I hated going home at the end of each day, so afraid Daddy would call me and tell me you had died.† But you hung on.

The day before you died, I lay with you in the hospital bed we had set up in your room.† I talked to you, I told you how much I loved you, how blessed I was to have had you as my Mother.† I assured you that I would be fine, that I could handle your death, while inside I was screaming, ìNo please donít leave me, I canít do this without you.î† But I know you, you would have held on forever if I said those words.† And I wanted you to find peace.

The day you died is etched in my heart forever. Eddie and I had spent the night because we knew it wouldnít be long. It was the longest night of my life.† I kept going into your room and listening to your ragged breathing as you struggled for each breath. I lay on the floor and prayed and cried and pleaded with God.† I stroked your face and your hand, the hand that had been my support my entire life.† I woke up at 3:00 AM panic stricken, convinced that I would not be able to live in a world that you didnít exist in.† At around 7:00 AM, we called Momís 2 sisters to come over. We knew it wouldnít be long.† You died at 8:07 AM, with me, my brother and your two sisters around your bed.† My Daddy couldnít stand it. He wouldnít come into your room for the end.† As you took your last breath, I felt your presence leave the earth.† You were here and then you werenít.

I walked outside into a beautiful morningÖthe birds were singing, the sun was shining, the roses were blooming and I had no Mother.

3 years later, I am in your house.† I live here, surrounded by your memories, my memories, memories of me as a child, new memories of my child here.† I feel you everywhere, I miss you every day, I need you more times than I can count.

You were so many things to me, my friend, my Mother, my confidante, my advisor, my rock, my biggest fan.† I sometimes run across things that you wrote, always in green pen.

Like this from when I moved to California:

ìSometimes I wake up at night and almost can not breath because my Ka is so far away, but I want her to be so happy and this makes her happy.î

I cook in the kitchen that you made countless meals for us and I throw the dish towel over my left shoulder just like you always did and I smile.† I talk to you and sometimes I could swear I feel you here, peeking around the corner, almost here, but not quite.

I can almost hear you say, ìMy Kaî like you greeted me in every phone call or every time I saw you.† ìMy Ka, how are you doing todayî.† The phone call I got every night saying, ìGoodnight My KaîÖand that was all.† †I miss thatÖI miss your voice. I wish I had all those answering machine messages that would drive me crazy at timesÖI wish I could hear every one of them and smile.

I donít want Kei to forget you, I tell her stories all the time.† Stories of you climbing up to our tree house when we were there with the neighborhood kids and scaring us to death and laughing so hard you almost fell off the ladder, stories of how no child would ever leave our house without a ìJean Goodie Bagî, the wall in the laundry room where every child that ever entered this house would be measured. We chart the growth of Kei alongside the growth of me at the same age.† I tell her stories of how you loved your roses and birds and your yard and would sit for hours outside just watching the birds eat, stories of your infamous battle over a purse at a Martinís Black Friday sale with you winning of course, stories of tornado warnings with you in the closet and you running out to watch TV and Daddy yelling from the other closet, ìHoney are you out of that closet?î and me trying to hold in my giggles, stories of a Motherís love and how fierce and strong and protective it was.

I know you would be so happy that Daddy is happy. How many times did you say, ìYour Daddy will live longer than me, those Terryís live forever and I want him to find someone and I want you to be nice to herî.† He did Momma, and I am nice to her, and he is happy.

I know you would be happy that Kei and I see your best friend Patsy so often.† Every memory I have of her has you in it and it is so wonderful being around her.† She tells me stories of you from a best friend perspective and has been there for me so many times over the past 3 years.

Kei and I both smell your perfume at times. You always wore perfume and this house holds traces of it everywhere.† It always makes me smile to smell it.† Kei will say, ëI smell Baba.î† About 6 months after you died Kei asked me, ìMom when you pray something over and over and it doesnít come true, what does that mean?î I said, ìWhat have you prayed for baby?î and she said, ìThat you wouldnít be so sad about Baba dying.î† That healed me so muchÖbecause like my Mother, I would do anything for my child.† She still tells me that I wake up in the mornings sometimes calling for you.† For months I would fall asleep saying your name.† I wonder why now it is in the mornings?

The ìDeath of My Motherî is not at all like I thought it would be.† I dreaded it my entire life. I thought I couldnít survive it.† I told you that sometimes remember? †You said ìDonít be ridiculous of course you will.î† I was wrong, and as usual you were right. I did survive it.† It just hurt so badly and still hurts. ††I still miss you, I will always miss you.

One day, I will be with you again.† And we will hug and laugh and dance and giggle and talkÖ.just like we always did.

3 years..a lifetime without you.


ìI remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.î ~ Abraham Lincoln

ìDeath ends a life, not a relationship.î †~Jack Lemmon

ìTo live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die.î ~Thomas Campbell

The Calm after the Storm

We have had a quiet, stay at home week.† The world still feels a little off, but it is slowly getting back to normal.† For us at least.

We spent a week filled with decimals and aardvarks and anteaters and armadillos and Rome and Google Earth Rome 3D and drew pictures of Roman houses and made a Roman cookbook and calendar and lots of drawing and lots of reading and a girl who finally finished “Little Blog on the Prairie” and loved it even when she wanted to hate it.† We cleaned up our HS room and went through† books and Kei said to me, “I wish I loved to read” as we unturned one after another lovely books.† Which gave me hope.

Books and books and books

The "Media" Area and more books...


We spent time outside and time replacing ruined meat and freezer goodies.† We took walks and picked flowers and learned about Cicada eating Wasps.† We took doggie to the vet and got his heartworm medicine and figured out the reason he can pull us all over is that he now weighs 82.4 pounds! We watched some of our favorite TV shows; Castle, Modern Family and a little bit of American Idol, all taped to fast forward through the commercials!† We snuggled a lot and giggled and danced a bit in the kitchen and there was singing…always singing.

We went to the final skate day today and I found some great curriculum for next year.

Final Skate Day 5th Grade

More books and books and books


Now it is Friday afternoon, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, our world feels clean and new and full of possibilities.

Happy weekend

Happy Mother’s Day to all my wonderful friends,


After a storm comes a calm. ~ Matthew Henry

There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm. ~Willa Cather

After every storm the sun will smile; for every problem there is a solution, and the soul’s indefeasible duty is to be of good cheer. ~William R. Alger


The Day the World Twisted…

The day started with me being awakened with a start from tornado sirens going off. I woke Kei up, grabbed Nomad and headed to the hall where we always get. We always turn the TV up really loud so we can hear and wait it out there.


After that round of tornadoes went pass Kei had, ironically enough, an online class called “Wild Weather” with Jessica’s daughter.  She loved it and loved being in the same ‘class’ as Grace. We will definitely be taking more classes from Ms. Loretta from Lessons Worth Learning.

Wild Weather…

As soon as the class was over the madness began again. The Meteorologists had predicted such severe storms that we actually cleaned out a hall closet to get into. We just threw everything in the bathroom and made room for me, Kei and Nomad. That is where we basically were the next 6 hours.

In the Closet

The sirens are deafening. We are VERY close to a siren so it is very loud and goes off for several minutes. If you live in the South and in Alabama, you have grown up with tornado warnings. It is a fact of life, like earthquakes, hurricanes or blizzards in other parts of the country. But never in my life have I seen anything like April 27, 2011.

On television even the meteorologists were amazed. They kept saying they had never seen such tornadoes, so many, so strong. They were bouncing around everywhere, hitting everything. Cities and rural communities. We had no information on anything except that they were on the ground. I prayed a lot. I cried for the deaths they were reporting. I had no clue what the death toll would end up being. We sat in our closet listening to the TV until the power went out.† When the power went out I lost cell phone coverage. I ran around the house looking for batteries for my radio. I wasn’t prepared, most people were not prepared. I finally found batteries and we sat in the closet and listened for the next 3 hours. Tornadoes were still jumping around everywhere. Tuscaloosa, Cullman, Arab, Lawrence County, Madison County, towns everywhere were hit. More than 150 tornadoes were reported, 342 dead at last count with many more still missing. Google or YouTube “Alabama Tornado” and you will not believe your eyes. These were F4 Tornadoes. F5 are the most deadly.  People in a house, no matter where they are, have very little chance of surviving an F5 tornado. Even people in basements here were killed.

UPDATE: The National Weather Service confirmed the 4/27/11 tornado as a EF5 with estimated peak winds of 210 MPH. The total path length was 132.1 miles from southern Franklin County Alabama to near Huntland in Franklin County Tennessee. Maximum path width: 1.25 miles


When it was all said and done reports were spotty coming in.† 8 massive steel transmissions towers down at TVA, leaving 1.1 million people without power. People missing and dead and CPR being given in the streets, rumors of chemical leaks and fires and us huddled in the closet, afraid to come out even after it was over.



I tried to call my Daddy because we have a wall phone that was not a cordless and I had service. Unfortunately in the middle of it the line went dead and we were without phone for about 3 days. We didn’t eat that night and went to bed early, in the dark with the radio on for awhile to listen to reports. Next morning we heard the power was on in Athens, a town about 12 miles from us. I needed some things. I had no gas, no batteries, no ice for our food, no cell phone charger for my iPhone. Things that I can assure you I will have from now on. Kei and I debated on what to do…if I took off with the little gas I had, about 1/8 of a tank and we ran into trouble, we would be out of gas. We decided to chance it. The traffic lights were down, but the day was beautiful. The radio stations were playing no music…people were calling in with updates from their towns and information about what stores were opened and who had what supplies. This went on for days and days…people connecting to people via radio. It was a wonderful testament to humankind.


On the way to Athens we ran into a HUGE traffic jam. I was afraid I was going to run out of gas so we had to turn around and come back. We decided on the way back to run by our friends house and see how they fared the storm. I was secretly hoping that we could stay with them for a day until, I thought, the power would be back on. We got to their house, Laura, Livvy, Annah and Gammy and stayed with them until Friday morning. You should have seen the kids in the neighborhoods! Laura said she had never seen so many kids outside. There was nothing for them to do inside, so they played. We grilled out, ate and listened to the radio.


The next morning we got up and went home. I was so hoping the power would be on but it wasn’t. We went to our church who had jumped right in to help immediately following the tornadoes. We bought supplies and made hundreds of sack lunches.

Kei Lunches
Kei Lunches

We spent the next few days helping at Epic. Our wonderful church has done and is doing so much. We have been in the newspaper twice. Here and Here. We spent the nights grilling out food that would ruin if we didn’t eat it. Everywhere you could smell the grills with people having the same idea. Neighbors talked to neighbors. There were block parties and get togethers. For a few days we were all truly connected.
Kei made her breakfasts outside on a little Sterno stove our neighbor gave us. We had a blast. In fact it was a bit like an adventure. A very dark adventure.

Breakfast on Stove

Even Toast!

Thanking God for keeping us safe…

Standing in line 45 minutes for 2 bags of ice…

Games and reading by candlelight..

Saturday was my birthday. The first birthday ever with no power. But it was awesome and we had a great day. I got some balloons from my boss and we wrote on them and let them soar. They said things like “Sweet Home Alabama” and “We Remember-April Fury 2011”.


Sweet Home Alabama

Soaring Away…

Sunday we went to church. We had it outside because we still had no power. It was a wonderful service.

Epic Church

After church we came home to get ready to go out in the community. We were out there about 5 hours and you can not imagine what we saw. You can look at pictures all day long, but it is nothing like standing in someone’s destroyed home to make it all real. Miles and miles and miles of absolute destruction. And this was ONE area. There were areas all over like this.
As horrible as it was, as much as people lost, I think we gained something too. A new understanding of the human spirit. The “get in there and get it done” mentality of most people. People didn’t stand around crying and whining. They stepped up and were proactive. It was amazing to see.

We were so lucky, so blessed. Yes we had no power for 5 days, yes I threw away tons of ruined food, but those things are easily replaced. So many lost everything…everything.

Please pray for Alabama.

ìThere are two big forces at work, external and internal. We have very little control over external forces such as tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, disasters, illness and pain. What really matters is the internal force. How do I respond to those disasters? Over that I have complete control.î† ~Leo F. Buscaglia


Earth Day, Easter Day and Skool Days..

Earth Day is always a special day to us.† Since we have been Homeschooling we have always found a way to celebrate.† It amazes me how more aware of Nature I am now.† I have always loved it, just not always ‘lived’ it.† We went on a hike with some of our best friends.† One of my favorite parts of the hike was when we started singing “Happy Birthday dear Earth. “
Kei sat in on Facebook’s “Live with Obama” talk.† She even sent in a question.† It would have been beyond cool if they had picked it.† It was so awesome to see how technology makes people, even the President, more accessible.
We learned so many awesome things this past week.† From Rodents to Aztecs to making poetry out of newspaper articles.† We spent tons of time outside in nature.† Kei drew her Spring Tree and she did leaf prints.
Easter was amazing.† AMAZING!† We went to the early service and it was so moving.† They had asked all the “Dream Team” to come to a 6:00 PM service because of room issues but we went to both!† We were supposed to meet some friends there but they weren’t able to come at the last minute.† We went ahead and went to the first service anyway.† My brother and his family went to this service so that is one reason we decided to go.† Speaking of my brother he just started a blog.† He has always been a writer, writing down stories from when we were little.† Visit his blog, leave a comment. He thinks no one is reading. 🙂
The 6:00 service was indescribable.† It was filled with believers celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.† There was something tangible in the air, you could feel it and taste it.† There were no kids church so Kei was with me and we both were moved beyond belief.† We had the Lord’s Supper which was a surprise and there was just so much love in the room.† In case you can’t tell, we adore our church.
Kei wore these to church because that’s just the way she rolls.
The Easter Bunny

The Basket

New Webkinz for Easter

I also taught her important life lessons.† She learned how to check the oil and change an air filter.† I was very proud of her and of ME!

Oil Check

Dirty vs Clean

So now it is Monday…a week filled with possibilities stretch out before us.† So we are off, to grab, to savor, to live!


“Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again.” ~Sarah Ban Breathnach

Festivals, Memories and Learning….

We had a pretty good week around here.† PS kids were on Spring Break so we had a couple of issues with that.† One of Kei’s best friends was out so Kei thought she should be too.† I reminded her that we took off the week of her play.† That being said we did find time for sleepovers 2 nights. 🙂

Kei and I went to the “Chicken and Egg Festival” last weekend.† It was ok..mostly food and crafts but we managed to find some fun.


I like these bungee things MUCH better than those bouncing houses.† I was so sick of those things.† She actually flipped for the first time.† I was so freaked I didn’t actually get the flip.


We saw several chickens…some were very unfamiliar to us.† This one was named “Hollywood”.


We found some cool ‘shoes’ for Kei.† I remember having some like these.† We always wore them on the beach.† Kei’s are much more ‘bling’ than mine were.† [Someone needs to polish their toenails….I’m just saying]

Cool Shoes...

After the festival I took Kei by my Grandparents house.† My grandparents have been dead for many years.† When I was little there was no place on earth I would rather be.† This house holds memories and also my heart.† They are in the midst of restoring it so we were able to walk around.

Anything….I would give anything if I could take Kei’s hand and pull her into the time where they were alive.† Mamaw would be in the kitchen cooking her fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, cornbread and banana pudding.† Mom would be with her helping.† My Papaw and Daddy would be out in the swing talking or walking the property.† They had cows and chickens and a pond and grape vines and a garden.

My older brother would be shooting birds with his BB gun and my younger brother and I would be trying to nurse them back to health.† We would run into the house yelling, “we need bandages and alcohol”.† We would be having throwing contests to get the old apples that fell from the tree into a small hole on the side of the building.† We would be exploring and creating new worlds.† We would be trying to build a tree house in the big oak tree in the front yard.† We would be playing chase on the wrap around front porch.† We would end the day by arguing which one of use got to sit on the ice cream maker.

My Mamaw was my favorite person in the world when I was little.† She taught me to make paper dolls, cook, sew.† She let me pack her suitcase when she was coming to spend the night with us, it never matter what I picked out, she would wear it.† I remember taking her hand and dragging her back to my room as soon as she walked in the door.† I had things to show her!† “She had a secret stash of candy that she told me about.† I would sneak in there, making sure my two nosy brothers were no where to be found and take a piece, secure in the knowledge that only I knew the secret.† I remember spending weeks in the summer with† her and sleeping with her in her big feather bed.† We fed the chickens, milked the cows and cooked and cooked. I remember walking to ‘town’ with her because she didn’t drive.† She would have her ‘pocketbook’ on her arm and we have such fun.† We would shop and talk and end up at the soda fountain for ice cream sundae’s.

The older I got, the less I wanted to go to their house.† I had my life, my friends, I couldn’t be bothered spending my time with 2 ‘old’ people.† I was a teenager with big plans.† How selfish we can be when we are that age.† And what I wouldn’t give for ‘one more day’….

Kei at the Side door at Mama's

Stained Glass window on the front porch

Liv spent the night and there were puddles to be splashed in.


and spitting contests to be had


Robin nests to be found…


Forbidden Island to be played…


Kei took an online class about Lasers and Lights.† She did many really cool experiments.† Did you know there is an owl on a dollar bill?

Finding the Owl..

Making a telescope with 2 magnifying glasses.

Making memories, learning, laughing…

At the end of the day, isn’t that what it is all about?

Happy weekend,


A House I Once Knew
Written by Leo VanMeer 1907-2006

There are bars on the doors and walls
Its rooms are empty and wide.

Here and there is a broken pane
Where the night wind creeps inside.

The front porch has fallen to ruin
With vines in possession there.

A shed is tumbled and strewn
And rubbish is everywhere.

Somehow it softens in moonlight
And my fancy wanders free.

That old house is more than a house
It once was home to me.

I can see a place by the window
Where firelight once played inside.

I can picture the porch as it used to be
And grounds so clean and wide.

Doors with well-oiledhinges
Let in our willing feet.

With everything in place as it should
And everything trim and neat.

I see it in mellowed reflection
Until years have changed it to be

A house with a memory; it’s more than a house
It once was home to me.

I’d give so much to live again
In that house when it was young.

Then it knew our laughter and tears,
With its memory only begun.

I was unwise to have left it, I know
All I got for my pains

Was a heap of things I thought worthwhile
And desire to be back again.

It might be made home again, who knows?

I watch the moonlight slant through a tree,
And know that old house was more than a house.

It once was home to me.

Plays, Parties & Posters…

There is not a day that passes that I forget to be thankful for the ability to homeschool.† Yes there are days where it is hard, when we clash, when things fall apart; but I still love this life style so much.

We went to see the local high schoolís production of Big River.† The role of Jim was played by a friend of ours who Kei has done plays with for 6 years.† He was ëblow me awayí amazing.

Going to "Big River"

Kei and Jalen...the STAR...

We went to Heatherís to celebrate all THREE of her boyís birthdays.† They fall within a few weeks of each other.† It was such a blast hanging out with our best friends.† There is always an abundance of laughter, food and talking.

Kids Playing "Dungeon and Dragons" ...

Cool Homeschool Kids...

Kei made a Recycle Poster on a site that we found.† She also made a couple of movies.† I think I am going to incorporate this into our school.† Give her a project due at the end of the week.† Make a play about anything she has learned.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

She made a play with Nomad called ìTime Saversî.† She said it was going to be a weekly series.† In this episode she went back to when Abraham Lincoln was running for President.† She and Nomad had to make sure he was elected.† It was full of facts and great actingÖwell at least Keiís acting was greatÖNomad mainly lay on the floor or tried to eat things!

Time Savers...

One of my favorite things we did this week was a study of Vincent Van Gogh.† Theresa at Our Life In Words wrote a post that reminded me how important Art was in our curriculum.† I love it, Kei loves it, but when we run out of time, it seems to be the first to go.† We learned about his life, looked at his paintings, watched YouTube videos of his paintings set to music and Kei did her version of “Starry Night”.† It turned out awesome.

Starry Night...

This weather was simply gorgeous, allowing for time to sit under the tree and just daydream.

Happy week,

If you’ve never stared off in the distance, then your life is a shame.† ~Adam Duritz, “Mrs. Potter’s Lullaby,” performed by Counting Crows

You get ideas from daydreaming.† You get ideas from being bored.† You get ideas all the time.† The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we’re doing it.† ~Neil Gaiman

Slow Down, You Move Too Fast…

Let them be little ’cause they’re only that way for a while
Give them hope, give them praise, give them love every day
Let them cry, let them giggle, let them sleep in the middle
Oh just let them be little ~Lonestar


Kei is growing up so fast. Yesterday, wasn’t it was just yesterday? she was learning to ride her bike and swim. She was watching Dora and yelling Swiper No swiping [although she vehemently denies she ever watched it]. She was clutching her pencil, with her bottom lip caught in her teeth, copying the letters of her name. She was coloring by taking a crayon and scribbling all over the page, so proud of what she created. She was falling asleep with her head on the table, exhausted by the day. She was walking around with my high heels on like a just born baby giraffe.

I want to savor I want to taste every day. Every moment I have with her. Each one is precious and go by all too quickly. She is 11, in 7 years she will be going to college. 7 years! How can I only have her with me for 7 more years?

My prayer:

Please God

Let me teach her,

Let me guide her,

Let me inspire her,

Let me appreciate all the moments..every one of them

Let me never forget.

To giggle in the dark

Dance in the rain

Walk in the moonlight

Stop and smell the roses

Look under the rocks

Splash in streams

Have tickle wars

Count the stars

Catch lighting bugs

Always listen

Search for rainbows

Take the byroads

Eat ice cream for dinner

Stay up all night and sleep all day

Make blanket tents

Stop and make wishes in fairy rings


Make Kool Aid Popsicles

Make clover necklaces

Roast marshmallows over a fire

Have a pile up on the bed complete with dog

Swing as high as we can

Let me remember every single day

That all too soon

It is gone.


Too many people grow up. That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don’t remember what it’s like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors. Well I won’t do that.î ~ Walt Disney


Epic Style Giving, Mayan Clay, Math is FUN…

I go to an amazing church.† It may not be your typical old Southern style church but it fits us to a T.† Our church has 2 main goals; to love Jesus and love each other. We take the 2nd one to Epic proportion.† Our church is a fairly new church, about 3 1/2 years.† Started with 34† members, we had over 900 last week.† Church has become very important to Kei and I.

Last week we celebrated “LOVE WEEK” at Epic.† Sunday was Senior Citizen Day where we visited Senior Citizen homes all across the city and took homemade cookies and goodies.† Monday was “Fast Food Frenzy” where you paid for the car behind you.† Tuesday was “All Teacher’s Day” where we took 20 schools individual Thank You letters and goodies, Wednesday was “Epic Gives You Gas” where we pumped over $1500 of free gas to cars.† Thursday was “To Protect and Serve” where we delivered over 30 dozen chicken and biscuits to the police and fireman.† Friday was “Cook Like a Fool” where we cooked something to take to a neighbor and Saturday was “Get Trashed” where we picked up trash on a several mile stretch of our busiest road.† One of the things Kei and I have always loved was volunteering, giving back and when I started HSing I was so excited that we would be able to do this more.† We have a church that perfectly fits this lifestyle.† I love giving, Kei loves giving, Epic loves giving.† It is an EPIC WIN 😉

Senior Citizens Goodies..

Fast Food Frenzy...

Epic Gives Gas...

Cooking Like a Fool...Cookies for the neighbor

We celebrated Earth Hour by turning off all lights in the house and playing Forbidden Island.† It is hard to see little writing by only candle by the way!

Earth Hour...playing by Candlelight

Thanks to Ami Kei has tons of clay but I bought her a different kind this week.† It is Mexican Pottery Clay and she loved it.† She spent hours working with it.

The Clay

Mayan Influence..

Clay Bunny...

We are using a new Math that Kei actually found.† It is IXL and she loves it.† It isn’t fun games, it is just problems until mastery of each new concept.† It is $9.95 a month but so far it is worth it.† There is zero preparation for me which is great because there is so much in her other subjects.† She and I both have learned so much.† If she gets to a concept she doesn’t understand she lets me know and we sit and work it out together.

We are studying Mayans and Aztecs for History.† We watched a documentary about 2012 and became interested in the Mayans.† That blossomed into more videos, Mayan numbers, alphabet, websites, worksheets and crafts.† We watched Time Warp Trio here. I have started using FreeRice as part of our homeschooling.† Kei and I have done this on and off for several years but now it is written into her assignments.† She has learned all of the New England, Southern and Western States and capitals.† She already knew them but now she can actually spell them. ;)† In Zoology we have learned about Primates.† We have read and made charts and watched videos, including a Jane Goodall documentary.

Kei finished her blanket that she made by hand.† She still has to do the backing but it turned out so wonderful.† I love how much she loves sewing and all things creative.† The first quilt Kei ever made was a very small 9×9 square.† She wanted to put it in Mom’s casket and I let her.† I know Mother would have loved that.

Snuggled in the Homemade Blankie..

Yesterday was the next to the last HS Skate Day.† We got in the groove by rocking out to some Ice Ice Baby on the radio. 😉

Ice Ice Baby..too cold too cold

Skate Day!!!

Livvy spent the night last night.† They destroyed Kei’s room per usual…ahhh girls..

It was a TORNADO...really!

Weather is supposed to warm up next week.† I am ready for it…there are hikes to be taken, camping trips to go on, nature walks to meander, crazy doggies to walk….

Happy Saturday,

“For it is in giving that we receive.” St. Francis of Assisi

“Why not, really, go to the fullest length, and the silliest length, in exploiting yourself and turn the proceeds back to the community?” Paul Newman

The Good, the Bad & the Glorious…

In some ways this has been a really bad weekÖ

Living in my Daddyís house comes with no rent but, at times a whole lot of strings.

The strings got very tangled this week.

That being said; as I try to live this simpler life there were many blessings to count.

A best friend since Kindergarten having an unexpected mid week break and spending the night with Kei.

A moon, big and orange suspended in a sky

A girl who especially loved Math this week and learned things that ìIî didnít know at the beginning of the week.

4 chapters read, without much complaining in her book.

Videos about Nazca drawings [which lead to fascinating hypotheses] †and Olmecs and apes and chimps and something very freaky called a marmoset.

Time spent on our cleaned up patio.

This site We are new fans of 9puz!† Great games.

This video which is the latest youtube craze which lead to investigating exactly what was up with it, why it has over 47 million views and discussions about bullying and cyber-bullying.

The sun, glorious and orange, setting and making everything it touches bathed in a golden glow.

Amazing poems written by my girl.† She wrote these for a Webkinz contest that the subject was “Poems about Colors”

When I think of blue I think of:
The blue spring sky with light mist in the air,
the soft clouds in the foggy sky,
the pretty blue flowers tickling my bare feet,
the blue birds cutting through the clouds,
the little blue dress mom is wearing with pink and yellow pockets,
when I think of blue
I think of the delightful blue stream right next to our house with fish swimming
living their lives peacefully and happily.

When I think of yellow I think of:
The yellow sun rising on a cool spring day,
my blond little puppy running through a field of buttercups,
my old yellow rain boots who miss the days of playing in the rain,
My toast cutting through the yolk of my egg and seeing the yummy yellow goo running down my plate,
When I think of yellow
I think of I think of a yellow canary singing a song to give bliss to all that hear.

When I think of purple I think of:
When me and mom played tea party and I would always wear the purple dress,
the little purple hat mom made for me when I was a baby,
a field of gorgeous purple flowers that danced in the wind,
A little me on Christmas morning looking under the tree to see gifts wrapped in purple wrapping and smiling at them.
When I think or purple
I think of me and mommy sitting in front of the fireplace with a purple-patched quilt wrapped in around us on a cold winterís day.


SoÖit wasnít the greatest week in one way but in so many othersÖit was amazing.

Happy weekend,


ìBad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss.î ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson †(American Poet, Lecturer and Essayist, 1803-1882)

Leaves, Planting, Books and Bullying…

I feel like a bear, waking up from a long winter’s nap.† The air is glorious; the breeze coming in my window makes me smile; blooms ah the blooms, everything is blooming; birds are chirping; bees and wasps are waking up and buzzing; Spring has Officially SPRUNG.

I finally got the leaves picked up Saturday.† 2 guys were hired and I happily paid them.† How many bags of leaves you ask?† 56!!!!!!!† And Karisma, I had to put them in bags…my trash container filled up after ONE BAG.† There is no burning of leaves here, and the wind would have whipped them around worse than Willow’s hair. <if you have preteen girls you will understand that reference ;)>

Kei with the 'trash'

Chan spent the night with us for 3 nights and the girls had a blast.† They explored the creek and did some experiments.† As they walked off with their buckets and tools I called out, “Remember the Barrens and don’t flood the town”.† They looked at me like I was crazy until I explained.† They have both seen “It“.† One of my favorite books EVER.† They also spent hours playing Forbidden Island.† I has seen this game on someone’s blog…Helena??, bought it because it had rave reviews and just got it from Amazon.† There was much talk about helicopters, divers, messengers, sinking islands and endangered somethings and saving the day and giggling.

Forbidden Island...

We also bought some seeds to try to get some flowers started.† I never have much luck with seeds but we will see.

Planting Seeds...

Kei started a new book “Little Blog on the Prairie She is actually liking it!† She also got “To Kill a Mockingbird” from the library along with the audio.

Little Blog on the Prairie...

I am reading another book I ordered for Kei.† “The Mother Daughter Book Club“.† It came recommended by Theresa. [waves]† I decided to read it yesterday just to see if I thought Kei will like it.† Which I know she will.

But it has inspired a rant.

::steps up on soapbox::

Why is it that EVERY book for tweens or teens, every TV show geared toward that age, every movie has bullying in it?† Why does Amazon have 4,460 hits in books when I type in the word “bullying”?† Why are there millions of web sites dedicated to this? Go to Youtube and type in “bullying”….over 30,000 hits.

I am so thankful that I don’t have to ‘live’ in a world where Kei is bullied.† And yes, she has gotten her feelings hurt in the past…that is going to happen no matter what.† But living day to day, knowing that people were going to be hurtful and mean and spiteful and nasty?† That is NOT her world.† But it is millions of kids world, and that breaks my heart.† I try to think back, wayyyy back to when I was a kid.† I remember I was NEVER one of the mean kids, I hated seeing anyone being picked on.† Bullying wasn’t as prevalent or as downright MEAN as it is now.† What’s up with that?† What has happened to make this such a serious issue?† Is it the Internet? TV? Movies?† something in the water? What?

I have heard people say, “But what about bullying? How will you child learn to deal with bullying if you homeschool”?

SERIOUSLY?????† SERIOUSLY?† This is a skill you need why?† I don’t know about you, but I am not around bullies.† If I have someone toxic in my life, I avoid them at all cost.† We do talk about her standing up for herself, and for others.

One of my favorite parts of her <and she has tons of “favorite parts of mine” in case you haven’t noticed ;)> is that she hates injustice in any form.† Always has.† She stands up for what she believes in.† Which isn’t always the ‘norm’ it this part of the South.† She doesn’t care.† She has a passion for all things fair and equal and believes people should be who they are and love who they want and be able to do it without being judged.† And yes…she gets those beliefs from me.† Doesn’t all children up to a certain age? Until they start thinking for themselves and having their own opinions. † But I know she will always have these beliefs.

One of her favorite shows is “What Would You Do?”† She watches it religiously and even tapes it.† She will scream and yell at the television.† She is such a ’causes’ girl.† If this was the 60’s she would probably be burning her bra. 😉

But back to bullying…all the TV shows, all the books, all the movies..while they don’t say “this is a good thing” and in fact usually the ‘mean girls’ get their comeuppance in the end.† But that isn’t the point.† They are ALWAYS there…like it is just a given.† The message is: If you live in the world and are between a certain age, you are going to have to face or deal with bullies.† There is something horribly wrong with society when it is just a given that you will be treated like crap and made cry and get pushed around.

I have no answers, only outrage; no solutions, only sadness.† But I do know this:

Bullying should never be a given.† Period.

ìNever be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.î ~ Harvey S. Firestone

Odysseus, Marsupials, & Friends…..

I do declare…spring is here.† The weather..the weather is glorious.

Kei's picture of Grape Hyacinth...

Yes it will soon be HOT and I will be complaining about that.† Seems like I know a lot of people who complain about the weather, including me.† Too cold, too hot.† But we do seem to be an area of one or the other.† Our Springs are very short, our Falls are very short, and there is a whole lotta hot and cold in between.

Kei took time to make a crown of Henbit this week.† Thank you Kaitlin, we† couldn’t find the name of this wildflower and she told us what it was.† It is EVERYWHERE here!† Like grass…

A Spring Crown...

I have had a pair of Doc Marten’s for 20 years.† They still look great.† Kei can finally wear them.† I love what she put with them…she has such a cool sense of fashion just like her Mommy ‘used’ to have.† I don’t have a lot of occasions to wear the cool stuff I used to wear.† *Thank goodness shoes can not talk…I’m just saying…

Doggie Kisses...

Kei, Nomad and Doc...

I finally found “The Odyssey” to rent.† After looking everywhere!† I had to join Blockbuster Online for 2 free weeks to get it.† We are really liking it.

Lunch with Odysseus...

Kei has been playing some really good games online to learn about Greece.† I usually have a link at least once a day for her to play with or watch.† The internet is just full of cool things!!† Here she is helping Icarus make his wings.† We have loved this site.

Kei and Icarus...

We are learning about Marsupials in Zoology.† We have both enjoyed it very much.† Even more so because 2 of my favorite bloggers, Helena and Karisma live in Australia.† Kangaroo’s are such a ‘magical’ animal to us.† It isn’t something we can imagine seeing outside in the yard.† But Helena and Karisma can!† Kei just thinks that is so cool.

Here is Kei with her Koala watching a video about Koala’s.† They are lazy little things. 😉 Sleeping 20 hours a day!

Lazy Lazy Koalas...

Kei made brownies to take to Esther’s to a much needed “day with our friends”.


When I swiped a little bit of brownie mix on her face she wasn’t amused…well she SAID she wasn’t, but she kept giggling.

Not Funny Mom!!!

We had a blast at Esther’s.† There was food and giggling and stories and silliness and laughter and talking all at once.† The kids had fun too.

Our kids...

Homeschool Super Heroes!

Homeschool Shiva...

Best Friends...

Just Swinging...

Kei is loving her shorter hair.† Well it isn’t short but shortER. † We had it cut about 4″ and she wasn’t sure about it at first but now she says, “You were right Mom” as I mumble under my breath “As always.” 🙂

My baby girl...

Chan came home with us for a few nights.† They are off playing in the creek and have big plans of a WebKinz Play Extravaganza.

I have cut the grass today for the first time and decided that if there is any way possible I will hire someone to keep the yard this summer.† Almost 3/4 acre is just too much for me!† Argh.

Lovely weekend to all,

Spring has returned.† The Earth is like a child that knows poems.† ~Rainer Maria Rilke



Computer Geek Girls…

We have both been geek girls lately.

My best friend lives in California.† We have always used the internet to stay in touch, mainly by playing online games.† I am always a Ranger chick with a bow.† She is always a Cleric.† We have a blast.† A new game just came out.† Rift.† We beta tested it for about 6 weeks and then it went live a couple of weeks ago.† I have since been spending my time in Telara, a world full of beauty and mystery.† I play on a PvP server.† That is Player versus Player for you non-gamers.† Which means someone from the ‘other’ side can come and kill me at any time and vice versa.† We play with a bunch of people from all over North America.† We are in a guild called Black Daggers.† We have a vent channel so we can talk because typing is soooooo 2000.† I have a blast.† There are tons of† “Achievements” you can get in the game.† Carla and I saw this one and had to do it.† You had to find this remote area on a huge mountain and find these little squirrels.† When they started dancing you had to make your character dance with them…your title…”Dances With Squirrels”† We HAD to get a screen-shot of it.

Me and Carla and Squirrels..

Kei has been living in the Webkinz World.† She has had Webkinz since she was 6 and has 114 at last count.† That is a lot of pets to keep happy.† She decorates their rooms, chats to other people, runs a restaurant, does tons of research to find our the best items in the trade rooms, keeps a chart with all the things she trades and what they are worth, finds new recipes and patterns for clothes, plays with one of her best friends and has a blast.† She always cracks up at what some people name their Webkinz.† She had to take a picture of one of them.

Justin Bieber

Kei in WebKinz land...

Like Mother, like Daughter.

We have managed to get work done.† We† are still in Ancient Greece.† We are fascinated with Gods and wars and ancient cities.† We finished up Cats in Science and learned so many fascinating things about them.† We are still using the iPhone for a lot of our educational time.† It rocks.† We are learning about Drafting Geometry and it amazes me how quickly Kei catches on. She gets so frustrated because there is 4 pages of the same concept so if she gets it, we just move on.

It has warmed up here. Spring is a comin’… I can hear it calling our names.

Hope we can hear it in our virtual worlds.

ìGive a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeksî† ~Unknown


And Dogs and Dogs and Dogs and Dogs

The play is over. After almost 2 months of 3 days a week practice, final week practice every day, 9 shows all together, tons of laughter and hugging and fun, it is done.

My Daddy is in Florida, but my brother and Seth came, Kei’s Nana, my Aunt and my Mom’s best friend [which make me tear up because I know my Mother would have loved it!], tons of our homeschool friends and more. Kei got roses and flowers and gifts. It was such a great experience.

Kei, My Aunt Betty, Patsy, Mom's Best Friend...

Kei was superb, that isn’t just Mommy talk, she was really, really good. So many people told me; not only that she did great, but that you could tell it was her passion.† This was her biggest role.† She got a mic for the first time and took her bow at the end….Jasper, Horace [her character] and Cruella.† She and Drew [the boy who played Horace] got to ad lib a lot and it added so much to the show.

Kei and Drew hamming it up

Bad Guys Finish Last!

The kids that she has done plays with over the years are so amazing.† The older ones help the younger ones.† They really become a family.† At rehearsals or in the green room you hear kids breaking out into songs from “Wicked” or “Sweeny Todd” and everyone joining it.

Kei spent any spare time she had making “101 Dalmatian” Charms out of her clay for some of her cast members.† She tied them onto black and white yarn and they were so cute.

101 Charms

I worked backstage all shows but the final one.† I love being back there and making sure the younger kids enter on their cue.† Seeing their eyes sparkling when they come off stage, seeing the smiles when things go well.† It really is magic.

And it is…she loves it, loves the stage, the spotlight, making people laugh. I am so proud of my talented girl. I wish I could have taken you all by the hand and brought you into the theatre with us.

Now I am beat…and very behind on all of my friends blogs..I will catch up…really I will.

Whew! What a week.† It was awesome but I am glad it is over…for now. 🙂

“The center of the stage is where I am” ~Martha Graham

Sickness, Stars and Apps!

Kei has been sick all week.† She came home from a spend the night party for one of her best friends feeling pretty yucky.† So we have spent most all week chilled on the couch.

Photo by Esther Crawford

She got 2 Webkinz for Valentineís Day that she finally named.† The Red Squirrel is Abby Tree Hugger and the Jelly Bean Pup is Chelsea Morning.† [She wanted a hippy name :)]

Kei, Abby TreeHugger, Chelsea Morning...

She missed Monday practice but decided she could go Tuesday.† It wasnít a good idea because she has felt bad ever since.

Choreography Practice

The 'Bad Guys" comforting the little puppies...

We give Nomad water from the sink.† Donít judge! If you were to see how he drinks it from a bowl you would understand..this way is much neater..TRUST ME!† Disclaimer- Disregard my dirty sink! I had been making Chicken San Remo! Which is one of our favorite meals!

Slurpping Water..Nomad style

We did get outside for about 10 minutes yesterday because it was close to 70∞!

Skater Girl

We did try to put chicken bones together.† I got the lesson plan here.† After having a chicken that looked remarkably like a frog Kei decided she probably wouldnít be a paleontologist!

Hmmm what goes here?

The Rare "Chicken Frog"

We have been doing a lot on iPhone.† So I thought I would list some of our favorite ëeducationalí apps.

Cat Physics

ILive Math African Animals

ILive Botany

Brain Pop

Stack the States

She is loving these and especially the Cat Physics.† We† lay in bed and play this one!

I have discovered “Prison Break” and am loving it.† Wentworth Miller = swoons. Anyone who reads me knows how much I love to discover a TV Series that I never watched that I can watch all the way through on Netflix.† This one is very well written!

I work for someone in the Entertainment business.† I spent all day Monday on the phone with Sam Hennings. I am coordinating getting his car from Los Angeles to New Orleans for “Memphis Beat”.† He asked me where I was from and I told him the city and he said, “I lived there for a few years when I was young”.† I said to him, “Get out of here, how cool is that?”† I didn’t realize until Stan told me exactly “who” I was talking to. hehe He was the nicest guy!† Even told me I should come to New Orleans with Kei and come on set!

I am taking Kei to the doctor this afternoon.† Her play starts next week and with 8 days straight of practice and performances she doesnít need to feel bad.† Hopefully it is just a little something that will GO AWAY soon!

Happy Thursday all,

ìLet us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.î† ~Buddha

Hello My Name is Karen…

and my daughter hates to read.† How can that be possible?† In what world can I have a child who doesn’t devour reading?† I have read to her her entire life.† I still read to her.† EVERYDAY….

She loves stories, she loves words.† She loves to create words and stories and plays.† But give her a book to sit down and read…ain’t gonna† happen.† Last spring and summer I was adamant that she would read all Harry Potter books.† I even got the audio books for her to follow along because lets face it, HP are some LONG books.† She has always loved Harry Potter.† Loved the movies, loved the stories.† When the final book came out, she won 1st place at BAM for her costume.† What did she win you ask?† A copy of “Deathly Hallows”.

Kei as Hermione when she was 7..

You should have heard her when I made her read everyday.† “I hate Harry Potter” “These are the dumbest books ever”† “I wish J.K. Rawlings had never written these dumb books.”

She actually made it to book 5 when I just said, “Forget it!”.

She reads now, when I make her, when I threaten her with something that is important to her.† My visions of her curled up reading and petting her dog have slowly diminished over time.

I have friends who read all the time and say they didn’t love to read as a child.† So I am hopeful.

How can she live in a world where there is she has never “been a resident of Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann’s Way.” ~Quote from Rory Gilmore’s graduation speech.

But I am still reading to her everyday, and we listen to books on tape constantly.† We keep checking out tons of books that she thinks look interesting but never get opened and I will keep making her read and one day, I hope, she will understand the wonder of books….

That being said, we† had a good week.† Kei is having practice 3 days a week and that is taking up a lot of time.† She loves plays…she LOVES plays.† She would practice 7 days a week for hours.† This is her biggest role to date and she is having so much fun with it.† She also loves the fact that one of her BFF’s is in the play too.

These pictures are horrible, bad lighting and phone camera.† But here she is, with Cruella and her sidekick Jasper.† She loves playing the ‘bad guy’.

Cruella and her henchmen walking in.

But blimey Cruella...

Bad Guys!

We are still studying the Greeks.† We may never leave!† Kei put on a puppet show about Zeus, Poseiden, Hades, Hera, Ares and more.† It was hysterical!

We found this really fun link.

She has known most of the capitals and states since she was 9 but now I am giving her blank maps and she has to fill in the states and capitals and SPELL them correctly. That is the challenge. 😉

This past weekend we went to see “Godspell” and it was AWESOME!!!† Bethel University, which was who had the summer camp Kei went to, performed it.† Kei got to see all her counselors and we both loved it.†† I was blown away by these talented kids.


Jesus and cast

Kei did some drawing.† I loved these 2 drawing of cats.† Of course Nomad decided he liked the Valentine cat and ate it!

Mipes the Cat..

Valentine Cat AKA Nomad's snack...

Kei is trying to teach Nomad to clean.† I think she has visions of no more cleaning her room! *Disclaimer- no dogs were hurt in the taking of this picture!

You Missed a Spot!

We had Skate Day…complete with Valentine Boxes, cards, fun, laughter and candy.

Kei and her Valentine Box

Kei and Chan...

And anyone guess what this is?


A good week, a simple week…a week filled with joy and laughter and learning.† What could be better?

Happy weekend,


ìThe world’s a theater, the earth a stage, Which God and nature do with actors fillî ~Proverb

*Answer: Nomad DESTROYED one of our pillows.† This is Kei wearing the stuffing.† Silly girl..silly dog..

Plays, Boxes and Dreams…

Sometimes our weeks go by like a flash, places to be, things to do.

Sometimes our weeks are slow, like a stream winding lazily toward its destination.

Homeschooling has made me crave the slow days.† I hate having 100 places to be.† I hate having to wake up with an alarm clock and rush, rush around to get out the door.† Homeschooling has spoiled me. I think back to when Kei was in Public School.† How did I manage it?† Up at 6:30, dressed, breakfast, backpack together, hair fixed, out the door.† Looking back, what a pain that was!

This has been a slow, lazy week.

Filled with Greeks and Trojan Wars and lovely Myths. Fun Greek games online.

Felidae of all sorts; kitties and tigers and panthers and lions and jaguars, oh my.

Math with isosceles, scalene and equilateral triangles.† Questions about stocks and how she can buy one stock.† And that leads to looking up about stocks and telling her she can of course pick one and buy it with her money.

Reading about Dr. Doolittle and his amazing journeys.

We studied The Creation of Adam,† painted by Michelangelo in 1499.

We had play practices…the show is getting closer and Kei is so excited.† The last week of the show has a brutal schedule.† 9 shows in all!

Horace, Jasper and Cruella...

Practice Makes Perfect..

Kei got a craft kit for Christmas and she worked on that.

Working on Dreams...


Friday is our HS Skate Day.† The kids can bring Valentine boxes to exchange cards and there is a contest for the Most Creative box.† Kei has been hard at work on hers.† It turned out fabulous.† She calls it “Fashionista Box”

Working on the box...

Fashionista Box

Top of Kei's V box

It is supposed to snow Friday.† Not a huge blizzard like some of my blog friends but snow indeed.† Bah humbug…I am ready for Spring.

*Disclaimer: Kei does not always look like she does in these pictures, well† most of the time she does but she does clean up nicely. :)† We just don’t sweat it most days.† Clothes-check and that is about it.† Hair may brushed, depending on the day.

Happy weekend all!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
~ Mark Twain

Simply Simple…

Simple times..

Simple pleasures..

Simple smilesÖ

Simple laughsÖ

Simple hugsÖ

Simple mealsÖ

Simple giggles..

Simple sillinessÖ

Simple livingÖ

It took awhile before I understoodÖ

It used to be a battleÖ

That I could never winÖ

Rush around to be perfect..

Perfect look, perfect clothes, perfect house..

Get it all done..NOW NOW NOWÖ

Silly me..

Why did I waste so much timeÖ

When it was right in front of meÖ

All it took was a child, and a crazy dog to realize

That the sweetest, most perfect, most awesome, most wonderful things in lifeÖ

Are right there..

See them?

Right there….

My wish for you:

Find yoursÖ


Our Simply Lovely Week:

Making a Robot..

Bug Bot...

Kei's Cake...

Pink Frosting...


Clay Fairies...

Wonderful Library Books...

Kei's Pasta, full of tomatoes, squash, brocoli, carrots, cauliflower and onions...

Kei's Chicken with Caribbean Jerk sauce...It was delicious.

And she wrote a story..a lovely story of a world of Numphs, Everas, Layus Elves.

Here is the ‘blurb’ she wrote for the back:

“They are all around us but only the warrior can see them and save them from evil. Come and learn the truth. Help the creatures of the land and save them too! We need you. See the world the place where dreams are true. Come let’s go!”

Doesn’t it just make you want to read it right now???!!!† It has 14 chapters and she worked on it all week.

"The Book of the Creatures of The Land: The Untold and Unkempt"

"The Everas"

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.† ~Confucious

Ursidae, and Greeks and Insects, Oh MY…

We are trying to do less structured plans.† Thanks to online friends like Theresa, Jessica and Helena, we are trying to get away from the “so many lessons each day or else” way of homeschooling.

Now there are still plans, they are just less rigid.

This week we did fractions.† We have done fractions most of the year because so much stems from knowing how to use fractions in any situation.† We also did lattice multiplication thanks to Estherís recommendation.† We both had paper and pencil and multiplied much larger numbers than Kei had ever done and I have done in a while.†† If you havenít checked out Khan Academy it is a MUST see!

We read and learned about Ursidae [Bears] †and I laughed at Keiís cartoon of what to do if you see a bear.† We added to our chart on classifications of animals.† We watched videos on brown bears, American black bears, polar bears and more.† We watched bears catching salmon in the stream and discussed the salmon migration upstream once a year.

We read in our ìFabreís Book of Insectsî, which is the most wonderful book about insects ever written.† †Jean Henri Fabre was a French entomologist and teacher.† He studied insects for years and years.† We have learned so many fascinating things about them.† This is how his book begins:

We all have our own talents, our special gifts. Sometimes these gifts seem to come to us from our forefathers, but more often it is difficult to trace their origin.† A goatherd, perhaps, amuses himself by counting little pebbles and doing sums with them. He becomes an astoundingly quick reckoner, and in the end is a professor of mathematics.† Another boy, at an age when most of us care only for play, leaves his schoolfellows at their games and listens to the imaginary sounds of an organ, a secret concert heard by him alone. He has a genius for music. A third so small, perhaps, that he cannot eat his bread and jam without smearing his face takes a keen delight in fashioning clay into little figures that are amazingly lifelike. If he be fortunate he will some day be a famous sculptor.

To talk about oneself is hateful, I know, but perhaps I may be allowed to do so for a moment, in order to introduce myself and my studies. From my earliest childhood I have felt drawn towards the things of Nature. It would be ridiculous to suppose that this gift, this love of observing plants and insects, was inherited from my ancestors, who were uneducated people of the soil and observed little but their own cows and sheep. Of my four grandparents only one ever opened a book, and even he was very uncertain about his spelling. Nor do I owe anything to a scientific training. Without masters, without guides, often without books, I have gone forward with one aim always before me : to add a few pages to the history of insects.

I have a wonderful copy that my boss gave me.† Ok if Stan happens to read this, he didnít actually GIVE it to me, he let me borrow it when I lived in California and I sorta never returned it. †Thanks Stan!!† My copy is the 1936 edition filled with wonderful illustrations.† There is a free download copy here.

We learned about the Early Greeks and the Barbarians.† We read about The Trojan Horse and read Myths.† Kei did a hysterical interpretive dance while I read the Myth, ìZeus, Hera and Little Ioî.† We love Mr. Donn for History of any kind!†† We continued reading myths and stories and fables.

We learned about building the Tabernacle from Exodus 36.† We learned what a cubit is in modern measurements.† We learned about how much gold and silk and animal skins were used in the building of The Tabernacle and looked up reconstruction pictures of it in all its magnificent glory.

Kei made a pair of pajamas for her Barbie.† Hand sewed and lovely.† She made a clay bathing suit for her doll and is working on several goodies for our favorite Oregon blogger. ::waves to Ami::. † She baked a cake and made wonderful, yummy breakfasts and lunches.

She had play practice 3 times this week and every week until the week before the play.† Then we have daily practices.† They are performing this play 9 times for an audience.† She is beyond giddy.† We drove home Thursday night with snow coming down so hard we could barely see!

We played and played with our silly dog.† We laughed at him running in his sleep and snoring!† He has gotten so much better, calmer.† The last 8 months have been a little crazy but I think he is finally settling down.† We both love him so much.† He loves his girls too.

She wrote a lovely blog post that had me crying

I love the quote I picked for this week.† Kei and I were just talking about learning all the time.† I have heard all my life that you should learn something every day.† I went for a long time without being aware of doing this.† I am sure, along the way, I did learn new things, but I didnít actively seek it.† Now with homeschooling, I actively seek learning.† I find myself in awe of life around me.† I love insects and Nature in a way I didnít think I ever would.† I love History and Science and even Math.† Homeschooling I hope, is making my daughter a wonderful, learned person; but it is also making me one.

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether this happens at twenty or eight. Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young, but becomes constantly more valuable regardless of physical capacity.” ~ Harvey Ullman

It’s All About ME baby….

I post about Kei all the time.† She said to me the other day, “You never really post about yourself”.† So here it is.


I am tall, 5í 10î.† I hated it when I was younger.† High school is not so great for a girl taller than most of the boys.† I love it now.

I am a Diet Dr. Pepper addict.† I admit I have a problem. My friends know this.† I do not apologize.

I have an 11 year old daughter who I love more than Diet Dr. Pepper or anything.† She has changed my world.

I am a single Mom.

I work from home.† I have a very cool job.† My boss owns a trailer Cast rental business in Los Angeles.† I run it.† It has its ups and downs.† Right now it is down.

I use to work for Public Schools.† I was a Job Coach.† I worked with Special Education kids in high school helping them to find jobs and then coaching them until they felt comfortable.† I loved it!

I lived in San Francisco for 2 years.† I was constantly amazed by everything I saw.† It was beautiful and interesting and full of surprises.† I spit off the Golden Gate Bridge, I rode bikes in Golden Gate Park, I lost myself in Chinatown, I rode the BART, I rode a ferry for the first time, I strolled around Haight-Asbury and much more.

While in San Francisco I got the sweetest job ever.† I worked for Manex Visual Effects; † the special effects company who did the effects for ìThe Matrixî.†† I watched them build the overpasses and road for the filming of Matrix 2 and 3.† I stood in the phone booth used in the movie.† We had meetings at the table used in ìWhat Dreams May Comeî.† We also did the work on ìCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragonî, ìMission Impossibleî, ì What Dreams May Comeî, among others.† It was a very cool job.

I sat in California, on the phone with my Mother watching the 2nd plane crash into the WTC.

I had my heart really broken for the only time in California.† I survived.

I have always believed in God, but it took my child and an amazing church to bring me back into church. It has changed my life.† I have so much faith now, so much joy.

I love nature.† I am fascinated by insects and their lives.† The more I read, the more I want to know; wasps and bees and dung beetles and cicadasÖ. There is just so much to learn.

I love History.† It amazes me to learn how people lived centuries ago.† I find it unbelievable that ancient Egyptians had a form of indoor toilets and my great aunt still had an outhouse when I was very young.† Of course it isnít only toilets that I love about History. 😉

I love movies.† I have always been a lover of movies.† I still do, however lately they are more of the PG and PG-13 variety. ††It is very rare that I allow Kei to watch a R rated movie.

I have never liked Horror movies.† I blame it on the fact that my Mother watched ìThe Bad Seedî on TV when she was pregnant with me.† She was horrified that I was going to be born a ìbad seedî and her fear must have penetrated into the womb. †Lucky for her I was such a good girl. 😉

I had 2 brothers growing up who played every sport imaginable.† I spent most summers at the baseball field.† I spent Sunday afternoons in center field running after balls that my brother would hit at batting practice with my Daddy.

I was a cheerleader in Junior College.† I tried out, made it, practiced all summer and then decided to go to a 4 year college.† A boy was involved in my decision.† I was silly then.

I was homeroom Mom the 2 years Kei was in PS.† Kei loved PS, never had a problem; but while she did fine there, she soars at home.

I am a bit of a computer geek.† Especially regarding online games.† The first one I ever played was a MUD called Realms of Despair. It was all text and I loved it.† I try to explain to Kei how awesome it was and she canít even imagine an all text game.† I beta tested the first ever 3D online game, Meridian 59 and still play it.† I have played tons of online games over the years.† Underworld, Everquest, WOW, Guild Wars and more. †Kei had a character on WOW at age 3.

On May 10th, 2008 I lost my sweet Mother.† I had dreaded it my entire life.† My Mother was the single most influential person in my life.† She was the best Mother anyone could have.† She always believed in me no matter what.† Although it has been almost 3 years, I miss her every day.† I still talk to her when I have problems.† It helps me.

My first memory was lying in a crib with big boxes surrounded me.† I remember white walls.† I was 6 months old when we moved.† People think there is no way I could remember this, but it is MY memory nonetheless.

Sometimes I canít remember what happened 3 days ago!

Homeschooling is the best thing I have ever done.† Hands down!

I used to have a clothes addiction.† Not really, but I was very aware of what I wore.† I always wanted to stand out, be different, make everyone turn and look. ††This was in my 20ís and 30ís.† In high school I was more “one of the herd”.† We went out a lot when I was 20ís ñ 30ís.† I dressed a little wild.† Maybe that is where Kei gets it?† Now clothes are not so important.† I still like them, but shopping is not one of my favorite things.

Reading is something I could not imagine living without.† I am a reader.† You either are or youíre arenít.† I can remember so many summer afternoons that my Mother would put my baby brother down for his nap and we would lie down in my bed and she would read to me.† Lovely stories about secret gardens and toads and fairies.† I still read to Kei.† If I donít have a book to read I get crazy.† Even if it is one I have read before, I must have those pages to pick up whenever I want to read.

My favorite authors change quite a bit.† I love Stephen King, Elizabeth Berg, Harlan Corben, James Patterson, Janet Evanovich and more.† It is impossible to choose my favorite book but I always loved ìThe Talismanî by Stephen King.† The idea of another parallel world that only certain people could ëflipí to always intrigued me.† As soon as I publish this I will think of 20 authors I canít believe I left out.

When I was young I wanted to be an archaeologist and I am still very interested in it.

My friends are very important to me.† Both near and far.† They are the first people I want to share joy or sorrow with.† They make life so sweet.

I still love to go to the playground and swing.† I love to go really high.

I love to find a great Television series that I have never watched and watch them all the way through.† I have discovered Gilmore Girls, Alias, Firefly, Veronica Mars, Monk, Saving Grace and more this way.† I love witty shows with great dialogue.† Gilmore Girls is my favorite TV show of all time.

I love musicals.† I havenít always loved them but do now.

I watch a few TV shows religiously; Castle, The Big Bang Theory, Glee, Modern Family, The Middle.† I also am a closet reality show junkie.† Not all shows, just a few.† Hush! Don’t judge!

I love to cook.† I havenít always loved to cook, when I was young my Mother would never allow me in the kitchen.† She was afraid I would get ëhurtí.† When I first got married I couldnít cook at all.† There were burned boiled eggs, inedible meals.† Now I love to cook.† I have never liked baking but since Kei likes it so much, I am getting more into it.† I really want to learn to cook authentic Italian.† Anyone have a great website?

If I had unlimited money I would love to travel, to help people in other countries, to be Nomads with Kei, around the globe. †The places I would go firstÖItaly and then Greece.

I would also love to be a Renaissance Faire follower.† Complete with a craft booth of some kind, outfits and all the things that go with it.† I told you I am a bit of a geek. 😉

I am at a place in my life where I have peace.† Not every day, not all the time, but most of the time.† It took a long time to get here, but it was worth the wait.

ìYou can’t do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth”† †Henry Louis Mencken

“Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.” Henry Van Dyke

Because She is Homeschooled…

I have a child who does more in a week than I did in 2 months at her age….in all honesty, even at this age.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She sings, she dances, she acts in plays.† She is rehearsing for her 7th play right now.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She makes things with clay; lovely things like sushi, bread, bears, cakes, ice creams, pretzels, popcorn, babies, strollers, baskets, berries, cherries, cupcakes.† She sets up scenarios with these things with her Little Petz town.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She sews, she makes clothes for her marionette, her bears, her Barbies.† Simple things and elaborate costumes that she hot glues little bitty sequins to one at a time.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She makes felt animals; owls and mice and elephants and music notes and writes stories about them.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She plays Webkinz,† and has 30 Webkinz on one account and their rooms are beautifully decorated, with things organized in a way HER room never is.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She cooks, she makes up recipes, tries new things, searches cookbooks, online; looking for creative ideas.† She tries different combinations together, she decorates cakes.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She knits all the time; beautiful scarves that she weaves color upon color in and out of her fingers, making pom-poms, knitted dolls hats and key chains and head bands.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She writes stories, funny stories with great dialogue usually involving a strong female who takes on the world.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She rides her bike, she roller blades, she loves ice skating.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She makes films with her Webkinz, heart wrenching stories with Kings and Queens and marriage proposals and funerals.† They are wonderful.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She listens to the police scanner and printed out the police codes and writes them down when they broadcast and keeps me informed about ì66 year old woman having seizuresî or a ìrobbery in progressî or ìJuveniles throwing snowballsî

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She plays Wii and laughs at the antics of Animal Crossing and some goofy game about Monkies and their babies and Super Mario and tries to figure out mysteries in Sims: Secret Agent.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She visits with the lady next door who had a stroke and can no longer get out and do the things she used to do.† She bakes her goodies and plays board games with her.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She plays with her dog and teaches him tricks and dresses him up [yes he has worn a Pink Tutu among other things]. She writes plays, with her dog as her cast member and an adoring Mom as her audience.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She plays board games, card games, anything that has a “winner”.† She puts puzzles together.† She paints, she draws, she tries to solve her Rubikís cube.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She loves old television shows, she spends time looking up music that is from other eras besides the one she lives in.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

She loves trekking around in the creek, collecting water samples and bugs and plants.† Dirt is her friend.

Is it because she is homeschooled?

Who knows why someone is who they are?† So many factors come into play; environment, heredity and so much more.† I am not saying that all children who are homeschooled are brighter, more creative, more inquisitive but it stands to reason that you can be all of those things with an extra 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 hours a day.

And I do know thisÖ

If she went to public school, there would be waking up at 7:00 AM, 8 hours in school, 2 hours of homework, dinner, bath and early bedtime. †She would not have the time to be exactly who she is right now.

And who she is; this amazing girl, for a great part is….

Because she is homeschooled.

ìA child only pours herself into a little funnel or into a little box when sheís afraid of the worldówhen sheís been defeated. But when a child is doing something sheís passionately interested in, she grows like a treeóin all directions. This is how children learn, how children grow. They send down a taproot like a tree in dry soil. The tree may be stunted, but it sends out these roots, and suddenly one of these little taproots goes down and strikes a source of water. And the whole tree grows.”

~John Holt~ Learning All the Time

SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!

We got 8″-10″ of snow last night. It was our 3rd largest snow fall on record. It was beautiful and magical and unbelievable to see that much snow on our Alabama ground.

Kei, Nomad and I loved it.

The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event.† You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?† ~J.B. Priestley


Children come to us in many ways, some of us wish and hope and pray for a child.

Some of us try and try; go through so much, and finally the child comes.

Some of us go through other channels; they adopt a beautiful child of their own.

Some of us arenít expecting it at all; it is a surprise, sometimes good, sometimes not so good.

My child was a miracle, a blessing, a slice of heaven dropped into my life.

I never really wanted kids; I was a great aunt, cool and hip and never said ënoí.

Then this beautiful girl child came into my life.† I was mesmerized, fascinated, in love up to my eyeballs.

Every sound from her mouth delighted me.† Every sticky hug, every wet kiss, every laugh made me love her more.

Today she is 11.† My sweet little girl is 11.† Her presence is what I was made for; I know without a doubt it is why I was put on this earth.

She delights me, she amazes me, she frustrates me, she makes me laugh until my stomach hurts, she drives me crazy at times with her favorite words which are ëWatch this, listen to this.î† She is brilliant, she is kind, she loves animals with an intensity I have never understood.

She loves to create, to make things.† She wants to save the world, to make it a better place.† She loves dance and music and acting.† She loves old 60ís TV shows, 80ís British bands, the Disney Channel.† She loves to swim and explore and learn about nature.† She loves science and math and reading not so much yet but I am still hoping.† She hears something one time and remembers it.† She is messy as can be, won’t clean her room unless I threaten beating with a stick, but will organize her books in alphabetical order.† She makes lists about everything, writes notes, has grand ideas.

She loves Jesus, but she asks questions, she doesnít accept blindly.† We have long conversations about who, why, when and where.† She wants to be a good God girl.† She has brought me back to church after many years.† Our church is very important to her.† She loves serving the community where we live.

She has wanted a dog since she could talk and simply adores Nomad.† She teaches him tricks, works with him, does dance routines with him, dresses him in costumes, loves him unconditionally.

At her first play practice she practically knows the entire play.† She bites her fingernails, she is so tender headed it has caused explosions in our house when I fix her hair.† Her favorite colors are brown and black. She voted for Obama [and yes I did let her vote when we were in the little booth..shhhhh], she doesnít use plastic bags, she worries about global warning.† She loves her computer and will never know a world that the internet doesnít exist.† She loves Broadway musicals and one day my baby I will take you to New York City and we will see “Wicked“.

She wants to be an actor, and if that ëdoesnít work outí, she wants to be a zoologist, a chef or a flower shop owner in that order. She loves Johnny Depp. This is a fierce love that she has had since she was 3.† I took her to see Pirates of The Caribbean with thoughts that we would probably have to leave since she was so little. She was mesmerized.† From that day on, she has said she was going to marry Johnny.† She has never wavered, not once, not when people tell her he is too old for her, not when I remind her he has a wife, not when I tell her his children are more her age.† I have never discouraged her from this.† Wishes and dreams are important.

She loves food, she can taste herbs and seasoning in a way most adults canít.† She loves to cook, loves to bake.† If I would let her cook dinner every night she would be deliriously happy.† She makes breakfast and describes the ingredients in her newest creation lovingly.† She loves yarn, loves to finger knit and has started her own company called Knit-Wits.† She sells her creations at our skate days.

Money means absolutely nothing to her.† If someone gave her $100 or $5 she would just as soon give it to me as keep it.† We donít have a lot of money, but we have something so much more important.† She can put on lipstick and eye shadow one minute and be playing with her Barbieís the next.† She is the best mix of little girl and pre-teen.

Homeschooling has given us wings.† Not only does Kei love learning but I am finding out I love learning. The world is our classroom.† We roam, we read, we listen, we look, we touch, we smell, we taste, we explore.† What could possibly be better than spending all day with your favorite person?

I know she will change, she will grow up, she will no longer think I am the smartest, the greatest and I wonít be her favorite person to hang out with.† So I am savoring these golden moments.† This slice of life I could never even imagine.† Life is so good, so sweet, so amazing.

We have wonderful friends and family, but at the end of the day it is just me and you kid.† And I wouldnít have it any other way.† My Mother always told me everyone needs a daughter.† I finally understand what she meant.

You are my heart and my soul.

Happy 11th Birthday Baby girl,

Mommy loves you to Pluto and back times Infinity~

My 11 Year Old...

A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give. ~ Laurel Atherton

What I wanted most for my daughter was that she be able to soar confidently in her own sky, whatever that may be. ~Helen Claes


One child

Who has completely changed my life, who teaches me much more than I could ever teach her,† who is my world.

One God

who blesses us beyond belief.

One family

who loves me through good and bad times.

One group of friends

both old and new who inspire me, make me laugh, love me, lift me up.

One best friend

who has been there through it all.† Who even though she lives 2000 miles away, still is just like a sister to me.

One dog...

who has taught me how it feels to love a furry, silly, no manners, crazy canine.

One life...

that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Happy New Year.

ìWe will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.î† ~ Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Changes, Christmas and SNOW!!!!!

Christmas Snow...

Christmas was very different this year.† The snow changed plans.† We were snowed in.

We had our first Christmas in this houseÖKei and I had our first Christmas in this houseÖîIî have many Christmasís here.

As I lay in bed, and thought back to the last Christmas that I spent surrounded by these walls many years ago; I wondered what that girl thought of?† Did she have dreams and plans?† Did she have any idea of where life would take her?† Did she know she would marry a man she loved, only to divorce him a few years later?† Did she ever imagine she would live in a city with a huge golden bridge?† Work for an Award winning company?† Have the most beautiful child in the world?† Life is funny; full of twists and turns at every corner.† Mistakes have to be made, choices, decisions.† All roads lead to here.

To this moment, laying beside a wiggly, giggly 10 year old who cannot wait to wake up and see what Christmas brought her.† Who could not wait to watch her puppyís first Christmas.† Back to this house, this moment, this life.

We had a white Christmas!† WE had a white Christmas.† To my dear friends who spend the winter with snow on the ground, you may not understand the HUGENESS of this event to these Alabama girls.† Kei woke me up with, ìWe have† a white Christmasî and I jumped up and looked out the window.† It was beautiful.

It Snowed!!!!!

She took the dog out for a bit and he loved his first taste of snow.

Early Morning Snow...

Nomad's 1st Snow...

We have a ritual every Christmas.† I canít function without a bath; she canít possibly wait to open at least something.† So she opens her stocking while I take my bath.† She sits on the floor in the bathroom and pulls out things one by one.† She oohs and aahs over everything.† There was lipstick and candy and books and earrings and a necklace and bottle caps and an iTunes gift card and puzzles and more.

We read the last day of our Jesse Tree and put the last ornament on the tree.† We loved this so much and fully intend to make this an annual tradition.

Our Jesse Tree...

We loved this so much that we visited the site that was talked about in our Jesse Tree book and found a little girl we wanted to ‘adopt’.† Kei and I don’t have a lot of extra money.† We discussed it and decided we would do without some things in order to do this.† Her name is Neeta, she is from India and she is 8 years old.† She is the daughter of a single Mother.† We can† not wait to get the information about her.


Then the gift unwrapping began.† She got me some great house shoes which I live in during winter, candles, some bubble bath, bath spray and KEIpons. Which are great coupons with things like “Good for taking Nomad out 6 times” or “One dinner, I cook”.† All of my favorite things.

She opened and opened gifts.† I know her so well, she is so easy to buy for because she loves everything!† There was felt and yarn and more clay and an Edward Scissorhands shirt and boots and science kits and games and Webkinz and more.† She was delighted with everything.

Webkinz Batik Elephant...

Shirt with Kei's "Future Husband"...

Wizard Kit...

Great Owl Hat!

WOW Thanks Santa and Mommy!!!

Then we got Nomad to ‘open’ his gifts.† He was hysterical!

A Bone for ME????

Silly Girl and Silly Dog...

There was a calm and a peace of knowing that we had no where to be, nothing that HAD to be done.† We made a huge breakfast, we ate snacks all day, I played an online game with my best friend who lives in Cali, she played Webkinz, we played Phase 10, we watched Gilmore Girls.† We laughed and danced and played with Nomad.† It was a lovely Christmas.

Today there was snow playing; although it was MUCH colder than yesterday.† There was more game playing and watching TV and laughing.

Kei and Nomad...

Me and Nomad...

Catch Nomad!!!

Nice Catch.....

We quickly found out that we didn’t love the freezing weather….Nomad was a different story.† We had to fight him to bring him in!

This has been a wonderful Christmas weekend.† We are so blessed.† I hope your holiday was magical and special and a blessing to you and your family.

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree:† the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.† ~Burton Hillis

Ami Mental, Baking & Ouchies…

AmiMental is a blogger that I read.† She is funny, smart, caring and she blogs EVERY SINGLE DAY!† I bow to her greatness.† She is also the sweetest person.† She is the one who sent Kei the yarn and yarn book. She read on my blog that Kei was making some clay fairies and asked if I thought Kei would like a book about making fairies.† Well duh!! Of course she would.

Fast forward to a few days ago.† A package comes in the mail, a BIG, HUGE package.† Kei opens it and can not believe her eyes, I can not believe my eyes.† It is full of Klutz books, Sculpey Clay, charms, glow in the dark stars.† It was amazing. If I had gone out and picked Kei’s favorite things I couldn’t have done better.† Kei was so excited.

Wow and Wow!!

She has been making clay bears, animals, food for hours and hours.

Honey the Bear..

Sushi, Rice w/ chopsticks, salads, bread, candy, cakes, ice cream and more!!

Cake and Candy Cane...

I emailed Ami to tell her how much she loved it and she told me she just kept finding things that Kei would like.† She also told me her son bought the clay for Kei and wouldn’t even let her reimburse him.† This is what I love about my blog, it brings together people that I would never know.† A Mom and a son in Oregon send Kei a great package full of things she loves,† a Mom in Australia posts about cute little owls that she and her girl make which inspire Kei to make felt animals.† The mom in Australia sees the pictures and calls her kids to look at Kei’s owls.† 2 Moms with girls Kei’s age; one in Connecticut and one in New Jersey;† read my blog and we comment regularly back and forth.† We share ideas, ask questions, share links.† Kei reads their daughters blogs.† Their daughters read Kei’s blog. † I consider them friends.† The world is so much smaller with the internet.† People can get close no matter how far.† I love my new friends.† I love reading about their world, their lives.† They encourage me and inspire me to be better.† I am a better Mom, a better friend, a better HS Mom because of people like them.

And thank you again Ami. You just ROCK!!

Kei and I also baked a lot this week.† We made Oreo Truffles, Mystery Bars, Banana bread and more goodies.† Kei loves to bake but I never have.†† I love to cook, but never have liked baking.† Since Kei loves it so much I have actually began to enjoy it.† The main thing I don’t like about it is you have to be so precise.† I am more of a throwitinabowlandstirit kinda girl.† This 1/2 T, 1/4 Cup stuff just doesn’t appeal to me. 🙂

Let the Baking Begin...

Oreo Truffles...

Kei Jumping for Joy!

Mystery Bars...

Now for the ouchie portion of this story.† Aforementioned Mystery Bars are made with sticky goodness.† Kei ran some goodies to the lovely ladies next door while I finished getting the bars out of the pan.† Some of them were stuck, there was a knife laying on the counter.† I picked up the knife to slide it under the stuck on portion.† The knife met resistance, the knife flew into my palm.† I felt 2 stabs.† This is a hand that has had severe nerve damage about 10 years ago, which is another story for another day.† I closed my eyes, said “No God please” and looked down.† I saw a cut on my palm, turned my hand over and saw a cut on the front of my hand.† I walked outside and yelled for Kei who came running.† I almost passed out, but I don’t really know why.† It wasn’t a lot of blood, it didn’t hurt that much and I am not a passing out kinda person.† Fast forward to the rest of the story…I stabbed a knife completely through my hand.† I have butterfly stitches, got a tetanus shot, doc put me on antibiotics and stressed over and over that I must keep it clean.† He said time and time again, “I can not believe you didn’t damage anything, not a nerve, an artery, a tendon, a bone, it is a miracle”.† I think God heard my prayer and said, “While I can’t do anything about your stupidity in picking up a knife to use as a spatula, I will make sure it does as little damage as possible”.

So here I sit, with my hand bandaged up, my arm sore from a shot, not able to do much of anything.† But I do have some amazing Mystery Bars and how many people can say they stabbed their hand completely through with a knife???

Merry Christmas Eve Eve,

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no child-like faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.
Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies!
Francis P. Church

Auditions, Spend the Night Company & Jane Austen….

It has been a great few days.† Kei had auditions for 101 Dalmatians.† She has been in this play before, when she was 7.† She was a chihuahua.

Kei as a chihuahua

She auditioned with “Hard Knock Life” from Annie.† She did a great job.† Chan tried out too and she did a great job.

Kei and Chan

Chan went home with us for 6 days!† We were both so excited.† The girls had a blast playing.† They cut up the Popcorn pumpkin from Halloween.

Pumpkin Guts...

The next day it got so cold!† Freezing cold.† They dressed up warmly to go to the creek to see if it was frozen.† It took them longer to get ready than they stayed outside.

Ready for Cold??

We went to see if they got roles in 101 Dalmatians.† As you can see, they did!† Kei got the role of Horace, one of Cruella’s henchmen.† It was the role she really, really wanted. Chan is Pepper the Dalmatian.


We also made Mystery Bars from my friend’s Theresa’s blog.† If you have never had these, you must try them.

Mystery Bars...

It was so cold they played a lot of Webkinz.† Kei sat up her laptop next to my computer and they played for hours.

Webkinz Tag Team

Kei also started a thread on Webkinz Insider about cyber-bullying in Kinz chat plus.† The last time she checked 507 people had read it!† I was so proud of her.† She looked up facts and figures about cyber-bullying, how prevalent it is, how most kids do not tell their parents.† Here is Manny her spokesman for the thread, reading it.

Wow! Look at the replies...

Thursday we had a get together for Jane Austen’s birthday.† We all brought books to swap, had tons of food, had a egg drop, made Art Cards, chatted for hours and had a blast.† We are so lucky to have our Roamies [What we call our homeschool group].† We also had to leave Chan since her Mother really wanted her back.

Food Food Food!


Kei and Heather Making Art Cards...

Art Card..

Our Kids...

My Great HS Friends... plus 2 doggies

Egg Drop Success!

Kei Doing Her "Charlie's Angels" Pose..

Esther got the girls and draped Christmas lights all around them.† It was so beautiful.

Our Bright and Sparkly Girls..

I think Jane would have been very proud of us.

We have the greatest people in our lives.† Almost every day something happens that Kei and I just say, ‘Thank you God for [insert names here].

I have a lot more to say about the past few days but I am going to split this into 2 posts.

3 days until Christmas.† Am I finished?† Well of course not.† But I will get it done, I always do. 🙂

Happy Holiday Week,

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ~Norman Vincent Peale

Crafty, Nutcracker and the Tree…

It was a busy week.† We stayed in the first of the week because it was so cold.

Kei learned about Canines, the Phoenicians, diagrammed sentences, did lots of reading, lots of writing activities, did our Jesse Tree everyday.† We found some really cool sites about genes and DNA.† Here and here.

Kei did some really cool crafts this week too.

She made a Christmas tree with yarn and a Styrofoam cone I found HERE. Kei has so much yarn from her knitting that it was a perfect craft for her.

Putting the Yarn on..

The Yarn Tree..

She also made some felt animals.† She got the idea from one of my favorite bloggers, Helena.† She has made owls, 2 mice, an elephant, and a music note.† She loves making these so I see lots of new little friends in her future.

Cutting the Felt..

We went to Livvy’s church to see her live manger scene.† Livvy was an angel.

Kei and Livvy

We went to see Nutcracker on Ice on Friday.† It was the first show we have ever seen performed on ice in person.† It was beautiful and we both really enjoyed it.† I have always hated Nutcrackers.† Their strange smiles have always freaked me out.


Nutcracker 2

We had decided to get a real tree this year but last night Kei decided the little artificial one would suffice this year.† She put it up all by herself!† She did a great job.† I have so many ornaments from over the years but she only put on the ones she deemed ‘cool’.

Putting on the Ornaments...

The Angel

We had to turn off the lights, put on Christmas music and eat a chocolate truffle as we turned on the lights.† It was beautiful. 🙂

The Tree..

I can’t believe it is almost Christmas.† I finally did some online Christmas shopping for Kei last night.† We are having a very small Christmas this year.† I am laid off from the end of November to mid January.† Money is tight, but love is flowing.

Happy weekend,

The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.† ~Pierre Corneille, Le Menteur

Crafts, WhoDunIt & Skate Day…

As soon as I started feeling better, Kei got the crud.† I donít know what is going around but everyone I know has it.† We are very ready to be well!

We had a really good week nonetheless.

Kei did an amazing faux stained glass window project we found here. If you havenít checked out Phyllisís blog you should.† She has great ideas!† We are also doing her† Science Mystery Adventure and Kei is loving it.† So far we have examined footprints and tested the mysterious white powder found at the scene of the crime.

Stained Glass

We also started our Jesse Tree.† At first we were going to use a tree we found here, but then we decided to just use a branch from a real tree.† We are using our first tree as a ëplace to hang all the little cool things Kei makesî

Isnít the container for it just the best??

You can get a free Jesse Tree ebook here. We are only on Day 3 but we love this so much!† The ebook comes complete with the Bible verse of the day, a short prayer and a ëTo Doí challenge that goes along with the dayís lesson.

Kei also did some Tangrams.† She and I both love Tangrams.† We learned that the tangram (Chinese: ???; pinyin: q? qi?o b?n; literally “seven boards of skill”) is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put together to form shapes. The objective of the puzzle is to form a specific shape (given only an outline or silhouette) using all seven pieces, which may not overlap. It was originally invented in China at some unknown point in history, and then carried over to Europe by trading ships in the early 19th century. It became very popular in Europe for a time then, and then again during World War I. It is one of the most popular dissection puzzles in the world. *From Wikipedia

She has also been drawing a lot.† Boxes…with ballerinas.

Today was our December Skate Day.† We get in a circle for the December day and I couldnít believe what a huge group we have.† Homeschooling is just growing unbelievably.

Kei had entered a homemade card in the Christmas card contest and she won!!† She was so excited.† She also sold some of her ìKnit Witsî items and made $10.25.† We also revealed who our Secret Sisters were.† The Moms have been doing this for a year, just little cards, small gifts and encouragement to our fellow HS Moms.† My sister sis has given me amazing reference books each month!

1st Place

So now it is Friday.† I have a “girls night out” with my best friend Carla to play our old school online game.† She lives in California and we stay in touch by playing online games.† Kei’s friend Livvy is spending the night.† The house will be warm, the sound of girls planning and giggling will ring through the halls, dinner is made, it is all good.

Happy weekend,

“The soul is healed by being with children.” ~Fyodor Dostoevsky

Giving Thanks…

We took the week off from formal lesson plans.† Thank goodness we did because I got a sinus infection and was pretty much useless all week!

Kei cooked dinner one night all by herself.† She wouldn’t even let me come into the kitchen.† She made baked chicken breasts with ginger marinade, pasta with spinach and green peppers with a cream sauce and cheese bread.† It was wonderful and she was so proud of herself.† I was proud of her too.


Chicken Cooking...

Delicious Dinner...

We watched a lot of TV, Gilmore Girls [our favorite show in the world], finished season 8 of Monk, watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, watched Pirates of the Caribbean [with my future son-in-law Johnny Depp], rented Grown-Ups which was silly but kinda cute, and the new Karate Kid.† Then Kei had to practice what she just watched.

Karate Kid....

Kei and I played with clay.† We started out with an Indian village, then switched to clay fairies, then to Santa’s village.

Indian Village...

Little Fairies Having Tea..

Kei played Webkinz a lot.† She loves Webkinz and plays daily for a week or so, then not for a month.†† She decorates and re-decorates her rooms.† She wants so badly for me to get a Webkinz so I can play with her.† I am thinking that is what she will get me for Christmas. 🙂


Den with Christmas Decorations...

Pretty Cafe...

We spent Thanksgiving Day with Daddy and Marlene, Eddie, Heather, Seth and Katherine.† My head hurt so badly I couldn’t really enjoy all the delicious food.† :/† We brought leftovers home.

We have so much to be thankful for.† Wonderful friends, both near and far, old and new.† A wonderful family, a lifestyle that we both adore, an amazing church family, a lovely house, a crazy dog and each other.

Life is good.

And it is almost DECEMBER!!!!†† EEK!

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.† ~W.T. Purkiser

Laughing, Learning, Thankful Days…

Weeks flying by,

Thanksgiving with friends,

Food, fun and laughter,

Girls full of plans,

spending the night, making movies, laughing into the wee hours.

Making Paper bowls

Letting the Shredded Paper Soak

Little puppy

Growing up so quickly

Playing and laughing

Getting some exercise the fun way

Reading Harry, learning fractions, learning to play the ocarina, knitting with the new loom, salt maps, Arctic animals, physics, designing a roller coaster, Egypt and more Egypt and will we ever leave Egypt?

What a lovely week.

Happy Thanksgiving to all,


Some people care too much, I think it’s called love.
— Winnie the Pooh

You Begin Saving The World By Saving One…

SIFAT is ìServants in Faith and Technologyî.† I had heard about them a couple of months ago and wanted to go on a field trip there so badly.† Then for November our Homeschool group planned a trip!!† I was so excited and signed up immediately.

As the day drew nearer I was less excited about being at a field trip at 9:00 am to a location 3 hours away!† I hemmed and hawed about it back and forth.† Kei and I went to youtube and searched for some videos and got excited and we made up our mind to go!† We planned to ride with Heather and her boys and made plans to meet them about 20 minutes from here.

After a few problems; waking up at 4:30!, dog trying to escape at 5:00 AM, Dr. Pepper exploding in kitchen, running late, Kei getting car sick and Heather not feeling well, getting lost a couple of times; we finally arrived at the SIFAT campus.

This is a Christian international organization that provides training to people from all over the world.† This training helps people meet basic needs such as food, water, shelter.† They have summer camps and day field trips and also train missionaries.

They have a global village where you can visit parts of Latin America, Africa and Asia.† They have a representation of homes of each area, along with flags, furniture, animals, etc.† It was truly amazing.

After meeting as a group in the Quonset Hut, we divided into smaller groups and went with our first leader.† Our first stop taught the kids how to make mud bricks.† This involved sifting the dirt, chopping straw, getting water from the stream and mixing all together.† Kei, Zach and J.J. didnít mind getting dirty at all!† Our guide told us that smoke inhalation from cooking fires was one of the leading causes of death among women and children in some of these countries!

Kei and the Kitty... She finds a cat no matter WHERE we go!

Sifting Dirt...

Bringing in Dirt..

Mixing the Mud

Dirty Hands

Bricks for Homes and Fires..

Next we moved on the Uganda where we saw a waddle and daub house. They have no electricity or running water.† They have goats for milk.† Children start helping at a very young age.† They have storage ëwellsí to keep grain in.† Our guide told us to get the grain out someone has to actually go into the ëwellí and wait until someone pulls them out.† We also learned about the rocket stove.† These are easy to construct, with low-cost materials. These are low-mass stoves designed to burn small pieces of wood very efficiently. Cooking is done on top of a short insulated chimney.† The people of Uganda keep goats for milk and food.

Waddle and Daub House

Grain Storage...

Rocket Stove...

Feeding the Goats...

Next stopÖthe slums. These slums were not indicative of any one place; there are slums all over the world, even in the United States. They are made from whatever can be found.† We saw old tires, pieces of cardboard, old couches, doors, bed pieces, anything they can find.† We learned about dirty water and what a huge problem it is for so many places in the world.† She told us how people die from diarrhea all over the world.† They get parasites and get dehydrated.† †We learned 3 ways to purify water.† The first uses a car battery, salt and water to produce ëchlorineí that purifies.† The second was using a mixture of rocks, gravel and sand that filters the water into drinkable water.† The one that surprised me the most was using solar power.† Just fill up a plastic water bottle and leave in direct sunlight for at least 6 hours.† This makes the water 98.99% purified!


Dirty Water full of parasites...

Schools in the Slums..

Purifying Water with Car Battery...

We then moved to Bolivia which we loved!† There was a guide who had actually spent 10 years in Bolivia. He had a guinea pig in a cage which he said that families ate! The people who live in the Southern part of the country, which is in the mountains, have a hard life.† They live in circular rock huts with thatched roofs that are extremely small and cramped. They surround their huts with goats to help keep the hut warm.† They father and sons would go work in the field while the mothers and children would tend to the house.† They would cook breakfast and lunch at the same time.

Bolivia Hut...


Inside the Hut...

Kei at the Bolivia Hut..

We then went for lunch.† Kei found a dog to pet.

Kei and G Petting the Dog, "Faithful"

Guatemala was next.† This was very cool because Sophia, who was cooking, was originally from Guatemala.† They explained the entire process of making tortillas.† First you have to grow the corn, then harvest and let the kernels dry.† Then the kernels are removed and it is boiled in a mixture of water, lime and ash.† This produces hominy! The outer shell is then removed and the inside is ground to a flour consistency by hand.† You then have Mesa flour and you make your dough and roll a section into a ball and press on a tortilla press.† Then they are fried on a cast iron griddle.† It just amazed me since the hardest part of OUR tortilla shopping is which kind to buy.† We take so much for granted.

Sophia making Tortillas

Kei Watching the Process..

Kei got picked to actually make a tortilla.

Yummy Tortilla...

Then we went to the rope bridge.† This was unlike any rope bridge I had ever seen!† It had a single, very thick rope going across with runners coming up from it.† The guide told us that even llamas crossed the bridges!† We tried to convince him to let us go get the goat to experiment but he nixed that idea.† Zachary is afraid of heights and I was so proud of him for making it across.† Kei had no qualms and just took off.† I wasnít afraid but it was harder than it looked.† I think the fact that I had on big, clunky boots may have had something to do with it!† All of our group crossed and we were very proud of ourselves.


Zachary crossing

Kei's Turn...

Halfway there...

Our last stop was the Philippines where the homes are constructed of bamboo. They were very cool and felt like a tree house because they are raised off the ground by stilts.† Bamboo is everywhere in the Philippines and it was on the walls and floor and even the furniture was made from Bamboo.

There are 7,000 islands in the Philippines but only about 1000 are inhabited.† The other 6000 island are under water when the tide rises.† Definitely a deterrent to living there!†† After we explored the house and discovered that the Philippines way to greet someone is to shake hands, touch your forehead to their hand and vice versa and say, ìMay God go with you and bless youî we went outside for a demonstration of tinikling.

Philippine House with Mosquito Netting Bed..

This is the native dance of the Philippines.†† First they learned how to move the sticks and then Kei was picked to TinikÖumm to tinikling?† She was pretty good at it.† She tried to get me to try but visions of broken bones as I slammed to the ground prevented that.

Kei Tinikling...

Learning More Tinikling Skills...

It was just an amazing day.† The best field trip ever.† I truly left feeling I had visited, if only briefly, all of these places.† Kei and I talked about how lucky we are, how hard people have it.† The lifestyles that are so foreign and difficult for us to imagine.† I roll out of bed and grumble at my few measly chores I have.† I cannot imagine living like these people. SIFAT is doing an astonishing job of improving their health, the way they do work, and their very way of living.† I admire them so very much and pray that their good works continue.

Our Great Group...

I wish everyone I knew could experience SIFAT, it was that moving and heart wrenching.† It makes me want to do something, anything.† I told Kei this morning that the money we blow at Wal-Mart a couple of times a week could change these peopleís lives.† God bless the people of SIFAT and the wonderful work they are doing.

Be a blessing ,

A pessimist, they say, sees a glass of water as being half empty; an optimist sees the same glass as half full. But a giving person sees a glass of water and starts looking for someone who might be thirsty. – G. Thomas Gale

Hunger allows no choice
To the citizens or the police;
We must love one another or die. ~W.H. Auden

Peace, Nanner Puddin’ and Leaf Cities…..

We live such a calm life.† Our series at church has focused on stress and how stressful our lives can be.† Our lives just aren’t.† Don’t get me wrong, there are days we want to kill each other, there are tears and yelling at times.† There are times we have too much scheduled and not enough time to do it all.† There are days when I am trying to do invoicing and Kei doesn’t understand something and we both get frustrated with each other.† There are days when I don’t know if I am coming or going.† But all of this is the exception rather than the rule.

We don’t wake up to the screaming of an alarm clock.† We don’t have to rush around gathering clothes and books and lessons to get out the door for school.† There are no fights about what to wear or “why didn’t you make my favorite lunch”?† We wake up slowly most mornings.† Sometimes the birds wake us up, sometimes I tickle her awake, sometimes it is the crazy dog but rarely is it an alarm clock.† We eat when we are hungry, we talk when we have something to say, we laugh as loud as we want, we act silly and dance around.† Our life is not frantic.† I think most people live such frantic lives.

If Kei is tired of doing Math she takes a break.† If she doesn’t really want to do this lesson today, we postpone it until the next day and do something else.† It is a simple life that fits us both like a glove.

That being said; this is what we did the last few days.

Kei wanted to make Banana pudding. I have never made banana pudding so we asked around.† Some of our favorite ladies at our local grocery store told us to use the recipe on the back of the Vanilla Wafer box so that is what she used.

Stirring the filling

10 Minutes of Continuous Stirring...

Adding the Meringue...

Finished Pudding Minus a Bite or Two...

She made a flower puzzle for me to put together.† It turned out really cool.

The Flower Puzzle

Brit came over for a while today and they decided to RAKE!† and rake…and they are still raking.

Raking Leaves...

More Raking ....

Leaf House...

Home Sweet Home...

I asked them what they were going to do with the leaves when they were finished playing and they said ‘Huh”?† So my visions of a leave free yard is just that…a vision.† Actually I like the leaves in the yard.† I am sure when my Daddy lived here he raked them as soon as they fell.† Crunching leaves are one of my favorite sounds.

Here are some of the sites we played on this week.

EQUIVALENT †FRACTIONS http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/fractions/memory_equivalent1.htm
PHYSICS† [this is a GREAT game about forces and motion- LOVED it]










ìPeace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.î ~Jawaharlal Nehru

King Tut, Mummified Apples, & More Stuff…

We didn’t do a ton of ‘lessony’ things this week.† Yes I know ‘lessony’ isn’t a word!† But it is my blog and I can make up words if I want to!

We had begun an experiment on mummified apples.† You can find the details here. One week ago Kei started the experiment.

The Materials...

Writing the Hypothesis...

Conducting the Experiment...

Seven days later..[give or take a day]

The Unveiling...

All Apples

She discovered that the salt did the best and the baking soda/Epsom salt mixture did the worst.

Best and Worst

Here is a quick rundown on some of the things we did this week.


Copy Work

Math Subtracting fractions

Watched King Tut’s Final Secrets and discovered that King Tut died from a battle wound.† This was a fascinating documentary!!

Made world map

Wrote in blog

Made Banana bread

Spent time here

Read Ivy and Bean and Harry Potter Goblet of Fire

Of course I HAD to show her Steve Martin’s “King Tut”. 🙂

Worked on play <wrote, directed, acted, edited>


Copy Work

Played here

Wrote in blog

Did some Egyptian Math

Subtracting Fractions with lower fractions

Worked on play <wrote, directed, acted, edited>


Copy Work

Egyptian Math

Critical Thinking WS <deductive reasoning, directions, planning>

Read Snap and Goblet of Fire

Played Spliterature

Worked on play <wrote, directed, acted, edited> This was set in the 1960’s.† She wore a Leave it to Beaver dress and pearls.† I just cracked up.† Daddy has an old rotary phone and she loves playing with it.† She set my Iphone for ‘old fashioned’ phone for the ringing.

1960's Homemaker

Listened to Beethovenís Wig http://www.amazon.com/Beethovens-Wig-Sing-Along-Symphonies/dp/B000060OLA

Watched the Top 10 King Tut videos on the web http://heritage-key.com/blogs/malcolmj/top-10-best-king-tut-videos-web

Physics ñ Mass, inertia, movement


Critical thinking worksheets

Ran errands/bought groceries

Edited play

Watched King Tut DVD We are now officially experts on King Tut!

Chan spent the night which meant playing, exploring, talking, laughing, watching TV, eating lots of Halloween candy and more.

Collected creek water and examined it under microscope.

Checked and compared apple slices from Mummy experiment

Read Snap

Put on Webkinz play

Finger knitted with loops and yarn.† She loves doing this!† She has made purses, hats, scarves, bracelets, pom pom’s and more!

Finger Knitting...

Today we had our homeschool Skate Day.† We always have such fun there!

Skate, Skate, Skate...

Tomorrow is supposed to be COLD!† We intend on staying in and doing a lot of nothing!

Enjoy your weekend.

“The child who attends public school typically spends approximately 1,100 hours a year there, but only twenty percent of these — 220 — are spent, as the educators say, ‘on task’. Nearly 900 hours, or eighty percent, are squandered on what are essentially organizational matters.” -Homeschooling For Excellence

Golden, Magic Days…

She must learn percentages, decimals and† fractions

History facts, dates, chemical reactions.

Science she must fully grasp,

Molecules and atoms and chemical mass.

She must learn to comprehend what she reads,

Biology, nature, birds and seeds.

Punctuation, adverbs, adjectives and such,

Some days it can be a little too much.

So… just as important are days such as these,

When we laugh and giggle and play in the leaves.

And bake banana bread, dress up and sing.

And know all the joys that homeschooling can bring.

Please, let them be little,
‘Cause they’re only that way for a while.
Give them hope, give them praise,
Give them love every day.
Let ’em cry, let ’em giggle,
Let ’em sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.

~Billy Dean

Story-Telling, Fashion Designing, STAN & Black Cats…

What a last few days we have had!

Thursday we went to the Story-Telling Festival in Athens.† It was so great.† We both love story tellers and it is quickly becoming a lost art.

A Good Story...

Kei made Halloween outfits for some of her Webkinz.† She did a great job!

Hedwig the Hippie

Henrietta the Flower and Leo the Bee

Leo the Bee, Henrietta the Flower, Shanti the Witch, Magic the Princess, Mushmellow the Angel, Lietus as Mother Nature, Hedwig the Hippie

Thursday night we went to my sister-in-laws school Fall Festival.† Kei and I had a blast.

Disco Walk...

I work from home.† My boss has been in Atlanta filming Last Valentine.† He surprised Kei and I by stopping by on the way to LA.† It was so great to see him.† He is an awesome boss.† We took him to Cracker Barrel and he was amazed by how much food they brought us.† 🙂

Ka, Kei and Stan

Halloween afternoon my brother called and told us that my nephew had been attacked by wild dogs.† We went to the ER and saw him.† He ended up with 32 stitches!† I felt so angry and sad.† I can’t believe people let big dogs run wild.† Seth had a pocket knife and fended them off with that!

Poor baby...

This is my brother’s scarecrow.† Isn’t it awesome?

Kei and the Scarecrow

Kei carved the pumpkin Halloween afternoon.† I don’t do carving.† If you know me you understand why.

Working on the Pumpkin

Kei and the Knife....

Nomad was a pirate.† For about 10 minutes.

Nomad the Pirate Matey...

Halloween night we went trick or treating with our friends.† Kei was a punk, black cat.† She looked awesome!

Kei the Cat

Punk Cat


We went over to Gina’s and then to Cathy’s neighborhood to trick or treat.

The Crew...

Kei and Michael

Kei and Ben trading candy...

Kid's at Cathy's

Except for Seth, it was a great week.† Today is November 1st.† I can’t wait to see what great adventures lie ahead for this month!

Be blessed,

“Two sounds of autumn are unmistakable, the hurrying rustle of crisp leaves blown
along the street or road by a gusty wind, and the gabble of a flock of migrating geese.
Both are warnings of chill days ahead, fireside and topcoat weather.”
~ † Hal Borland

Sneezing, Coughing, Yucky, Fall..

We have both been sick since last week.† I hate being sick.† My Mother used to say, “I am sick to death of myself” when she was sick and I know the feeling!† We didn’t do very much the past 8 days but we did manage to sneak in a little fun.

I took Kei on a ride to the 1st elementary school I went to.† I went there from 1st-middle of 3rd grade.† As we walked around the playground I remembered a few stories to tell her.† She loves to hear about ‘when I was little’.

This used to be my playground...

This used to be my childhood dream...

We had fun wandering around.† I even took her to our old house, pulled into the driveway, then backed up and showed her how Mother would take us to school.

We made crystals last week.† The recipe can be found here.

Measuring Water

Adding Color

It took about 5 days and the results were really pretty.† Kei wants to make more.

Beautiful Crystals...

Even though Kei and I felt horrible this past weekend, I wanted her to take Nomad out and play in the leaves for a few minutes.† I knew it was supposed to rain and they would be all wet and soggy.

Fall Fun...

We decorated our table for Fall.

Halloween Table...

Pumpkins, Gourds and Apples...

Our Roamschool group had a Halloween party at Cathy’s house.† It was a blast as usual.† A great HS group is my #1 advice for anyone homeschooling.† Cathy and Kaitlin went all out for the food!

Hand Punch

Deviled Eyeballs

Ghostly Stew...

The kids had a blast.† We had tornado warnings all day and they were inside and outside. They would come running in when they heard the tornado warning horns.† We live in Alabama, we are used to tornados.† We don’t take cover until we see the funnel cloud. 🙂

Kei, Brit and Chan...

Jake and Tiny...

Kei and Chan...

Our Amazing Kids...

All of the Moms had a blast too [and Bobby] We laughed and ate and watched Dan the Weather Guy [we missed you Suz!!].

Friends are the Best...

On the way home we saw the coolest mailbox and had to take a picture.

Spooky Mailbox...

We ran by Books a Million [and ran into Heather and gang] for Kei to get the Red Panda Webkinz she has been saving up for.† She named her Lietus which is Latvian for ‘rain’.† Latvian??? Where does she come up with this stuff???

Hope everyone has a wonderful, spooky Halloween week!

Be blessed,

‘Tis now the very witching time of night,
When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out
Contagion to this world.
~William Shakespeare

Hammered, Vampires and Kitties….

It has been a great week.† After the busyness of the last 2 weeks we just relaxed at home for the most part.

I had seen this really cool project that Kei wanted to try.† I didn’t have exactly the right material but that has never stopped me before!† It would have done better with 100% cotton because Kei’s† hammering knocked holes in the material.

Placing the materials...

Hammering Away...

Finished Project with a few Holes...

We love Halloween and Kei got into the Halloween spirit this week.

Vampire Kei

Countess Dracula...

We went to the Halloween Store so she could pick out her costume.† This year she wanted to ‘be something really Evil.”


She found something that she like and while I don’t want to give it away here she did practice with a little makeup when we got home.


She just can’t do evil. 🙂

She found a really cool feather this week which she called The Yin Yang feather.

Yin Yang...

And made her hammock swing into a hammock ‘chair’ swing which she has always wanted.


Somehow we have become the co-owner to ANOTHER dog.† He is a beautiful Golden Retriever that lives next door but digs under the fence to our house daily.

Dog 1 and Dog 2...

I am reading The Odyssey to Kei as our night time book.† We are both loving it but we are both mythological, fantasy kinda girls.† It is a children’s version but I am really enjoying it too.

Today we went swimming with HS friends at the indoor pool and afterward the kids decided to swing.

Just Swinging...

Livvy is spending the night with Kei and I am making Stone Soup. Yummy!

Happy weekend,

Dreams surely are difficult, confusing, and not everything in them is brought to pass for mankind. For fleeting dreams have two gates: one is fashioned of horn and one of ivory. Those which pass through the one of sawn ivory are deceptive, bringing tidings which come to nought, but those which issue from the one of polished horn bring true results when a mortal sees them.† ~ Homer, The Odyssey

Public School, Home School and Blessings…

Kei went to K and 1st grade public school.† She loved it, had no problems, fit in, made great grades, blah blah.† I was Co-HomeRoom mom in K and HomeRoom Mom in 1st.

I had read about homeschooling since she was 4.† I had a folder full of great homeschool links and resources.† I thought I would love to do it but I was afraid.† I was not a certified teacher!† How could I possibly teach her?† Ok I could probably handle Dick and Jane and addition but what about Calculus, Chemistry, Physics????

So I left her in PS and tried to ignore the little niggling in the back of my head and the pinch in my heart each morning when I dropped her off.† K and 1st grade quickly sped past.

She started 2nd grade and my Homeschool Folder kept getting larger and larger.† I read more and more about homeschooling.† I didnít really know any homeschoolers except for ìmy sisterís best friend homeschoolsî kinda thing.

I was always one of those moms who hated school starting back.† I loved being with Kei.† We had a blast together.† 2nd grade started.† The first week I would ask her every afternoon, ìWhat did you do today?î and she would tell me she finished her work early and would help the other kids.† One of my favorite stories involved her helping this little girl with Math M&Mís.† They were supposed to put the colors into groups and count them but Kei said ìMommy she kept eating her M&Mís before we could count them!î† She was bored and not really happy with sitting quietly while the kids who took longer finished their work.

It was a Tuesday, her 2nd week of school.† I picked her up and said, ìSo how would you like to be homeschooled?î† She said, ìOh Please!! I would love it.î† Next day I withdrew her, found a cover school and the rest as they say is history.† My favorite homeschool saying, the one that has kept me sane at times is this:† ìYou only have to be ONE day smarter than your child.î

We just began our 4th year homeschooling.† I have never regretted it.† NOT FOR ONE SECOND.† Is it all smooth and calm and lovely?† Well of course not!† There are days I want to beat her, days she wants to beat me, but it is the best thing I have ever done.† The world is truly our classroom.

She is socialized [anyone who ever questions the socialization aspect does NOT know jack about Homeschooling], she has friends, she spends the night with people, they spend the night with her. †We get together with our immediate HS group at least once a week, sometimes more.† A huge bonus for me is that I have made amazing friends.† Keiís friends Moms are my best friends.† How cool is that?† How often does that happen?

Disclaimer* We aren't DOING every one of these, they are just available.

She loves being homeschooled.† I was thinking the other day that I have never heard one kid I know who is HSed† complaining about it.† They all love it.† They realize how incredibly lucky they are.† Kei hates running errands after 3:00.† She says she doesnít want people thinking she is a public school kid.† Now keep in mind, she loved PS, she just realizes that this life; this wonderful, wacky, fun, learning at its best life is wonderful!

Kei gets her ësubjectsí in.† It takes about 2 hours.† She doesnít mess around and I plan out pretty well each week.† Of course most weeks it never works out perfectly.† I mean what would you rather do, 20 Math problems or take an impromptu trip to a working farm?† But she gets all her Core subjects.

She also writes and performs plays with her dog, finger knits, has the coolest Webkinz rooms, explores nature, builds fairy houses, plays in her tree house, invents magical worlds and visits them via her tire swing, writes stories, writes songs, carries her tape recorder around and interviews almost every person she comes into contact with, plays her guitar, plays Wii, sews clothes for her Webkinz and dolls, blogs, swims in the summer, roller skates, ice skatesÖ.. you get the picture.† She has timeÖ..time to be 10, time to be little, time to visit every rabbit hole she finds, time to explore Godís world and all the glorious things in it.

Homeschooling isnít for everyone.† But for usÖit is as close to a perfect world as I have ever found.

Be blessed,

Bless me, what *do* they teach them at these schools?~ CS Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe

Smashing Pumpkins, Newish Friends, & Little Women…

Our Botanical Gardens had a Chunkin’ Pumpkin event this week.† They had a trebuchet and everyone got a pumpkin to ‘launch’.† It sounded fun so off we set. When we got inside I had realized I had forgotten my money!† Kei said to run back and get it and she would wait ‘on the hill’.

Queen of the Hill!

Kei picked out just the right pumpkin.

Just right...

Then we waited on Suz and kids.† We didn’t want to chunk without them!

Ready to Chunk...

There was a guy dressed in period clothes in the field.† The goal was to smash the pumpkin into his body, preferably his head I think!

The Target

We stood and watched kid after kid launch their pumpkins.† Some came really close.† Emily and Zach both went and then it was Kei’s turn. They placed the pumpkin on the trebuchet and she pulled the cord.

Ready Set Go!

Her pumpkin went STRAIGHT UP!† And…STRAIGHT DOWN! I was so surprised I didn’t even get a picture.† It almost took out the crowd!!† Kei was a bit surprised too!† What happened was a screw flew off and broke the arm of the trebuchet.† It was funny but it could have been people with bruised bodies and pumpkin guts on their heads!


After the chunking we went to watch a fencing exhibition.† On the way Kei had to pose with a woman dressed up as Susan from Narnia.

Bow Chick


Emily and I sat and oohed and aahed over the boots.† We both love us some leather medieval boots!† I was sitting there and someone sat beside me.† It was Tonya who has been my ‘online’ friend for over a year but I have never met face to face.† I was so excited!!!† She is as awesome as I knew she would be.† I first discovered her because her family were in North Alabama and they were an RVing family.† That is something I have always wanted to do!† I followed her adventures for months and then we became FB friends.† Her family has actually moved into a house now.† Her blog, Live the Adventure, is awesome and worth checking out.† I still can’t believe she just came and sat down.† I would have recognized her from her pictures.† Isn’t the internet just the coolest thing?

Kei found a rock yesterday that was too awesome.† A† heart rock.

Heart Rock

Today we went to see “Little Women”.† It was being performed at the Fine Arts Center in a town near us.† Before we left I had to take a couple of pictures of Kei in our yard.† See the pumpkin next to her.† Well we think it is a pumpkin, it is pink!† It was so unusual we had to buy it.

Happy Fall...


When we got there they had pushed the time forward an hour so we set off to wander around downtown.† It is such a sweet little town.† We love exploring in the older parts of towns.† She wanted to go into every shop.† At one point I was like….”Umm Kei that is a tanning salon”.

Kei with Koi

The play was great!† We both enjoyed it so much.

Little Women Cast

After the play our dear friend Shane came out to talk to us.† He was Laurie and he was magnificent!

Kei and "Laurie"

What a great week.† October is such an awesome month.† There are so many festivals and events going on.† We try to cram everything into the Fall before it gets so cold and I HIBERNATE!

This weekend is supposed to be a final hurrah to summer with temps around 90∞.† Enjoy.

All those golden autumn days the sky was full of wings. Wings beating low over the blue water of Silver Lake, wings beating high in the blue air far above it . . . bearing them all away to the green fields in the South.
– Laura Ingalls Wilder

Friends, Kids and Animals….

The weather has finally gotten cooler.† Give me a week or so and I will be complaining about how cold it is!

We had our friends over for lunch last week.† There were about 20 people here and we had a blast.† I made my version of Moe’s burritos with chicken or beef, rice, black beans, homemade salsa, sour cream, cheese, lettuce and wraps of many flavors.† Very good.

Girls eating Outside

Kei has been collecting acorns from our trees.† There are thousands!!!

Acorn Picking

Acorn Bounty...

We had our 2nd Skate Day and there were, once again, tons of people. Kei took a bunch of knitted items and made $7.50!† She was so excited.

Kei Skate Day

Chan and Ben came home with us for a few days while Esther surprised Matt with a romantic getaway.† Jake joined us on Saturday night and we had a blast with our new big family.

Play - Acting...


TV Watching...

Monday we went to a working farm with our Homeschool Group.† We† had so much fun.† It was a beautiful day!† The family does organic farming and we learned so much about that.† The kids all planted their own lettuce to bring home.† Kei’s dream is to live on a farm.† Yesterday made her realize just how much work that involves!


It's a Farms Life for Us...

Farm Kids


Planting Lettuce

Square Foot Gardening...

We saw cows, sheep, llamas, chickens, bunnies, kitties and more.



Kei was delighted with the llamas.† Of course, “she wants one.”


Llama Amazement

A great week in God’s beautiful world.

Be blessed,


I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.† ~George Washington Carver

Happy Fall?, Harriet Tubman & Bloggy Friends…

We celebrated the first day of Fall with a swim party!† Heather hosted us and yes, the kids swam.† Since the weather has been about 18∞ above normal it was perfect weather for it!† It was a great day with great friends.

Fall Swimming....

Piano Players

Talking and Eating!

Silly Kids

There was a full moon last week and Kei and I went outside and howled at it.† What??? Doesn’t everyone do that???


We went to Early Works Museum this week to see a presentation on Harriet Tubman and The Underground Railroad. † It was amazing! She did about a 45 minute One-Woman show.† Wow!

"Harriet Tubman"

Afterward they asked if any of the kids had questions.† Of course Kei was the 1st in line.† We studied The Civil War last year and learned so much about the Underground Railroad.† It was great to see it ‘come alive.’

Then they had different stations they went to to learn about slavery, womens right to vote, and more about The Underground Railroad.

Kei playing an instrument

Roles of Underground Railroad

It was a mix of PS and HS kids.† Of course our kids already had big plans for after the show.† They love Early Works and have some ongoing scenario going on where some of them are Colonial shopkeepers and some are Pirates.† Roles were already assigned long before we arrived.† I love our kids!† They couldn’t ‘free’ play until the PSers were loaded onto their buses.† Then it was on!

Old General Store

When the Pirates stole from the store, Kei was ready with her trusty Cast Iron Skillet.

Photo by Heather Woods

It was a great day!

We are learning about Ancient India in History.† We saw pictures and videos of the ancient city of Mahenjo Daro.† It was really interesting.† Kei used different materials to make bricks.† The bricks of the city of Mahenjo Daro are still standing.† I told Kei I doubted hers would last 1 week!

Dirt and Sand Bricks

We get a Science Newsletter from† Home Science Tools that has a “Question of the Month”.† Last month Kei sent in a question and she was picked as the winner!† She got a tin of Thinking Putty.† We love Thinking Putty.† It is the coolest thing.

Pretty Putty....

Also I made a comment on a blog about how I would love to teach Kei to knit but hadn’t a clue.† One of my favorite bloggers, AmiMental, saw my comment and sent me an email that she just happened to have a Klutz knitting book that her daughter didn’t use.† She told me that if I didn’t mind giving her our address she would send it to Kei.† Kei got it last week and was so excited.† Not only did she send the book but also yarn and the sweetest card.† Aren’t blog friends just great???† I have met so many online friends that I just adore.† Thanks again Ami. 😉

Box of Goodies...

Happy Kei

A very good week indeed.

I can’t wait until next week when the weather is supposed to FINALLY get more Fallish!

“I love the fall. I love it because of the smells that you speak of; and also because things are dying, things that you don’t have to take care of anymore, and the grass stops growing.”
– Mark Van Doren

Treasures, Junk and Memories…

I was going to write a post about the amazing week we have had and that post is coming.† But now I need to write about ëjunkí.

For as long as I can remember my Mother and Daddy collected junk.† I called it junk, my parents called it discovered treasures.† You name it, they collected it.† My Daddy collected old toys, lunchboxes, cookie jars, furniture, putters, marbles and on and on and on.† Mother loved jewelry, glassware, old linens and more.

You would think that if for no other reason besides osmosis, I would love old things.† But I totally went the other way.† I loved modern and stark whites and bold splashes of color.† Old things held no appeal for me.

My mother always smiled and said, ìOne day you will appreciate them moreî.† And as with most things, she was right. †While I donít collect things I do appreciate the beauty in something hand stitched 100 years ago or a beautiful piece of furniture.

For 40 years they collected.† They spent hours upon hours ëjunkingí as they called it.† They traveled across the country in search of their treasures.† Since my Mother died, Daddy hasnít ëjunkedí very much.† Now that he has remarried he is back doing it, but not with the excitement I used to see on his face.

He has 4 huge building filled with his ëjunkí.† Throughout the years he would show me various things and tell me what a great deal he got on something and how much it was ëreally worthí.† I would always say the same thing, ìIt isnít worth anything sitting in this building!î.† I just didnít understand it.

Daddy decided to have a huge yard sale this weekend.† The buildings filled with junk just happen to be in our backyard since we are living at my Motherís house since Daddy remarried.† I have watched them pull out boxes and boxes just shaking my head at the vast array of ëjunkí.

Yesterday afternoon I finally got it.† I watched Daddy walk around and gently touch a small figurine or pick up an old tablecloth.† A little smile would come over his face and I knew he was thinking about my Mother; where they were when they bought this, maybe a joke they shared, maybe a touch of a hand.† All of a sudden I understoodÖ.it wasnít so much about the ëjunkí, it never was. It was about the ‘journey’, the laughter, the love, the excitement.

It was about the memories createdÖ

I miss my Mother so much today…

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. ~From the television show The Wonder Years

Watermelon, Honey Bees and Silly Bandz…

It has been a good few days.† School is going awesome.† We have some great outings coming up that we can’t wait for!

This past week was my Mother’s Birthday.† Kei wanted to make Mother a card which she did.† She wrote on it and so did I.† She addressed it to :

Me <which is how my Mother always signed everything!>

0 Heaven Street

Anywhere, Anytime.

She climbed up in the tree to attach it.† I guess she thought the tree was closer to Heaven.

We were cutting up watermelon, which I love!† Kei honestly flipped a piece on top of her head!† I was laughing so hard and screaming, “Don’t move, Don’t move”.† She said, “I know I know, the camera for the blog right?”† It was so funny.


Our hummingbird feeders got invaded by Honey bees.† I couldn’t believe it.† They were everywhere.† My brother said it was so dry that all the flowers have died and there is no nectar so they are getting it from the sugar water.

Nectar Searching Bees....

Daddy bought us a new hammock for our stand but unfortunately it didn’t fit our stand.† Kei and I made a new swing for her with it.† She is loving it.

Hanging Around

Today when we went to church Kei had so many silly bandz on I almost said something about it.† Then I remember me in the 80’s wearing bangles from my wrist to my elbow.† I told her they were awesome. 🙂

Silly Silly Bandz

We are looking forward to this week.† I finished her lesson plans just a bit ago.† If you haven’t already check out http://www.currclick.com They are giving away 20 freebies for Pirate Week.† Just click around and find the ‘treasure chests’.† There are some great freebies!!!† Here are some hints for where they are hidden.† Enjoy!

Starting on the home page: www.currclick.com

1. Pirate banner (top of page)
2. Bottom of page
3. Top 100 products (right side of page)
4. Free Stuff (left side of page)
5. Follow your favorites (click notices on left side of page)
6. About CurrClick
7. Quick Start Guide/ FAQ’s
8. Troubleshooting
9. Contact us
10. Privacy Policy
Starting in Account:
11. View or change account settings
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15. View all products I’ve purchased with download links
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19. Wishlist

Have a wonderful, blessed week!

“Living is learning and when kids are living fully and energetically and happily they are learning a lot, even if we don’t always know what it is. ”
~John Holt

Circles, Birthday and Coming Home…

I spent my 20ís married.† Young, broke at first, silly, thinking I knew it all but in reality knowing nothing.† We lived like young, cool, hip twenty-somethings.† Had an awesome modern cool house that everything matched down to the napkins.† Had friends galore, partying like there was no tomorrow, living for the moment, not taking time to stop and look around, not appreciating all I had.

I spent my 30ís searching.† Grasping after the elusive love that I just knew was out there.† Supporting myself, working 3 jobs at times, making ends meet.† Moved to California with a boy who I thought would complete me.† Got a job at the coolest place on earth.†† Just knew I was a California girl trapped in an Alabama girlís body.† Living for the moment, not taking time to stop and look around, not appreciating all I had.

My 40ís were rediscovery.† Changing everything I ever thought was important.† Priorities changed, I moved back home, to where I belonged all along. †What a clichÈ right?† I had to travel to the other end of the country to finally realize that here is where I should be.

I then became the best thing I have ever been; a Mommy.

I finally trust in my God to know what is best for me.† All along He had this plan.† I wonder how many times he shook his head and wondered if I would ever get it.† When I pray, I thank Him for my journey. All the ups and downs and mistakes.† †I know that without it I would not be where I am today.

I finally understand that this moment is important.† †This flower, this butterfly, this starry filled night.† Who cares if there is dust under the bed or the pillows are all on the floor ?† I take Keiís hand and we dance in the kitchen not caring that our socks are dirty when we are done.† We roll around on the bed with Nomad not caring that the dog hair is flying all around us.† We go down to the creek and slip around in slimy algae not caring that our clothes are wet and yucky.† We watch movies all day long, snuggled on the couch, and not do one other single thing.† We speak with a British accent all day and let the dishes pile up in the sink.† When Kei is grown, these are the memories I want her to cherish.

I lay outside in the hammock last night and looked up at the stars.† I wondered if 40 years ago I lay in the same place, in this same house and looked up at the same stars and wondered where my life would take me?† Never would I have believed it would come full circle.† That I would end up here, where I began.

That I would be on this amazing journey with MY child, educating her at home. ††Living a life full of laughter and love and learning and secret handshakes and dances and made up songs and hugs and kisses and sad penguin waddles and laughing until it hurts and amazing friends and a church that is so important to us and a silly yellow Lab that we adore.

Today is my Motherís birthday.† She always wanted only one thing for me; happiness.† I think she must be in Heaven, smiling down, secure in the knowledge that finally, after all the twists and turns and drama and craziness of my life; she got her wish.

Happy Birthday Mother.

Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.

~Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Epic Church, Fun Learning & Nature’s Beauty…

Wednesday night we had convergence at our church.† We don’t have enough room for all of us at our building so we go to The Princess Theater.† It was amazing as usual.† I love our church and it has made SUCH a difference in Kei and I’s life.† Truly.

Kei had gotten a new shirt/jacket that she had to wear.† I reminds me of a jacket I had in the 80’s!!† Wish I had kept things like that.

We started off having children’s dedications.† It was so sweet.† Kei and I participated in it a couple of years ago. Everyone in the entire place prayed for these amazing kids and their parents.† Then our band played.† Our band ROCKS!

We did some really cool things this week lesson wise.† We are working on fractions in Math.† Right now I am using Math Mammoth Fractions.† I also have Life of Fred which we love!

In Science we are doing Physics for 3 months.† We are learning about forces and energy.† I found a GREAT free download based on 2D Physics.† Kei plays with this for hours.† It is called PHUN. She told me the other day, “Mom I bet you $1 I can make a machine that writes a “K”.† She did and I happily paid her $1.

We are using Story of The World for history.† I started out using that, then last year we did US History up until reconstruction.† Kei wanted to go back to Ancient this year.† We love SOTW.† We have the audio version and she listens to the chapters.† We even listen to it in the car.† We also got the activity guide which is SO worth it.† We also use Evan Moor History Pockets. These are the coolest things we have almost ever done.† Fun, hands on projects.

For writing I make Kei do a report once a week.† She turns in a rough draft and I correct it and she redoes it.† It can be on any subject and she has to have 2 resources.† So far she has done cooking and dogs.† :)† I have never made her do a spelling program because she would make 100 and promptly forget how to spell it.† This† year we are using Sequential Spelling and we both really like it.† There is a spelling ‘test’ ever day but it takes us about 5 minutes.† It makes sense so she remembers it so much better.† I can tell such a difference in her spelling.

For Geography I put all the countries of the world in a big glass bowl.† She draws one out each Monday.† She does a COUNTRY REPORT 2010 that I made up and also looks up images during the week.† I want her to really see how the people live.† How the children live.† How they are like and not alike.† We have 2 of the most amazing books that we also use for Geography.† One is called What the World Eats. It is a fascinating look at what the average family in different countries spend on food and what they buy.† The other is our favorite.† It is Material World: A Global Family Portrait. I had it in my cart for months and finally just ordered both of them.† We love them. It really makes you appreciate what you have when you see how most of the world lives.

I also made a jar with about 200 random questions.† She draws out a question every day and has to find the answer online.† I think knowing how to search is really important.† It is one of her favorite parts of her day.

We are using Live Mocha for Spanish.† She has only done a few lessons but really likes it.† We do critical thinking about 3 times a week.† We are doing Monet in Art right now.†† We read a biography about him and read Linnea in Monet’s Garden and watched a video from Netflix.† I couldn’t homeschool without Netflix!† This upcoming week we are going to try our hand at water lilies.† I am doing the drawing along with Kei.† I have always sucked at drawing but I still am loving it.† I am actually learning some techniques that I never knew.† We also do some Photography.† I just give her an assignment and she shoots away.

Friday’s we don’t do ‘lessons’.† We have, what we call “Fun Fridays”.† This past Friday we went on a hike and a picnic.† We took Nomad.† It was a really awesome day.† The only ‘bad’ thing is that we hooked Nomad on a post while we went inside to the bathroom.† When we came out his empty leash was laying there!† We freaked out but finally got him.† Kei calls him Houdini Dog.

The Beginning

Ah-ah-AHHHH, ah AHH.....

Bridge Over Lilies

If A Tree Falls in the Forest...

Me & The Dog

Muscadine and Kei in the Background

Rest Time..

After Flint Creek we went over to the Wild Life Refuge for our picnic and more hiking.

Hiking is Thirsty Work...

Monet in the Making...

We didn’t see any ducks but we saw some beautiful cranes. Some of the telescopes are on the second floor so Nomad climbed his first stairs.† No problemo.† Coming down was a different matter.† He laid down and went on strike.† Finally we got him to come down.† It was so cute.


Every time we go to the Refuge we take a “picture of Mommy and Kei on a rail post”.

Me & My Girl...

I think it is supposed to cool off a little next week.† I hope so.† I am so ready for fall!† Fall was always my Mother’s favorite time of the year.

Be blessed,

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.† Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.† The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.† ~John Muir


Everyone has their own “where were you story”.† This is mine.

I lived in California at the time.† My phone rang and I was still asleep.† It was my Mother, from Alabama.† She said, “Turn the TV on”.† I grumbled and mumbled about her waking me up so early.

I stumbled into the den and turned on the TV.† I saw the North Tower on fire.† I asked my Mother, “what happened”.† She said a plane had flown into the tower.† As she and I were on the phone talking, we watched together, from opposite ends of the country, the 2nd plane crash.† I don’t really remember exactly what happened next.† I do remember calling a couple of people in Cali.† I knew most of them, like me, would be asleep.

Ever since Kei was old enough to understand we have talked about it.† I have shown her videos and songs and movies.† She told me today, “Mom I think I would have run away if I was a firefighter.† I don’t know if I could have gone into that building.”† I told her of course she would have.† We are strong when we have to be.† It is how most of of are made.

No matter what I show her,† there is no way to convey the ‘feeling’.† I felt like a zombie for several days, everyone did.† It shook us to our very core.† It changed us as a nation.

It was the main reason I moved back home.† I wanted to just be home.† I left California in October.† I remember how different the airports were.† How my best friend couldn’t walk me to the gate, how there were guards with guns everywhere.† I don’t remember being nervous about flying, even though flying isn’t my favorite thing.† I just wanted to be home.

Today as we sat and watched videos on YouTube it is still just as horrifying.† We still gasp as we watch the 2nd plane, as we see people jumping to their death, as we see firefighters covered in ash, I still cry.

So much has changed in my life since that September 11th day.† I am home, my sweet Mother is gone, I have the most wonderful child in the world.† But sometimes I wonder what I and everyone else lost that day….

God bless and be with everyone today who lost someone in 9/11, everyone who was affected by this tragedy, which is pretty much everyone in the world….

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rubber Bands, Tents, Caterpillars, Cocoons and Puppy Love…

Something dreadful happened Saturday.† It was unthinkable!† I could not believe it.

Now, it wasn’t as horrible as the great football debacle of ’08 when Kei turned to me while watching Alabama football and said, “Did he just score a homerun?” but it was close.

I picked up a rubber band and sneakily fired it at her [taking great care NOT to aim at her face of course].† After it hit the mark perfectly she screamed and picked it up and fired it back.† It went 1″ and fell on the floor.† I laughed, thinking that she had just had a misplaced finger but NOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo.† My child, my beautiful child, did not know how to shoot a rubber band.† I immediately took her outside and taught her my secrets and tricks handed down through generations.

She caught on quickly and proceeded to beat me at the infamous, “Knock Down the Diet Dr. Pepper Bottle” game.† Alas, I taught her too well.

The Technique

2 Points for the Noob!

She then got several of my sheets and built a tent worthy of a Sultan. This was a mulit colored, tied to the trees and hammock, flappy flaps everywhere kinda tent.

Assembling the Tent

She had to rest for awhile due to the high stress factor of the job.

5 Minute Break

Finally it was finished, complete with a sky light.


Kei found a caterpillar this weekend.† Look how beautiful it was.† It was so fat that we thought it was going to POP!

Fat Caterpillar

The next morning Kei yelled for me to come look at “Tinkerbell” [yes we name EVERYTHING around here!].† Can you see her?† Due to the fact that we did not ever look up to see if indeed caterpillars have gender, we call her “HER” ok?

All bundled up...

We can’t wait to see what beautiful thing it will become.

We played a lot with Nomad.† Ah Nomad…what can I say?† He barks like crazy, he drives us nuts, he licks us all over, he almost pulls our arms out of the socket, he spills† his water on the floor, he chews everything in sight, he chases the wind, he jumps up on the counter,† he bites our toes and butts and fingers, he smells like..well like a DOG; but my girl loves him to pieces. [and so do I]

Playing Frisbee

Water and a Pep Talk

Playing in the Sun

Jumping for the Frisbee

This was also a hot dog grilling, hamburger eating, laying in the hammock, reading out loud, watching TV, sleeping late, laughing until our sides hurt weekend.† It was perfect.

Be blessed,

We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.† ~Stacia Tauscher

Giant Bubbles, COOKIES, & Picnics in the Park…

Last week was a great week.† We went back to our regular homeschooling [and punted Time 4 Learning].† It isn’t that we didn’t like it, I just felt very removed from Kei’s learning.

First of all, we made Giant Bubbles and has such a blast.† I got the instructions here.

Here’s what you need to do— get two thin wooden dowels, two eye hooks and a metal washer ring. For the string, you’ll need to use cotton cord.† Cotton works the best because it soaks up the bubble solution, if you use a synthetic cord, it will only repel the solution.

There are many online resources for making your own giant bubble solution. Most call for water, Dawn dish soap and glycerin.† However, we didn’t have Dawn or glycerin— so I just put some water in a bucket, added a liberal dose of our regular dish soap, a little bubble solution that we had voila’… it worked perfectly!

We bought one long dowel at Wal-Mart and cut gently with a saw broke it in half and just hammered the string right onto the dowel.† It was pretty easy because the wood was soft.† One piece of string is 35 inches, and the second piece is twice as large at 70 inches.

I didn’t think it was going to work because it took quite a few tries for the bubbles to ‘start’ coming.† It was a fun little thing to do. You are never too big for bubbles!

Kei made some cookies too.† She loves to decorate cookies.† She just made a few; a duck, a hand and a foot [complete with rings], a dog and dog bone, a cowboy hat and boots and some stars.† Too cute and delicious too!† She ate the hat and I ate the boots.† YEE HAW!
Kei and I have a game night at least once a week, sometimes twice.† This week we played “Life”.† I hate that game!† It is boring to me but Kei likes it.† She was mad that you HAD to get married.† She was all like, “What if I don’t WANT to get married????!!!”.

the Game of...Life?

We also played Uno.† Look at her poker face!

P P P Poker Face...

We met friends at the park on Thursday.† It was such a beautiful day!† We brought out lunch [smoked turkey with lettuce and garden vegetable cream cheese on spinach tortillas, carrots and homemade cheese straws] and hung out for a few hours.† It was a blast.

Kei took my camera and made tons of pictures.† She has such a good eye.† These are a couple of my favorites.
Kei Railroad Crossing

Bumble Bee.. Up Close and Personal

Friday was our HS groupís 1st Skate Day.† We had over 150 kids there!!!† Homeschooling is just growing by leaps and bounds.† I also won the door prize!!† It was funny because they always let Kei pick.† I told her very loudly, ìWay to go, just like we practicedî. ;) I won some scented rocks, oil and the best thing of allÖ.a $25 gift certificate to Creative Learning Connection.† Woot!

Photo by Esther Crawford

She had to, of course, put on a little dance medley she choreographed.† She wore the heels that Marlene had bought her for a couple of songs.† There is no way I could dance in these suckers!

Heel Skillz...

Today was the most amazing weather day.† When I woke up to take Nomad out it was CHILLY.† It was a perfect day.† We went to The Dream Center to volunteer for about 4 hours.† First we went out into the community to give some information about The Dream Center.† What they do is twice a month they prepare a wonderful meal and have a sermon and fellowship.† They have a bus to bring the non drivers to the Center.† We also gave them bread and candy for the kids.† We saw so many people who had financial, health and other problems.† I was reminded of what my Mother always said, “But by the grace of God, go I”. We both just loved it and felt such a connection and God just oozing out of that place.

This afternoon we saw a salamander [we thought it was a salamander] and tried to capture it.† Unfortunately our net had a hole in it thanks to the CRAZY dog!

Salamander...I think?

Great week.† Ahhh we are so blessed.† So utterly blessed.

Have a lovely weekend,

“Architect Frank Lloyd Wright told how a lecture he received at the age of nine helped set his philosophy of life: An uncle, a stolid no-nonsense type, had taken him for a long walk across a snow-covered field. At the far side, his uncle told him to look back at their two sets of tracks.
“See, my boy,” he said, “how your foot prints go aimlessly back and forth from those trees, to the cattle back to the fence and then over there where you where throwing sticks? But notice how MY path comes straight across, directly to my goal. You should never forget this lesson!”
“And I never did,” Wright said, grinning. “I determined right then not to miss most things in life, as my uncle had.”

My Mommies, My Friends, My Family…

As we start our 4th year homeschooling I was thinking about friends.† Over the years I have had many friends.† High school friends, college friends, married friends, best friends, girlfriends, talk all night friends.† As a woman I feel very blessed to have great friends.† I honestly do not think men have the same kind of friendships and I feel sorry for their loss.

When we begin homeschooling I didn’t really worry about the whole ‘socialization’ thing.† Kei is hugely outgoing and makes friends wherever she goes. My best friend was in California but I knew we could still keep in touch.† I wasn’t concerned.

We joined our HSing group and I met some of the most amazing women in the world.† There is a group of 6 or 7 of us who get together usually at least once a week.† It is a group with common goals; they want the best for their children.† They have listened to me, cried with me when my Mom died, played Santa when I was laid off, brought us food, laughed and laughed, talked for hours, jumped for joy at my triumphs, lifted me up when I was way down, gone on some of the most amazing adventures, had spend the night parties with, shared ideas, recipes, advice from everything from kids to dogs, been the best friends ever!

What makes this so wonderful is that these same Moms are also my daughter’s best friends Moms.† When Kei was in PS, I was homeroom Mom.† I never got to know the Moms.† They would breeze in when we had a party to bring whatever I asked them to bring. <usually the same few moms> and breeze out.

My HS friends, hopefully, will be there until the end.† We will go through it all together.† I am so truly blessed to have these amazing women in my life.

If I had to offer advice for new HSers, it would be to find a group.† Our HS group has over 100 members.† No they aren’t all my best friends but I found the place where we belong.† You will too. Find your group, your place, your niche.† It will make this ride so much sweeter.

Be Blessed,

“I get by with a little help from my friends.”
– John Lennon

I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.
Robert Brault

Walks, Playbills & Bliss…

Kei painted this old piece of paneling we had outside.† She wanted it to reflect the plays she and Nomad have performed.† That poor dog has been a flower, a rabbit, a dragon, a soccer player and more.

Working on the Playbill

It turned out quite† cute.

More Plays to Come...

We had to take Kei’s laptop to the Apple Store.† I am such a geek I took a picture of my name up on the board. 🙂

Name in "Lights"

Kei spent the night with Livvy on Friday and I spent the night laying around watching “The Closer”. I just love that show.† Kei and I go around saying “Thank you, Thank you very much” in our most Southern accent.

We went on a walk with our church group on Saturday morning.† It was so nice outside!† Come on FALL.† I am ready.

Kei and Livvy

A few months ago, after we had gotten Nomad “THE dog”, I checked out a book from the library called “A Big, Little Life: A Memoir of a Joyful Dog”. It was by Dean Koontz who I have always liked. I couldn’t believe that I was reading a dog book.† It was delightful.† I ending up reading most of it to Kei and we both fell in love with Trixie the Golden Retriever.

I just ordered “Bliss to You: Trixie’s Guide to a Happy Life” on audio and we have been listening to it.† Trixie has died by the time this 3rd book came out, but is still channeling through Dean Koontz.† Trixie is a very smart, wise, funny dog.† This book is all about BLISS.† Kei and I have been having a lot of conversations about “Bliss”.† The dictionary defines it as “supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment”.† There is much talk from Trixie about how we live such stressful lives and we just don’t take time to stop swimming and go to the shore and just rest.

Kei and I have decided we are two lucky girls.† We just don’t have much stress in our lives.† Now don’t get me wrong, I have had stress in the past.† Laid off from my job, my sweet Mother dying, my Daddy having his heart attack,† worried about bills and food and if I was going to be able to continue homeschooling Kei.† But…our lives are good.† We do live “stop and slow down” lives.† We don’t rush around crazy <well not most of the time>.† There is no early morning meltdowns as we get Kei ready for school every morning.† No lost homework, <LOL I couldn’t even type that word : my fingers just typed “homeschool”>, no “Where is my backpack?”, “Where is my lunch?”, no racing out the door with seconds to spare, no picking Kei up from school and going home and doing 3 hours of work, no rush to cook dinner and clean up and take baths and go to bed; only to get up and do it all over the next day.

Yes I still have stress and strife and problems but we don’t live a stress FILLED life.† We wake up slowly.† We start our day with quiet and 99% of the time, happiness.† We lounge around some days, in our pj’s.† We cook breakfast when we are hungry. † If Kei works for an hour and wants to go swing, she does.† If we want to read a book, we do.† If she just ‘needs’ a Mommy hug or a doggie hug, she gets it.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring, what is lurking around the corner.† But…at this moment, at this particular time in our lives, we have achieved bliss. See what lucky girls we are?

Be blessed,

ìDonít struggle against life. Float with it. Be buoyant. You wonít sink unless you expect toî
~quote by Trixie Koontz, dog.

Monologues, Fairy Houses & Roamie Friends…..

What a great few days!† Kei had a production of sorts on Saturday night.† Our children’s theatre group was doing a little show called “Front Porch”.† It was mostly teenagers and adults but 2 girls danced and Kei did a monologue.† She did an amazing job!† Here it is.† It is about 2 minutes long. 🙂

Kei Quilters AUDIO

She did it in a HUGELY Southern accent and it was so funny.

She has spent a lot of time this week working on her fairy houses.† She has made fairy houses since she was little.† Here is a picture of her at 6.† She still gets just as dirty!

She is building a entire city now.† Here is the hotel.

This is the restaurant complete with plates of food.

This is a delicious fairy treat she made with water and spearmint from our garden.

Liv spent the night and the girls had a blast as usual. There were plays to be put on, fairy houses to work on, knitting needle fights <fully supervised by me of course>, dress up and Liv went with us to Kei’s “Front Porch” and to church. Fun times.

Kei took some pictures of herself jumping off the chair. Thank goodness she didn’t cut her head off on the ceiling fan!† I would have had to rush her to the hospital <after pictures were made of course> 😉
We went to Heather’s house for lunch and a swim party.† I just love to be with my Roamies!† We always have a blast.

Kei took “Out of Focus” pictures this week.† I loved this one.
Now I know you are thinking, “That all looks great Karen, but when did you actually “HOMESCHOOL”.† That is one of the great things about HSing.† We were able to do Kei’s ‘school work’ and have plenty of time for play!
Homeschooling Rocks!

ìThere is no difference between living and learning… it is impossible and misleading and harmful to think of them as being separate.î ~ John Holt

A/An A/Typical Day…..


Wake up at 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 whenever she rolls out of bed.

Gets dressed in cute outfit picked out the night before, whatever is clean on the floor, whatever is just on the floor.

Eats breakfast, full of nutritional goodness, pop-tart, leftover pizza, a squirt of whipped cream.

Sits down to a second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour helter skelter day of lesson plans.


Most days she gets up between 8:00-9:00.† Most days I either cook her breakfast, she cooks breakfast or she grabs something quick.† Most days her clothes are cute and match.† Most days I have her lesson plans all planned out and she gets right to work.


that is one thing I love about homeschooling.† No 2 days are ever exactly the same.† We do try to get up at somewhat the same time, but if she stayed up the night before working on a play, writing a song, playing Webkinz; we sleep a little bit longer.

If we had a unexpected snowfall, we take the day off.† If she is doing a play, we may take a week off.† We get our ‘days’ in, but we do it using our time frame not some government issued “you must go to school for 180 days” kinda schedule.

We are always ready for an adventure.† We can follow rabbit holes, stop and read a great story, do an impromptu experiment, wander down to the creek to see if those little fish have gotten any bigger, take the dog on a walk, ride our bikes, look at dog spit through the microscope, run get the flower book and see exactly what that strange purple flower is, have a picnic under the trees, add a mailbox to the tree-house, spend hours looking at clouds and finding pictures, visit with the awesome ladies who live next door and have taken Kei under their wings, have a tickle war, dance through the house.

There are days I want to scream.† Days she isn’t jumping up and down about doing Math.† Days she ‘hates Grammar”.† Days that it is too much, too overwhelming.

But…there are more days that are† magic.† Days that are wonderful.† Days that are special and shiny and unforgettable. Memories etched in both of our hearts and minds that we would never have if she was in public school for 8 hours a day.

When I first started homeschooling, I said, “When it is all said and done, I want Kei to say, “”I had a magical childhood””.† That is still what I want.

Homeschooling, it is the best thing I have ever done.


Musings from a Single Mommy

One day, Not tomorrow but soon.
There will be no toys scattered all over the house,
The television, radio and YouTube will not be blasting simultaneously from your room
There be no little pieces of cut up paper on the floor from your latest projects
The fridge will be bare of drawings and calendars filled with activities
There will be no constant chatter as you play out your latest scenarios with your dolls
Your room will be clean, perfect, picked up
There will be no dirty dishes in the sink that seem to multiply all by themselves
I will wash clothes once a week
There will be no singing coming from the shower
There wonít be lights left on in every room
There will not be huge stacks of library books hiding in every corner
Dinner will consist of a warm up meal
There will be no endless questions, ìWhy not, who, when, Can we?î
I will always get to watch exactly what I want to watch on TV
There will never be a race to see who can get to the phone first
The bathroom will never have wet towels lying around
My days will consist of no searching for the best homeschool lesson plans
I will stop looking out the window in the morning to see your chipmunk Chippy is there
The patio will have no balls, sprinklers, games, baseball gloves, bats scattered about
The house will be quiet, organized, a place for everything and everything in its place
One day,
Not tomorrow but soon
Sounds lonelyÖÖ

Hop on over to the “Not Back to School Blog Hop” and check out more “Typical” Homeschooling Days…

“Normal is boring!”
Me to Kei, “You are so weird sometimes”. Kei to me, “Why thank you”.

Charlie Brown, Shooting Stars, & Garden Stones…

Now that I am living in my Momma’s house, I run across various pictures of me when I was a little girl. School pictures that I always seem to look uncomfortable and awkward in, pictures of my brothers and I, the occasional picture of my Mother and I. I cherish these glimpses back into my life as a child.

Kei will never have the problem of not having enough pictures of her when she was young. I use my camera everyday. I am not a great photographer, but I have such an adorable subject I don’t even need to be a pro.

That being said, here are my offerings for last week. 🙂

Kei and I went to see “Your a Good Man Charlie Brown”. The kids did an amazing job on it! Leah directed and did Charles Schulz proud. We were especially proud of Shane in the lead role.

Charlie Brown

Friday night we went to a slumber party/Perseid Meteor Shower.† Don’t you just love having sleep overs?† There were 19 of us and the kids and adults had a blast.† Except for my whole ‘bruised rib’ incident that I won’t go into.

Photo by Matt Crawford

The kids had a blast as always!


We saw several meteors.† It was beautiful.† The skies were cloudy but cleared up.† It was just breathtaking and we oohed and ahhed like it was a fireworks display.

Photo by Matt Crawford

The moms woke up early and sat and talked while the kids and Matt stumbled in one by one.† It was a great time!!† I love our friends and the fact that they all homeschool just makes it that much better!

We started our 2nd week of Homeschooling Monday.† We are loving Time 4 Learning. I am supplementing it with all kinds of hands on projects.

Kei spent an afternoon making a Garden stone.† Then I had the bright idea of using a frisbee for the mold for a plain one.† It was awesome until we actually tried to take it out of the mold.† Broke…but Kei made it work.

Mix well...

She explained to me why she ‘ran’ the colors together.† She said in nature everything† combines together.


Broken but Beautiful

Wonderful times, wonderful friends, wonderful memories.

Be Blessed,

ìWhen it is darkest, men see the stars.î ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

School Photos, Homeschool Girl Style…..

Welcome to our “School Photos”.† I am a single mom homeschooling my 10 year old.† This is our 4th year of† homeschooling.† It is the best thing I have EVER done!

Kei is a girl of God, messy room cleaner who would rather explore the creek than clean, baker and a cook, Homeschool Girl, library junkie, lover of all things science and history and Math, loving a yellow lab, learning-to-love reading, a sometimes reality show junkie, WebKinz playing, tree house playing, guitar learning, movie loving,† talking in the dark, country girl wanna be, musicals and plays loving, Wii playing, playing in the rain, singing, fairy house building, dress up and make believe, champion of the underdog, delightful, strong willed, lover of the Earth and all things on it,† kinda chick.

ìWhile we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.î

Not Back to School Blog Hop
If I had my child to raise all over again,
I’d build self-esteem first, and the house later.
I’d finger-paint more, and point the finger less.
I would do less correcting and more connecting.
I’d take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I’d take more hikes and fly more kites.
I’d stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
I’d do more hugging and less tugging.
~Diane Loomans, from “If I Had My Child To Raise Over Again”

Dragons, 1st Day of School, Tails??!!!…

Still hot.† Still trying to stay cool.† Still failing miserably.† We tried water, lots of water in various forms.


We also introduced Nomad to a huge chunk of ice.† He loved it.† Me?… I just can’t imagine lying on my stomach in ice no matter how hot it is!


Kei got a new shirt that we both ADORE!† We are so totally geek girls.† Isn’t this the cutest?

Geeks Geeks!

We started school today!† The PS started today too. That is where the similarity ended I am sure. :)† Kei wanted me to get her up at 5:30 AM!† Ummm NOT.† I made her pancakes for breakfast.† She shared with Nomad. [minus the syrup]

Back to School Pancakes!

Kei bought Nomad a Dragon costume for “Halloween” she said.† Although the poor doggie has had it on twice so far.

ASPCA anyone???

After school Kei and Nomad put on a play.† She used a mix of songs and changed the words around.† It was TOO funny!† Nomad was not very into it.† I think the whole ‘big green thing on his head’ confused him.

I debated putting this next little tidbit on because I just hate to fuel the fire of “Strange Homeschoolers”.† But…Kei would be weird no matter what.† 🙂 She tells me at least once a week she wishes she had a TAIL!† A real tail.† An animal TAIL.† I get flashbacks of† Jason Alexander’s tail in “Shallow Hal”.† <shivers>† She made a tail today and fastened it on and was so happy.† I mean…so HAPPY!† Should I seek professional help for her about this?????

Oh My...

I had gotten Kei a free LEGO kit that I saw on a blog this summer.† It wasn’t a very big set, but FREE is FREE.† It came today and they included some challenges.† One of them was to use all the LEGOS so there were exactly 100 ‘bumps’ showing.† Kei worked and worked on it.† She would get 98, 103, 95 and finally she got it!† She was so geeked.

A wonderful start to what we hope is a glorious school year!

Hope your year rocks!

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mohandas Gandhi

Pink Moths, Monastaries & Notebooks

Hot Hot Hot!

We live near the high school and we can hear the football team practicing.† How do they do it?† In pads?† and helmets?† When it is 100∞!† I would be surprised if they aren’t dropping like flies.† <insert lyrics to “Drop it Like Its Hot” here>

Kei has gotten her notebooks ready for school.† She needed 13!† We are both so ready for school to ‘start’ back.† We are starting Monday the 9th.

Notebooks Galore!

I found this beautiful moth in our yard.† I have never seen anything like it.† After some research we found out it is a Pink Spotted Hawk Moth.† Lovely…

Pink Spotted Hawk Moth

We went swimming at Cathy’s.† It was great to see our friends.† I hate going more than a few days without getting together!

Roamie Kids

Livvy spent the night with Kei.† They have made the decision for her to go to PS.† It makes Kei very sad but I know she will shine there.† And the girls will still hang out.† We can’t go long without seeing Livvy.† They played and swam and stayed up until the wee hours of the morning.

Night Time Swimming

The next morning they were telling me something that happened and Nomad came up and joined them in a line.† I told them they reminded me of the scene in “The Sound of Music” where all the kids lined up.

Lined Up!

Kei and I went to Our Lady of the Angels Monastery. It was so beautiful.† Breathtakingly beautiful.† From the minute we stepped foot on the grounds there was a feeling of peace.† I would love to go back when it wasn’t 103∞ in the shade.

Kei at the Map

Ka Entrance

Kei reading about Francis of Assisi

We didn’t know we couldn’t wear shorts and sleeveless shirts.† They provide clothes for you to wear in the Church.† We tried to get a picture of us in the bathroom.

You couldn’t take pictures in the Church.† It was AMAZING.† BEAUTIFUL.† All the gold, and there was a lot of gold, is REAL!† Here is a picture I found online


There is also a picture of the Shroud of Turin.† Whether or not you believe it is the real deal, it was amazing to see.† I just sat and cried.


Crown of Thorns

The grounds were beautiful also.† We saw the gardener and I told him that I didn’t see how he stood it in this heat.† His response, “I am just so thankful that I have a job”.† I love optimistic people!


There was this little chapel with the Manger scene.† Kei wanted to light a candle for my Mother.† I told her I didn’t think God would mind that we weren’t Catholic.† When she lit it I said, “Momma I hope you are dancing and running and singing and laughing”.† I still miss her everyday.

Kei lighting Candle

The gift shop was in this awesome castle.† It was huge and Kei saw a statue of Mary.† She could not believe it was $3100.

Kei at the Gift Shop door

Awesome Door Handles

Kei at the Main Church

We brought a picnic lunch but there was nowhere to eat unless you were in the blazing sun.† We decided to try to find somewhere else to eat.

On the way out we saw a house consumed by kudzu!† It was so cool looking.† We hoped that a family wasn’t trapped inside!† If you aren’t from the South and don’t know about kudzu, legend is that if you leave a baby in the yard, the kudzu will grow around it.

Eep! Kudzu

We finally decided to go to Hurricane Creek to eat.† It was too hot to actually go hiking but they let us sit at a picnic table and eat.† Then Kei had to play on the rock climbing wall.

The guy showed us a hornet’s nest that he found.† It was HUGE.† I still shiver thinking about the hornets in that sucker!

Hornet's Nest

After we got home we decided to take Nomad on a ride.† He he loves riding in the car now.† Thank goodness because his psycho barking was driving me crazy every time we took him to the vet!

a girl and her dog...

We had a wonderful day.

Hope you did too!

ìSoutherners must close their windows at night to keep the kudzu outÖî

Quote from The Amazing Story of Kudzu

Hip Homeschool Hop


Check out the Homeschool Hop.

For some reason the “Hip Homeschool Hop” reminds me of an old rap song.

I said a hip hop,
Hippie to the hippie,
The hip, hip a hop, and you don’t stop, a rock it
To the bang bang boogie, say, up jump the boogie,
To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat.
Now, what you hear is not a test – I’m rappin’ to the beat,
And me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet.

Rappers Delight ~ Sugarhill Gang

While it was not the first single to feature rapping, it is generally considered to be the song that first popularized hip hop in the United States and around the world.† Wikipedia

I listened to it over and over on my record player wrote down the words; knew that sucker by heart!† I still bust out singing it sometimes.† Kei just shakes her head.


Water, Water; Epic Swim and Strumming…

I spent all winter complaining.† Whining about the freakishly cold weather we were having.† It snowed here!† Multiple times!† All anyone did was wah wah wah.† We are still ‘wahing’.† Now about how HOT it is.† Freakishly hot even for Alabama in August.† I mean, I hate to never be satisfied but seriously.† A month of 60∞ – 70∞ here and there.† Is that too much to ask?

Since it has been so hot most of what we have done has been around either the pool or the AC.† We went to Epic swim party Saturday at Kenny’s house. † It was too hot to sit by the pool!† You had to actually be in the water.

Epic Swim

Of course a break was taken for cake!

Cake YUM!

Kenny, our childrens’† pastor is so awesome.† He and his wife had 3 teenagers and adopted 5 kids!!† They were all brothers and sisters who didn’t want to be separated.† I so admire them for opening their homes and most importantly their hearts.


Kei spent some time strumming her guitar.† She is trying to learn “The House That Built Me” by Miranda Lambert. It is much more country than we usually like but it is such a beautiful song.† She still has the guitar she got when she was 6 from Santa.

Of course Kei and Nomad swam this week.† He seemed to like it a little more.† As much as he loves water, he doesn’t love the pool.† I know it is because he can’t find solid ground.† We put this big bucket in the pool and he seemed calmer.

Kei and Nomad

So August has started out with 101∞ weather.† August is always our hottest month.† Everyone stay inside and stay cool!

Have a wonderful rest of the week,

“How sociable the garden was.
We ate and talked in given light.
The children put their toys to grass
All the warm wakeful August night.”

-†† Thom Gunn, Last Days at Teddington

Grottos, Tennessee Letdown, Athens Squared…

Weekly Wrap Up

After being mentioned on Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers, my server was down for 3 days!† My 15 minutes of fame shot!

We had a great week even though the temperature is hovering around 100∞!!

The first of the week we went to Cullman to Ave Marie Grotto.† Actually we went to Cullman to buy Kei a Caterpillar Webkinz that she has been looking everywhere for.† Then we decided to go to the Grotto.

It is so fascinating there.† Kei hasn’t been there since she was 5 and she didn’t remember it except from the pictures. Their website says:

Known throughout the world as “Jerusalem in Miniature,” is a beautifully landscaped, four-acre park designed to provide a natural setting for the 125 miniature reproductions of some of the most famous historic buildings and shrines of the world. The masterpieces of stone and concrete are the lifetime work of Brother Joseph Zoettl, a Benedictine monk of St. Bernard Abbey. Begun as a hobby, with various materials he could find, and infinite patience and a remarkable sense of symmetry and proportion, Brother Joseph re-created some of the greatest edifices of all time.

It is mostly underneath trees so it wasn’t horribly hot. We talked to all the people working in the grotto and even talked to a man whose granddaughter goes to the Prep School.† It is grades 7-12.

I asked a lady if Kei could have her picture made with a monk.† She said, “Of course” and Kei whispered, “Mom this isn’t the Amish!”.† I didn’t know if it was some Monk rule about pictures!!

After the Grotto we walked around the Prep School.† They have a beautiful Catholic church that Kei had to check out.

When we were leaving we saw this doggie.† Of course Kei had to pet him.† When we got home I looked up the Prep School online and there was a picture of this same dog!!† It must be their mascot or something.† Wait…they are the “Saints”.† But it wasn’t a Saint Bernard….Hmmmm

We spent the next few days hanging around the house.† Kei swam and we cleaned up the HomeSchool room and cleaned out bookshelves.† I just can not bear to throw books away!!† Even when they are for K-3.† I mean, you just never know!!!

Kei had ballet lessons twice this week to make up for an earlier missed day.

I also got a shot of a wasp’s nest.† See the eggs?† I felt so bad knocking it down but it was in the building with my lawn mower and it was surrounded by wasps.† I apologized to the eggs while Kei laughed at me.

Wasp's Eggs

Today we decided to go on an adventure. Somewhere I had never been before.† I found this little town in Tennessee called Prospect.

The FANTASY: [From the webpage]

Prospect Historic Downtown

Entertainment museum (1890-1999), including a “silent movie” theater, a gristmill and an old-fashioned ice cream and pizza parlor. Free.

I mean come on!† Entertainment museum??!!!, gristmill!!!????, ice cream???!!!!, FREE???!!!.† We were so THERE!

We put Prospect, TN in our GPS and off we went.† After winding roads through very beautiful country, this is what we found.


Empty with a For Sale Sign

Locked up Tight

By this time we were laughing so hard I had to pull over.† It was one of those silly things that just kept getting funnier and funnier.† We saw a cemetery and Kei said to pull in because we may as well see something while we were there.† We thought this must have been used for hanging.† Doesn’t it just look like a ‘Hanging Tree”?

Hanging Tree

We did stop and buy lottery tickets so I guess if we win the $82 million the trip will not have been in vain. 🙂 We just went back to Athens and walked around their square.† It was really pretty and I had never taken Kei there.† She got a bottle cap necklace and some more silly bands.† And ice cream…there is always ice cream.

Ending up being a great day full of the best things: laughter, ice cream and jewelry. 🙂

Be blessed,

ìWandering† re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe.î Anatole France

Notebooks, Glue, Markers, Crayons, Paper, Oh My…

I love school supplies.† Love, love, love them.† We have gone around everywhere buying all the ‘deals’.† We have gotten tons of things.† I still need some binders but I will wait until they are on sale somewhere.

We are starting back school August 2.† We are both so excited!!

I have never done a “Post Your Curriculum” post but decided to give it a whirl this year.† If only to laugh hysterically in a few months to see how my plans have gone awry.

So without further ado….

Kei 5th/6th Grade 10 years old


Math, Language Arts, Science, History:† [We both LOVE this, it is almost no prep for me and after 3 years of pulling everything together the ease of this is awesome.† Kei loves it also]† I tried it 3 months last school year and we both adored it.

Here are some of the ëlessonsí for Time 4 Learning.


Generate Equivalent Forms of Decimals-Students will identify decimal place value and write the number in standard, written and expanded form.

Comparing and Ordering-Decimals-Students will compare and order decimals including using a number line.

Estimating and Rounding-Decimals-Students will round and estimate decimals in performing all four operations.

Language Arts:

Synonyms-The student will demonstrate knowledge by determining the meaning of synonyms from grade level appropriate vocabulary, by correctly choosing a given word or phrase that means the same thing, in reading activities that incorporate explicit instruction and application.

Prefixes-The student will be able to analyze and determine the correct meaning of a word, based on the prefix of the root word or how the prefix is used in the context of a passage.


Conduct Scientific Experiments-Design and conduct a scientific experiment within the generally accepted rules and ethics of science.

Structural Components of Atoms-Identify electrons, protons, and neutrons as basic structural components of atoms.


Johnson Reconstruction Plan-Describe President Johnson’s plan for Reconstruction and the importance of the Freedmen’s Bureau, Radical Republicans, and the attempted impeachment of Johnson.

New Voters of the South-Describe the new groups of voters in the South and how Congress protected them. Define the terms: freedmen, scalawags, carpetbaggers.

I have some workbooks:

Spectrum Writing: Grade 5

Reading Comprehension: Grade 5

I am also supplementing this with various other resources:

I really, really want Real Science 4 Kids.† I am still trying to justify actually buying it since money is always a concern of mine.† I have wanted this for 3 years so I think I will just get it!† I want the Level 1: Physics, Chemistry and Biology Bundle. I did buy Real Science Physics! We are so excited about it.

We use a lot of movies to go along with whatever we are studying.† We couldnít homeschool without Netflix.

I am using Simple Schooling. Her interactive studies are awesome!

I am planning lapbooks to go along with various History lessons.† [Mainly from Hands of a Child, a few I have pulled together]

I am using Sequential Spelling for Spelling.† This will be our first time with an actual spelling program.

I am using good typing for typing lessons a couple of times a week.† This is a free online typing program that I have just found.† She will also update her blog at least every other day.

She is on the 2nd Harry Potter book and will finish all of them before Christmas along with various other reading.

We are alternating Art, Music, Photography and Nature.† Each one 2x a week.

For Geography I put all the countries in the world into a container.† She draws one out each week to complete a COUNTRY REPORT 2010.† Also she is going to try to find one dish from each country for us to make each week.

I am debating on doing a foreign language.† I go back and forth between Spanish, Latin and French.† [She wants the French]

She has ballet lessons weekly and also does plays.† During a production there is practice 3x a week.† She swims, roller skates and ice skates during the school year.

There is a lot of free play.† She loves playing and pretending and putting on shows.† She is also responsible for the exercising of our now 4 month old lab.

Friday is our Fun Day.† We go on adventures, field trips, skating, and park days with our friends.

So there it is.† Our 2010-2011 year.† Can’t wait!

Happy week,

I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn. – Albert Einstein

Music, Plays and Socialization….

Weekly Wrap-Up

Kei is around friends all the time.† Anyone who mentions anything about ‘socialization’ and homeschooling obviously knows nothing about ‘OUR’ homeschooling.† I never remember doing so much with my friends when I was young.

Kei had Camp Princess last week and loved it so much.† She learned a lot and had a blast.

Mark Sellers who is from Decatur and a ‘star’ of sorts came to talk to them.† He was a dancer in Michael Jackson’s Thriller video and showed the kids the dance.† Kei was so THRILLED!


He also commented on Kei’s outfit and her boots.† She did look pretty darn cute.

Coolio Kei!

She got the only speaking line in their “Hard Knock Life”† and a little dance solo with 1 other girl and 2 other boys in the “Hairspray” number.† She was beyond excited.

Friday night was the ‘production’ and Daddy, Marlene, Suzette, Dave, Emily, Zachery, Esther, Matt, Jake, Chandler and Ben all came!!!† We were blown away that so many of our friends and family came to see Kei.† We have the best friends in the world.† We are so lucky to have found an extended family.

Picture by Esther Crawford

Afterward we went out to eat with all of our friends.† They had eaten so they all ate desert while Kei and I ate yummy calzones.

Livvy spent the night with Kei and as always they had a blast playing and talking into the night.

Kei and Livvy also put on a play.† Kei can’t spend more than a few hours with anyone without talking them into doing a play!

The Mandatory Play

Kei made an outfit for Nomad that was more like a straight jacket.† Poor Nomad suffers so many indignities for Kei.† Kei was laughing SO hard about it.

Get Me OUTTA Here!

We went to the Alabama Music Hall of Fame and Spring Park Tuesday.† The Music Hall of Fame was kinda cool.† None of us knew very many of the artists but it was still interesting.† The girls recorded a song “Eye of the Bison” about the infamous Bison vs. Suzette Incident.† We had a blast but it was so very hot.

Kids at Music Hall of Fame

Girls at Recording Studio

They also sang “Sweet Home Alabama”.

After the Hall of Fame we went to Spring Park.† The kids all rode the roller coaster about 100 times, rode the train, rode the carousel and played and talked.† It was a great day but very hot!

Kei and Brit on Ride #47ish

All the girls decided to come home with us.† It was a blast having 4 girls.† They talked and giggled and laughed and played.† Good times.

Just relaxing...

I had to clean and refill the pool but they managed to find a way to stay cool anyway.

Staying cool...

So in the last week, we were with friends and family about 5 days.† And that wasn’t an unusual week.† Socialization is such a NON ISSUE.

Tomorrow is supposed to be freakishly hot so we plan on staying inside and playing games.† Stay cool everyone!
Happy rest of the week,

The idea of learning acceptable social skills in a school is as absurd to me as learning nutrition from a grocery store.
~ Lisa Russell

Theatre, Theatre, Theatre…

Kei loves plays.† She has always been a bit of a drama queen, not in a “I want it my way” kinda way but in a “over the top with her emotions” kinda way.

Her Kindergarten teacher recognized this.† She told me that I should get Kei into plays.† She said her daughter had done it and she thought Kei would love it!† She sent home a newspaper clipping for Dreamweaver’s Childrens’ Theatre auditions for “Jungle Book”.† Kei wanted to audition so I let her.

The first time she tried out she sang “Tomorrow” from Annie.† I was so nervous I thought I was going to throw up.† She wasn’t nervous in the least.† She walked up there with her 6 year old self, in front of a huge room full of strangers and sang her little heart out.† She had to read lines and she not only delivered them perfectly but she even changed a word or two because, as she told me later, it made more sense that way.

She got her first role as a bumblebee.† In this play the kids stayed on stage the entire time.† Imagine 6, 7 and 8 years olds supposedly being still for 2 hours.† Kei didn’t move a muscle when she wasn’t supposed to.† Moms would ask me “How do you make her stay so still”? and I told them, “She just knows that is what she is supposed to do”.† She loved it so much.† My star was born.

Bumble Bee

Her next play was “101 Dalmatians”.† As always she knew the entire play within a couple of weeks.† She was a chihuahua . She spoke in a Spanish accent and was adorable.


Then she did “Sleeping Beauty”.† She was a yellow rose and did a beautiful dance with other roses.

Yellow Rose

Next came “Pocahontas”.† This was a great play.† She was a raccoon and she LOVED this part.† She especially like the furry tail.


The next play was “Seussical” which we loved, loved, loved!† It was such a great story and the cast was amazing as always.† Kei was Cindy Lou Who.† She was very excited to have a ‘named’ part.

Cindy Lou Who

The last play she has done was “Wonderland”.† This was a great play also.† We had so much fun on this one.† Kei had 2 roles, a Red Pawn and a Dixie Chicken.† She also had a costume change that she had to accomplish in 1:32 and freaked me out.† She had to change leotard, tights, clothes and even a wig!† She made it every time.

Dixie Chicken

Red Pawn

This morning Kei started acting camp.† It is a week long camp at the Princess and she was so excited.† She couldn’t even sleep last night.

Camp Princess

We have an amazing theatre group.† Dedicated, hard working people who do this because they love it; not for any monetary compensation.† Unfortunately they don’t have as much support in our city as they should.† I wish people would realize what a wonderful influence theatre is on children.

Kei has blossomed in the last few years in the theatre.† She loves it.† I love it.† I love the kids she interacts with.† I love the adults.† It makes me sad that there seems to always be money for athletics but not for arts.

“All the world’s a stage” ~ Shakespeare

ìI believe that in a great city, or even in a small city or a village, a great theater is the outward and visible sign of an inward and probable culture.î ~Sir Laurence Olivier

Support your local childrens’ theatre.

Have a great week,

Water, Dog Drama & A New Bumblebee

July is speeding by like a flash.† Lazy, hot days have been the norm this past week.† I wanted to relax and not have somewhere to be every day.† I am so lucky to work from home!

Kei and I didn’t do much this week.† We hung out at home and she and Nomad played in water a lot.† When it is 99∞ in the shade there must be water involved.† As hot as it is, I will take it any day over cold.

Water Water Everywhere...

Water Loving Doggie

Kei and Brit spent the night with Chan Wednesday night.† I almost lost and then almost killed Nomad.† Kei said she was never leaving me alone with him again!† He woke me up at 5:30 Thursday morning to go out.† I hooked him up on his run and stumbled back to bed.† I woke up about 8:00 and looked out and he was running around in the back yard LOOSE!† I almost fainted.† 2 1/2 hours he was running around.

I felt so bad that I brought him in and let him into my room.† He got into some medicine that I had dropped on the floor and freaked me out again.† I called the vet and she said he would be fine to just watch him.† While I was on the phone he crawled under the armoire which he is too big to fit under anymore and got stuck!† I almost never got him out.† I did manage to capture it on my camera.† Hey! I have my priorities!

Get Me OUTTA here!!!

My A/C went out late Wednesday and I think it was about 100∞ in my room.† Thursday the A/C guy came to check it out and I left Nomad outside.† He decided to eat my lounge chair.

The Chair that Was..

After buying a new A/C for $470 and paying $130 for the installation, it is finally not hot enough for a sauna in the house.

We are still reading “The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate” and it inspired Kei to get her microscope out.† She looked at creek water, a leaf and Nomad’s spit.

What could it be?

Kei has wanted that silly Pillow Pet for a month.† She has weeded gardens, dusted, cleaned bathrooms, picked up sticks from the yard, vacuumed, mopped and swept her little butt off for the money.† She finally got enough, $30.72, to order it from Amazon.† It came today.† She was a little excited.† I kidded her about it being for little kids but I really love how excited she still gets about things.† I think the world would be a much better place if all of us remembered our ‘childlike’ side.

It's HERE!!!

Bailey the Bumblebee

The rest of the week we have spent reading, playing with Nomad and just staying cool.

Doggie Kisses

Play Ball!

Me and the Dog

Noble Nomad

Last week, Kei gave Nomad a Barbie doll.† She had long, beautiful blond hair.† Kei now calls her “War Zone Barbie”.† She is pitiful looking.† Nomad loves her.† He has chewed 3 of her fingers completely off.† Now that is true love.

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder..

Kei is still taking pictures.† She has a really good eye, something I don’t really consider myself having.

Self Portrait..

Yellow Flower..

Orange Beauty

We need rain so badly. I hear thunder booming all around but only a few sprinkles.† Maybe tomorrow.

“Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain
beat upon your head with
silver liquid drops. Let the
rain sing you a lullaby.”

Langston Hughes

Happy weekend,

Piercings, Picnics, and Naked Barbies…

The United States is the only country with a known birthday.† ~James G. Blaine

Happy 4th of July!† It is hard to imagine how it was for our forefathers back in 1776.† How they must have felt finally being FREE.† I am not a believer in war, however at times I suppose it is necessary to growth.

We plan on celebrating quietly.† We hung out outside in the sun and played with Nomad.† We swam and played some board games.† Tonight we are going to grill out and shoot some fireworks. Kei spent 30 minutes making this water chair.† When she finally got on it I asked her, “What is the difference in just having in on the grass”? and she showed me by falling off of it into the water.

Water Chair

Kei shot a few last night to get prepared.

Pre 4th Fireworks

Nomad has a new favorite toy.† It is an old Barbie doll of Kei’s.† He loves it and carries it everywhere.† Kei said she needed to find him a Ken doll and I told her it was probably better if he tried to chew the head off the female one…right?

Barbie Love

This is a contraption we made him for alone time play.† I think we should patent it don’t you?

More Barbie Love...

Kei has been playing with her Little Pets a lot.† She got this idea to pierce their ears.† My Momma loved jewelry and had tons of it.† Kei found earrings and went to work. I about cracked up when I saw the ‘finished’ pets.

Oh La La....

Here is Hopper with her new earring.

One earring bunny...

More HOLEY Pets…

Here they are having a race up the washing machine.

And the Winner is...

I am so glad my child is easily amused.

Kei has been getting my camera and taking pictures.† She told me she really wanted to learn more about Photography.

Here are a few of her shots.† I thought she did really well.



Kei's Doggie

Kei and I have been having tea parties for years.† We wear flowery dresses, hats and drink from a hand painted tea set Kei made when she was about 5.† This was our 1st Tea Party in the new house.† We decided to have it in the rose garden.† I am always Miss Chamomile and Kei is Miss Sassafras.† Nomad was invited and he was Mr. Fluff.† We always speak in either British or very Southern accents. It was an interesting addition inviting Nomad.

Miss Sassafras

Mr. Fluff NOT cooperating...

Mr. Fluff drinking his tea..

Miss Sassafras and Mr. Fluff relaxing

Kei has been working on her treehouse.† It isn’t really a great tree for a treehouse. I tell her when I win the lottery I will get her a killer treehouse. Seth spent the night and he helped her work on it.† He put her in a seat.



We also went swimming at Cathy’s and ate lunch.† We had such a great day!

Just keep swimming...

On the way home Kei saw a turtle in the road and freaked out for me to get it.† I just knew either me, Kei or the turtle was going to end up smooshed but we all made it home safely.† Kei let the turtle out in our creek.

Sniffing it out...

The next day we went bowling shopping and some of the kids did the bungee jumpy thingy.


Thursday Kei and I went to see Eclipse.† We really liked it and I wouldn’t mind seeing it again.† I think it was my favorite Twilight so far.† We also saw the trailer for Deathly Hallows!!!

Kei and Johnny chillaxing...

Kei is responsible for changing our fishbowl every week.† I told her only, ‘Make it beautiful”.† This is this weeks.

Art in a bowl...

I am loving our summer, our new doggie and my girl.† I am blessed.

ìDon’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.î† Winnie The Pooh

Have a wonderful week.

Swinging, Swimming, Digging and Other Stuff…

Saturday night.† Kei is at a party and I am sitting here listening to silly pooch bark his head off.† The barking….please make the barking stop!

Kei went to a Luau and she was all lualed out.


Hanging Ten...???

Today was also Nomad’s 3 month birthday.† WalGreen’s were also having a “Bring Your Dog and Take Their Picture” Day.† Of course we were there bright and early.† Everyone was oohing and ahhing over Nomad and Kei was strutting around like a proud Mama.† The people at WalGreens said he was the best dog they had all day.† He jumped up and sat for his pictures.† All the other dogs were running around kinda crazy.† One lady told Kei she would have to come train her dog when Kei said “Sit” and Nomad sat. He really was the cutest thing in his bandanna.† Reminded me of when Kei was little and everyone would oooh and ahhh over her, but I never strutted, really, I didn’t….not much anyway

Kei and Nomad

When we got home we had to have a little party for him.† Kei put on his favorite song, “Who Let the Dogs Out” and they danced in their party hats.† I told her I wasn’t doing this EVERY month!!

Shaking it Doggie Style..

Kei has seen something on TV she MUST have.† It is a pillow pet [Do NOT click this link] and no matter how much I try to convince her it is for 3 year olds, she wants one.† I guess I should be happy she doesn’t want a push-up bra and a 6 pack!† I have told her that I was not giving her almost $30 for it so she made up a list of chores that she would do and get paid.† Her prices were ridiculously low so I had to adjust them to 2010 standards.† One thing is weeding which I DESPISE.† Yesterday she worked her little butt off weeding a flower garden.† It took her 2 1/2 hours.† She was supposed to get $3 but I gave her $5.† She was as dirty as she has ever been!† [You clicked the link didn’t you? Now you have that ridiculous song stuck in your head don’t you???]

Dirty Work..

Weeds Be Gone!


We got some corn and beans from the Farmer’s Market and Kei shucked the corn.† I think she loved doing that because she feels all farm girlie.

Ah Shucks...

Kei has been swimming in her pool often.† Even though it is a little crooked.† I really should have put some sand under it since the yard slopes so much.† Oh well…next year….


She also has loved her tire swing even though I am afraid she will slam into the big oak tree.† She was on it with her bathing suit on and I just could see her body wrecked on that tree.† Of course the fear didn’t prevent me from capturing the moment on film digital.

Just Swinging....

Chan spent a couple of nights and they played in the creek, played in Kei’s room, played with Nomad,† played Rock Band and swam.† I was exhausted just watching them.

Doggie Love...

We also ran over to Bridge Street to pick up my PowerBook…again.

Kei and Chan

Kei is still loving her dance classes.† She seems to be really learning a lot because the class is small and they work one on one with them.

Just a little further...

Kei is ready to start school back so I think we will do that in a week or so.† I am so excited about it!† I know it’s early but we just love learning!† I can’t believe I started homeschooling when she was in 2nd grade and she would be in 5th grade the coming year.† I just want her to SLOW DOWN!

As we move into July soon, the days are getting hotter, everyone is moving a little slower, we are eating more ice cream, the A/C is running constantly but life is still sweet.

“The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy; I mean that if you are happy you will be good.“††††† Bertrand Russell

Happy Weekend,

Canines, Cinema and Cooling Off….

Today is officially the first day of summer.† However it has been SUMMER for a while now. The days have been hot with summer showers popping up to make things even more muggy.

Nomad is growing like crazy.† Chewing up everything in site.† He jumps up on us with delight and we both have battle scars to show for it.† I got his nails clipped but at $8 a pop, I MUST learn to do it myself.

We bought him a pool.† He loves it.† At first he started picking up his water bowl and carrying it around, spilling everything in it.† We knew he needed water especially outside.† So we found a metal bucket that was too big for him to carry around now.† But he would try to get his paws in it.† So we found a larger container…same thing…he would try to get into it.† So we gave up and bought him a little swimming pool.† It is kinda gross because he gets into it all dirty and then drinks it but hey! we are talking about an animal that licks its butt!


He is officially [in our world, which is the only world that matters] the WORLD’S CUTEST DOG.† It must be announced in capital letters to show just how cute he is.† There are days I want to kill him [but there are days I want to kill Kei too] but we do adore this crazy pooch.


Swimming is fun but tiring...

Friday the 18th was National Picnic Day.† We celebrated by going to the “River Park”.† Liv had spent the night and we loaded up Nomad and his ‘stuff’.† Seriously I feel like I have a baby in the house!† Fun was had by all.

Happy Picnic Day

Sliding is FUN ..really...it is....

For the first time Kei was able to get onto the swingie, rollie, thingie.† She was happy.

All in all a good day, albeit hotter than hot!

Kei, Ka and Krazy Nomad

Kei and Livvy washed the dog.† I helped…some…


Come baby..this won't hurt a bit...

We ran to the Dollar Tree to spend about $30.† Has anyone ever gone into the Dollar store and spent only $1?????† Kei and Liv once again proved they are still little girls at heart.

Giddy Up...

We also went to see Kung Fu Panda this past week.† We love going to FREE movies!

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting...

Kei and I had a dryer meltdown and had to move the old dryer to the alley [we have a BIG yard] and get the new one out and around to hook up.† After much sweat, brainstorming, screaming, kicking, cussing talking sweetly to it, we got ‘er done.† We were very proud of ourselves!

This way..NO this way...

Sunday we met Daddy, Marlene and Eddie at Cracker Barrel for Father’s Day Breakfast.† After church Kei and I decided to go to Bridge Street.† I had to take my laptop back because the DVD wasn’t recognizing the ..well the DVD.† Then we went to see Toy Story 3.†† We had HORRIBLE seats but were excited about seeing it.† Kei has always loved Toy Story.† She was about 3 and I took her to Toys R Us and told her she could have 1 toy.† She wanted Buzz Lightyear.† She decided when we moved to still keep him.† The movie was so sad.† I mean I cried…CRIED, not just sniffled.† Kei just rolled her eyes at me like she does.

Then we went to Orange Tree Yogurt. That place lures you in with promises of 45¢ an ounce yumminess.† After putting peanut butter yogurt, a few little sprinkles and a little bit of caramel topping we had $4.79 worth of yumminess!

A wonderful end to a wonderful week

To Infinity and Beyond,

Best Friends, More Doggy and River Rats…

“Dirty hands, iced tea, garden fragrances thick in the air and a blanket of color before me, who could ask for more?”
— Bev Adams

It has been HOT.† Boiling, sweating, drenched-as-soon-as-you- walk-out-the-door, hot.† Complaints of how cold our Alabama winter was seems a long lost memory.

Liv spent the night with Kei and they had a blast.† They spent hours playing in the “creek” behind our house.† Or our ‘river’ as G calls it.† They were soaked, the dog was soaked, they all smelled like wet dog and creek….good times.

Creek Fun

Silly, Giggly Girls

When they finally got cleaned up they baked a cake.† They each decorated 1/2 of it.

Yummy Goodness

After dinner we took Nomad for a walk. I have walked, ridden, ran and skipped over the ‘concrete bridge’ a million times.† We used to ride our bikes over it BEFORE there was a fence.† I would KILL Kei if she ever tried anything like that.

Bestest Friends

After the walk they needed ice cream.

Yummy Ice Cream

Of course, after sticky ice cream, they needed a night time swim.

Who Needs a Bath???

I had 2 little girls that slept very soundly that night!

We got up early to go to some garage sales.† Liv had never been to a yard sale!!!† We had to remedy that quickly!

Bargains Galore!

We went to a yard sale out in Trinity and on the way back passed hay bales.† Liv had never climbed on a hay bale so I quickly made an illegal turn and parked the car!

HEY! It's HAY!

I enjoyed having Livvy here so much.

Saturday morning Kei and I went to Cullman to meander around.† We ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel and tried to find Southern Accents to no avail!† We went to the Cullman Farmer’s Market which we love.† On the way home we stopped at a nursery/antique shop.† Kei went head to head with a rooster.

Cock-a-doodle THIS!

She was also very angry that they had a statue of David with a GAP Tshirt on.† I told her we were in the country and maybe they were offended by his nakedness.† She thought that was the dumbest thing she ever heard.

We also saw a place where old school buses go to die.

Lonely Buses...

When we got home I relaxed in the hammock and Kei played with Nomad.



Sunday we went to church and afterward went to Eddie’s house for Nomad’s 1st River Run.† Nomad was NOT happy on the ride out there.† First he was in his little crate and he was having none of it.† Then we let him out and he still barked so loudly he about made me deaf!† We decided he wasn’t a traveling dog which made† us sad.† At Eddie’s we got in his car and Nomad laid on the floorboard and didn’t utter a peep!† Maybe he just doesn’t like Suzuki’s!

We had a wonderful day with Eddie and Nomad loved the river. Kei promptly dubbed him a river rat <of course that is what Johnny Depp was called in Chocolat and if you know Kei you will understand THAT> 🙂

Kei and Nomad the River Rat

My girl and my doggie...

We also ran by Hollywood Video which is going out of business and bought a few things.† One was “Marley and Me” which we have seen before.† However, we saw it before we got and fell in love with a yellow lab.† It was so much funnier because we have been there this time around.† Also so much more heart breaking.† Kei, who has never really cried at a movie, just went outside after it was over and hugged and hugged Nomad and cried her heart out. Poor baby girl.† She does love her doggie.

All in all a great weekend and now it is Monday….

The start of a new week, filled with possibilities!

Be Blessed,

Dog Paddling, Free Movies and Apples…

As June moves into the 2nd week we are having a wonderful summer so far.† There have been a few bumps in the road but things are mostly smooth.

Nomad is getting so big.† He is still not potty trained, but doing better.† Kei has been so good with him.† She has him trained to sit and also to remain in his crate† until she gets his lease on him.

He has swam with her too.† He didn’t completely love it but I think it is because he didn’t feel safe without a way to get out.† I mean how much would you like to be thrown in a water filled container over your head with smooth sides and no way to climb out?† Even with Kei right there he was like, “Rut ro, I am not really sure about this water thing!”

Nomad the Water Dog

When he started swimming she said, “Wow he is really dog paddling” and I was like, “well duh”. 🙂

Dog Paddling

We have both been reading “The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate” that came highly recommended by Esther.† We are loving all the nature aspects of it.

Kei reading about Callie Vee

We went to the free movie at Monaco Pictures.† It is so awesome that they do that all summer for the kids in the area.† We saw “Hotel for Dogs” which we have seen before and loved.† We met some of our bestest friends there.† Here are a few pictures from outside the theatre at the fountain.

Roamschool Kids
Kids at Bridge Street

Silly Moms

Mommy Bags

Constance always paints faces before the show and she let Kei borrow her Fairy Wings.† Beautiful!

My Little Fairy


After the movie we took my laptop to the Apple Store. Wow!† I love that store.† We have always been “PC” girls but I am seriously thinking about changing to Mac’s.† My laptop will be $310 to fix and my great boss said to “put it on the card”.† He is the best!

After lunch at Steak and Shake <yummy> we went back to the Apple Store for me to actually drop off my laptop.† Afterward we went to Kei’s favorite candy store, “The Chocolate Crocodile” She spent 10 minutes searching for the perfect truffles.

French Mint Truffle

Last night we had a huge lightning storm.† Our power went out about 2:00 AM and was out until 3:15 AM.† Complete silence and dark are very scary things.

Summer days…

A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken.† ~James Dent

Have Happy Days,

Lazy days, Bento and T-Shirt Painting…

Ahhhh June…full of possibilities and adventures waiting to happen.† I love June 1st.† It is the ‘start of the summer’, a time when anything can happen.† The days are longer, the nights are warmer, lightening bugs roam at night, pools glisten in the sunlight, laughter rings out in back yards.

Of course reality is: the lawn mower is broken, the pool has a leak, the dog is pooping in the yard every 2 feet, there are more flies and mosquitoes than lightening bugs.† But still…the possibilities are there.

We met some friends for lunch in Huntsville.† We went to a place called Bento Box. Kei and I discovered Bento boxes when she was in K.† I would send her creative, healthy lunches in her cute little Bento Box most days.

Kids @ Bento Box

My nephew spent the night with us.† He is 14 and I have a horrible habit of finding a million things for a big, strong dude to do when he is here.† He is great at moving heavy things!† He and Kei found some time to swim.

Kei and Seth

Kei put on a play with Nomad.† She was Minnie Mouse and he was her doggie.† She was going to name him Pluto but decided it would confuse him for her to call him a different name.† God love her.

Minnie and her dog

Final Bow Wow

She also found some time to play Barbies. She puts on plays with her Barbies <go figure>.† I remember Summer days playing Barbies on this very patio.† I love that life has come full circle.

Barbie Girl

On Wednesday we headed to Esther’s to make RoamSchool T shirts.† We did this 2 summers ago.† I can’t find the actual picture but this is right after it.† Esther what were you thinking having this many kids at your house!!!?????

Kids TShirts 2008

It is amazing how much they have changed.

Kids TShirts 2010

Kei hard at work.

Kei TShirt

I am sad to report, that at the ripe old age of 9 weeks, Nomad has a Monkey on his back.† We are working with him to fix this problem.† There are probably support groups out there.


All in all, a wonderful start to our “Days of Summer”.† Hopefully there will be much more to come.

Happy Summer Days…

Pt. Mallard, Puppies & Parties…

This past weekend we had Livvy over to spend the night.† Kei and Liv met in Kindergarten and have been friends since then.† They both spoiled Nomad to death!

We went to Soulstock at Pt. Mallard and it was awesome.† Kei and I were supposed to work the Epic booth but mainly I worked and Kei and Liv wandered around.

Kei and Liv

Kei and Livy working hard at SS

It has been a great week, not for any particular reason just because.† The weather has been amazing,

We have spent the better part of each day outside.† My plants are doing so well. † I have about 15 glads poking up through the soil.† I can’t wait to see the colors!† Nomad is adorable and quickly becoming part of our family.† I just can’t believe I am one of those people…a dog person. I am a DOG person.

We have spent $50 on toys, but does he play with them? Of course not, he prefers my 99 ¢ shoes!

Who Needs Toys??

Kei found a baby bunny huddled up by our door.† He was so cute.

Baby Bunny

Today was Nomad’s 2 month birthday.† We had a party, with hats and balloons and cupcakes and punch.† Kei liked it much more than Nomad did I am sure.

2 months old

Happy Birthday Nomad

One of Kei’s goals this summer is to read all the Harry Potter books.† I told her I wish I had never read them and could read them all over.

Ahhh Hogwarts...

Happy week,

Camping, Bison and Ticks…

We finally got to go camping with our RoamSchool buddies!† We had a blast.† Below are various pictures from the trip.

The first one is Kei at home cutting up onions for my salsa.† The onions were burning her eyes!

Protective Measures

We left early and went to Cathy’s and then we were off!

We are off!

We met up in Athens and the girls all came with us.† They had a blast.

Girl Stuff

The trip went by very quickly and we were soon there.† We set up camp and then went exploring.


Nomad's 1st Slide

Cathy had made Lasagna so we got the kids plates.† They were all starving from the busy day.


The sunset was incredible.



We all ran into town to the grocery store where Kei found a dog that looked just like Nomad on the Cottonelle!

It's Nomad!!

We also went to the Bison and Elk Prairie.† We saw around 40 bison and 22 elk.† We were all so excited.



We also went to a Nature Center and saw some amazing animals.† My favorite were the Barn Owls.

Barn Owls

We also saw eagles, chipmunks, hedgehogs, a white deer, and many more animals.


Good Times

We ate Tacos that night but I was too busy eating to take pictures!† They were so yummy!† I want more right now!

The next day we had to leave because Cathy had to get back to work.† Even though everyone offered for us to stay with them, it was time to get our little family home.† Before we left we stopped by the Plantaterium which was really cool.† They also had some other exhibits.

Big Antlers!!

Land Between the Lakes

Some of my favorite Kids in the World!

Then we went to an 1850 working farm.† We loved that.† Kei asked tons of questions and tried to convince me that she could work there for the summer if I would go with her.† Ummm…NO thanks sweetie.

Tobacco in the Barn

Everybody loved Nomad!

Scream Scarecrow Woman!

A girl and her Dog

My BF's!

It seemed like it took forever to get home.† The GPS took us some crazy way and it rained and stormed the entire way home.† Nomad was exhausted!

Nomad Zzzzzzzing

Animals seen:† <borrowed without permission from Esther’s site ;)>

indigo bunting
great horned owl
barred owl
barn owl
screech owl
Fowler’s toad
rat snake
garter snake
box turtle
red eared slider
water strider

All in all a wonderful trip.† When we got home and got unpacked Kei took a long bubble bath and found a tick!!† I kinda freaked out and had to Google it to see how to remove it.† It came out really easily and we checked each other for more of the bloodsucking things!† No more were found but we did find one on Nomad!† It took forever to get that sucker out and poor Nomad was crying and Kei was crying but we finally got it out.† Ticks suck!

Tomorrow is Soulstock and we are both so excited!

Happy weekend,

Gardening, Pooch Plays & Hobbits….

Eddie, Seth, Katherine and Heather came over yesterday to help us in our yard. Eddie had bought us some plants and herbs. He showed me how to clean out a bed and plant. I am constantly amazed with my pleasure in digging in dirt. Eddie said it is because we come from a long line of farmers!

We first planted some herbs; parsley, thyme, rosemary and oregano. Kei planted most of the herbs after Eddie showed her how.




We also planted 20 Glads.† I can’t wait for them to start coming up.† After all that work, Eddie and Heather left.† Since it was their anniversary the kids stayed for the rest of the day.† Seth helped my clean out a flower bed that was in yucky shape.† He worked his butt off digging up a dead rose bush.† At one point he came up to me and pointed to his “Hobbit Feet”.

There and Back Again..

We spent the afternoon outside.† The kids swam for a bit, I read in the rose garden, and Nomad frolicked!† Late in the afternoon Kei and Nomad put on another play.† She was the sun and Nomad was a flower.† I sure hope he loves having crazy costumes put on him.

We woke up today to rain.† We took Nomad outside, he put his little puppy paw on the grass, turned around and peed on the patio!† We have a Diva Dog I guess.† After church Kei introduced him to the wonders of Disney Channel.

Important Stuff

I can’t believe tomorrow is Monday once again.† The middle of May.† How quickly time goes by.

Happy week,

Missing, Dog’s Life & Happiness….

The 2nd anniversary of my Mother’s death came and went. I laid in bed on the eve of her anniversary in the same room she died in. I thought it would really upset me to be in there and while I didn’t sleep much, it wasn’t a ‘freaking out’ restlessness.

I remember that night. My brother and I spent the night here. We knew Mother didn’t have long. It was a horribly long night. They had hooked her up to a breathing machine and I spent most of the night on her floor listening to her struggle to breath. My 2 aunts stayed late. When they left it was just my Daddy, my brother and I. I finally got on the couch and spent all night back and forth from the den to her room. I talked to her and held her hand and touched her face. I remember looking at the clock at one point and it was 3:00 AM. That is such a lonely time. I remember thinking “I don’t know if I can exist in a 3 am that doesn’t have my Mother in it”.

We woke the next morning early, around 6:00. Eddie and I knew that she was almost gone. I called my aunts to ask them to come. They got here around 7:30. We all sat around her bed talking to her. All of us except my Daddy. He couldn’t handle it. It made me think of the line from “Steel Magnolias”, “I find it amusing. Men are supposed to be made out of steel or something. I just sat there. I just held Shelby’s hand. There was no noise, no tremble, just peace. Oh god. I realize as a woman how lucky I am.” My Mother breathed her final breath at 8:03 AM on May 10th. I walked outside and was surprised to see the world moving on. The sun was out, birds were singing, flowers blooming and my Mother was dead. It was one of the most surreal moments of my life.

But time marches on. We are living in her house. We are loving living here and I have discovered I actually like yard work. I have never done it. I grew up with 2 brothers who did the yard work. When I was married my husband did the yard work. Since then I have lived in apartments. But I enjoy it. I am learning, slowly about flowers and shrubs and just yard stuff.

Nomad is adorable. We are loving having him in our family. I never thought I would ever be a ‘dog person’ but I love him. Kei is wonderful with him and we don’t even mind the 3:00 AM potty breaks. He is the cutest thing.

A girl and her dog

Isn’t he just beautiful??


We had Brit and Cody here for a few days and had a blast.† Kei and Brit gave Nomad his first bath.† The girls loved it, Nomad not so much.

They played games, sang, talked and gave Nomad tons of attention.

Rub a Dub Dog..

Kei and I put up a Stage Curtain for outdoor plays.† Her and Nomad put on their 1st of what I am sure is many plays.† Nomad had 3 roles, a lion, an alligator and a bunny.† I was cracking up.

Hippity Hop Bark


I love living here.† I love our yard.† I love sitting in the rose garden and reading in the swing.† I love waking up early in the morning and walking outside and everything is crisp and lovely.† I love watching the birds and squirrels and bunnies and chipmunks.† I love the feel of the cool clovers on my bare feet.† I love watching my sweet girl running with her dog.† Life is good.


Pools, Puppies and Poop…

We got Nomad yesterday.† Nomad is the dog Kei has wanted since she was old enough to ask for a puppy.† We have never been able to get a dog because of where we lived.† Now we can.

We have looked at many, many dogs.† None was “Nomad”.† My brother’s friend has some Lab mixed puppies.† We love Labs so we told him we would be interested in a male.† He said he would save us one but didn’t send a picture.† It was ‘assumed’ we would take him, but Kei really wanted to see him first.† He sent a picture last week.† Kei opened the email and promptly said, “That is Nomad”.

We have been busy getting ready since then, toys and food and treats and information.† I know nothing of dogs.† Yesterday was the day.† We had plans of going to Wal-Mart to finish up buying a couple of things for him.† Kei wanted a WELCOME HOME banner.† Well my brother called early and said “I have the dog, come meet me”.† Kei was beside herself with excitement.† Imagine Christmas, birthday, and Halloween all rolled up into one.† She quickly made† a sign and put on the front door and we were off.† On the ride over she sang a little song.

Well I got lost <imagine that> but finally we arrived at our rendezvous spot.† Kei bounded out of the car to see her “Nomad”† It was puppy love at first sight.

Our 1st Look at Nomad

When we got home she told him all about his new home.† He loved his Welcome Home sign.

Welcome Home

We brought him in where his bowl was ready.† He promptly had to drink and eat.

Yum Yum

It was a great day full of Nomad love.† He seems to be a very sweet puppy.† He was good and pretty much slept most of the day.† He would be running around in the yard with Kei and just lay down and fall asleep.† It was so cute.


Kei had an online Science class in the afternoon.† She and Nomad learned all about Einstein and relativity.† Nomad wasn’t so interested.

E=mc snoozed

Kei found time to spend a couple of hours in her pool.† I am so glad we were able to put it up this year.† It was a beautiful day for swimming.

Water Water

After swimming for Kei and playing and sleeping for Nomad they were both tired puppies. It was time for a nap.

Nap Time

I dewormed Nomad.† No biggie.† But did you know after deworming they poop WORMS!† Lots of worms.† But Kei and I persevered…. barely.

Nomad’s first night was pretty good.† He slept in a basket by Kei’s side of the bed.† She and I got up and took him outside 3 times.† Which was not so bad.† At least it wasn’t January, in the snow.

So on May 5th our little family of two became 3.† Life is good.

“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring–it was peace.” – Milan Kundera

Oz, Birthdays and Bathing Suits…

Yesterday was my birthday.† My birthday excites Kei much more than it excites me.† I woke up and she had put balloons in the bathtub and written a Happy Birthday note on the mirror.† She is such a blessing to me.† She got me my favorite candle and plants for the yard.† She also drew me sidewalk art.

The Best Card Ever

We spent the day outside.† It was so beautiful and I read in the sun and she played.† Our roses are so gorgeous.


I got many Facebook Happy Birthday wishes, phone calls and visits.† My sister in law brought over the most awesome present.† I had an old bathing suit that was my Mother’s that I wanted to ‘frame’ somehow.† My sister in law owns a frame shop and she framed it and it looks amazing.† I just cried when I saw it.

Momma's Bathing Suit

My awesome, amazing boss sent me a G4 PowerBook.† I have wanted a laptop forever!† I was so excited and jumping up and down.

Last night we went to see the play, “The Wizard Of Oz”. Our friends Matt, Jake and Chandler were making their acting debut.† We rode with Gina and kids and had a great time blabbing catching up.† I think I was doing most of the blabbing, sorry Gina. ;)† We met The Amoses, The Woods and some of the Crawfords at the theater.† The play was awesome!† We loved it and were very impressed with all our friends skills especially the amazing Winged Monkey King!

Kei and Chan

Kei and Jake

Kei and Matt The Winged Monkey King

Afterward we went to Moes to eat.† It was so yummy but I got so full!† They give so much food! It was an amazing birthday!

Our girls

What homeschoolers do after they are finished eating.

USA Chips

A lovely day.

On a different note, WE HAVE FOUND NOMAD.† But more about that later. 😉

Happy weekend,

Wildflowers, Roses, Homemade Candy and 100th Post…

100 Posts.† I started this blog when my Mother died.† It helped me so much in the first few days/weeks/months.† I don’t keep† it like I should.† I write sporadically at best.† This is my 100th post and I wish I had something earth shattering to share, some wisdom to impart to the 2 people who read this.

But I don’t.

Life goes on, soon it will be 2 years that my sweet Mamma died.† 2 years, it seems impossible that it has been that long.† Things change, my Daddy has remarried to a wonderful woman who I love.† I still miss my Mother every day of my life.† Kei still tells me at times I call for her when I am falling asleep.† We are living in her house.† She would be tickled pink that we are here.† I wish she lived here with us, but that wasn’t God’s plan.

Kei bought a candy making kit on clearance after Easter.† It looked like something that would be a huge mess to me.† She was outside playing and decided she had to make candy NOW.†† I warned her that it probably wouldn’t look like the candy on the box.

Getting Ready

She did it all by herself and I was amazed how it turned out!† It was beautiful!


The roses are blooming here.† It is so strange how I lived here when I was younger and visited here every day of my life almost, but I have never really noticed how beautiful the roses and flowers are.† I guess ownership <however loosely> makes you more aware.

Beautiful Rose

There are about 15 rose bushes scattered everywhere.† Mother always loved roses.† They are amazing.

Rose with Ladybug

We celebrated Earth Day by going on a Wildflower walk.† I love this place but this year there wasn’t much water and the kids didn’t get to splash around much.† We then went to a nearby park and ate lunch at Taziki’s Greek Restaurant.† It was YUMMY!

EArth Day Hike

There is the coolest house made of twigs and limbs.† We wondered who built it?

House Made of Twigs

All in all a good week.† We were invited to go camping next week and are so hoping we will be able to go!

Happy week all,

Red Pawns, Wonderland and Field Days…

Last week was play week. It was a magical, hilarious, stressed, crazy time.

The play went great. The kids did awesome. They worked so hard and you could tell it by watching the play.

Red Pawn

Cluck Cluck!

Alice and her Red Pawn

Dixie Chicken

We had some of our bestest friends who came to watch Keilee. Thank you all.

Brit came to dress rehearsal because they were going to Florida the next day.

Kei, Brit, Sophia

Esther, Heather and kids came to the school show.

Roamschoolers In Wonderland

Suzette, Dave, Emily and Zachery came to the Saturday night show and took us out for dinner afterwards!† Thanks Amoses.

Amos's and Red Pawn

In the middle of all of this we had our NACHO Field Day. It was a perfect day for it and we had so much fun.

Field Day

YAY Nacho

Kei's 1st Goal!

Soccer Team For the Win!

Hopefully this week is a little bit slower paced!

Homeschooling just rocks!

Bicycling, Mowing and Hunting…

It has been strange living in the house I grew up in.† Strange in a good way.† I moved into this house when I was 3 months from turning 10, we moved back in when Kei had been 10 for 3 weeks.† So basically we were the same age.

So many memories have come back to me being here.† So many stories I have shared with Kei about when I was her age.† There is the neatest ditch behind our house.† We used to spend hours and hours there, up and down the alley.† We had wars, ran stores, made bridges.† Of course there were about 10 of us kids around the same age.

I can’t let Kei do that.† It is a different world.† It makes me sad.

The first warmer day we went on a bike ride.† As I was riding down the alley of my childhood with my child, I just started crying.† It was so surreal.† I wondered what a 10 year old Karen was thinking about as she rode her bike those many years ago.† What were my hopes and dreams?† What did I want?† I am sure most of them didn’t turn out exactly the way I planned, but there is one much, much better than anything I could imagine.† My sweet child was beside me laughing as the wind blew back her hair.

Kei dyed Easter eggs the day before Easter.† We only did a few because I think they are kinda a waste.† I KNOW they are fine to eat but it just kinda creeps me out eating colored eggs that have been sitting around.

Pretty eggs

We had an amazing Easter.† We got up early because Kei was so excited about what she had gotten me.† This is her first year to not believe in the Easter bunny.† More on THAT story later.

Basket Full of Goodies

After a great church service at the Princess, we went to Daddy and Marlene’s for lunch.† It was delicious.†† She had made ham, chicken, prime rib, green beans, carrots, mac and cheese, potato salad, asparagus, rolls and a great salad.† There were 3 kinds of desert!

After lunch the kids hunted for Easter eggs.† Daddy always puts money in them to make it more interesting to the older kids.

Look up and down..

Kei got her first taste of mowing this week.† She was so ready to mow the yard, she couldn’t wait.† After about 4 turns around, she figured out it wasn’t really fun but WORK!† I hadn’t mowed a yard in about 15 years and I was beat.† The yard looked pretty too.† Of course we only did the front.† The back yard is HUGE!!

I think I can, I think I can...

I am loving the warmer weather.† Spring is just so lovely.

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~Kahlil Gibran

Chickens, Puppies and Horses…

It has been beautiful here the last several days.† Kei and I have both loved being outside.† We threw a rope over a tree and she made a swing, which promptly became a horse visiting mystical lands.† I love listening to her play.

Ride "em Cowgirl

A few days ago 2 dogs wandered up.† At first I was very leery of them, strange dogs and such, but they were so sweet.† Kei played with them for over an hour.† I got their name and number off of their tags and called their owners.† They came to pick them up but Kei still had time to get some Puppy Love.† We are still planning on getting a dog as soon as her play is over.

Loving the doggies

Speaking typing of the play, it is week after next.† Kei is loving every minute of it as usual.† She has several roles in this one and one is a Dixie Chicken.† She is one of Humpty Dumpty’s backup singers! †† It is going to be a great play.† We also have been helping on the scenery.† The irony of not painting MY OWN HOUSE and then painting scenery doesn’t escape me. :p

Cluck Cluck

Humpty Dumpty's Wall

She also got to try on dresses.† They have TONS of dresses at DreamWeavers and she was in heaven.

Red Curtsey

So far April has been lovely.

Enjoy nature,

Mad Hatters, FLW & Things that go BUMP…

The weather is still CRAPPY!† Seriously I get tired of always talking about the weather but sheeshhhh.

Kei and I went to see Alice.† It was really good and totally cool with the 3D.† Although my boss, who worked on the film, said it wasn’t filmed in 3D.† Kei loved it.† If she can love Johnny looking like this, it must be true love.

True Love...

We went to see Circo Comedia which was hilarious.† Kei loved it.† I can’t imagine just moving around, city by city, performing.† Under the right circumstances that could be so fun!

Kei loves to make things for me.† I woke up Tuesday and she had a clue in the bathroom that led me through the house to a ‘prize’.† I had to post her clues because they were cute and the last one can still make me laugh a week later.

1. “Where people say we should eat, is a clue to your treat.” <kitchen table>

2. “Now go to the desk where WOW is played to get a jump start on your day.” <my computer>

3. “Last but not least, look in the cookie jar for your treat.” <cookie jar>

4. “You found your treat, so Bonaparte.” <Ok I read this and said, “Huh? and she said ‘bon appetit , I spell checked it!’> I am still laughing about it.

Thursday we spent the day with some of our bestest friends <we missed you Gina and Heather!>† It was Suzette and Michelle’s birthday.† We ate at Olive Garden and then went to the Rosenbaum House which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.† It was unbelievable.† Kei and I loved it and wanted to move in.† Then we went to the park for cheesecake. Great day, great food, great friends, great learning.† Perfect day. Thanks Suz, Em and Zachery for letting us ride with you.

Kids at FLW

Kei at the River

Moms at FLW

Kei had play practice Saturday and Sunday we had a great day at church.† Sunday was the 1st day of† DST so we were both tired all day.† Kei begged to watch a scary movie during the daytime! ;)† I finally let her and she was so funny.† She got a bunch of stuffed animals and watched it with them assuring them at various times it was “just a movie”.† Other times she screamed at the TV about how stupid the people were.

It's ok, it's JUST a movie


All in all, a good week.† Now if the sun would come out and it get above 50∫ I may survive.

Happy week,

Snow, Alice and Chocolat in Bed…

Last year, on March 1st, it snowed.† See proof below:

This year, on March 2nd, it snowed. Kei and I didn’t even stick our noses outside. How quickly we become jaded. “Oh snow again? Yawn”

Kei prepared for the release of Alice in Wonderland by making a cake.

She also wanted breakfast in bed with “Chocolat”. She had ‘runny eggs’ and Johnny Depp. She was happy. 🙂

She also finally hooked up her webcam at our new house. She has new software that does some cool things.

This weekend it is supposed to be….[drum roll, wait for it…wait for it….]


Gotta dig out the bathing suits, fans and swimming pool!

Happy weekend,

Experiments, Sunny Days and Big Rats..

Things have been moving along. It is still butt cold. And for anyone not familiar with that term, it is COLD. We were teased with 2 days of weather above 40 degrees but now….cold again.

Kei and I enjoyed the warmer weather. She played outside while I read a book. It will be nice to have such a big yard for her to play in if it ever warms up!

We did science experiments this week. We both love them and love this site. Great science site with experiments
Chemistry with Pennies

You will need:
* A few old (not shiny) pennies
* 1/4 cup white vinegar
* 1 teaspoon salt
* Non-metal bowl
* Paper towels
What to do:

  1. Pour the vinegar into the bowl and add the salt – stir it up.
  2. Put about 5 pennies into the bowl and count to 10 slowly.
  3. Take out the pennies and rinse them out in some water. Admire their shininess!

How does it work?
There is some pretty fancy chemistry going on in that little bowl of yours. It turns out that vinegar is an acid, and the acid in the vinegar reacts with the salt to remove what chemists call copper oxide which was making your pennies dull. You’re not done yet, though, lets try another experiment:

Add more pennies to the bowl for 10 seconds, but this time , don’t rinse them off. Place them on a paper towel to dry off. In time the pennies will turn greenish-blue as a chemical called malachite forms on your pennies. But wait, your still not done yet.

Place some nuts and bolts in the vinegar and watch – they become COPPER in color! The vinegar removed some copper from the pennies and that copper was attracted by to the metal in the nuts and bolts – cool.
The project above is a DEMONSTRATION. To make it a true experiment, you can try to answer these questions:

1. Will other acids (like lemon juice or orange juice) work as well?

2. Does this cleaning chemistry work on other coins?

3. Do other amounts of salt make a difference in the chemistry of the experiment?

Kei, being the eco friendly girl that she is decided to make a doll using trash. She used a Sprite can, a yogurt container, suckers for the eyes, sucker stick for the nose, gum wrapper for the arms and a restaurant butter container for the hat. It was too cute.

Tuesday was Heather’s birthday and we met at Chuck E. Cheese for kid play and Mom talk. Then we went to everyone’s favorite place…Books A Million. It was a great day.
Kei, Heather and some of Esther 🙂

Required Kid’s Shot

Super Hero Kids

Kei bought a book “Funky Things to Draw”. She is in there now drawing away.

Lovely day…

Tea Parties, GNO & Vandelism..

What a few days.

Kei and I have been loving living in the new house.† We still have much to do but it is awesome to have space!

Kei started practice for her play “Wonderland”.† She is totally geeked about her part.† She adores doing plays.† It is just what she loves.††† She has been practicing non-stop.† I know all the words and she only got her script Tuesday!

We are also using a new teaching resource.† It is from Simply Homeschooling. We love J. Anne and all her great stuff.† She has amazing interactive units that Kei loves. She is also a single mom and a science geek. ;)† We love science geeks.

She had a huge tea party with her Animals.† She went all out!

The gang

Table #1

We meet with our great friend once a month for GNO.† Sometimes we bring some testotorone, sometimes not.† We always watch a musical and eat and have a blast.† Last night, for the first time, we got to do it at our house.† Everyone came except Cathy and Kaitlin <we missed you guys!> who was chasing the sun in Florida.

I cooked all day.† I love to cook for more than 2 people but rarely was able to before.† Now I have room.† I made a scrumptious salad, Poulet De Normandey, Broccoli casserole, pasta salad with bacon, French bread and Kei made a chocolate bundt cake.† Suzette brought a dessert to make and it was so complicated.† But in true GNO’s fashion, we had a hoot watching her make it. It was yummy too!

We then sat and talked and laughed and snickered.† Then the girls insisted we watch the movie.† We had decided on “Grease”.† It was a hoot and good times were have by all.

However we everyone started to leave we discovered Esther’s car had been broken into!† They smashed her front passenger window and took her GPS, Nuvi. We had to call the police and E had to make phone calls and tape up the window and sweep the street.† It was a yucky end to such a great night.

People are just so ARGHGHGHGH!

Today the sun is actually out and I felt warmth on my face as I ran errands!† Spring please come soon.

Happy Thursday,

Hearts, Frogs and Snow….

We had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. Woke up and Kei was so excited about my present. She got me a red rose, a snicker’s bar and my favorite candle. I had gotten her candy and this cool “Believe” wall hanging.

Brit also went to church with us. It was a good time!

She was acting all “I’m 10 and I have a BF” until later that night. She got a bunch of stuffed animals and played with them.

Then she fell asleep looking like a 5 year old. That’s what I love about my girl.

This morning we woke up to SNOW! Our first snow in the new house. We went outside for about 22 seconds. It was COLD.
Kei Snowball
Kei at the Ditch

We are supposed to get more this afternoon. EEP.

There’s No Place Like Home…

We have moved.† We are now living in the house I grew up in.† My Daddy remarried and is letting Kei and I live in the house.† I had such mixed feelings about this at first.† Now I am super excited.

There is a ton to do, things to paint, things to update, changes to be made.† But I am home.† Funny how life goes full circle.† I was 9 when we moved here.† Kei and I moved in when she had been 10 3 weeks.

There is still things that need to be gotten out of here.† <my brother’s stuff..hint hint> ;)† Daddy has things everywhere, especially outside, but it feels like home.† It feels like MY home.

We have a room just for homeschooling!† A WHOLE ROOM filled with bookcases!
Kei in Contemplation
And crazy as it sounds, we are already running out of bookcase room!
books, glorious books!
I have painted and redone what was my Mom’s bedroom and is now mine.
My room
We have painted Kei’s bedroom.
Kei's room
She still wants to paint her bed…purple. It is a deep, grape colored purple.
Kei's Bed
I painted Kei’s bathroom.
Kei's bath

There is still tons to be done. The house is in great shape but hasn’t been updated in forever! We have big plans Lucy!

Kei has a pet chipmunk that stays on the patio.† She feeds him bread crumbs and grapes. She named him Chippy. Since she begun feeding him, he has been joined by birds and squirrels. Can you say menagerie!

We have room for all of our friends to come visit at the same time!† We are so blessed and feel so lucky to be here.† I know Momma is up in heaven, grinning…

We went to HS Skate Day and the kids exchanged Valentines.† It was the 1st time Kei has made a Valentine box since 1st grade! We had a blast!
Valentine Box

Gina’s step mom passed away unexpectedly Friday.† She and Gina’s dad were in Panama City.† Gina and Bobby left to go down to be with her dad.† Brit and Cody are here and as sad as the circumstances are, we are delighted to have them here.† We have had such fun having a taste of a bigger family!† Gina you are in our thoughts and prayers.† We love you much!
Life is good.

Aaeeiii YAH….

We started ‘school’ back today.† Kei and I were both ready for it.

She did a report from “The Daring Book for Girls”.† This is the coolest book ever.† She picked, of all things, Karate.

Then she helped me fax my work flyer to about 50 Production companies.† She said she needed to write down the numbers so she would have them ‘one day when I am about to be an actress’. 🙂

We had to miss our roamschool outing to Moe’s.† Daddy wanted us to come over and go through the house again.† I have such conflicting emotions about moving.† I just pray that it all works out.

Tomorrow we start cleaning over there.† Lord give me strength and patience! 🙂

Epic Days…

It is so cold here.† Unfreakabelievably cold!† Minnesota cold!† Sweden cold!

Last night we went to convergence at our church.† Our church rocks!† Kei and I were greeters.† There were so many people there.† We had a wonderful night.

Epic Kei
Epic Kei

Our band is so awesome. Plus they were joined by musicians from 3 other churches!

Epic Band
Epic Band

We woke up this morning to SNOW!† It wasn’t a lot but it snowed all day.† It was so cool to look out of the window and see snow falling all day.† I thought of my Momma all day. She always loved snow days.

Glorious snow!
Glorious snow!

Winter Wonderland..
Winter Wonderland..

It is supposed to get frigid tonight.† Low in the morning is -10 with the wind chill.† BRRRrrrrrr!

Stay warm and snuggle!


Twenty Ten…

Well Christmas has come and gone.† Thanks to the coolest friends in the world, we had an amazing Christmas.

We left Santa cookies and milk.

Ho Ho Ho...
Ho Ho Ho...

We then spent a very restless night.† Kei could not sleep because she was so excited.† She started at 1:00 am asking me if she could just sneak down and check and I said no.† She asked me every 30 minutes until 5:30 when I finally said yes.† I have to have a bath before I function <hey some people need coffee, I need my bath!> so we have started a tradition of her opening her stocking on the bathroom floor while I am waking up in my bath.

Kei got everything on her list!† And more!

Wonderful Christmas
Wonderful Christmas

We went to Eddie and Heather’s for Christmas breakfast.† Daddy and Marlene† came too.† We had a yummy breakfast casserole, bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, orange juice and coffee.† Then we opened presents.† Good times were had by all!

Kei and I came home she played for hours while I took down the tree! I know, I know, but I was sick of that puppy.† So down it came.

Then we went to Marlene’s for Christmas dinner.† We met her son and his wife and their adorable little girl.† Everything was delicious and it was a nice night.† You know, traditions sometimes change.

Saturday we went to Laura’s for traditional Christmas dinner.† The food was excellent and the company was awesome.† I laughed so much my stomach hurt.† We love you all so much!

Suzette had everyone over to her house for our !st Annual Homeschooling Christmas dinner.† We had the best time ever!† We had fajitas and beans and rice and tons of sweets.† We also played Trivial Pursuit.† It was a great time with great friends.† Suz, you are the best.

Trivial Pursuit
Trivial Pursuit

More Trivia
More Trivia

We spent New Year’s Eve quietly at home.† I had given her an early birthday gift and she played Wii sports for hours!


I played WoW with Carla and a friend from Canada.† We laughed so much and had so much fun.† Here is a screen shot of Carla and I waiting on Paul to figure out how to get me on a zeppelin that I was 7 levels too low to go onto.† It is a hilarious story but you have to play WOW to understand. :)† Yes we did it!

Happy 2010 on WOW!
Happy 2010 on WOW!

The 3rd was my beautiful girl’s 10th birthday and she was SO EXCITED. She is such a blessing in my life and I thank God for her every single day.

Sweet Child of Mine
Sweet Child of Mine

She told me she was going to be the Big ONE OH!

10th Birthday
10th Birthday

We went to church and then we went to IHoP.† This is the 6th year in a row we have gone to eat breakfast on her birthday.† The waitress’s all sing to her and she loves it!

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!

Then we came home and Daddy and Marlene came over.† Marlene had made Kei a beautiful birthday cake. It was yummy too!

Yum Yum Yum
Yum Yum Yum

Then she opened my gifts.† She loved everything ….

kei-bday-giftsbut nothing as much as the Johnny Depp bag I found for her.† I took 5 pictures and they were all blurry because she kept jumping up and down!

Kei & her future husband
Kei & her future husband

Eddie, Heather and the kids† came over and brought her a Zhu Zhu complete with a house.† She loved it!† Later on that night, she was playing with it and I was on the computer.† Everything got very quiet.† I said “What’s up?” and turned to look at her.† She had her Zhu Zhu dangling from her hair!† She said, “I was laying on the floor and he just backed up and ran over my hair!”.† Only Kei.† I got one wheel out but I could not get the other one.† We called Jerri and went to her house for assistance.† Everytime you touch the dang thing the wheels would turn and it would make crazy noises.† Jerri and I were laughing so hard we were crying.† We finally got out all but about 10 hairs and we just had to cut it out.

Zhu Zhu of Death
Zhu Zhu of Death

Kei said, “Please don’t blog or Facebook this Mom”, but…it was too good to resist.

Now we are in the middle of a huge FREEZE! It is cold, I mean COLD, didimentionCOLD?† My Southern blood isn’t up to this kind of weather.† We are in the house and not going out until the temperature hits at least 40!

So, here we are….2010.† Hang on tight because the best is yet to come.

I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas…

I remember having a White Christmas when I was small.† Kei has wanted one for years.† At first I thought that was a possibility but now the weather has changed once again.

White Christmas or not, it is upon us.† Things are different this year.† Last year was very hard for my family because it was the 1st Christmas without my Mom.† This year my Daddy is remarried.† Things change, seasons change, traditions change.

We made Christmas candy the other day.† It was fun, especially for Kei.† She adores anything bakey.† We made Chocolate Oatmeal cookies < which we always call the unappealing name of Doo Doo Cookies>, Oreo balls, Peanut Butter Microwave Brittle, Chocolate dipped Pretzels, and Chocolate Chip cookies.

Candy Good!
Candy Good!

Messy Goodness
Messy Goodness

I still lack a few presents.† I will do that Tuesday, maybe…I hope.

Christmas Girl
Christmas Girl

At church the kids did a little program while the band sang “Better Days” by the Goo Goo Dolls.† It is a great song for this time of year.

Faith and Better Days
Faith and Better Days

We want to go see the Christmas lights in the next couple of nights.† I hate driving though, I never can look at them very well when I have to concentrate on actually keeping the car on the road!

Happy Christmas,


It’s Beginning to Look A lot like Christmas…


Christmas is upon us.

We have done some “Christmasy” things the last week or so.

We volunteered to ring a ling ding the Salvation Army Bell.† We did this with Heather and her boys and it was FREEZING!† The kids had a blast when they weren’t too frozen to speak.† Heather brought her violin which I am sure was a first for our town.

Me & My girl
Me & My girl

Frosty Kids
Frosty Kids


We also got some snow!† It never snows here in December.† It used to, but not so much now.

Snow in the South
Snow in the South

We decorated the tree, although in all honesty, Kei did 99% of this herself.† I can not believe she has gotten to the point that she can do our entire tree!

All By Myself...
All By Myself...

O Christmas Tree
O Christmas Tree

We went to eat with Gina and Bobby.† Gina made chili and it was so good!† We brought Brit home with us and they did their usual girl things.† Max and Rob and Johnny and Fang, oh my!

Da Girls
Da Girls

It is about 2 weeks until Christmas and no I am not ready.† But then again, I never am!

Stay warm.

The Greatest Gift…

Christmas.† I used to LOVE Christmas.† My brothers and I loved December and my Momma and Daddy made it a wonderful time for us.† Christmas meant presents and beautiful trees and huge family get-togethers and whispered prayers for snow.† Then I grew up.† In my teens, I still loved Christmas but not with the fervor of a child.† Then I got married.† I liked Christmas† and decorated every room in the house, put up a magnificent tree, bought enough presents for a small nation.

Then I became ambivalent toward Christmas.† Didn’t hate it, didn’t love it.† It just was.† I put up the tree and bought presents, but the magic wasn’t there.

The last almost decade, I have loved Christmas again.† Having a child makes you enjoy Christmas differently.† I love Kei’s excitement, her giddiness at all things Christmas related, her unshaken belief in Santa.† The way she gets more excited about what she gets me than what she is getting.† How her favorite part of Christmas is listening for Santa’s reindeer hooves on the roof.† How she understands the true meaning of Christmas.

Last Christmas was hard.† The 1st Christmas without my sweet Mother.† Kei helped me so much. Her presence made it bearable to survive my 1st Christmas alone, without Momma.

This Christmas I have been so worried.† Worried about money that I didn’t have to buy gifts.† I listened to Kei tell me, “Don’t worry Mommy, I am asking Santa for the things I want.† I don’t want anything from you.”† I worried and cried to myself and prayed.

Do you know there are angels everywhere?† They walk among us and show themselves in the most wondrous ways.† I have amazing people in my life.† People who don’t love me because I share their blood and they have to love me, people who love me just because.† People who have helped me to make sure my girl has a wonderful Christmas.† People who understand the true meaning of this season.† “Thank you” doesn’t seem like a big enough thing to say.† I am blessed, truly blessed to have you in my life.† I am honored to call you “friends”.† I have so missed having this kind of friends in my life.† Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.† Bless you.

Merry Christmas all.

Is It December Already????

December 1st!† Where does time go?

I am not ready for December.† I am not ready for Christmas and presents and trees and decorations.

Kei is though.† She is more than ready for us both.

The past 2 weeks have been good.† We have done some really cool things in homeschooling.† We are still doing the American Revolution and also making a Grammar Lapbook.† It is a really fun one where you are a visitor from another planet and are trying to figure out the English language.

We have learned about the Brain and Kei made a brain hat. <this is so neat!>† She also did the Stroop test and thought it was so cool.† We determined which was her dominate side <left>.


The Girl with 2 Brains
The Girl with 2 Brains

We went to Heather’s for a GNO.† We ate pasta and sandwiches and desert and caramel popcorn and watched Momma Mia! on blue ray and trust me, it DOES make a difference.† Our girls were singing and dancing the entire time.† We don’t have 1 shy, introvert HSer among us! 🙂

"Momma Mia, Here I go again"
"Momma Mia, Here I go again"

MM Robot
MM Robot

Chan came and spent a few days with us.† We always love having her.† Her and Kei had so much fun.† They borrowed my camera and kept trying to get jumping shots of themselves.


Yes, Kei still has her tonsils!
Yes, Kei still has her tonsils!

Thanksgiving we spent giving back to our community.† We went with our church to serve 1400 meals delivered to families and serve 400 inmates.† We love doing this each year.

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It's not.  ~Dr. Seuss
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. ~Dr. Seuss

Then we went to Gina and Bobby’s.† We had an AWESOME Chinese dinner.† The lumpia’s that Gina made were out of this world.† I am still craving them.

Thanksgiving Chinese Style
Thanksgiving Chinese Style

Kei and I had written down a thing that we were thankful for each day in November.† We made them into a chain and read each other’s Thanksgiving Day.† It was scary how similar they were.


Kei and I spent the rest of the holiday weekend watching movies, playing computer games and board games† and laughing a lot.

But I am not ready for December!† EEP.


Time Marches On…

I have been really bad about updating. I need to blog more and I don’t even have an excuse. I like to keep a record, not for the 4, 2 people that probably occasionally read this, but for me and Kei.

Life has been…life.  Mostly good, sometimes bad, sometimes sad, more often happy, not enough money, but making it mostly.

We went to Esther’s for lunch and play. I love my friends so much and can’t imagine what I ever did without them. They are truly a blessing to me.


Kei has been learning about the Human Body. She knows most of the bones and has blown me away with it. She did the skeleton below from memory. I also found a really great site for learning the bones and muscles. We have played and played this. WARNING: This crazy song will be stuck in your head for days! I have relearned them also. That is a benefit of Homeschooling!


We are learning about the American Revolution and she has been doing cool ‘crafty’ things. Also we watched “The Patriot”.† It is bloody but ….it was a WAR! We love Evan Moor teacher’s file box. I use their “Pockets” for almost everything! It is the only monthly expense I have just for Homeschooling.


Kei also made a “Save the Earth” poster. She is so passionate about that and just did it on her own. I have almost NO plastic bags now because she has been refusing to use them for a year.

earthKei and Vicki have spent hours playing on the balcony. And hours cleaning up the balcony.


The other day when Kei was eating lunch she yelled at me “Mommy come look”. She was eating a cracker and said, “Look, it is Italy”.


We went to our HS Skate Day and had a blast as always. Kei won a coloring award for her Squirrel picture.


We went to Cathy’s for our 1st Annual HS Thanksgiving.† It was a WONDERFUL day of awesome food and conversation and lots of laughter. If you homeschool, I can’t tell you how important it is to find a group of moms for support. It is strange because I was homeroom Mom for Kei in K and 1st grade and I didn’t get to know any of the moms.† Now I can’t imagine my life without “my moms”.

Kids at HS Thanksgiving

Thankful for my Friends

Livvy spent the night with Kei and they wanted to have the upstairs for “their house”. They spent hours up there playing.† After listening to the CD with us about 100 times, we finally introduced Liv to “Dr. Horrible”. Of course she loved it!

We LOVE Dr. Horrible!

I am still playing WOW with my best friend.† I told Kei the other day that I am NOT letting her out of my life again! She sent us $25 Fandango bucks so we could go see “New Moon”. I protested and she said, “Oh please girl, I have to discuss it with you after wards like we always have”. Honestly, when it is all said and done, I truly believe that it is the people we surround ourselves with that matters.† And I have amazing people.

Kei wrote her letter to Santa.† She still mostly believes in Santa but for some reason she thinks he will only come until she is double digits. <she will be 10 in January>† It was so bittersweet to read her letter and watch her put it in the mailbox.

Letter to Santa:

Hello Santa,

I know this is probably your last time to come so I wanted to say Thank you so much for all the stuff you have gotten me over the years.† Just so you know, I will always believe in you.† So I can’t wait till my kids will give you milk and cookies.† Please stop by my house sometimes for milk and cookies and carrots even though you won’t be bringing me anything.

Oh tell Dancer I say ‘hello’ and tell Mr. Baggledrum <she got a letter from Santa last year about Mr. Baggledrum and how he kept the elves happy> thank you for keeping the elves happy.† Santa I only want 5 things for Christmas this year so here I go…..

She then ends with :

Santa you have been so nice to me so thank you.

I love you,


My sweet girl…

Letter to Santa

So time is marching on.† I can’t believe it is almost Thanksgiving.† Daddy has made some progress cleaning out the house, but it is like a drop in a vast ocean.† Maybe after the first of the year.

Life is good,



Bump in the Night…

Halloween has come and gone.

Kei loves Halloween!† Almost as much as Christmas and her birthday.† Remember when we actually looked forward to birthdays? 🙂

We started the Halloween week by going Trunk or Treating at our friends church.† We had a great time.

Then Kei made a witch nose and finger with Play Dough.

I'll Get you my Pretty..
I'll Get you my Pretty..

Saturday morning [Halloween] we went to our church for a Halloween celebration.† It was awesome!† We ate hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans and all the trimmings.† Our church rocks!

Epic Corn Hunt

Epic Train
Epic Train

When we got home my brother brought us a pumpkin.† We then carved it.† Ok I am not the best carver in the world.† Kei wanted a vampire.† What she got was…a big mouthed something or other.† She did better on the eyes and nose than I did on the mouth!


Saturday night we got Kei decked out in her Mother Nature costume and were off to get candy!† Some of the people around here really get into the Halloween spirit so there were spooks, Mass† Murderers, scary music and fog at every turn.

Mother Nature
Mother Nature

Don't fool Mother Nature
Don't fool Mother Nature

When we had collected our fill of candy and half freezing to death we went out to my brother’s house where he had a Scavenger Hunt for the kids.† Heather and I drove the kids around to various locations for clues.† You haven’t lived until you have been to a graveyard on Halloween night with a full moon!† Also did you know some people put lighted crosses on graves?† I couldn’t believe it.† The kids loved it and the only complaint was that it was too short.† Thanks Eddie for inviting us!

And now it is November.† EEP!



Vivaldi…The Four Seasons


While listening to Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” Kei was to write what each season made her feel, taste, hear and see.† I have always thought I was a semi decent writer, but I don’t really remember writing things like this so young.† Maybe it is because I wasn’t homeschooled. 🙂


I see the white blanket on the ground,

I feel the cold, sharp air on my tongue and the white, wet snowflakes,

I hear stillness around me; for the animals have fled and so will I, go back to my den and I feel calm and happy.


I see the bunnies eating the fresh vegetables,

I feel the new pansies on my legs,

I hear ‘tweet tweet’ and ‘thump thump’ as life begins again,

And I taste the cool, moist air.


I see the water, the bathing suits,

I feel the water, splash, splash, splashing on my face

I taste the hot, sticky air

I hear people laughing and screaming


Cool, moist air lies on my tongue,

I see the red, yellow and orange leaves on the trees.

I hear the wind ‘whoosh whoosh’.

I feel the leaves falling on me.

Happy Fall, Happy Friday,


October is Creeping By…

It has been a good week.

Kei got a new box.† It is amazing what you can do with a box, where you† can go, what you can be.

Step Into My Parlor...
Step Into My Parlor...

It is a window to imagination…

Complete with Homemade Curtains
Complete with Homemade Curtains

My Daddy has millions of acorns.† Kei and went over there and got some and painted them orange.† [Which is harder than it sounds.† Anyone know a better way to anchor these little guys while you are painting them?] Then she drew pumpkin faces on them.


We had to punt the Edward Scissorhands idea.† Too expensive for this year, so she is going to be Mother Nature.† Which is very apropo for her.† We went to look for ideas at the Halloween store in town.† They have some of the coolest stuff!


We had to, of course, take the required ‘I’m so scared’ picture.


Today she was playing with clay and made this cute little clay family.† I thought they had a Gremlin ‘flavor’.

Do Not Feed After Midnight
Do Not Feed After Midnight

All in all, a very good week.† Of course, it is supposed to RAIN tomorrow.

Stay dry,


Delicious Terror…

That is what my Mom always called it.† She loved scary movies, and scaring us to death.† She didn’t grow up in an era of Halloween and Friday the 13th and Saw.† She loved things like The Bad Seed, and Alfred Hitchcock.† I remember being very small and rushing home from school to watch Dark Shadows with her.† [See I was a vampire girl from wayyyyy back]

Last night we went to Gina and Bobby’s for food and fear!† We had a blast. Their house was pimped out in true Halloween fashion.

RIP Brit, Kei crying, Cody way too happy!
RIP Brit, Kei crying, Cody way too happy!

The food was yummy and we enjoyed eating with friends so much.† Then it was movie time.† Poltergeist was the thriller of the night.† Kei, Bobby and I had seen it, Brit and Cody were newbies and Gina had never watched the entire movie.

We loved it and there was a lot of hugging together from the girls.

Then we loaded up the car and went to Cry Baby Hollow.† This is a bridge that is a local legend.† I had been there when I was a teenager but Kei had never been. The legend I had always heard is that a woman threw her baby off the bridge and at night you can still hear the baby cry.† Also if you leave candy on the bridge, the baby comes and gets it.† Another part of the story is that if you put your car in neutral it will either roll forward or backward or rock back and forth, and sometimes there are little baby hand prints on your windows!!

So off we went.† It was cold and drizzly, a perfect night for ghosties.† We turned off on the ‘road’ and it was perfect; dark and spooky and raining and DARK!† The bridge is very short; about 8′ and has no side rails.

I wanted to get in Gina's lap but Cody got to!

When Bobby put the car in neutral, it ROLLED!† There were squeals of delight and fright from the car.† We had to turn around and do it a few more times and each time it rolled.† The best time was when it rolled backwards! Up an incline! <insert Twilight Zone music here>

Then we got out and walked to place the candy.† Did I mention it was raining?† and DARK?† The kids placed their candy and Brit swore she saw a shadow in the rushing water below.

We Aren't Scared!
We Aren't Scared!

I the kids were very glad to be back in the car.† On the way home Brit and Kei decided the entire “Rock-A-Bye-Baby song was written for the Cry Baby Hollow Legend.

We had a blast and stole Brit to come home with us to protect us from ghosts spend the night with Kei.† Thanks Lackeys!!!† We loved it.

Happy Saturday,


Learning by Doing…

We have had a great week in HSing.

We are studying about Colonial Times and have watched a series on PBS called Colonial House. It is like a reality show with modern families having to live like Colonists.† We ordered it from Netflix.† We both agree that we wouldn’t really care to live during those times. We read a book about an average day and the little girl in the book put on 16 items of clothing every morning.† Kei tried it with skirts, stockings, tulle skirts and various things.† She kept it on about 10 minutes and then I found pieces of clothing like Hansel and Gretel’s bread trail. 🙂


She also did a poster on Seed Dispersal.† She loves hands on activities and I really think she retains more than just doing a worksheet.


I never throw away anything electronic that breaks.† Kei loves to take things apart.† Here she is taking apart our poor dead DVD player.† The funniest part was I heard her talking and I said, “Please don’t talk to inanimate objects” and she said, “I am pretending I am a doctor doing surgery on it”.


This is a picture Kei made of our gorgeous plant that Gina gave us.† It has done so well!† Especially considering I have a JET BLACK thumb!


All in all a good week.† Now if it would only stop raining.† It is supposed to cool off this weekend.† We have our electric blanket ready to go.

Have a snuggly next few days!


October Blessings….

Hi Momma,

It is October, your favorite month. The trees are just now beginning to turn. I think we should have a spectacular fall because of all the rain. You would love it. When I walk outside and I feel that crisp fall feeling in the air, I always think of you.

It has been almost 1 1/2 since you left me. I miss you so much still. Kei and I cleaned out your closets and drawers last week. I ran across so many memories. It was a hard day for me. I talked to you while I worked, did you hear me?

I had a yard sale with all your clothes this past week. You had so many blouses. I remember buying so many of them. It was sad seeing all your shirts blowing in the breeze, some of them still smelling like your perfume, but Kei and I prayed that they would go to people who love them as much as you did.

Things are still hard with me financially. I am doing a little better but still it is hard at times. Continue to watch over us please. Sometimes I can almost feel your arms around me and it gives me comfort.

Daddy has met someone. She is a kind, good woman. The biggest compliment I can give her is that you would like her. She collects elephants just like you did and loves antiquing and estate sales. It was hard for me at first but I remember all the times you told me that you didn’t want Daddy to be alone when you were gone. She is good to Daddy and takes care of him and she is good to us. Kei wasn’t very happy about it but they invited her to dinner and she feels much better. She has started including her in her prayers instead of just for “Bull”. Daddy is taking care of me, just like you always told him to. Daddy and I have become much closer since you are gone. He is calmer and less easily angered also.

Kei and I are maybe going to move into your house. I think you would like that. I hope that I can remember more stories about when I was little to share with Kei. I share stories with her all the time. She reminds me of you in many ways, her sense of humor and her favorite foods. We moved into that house when I was 9 so it feels very right that we move there when Kei is 9. It is a big job though, because you know how much stuff you have! It seems like it will never be cleaned out.

Kei has gotten so big Momma. She is so smart and sweet. We are loving homeschooling this year. She is learning so much. My biggest regret is that you and she didn’t get to spend more time together. I talk about you all the time. I don’t want her to ever forget you.

I made chicken stew the other day. It is the first time I have made it since I made it for you. It made me so sad.

Oh Momma, I miss you. I miss your hugs and talking to you and your presence . I miss not having you here. I miss not seeing you. But I am doing really well. You were always so worried about how I would be when you were gone. You would be proud of me. I am proud of me but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss you.

I wish you didn’t have to leave us so early but I know you are in a glorious place. One day, we will be together again. I will hug you and jump up and down with joy and dance and laugh.

I am now a daughter without a mother, but I am finding out I am much stronger than I ever believed I was. You knew it all along didn’t you?

I love you my sweet Mother.




“Thank heaven for little girls
for little girls get bigger every day!

Thank heaven for little girls
they grow up in the most delightful way!”

Will it ever stop raining!!!??? I love rain, I love the sound of rain, the smell of rain, rainy nights, but I am ready for it to go away after a few days.† I hate soggy!

We had a great GNO to celebrate Gina’s birthday.† Chan came back with us and stayed for 3 days.† Her and Kei had a blast.


They played with Littlest Pets.† I love those things.† I wish we would have had them when I was little.

kei-chanWe went to the trails and park up at the local PS.† The girls watched the kids in their fenced in enclosure playing for 10 minutes and felt very sorry for them.† I asked Kei if she missed PS at all and she said, “NO WAY”.


There was singing and laughter and giggles galore.


Now it is the weekend again.† There is the Apple Festival in Moulton and Eva Frontier Days.† We have gone to both in the past and enjoyed them.† IF IT STOPS RAINING!

There is also so much around here I need to be doing.†† Nah…I think I will just lounge.

September days….

“Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow and oh so mellow
Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain so yellow
Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a young and a callow fellow
Try to remember and if you remember
Then follow–follow, oh-oh.”
-† Try to Remember, Lyrics by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt


I can’t believe it is already the middle of September.† Where does time go?

We are in full swing with homeschooling.† Loving it with very few meltdowns by either of us.

We missed the “Not Back to School” picnic and the 1st skate day because Kei was very sick.† We both hated missing it.

We did go bowling which was fun.† I got to see some people I hadn’t seen all summer.† Kei broke 100 which is a 1st for her.


She has been in a coloring mode lately.† Every night after dinner she colors and colors and colors.


We are learning about Kingdoms, etc.† Even though I think it is a little silly.† I mean how many times have you been asked for the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Genus or Species of a mushroom???† Kei has memorized all of them which is more than I know.†† We did an experiment about “Opposable Thumbs” and it was a hoot.† She had to try to do all these things with her thumbs taped down.† Some she accomplished but it took forever and some she could not do at all.


I love homeschooling.† I love spending so much time with Kei.† I love learning right along with her.† I have learned relearned so much!† We are doing American History and I have never been so fascinated by Explorers and the first settlements.† In a perfect world we could go to visit Jamestown after studying about it.† But…with the internet that is almost possible.

Kei is now working on a play about Virginia Dare. She is convinced that the Indians got her and they all lived happily ever after.† She still believes in that…..

Live, laugh, learn,


My Mother, My Friend…

Today is my Mother’s birthday.

She has been gone for a year and 4 months and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss her.† But…the grief does get better.† It eases.† It softens around the edges.† It isn’t crying uncontrollably grief.† I guess it has to be like that or we would all just sit in a padded room somewhere.

Life goes on.† Life goes on…..

I have reconnected with my Mother’s best friend.† They were best friends since high school.† Keilee and I have started going to garage sales with her.† She and my Mother used to go every Friday.† She has been telling me stories about my Mom that I never knew.† She knows a different side of her.† My mother and I were always friends, but of course, there were many things she shared and discussed with friends that she didn’t talk to me about.† I always feel so close to my Mother when I am with Patsy.

Kei and I talk about her a lot.† I don’t want Kei to forget her.† Kids forget you know?† When things are happening to you, when you are in the moment, you don’t believe that you would ever forget.† But we forget….

My mother always signed my Birthday cards in the same way:

My daughter, my friend.

Happy Birthday my Mother, my friend; †I hope you are dancing with the angels.† I miss you so much.


Country Girl Wannabees….

We so want to be country girls.† 10 years ago, the thought of living in the country would have sent me into a panic.† Funny how a little nature girl and a homeschooling lifestyle can change your point of view.

We have had a great week and Ω.† We started American History this year, after 2 years of Ancient History.† We loved learning about the Native Americans.† Kei made a tipi [which I never knew was spelled that way!], we watched some movies and did all sorts of cool things.† Now we have moved onto Explorers.

Kei has fallen in love with the neighbor’s baby boy.† 1st time she has ever held a baby this small!


We have bird feeders and we have enjoyed watching the birds.† I think we must be the only place within miles that feed them.† We have so many birds.† We also have hummingbirds; which Kei has named Monkey, Dolphin and Tiger!† We have an adorable parakeet that showed up about a month ago and is still here!† Her name is Yum Yum and we adore her!† She stays around here day and night and looks so beautiful flying with her less colorful new friends.


Yum Yum the Parakeet
Yum Yum the Parakeet

We built a fire one night and roasted marshmallows.† I love the cooler weather! †It makes me ready for fall, which I know is not that close.


We are learning about animal and plant cells and made this cool Jello Cell.† It is supposed to be edible, but Kei passed on the eating part. 🙂

Animal Cell
Animal Cell

We had our weekly, bimonthly, monthly tea party.† Complete with sandwhiches, gummy worms, jello† and lots of laughter.


Kei went to Brit’s spend the night party and the next day we went to Zachery’s Slip and Slide party.† Fun times were had by all.


Kei got to slide under a neighbors truck on his…thingamijig.† Grrrr, what is that called?† I must google it.† She was impressed with the underneath of it!† She also Pogoed, which she is getting quite good at.



She also wrote† a† haiku:

Fly through the night sky,

Pretty wings in the moonlight,

Gorgeous butterfly.

Didimention how much I love homeschooling!???


Berries From the Past…

We have been studying about Native Americans the last couple of weeks.

Today Kei and I went on a bike ride to gather wood for a fire since the weather has been so awesome. She saw some berries that she had to stop and pick.

She knew that Native Americans used berries and such for dye so she decided to make a picture using her collected berries.  She got a rock and started pounding the berries into pulp.  The color was amazing.


Then she got paper and preceded to make a great picture.


Obviously, flies love berries too!† Then she got a great idea! “Mom, can I paint on my legs with this?”.  I, being the cool mom that I am, said “Of course”, thinking she would paint a flower or something similar.

The Declaration of Keilee

After a bit, I told her to go inside and jump in the tub. I then called my brother, nature boy extraordinaire, to ask him what this berry was. He wasn’t sure, so I looked it up online, found out it was Pokeweed and called him back to tell him.  He then told me it was poisonous!

I freaked out and called Kei’s doctor. I went in the bathroom and scrubbed her off with soap, then made her get out and I put rubbing alcohol on her legs and arms and gave her Benadryl. The nurse on call finally called me back and said she wanted me to call the poison control.  I got a sweet lady who told me that Kei would be fine and I did everything right.

Sheesshhh, I bet the Native Americans never had to deal with this kind of thing!

We did learn something interesting which I shared with Poison Control; the Declaration of Independence was written with Pokeweed ink and it was used often during the Civil War as ink in letters the soldiers wrote to home.  She told me I had taught her something today. 🙂


Beware the berry!

Learning is FUNdamental…

I love homeschooling so much. I know I have said this before, but there is nothing I would rather do than homeschool Kei.

I love that we don’t have to live around an alarm clock.  I love that she got to stay up until 1:00 AM to watch the Perseid Meteors [which were unbelievable] and the other kids in the neighborhood had to go in and go to bed.

I love that she can do what she wants, when she wants. If she wants to sing, she sings, if she wants to read, she reads, if she wants to sew, she sews. Her creativity is boundless because she isn’t bound to a desk in a room with 25 other kids.

I love that she lives in a world that allows her to follow that rabbit trail wherever it takes her, or nowhere at all. That she can be doing Math and all of a sudden, ask about the Milky Way.

I love that we can be discussing something and a subject comes up that she isn’t familiar with and I can immediately go to the computer and find something that actually shows her what we are talking about. Today it was Woodstock. Yesterday it was Anne Frank.

Kids crave knowledge; they are like sponges soaking up information. With us it is immediate. She asks, we find out. She doesn’t want to wait 2 hours for her questions to be answered.  She wants to know NOW.  It seems to me that schools try to tame that quest for knowledge. Every time a teacher says, “Not now Billy”, or “Why don’t you look that up later” they are squashing the thirst for more information.

I don’t ever worry that I am not teaching Kei enough, I am worried that I won’t have time to teach her all I want to. I want to show her the world. I want to tell her everything.  Look at this, listen to this, learn this…

I love homeschooling….


Peace out….


Fishing is the Word..

Daddy took Kei fishing today.† She has never been fishing before.† When I was her age, I had fished hundreds of times.† Daddy had a catfish pond in Moulton and we fished all the time.

She was so excited last night when he called.† She immediately pulled out her Visual Dictionary and started looking things up.† First she told me she needed waders.† I assured her that they wouldn’t be fly fishing so those were not neccessary.† Then she was worried that she wouldn’t be able to “wind up the thingie” if she caught a fish.† I told her they would probably go cane pole fishing.

When I woke her up this morning, early, she said, “The early Kei catches the fish”.† LOL

They left about 8:00.† She had the best time.† First they stopped and got crickets.† She took a picture and it looked pretty disgusting to me.† She said the lady assured them “They have just eaten and will be all big and full.”† She refused to bait the hook, not because of the ‘ick’ factor, but because she wouldn’t kill anything, even a cricket.

How Yucky!
How Yucky!

She caught 3 fish and was over the moon.† She was bubbling when she got home and told me all about her adventures.

Kei's 1st Fish
Kei's 1st Fish

This is another reason I love Homeschooling.† Random, wonderful field trips/learning experiences.

Another Wonderful School Year….

We started school today.† Well, sit down and do various subjects, school.† Kei has been raring to go for 2 weeks.† She picked out her clothes and packed her bag last night.


We are doing American History after spending the last 2 years on Ancient Civilizations.† We just are going to kinda skip the middle parts for now. :)† We started with Native Americans and I have been gathering information for a month.† We did the Plains Indians first and both learned so much.† Then she started Caddie Woodhouse. She is reading and listening to the audio at the same time.

In fact, Kei roped a neighborhood public school kid into doing a ‘debate’ this afternoon.† Kei took the Native Americans part and Vicki was European.† I was so proud of Kei’s arguments about how badly the Indians were treated.

We also did Science, about the Earth and rotation and revolutions and we used an orange and various things to show both.† We are doing Saxon 6 math this year.† She is very good at Math, good enough to have me worried that I will be clueless very soon.

She also made a doll and a cat out of fabric.


All in all, a great 1st day of school.

I just love homeschooling.

Lazy Days of Summer…

It has been a good week.†† Kei and I cleaned OUT her room.† We moved everything out and then rearranged.† What a job!† But she loves it.


We had my nephew spend the night a couple of nights and he was a blast.† He helped me clean off the balcony and various other “I need a strong dude” chores.† We sat on the balcony and had a fire.† It was so great.


We went to Esther’s for a day of food, laughter and play.


We moms had to get our “silly on” too.


Then Seth taught Kei to play Poker.† Of course, she had to ‘dress’ the part.† Esther said it was a fine example of learning Math and symbols.† E can find the ‘learning’ in anything!!


Kei is so excited about going to see “Beauty and The Beast” at the Princess.† We can’t wait.

Happy Weekend!

Mud and Fairies Houses and Tea Parties, Oh My..

Today was a kick back and enjoy the day day. Kei decided that she wanted to build fairy houses. She has 2 different processes for this. One, she makes them out of twigs and leaves and two, she makes them out of mud. Today was a “Mud” day.


Here she has proven the, often suspected but never documented, fact that 9 year olds do attract mud like a magnet. Also that she can finally do the Vulcan hand sign. [????]


But the Fairy House was lovely. She named it Dragonfly City and gave me a tour of the houses and stores. It came complete with a pool for the fairies.


Then she invited me to a Tea Party. We do this every now and then, not as much as she would like but as much as I can stand attend.† She makes a grand production, hand writing my invitation and anxiously awaiting the time. She uses her Tea Set that she hand painted a couple of years ago.


We always dress up in summery dresses complete with hats and talk in accents. Last time we were British grand ladies and today we were Southern aristocrats. No matter the nationality, our names remain the same. She is Mrs. Sassafras and I am Mrs. Chamomile. We discuss our gardens and recipes and our grandchildren and how ‘wild and reckless’ today’s society is. Kei adores this pretend time.


Memories…it is all about making memories.

One thing I want Kei to say when she is 20 is, “I had the most wonderful childhood.”

Homeschooling Rocks!


The Winds of Change….

“Once upon a time, there was a quiet little village in the French countryside, whose people believed in TranquilitÈ – Tranquility. If you lived in this village, you understood what was expected of you. You knew your place in the scheme of things. And if you happened to forget, someone would help remind you. In this village, if you saw something you weren’t supposed to see, you learned to look the other way. If perchance your hopes had been disappointed, you learned never to ask for more. So through good times and bad, famine and feast, the villagers held fast to their traditions. Until, one winter day, a sly wind blew in from the North…”† From “Chocolat”

I feel something in the air.† A change coming that I am not sure I am ready for.† Some things are supposed to change, others are not.† Or at least not in my world.

Parts of my life do not feel the same any more.† I don’t know if it because I have had the most stressful, heartbreaking, life changing 1Ω year of my life or not.

Maybe I am wrong, maybe it is just a strange ‘dog days of summer’ wind.† Or maybe is is a wonderful, exciting, life changing inagoodway wind.† I just hope I am ready.

The Tail Tale of Lillian….

A couple of months ago, we were invited to a “Tadpole Rescue” at Heather’s house.

We came home with 1000’s 100’s of tadpoles.

Every day or so we would check on them to see if anything was going on.† One by one by one they died.† Until we had 5 left.† Then, a couple of them developed legs and we were so excited!!† Last week I was showing one of the neighborhood kids their progress and there was a little bitty frog.† We were all jumping up and down and shouting, [easily amused, remember?]† Kei †was so happy.† She has ALWAYS wanted a dog or cat, but HEY! A frog will work just fine, thankyouverymuch.

We got one of Kei’s bug holders and put it in there with some water.† Kei named her Lillian and for the next few days she was besotted over this froggie!† She enlisted the neighborhood kids to find flies for her.† Yes there was a sandwich bag filled with dead flies on my patio.

Then, we woke up and could not find Lillian.† She was not in her container.† Now there was no way that I could see for her to get out so I searched that sucker for 30 minutes.† We took out the rock and the water, no Lillian.† Kei was devastated.† She insisted that I immediately say a prayer for Lillian which I did.† She searched all over the house for this frog that is probably Ω” long.

It was Sunday morning when we made the discovery of Lillian’s strange disappearance and Kei said she was going to ask her Kid’s Church teacher to pray for Lillian. †When I got her after church she was outraged.† I asked her what happened and she said, “I told the teacher and she said, “You can get another frog”. As if!!† I tried not to laugh and told her we still have 4 tadpoles to watch for.

Well after we got home from Daddy’s, Kei was picking up the container to do something with it and she started screaming, “Lillian is back, Lillian is back!!”† That dang frog was in the container!!† I still don’t know where she was hiding.

So now, we have a pet frog.† And Kei loves her.† I mean, LOVES her.† She took her outside today to get her ‘exercise’.† Good grief!† She just came in and said,† “Lillian is probably one of the smartest frogs ever! ” Then she proceded to tell me about Lillian jumping over a blade of grass she put in the container.† She is trying to teach the frog to be a high jumper!!!† She will be world famous!† The Jumping Frog of Morgan County!

She is cute, isn't she?
She is cute, isn't she?

Little things mean a lot when you are 9.† I wish we could all hang onto that magic longer…

Thanks Heather!

Easily Amused….


The first boy I ever really loved was in high school.† I was 16 and fell hard.† After a couple of years of tears, laughter, silliness it ended.† There was drama in there but that is another post for another day.

We have reconnected on Facebook and he commented on something I said and got to me to thinking.

I mentioned when I was young I was ‘easily amused’ and he questioned that.

Today, I have been thinking about that phrase….’easily amused’.† We use it as a negative, a bad thing.† But is it really?

I was ‘easily amused’, when I was younger.† With a kid’s love of the world, everything was interesting to me.† A bike ride, a game of war, catching lightening bugs.† As I grew older I was still easily amused.† Even through the roller coaster of emotions in teenage years, it didn’t take much to make me happy.

As I got older I became less ‘easily amused’.† I searched, for what I have no clue.† That elusive ‘something’ that would complete me.† I wanted it all.† I wanted the bright lights, the excitement, the knight on the white horse, the drinking champagne out of the shoe, the exhilaration, the late nights, the exotic food, the glamorous life. So I searched and searched and traveled and searched some more.† I ran as far and as fast as I could to something…somewhere….

To my surprise I ended up right where I started as we so often do.† The last few years, since I have had a child, I am once again ‘easily amused’ and finding myself becoming more and more so.† I delight in thunderstorms, local history, the beauty of nature, watching a tadpole turn into a frog, sharing my favorite movies with Kei, eating ice cream on a hot day, walking barefoot in the rain, picking flowers in a field.† I get giddy when I have a new book to read, a song† can move me to tears, a tea party with my girl is the highlight of my week.

Easily amused?….for me it now means ‘content‘. Being happy where I am.† Appreciating life and this day that God has given me.

So yes Stevie…I am easily amused. Finally….

Happy Monday,


!!!!Happy 4th of July!!!!

What a great day.


Friends, food and fireworks.


You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness.† You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism.† ~Erma Bombeck


Day of Surprises..

We were bored.† We decided to go to TN to see a giant chicken.† We have a really great book on tape and just driving around here, to the grocery store, to the library; never gave us a chance to really listen.† So off we went.

We noticed on the way down I 565 there had been a wreck headed North.† Traffic was at a standstill!† We got to the chicken and took pictures and then went inside for a drink.† The lady there told us that traffic was backed up for an hour!† We didn’t want to sit in traffic for an hour so we got N.I.A [our GPS] and tried to find somewhere to go.† I have always wanted to take Kei to Lynchburg TN to see Jack Daniel’s Distillery.† I remember it being such a cool little town.† We looked on NIA and it said it was only 32 miles so off we went.

Kei and the chicken
Kei and the chicken

Me and da Chick
Me and da Chick

We had a fantastic day.† The tour is free so that cost us nothing but the gas.† We learned that Jack Daniels bought the whiskey making business from Rev. Call [yes he was a preacher] when Jack was 12 years old!! 12!! There is over 400 people who live in Lynchburg and over 400 who work at Jack Daniels.† Lynchburg is, and will probably always be, a dry county.† Our guide explained that you must have 2500 registered voters before you can even vote on the WET/DRY issue!† Isn’t that hilarious?

You can purchase an actual barrel full of whiskey for a mere $11,000!† Kei hated the smell of it and it was a bit strong.† But it was so interesting!† Jack Daniels had a safe in his office and one morning he couldn’t get the combination to work so he kicked it and got his toe very infected.† Which eventually killed him!† Moral of the story… TEMPER, TEMPER!




Afterwards we walked around the square which was so cool.



All in all a great day.† And none of it planned.† With NIA I have wings! It is so funny because I freak out with directions, I mean I am horrible.† With NIA I still don’t know where in the world I am, but I know SHE knows!

Happy 4th!


Free Movies and Colonial Days

We went to Monaco Pictures yesterday for their free movie.† It was Nim’s Island which we had seen several times but love.† We want to move to that island!

We ran into Suzette and co. there and sat with them.† Then we walked around Bridge Street and K bought 4 perfect pieces of candy from the Chocolate Crocodile.† $4.09 for 4 tiny little pieces.† She loved them.


Then we discovered we were all headed to the Madison Library.† Emily helped K pick out some books and she has been reading ever since.

Well except for her deciding out of the blue last night that she wanted to dress up like a Colonial girl.† Daddy had given her a goose feather and she thought it would make the perfect quill.† She made some ink and wrote for an hour by candlelight.† She came to the conclusion that it would be really hard to live without electricity!


We still have no money coming in and it has been very hard but….we are still here, still hanging in, and life is good.


The Day the Music Died…

Farrah Fawcett died this morning.† She was 62.† My brother had her infamous red bathing suit poster on his door for years.† We used to watch Charlie’s Angels.† I always thought Farrah was beautiful but a bit of a fluff.† Then I saw her in Burning Bed and was blown away.† Good bye Farrah, you were too young to die.

Then I heard Michael Jackson died!† Michael Jackson???† I could hardly believe it.† MJ was such a part of my 80’s music memories.† You couldn’t go anywhere without hearing Michael Jackson, the radio, MTV, clubs.† I always felt sorry for him.† He seemed so lost and alone even though it seemed he had everything.† He seemed like a gentle soul and I always found it hard to believe all the rumors and allegations against him.

Rest in Peace Michael and Farrah.† May your artistry live on for future generations.

Daddy took my car to have the hail damage appraised.† The damage was way more than we thought.† My neighbor’s truck was actually totaled from hail damage.† That was some storm.

Kei played in H2O all day.† I read.† A nice, peaceful day.† Here she was letting water run into her mouth from the sprinkler.


And here she was trying to spit a stream.


This one I liked because her face was all underwater.


Now it’s off to watch more Gilmore Girls.† We are determined to find Stars Hollow and move there.


You’re my obsession…

I used to love Duran Duran. I use to LOVE Duran Duran. I discovered them one afternoon while watching MTV. Remember MTV? The old school MTV that played video after video. MTV with Martha, JJ, Adam, Mark and Nina. I saw “Hungry Like the Wolf” and I was hooked.

I was probably just a little too obsessed with these boys from England. I had a friend that was just as obsessed. She liked Nick, I liked John. We bought magazines, taped everything they ever appeared on and watched it back…in slow motion. We were freaks! When they would come out with a new album or video we would pick each and every word and picture apart. We analyzed and discussed, and were sure that we, out of all their fans, understood what they really meant!

John Taylor

I wore the white shoes they wore, I wore hats like they did, I wore black rubber bracelets. I dyed my hair maroon once, like John had his. I saw D2 3 times over the next few years. I even met them in Atlanta. You would have never known I even knew who they were. I just kinda stood there and smiled. Inside I was screaming, “Pick me! Love me! Marry me!” 🙂

It’s kinda fun to have a star crush. Which is why I completely understand when Kei is insistent that she is going to marry Johnny Depp. I know that one day, she, like me, will look back on this time and remember the excitement of a new movie, a new song, a new interview, a new picture.

So crush on!

Covered Bridges…

I love local history.† Haven’t always, do now.

I don’t know if it’s a homeschool thing or not.† I find myself loving things I never even cared about.† History in general, science, country life.† I have thought about it a lot and I think that Homeschooling is just a gentler, slower paced life. There isn’t so much hurryhurryhurry. I mean, we don’t even use an alarm clock to wake up.

We went to a covered bridge today. Our first one.† It was in Cullman and we loved it.† I found a really cool site with all the covered bridges in the USA!† Maybe we can explore them all!† Well….probably not.

It was 10 degrees cooler up there and we had our trusty Garmin which Kei has named NIA. I love that thing! I used to freak out about getting somewhere and then trying to get home but with the push of a button she takes us home! We don’t always agree on the route because I know all the little shortcuts but we get along very amiably.

And best of all….all it cost us was the gas. Which is VERY important these days.

Splish Splashing Away…

We went to the Splash Park today.† It’s such a great idea I just wish they would expand on it more.† They could do so much with the space.† An older man who has worked in the park forever told us they eventually want a wading pool.† Since it took them 3 years to update the playground area, I figure Kei should be able to take HER kids to the wading pool.

Water Water
Water Water

This one cracked me up.


Of course she met a new friend cause that’s just what she does.† They bounced between the splash pad and the playground.



After her new friend left we ate lunch.

Dramatic Eating
Dramatic Eating

Then home again, home again to the cool air conditioner!

Happy Monday,


Dress Up and Fires…

It has been crazy hot here the past few days.† Summer has definitely reared its head.

Kei put on a fashion show for me today.† She loves putting clothes together.† Then she insisted I photograph her as she posed and spun around.† Remember how much fun dress up used to be?

Then last night, we had a fire.† Of course it was about 90 degrees but it was still beautiful.† We didn’t have any marshmallows so Kei roasted a stick.
A quiet Friday.
Happy weekend,

I Wanna Be a Cowgirl..


Today at the library they had Mooo Day.† Kei wanted to go so we headed up there.† I had to drop some Ebay things off at the Post Office anyway.

It was packed when we arrived.† So I had to parellel park!! I haven’t done that in forever.† I did very good thankyouverymuch.

There was a cow there but she didn’t look like she was having too much fun.† It seemed to be geared toward younger kids but I did learn something.† Cows have 1 udder and 4 teats!† I have always called them udders.† They spoke about cows and milk and let the kids pet Daisy.† Then they served them ice cream!



There are several cool things planned at the library for the summer.

After we left we went to the Post Office and then stopped by The Farmer’s Market.†† We love the Farmer’s Market!† I got some green beans called rattlesnake beans, peaches and plums.† When I lived in California there was an awesome Farmer’s Market that we went to.† They had things I had never seen before.† It was so cool. I would love to take Kei there!

Happy Friday,


If I Were a Rich Girl…


We spent delightful days at our friends new house at Smith Lake.†† The house was incredible.† Over 7000 sq. feet, on the lake front and beautiful.

I could stay there forever and Kei had all the rooms assigned as if we lived there by the time we left.† Complete with a homeschooling room of course.† An amazing house.† Imagine waking up, walking into the kitchen and being surrounded on 3 sides by floor to ceiling windows with a lake view.† The pool was great and Kei worked on her diving skillz.† She stayed in the water for hours and hours.† I swear she is part mermaid.

It was just what we needed.† Of course I got horribly blistered.† Why is it I lather Kei in sunscreen and then half way put it on myself!!!!?????

Happy Thursday,


Summer Days….

We had a really good week.

We always try to do things that do not cost money since we have none.

Kei is reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.† She is loving it.† We are actually doing an online Unit Study with other HSers.† It has been a blast!

Kei In Narnia
Kei In Narnia

Kei and some of her neighborhood friends are keeping the sidewalk beautiful!




We went to Cathy and Kaitlin’s swimming Thursday.† We had a blast soaking up the sun and listening to Dr. Horrible.† Cathy made the best food!† We had chicken spaghetti, black beans and a corn casserole that I have to have the recipe for.


Kei and I woke up Saturday and she just had to do something! She wasnted to go letterboxing.† I tried to get her to wait until we, hopefully got a GPS, but she wanted to do it now.

So, we hopped in our car and took off to Falkville.† Of course I went the long way around because that is the only way I was sure of.† The first place took us to a cemetary with these cool directions:

From I-65 take exit 322 (Falkville-Eva). Go west (toward Falkville) on highway 55. Turn left at the Love’s truck stop onto Douglas Rd (.1 mi.). At the end of Douglas Rd. (1 mi.) turn left onto Piney Grove Rd. From Piney Grove Rd. find the outdoor resting place of hundreds. If you come to a “DEAD” end you’ve gone too far. Go back. Park.
Find the loneliest “Dad” at the front (NE) of the lot. Have a seat facing the sleeping souls and give your regards to David. You will find yourself looking at a fallen giant, which is where your treasure awaits.

When we found it we were both so excited!† It is so cool reading the notebook to see who all has come before you and where they are from.


The next place was also in Falkville, so after a stop at Love’s Truck Stop [I just adore truck stops!] we were off.

This one had really cool instructions:

When driving the great 65 that cutteth the east in half, if thou dippeth below the Mason-Dixon line into northern Alabama, thou wilt come to exit 322, Falkville/Eva. Thou can makest a quick detour off the ribbon of blacktop onto highway 55, and turn west, toward Falkville (small town USA). When thou cometh to the second road on the right (Culver Road), turneth right there. A short way down this road, watcheth for a place where the young and old can cometh together. Pulleth into the lot where the old folks roam, and the children play. Pulleth to the North end of the lot, and thou wilt find the twin dining area for the old folks at home. Yon box is not there. Skirteth this area and droppeth into a shallow ditch. Climbeth out of the ditch on the other side. Thou wilt see a cluster of three trees, one with a curly trunk. Looketh in that spot to find thine treasure.
Please rehide this box very well, as one box has already disappeared from this area.

Everything went smoothly until we actually saw the container.† I was reaching for it when I felt FIRE on my feet.† I looked down and there were, honestly, thousands of ants on my feet.† I kinda freaked out and went screaming.† Thankfully my fast thinking child grabbed her water bottle and a towel we brought and drowned those suckers.† But…the pain!† I had tons of ant bites.† All in all, NOT an enjoyable experience.† We got all the ants off me and my sandals and got outta there.† We did find a really quicker way to get to Esthers though!

We love just getting in the car and driving, Kei especially.† But I am so directionally challenged that I always get lost.† Today after church we were over at my Daddy’s and my sweet brother brought us an early Christmas present.† Our own Nuvi!!† Adventure here we come!

Happy Week,


My Girl

I have done so many things in my life and times.

I have traveled across the United States and lived in San Francisco. I have spit off the Golden Gate Bridge and worked for a company that won an Oscar. I have laughed and loved and cried. I have lost a brother and a mother. I have been a wife, a sister, an aunt, a friend.

But none of those things compare to what I am now…a Mother. I never knew how this would feel. I never understood the saying “I would die for you”, not really. Now I do. I never understood wanting so badly to give your child the world. Now I do.

She delights me, amazes me, frustrates me, makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts, makes me cry, teaches me, makes my heart overflow with love, refuses to clean her room, never stops talking, drives me crazy, fills me with a miraculous joy, lights up my life.


She loves to bake, to dance, to sing, to perform in plays, to read, to play video games, to watch silly reality TV, to eat, to pretend, to swim, to be outside. She prefers mushrooms to chocolate. She loves to snuggle and still believes hugs from me will fix any hurt.

She is smart, caring, beautiful; inside and out, inventive, curious, kind, a champion of the underdog, intuitive, a dreamer. She refuses to use plastic bags, she believes in causes, she wants to change the world. She believes anything is possible.† She is such a good God girl, she has so much faith.† When I listen to her prayers I am so touched by the things she prays for.

She sees the world as a wondrous place and almost every day she claps her hands and jumps up and down with excitement. She believes in fairies and magic and Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. She makes me believe in them also. She has a definite sense of right and wrong. She absolutely hates to hurt anyone feelings. She is not just a “glass half full” kinda girl; she is a ìgive me some water and I will fill it upî kinda girl. She refuses to say bad words; which, to her, is butt, dang, crap. I call her my little nun.


She could have her leg cut off and refuse to cry. She wants to be tough; she thinks she has to be tough. This is not something I have taught her, it is just who she is. She thinks she must take care of me, and I tell her I am the one taking care of her. However, in some of my darkest moments she is there like a light beckoning me to her. I couldn’t have survived my Mother’s death without her.

She can be wise beyond her years one minute and playing with her dolls the next. She is a beautiful mix of young and old. The sound of her laughter is the sweetest music I have ever heard.

I am her teacher, but she has taught me so much. She has taught me how to be completely unselfish, how to love unconditionally, how to put someone else’s well being above my own. She is my life, my world.

I love you so much my baby girl. To Pluto and back…



Water, Water Everywhere..

K loves water.† She loves to swim, to splash, to dive, to go underwater, to just sit with water all around her.† She takes hour baths and uses her mask in the tub!† I swear the kid is part mermaid.

She isn’t able to put up her pool this year and at first she was so sad.† But, being the creative kid that she is, she has made adjustments.

One day she played all day on her Water Slide:

Kei Water Slide
Kei Water Slide


Then she made some sort of train/water track.

Kei Train
Kei Train

Then we went on a Wild Swim with our HS Group.† It was awesome.

Rope Swing
Rope Swing

Chillin' n Relaxin'
Chillin' n Relaxin'

Then yesterday she made a Water House.

Water House
Water House

Thank goodness the rain has left for awhile because she is enjoying every wet second of the SUN!


Schools Out…NOT

We homeschool year round.† I believe learning is an ongoing process.† We learn every day.† How can you just STOP that for 3 months?† It is crazy.† But public schools are out here.† Which means no more quite mornings laying in the hammock and reading.† There will be kids…kids knocking on the door, kids wanting to play in the water, kids wanting to swing.† Now don’t get me wrong, I love kids.† Most of ’em. 😉

Gina picked us up to go spend the day at Suzette’s.† She had a cool new toy!† A Garmin GPS!† This was his maiden voyage and we loved it!† I gots’ to get my directionally challenged self one of these!

gina-nuviWe spent a great day at Suzette’s.† 6 Moms, 11 kids, several dogs.† We had lunch and talked.† Suz told us about the awesome trip she is taking in her camper.† 36 days!† She will never come out of it SANE! 🙂

The Girls

I have the greatest homeschool friends! I adore them all and I love ALL their kids! Now seriously, how many of your friends can you say that about??? <g>

Unsocialized Homeschoolers
Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Kei and I watched the National Spelling Bee last night!† We were rooting for the homeschoolers.† Especially Serena. She was so cool!† Of the 11 finalists, 3 were homeschoolers!!† I was truly amazed.† I consider myself fairly intelligent and I had never heard of 90% of those words!† Here are a few of them:

antonomasia, bouquiniste, oriflamme, guayabera, isagoge and sophrosyne.† SAY WHAT????

Have a great weekend,


It’s All Worth It..

Times are hard, not just for me I know.† But times are hard for me.† The entertainment business is slow right now.† I work in that business.† I am a single mom.† I homeschool.† Times are hard.

I have felt very down the last few days.† This is very unlike me, I am such a glass is half full kinda girl.† The glass has felt empty lately.

Then…she does something so delightful and I realize this is what it’s all about.† And we will make it through.

We have been learning about the Middle Ages and watching Xena.† Kei LOVES kick butt warrior girls but she hates Xena’s outfit.† She said “She would never wear something like that!”† She is such a Nun.† [Personally, if I looked like Xena, I would wear that too!] 😉



Memorial Weekend

We had a pretty good weekend.† Actually Kei had a great weekend.† I had a worrying weekend.† I try not to worry about things but it is so hard sometimes.† I watch K play and think “I wish I was 9 and had no worries”† Now I know there are too many children who do have hard lives and worry about things but I try so very hard not to let K’s life be like that.† There is time enough to worry when they grow up.

After church on Sunday we went to Daddy’s and Katherine [my niece] wanted to spend the night.† The girls played outside, played Operation,

Steady  Hands!
Steady Hands!

they played in Kei’s sand box that she has outgrown but we can’t bear to get rid of:

Fun in the Sand
Fun in the Sand

I sat on the balcony and read my Maximum Ride books!† My sweet Gina & Co. had brought them by for me Sunday.† Thanks Esther for picking them up at the library!† I love these books.† They are great for adults and kids.† I mean what is not to love about flying kids!

Monday the weather was semi nice.† Mostly sunny which is unusual lately.† Seth [my nephew] came over for a while and the girls played outside.

Laura had so graciously invited us over to grill out.† My California friends crack up when I say “grill out”.† They ‘barbecue”.† I try to tell them that barbeque is a sauce you put on meat.† Not all grilled food is barbecued!† Here in the South, we GRILL OUT!† Anyway the food was yummy!

Yummy Yummy
Yummy Yummy

All in all, a good weekend,

I hope this week is better for us,



Little Girls..

Kei & Livvy in Kindergarten
Kei & Livvy in Kindergarten

Do you remember how it feels to be a kid?† A little girl with your best friend spending the night and limitless possibilities.† I think adults forget that feeling.† I think the world would be a happier place if more of us remembered.

Kei had Livvy spend the night last night.† They have been friends since Kindergarten.† Both were PSed for K-1st.† I pulled Kei out and about a month later so did Laura.

First they shot videos.† Livvy as Betsy Ross, complete with a telephone!


Kei as …..something. 🙂


Then Livvy as Juliet.


Then playing Barbies in my room because Kei’s room was messy!


Then the required play that Kei has to put on no matter where she is!


Ahhh to be 9 and have no worries in the world besides what to play next.

Bestest Friends
Swinging In PJ's Before Breakfast

Happy Weekend,


Tadpole Rescue 911..

Today Heather invited us over to rescue tadpoles.† Now Kei and I have never been to an event quite like this so we arrived very excited.

First the kids played.

I'm OK!
I'm OK!

I Can Go Higher Than You!



Then we ate lunch.† Heather made chicken salad and it was awesome!

Then Suzette, Heather, Esther, Gina and I chatted while the kids played Wii.† Then it was out to rescue tadpoles from the pool.

Kei and Chan
Kei and Chan

Zackery Hard at Work
Zackery Hard at Work

Our New Pets
Our New Pets

Kei was not content with one container of tadpoles, she had to fill another baggie full to take to Bull’s.

We had a great time but everyone had to hurry home to move the tadpoles from their baggies and jars into a more permanent home. † We had a blast.

We stopped by Daddy’s on the way home and Kei and Daddy let her 2nd batch of tads out in the creek.

Kei and Bull
Kei and Bull

I love days like today.† What could be better than great friends; great food;† happy, laughing kids; and new pets?

Thanks Heather,


Still Sunny…

Today was a good day.
It’s strange, because I am so broke, things are looking dismal for our company, but it was a good day.
Money has always been unimportant to me. It has become important through not having any.

Today Kei played outside for hours and I read my Harlan Coben book. I love him. He is smart and witty and such a great writer.

I am reading The Whipping Boy to her and I read some of that also.† It is a great book and we are both enjoying it.† We started the Middle Ages Monday and have tons of resources for that time period.† It is one of my favorite times.† She made a Wanted poster for Prince Brat.


Now I am getting things together for chicken fajitas for dinner. Yummy and easy.

Tonight we are going to watch the American Idol results show!† Go Adam!!

Just a very good day, me and my girl.


Burning Ball in the Sky!

I awoke this morning to SUN Glorious SUN!† For a minute there I wasn’t sure what it was.† It was great to see it.

I was on the computer checking emails, reading blogs, doing the usual morning stuff when this appeared on my stairs.† I had to video it, I mean, what else could I do!? How does she know who Ozzy is? No clue! [Yes I realize you can see me in the mirror ;)]

Then we went to Wilson Morgan Park for a play day.† We both had fun. K ran and played and giggled and pretended.


Then she played with Coco, Regina and Anna’s dog. She loved him!


Us moms sat on a blanket and just talked for hours.† It was awesome!

Now its time to watch American Idol!!† The Finals.



Happy Mother’s Day

Today is the day.

1 year ago my Mother died.† I can’t believe it has been a year.

It seems like forever. It seems like yesterday.

There has not been a day that has gone by that I haven’t thought of and missed my Mother.† Kei tells me that many nights as I fall asleep, I call for her.

I still see her take her last breath.† I remember how I felt when I walked outside and sat in the garden.† The sun was shining so brightly and I was motherless. I remember thinking that nothing will ever be right again. At times, I still feel that way.

Her death has changed me.† I am more convinced than ever that homeschooling Kei is the right thing.† I want to savor every moment of her childhood.† I hug her more often.† We dance in the kitchen more and sing songs at the top of our lungs. I stop and smell the roses more often.† I try to make better choices. I pray more.† I thank God more.† I watch the beauty of nature more.† I appreciate my Daddy more.† I try to be kinder to people more.

Her death has changed my Daddy.† He is calmer, more accepting of things that donít matter.† He doesn’t stress over things.† How sad that the love of his life had to die, for him to finally understand that life is too short for quick anger.

I talk to her a lot, but sometimes I wish she could answer.† Kei and I talk about her.† I don’t want K to forget her.† Countless times I have needed her, to ask about a recipe, to tell her something Kei said or did, just to ask her a ëmotherí question. This has been a hard year financially for us; and I often I wish I could talk to her about it. I wish she could give me advice. When things were going crazy in my life, she always said, ëDonít worry babe, things will be fineí; and I would say ìPromise meî and she would say, ìI promise.î

I wish I had hugged her more.† I wish I hadn’t ever gotten frustrated with her.† I wish I had spent more time with her. I wish I had her voice on my answering machine.† I wish I could hold her hand.† I wish I could still smell her perfume, I wish she would call me and ask me to make her chicken stew,†I wish I could hear her call me her baby. I wish she could call me and tell me good night.

And a year later, it still hurts so badly and I still need my Mother and she is gone.

Happy Mother’s Day,




Fridays used to be a huge deal for me.

Start of the weekend, school’s out, work is finished.

Now…not so much.† I work from home so I am pretty much available 24/7, Kei is homeschooled, the weekend is just the weekend.

But Friday was beautiful!† It has been so rainy and yucky here.† I am so tired of soggy ground, dashing everywhere with something over our heads, wet everything!

Kei made the most of the day.

First, she planted a garden.† Ok Ok I realized afterwards you can’t plant anything in a container that doesn’t drain!† I am going to fix that.† I am new at this “Country Girl” stuff ok?


Then she found what we thought was a lizard but on further research decided was a salamander.† Regardless, she loved it.† She kept it about 30 minutes and then started feeling bad and released it.


Then, she played in the sprinkler. Well she played in 3 sprinklers because she couldn’t make up her mind which one was best!


Then it was time for a little rest.


She spent the rest of the day reading and running around.

Then she insisted on making dinner “all by herself”.† She bakes quite often and is very careful but her dinner was going to involve chopping….lots of chopping.† She begged and promised to be careful so I agreed.† She made me sit outside where I was listening for the sound of fingers being cut off but all went well.† It was a delicious dinner and she was so proud of herself!


We had vegetable stir fry, leftover pasta salad and for desert…Grape and Banana Kabob with whipped cream.

Ahhh…my little chef.

Happy weekend,


Great Day to Be Alive!

countrygirl2 Country Girl [Picture by Esther Crawford]

We had a terrific day.† My friend Karen invited us over for lunch and a play day for the kids.† Kei and I had never been to her house before.

Esther picked us up and our 1st stop was the library.† We went to Madison and they have the greatest library.† It was full of “Swine Flu Misplaced Public School Kids” and when we got there Ben came up and said, loudly, “I don’t feel good <cough> <cough>”† He really didn’t feel well but it was a little funny too.

Then we continued on our journey with directions from Ms. Nuvi.†† Even though she and I disagreed a couple of times, she got us there safely.

Karen’s house and land was awesome.† She had a yummy lunch for us.† Pasta salad, bean salad, [which Kei loved and got the recipe for] sandwiches with all the fixins’, chips, Pistachio Salad.† All very good!

Then us moms went out to the front porch to swing and talk and the kids proceeded to play games which sounded very much like someone was murdering them all.† Great fun!

Karen, Esther, Kei, Chan and I went to the pasture and had a BALL!


She has goats…..


and a little calf…


and chickens and the cutest little guineas and a big ‘ole Rooster!

Kei was in heaven!


The cute little calf tried to eat my jeans!† We couldn’t figure out what he was doing.† He started with Karen, then started licking Esther and then me!† My jeans were wet with calf spit!† But my toenails looked GOOD!


As the day wound down, Kei and Chan took their books and went to read under a big tree.† It was right about the time the school bus came by and neither Esther or I could resist such a perfect photo op.

This is why I homeschool.


We gathered up tired kids, lost shoes, lost books, wet clothes and headed home.

A perfectly lovely day.

Thank you Karen,

Kei and I have now decided, we are country girls trapped in the city!



Happy Birthday To Me!!!!

Yes, today was my birthday.† Kei was much more excited than I was.

She started the day by singing and dancing a “Birthday Song and Dance Routine” that she has been practicing for days.† Then she wanted me to open my gifts.† It was the sweetest card and 2 candles and a TOE RING!† I had a toe ring I wore for 15 years and I lost it and was so upset.† She knew how much I wanted one so she found me a really cool silver toe ring.† Then my daddy came over with my birthday card.† This was my first birthday without Mom so it was a sad morning for me.

My great boss got me a yummy gift from Omaha Steaks which included the chocolate cake below.† Kei was in heaven!


Then we went to Esther’s for a play day.† The kids had a blast.† They played for awhile in Esther’s new camper!† I loved it in there.† I wanted to punt out the kids and lay on the bed and read.


Us moms [and Bobby] sat around the table and laughed and talked!† I love my HS moms! [and Bobby ;)]† They got me a birthday cake and I had to pretend that I was blowing out the candles.† It was too funny!

Before we left we had to take the usual kids picture.


Then I got to see my brother and sister in law and Seth and Katherine.

All in all, a lovely birthday.



I Could….

I could send her to school,

And from 8:00-3:00 have no clue…

How many times she laughed,

How many times she learned,

How many times she questioned,

How many times she understood,

How many times she wanted more information,

How many times she bounced in her chair from excitement,

How many times she was proud of something she did.

I could send her to school and she could get her exercise and sunshine,

In 20 minute doses, ifÖshe had on the right shoes, and no one misbehaved and everyone was quiet.

I could send her to school

And let her eat the processed high fat, low nutrition fare they feed millions of children a day,

if she had enough time to eat and didn’t talk too loud and if no one grabbed her food.


I could homeschool her.






Another beautiful day.† I woke up feeling kinda blah, not really sure why.† Some of it has to do with our very dear friends who are moving I think.

It carried over into church and my eyes kept leaking during the songs.† By the end of the service I felt better but still not my normal “glass half full, everythings gonna be fine” self.

I worry about my job, I worry about money. I worry about Kei and that I will have to put her back in PS.† But I know God will provide, he always seems to.

After church Eddie and Heather took us to eat at this country cafe.† It was delicious food.† Then we went to Daddy’s.† He had spent the morning at the “Dog Days” Flea Market and was just getting home.

His yard looked great! Daddy’s roses are so beautiful.† Momma always loved roses.


The kids played in the sunshine and I learned the difference in a carpenter bee and a bumble bee.


Now we are home, and Kei is outside working on her Super Secret Clubhouse with some neighborhood kids.

And I am still feeling kinda down…kinda melancholy…..kinda blue….



Beautiful Saturdays…

It was so pretty outside today.

Kei and I got up early and went to some garage sales.† We got some good deals!† I got 2 great books, The Reader’s Digest Children’s World Atlas and The Giant Book of Questions and Answers for 50 cents!

Then Kei hit pay dirt and got an almost brand new Groovy doll, sleeping bag, bed and chair for $3 total!† Kei loves garage sales, me, not so much. I like the sales, I just hate finding them.† If they were all lined up together I would like them more.

Then we went to Cade’s baseball game.† Cade and Kei are like brother and sister.† Kei is NOT† a sports girl.† I tried to give her a crash course in baseball 101 [since I spent every minute of my growing up years at the ball park] but she still was a little confused.† Of course so was Jerri, Cade’s mom.† I was cracking up at both of them.† They are so silly.

They we came home and Kei worked in her flower garden.† Kei loves nature, Kei also loves mud.† Where there is mud, there is Kei.

mudNow Kei is out playing with the neighborhood kids.† There are tons of them running around.† That is one thing I love about living here, there are always kids to play with.† Last night when I grilled the pork tenderloin, I threw some smoked sausages on the grill.† So all I have to do for dinner is cook some onions and green peppers. Yummy!

Happy Saturday…



Brrr It’s Cold INSIDE!!!

It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day today.† Warm breezes blowing, birds chirping, butterflies flitting around.

The smell of freshly mowed grass in the air.

And what did my darling girl want to do? Go ice skating, where it is cold and wet and brrrr.

Our home school group goes ice skating twice a month.† Kei loves it.† She has gotten to be pretty decent in a short amount of time.

It wasn’t so bad.† Regina was there and I got to talk to Tara, a homeschool mom that I haven’t ever talked to much.† She was great and gave me some great ideas for curriculum for next year.

But still…ICE SKATING?

kei-ice-skateHappy Weekend,



Earth Day 2009

What a beautiful world we live in.

We celebrated Earth Day by going on a Wild Flower Hike and picnic with our homeschool group.†† On the way we passed a school bus and felt very sorry for the kids who were going to be stuck inside on this wonderful day.

We arrived at the spot with little problem, thanks to Esther’s directions, Gina’s ability to read said directions and Bobby’s manly driving!

It was a little cool and overcast but we set off.† It was a great place to hike and a stream that the kids, of course, had to try out.† I think these kids would jump in water if they had to chip the ice away first!

There was exploring,


there was splashing, there was worm races, there was a simple ceremony for poor dead Lacey who raced a good race,


there was laughing, there was friendship and there was learning!


What better way to celebrate Earth Day!



Field Day, Puppet Shows, Jump Rope, Play Days and Easter oh my…..

Since my computer has been out of commission I am going to squeeze the last 3 weeks into one post.† We spent a portion of the time in our downstairs bathroom hiding from tornadoes.† My poor umbrella that I just bought did not survive.

Farewell Dear Umbrella

Our homeschool Field Day was awesome thanks to Heather!† The kids all had such fun.† We had around 107 people there. I love how homeschooling just keeps growing and growing!

Kei the Mighty!

One of my dearest friends Ali, got Kei a puppet theater and several puppets and she has been playing with them so much and I have been an unwilling audience for 100 shows!!


We finally had a warm day and Kei wanted to jump rope.† She loves to be outside.† April is so crazy here. It can be 70 degrees one day and 35 the next!


Esther had a bunch of us to her house for a play day.† Kei would move to Esther’s if she could.† We both had a blast!† I laughed so much.† Besides being smart and full of great ideas HS moms are also hilarious!

Food Tastes Better w/ Friends
Food Tastes Better w/ Friends

Important Girl Stuff..
Important Girl Stuff..

We went to church on Easter and then to Daddy’s for lunch and an Easter Egg Hunt.† It was our 1st Easter without Momma.† I missed her so much.

Before the Hunt
Before the Hunt

Found One!
Found One!

All in all, a lovely 3 weeks.



Back to the Stone Ages…

20 days without my computer!† This has been a long 3 weeks.

It is amazing to me how much I rely on the computer.† Not just for my work and K’s homeschooling but for everything!!

Addresses, phone numbers, movie times, the weather, my news, recipes.† I use it to answer those daunting questions: “Who is she?? you know…that actor in that movie…”, “how many M&M’s are in a pack?”..”how old is Miley Cyrus now”, you know…all those important questions.

It has been really hard.† The first few days I sat at my chair and looked all sad…..

I apparentely had a motherboard meltdown.† It was unfixable so I had to order a new computer.† So I have this new, pretty, fast computer but no passwords!† I can’t get on anything.† And yes I try to use the same passwords but some require 8 letters; some of which must be:† 1 capital, 2 numbers and a partridge in a pear tree!

This has been so frustrating and I still don’t have it back exactly like I want.† You get used to things a certain way and then…they are all out of whack.

But I am sure I will get used to it, at least I am reconnected to MY world.



The Old House…


My daddyís mom and dad lived in Moulton.

They were older. Even when I was small they were old. I loved my Mamaw more than anything when I was little. She never wore pants, always dresses and stockings with elastic garters. Mamaw loved red; even though she was a little embarrassed about the fact that she did. [She considered red a ëloose womanísíí color]† We went to their house almost every Sunday.†

About twice a month they would come spend the night with us. We always went to pick them up because even though my Papaw drove around town, he didnít drive distances. Mamaw would always let me pack her overnight bag. I loved picking out her dresses that she would wear.

Every summer I would spend a week or so with Mamaw and Papaw. They had a great house with a farm. It was strange because they lived on a farm but they lived in the middle of town. I would help gather eggs and milk the cows. It is sad that Kei has never done those things. Mamaw and I would walk to ëtowní. I loved it. It was right down the block but I always felt so grown up.

I have so many memories of my Mamaw and Papaw. The both lived to be in their 90ís. But by that time I was older and didnít spend so much time with them.

I loved their house. It was a big old farmhouse, over a hundred years old.† My daddy told me they bought it for $2500, with 16 acres! When my grandparents died, he and his brothers sold it for $20,000. It is for sale now. The asking price is $136,900!!!! They have even put in a pool!† That is with NO acres. My daddy didnít believe me, he came over here to look on the internet. He said that Mamaw and Papaw would faint if they knew how much it was.† I wish we could buy it. I would even live in Moulton!

I would give anything if, just† for one day, I could grab Keiís hand and pull her back in time. Back to Mamawís front porch, with Daddy making home made ice cream and Papaw smoking his cigar and Momma and Mamaw inside cooking fried chicken with all the trimmings. I would show her the pond and climb my favorite tree with her, I would show her the hole in the barn where we would throw apples, and the grapevines and the wraparound porch that we would play game after game of chase. We would quietly crawl under the house so I could show her the wild kittens that were just born. I would show her the secret room in the back of the house that we made up scary stories about. She could sit in Mamawís lap on the front porch rocker and feel so loved and happy. I miss my Mamaw and Papaw, but mostly I miss my Momma.

Happy Wednesday,



Science Experiment #224


Kei loves Science.† We do lots of Science, but I really want to do more experiments.† I found this online.† It is very simple but she LOVED it!!† She was amazed.

Materials we used:

  1. D battery
  2. flashlight bulb
  3. jumbo paper clip or metal

We just made sure that the metal touched the – of the battery and the metal base of the bulb.† The bulb had to touch the + of the battery.

It was so cool!

I love homeschooling so much!






A Weekend in Seussland…


Well it is over.

2† 1/2 months of practice, listening to the CD over and over, making costumes, hot gluing pom poms, working on dialogue, working on blocking, working on sets, doing makeup, doing hair.

Friday and Saturday K performed Seussical Jr. The Musical 5 times!

Each time there was the same sense of excitement backstage.† Gina and I jumping up and down, making sure the kids were where they should be, making sure the sets were lined up to go on, worrying about lights not working, mics going out, last minute costume repairs, hair fixes.† [I wonder how many layers of the ozone was destroyed with hair spray!!??]

It was beautiful and wonderful.† For 1 1/2 hours the audience was taken into the magical world of Seuss.† K was just so excited.† She loves theatre.† She loves performing and all that goes along with it.

The DreamWeaver’s Children Theatre Group are just so awesome. I love how the kids all take care of each other.† How the older kids help with the younger kids.† Putting on a production involves so much work, but in the end, it is so worth it.

I will post other pictures later but now I am still exhausted.† I am going take a nap and dream of Solla Sollew.



All the Who’s Down in Whoville….


Practice, Practice.

This is Seussical week so we† have practice every day!† Tonight we move into the Princess Theatre. Kei is bouncing off the walls.† This is her 5th play and by FAR my favorite.† [of course my favorite is usually whichever one we are doing!]† But this is so good.† The kids have done such a great job.† We have some fabulous talent in our area!† I wish I could sing!† I am not one of those people who say, “Oh I can’t sing” and then start getting all Mariah Carey.† I am horrible as in,†† “My Best Friend’s Wedding Cameron Diaz bad plus 150%!

Oh well, we can’t have everything! 🙂

My back has been just killing me.† Last night I couldn’t sleep at all.† I went to the doc [Dr. Dake by the Lake..sorry Seuss humor] and he said I had a pulled muscle.† He asked me how often I bowled and with what size bowling ball and I fell in the floor laughing.† I told him I had bowled ONCE at an 8 year old’s b’day party and I used a 6 lb ball, the SAME size as my 9 year old!† He just rolled his eyes, he has known me for a long time.† He gave me muscle relaxants and some stuff to rub on it.† I said, “Well how long does it usually take to recover from a pulled muscle?”† And his answer?† “It depends, some people a few days, some a couple of weeks, some 3 months!” Sheshhh!

So I am trying to be really careful, but it’s hard NOT to use your upper back muscles.† Unless you have a cabana boy to wait on you hand and foot, and I’m fresh out of those!

Have a terrific Tuesday!




We had a good weekend.† Saturday we didn’t do much.† My dang back is still giving me troubles.† [Note to self- too old to consider a career in bowling!]

Kei spent the day sewing.† I really want to sign her up for sewing lessons.† Cause I sure can’t help her much in that department!


Sunday we went to church and to daddy’s for lunch.† Kei wore her backpack that she had made on Saturday.† She was so proud of herself!


We grilled hamburgers and the kids all played outside. They rode the golf cart, shot the BB gun, played Frisbee and ran around Daddy’s big backyard.

Then we had Seussical practice all afternoon.† Kei is beside herself with excitement!† I wish I still got that excited about things.† The play is going to be great!† We can’t wait.


Happy Monday!



Relaxing Fridays…

Today was a stay-at-home day.

We worked on Kei’s† “Mythological Creatures” Lapbook.† We are both loving it!† Afterwards Kei put on a play with her Webkinz about some of the Myths we had read.

Then we watched “The Blue Planet” about Oceans.† It was unbelievably fantastic!† Kei is fascinated by the oceans and the fact that only 1% of them have been explored.† We saw some of the coolest ocean animals.† It is almost hard to believe they are real!† The series is hosted by BBC so all measurements were in meters; as in “We are now 300 meters under the surface”† I told Kei I wished I knew meters and centimeters better.† Her answer was, “It’s ok Mom, you can’t help it, you went to Public School!” LOL


The deep-sea “Dumbo” octopus got its nickname from obvious places, it is equipped with large fins (which may resemble mammalian ears) to help it swim.

Kei spent the rest of the day sewing clothes for her American Girls.† She loves sewing so much.† This is one of the many reasons I love homeschooling.† It seems like children today are so slammed with ‘activities’ they don’t get enough time to be little.† Creative play is so awesome!

I missed my Mother a lot today.† I would be just going about my day and I would have the urgent thought, “I NEED to talk to my Mom”.† <sighs>† I miss you Momma..

Happy Weekend,



Ivy Green/Spring Park


We had a wonderful day yesterday for a trip to Helen Keller’s birthplace.

Ivy Green was beautiful and I could imagine how serene it was during Helen’s era.† Kei was so excited even though some of the things the guide told us was not exactly how it happened. :)† It was so cool to see the very key that Helen had locked Anne Sullivan in her room with.


After Ivy Green we headed to Spring Park.† What a great place!† I had been wanting to go here for over a year and it was worth the wait.† I enjoyed catching up with my HS moms who I have missed so much during the long, cold winter.

Kei was in 7th heaven running and playing and train-riding and roller coastering and merry-go-rounding and duck feeding and jumping and giggling.


What a lovely day…



If Girls Ruled the World…

We are learning about Ancient Greek and Rome.

K decided to put on a play.† She was up in her room for over an hour ‘getting ready’.† Finally she said she was ready and proceeded to bring down 25 Webkinz.† She divided them on the floor into 2 sides.† Each side had a Royal Family, soldiers and townspeople.

She said they were about to start fighting and I was thinking to myself, “This is the first time I have ever seen her pretend a fight”

There was discussions about battle strategy, there were meetings, the turtle, who was the messenger, [go figure] ran back and forth between kingdoms, finally the Kings from each side met in the middle and it was decided that “peace was a better option, that we can accomplish more if we work together”

Ahhh….what would this world be like if women ran it??




Otherwise known as Dr. Seuss!

Our public library had a Dr. Seuss Day and invited the kids in DreamWeavers to come sing.† It was so great! K loved it.

As you can see, this is a picture of some of them with The Grinch, obviously AFTER his heart grew 3 sizes!

Thank you Dr. Seuss, for all your wonderful, magical stories that inspire children each and every day.

Now….off to watch The Bachelor!† The Finale!† Duh. …..



Happy March 1st!

It snowed here last night.† We don’t get snow here in Bama.† When I was younger it snowed.† There are pictures of me in snow up to my knees.† But the last few years, it just hasn’t happened.

K doesn’t even remember snow!† The last time it snowed, she was 3.† Today she was in heaven.† Me..not so much.† I love snow, I just like a wall between me and it.

We bundled up, went outside to play and was back inside within 10 minutes.† K bravely tried again a† little later.† She made a couple of snow angels, got throughly soaked and tracked half of the snow inside the house.

2 hours later, the snow was gone.

Good bye snow!† See you again in a few years.


Happy Late V’day

We had a lovely Valentine’s Day.

I made K heart shaped Valentines pancakes. Awwwww! [I hate cutting shapes out of things like pancakes, sandwhiches, etc; seems so wasteful.]

Today K wrote a letter to Abraham Lincoln.† It said:

Hello Mr. President:

Thank you for freeing the slaves. I have heard that you are a really great President. If you get the urge to go to a play, please stay at home!

Keep up the good work,


I laughed so hard. She is so silly.



My How Time Flies…

The InaugurationK\'s Future Husband

Good grief!

I haven’t updated this blog in 6 months!

6 months!!

I will do better, I will do better.

I can’t began to cram 6 months into one post so lets just say we have been loving homeschooling, loving our wonderful homeschooling friends, loving life for the most part.

Times are hard, money isn’t flowing like a stream, but life is good.

We went to the Inauguration [as you can see in the picture ;)], K got Johnny Depp’s autograph, [her future husband], and K built a robot named G.I.A. [Girls in Action]† Unfortunately it doesn’t clean her room!

I am going to try to be better about updating. What!?? I am…really!



No Girls Allowed!!!

We started school Monday. We first did a short study on the Ancient Olympics. KB dressed up and read “Hour of the Olympics” from the Magic TreeHouse. She loved it but was so angry that not only were girls not allowed to participate in the games but were not even allowed to watch!! I love my little champion of injustice.

We also read the cutest book called “You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Greek Athlete!” by Michael Ford. It was funny and full of information.

Next are going to do a short study on China and then a Unit Study on the Olympics.

We were both thrilled to start back to school, even though we have done things all summer.

Welcome back to school!

Sol Beautiful Sol…

Yesterday we went to Camp Down Low for Solar Fun Day.

Esther, homeschooling mother extraordinaire, always has the coolest things for the kids to do.

They made solar cookers for hot dogs [chicken hot dogs that wouldn’t kill them if they didn’t get completely done, they put sun screen on a Paper Man to see how well it worked, they made ‘coolers’ to see how long an ice cube could last, they watched a colored ice cube melt on the concrete.

They also ran and played and did a talent show of sorts, played bounty hunter and played with trains and sang and laughed. I love this lifestyle I have been blessed with. I love these wonderful mothers that I have met.

I left a thermometer in my car, parked in the sun, to see how hot it got. 160 degrees! Fahrenheit! And to think parents [and I use that term loosely] leave their children in the car to ‘run in’ and get a few things or leave their pets! It makes me want to scream!

That aside, it was a lovely day. Enjoy the Sun! With Your Sunscreen of course. 😉

Month 2…

Yesterday was a very hard day for me.

2 months ago my mom died.

I asked my aunt, “Is it always going to be like this? Forever more, the 10th will be ‘The Day Mother Died’

She said it would get better.

For 2 months I have grieved but during that grief I have accepted.

Yesterday I just wanted my mother back! Now! This minute!

Yesterday I was angry.

Grief is so strange. Not at all like I imagined……

Today is better…

Tomorrow…who knows.

I miss you so much momma.

I love you always.

July ALREADY!!!????

I can hardly believe it is July.

I know the old adage, “Time flies when you’re having fun” but fun isn’t exactly what the last few months have been.

Although it has had its moments.

Yesterday was one of them. We got together with our HS group and had a swim party. [Thanks Regina!] The kids loved it! The moms and dads loved it. Fun was had by all.

There were about 50 people there! We ate, talked, kissed boo-boo’s, sprayed suntan lotion, watched water tricks, blew up floating devices, exchanged advice, doctored bee stings, discussed summer plans, laughed and throughly enjoyed each other’s company.

What a wonderful way to celebrate the 1st day of July!

Scientist in the making…

KB loves, didImention, LOVES, science.

We are always doing some sort of experiment here.

Did you know, that if you immerse a raw egg into vinegar and leave it for a few days, the shell disappears. It is just sitting there with nothing but the membrane holding it. You can see the yolk inside. After KB showed it to everyone in the neighborhood, she pricked it and it cracked just like a…well a raw egg!

Today she is experimenting with Newton’s laws. She is dropping balloons off the balcony. She is filling up balloons with 2 liter bottles. She is milking a cow with an old glove [Yeah well…we are city girls!] We just put a raw egg into a balloon and filled it with water. She wants to drop it off the balcony to see if it will break. LATE BREAKING UPDATE- It broke! She said it wouldn’t have if she could have made sure the egg was surrounded on all sides by the water!

She is making all these connections….membrane holding the yolk in, fluid protecting our brains, fluid keeping a baby safe. I tell ya…the kids’ gonna be an Einstein!



Laughter and Tears…

Yesterday KB and I went on a picnic. We do that a lot. We went to Publix and got a few cheeses and some bread and went over to the Park by the river.

We were talking about things and I realized that I don’t really like living here anymore. I don’t know if that is a normal reaction since Momma died. I am sure that is most of it.

KB and I have decided we want to live in Mayberry! And yes she knows Mayberry, she knows ALL 60’s 70’s and 80’s TV. And 80’s songs. I dread the day when she realizes I am not as cool as she thinks I am and the things I know aren’t everything in the world!!

When we left the park we went by the cemetery, which I haven’t been to until yesterday. It was very hard. I sat there, on the ground beside this hard, red mound and cried my eyes out. I almost couldn’t bear the thoughts of my mom down there, even though I know she isn’t there. I had a crazed moment that I just wanted to claw at the dirt and get to her. KB is so good, she hugged me and told me Baba was in heaven and look how pretty it was here [she is under a tree] and that Baba would have loved it here, because she hated to be hot. Then KB got a piece of paper and wrote JEAN/BABA on it and stuck it, with a stick, on her grave with an old faded silk flower.

I feel so strange about Momma, on one hand I always thought I would be on the ground kicking and screaming and I am not doing that. But on the other hand, I feel like nothing will ever be quite right again. Like no matter how happy I am, there is an underlying sense of sadness.

All in all though, it was a good day. When we got home KB got in the pool and had to show me her Water Ballet/Karate Routine. I love this child!


KB and I went with some of our best friends to Smith Lake Park to swim.

And swim they did.

I, like the good mother I am, slathered sunscreen all over KB, but unfortunately not so much for myself.

Ouch! I don’t remember ever being sunburned so badly, but KB had a blast!

KB & Cade @ Smith LakeGoggle GirlReady, Set, JUMP!

30 Days Later…

One month,
the amount of time for the moon to cycle,
30 days,
One month today my mother has been gone.

It seems like so much longer,
it seems like only yesterday.
I am doing fine,
I am falling to pieces.

It still doesn’t seem real.
Or real in a surreal sort of way.
Grief is so strange.
It isn’t at all like I thought it would be.

Most of the time I am fine
Then, like a train hitting my body,
I am breathless,
With a voice in my head screaming, “I will never talk to my mother again!”.

She has always answered my questions,
“How do I cook fresh green beans?”
“KB has a strange red rash”
“How do I remove grass stains?”

Now I have no mother.
I am motherless.
How can that be?
She has always been my one constant in an unconstant world.

One month today.
I miss you so much Momma.

Beautiful Days…

Have I mentioned how much I love homeschooling?
I still donít know exactly what and how I want to do it.
But I do know I adore this way of teaching my child.

Tuesday we went to Turkey Creek Nature Preserve.
It was incredibly beautiful and fun was had by all.
One thing I love about HSing is this:
KB was in public school for 2 years and I was homeroom mom.
I went on every field trip and watched all the little 6 year olds interact with each other.
All they ever got was another 6 year old’s point of view.

Tuesday I watched KB sit and talk to a 13 year old
and help a 5 year old down the rock slide.
She sat and talked to a mom and played with kids from ages 3-15.
She interacted with all ages, WOW! Just like real life.

We have done the most incredible things this year with our homeschool group.
If I had one piece of advice for families new to HomeSchooling
it would be to find a local support group.
I have met fabulous people who I know will be my friends for life.

Let’s Pretend…

KB had spend the night company the other night.

In the course of not quite 24 hours, KB and C built a fort out of chairs, an old tent and a tarp; put on a play about Pocahontas and a little Pilgrim girl; played ëtowní with Little Petz; swam at night, worked on a newspaper; put on a play based on Aesopís Fables titled ìThe Tiger and the Beeî; swam some more; made a dance routine in the pool; did a web show with books and stuffed rabbits, had a tea party complete with made up names and British accents; and played with KBís assortment of stuffed animals.

I love watching kids play. I donít remember being so unbelievably original in my play time. Maybe I was just a boring kid! I never heard a break in conversation. I never heard a disagreement. All I heard was this amazing back and forth sharing of ideas. It was magic.

KB is the type of child who can play with a bean for hours. She has always been like that. I have never, once, heard her say, ìI am bored.î

This past year I have had the opportunity to be around so many children ëat playí. Playing is what they excel at. Their imaginations abound. When did adults lose that? How wonderful it would be, if every now and then, we could wake up and pretend to be a knight on a quest to save our lands?

So, at least one time this week, pretend with your child.


I miss my mother so much.

It isn’t a “lay on the floor and sob and never get up” kind of missing.

Although I have done that. It is just an ache…that is always with me.

People always say, “I almost picked up the phone and called her” when someone they love dies. It isn’t that with me, it is just an immediate thought that pops in my head, “I have to tell Mother that”

I was making potato salad the other day for the first time in forever. I couldn’t remember exactly how to make it and thought, “I have to call and ask Mom” and I just cried. I can never call and ask her anything again.

No matter how much I know she is better now, she is free and in no pain, I miss her. I want one more perfect day.

I wish I had appreciated more perfect days. I am trying to do that now…

We all should…always….

27 Years Later

We saw the Indiana Jones movie a couple of nights ago. KB loved it! She is so like me, she spends the entire film trying to predict what will happen.

Yes Indie is older, but he still kicks butt! Karen Allen is older, but still beautiful and full of that funky spirit I always loved.

We went to the new movie theater in our area. It was beautiful.

Afterwards we strolled down sidewalks and looked into stores that we could never afford to buy anything in.

It is definitely worth the drive if only to walk around.



Reason #101

Warm spring breezes, Sun beating down.
We travel in a caravan, down winding roads through the countryside.

We pass a school; poor children, trapped inside with their rules and bathroom passes, and cookie cutter education.

We arrive.
It is a beautiful day.
Moms sitting on blankets. No one asks each other, “How did your child do on that spelling test last Friday”? There is laughter and caring and love. A group of women who want the best possible education for their children.

Kids everywhere, splashing in the water, riding boats down the current, finding geodes and creepy crawlies and fish and crawdads.
Squeals of delight coming from all directions. One loses a shoe, one a boat, someone sees a snake. When they are tired they come to throw their cold bodies over mommy, when they are hungry they eat.

After lunch costumes are donned and all a sudden, princesses and knights and magicians and ninjas are everywhere. There is even a chicken and a horse! Imaginations abound and worlds are created. Is there anything more wonderful than children in costumes under a grove of trees?

We reluctantly load tired kids and gear into the car.
Did we turn left here or right?
I don’t remember seeing that silo? Did you see those goats before?
Finally arriving home.
What a magical day.
This is why I homeschool my child.

My Sweet Mother

My mother died Saturday May 10th. She was surrounded by the people she loved best. I wrote these in the final days of her life.


My mother is dying.

She lies in a hospital bed in the bedroom she has filled with antique glassware, old jewelry, pictures, her favorite things that she has collected for at least 40 years.

The doctor gives her 6 months.I donít think she will survive 2.How do I prepare for this?

How do I give up the person who; for more years than I care to admit; has taken care of me, kissed my boo-boos, snuck me her credit card to go buy clothes, made me love thunderstorms by dancing around during them, [I found out later she was terrified of them but never wanted me to be], fed me, clothed me, changed the color of my bedroom once a year, drove me crazy at times, called to tell me it was raining outside, woke me up every morning of my at-home life singing to me, called to tell me it was hot and I needed sunscreen, slipped me money, nursed the broken heart of first love, has been my champion, my biggest fan, my hero, my friend, my mother..

My mother has always loved her family.She spent her life taking care of us.She spent her life worrying about us.She spent her life teaching us.She spent her life loving us.If this was one of us, she would be fighting for us.I want to fight for her, but I don’t know how.Now she lays shriveled in a hospital bed not even knowing exactly where she is most of the time.

I try to keep some normalcy in our lives, especially in Keis. But I cry often. I cry almost every night around 7:00 which is the time my mom would call me to say, “Goodnight sweetheart” I crave those words that I will never hear again from her. I cry for the grandmother that Keilee never got to know, I cry for the pain she is in, I cry for all the times I got frustrated at her, I cry for the guilt I feel for not making her go to the doctor earlier and I pray. I pray for strength, I pray for peace, I pray for mercy, I pray for miracles..

How will I survive waking up at 3:00 am and knowing she isn’t here? I am not ready to live in a world where my mother isn’t…





5.8.08 11:00 PM

Waiting for you to die…

With every breath you take I wonder, is this the last?

A bedside vigil…

Holding your hand…

Rubbing your beautiful face…

Laughing with my brother over a memory…

Sobbing quietly in the pillow…

What a strange time…

Watching the person who gave me life…

Slowly leaving this world.

I am strong, I can do this. I am filled with peace. I am calm.

Wait! No, don’t leave me! Please don’t make me live in a world without you, I can’t survive this!

At night I dream that the phone is ringing and it is my daddy telling me you’re gone. I jerk awake and listen to the silence.

I want you to die peacefully, I imagine you taking a long, slow breath; a smile coming across your face and that’s the end.

I don’t want this ragged, gasping for air. I can’t bear it. I can’t just sit and watch you struggle. How do people do this?

My daddy is falling to pieces; he can’t handle the pain of sitting with you.He retreats to the den.I crawl up next to you, not in the big antique bed that you have always slept in, but in a small hospital bed.I talk to you.I tell you I love you.I tell you thank you for being my mother.I tell you I will be all right.Of all the things I say, I know this is what you need to hear, because you have taken care of me all of my life.You would hold on forever if you think I need you.

Go sweet mother, go and run and dance with the angels. Laugh and twirl like you did with me so many times. Be at peace. We will be together again. I love you so very much.

Your daughter.

In the beginning….

Nine months ago I decided to homeschool my 2nd grader. This journey has been a strange trip. Like Alice, I feel like we fell into the rabbit hole and have been running around crazy down here ever since.

The choices are endless! What to teach? What curriculum to use? How long each day? Every subject every day? How long for each subject? Do it all before lunch? Take a break every hour? Do I make her sit at the table? In her bedroom? Upside down from the ceiling fan?

Ideas? With the help of what I have quickly discovered are the most creative, intelligent people on earth; homeschool moms; I have lesson plans, books lists, science experiments, plays, math games, lapbooks, notebooks, timelines, nature journals, interactive sites, spelling lists, scavenger hunts, the list is endless!

I have discovered I rock at planning and gathering information. My excel spreadsheets have enough ideas, plans, websites to get us through high school! It is the implementation that needs work. But I am getting there..slowly. As my best friend is so fond of saying, Thank goodness 2nd grade is a review year!î

I have decided we are not a “buy a curriculum and go through it lessonbylesson” kinda girls. So some days we do only math, with jelly beans. Or just planets using amazing videos on Ted.com, or we build fairy houses. We build burrows with blankets like prairie dogs. [Of course ours are complete with tea in china cups and cookies!] We may homeschool under a tree on a blanket with a Little House book, or on the stairs. She makes inventions with Tubers and Zots. She designs a city on Pluto with domes over everything so people can breath. She makes a town out of paper. We try to go an entire day with no electricity or running water like they did during Colonial times. [This is harder than it sounds we quickly found out!]

We are winging it day by day. And I am loving it. It is the best thing I have ever done. And who knows one day, I may even know what I am doing!!! Even Alice eventually made it out!


K Town

Jesus, a Mother, a Daughter and a Dog….